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Professor Emeritus : Hashino, Michio |
○ | Hydrology, 水工計画 |
○ | 森林の水源かん養機能とその限界に関する研究 (水源かん養機能, 遮断蒸発, 蒸散, 洪水流出解析, 低水流出解析) |
1. | Michio Hashino : 森林の洪水低減·渇水緩和機能とその定量評価法, Committee on Hydraulics,Japan Society, Tokyo, Aug. 2005. |
2. | Michio Hashino : 防災事典, 築地書館, Tokyo, Jul. 2002. |
3. | Michio Hashino : 森林の水循環と水源かん養機能, Committee on Hydraulics,Japan Society, Tokyo, Jul. 1997. |
4. | Michio Hashino : 2変数確率分布モデルによる計画降雨波形の決定法, The Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Pesources, Tokyo, Oct. 1993. |
5. | Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, Takeharu Etoh, Masashi Nagao, Noriaki Sougawa, Kaoru Takara and Michio Hashino : Research and Practice of Hydraulic Engineering in Japan, Committee on Hydraulics,Japan Society, Tokyo, Jul. 1993. |
6. | 友杉 邦雄, 星 清, 江藤 剛治, 池淵 周一, 砂田 憲吾, 藤田 睦博, 長谷部 正彦, 本多 和彦, 虫明 功臣, 橋本 健, 小池 俊雄, 吉野 文雄, 椎葉 充晴, 小尻 利治, 竹内 邦良 and Michio Hashino : 水理公式集例題集, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo, Sep. 1988. |
7. | 室田 明, 江藤 剛治, 神田 徹, 佐藤 邦明, 重光 世洋, Michio Hashino, 中辻 啓二, 星畑 国松, 道奥 康治 and 村岡 浩爾 : 河川工学, GIHODO SHUPPAN Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Sep. 1986. |
8. | 日野 幹雄, 池渕 周一, 石崎 勝義, 江藤 剛治, 神田 徹, 小葉竹 重機, 高木 不折, 高棹 琢馬, 竹内 邦良, 友杉 邦雄, Michio Hashino, 橋本 健, 藤田 睦博, 星 清 and 虫明 功臣 : 昭和60年版 水理公式集 第 2 編 水文編, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo, Jan. 1985. |
9. | Michio Hashino : 水文量の確率·統計解析, Committee on Hydraulics,Japan Society, Tokyo, Jul. 1982. |
1. | Takao TAMURA, Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino and Hidehiro Umeoka : PROPOSAL OF AN HOURLY RAINFALL INTERCEPTION MODEL IN CONSIDERATION OF MICRO-DROPLET FLUXES ABOVE CANOPIES, Japanese Journal of JSCE, Vol.80, No.16, S6_041_1-S6_041_7, 2024. (DOI: 10.2208/jscejj.23-16041) |
2. | Michio Hashino, Huaxia Yao and Takao TAMURA : Micro-Droplet Flux in Forest and its Contribution to Interception Loss of Rainfall Theoretical Study and Field Experiment, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol.2, No.10, 872-879, 2010. (DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2010.210104) |
3. | Takao TAMURA, Michio Hashino, Hideki Anamizu and Takao Araki : EVALUATON OF FLOOD REDUCTION FUNCTION OF THE FORESTED BASINS LOCATED UPSTREAM IN THE YOSHINO RIVER, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.52, 379-384, 2008. (DOI: 10.2208/prohe.52.379) |
4. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : Probability distribution of annual, seasonal and monthly precipitation in Japan, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol.52, No.5, 863-877, 2007. (DOI: 10.1623/hysj.52.5.863) |
5. | Huaxia Yao, Kidd Robert and Michio Hashino : Long-term trend of uranium status in Beaverlodge Lake, Saskatchewan of Canada, under mine decommissioning, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), No.314, 137-144, 2007. |
6. | Takao TAMURA, Michio Hashino, 末永 慶寛 and 星川 豪 : SOLUTE RUNOFF SYSTEM AND RUNOFF LOAD FROM THE FORESTED BASIN ADJACENT TO HIKETA BAY, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.51, 1165-1170, 2007. (DOI: 10.2208/prohe.51.1165) |
7. | Michio Hashino and Huaxia Yao : Minor changes of water conservation capacity in 50 years of forest growth: analysis with data from the Ananomiya Experimental Forest, Japan, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), No.308, 656-661, 2006. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
8. | Takao TAMURA, Michio Hashino and Daiki Tachibana : PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION OF RUNOFF MODEL USING RAINFALL AND WATER-LEVEL DATA, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.50, 355-360, 2006. (DOI: 10.2208/prohe.50.355) |
9. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino and Yuan Zuoxing : Simulating effects of climate change on evapotranspiration of major crops in China, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), No.295, 189-197, 2005. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
10. | Takao TAMURA, Michio Hashino and 岡田 和 : THE EXAMINATION OF THREE MODELS ON THE ESTIMATION OF NO3--N RUNOFF LOAD FROM A FORESTED WATERSHED, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.49, 115-120, 2005. (DOI: 10.2208/prohe.49.115) |
11. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : Statistical interpretation of the impact of forest growth on streamflow of the Sameura basin, Japan, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol.30, No.7, 1-16, 2004. |
12. | Michio Hashino, Takao TAMURA, 田淵 昌之 and 冨士川 洋一 : 森林流域における遮断蒸発·蒸散量と流域地中保水量の分離·評価法, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.48, 31-36, 2004. (DOI: 10.2208/prohe.48.31) |
13. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : A linear semi-distributed conceptual model for flood estimation, Water SA, Vol.29, No.3, 281-288, 2003. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
14. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : Long term trends of annual and monthly precipitation in Japan, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Vol.39, No.3, 587-596, 2003. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2003.tb03677.x, CiNii: 1572543026620527232, Elsevier: Scopus) |
15. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : Temperature trends in Japan: 1900-1996, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Vol.75, No.1, 15-27, 2003. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
16. | Takao TAMURA, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : 溶質流出モデルの構築に向けた徳島県白川谷森林試験流域における溶質流出特性の評価, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, Vol.15, No.4, 362-370, 2002. (CiNii: 1520290883858690304) |
17. | Michio Hashino, Huaxia Yao and Hiromu Yoshida : Studies and evaluations on interception processes during rainfall based on a tank model, Journal of Hydrology, Vol.255, No.1, 1-11, 2002. (DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1694(01)00506-6, Elsevier: Scopus) |
18. | Huaxia Yao and Michio Hashino : A completely-formed distributed rainfall-runoff model for the catchment scale, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), No.270, 183-190, 2001. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
19. | Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : Measurement of tree transpiration using large weighing lysimeters, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.19, No.1, 1-13, 2001. |
20. | Hideaki Kurita, Tsutomu Okada, Tohru Kanda and Michio Hashino : Frequency analysis on concurrence of storm surge and rainfall for urban river system and its application to planning for storm drainage, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.19, No.1, 33-42, 2001. (CiNii: 1572824499408643456) |
21. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : The general cumulants for a filtered point process, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.25, No.3, 193-201, 2001. (DOI: 10.1016/S0307-904X(00)00048-2, Elsevier: Scopus) |
22. | Huaxia Yao and Michio Hashino : Analysis on spatial distribution of annual water budget and daily runoff along river network in a basin, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.44, 289-294, 2000. (DOI: 10.2208/prohe.44.289) |
23. | 栗田 秀明, 岡田 耕, 神田 徹 and Michio Hashino : 都市河川における高潮·降雨の同時生起確率と内水排除計画への適用, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.44, 359-364, 2000. (DOI: 10.2208/prohe.44.359) |
24. | Takao TAMURA, Michio Hashino and KONISHI Toshio : MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF NITRATE NITROGEN RUNOFF PROCESS FROM A FORESTED BASIN WITH NITRIFICATION SUB MODEL, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.44, 1149-1154, 2000. (DOI: 10.2208/prohe.44.1149) |
25. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : Unit hydrographs to model quick and slow runoff components of streamflow, Journal of Hydrology, Vol.227, No.1-4, 195-206, 2000. (DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1694(99)00185-7, Elsevier: Scopus) |
26. | Sheng Yue, Michio Hashino, B Bobee, F P Rasmussen and Taha B M J Quarda : Derivation of streamflow statistics based on a filtered point process, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol.13, No.5, 317-326, 1999. |
27. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : A stochastic model for deriving the basic statistics of J-day averaged streamflow, Water Resources Research, Vol.35, No.10, 3127-3137, 1999. |
28. | Takao TAMURA, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : Mathematical modeling for estimating the seasonal changes in streamwater No3-N concentration, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), Vol.257, 143-150, 1999. |
29. | Michio Hashino, Huaxia Yao and Hiromu Yoshida : 森林流域における年蒸発散量からの遮断蒸発·蒸散分離, 水資源研究センター研究報告, Vol.19, 11-17, 1999. |
