1) | 2,004 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Ken Yamauchi, Koushi Ohta, Takahide Taniguchi and Tetsuro Ohmori : A case of social phobia with obsessive-compulsive symptoms improved by paroxetine in combination with risperidone, General Hospital Psychiatry, Vol.26, No.3, 242-243, 2004. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,004 | 国内講演発表 | 山内 健, 伊賀 淳一, 宋 鴻偉, 友竹 正人, 他 : 更年期外来におけるSSRIの使用経験-パロキセチン投与についての予備的検討, 第26回日本生物学的精神医学会, 2004年7月. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,005 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Shusuke Numata, Shu-ichi Ueno, Junichi Iga, Ken Yamauchi, Song Hongwei, Koji Ohta, Sawako Kinouchi, Sumiko Shibuya-Tayoshi, Shin'ya Tayoshi, Michitaka Aono, Naomi Kameoka, Satsuki Sumitani, Masahito Tomotake, Yasuhiro Kaneda, Takahide Taniguchi, Yasuhito Ishimoto and Tetsuro Ohmori : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism in schizophrenia is associated with age at onset and symptoms., Neuroscience Letters, Vol.401, No.1-2, 1-5, 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,005 | 国際会議 | Shusuke Numata, Song Hongwei, Junichi Iga, Ken Yamauchi, Takahide Taniguchi, Shu-ichi Ueno and Tetsuro Ohmori : The effect of milnacipran ( serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor ) on memory in Korsakoffs syndrome after encephalitis., 8th World Congress of Biological Congress, Wien, Jun. 2005. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,006 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Junichi Iga, Shu-ichi Ueno, Ken Yamauchi, Shusuke Numata, Ikuyo Motoki, Sumiko Tayoshi, Sawako Kinouchi, Koshi Ohta, Hongwei Song, Kyoko Morita, Kazuhito Rokutan, Hirotaka Tanaba, Akira Sano and Tetsuro Ohmori : Gene expression and association analysis of LIM (PDLIM5) in major depression., Neuroscience Letters, Vol.400, No.3, 203-207, 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,006 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Masahito Tomotake, Yasuhiro Kaneda, Junichi Iga, Sawako Kinouchi, Sumiko Tayoshi, Ikuyo Motoki, Satsuki Sumitani, Ken Yamauchi, Takahide Taniguchi, Yasuhito Ishimoto, Shu-ichi Ueno and Tetsuro Ohmori : Subjective and objective measures of quality of life have different predictors for people with schizophrenia., Psychological Reports, Vol.99, No.2, 477-487, 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,006 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | 住谷 さつき, 上野 修一, 石元 康仁, 谷口 隆英, 友竹 正人, 元木 郁代, 山内 健, 大森 哲郎 : 強迫性障害の薬物応答性と臨床特徴について, 精神神經學雜誌, Vol.108, No.12, 1282-1292, 2006年. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,006 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Shusuke Numata, Shu-ichi Ueno, Junichi Iga, Ken Yamauchi, Song Hongwei, Ryota Hashimoto, Masatoshi Takeda, Hiroshi Kunugi, Mitsuo Itakura and Tetsuro Ohmori : Gene expression in the peripheral leukocytes and association analysis of PDLIM5 gene in schizophrenia, Neuroscience Letters, Vol.415, No.1, 28-33, 2007. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,006 | 国際会議 | Shinya Tayoshi, Satsuki Sumitani, Sumiko Tayoshi, Shu-ichi Ueno, Masafumi Harada and Tetsuro Ohmori : Acute administration of benzodiazepine did not change the level of GABA in 3T 1H-Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Chicago, Jul. 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,006 | 国際会議 | Shusuke Numata, Shu-ichi Ueno, Junichi Iga, Ken Yamauchi, Song Hongwei, Ryota Hashimoto, Masatoshi Takeda, Hiroshi Kunugi, Mitsuo Itakura and Tetsuro Ohmori : Gene expression and association analysis of LIM (PDLIM5) in schizophrenia, Neuroscience, Atlanta, Oct. 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,006 | 国際会議 | Junichi Iga, Shu-ichi Ueno, Ken Yamauchi, Shusuke Numata, I Motoki, Shinya Tayoshi, S Kinouchi, K Ohta, H Song, Kyoko Morita, Kazuhito Rokutan, H Tanabe, A Dano and Tetsuro Ohmori : Gene expression and association analysis of LIM (PDLIM5) in major depression, Neuroscience, Atlanta, Oct. 