Hinode, Daisuke / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of Study: Preventive Dentistry
Lecture: Oral Health Promotion (Bachelor Course), Academic Communication (Bachelor Course), Oral Hygiene and Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究 (Bachelor Course), Preventive Oral Science (Graduate School), Practice of Preventive Oral Science (Graduate School), Introduction to Oral Health Promotion Studies (Graduate School), Training of Oral Health Education and Research (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture for Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Oral health promotion, nutrition guidance and social service for the elderly (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Special Practice for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Special Research for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), 口腔保健衛生学臨地実習 (Bachelor Course), 口腔保健衛生学臨床実習 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Oral Infectious Disease (Graduate School), Oral Physiology (Bachelor Course), Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Oral Health (Bachelor Course), International Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Oral Health Care in Children (Graduate School), Early Clinical Training (Bachelor Course), Nutrition (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Periodontal Disease and Systemic Conditions (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Dental Anatomy (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Statistics for Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Introduction to social medicine, epidemiology and biostatistics (Graduate School), Experimental Practice on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Seminar on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Overview Dentistry 5 (Bachelor Course), General Medicine (Graduate School), Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Graduate School), Pharmacology・Dental Pharmacology (Bachelor Course), Hygiene and Public Health (Bachelor Course), Public Health Administration (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Anatomy (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Etiology and prevention of periodontal disease
Fukui, Makoto / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(歯学)
Field of Study: Preventive Dentistry
Lecture: Oral Health Promotion (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Sociodental Science) (Bachelor Course), Oral Hygiene and Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), health care and welfare (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究 (Bachelor Course), Practice of Preventive Oral Science (Graduate School), Oral Function Management (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Oral Health Promotion Studies (Graduate School), Training of Oral Health Education and Research (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Oral Environmental Health (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Special Practice for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Special Research for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), 口腔保健衛生学臨地実習 (Bachelor Course), 口腔保健衛生学臨床実習 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Early Clinical Training (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Statistics for Oral Health (Bachelor Course), social survey (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 5 (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course), Hygiene and Public Health (Bachelor Course), Public Health Administration (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 歯周病原性細菌の病原因子および歯周病患者由来唾液中分泌型IgAに関する研究 (歯周病原性, 病原因子, 唾液分泌型IgA)