30. | Michio Hashino, Huaxia Yao and Hiromu Yoshida : Separation of rainfall interception and transpiration from annual evapotranspiration in forested watersheds, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.43, 73-78, 1999. |
31. | 岡田 耕, 栗田 秀明, 西岡 昌秋, Michio Hashino and 神田 徹 : 基本高水流量の確率特性に関する研究, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.43, 139-144, 1999. |
32. | Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : 大型ライシメータによる林木蒸散量計測の試み, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.43, 67-72, 1999. |
33. | Hiromu Yoshida, Takao TAMURA and Michio Hashino : Mathematical modelling of solute runoff from forested basin, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.16, No.1, 57-71, 1998. |
34. | Yulianur Alfiansya, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : ハモンの可能蒸発散量と線形回帰式を利用した簡易遮断蒸発量推定法の提案, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, Vol.11, No.2, 141-149, 1998. |
35. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino, Akira Terakawa and Toshiro Suzuki : Comparison of distributed and lumped hydrological models, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.42, 163-168, 1998. |
36. | Michio Hashino, 吉田 弥生 and Hiromu Yoshida : 気温上昇に伴う降水特性及び流況変化の評価, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.42, 211-216, 1998. |
37. | Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : 森林洪水低減機能に及ぼす流域樹冠密度の影響に関する検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.42, 223-228, 1998. |
38. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino, Akira Terakawa and Shijian Chen : Analyzing water budgets based on groundwater monitoring in an experimental plain farmland, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, Vol.10, No.6, 607-616, 1997. |
39. | Takao TAMURA, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : Long-Term Solute Runoff Analysis of a Japanese Forested Mountain Basin Using a Mathematical Model, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), Vol.244, 309-316, 1997. |
40. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino and Akira Terakawa : Predicting future changes in climate and evaporation by a stepwise regression method, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), Vol.240, 339-346, 1997. |
41. | Takao TAMURA, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : 硝化を考慮した森林土壌からの硝酸態窒素流出過程の数理モデル化に関する基礎的検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.42, 229-234, 1997. |
42. | Takao TAMURA, Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino and Seyou Shigemitsu : 直列2段タンクモデルを用いた全窒素·全リンの降雨流出特性の検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.41, 191-196, 1997. |
43. | Yulianur Alfiansya, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : 日蒸発·蒸散量の簡便な分離推定手法の検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.41, 49-54, 1997. |
44. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino and Kazunao Ochi : 数理モデルによる土壌水分と飽差が蒸散抑制に及ぼす影響の解析, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.41, 73-78, 1997. |
45. | Sheng Yue, Michio Hashino and Yohko Nagura : Stochastic response of daily runoff based on a filtered point process, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.14, No.2, 67-79, 1996. |
46. | Alfiansyah Yulianur, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : Estimation of daily rainfall using GMS-IR data, International Conference on Water Resources & Environment Reserach: Towards the 21st Century, Vol.1, 689-695, 1996. |
47. | Takao TAMURA, Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino and Tatemasa Hirata : Seasonal change of streamwater and soilwater chemistries in forested mountain basin concerned with soil moisture and temperature, International Conference on Water Resources & Environment Reserach: Towards the 21st Century, Vol.2, 239-247, 1996. |
48. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino and Yohko Nagura : Time-series analysis of rainfall characteristics taking account of monthly temperature, International Conference on Water Resources & Environment Reserach: Towards the 21st Century, Vol.2, 603-610, 1996. |
49. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : Numerical analysis of storage probability distribution and first passage probability in a reservoir with correlated inflows, International Conference on Water Resources & Environment Reserach: Towards the 21st Century, Vol.1, 451-458, 1996. |
50. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : 日降水時系列データを用いた日流出量の積率推定法とその検証, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.II-34, No.533, 41-50, 1996. |
51. | Alfiansyah Yulianur, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : GMS-IR データを利用した日降雨量推定式に関する検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.40, 291-296, 1996. |
52. | 名倉 陽子 and Michio Hashino : 気温変動を考慮した降水量の時系列解析, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.40, 347-352, 1996. |
53. | Sheng Yue and Michio Hashino : 相関連続分布流量を受ける利水貯水池の貯水量確率分布と初到達確率の実用的計算法, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.40, 335-340, 1996. |
54. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : Modeling energy and water cycle in a forested headwater basin, Journal of Hydrology, Vol.174, 221-234, 1996. |
55. | 小田 二郎, Michio Hashino and 国方 美規義 : GMSデータを用いた降雨予測と洪水調節ダムの予備放流操作への適用, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, Vol.9, No.1, 57-67, 1996. |
56. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino, Takao TAMURA and Kohji Muraoka : Formation process of stream water chemistry in small forested mountain basin, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.13, No.2, 83-97, 1995. |
57. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : 変数増減回帰法による将来の気候と水循環の変動予測, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, Vol.8, No.6, 574-582, 1995. |
58. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino and Takao TAMURA : Mathematical modelling of solute runoff system from forested mountain basin with streamwater and soilwater quality data, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), Vol.229, 303-311, 1995. |
59. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : Analysing effects of climate change and forestry management on water yield using conceptual models, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), Vol.230, 237-244, 1995. |
60. | Hiromu Yoshida, Takao TAMURA and Michio Hashino : 森林流域における物質流出機構の数理モデル化に関する基礎的検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.39, 1-6, 1995. |
61. | Sheng Yue, Michio Hashino and 名倉 陽子 : フィルタード·ポイント過程による日流出量の確率応答, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.39, 49-54, 1995. |
62. | Michio Hashino, Hiromu Yoshida and Huaxia Yao : An hourly model for energy and water cycle in forested catchment, Proc. of the Internation Symposium on Forest Hydrology, 165-172, 1994. |
63. | Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : A methodology for estimating forest evaporation by a rainfall interception tank model based on stemflow data, Proc. of the Internation Symposium on Forest Hydrology, 47-54, 1994. |
64. | 国方 美規義 and Michio Hashino : n時間先予測降雨·流量·貯水量の条件付き確率分布関係の誘導とその検証, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.II-28, No.497, 1-9, 1994. |
65. | Michio Hashino : 日本上陸台風の経年変動のモデル化と大阪における高潮·降雨の非定常同時生起確率の評価法, Journal of Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science, Vol.13, No.1, 57-72, 1994. |
66. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : Analyzing effects of deforestation or affrestation on streamflow by using a physically-based conceptual model, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, Vol.7, No.3, 196-203, 1994. |
67. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : A modelling of moisture and heat transfers in SPAC, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.38, 125-130, 1994. |
68. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino, 坂 宏二 and 村岡 浩爾 : ヒートパルス速度と微気象データを利用した流域蒸散量推定手法の提案と短期水収支法による比較検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.38, 131-136, 1994. |
69. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino, Takao TAMURA and 村岡 浩爾 : 山地小流域での渓流水質形成過程に関する基礎的検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.38, 271-276, 1994. |
70. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino and Kohji Muraoka : ヒートパルス速度と微気象データを利用した林木蒸散量推定法の提案, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, Vol.6, No.4, 350-357, 1993. |
71. | Michio Hashino and Osamu Takeda : A stochastic forcasting model of landslides due to heavy storms, Proc. of 25th IAHR, Vol.III, 174-181, 1993. |
72. | Mikiyoshi Kunikata and Michio Hashino : Estimation of conditional probability distributions of runoff and water storage given several hour lead forcasted rainfall, Proc. of 25th IAHR, Vol.II, 509-516, 1993. |
73. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino and Kohji Muraoka : ヒートパルス速度を利用した蒸散量推定のための数理モデルの提案, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, Vol.6, No.3, 244-253, 1993. |
74. | Michio Hashino, Tsutomu Okada, Yasuhide Kanemitsu, Yoshio Nishida and Masaaki Nishioka : Determination of design storm pattern by a probability model with multi-local peaks, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), Vol.213, 315-323, 1993. |
75. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : Estimation model of single tree transpiration based upon heat pulse velocity and micrometeorological data, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), Vol.212, 303-311, 1993. |
76. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino and Kohji Muraoka : 樹幹流データを利用した降雨遮断タンクモデルによる森林蒸発量の推定法, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, Vol.6, No.1, 19-30, 1993. |
77. | Michio Hashino and 武田 理 : 確率モデルによる豪雨型山腹崩壊の予測について, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.37, 711-716, 1993. |
78. | 国方 美規義 and Michio Hashino : 洪水調節用ダムにおけるn時間先予測降雨·流量·貯水量の条件付き確率分布関係について, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.37, 57-62, 1993. |
79. | 国方 美規義, Michio Hashino and 大下 勲 : 多地点データを用いた時系列モデルによる降雨予測手法に関する研究, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.37, 39-44, 1993. |
80. | Hiromu Yoshida, Michio Hashino, 木村 誠 and 村岡 浩爾 : 水源かん養機能から見たゴルフ場開発の影響評価についての基礎的検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.37, 159-164, 1993. |
81. | Michio Hashino, Hiromu Yoshida and 村岡 浩爾 : 森林水循環モデリングと水収支の評価, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.36, 521-528, 1992. |
82. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : Transpiration model associated with sap flow and meteorological data, IAHS Publication series (Red Books), Vol.204, 317-328, 1991. |
83. | Michio Hashino and Hisashi Mae : A probability model for evaluating design storm patterns with multi-local peaks, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.9, No.1, 81-97, 1991. |
84. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : ヒートパルス速度による森林蒸散量推定モデルについて, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.35, 15-20, 1991. |
85. | Michio Hashino, Hiromu Yoshida and 中谷 達志 : 実森林樹幹流データによる降雨遮断モデルの比較検討, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.35, 87-92, 1991. |
86. | Michio Hashino, Hiromu Yoshida and 市原 秀樹 : 降雨遮断およびSPACを考慮したタンクモデルによる長期流出解析, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.35, 93-98, 1991. |
87. | Michio Hashino and 佐々木 章公 : 豪雨型山腹崩壊の確率的予測モデルと信頼区間, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.34, 385-390, 1990. |
88. | Michio Hashino and 前 久司 : 多峰計画降雨波形の確率評価モデルの提案, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.34, 13-18, 1990. |
89. | Michio Hashino, Hiromu Yoshida and Takeshi Okabe : Hydraulic characteristics indepressed density interface induced by vertical impinging jet, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. JSCE, Vol.34, 199-204, 1990. |
90. | Michio Hashino : Determination of design storm pattern by Freund's bivariate probability density function, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.6, No.1, 47-59, 1988. |
91. | Michio Hashino and 大槻 恭一 : 樹木の降雨遮断モデルとパラメータ推定法に関する実験的研究, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.32, 19-24, 1988. |
92. | Michio Hashino and 桑田 康雄 : 確率的台風モデルによる降雨·高潮の同時生起性評価, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.II-8, No.387, 237-246, 1987. |
93. | Michio Hashino : Stochastic formation of storm pattern and rainfall intensity-duration curve for design flood, Hydrologic Frequency Modeling, 303-314, 1987. |
94. | Michio Hashino and Yasuo Kuwata : Evaluation of concurrent characteristics of rainfall and storm surge by a stochastic typhoon model, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.9, No.1, 79-97, 1987. |
95. | Michio Hashino : Freund分布による条件付確率降雨波形と計画降雨波形の決定法, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.31, 203-208, 1987. |
96. | Michio Hashino : 計画降雨波形の確率論的定式化と条件付確率降雨強度式の提案, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.II-5, No.369, 139-146, 1986. |
97. | Michio Hashino and Tohru Kanda : CHaracteristics of concurrence of rainfall, flood and storm surge associated with typhoon, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.3, No.2, 31-47, 1985. |