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,006 | 国際会議 | Shinya Tayoshi, Sumiko Tayoshi, Satsuki Sumitani, Masafumi Harada, Shu-ichi Ueno and Tetsuro Ohmori : Six cases of elderly patients with psychotic feature refractory to drug therapy but response to ECT, Higashihiroshima, Oct. 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,006 | 国際会議 | Shinya Tayoshi, Sumiko Tayoshi, Satsuki Sumitani, Masafumi Harada, Shu-ichi Ueno and Tetsuro Ohmori : Maintenance modified electroconvulsive therapy for an elderly patient with recurrent catatonia, Higashihiroshima, Oct. 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,006 | 国内講演発表 | 山内 健, 安藝 浩史, 友竹 正人, 他 : 統合失調症患者の主観的及び客観的QOLに与える要因についての検討, 第102回日本精神神経学会, 2006年5月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,006 | 国内講演発表 | Shusuke Numata, Shu-ichi Ueno, Junichi Iga, Ken Yamauchi, Hongwei Song, Sawako Kinouchi, Sumiko Tayoshi, Shinya Tayoshi, Satsuki Sumitani and Tetsuro Ohmori : BDNFVal66Met polymorphism in schizophrenia is associated with age of onset and symptoms., The 28th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry, Sep. 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,006 | 国内講演発表 | 住谷 さつき, 原田 雅史, 久保 均, 田吉 伸哉, 田吉 純子, 木内 佐和子, 上野 修一, 大森 哲郎 : 3T proton MRSを用いたOCDの脳内代謝物の検討, 2006年9月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,006 | 国内講演発表 | Syusuke Numata, Shu-ichi Ueno, Junichi Iga, Ken Yamauchi, Hongwei So, Koshi Ohta, Sawako Kinouchi, Sumiko Shibuya-Tayoshi, Shinya Tayoshi, Michitaka Aono, Naomi Kameoka, Satsuki Sumitani, Masahito Tomotake and et al : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism in schizophrenia is associated with age at onset, 第2回日本統合失調症学会, Mar. 2007. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,006 | 国内講演発表 | Shusuke Numata, Shu-ichi Ueno, Junichi Iga, Ken Yamauchi, Hongwei Song, Koji Ohta, Sawako Kinouchi, Sumiko Tayoshi, Shinya Tayoshi, Michitaka Aono, Naomi Kameoka, Satsuki Sumitani, Masahito Tomotake, Yasuhiro Kaneda, Takahide Taniguchi, Yasuhito Ishimoto and Tetsuro Ohmori : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism in schizophrenia is associated with age of onset, The 2nd Annual Meeting of Japanse Society of Schizophrenia Research, Mar. 2007. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
6) | 2,006 | 国内講演発表 | Shusuke Numata, Junichi Iga, Shu-ichi Ueno, Ken Yamauchi, Hongwei Song, Sumiko Tayoshi, Shinya Tayoshi, Masahito Nakataki, Ryota Hashimoto, Masatoshi Takeda, Hiroshi Kunugi and Tetsuro Ohmori : Differential expression of Disrupted-In-Schizophrenia-1 (DISC1) in the peripheral leukocytes from schizophrenia and major depressive disorder, The 2nd Annual Meeting of Japanse Society of Schizophrenia Research, Mar. 2007. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,006 | その他・研究会 | 宋 鴻偉, 田吉 純子, 伊賀 淳一, 山内 健, 沼田 周助, 田吉 伸哉, 木内 佐和子, 上野 修一, 大森 哲郎 : 炭酸リチウム投与におけるヒト末梢血白血球の遺伝子mRNA発現変化, 第26回リチウム研究会, 2006年4月. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,010 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Masahito Nakataki, Junichi Iga, Shusuke Numata, Eriko Yoshimoto, Kanami Kodera, Shinya Watanabe, Hongwei Song, Shu-ichi Ueno and Tetsuro Ohmori : Gene expression and association analysis of the epithelial membrane protein 1 gene in major depressive disorder in the Japanese population., Neuroscience Letters, Vol.489, No.2, 126-130, 2011. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,010 | 総説・解説 | 中瀧 理仁, 久保 弘子, 住谷 さつき, 大森 哲郎 : MRSを用いた統合失調症研究, 精神科治療学, Vol.26, No.11, 1427-1433, 2011年. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,010 | 国際会議 | Shinya Watanabe, Junichi Iga, Masahito Nakataki, Shusuke Numata, Kumiko Kikuchi and Tetsuro Ohmori : Association study of cannabinoid receptor 1 gene and schizophrenia and body mass index in a Japanese population, XXVII CINP CONGRESS 2010 WORLD CONGRESS, Hong Kong, Jun. 2010. