1) | 2,021 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Y. Arashida, T. Suzuki, S. Nara, I. Katayama, Yasuo Minami, S. Shindo, Y. Sutou, T. Saiki and J. Takeda : Observation of ultrafast amorphization dynamics in GeCu2Te2 thin films using echelon-based single-shot transient absorbance spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.119, 061102, 2021. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,021 | 国内講演発表 | 南 康夫 : テラヘルツ波による超高速イオン駆動, 第7回超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2021年5月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,021 | 国内講演発表 | 藤原 颯真, 笠井 康平, 味元 勇樹, 菅野 智士, 南 康夫, 川上 烈生, 柳谷 伸一郎 : 金/酸化チタンナノバレット構造の作製と光特性評価, 2021年度応用物理・物理系学会合同学術講演会, Gp-5, 2021年7月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,021 | 国内講演発表 | 南 康夫, 中塚 玲雄, 北田 貴弘, 原田 幸弘, 海津 利行, 小島 磨, 喜多 隆, 和田 修 : 光電流マッピング法を用いた多重積層InAs/GaAs量子ドット構造光伝導アンテナの電気特性評価, 2021年第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 12p-N303-9, 2021年9月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,021 | 国内講演発表 | 宮武 幸芽, 河合 勇輝, 南 康夫, 柳谷 伸一郎 : 局所光熱変性した角層の顕微ラマン計測, 2021年第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 13a-N202-8, 2021年9月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,021 | 国内講演発表 | 海津 利行, 北田 貴弘, 南 康夫, 原田 幸弘, 小島 磨, 喜多 隆, 和田 修 : 多重積層InAs/GaAs量子ドットを用いた光伝導アンテナの光電流特性の励起光強度依存性, 2022年第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, p.12-110, 2022年3月. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,022 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Daichi Nakayama, Pankaj Koinkar, Tetsuro Katayama and Akihiro Furube : Creation of three dimensional octahedral tin oxide nanostructure produced by laser ablation in liquid, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.36, No.16, 2242002, 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,022 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Kejun Wu, Pankaj Koinkar and Akihiro Furube : Photocatalytic performance under visible light of WS2/TiO2/Au synthesized by hydrothermal method, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.36, No.17, 2242025, 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,022 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Akihiro Furube, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Pankaj Koinkar and Tetsuro Katayama : Basic aspects of gold nanoparticle photo-functionalization using oxides and 2D materials: Control of light confinement, heat-generation, and charge separation in nanospace, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.157, No.14, 140901, 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,022 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Devidas Bhagat, Wasudeo Gurnule, Guvinder Bumrah, Pankaj Koinkar and Pooja Chawla : Recent Advances in Biomedical Application of Biogenic Nanomaterials, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Vol.24, No.1, 86-100, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,022 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Tetsuro Katayama, Yuma Fujita, Yuichiro Akagi, Kangpeng Wang, Raphael Dahan, Tal Fishman, Ido Kaminer, Pankaj Koinkar and Akihiro Furube : Observation of electronic spectra modulation in a CH3NH3PbBr3 crystal by utilizing transient absorption microscopy, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.62, SG1030-1-SG1030-4, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
6) | 2,022 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Tetsuro Katayama, AKIRA Yamamoto, Yuma Fujita, Yuichiro Akagi, Pankaj Koinkar and Akihiro Furube : Observation of carrier dynamics in MoS2 thin layer by femtosecond transient absorption microscopy, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.62, No.SG, SG1029-1-SG1029-3, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,022 | 国際会議 | Pankaj Koinkar : Nanosecond Laser Induced Synthesis of Two Dimensional Nanostructures, An International (Virtual) Conference on RECENT ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS, UBIQUITOUS COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE RAEEUCCI- 2022, Apr. 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,022 | 国際会議 | Akihiro Furube, Wu Kejun and Pankaj Koinkar : Preparation and Characterization of WS2TiO2Au Nanohybrid System Using Hydrothermal Synthesis for Photocatalysis Under Visible Light, 241st ECS Meeting, May 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,022 | 国際会議 | Pankaj Koinkar : Laser Processed Two Dimensional Nanomaterials for Optoelectronic applications, 5th International Conference on Science and Technology for Society, Jun. 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,022 | 国際会議 | Kokufu Tatsuki, Nakayama Daichi, Tetsuro Katayama, Pankaj Koinkar and Akihiro Furube : Characterization of tungsten sulfide nanosheets attached on gold nanoparticles modified SERS active substrates, The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (APNFO13), Sapporo, Jul. 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,022 | 国際会議 | Pankaj Koinkar : The manufacuring process for society 5.0, Engineering Seminar Pogram, Jan. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