98. | Michio Hashino : Formation of the joint return period of two hydrologic variate associated with a Poisson process, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.3, No.2, 73-84, 1985. |
99. | Michio Hashino, 神田 徹, 北澤 聖司 and 横山 真至 : 台風性降雨と高潮の同時生起性に関する研究, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.II-3, No.357, 141-148, 1985. |
100. | Michio Hashino and 桑田 康雄 : 確率的台風モデルを用いた台風性降雨と高潮のシミュレーション, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.29, 287-292, 1985. |
101. | Michio Hashino : Marked point process に従う水文二変量の同時確率, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.28, 391-396, 1984. |
102. | Michio Hashino and 神田 徹 : 台風による降雨と高潮の同時生起性について, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.27, 1-10, 1983. |
103. | Michio Hashino : 山地小試験流域の降雨流出解析, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.26, 183-189, 1982. |
104. | Michio Hashino and J.W. Delleur : 年流量に対するHurst係数とARMAモデルの最適化, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.25, 221-228, 1981. |
105. | Michio Hashino and 猪熊 英之 : 急勾配粗面上の雨水流実験と抵抗則の推定, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.23, 331-338, 1979. |
106. | Michio Hashino and 国方 美規義 : 豪雨の時系列予測を組み込んだ洪水予測について, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.22, 203-208, 1978. |
107. | Michio Hashino : 最尤法による対数正規分布の実用的定数推定法とその応用例, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.20, 29-34, 1976. |
108. | Michio Hashino : 多次元不連続降水時系列に関する研究, 水理講演会論文集, Vol.19, 45-50, 1975. |
109. | Michio Hashino and 室田 明 : 豪雨による山腹崩壊土砂生産に関する推計学的研究, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, No.188, 33-43, 1971. |
110. | Akira Murota and Michio Hashino : An application of simulated rainfall models to forecasting of the long term variation of river bed, System Approach to Hydrology, 1-20, 1971. |
1. | Takao TAMURA, Michio Hashino and 橘 大樹 : 雨量・水位データを使用したH-Q曲線の作成方法, 平成18年自然災害フォーラム論文集, 1-8, 2006. |
1. | Takao TAMURA and Michio Hashino : 地質条件の異なる3つの山地森林流域の物質流出特性に関する調査研究, JOURNAL OF GROUND WATER TECHNOLOGY, Vol.49, No.4, 21-29, Apr. 2007. |
2. | Takao TAMURA and Michio Hashino : 山地森林流域における渓流水質濃度推定法の開発と物質収支の定量評価, JOURNAL OF GROUND WATER TECHNOLOGY, Vol.47, No.7, 11-21, Jul. 2005. |
3. | Michio Hashino, Huaxia Yao and Hiromu Yoshida : 肱川流域における森林の水源かん養機能に関する調査研究, 地下水技術, Vol.43, No.4, 40-49, Apr. 2001. |
4. | Michio Hashino : 森林の洪水低減·渇水緩和機能の実態と限界について, 吉野川学会誌, Vol.4, 1-13, Jul. 2000. |
5. | Michio Hashino : 治水計画から見た第十堰改築の必要性, 吉野川学会誌, Vol.2, 1-16, Jul. 1999. |
6. | Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : 森林整備と水源かん養機能の関係について-河川工学,水資源工学の立場から-, 水利科学, No.248, 1-17, Jul. 1999. |
7. | Michio Hashino : 緑のダムと人工のダム, 平成10年度中国·四国地区国立大学大学院工学研究科共通講義テキスト, 89-103, Oct. 1998. |
8. | Michio Hashino : 緑のダムと人工のダム, 河川, Vol.619, No.2, 24-29, Feb. 1998. |
9. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : 実流域における森林の水源かん養機能の評価, 吉野川学会誌, Vol.1, 33-42, Jul. 1997. |
10. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : 水源かん養機能に及ぼす森林の影響評価(2), 地下水技術, Vol.39, No.7, 33-42, Jul. 1997. |
11. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : 水源かん養機能に及ぼす森林の影響評価(1), 地下水技術, Vol.39, No.5, 34-42, May 1997. |
12. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : 森林における水循環のメカニズムと水源かん養機能, 雨水技術資料, Vol.20, 15-25, Mar. 1996. |
13. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : 森林流域における物質循環機構の数理モデル化と水質浄化機能の評価手法, 地下水技術, Vol.36, No.6, 34-44, Jun. 1994. |
14. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : 森林流域の改変が水源かん養機能に及ぼす影響の評価手法, 地下水技術, Vol.35, No.7, 25-36, Jul. 1993. |
1. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino and Tohru Kanda : Case studies on water resources reduction caused by extraordinary increase of forest foliage, 29th IAHR Congress Proceedings, Vol.Theme A, 488-493, Beijing, Sep. 2001. |
2. | Huaxia Yao and Michio Hashino : Comparison of thiessen and spline methods for spatial rainfall analysis, 3rd International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Vol.2, 1102-1107, Perth, Australia, Nov. 2000. |
3. | Huaxia Yao and Michio Hashino : Floods prediction along the Hiji river, Shikoku, Japan, by distributed model, IHP-V Technical Document in Hydrology, Vol.7, 273-286, Christchurch, New Zealand, Nov. 2000. |
4. | Huaxia Yao and Michio Hashino : A study of spatial distribution of annual water balance items, Proc. of Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering, Vol.4, No.94, 1-10, Seoul, Sep. 2000. |