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,010 | 国際会議 | Masahito Nakataki, Junichi Iga, Shusuke Numata, E Yoshimoto, K Kodera, Shinya Watanabe, H Song, S Ueno and Tetsuro Ohmori : Gene expression and association analysis of the epithelial membrane protein 1 gene in major depressive disorder in the Japanese population, XXVII CINP CONGRESS 2010 WORLD CONGRESS, Hong Kong, Jun. 2010. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,010 | 国際会議 | Junichi Iga, 菊地 久美子, Sumiko Tayoshi, Masahito Nakataki, Shinya Watanabe, Shusuke Numata and Tetsuro Ohmori : Effect of lithium on gene expression in leukocytes of healthy subjects., XXVII CINP CONGRESS 2010 WORLD CONGRESS, Hong Kong, Jun. 2010. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,010 | 国際会議 | 菊地 久美子, Junichi Iga, Shinya Tayoshi, Masahito Nakataki, Shinya Watanabe, Shusuke Numata and Tetsuro Ohmori : Lithium decreases VEGF mRNA expression in leukocytes of healthy subjects., XXVII CINP CONGRESS 2010 WORLD CONGRESS, Hong Kong, Jun. 2010. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,010 | 国内講演発表 | 伊賀 淳一, 菊地 久美子, 中瀧 理仁, 渡部 真也, 沼田 周助, 大森 哲郎 : Lithium decreases VEGF mRNA expression in leukocytes of healthy subjects and bipolar patients, 第20回日本臨床精神神経薬理学会, 2010年9月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,010 | 国内講演発表 | 渡部 真也, 伊賀 淳一, 中瀧 理仁, 菊地 久美子, 大森 哲郎 : 日本人におけるcannabinoid receptor1 遺伝子多型とbody mass index,および統合失語症との関連研究, 第32回日本生物学的精神医学会, 2010年10月. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,011 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Kumiko Kikuchi, Junichi Iga, Sumiko Tayoshi, Masahito Nakataki, Shinya Watanabe, Shusuke Numata and Tetsuro Ohmori : Lithium decreases VEGF mRNA expression in leukocytes of healthy subjects and patients with bipolar disorder., Human Psychopharmacology, Vol.26, No.4-5, 358-363, 2011. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,011 | 国際会議 | Junichi Iga, 菊地 久美子, Shinya Tayoshi, Masahito Nakataki, Shinya Watanabe, Shusuke Numata and Tetsuro Ohmori : SOCS3, a candidate gene for the molecular effects of lithium and pathophysiology of MDD, 10th World Conbress of Biological Psychiatry, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,011 | 国際会議 | Shinya Watanabe, Junichi Iga, Masahito Nakataki, Shusuke Numata, 菊地 久美子 and Tetsuro Ohmori : Association study of fat-mass and obesity-associated(FTO) gene and body mass index in a Japanese schizophrenia and healthy Japanese population, 10th World Conbress of Biological Psychiatry, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,011 | 国際会議 | Masahito Nakataki, Shinya Tayoshi, Hiroko Kubo, Junichi Iga, Shinya Watanabe, Satsuki Sumitani, Masafumi Harada and Tetsuro Ohmori : Amino acid neurotransmission in schizophrenia patients and the effects of antipsychotic medication: A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study, 10th World Conbress of Biological Psychiatry, Prague, Czech Republic, Jun. 2011. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,011 | 国際会議 | Hiroko Kubo, Sumiko Tayoshi, Satsuki Sumitani and Tetsuro Ohmori : Effects of Lithium on the Cognitive Function in healthy Volunteers, 2nd Congress of Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Seoul, Sep. 2011. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,011 | 国内講演発表 | 中瀧 理仁, 久保 弘子, 伊賀 淳一, 渡部 真也, 住谷 さつき, 原田 雅史, 大森 哲郎 : 統合失調症患者におけるアミノ酸神経伝達が抗精神病薬から受ける影響 1H-MRS(proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy)を用いた検討, 第21回日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・第41回日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会, 2011年10月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,011 | 国内講演発表 | 渡部 真也 : 白血球mRNAを用いたうつ病の研究, 平成23年度脳科学クラスターリトリート, 2011年11月. [EdbClient | EDB] |