1) | 2,005 | 賞(研究) | 松崎 健司, 竹内 麻由美, 西谷 弘 : 管腔外への突出性発育をきたす消化管原発腫瘤の画像所見, 展示最多閲覧賞, 社団法人 日本医学放射線学会, 2005年4月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,005 | 賞(研究) | 竹内 麻由美, 松崎 健司, 西谷 弘 : 子宮内膜症の悪性転化について, 優秀展示賞, The Japanese Society for the Advancement of Women's Imaging, 2005年9月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,005 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki and Hiromu Nishitani : Pelvic endometriosis: Usual, unusual imaging manifestations and pitfalls, Cum Laude, European Society of Radiology, Mar. 2006. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,006 | 賞(研究) | 竹内 麻由美, 松崎 健司, 西谷 弘 : 充実部を伴う良性卵巣嚢胞性病変の画像診断, 優秀展示賞, The Japanese Society for the Advancement of Women's Imaging, 2006年9月. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,007 | 賞(研究) | 竹内 麻由美, 松崎 健司, 西谷 弘 : 妊娠に合併した内膜症性嚢胞脱落膜化のMR画像, 優秀大会長賞, 磁気共鳴医学会, 2007年9月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,007 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki and Hiromu Nishitani : Diffusion-weighted MR Images in the Female Pelvis, Certificate of Merit, Radiological Society of North America, Nov. 2007. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,008 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki, Hiromu Nishitani and Masafumi Harada : Uterine Pathologies in 3T-MRI: Clinical Application of Diffusion-weighted Imaging and MR Spectroscopy in Differentiating Benign and Malignant Lesions, Certificate of Merit, Radiological Society of North America, Nov. 2008. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,009 | 賞(研究) | 竹内 麻由美, 松崎 健司, 西谷 弘 : Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of gynecologic diseases, 優秀教育展示賞, 日本医学放射線学会, 2009年4月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,009 | 賞(研究) | 竹内 麻由美, 松崎 健司, 西谷 弘 : 卵巣線維腫症の一例, 打田賞, 腹部放射線研究会, 2009年6月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,009 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki and Hiromu Nishitani : Diagnostic Signs in Imaging of the Female Pelvis: A Pictorial Review, Certificate of Merit, Radiological Society of North America, Dec. 2009. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,009 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki and Hiromu Nishitani : MR imaging of FIGO stage I uterine cervical cancer: The diagnostic impact of 3T-MRI, Certificate of Merit, European Society of Radiology, Mar. 2010. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,012 | 賞(研究) | 原田 雅史 : Advanced imagingの現状と近未来, 画像診断BestEditor賞, 学研, 2012年5月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,012 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki, Akira Kuwahara and Masafumi Harada : Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategy for Endometriosis by MR Imaging with Problem-solving Advanced Techniques, Certificate of Merit, Radiological Society of North America, Nov. 2012. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,012 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki and Masafumi Harada : Endometrial carcinoma: Diagnostic strategy by using advanced MR techniques, Cum Laude, European Society of Radiology, Mar. 2013. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,013 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki and Masafumi Harada : Many Faces of Ovarian Teratomas: Usual, Unusual Imaging Manifestations, Pitfalls, and Problem-solving MR Techniques, Certificate of Merit, Radiological Society of North America, Dec. 2013. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,013 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki and Masafumi Harada : Diagnostic Strategy for Cystic Masses in the Female Pelvis: A Comprehensive Review and Diagnostic Impact of Advanced MR Techniques, Certificate of Merit, Radiological Society of North America, Dec. 2013. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,014 | 賞(研究) | 足立 克仁, 岩瀬 俊, 赤池 雅史, 齋藤 美穂, 柏木 節子, 橋口 修二, 佐田 政隆, 髙尾 正一郎, 原田 雅史, 川井 尚臣 : Duchenne型筋ジストロフィー女性保因者における心臓MRIガドリニウム遅延造影と下腿筋CT, 第47回 塩田賞, 国立医療学会, 2014年11月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,014 | 賞(研究) | Mayumi Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuzaki and Masafumi Harada : Uterine cervical lesions: Diagnostic strategy by using advanced MR techniques, Cum Laude, European Society of Radiology, Mar. 2015. [EdbClient | EDB] |