6) | 2,022 | 国際会議 | MIKU Matsumoto, Hiroki Takanari, Yasuo Minami and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : In-situ observation of photo-induced phenomena of AuNP-deposited HeLa cells with femto second laser, Program of pLED International Symposium 2023: Exploring Invisible Light Technology, P-26, Mar. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,022 | 国内講演発表 | 南 康夫 : 高強度テラヘルツ波による超イオン伝導体内のイオン駆動, テラヘルツ・光科学の最新トレンド2022, 2022年8月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,022 | 国内講演発表 | 谷口 元基, 本田 剛士, 柳谷 伸一郎, 髙成 広起, 南 康夫, 中村 信元, 三木 浩和, 安倍 正博, 坂東 良美, 常山 幸一 : ALアミロイドーシス無染色標本のラマン分光顕微観察, 2022年第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 20p-C301-12, 2022年9月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,022 | 国内講演発表 | 山内 俊, 柳谷 伸一郎, 大野 恭秀, 永瀬 雅夫, 南 康夫 : テラヘルツ時間領域分光法を用いた4H-SiC上の単層グラフェンの分光特性の評価, 2022年第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 22p-P02-7, 2022年9月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,022 | 国内講演発表 | 松本 実久, 柳谷 伸一郎, 髙成 広起, 南 康夫 : フェムト秒レーザーによるHeLa細胞の細孔形成とナノ粒子の影響, 第43回レーザー学会年次大会, P01-20p-P-27-P01-20p-P-27], 2023年1月. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,022 | 国内講演発表 | 南 康夫 : テラヘルツ波による超イオン伝導体内の超高速イオン移動, 2023年1月. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,022 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Detection and prevention tools in avoiding the plagiarism in scientific writing, Short Term Course on Research Methodology, May 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,022 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Understanding the formation of nanostructure obtained by pulse laser ablation, International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composite (NAC 2022), Jul. 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,022 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Optical, Electron, and Scanning Probe Microscopy, Online Refresher Course in Advance Instrumentation (MD), Sep. 2022. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Tetsuro Katayama, Shuto Ueda, Yuma Fujita, Yuichiro Akagi, Pankaj Koinkar, Yasufumi Umena and Akihiro Furube : Observation of energy transfer dynamics in a phycocyanin protein crystal by utilizing femtosecond transient absorption microscopy, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.62, SG1045-1-SG1045-4, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Vinayak Shinde, Yasuyuki Maeda, Tetsuro Katayama, Akihiro Furube, Taka-aki Yano and Pankaj Koinkar : Tungsten suboxide (WO3x) petal-like nanosheets created by laser ablation method, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.37, No.16, 2340005, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Pankaj Koinkar, Daichi Nakayama, Tetsuro Katayama, Vinayak Shinde, Yasuyuki Maeda, Akihiro Furube, Gebeyehu Motora Kebena and Mou Chang Wu : Photocatalytic studies of tin oxide nanostructures produced by different methods, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.37, No.16, 2340003, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Pankaj Kolhe, B B Musmade, Pankaj Koinkar, Sachin Khedekar, Namita Maiti, Sunil Kulkarni and Kishor Sonawane : Study of physico-chemical properties of Cu2NiSnS4 thin films, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.37, No.16, 2340007, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Chetan Mistari, Pratap Mane, Pankaj Koinkar, Brahmananda Chakraborty, A. Mahendra More and A. Mahendra More : Field electron emission performance of Janus MoSSe and MoSSe-MWCNTs composite: Corroboration by Hall measurement and DFT simulation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.965, 171356, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
6) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Rungsima Yeetsorn, Gaurav Kumar Yogesh, Waritnan Wanchan, Pankaj Koinkar and Kamlesh Yadav : Molybdenum-based Nanocatalysts for CO Oxidation Reactions in Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: A Critical Review, ChemCatChem, Vol.e202301040, 1-23, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
7) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Daichi Nakayama, Chang-Mou Wu, Kebena Gebenyehu Motora, Pankaj Koinkar and Akihiro Furube : Novel solar-light-driven Z-scheme BiOCl@WS2 nanocomposite photocatalysts for the photocatalytic removal of organic pollutants, New Journal of Chemistry, Vol.47, 22078-22089, 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
8) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Paul Niloy, Sawate Akash, Satoshi Sugano, Tetsuro Katayama, Masatsugu Oishi, Akihiro Furube and Pankaj Koinkar : Development of silver nanocubes created by pulsed laser ablation in liquid, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.38, No.12&13, 2440014, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
9) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Gauravkumar Yogesh, Rungsima Yeetsorn, Waritnan Wanchan, Michael Fowler, Kamlesh Yadav and Pankaj Koinkar : Molybdenum-Based Electrocatalysts for Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: A Critical Review, Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology, Vol.15, No.1, 67-95, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
10) | 2,023 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Vinayak Shinde, Pratiksha Tanwade, Tetsuro Katayama, Akihiro Furube, Bhaskar Sathe and Pankaj Koinkar : Ternary composite WS2/GO/Au synthesized from laser ablation and hydrothermal method for photo- and electro-chemical degradation of methylene blue dye, Surfaces and Interfaces, Vol.46, 104067, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,023 | 国際会議 | Akihiro Furube, Sasaki Kohei, Kokufu Tatsuki, Tetsuro Katayama and Pankaj Koinkar : Ultrafast Charge Transfer Dynamics in WS2Au Nanohybrid System Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid, 243rd ECS Meeting, B07-1372, May 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,023 | 国際会議 | Akihiro Furube, Tsurusaki Yuto, Saika Kei, Murase Masaki, Pankaj Koinkar and Tetsuro Katayama : Femtosecond Dynamics of Charge Transfer between Plasmonic Metal and Semiconductor Nanostructures, The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry, S2-11-IL, Jul. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,023 | 国際会議 | Hosaki Renna, Maeda Yasuyuki, Tetsuro Katayama, Pankaj Koinkar, Akihiro Furube, Lin Lihua, Hisatomi Takashi and Domen Kazunari : Size reduction of Y2Ti2O5S2 photocatalyst particles by laser ablation and evaluation of their carrier dynamics, The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry, P25-060, Jul. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,023 | 国際会議 | Yuyama Shunsuke, Pankaj Koinkar, Tetsuro Katayama and Akihiro Furube : Silicon Carbide Nanoparticle Fabrication by Laser Ablation in Liquid and Carrier Dynamics Evaluation by Transient Absorption Spectroscopy, The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry, P26-035, Jul. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,023 | 国際会議 | Wang Junli, Pankaj Koinkar and Akihiro Furube : Simulation Analysis of Electron Diffusion in Circular Semiconductor Nanostrucutre after Ultrafast Electron Injection from Attaching Gold Nanoparticles, 4th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites (NAC 2023), Nov. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
6) | 2,023 | 国際会議 | Akihiro Furube, Sasaki Kohei, Wu Kejun, Kokufu Tatsuki, Tetsuro Katayama and Pankaj Koinkar : Preparation and Ultrafast Spectroscopy of WS2Au Nanohybrid Systems for Photocatalysis Under Visible Light, 12th Asian Photochemistry Conference (APC 2023), C106, Dec. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,023 | 国内講演発表 | Akihiro Furube, SASAKI Kohei, KOKUFU Tatsuki, Tetsuro Katayama and Pankaj Koinkar : Ultrafast Spectroscopy of WS2Au Nanohybrid System Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid, 光化学討論会, 1B14, Sep. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,023 | 国内講演発表 | Tonape Mahesh Siddhant, Pankaj Koinkar and Akihiro Furube : Boron Nitride Nanoparticles Fabricated via Femtosecond Laser Ablation for Enhanced Biocompatibility and Drug Delivery, 第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 23p-P02-17, Mar. 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Exploring two-dimensional materials for optoelectronics application, International Conference on Advaces in Science and Technology, May 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Understanding the Basics of Smart and Intelligent Sensor Technology, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Cognitive Science and Knowledge Engineering (ICKE-2023)., May 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Rising Significance of Nanotechnology and its recent advancement, Faculty Development Program, Dr. Babbasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, India, Jul. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : The Fundamentals of Optical and Scanning Microscopy, Faculty Development Program, Dr. Babbasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, India, Jul. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Potential use of solution-processed two-dimensional materials for electronics and optoelectronics application, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY (ICNN-2023), Sep. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
6) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Enhancing photocatalytic performance using interfacial two-dimensional oxide nanomaterials prepared by laser ablation, International Faculty Development program on modelling, processing and characterization of composites, Sep. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
7) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Higher Education and Research Opportunities in Japan, Global Executive Summit 2023' Reimaging Higher Education, Sep. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
8) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Diverse Opportunities for Higher Education and Research in Japan, Department of Physics, Kaviyitri Bahinabai North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, India, Sep. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
9) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Education and Career Opportunities in Japan, International workshop, Balbhim Arts Scicne and Commerce College, Dr. Babbasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, India, Sep. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
10) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Evaluating the Potential for Photocatalytic uses of Metal Oxides based Two-dimensional materials, 5th International Conference on Science and Technology Applications (ICoSTA 2023), Nov. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
11) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Improvements in the Photocatalytic performance of Nanocomposite produced with Metal Oxides on Two-Dimensional Materials, International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composite (NAC 2023), Nov. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
12) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Recent advancements in enhancing the photocatalytic activity of two-dimensional nanocomposite, 3rd International E-Conference on Mechanical and Material Science , Engineering: Innovation and Research 2023, Dec. 2023. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
13) | 2,023 | その他・研究会 | Pankaj Koinkar : Utilizing Nanoscale metal oxides2D materials heterostructures for enhanced electrocatalytic and photocatalyticperformance, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SPECTROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS (ASTM-2024), Jan. 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] |
1) | 2,024 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Akash Sawate, Niloy Paul, Akihiro Furube, Tetsuro Katayama and Pankaj Koinkar : Improved photocatalytic activities of TiO2/MoO3/Au nanocomposite prepared by hydrothermal method, Modern Physics Letters. B, 2441006, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
2) | 2,024 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Kai-Siang Lin, Akihiro Furube, Tetsuro Katayama, Pankaj Koinkar and Mou Chang Wu : Laser ablation synthesis of BiOCl/Ag/WO3 nanocomposite to evaluate its photocatalysis performance, Modern Physics Letters. B, 2441007, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
3) | 2,024 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Pratiksha Tanwade, Balaji Mulik, Bhaskar Sathe, B. B. Musmade, Vinayak Shinde, Akihiro Furube and Pankaj Koinkar : Enhanced electrocatalytic hydrazine oxidation on MoS2-GO nanosheets, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.38, No.12-13, 2440018, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
4) | 2,024 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Sawate Akash, Paul Niloy, Sathe Bhaskar, Tetsuro Katayama, Akihiro Furube and Pankaj Koinkar : Fabrication of MoO3/rGO/Au composite for increased photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.38, No.12-13, 2440010, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
5) | 2,024 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Deore B. Amol, Jagdale T. Aditya, Mistari D. Chetan, Jagtap Krishna, Jadkar R. Sandesh, More A. Mahendra, Gadakh R. Sanjay, Tomoyuki Ueki and Pankaj Koinkar : Improved field electron emission behavior of ultrathin lanthanum hexaboride-coated copper oxide nanowires, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.38, No.12-13, 2440016, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
6) | 2,024 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Akshay Khorate, Akihiro Furube and Pankaj Koinkar : Visible light active ternary nanocomposite based on metal-heterojunction for photocatalysis application: A short review, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2540030, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
7) | 2,024 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Khushbu Rathi, Tejaswini Rathi, Subhash Kondawar, Pankaj Koinkar and Sanjay Dhakate : Trailblazing 1D gadolinium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG: Gd3+) nanofibers for UV-optimized applications, Results in Optics, Vol.17, 100762, 2024. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
8) | 2,024 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | GauravKumar Yogesh, Debabrata Nandi, Rungsima Yeetsorn, Waritnan Wanchan, Chandni Devi, RaviPratap Singh, Aditya Vasistha, Mukesh Kumar, Pankaj Koinkar and Kamlesh Yadav : A machine learning approach for estimating supercapacitor performance of graphene oxide nano-ring based electrode materials, Energy Advances, Vol.4, 119-139, 2025. [EdbClient | EDB] | |
9) | 2,024 | 学術論文 (審査論文) | Waritnan Wanchan, GauravKumar Yogesh, Rungsima Yeetsorn, Yaowaret Maiket and Pankaj Koinkar : Synthesis and characterization of synergetic Pd/MoO3rGO hybrid material as efficient electrode for supercapacitor application, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.331, 130134, 2025. [EdbClient | EDB] |