5. | Hideaki Kurita, Masaaki Nishioka, Tohru Kanda and Michio Hashino : Frequncy analysis on concurrence of storm surge and rainfall for urban river system and its application to inner drainage, 8th International Symposium on Natural and Technological Hazards, HAZARDS 20000, 91-92, Tokushima, May 2000. |
6. | Huaxia Yao and Michio Hashino : Spatial analysis and prediction of runoff for ungaged locations in a basin, IHP-V Technical Documents in Hydrology, No.4, 404-413, Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 1999. |
7. | Huaxia Yao and Michio Hashino : Role of spatial rainfall distribution in flood formation: using distributed hydrological model, Poster presentation in 6th Scientific Assembly of IAHS, Virmingham, U.K., Jul. 1999. |
8. | Alfiansyah Yulianur, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : Estimation of precipitation, evaporation and transpiration using GMS data, 11th Congress of IAHR-APD, Vol.1, 1-10, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Sep. 1998. |
9. | BC Yulianur Alfiansya, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : Estimation of Precipitation, Evaporation, and Transpiration Using GMS Data, Proceedings of the 11th Congress of APD-IAHR, Vol.1, 1-10, Yogyakarta, Sep. 1998. |
10. | Huaxia Yao, Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : Beneficial and unexpected effects of forest on water resources: in the management perspective, International Workshop on Barries to Sustainable Management of Water Quantity and Quality, 146-157, Wuhan, China, May 1998. |
11. | Huaxia Yao, Akira Terakawa and Michio Hashino : GIS-based distributed meteo-hydrological model for large scale mountains in Japan, International Conference Headwater '98, Vol.Poster Volume, 271-274, Meran, Italy, Apr. 1998. |
12. | Alfiansyah Yulianur, Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : Estimation of daily rainfall using GMS-data, Poster presentation in 5th Scientific Assembly of IAHS, Rabat, Apr. 1997. |
13. | Hiromu Yoshida and Michio Hashino : Mathematical modeling of transpiration using heat pulse velocity and its application to analysis of transpiration process, Poster Session of 21st IAHS, Vol.230, Boulder, Colorado, Jul. 1995. |
14. | Huaxia Yao and Michio Hashino : Creating climate change scenario by coupling statistical method with GCM output, Poster presentation of EGS 20th General Assembly, Hamburg, Germany, Apr. 1995. |
15. | Tohru Kanda, Michio Hashino, Takeharu Etoh and Hideaki Kurita : Flood frequency of urban river systems in low-lying coastal plain related to the concurrence of storm surge and rainfall, 5th International Conference on Urban Storm drainage, Vol.2, 663-667, Osaka, Jul. 1990. |
16. | Michio Hashino and Hisashi Mae : A probability model of design storm patterns with multi-local peaks, Proc. of Pacific International Seminar on Water Resources Systems, 133-147, Tomamu, Hokkaido, Japan, Aug. 1989. |
17. | Michio Hashino and Kyoichi Otsuki : A tank model of rainfall interception in forests and its parameter estimation, 6th Congress of IAHR-APD, Vol.1, 17-24, Kyoto, Jul. 1988. |
18. | Michio Hashino : Analysis of overland flow resistance for laboratory models and small mountainous watersheds, 18th IAHR Congress Proceedings, Vol.5, 271-278, Cagliari, Italy, Sep. 1979. |
19. | Sutesaburo Sugio, Michio Hashino and Eiji Sasaki : Debris slopes above sand barriers, Proc. of International Symposium on River Mechanics, 47-58, Bangkok, Jan. 1973. |
20. | Michio Hashino : A similar storm method on filling data voids, Proc. of 2nd International Symposium in Hydrology, 161-173, Fort Collins, USA, Sep. 1972. |
21. | Akira Murota and Michio Hashino : Simulation of river bed variation in mountainous basin, Proc. of 13th Congress of IAHR, Vol.5, 245-248, Kyoto, Sep. 1969. |
1. | Takao TAMURA, Michio Hashino, 末永 慶寛 and 山中 稔 : 「森-川-海」雨水・栄養塩類流出モデルの構築と流出負荷量の算定に関する調査研究, 第13回河川整備基金助成事業成果発表会報告書, Oct. 2007. |
2. | 江尻 雄三郎, Michio Hashino and Takao TAMURA : 吉野川池田・岩津間における降雨予測と洪水水位予測法, 土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集, Vol.62, No.1, 35-36, Sep. 2007. |
3. | 穴水 秀樹, Michio Hashino, Takao TAMURA and 荒木 隆夫 : 吉野川池田ダム上流域における森林の洪水低減機能評価, 土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集, Vol.62, No.1, 31-32, Sep. 2007. |
4. | 江尻 雄三郎, Michio Hashino and Takao TAMURA : 園瀬川流域における条件付確率を用いた降雨予測法の開発と洪水水位予測, Proceedings of Annual Conference, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 76-77, Jul. 2007. |
