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Field of Study

Geotechnical Engineering

Subject of Study

Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Progressive Failure of Slopes, Stability Analysis of Cut/Excavated Slopes, Design Method for Landslide Control Works, Seismic Stability Analysis of Slopes, Back Analysis of Strength Parameters, Study on Strength Anisotropy of Compacted Soils (Progressive Failure, Limit Equilibrium Method, Cut/Excavated Slope, FEM, Landslide, Stabilizing Pile, Anchor, Earthquake, Dynamic Analysis, Strength Parameters, Back Analysis, Anisotropy) (I carry out research and development associated with slope stability engineering. The main research themes are progressive failure analysis of reinforced/unreinforced slopes, new design methods for landslide control works, seismic slope stability, numerical simulation of rockfall.)

Book / Paper


1. Takuo Yamagami and 豪雨時における斜面崩壊のメカニズムおよび危険度予測編集委員会 :
The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Tokyo, Jul. 2006.
2. Takuo Yamagami and 地盤工学用語辞典改訂編集委員会 :
The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Tokyo, Mar. 2006.
3. N. Yagi, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Slope Stability Engineering (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering),
A.A.Balkema Publishers, Nov. 1999.
4. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
四国支部, Takamatsu, Sep. 1999.
5. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
産業技術サービスセンター, Tokyo, Dec. 1998.
6. Takuo Yamagami and 他7名 :
日本地震学会,地盤工学会,土木学会,日本建築学会,日本機械学会, Tokyo, Apr. 1998.
7. 榎 明潔, 木山 英郎, 河野 伊一郎, 西垣 誠, 兵動 正幸, 藤井 弘章, 村田 秀一, 八木 則男, Takuo Yamagami and 吉国 洋 :
技報堂出版, Tokyo, Apr. 1990.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Satoru Yamabe :
第55回地盤工学シンポジウム平成22年度論文集, 1-6, 2010.
2. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Nguyen Viet Bao :
土木学会地震工学論文集, Vol.30, 149-155, 2009.
3. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Yoshifumi Tomiyama :
A comparison of predicted and observed slope failures due to the 2007 Niigata-Ken Chuetsu Earthquake,
Nankai Earthquake and Preventive Efforts, Vol.3, 81-88, 2008.
4. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Yokino Kazuyoshi :
Identification of DEM Parameters for Rockfall Simulation Analysis,
Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.27, No.12, 2418-2430, 2008.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
5. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
A new back analysis of strength parameters from single slips,
Computers and Geotechnics, Vol.35, No.2, 286-291, 2008.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2007.09.004)
6. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Akito Sugimoto :
Seismic instability assessment of rock slopes in a large area based on planar failure mode,
Nankai Earthquake and Preventive Efforts, Vol.2, 123-130, 2007.
7. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Regional seismic slope instability assessment using GIS and Newmark's method,
Nankai Earthquake and Preventive Efforts, Vol.1, 109-118, 2006.
8. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Charts for estimating strength parameters from slips in homogeneous slopes,
Computers and Geotechnics, Vol.33, No.6-7, 294-304, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2006.07.005)
9. SHONO Hirohumi, Takuo Yamagami, TSUBOI Hideo and NODA Hiroshi :
Increased Strength by applying Non-Vibratory SCP Method for soft clay ground,
Japanese Geotechnical Journal, Vol.1, No.2, 9-17, 2006.
(DOI: 10.3208/jgs.1.9)
10. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Yukimasa Kanda :
Estimation of strength parameters based on maximum thickness of sliding mass in a failed slope,
Journal of the Japan Landslide Society, Vol.42, No.1, 8-16, 2005.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls.42.8,   CiNii: 1520009408884170368)
11. Bao Viet NGUYEN, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Modified Newmark analysis of seismic permanent displacements of slopes,
Journal of the Japan Landslide Society, Vol.41, No.5, 12-20, 2005.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls.41.5_458,   CiNii: 1390282680177421696)
12. Yukimasa Kanda, Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Nguyen Bao Viet :
Stability analysis of slopes with two stabilizing walls,
Journal of the Japan Landslide Society, Vol.41, No.5, 37-45, 2005.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls.41.5_483,   CiNii: 1520009407413112064)
13. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Three-dimensional slope stability analysis using an extended Spencer method,
Soils and Foundations, Vol.44, No.4, 127-135, 2004.
(DOI: 10.3208/sandf.44.4_127,   CiNii: 1390001204610431872,   Elsevier: Scopus)
14. Yukimasa Kanda, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Stability analysis of slopes with a stabilizing wall,
Journal of the Japan Landslide Society, Vol.40, No.3, 1-7, 2003.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls.40.3_175,   CiNii: 1390282680177988608)
15. Takuo Yamagami, Hitoshi Murakami and Tsutomu Sawada :
地震防災と社会基盤整備:第一章 地震防災のための社会基盤整備のあるべき姿,
Civil Engineering, Vol.88, No.9, 9-13, 2003.
16. Jing-Cai Jiang, Kazuyoshi Yokino and Takuo Yamagami :