5. | 星川 豪, Takao TAMURA and Michio Hashino : 物質流出タンクモデルを用いた流域条件の異なる3つの森林流域における物質流出機構の比較検討, 土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 484-485, May 2007. |
6. | Takao TAMURA, 渡辺 康之, Michio Hashino and 小笠原 仁美 : 吉野川本流ならびに支流の水質形成機構に関する基礎的な調査研究, 土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 486-487, May 2007. |
7. | Takao TAMURA, Michio Hashino, 星川 豪 and 酒巻 和美 : 1回の降雨イベントが長期的な渓流水質形成に及ぼす影響に関する考察, Proceedings of Annual Conference, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 266-267, Aug. 2006. |
8. | 星川 豪, Takao TAMURA and Michio Hashino : 馬宿川流域における溶質流出特性について, 土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 426-427, May 2006. |
9. | 穴水 秀樹, Michio Hashino and Takao TAMURA : 吉野川池田・岩津間流域への分布型流出モデルの適用と洪水伝播特性, 土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 168-169, May 2006. |
10. | Junya Takahashi, Takao TAMURA and Michio Hashino : スギ林が降雨水質と流域物質収支に及ぼす影響に関する基礎的検討, 土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集, 125, Sep. 2005. |
11. | Kazumi Sakamaki, Takao TAMURA and Michio Hashino : タンクモデルを基礎とした3つの溶質流出モデルの比較検討, 土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集, 105, Sep. 2005. |
12. | Daiki Tachibana, Michio Hashino and Takao TAMURA : 降雨·水位データから流量ハイドログラフを推定する方法について, Proceedings of Annual Conference, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 196-197, Aug. 2005. |
13. | Michio Hashino and Takao TAMURA : 乱流輸送理論による樹冠遮断量に占める微細水滴量の分離·評価, Proceedings of Annual Conference, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 260-261, Aug. 2005. |
14. | Takao TAMURA and Michio Hashino : 樹種の転換が森林の水源涵養機能に与える影響に関する調査研究, 第11回河川整備基金助成事業成果発表会報告書, 309-314, Oct. 2004. |
15. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : 水源かん養機能に及ぼす森林の影響評価, 水資源に関するシンポジュウム論文集, Vol.5, 281-286, Aug. 1997. |
16. | Michio Hashino and Hiromu Yoshida : 地球温暖化にともなう日本の主な気候区における一雨降水特性の変化量評価, 地球環境シンポジュウム講演集, Vol.5, 215-220, Jun. 1997. |
17. | Michio Hashino and Sheng Yue : 日本の主な気候区の月降水量特性に及ぼす月平均気温特性の影響度の統計解析, 地球環境シンポジュウム講演集, Vol.2, 207-212, Jun. 1994. |
18. | Michio Hashino, Hiromu Yoshida and 村岡 浩爾 : 数理モデルによる森林流域の水源かん養機能の評価, 水資源に関するシンポジュウム論文集, Vol.4, 281-286, Aug. 1992. |
19. | Michio Hashino and 神田 徹 : 大阪における台風性降雨と高潮の同時生起性について, 関西支部創立60周年記念事業: 都市防災シンポジウム講演集, 67-72, Oct. 1987. |
20. | 室田 明 and Michio Hashino : 貯水池堆砂量の推計についての試案, 水理講演会講演集, Vol.10, 49-54, Feb. 1974. |
21. | Michio Hashino and 地紙 満 : 流域貯留特性に対する降雨条件の影響に関する実験的研究, 水理講演会講演集, Vol.18, 175-180, Feb. 1974. |
1. | Michio Hashino : 森林の水源かん養機能とその限界について, (社)日本地すべり学会関西支部現地討論会, 1-28, Oct. 2004. |
2. | Michio Hashino : 森林の洪水低減·渇水緩和機能の実態と限界についての調査研究, 河川整備基金助成事業成果発表会報告書, Vol.7, 115-122, Nov. 2000. |
3. | Michio Hashino : 治水計画から見た第十堰改築の必要性, 災害のない河川づくりをめざして, 15-30, Nov. 2000. |
4. | Michio Hashino, Huaxia Yao and Hiromu Yoshida : 森林流域における年蒸発散量からの遮断蒸発·蒸散分離, 京都大学防災研究所水資源研究センター研究報告, Vol.19, 11-17, Feb. 1999. |
5. | Michio Hashino : 緑のダムと人工のダム, 平成10年度中国·四国地区国立大学大学院工学研究科共通講義テキスト, 89-103, Sep. 1998. |
6. | Michio Hashino : 高水計画への確率理論の応用について, 河口に関する研究会, Vol.5, 1-30, Nov. 1997. |
7. | Michio Hashino and 杉 雄司 : 複数の二変数指数型分布の結合とその応用に関する研究, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Vol.29, 49-57, Mar. 1984. |
8. | Michio Hashino and 北澤 聖司 : 台風性降雨と高潮の同時生起性に関する基礎的研究, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Vol.29, 31-47, Mar. 1984. |
9. | Michio Hashino and W. Jaques Delleur : Investigation of the Hurst coefficient and optimization of ARMA models for annual riverflows, Technical Report, Hydraulics and Systems Engineering, No.CE-HSE-81-1, 1-96, Jan. 1981. |
10. | Michio Hashino and 国方 美規義 : 豪雨の時系列予測と流出解析への適用, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Vol.23, 47-56, Mar. 1978. |
11. | Michio Hashino : Analysis of runoff regime by storage function method and equivalent friction factor, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Vol.10, 37-53, Mar. 1974. |
12. | Akira Murota and Michio Hashino : Studies of a stochastic rainfall model and its application to sediment transportation, Technical Reports of the Osaka University, Vol.19, No.873, 231-247, Mar. 1969. |
1. | Michio Hashino : 遮断蒸発過程,蒸散過程の実用的定式化と高水·低水解析による森林水源かん養機能評価, 平成12年度∼平成13年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究)研究成果報告書, Tokushima, Mar. 2002. |
2. | Michio Hashino : 気温·降水特性の経年変動に伴う渇水流況の変化量評価に関する研究, 平成8年度∼平成10年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究)研究成果報告書, Tokushima, Feb. 1999. |