Identification of DEM parameters for rockfall simulation analysis,
Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.27, No.12, 2418-2430, 2003.
17. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Rafael Baker :
Three-dimensional slope stability analysis based on a nonlinear failure envelope,
Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.22, No.6, 1017-1023, 2003.
18. Jing-Cai Jiang, R. Baker and Takuo Yamagami :
The effect of strength envelope nonlinearity on slope stability computations,
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.40, No.2, 308-325, 2003.
(DOI: 10.1139/t02-111,   CiNii: 1572824501584088064)
19. Khan Ahmed Younus, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Stability evaluation of Rajshahi city protection embankment at Khojapur area, Rajshahi, Bangladesh,
Technical Journal of River Research Institute, Vol.9, No.1, 57-64, 2002.
20. Ahmed Younus Khan, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Progressive failure analysis of slopes using non-vertical slices,
Landslides, Vol.39, No.2 (150), 13-21, 2002.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls1964.39.2_203,   CiNii: 1390282679522628480)
21. Shinsuke Sakai and Takuo Yamagami :
粘土地盤における最新の研究と実際-微視的構造の観察から超軟弱埋立て地盤対策技術まで-に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 173-180, 2002.
22. Kazuyoshi Yokino and Takuo Yamagami :
An identification of DEM parameters for rockfall analysis,
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.701, No.701/III-58, 409-420, 2002.
(CiNii: 1390001205602260224)
23. Takuo Yamagami and Keizo Ugai :
A Survey of Stability and Deformation Analysis of Slopes:LEM and FEM,
Landslides, Vol.38, No.3, 9-19, 2001.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls1964.38.3_169,   CiNii: 1390282679521823744)
24. Satoru Yamabe and Takuo Yamagami :
Limit equilibrium slope stability assesment considering progressive failure,
Landslides, Vol.38, No.3, 20-26, 2001.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls1964.38.3_180,   CiNii: 1390001204545113344)
25. Takuo Yamagami, Yasuhiro Ueta and Osamu Yamakawa :
A Rational Design Method for Landslide Control Works and its Application,
Landslides, Vol.38, No.1, 34-40, 2001.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls1964.38.34,   CiNii: 1390282679521599488)
26. Kenji Nishida, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Numerical evaluation of the effects of drainage pipes by the 3D-finite element seepage analysis,
Landslides, Vol.37, No.3, 1-9, 2000.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls1964.37.3_1,   CiNii: 1390282679522053248)
27. Yukimasa Kanda, Hidekuni Miwa, Masatoshi Okada, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
地すべりと斜面崩壊に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 161-166, 2000.
28. Kazuyoshi Yokino, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
地すべりと斜面崩壊に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 145-150, 2000.
29. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Katsutoshi Ueno :
A Limit Equilibrium Stability Analysis of Slopes with Stabilizing Piles,
SLOPE STABILITY 2000, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, No.101, 343-354, 2000.
30. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
第44回地盤工学シンポジウム平成11年度発表論文集, 193-200, 1999.
31. Takuo Yamagami, Masakazu Taki and Jing-Cai Jiang :
土と基礎, Vol.47, No.5, 9-12, 1999.
32. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang, Yasuhiro Ueta, Tie-Qun Feng, Naoyoshi Kurokawa and Masaaki Ezaki :
Evaluation of Permanent Displacements Considering Variable Critical Slip Surfacs during an Earthquake,
地震時の斜面の不安定化メカニズムと設計法に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 145-154, 1999.
33. Tie-Qun Feng and Takuo Yamagami :
An Investigation on Stability Analysis of Cut Slopes in Clays,
Landslides, Vol.35, No.3, 8-14, 1998.
34. Masakazu Taki and Takuo Yamagami :
Landslides, Vol.34, No.3, 34-40, 1997.
35. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A Search for the Critical Slip Surface in Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis,
Soils and Foundations, Vol.37, No.3, 1-16, 1997.
36. Shinsuke Sakai and Takuo Yamagami :
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, No.575/III-40, 71-82, 1997.
37. Takuo Yamagami, 河野 政治 and 井口 久美 :
舗装, Vol.31, No.6, 23-27, 1996.
38. Takuo Yamagami, Yasuhiro Ueta and 時谷 正憲 :
地すべりの地盤工学的諸問題に関するシンポジウム論文集, 243-250, 1996.
39. Takuo Yamagami, 山川 治 and 安芸 浩資 :
地すべりの地盤工学的諸問題に関するシンポジウム論文集, 159-162, 1996.
40. Takuo Yamagami, Yasuhiro Ueta and 山川 治 :
地盤破壊の三次元的評価に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 199-206, 1995.
41. Takuo Yamagami, 山川 治 and 細野 和博 :
地盤破壊の三次元的評価に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 193-198, 1995.
42. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
地盤破壊の三次元的評価に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 185-192, 1995.
43. Takuo Yamagami :
2章 3次元斜面安定解析法(極限平衡法),
地盤破壊の三次元的評価に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 4-15, 1995.
44. Takuo Yamagami and 山川 治 :
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, No.511/III-30, 117-126, 1995.
45. Yasuhiro Ueta and Takuo Yamagami :
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, No.487/ III-26, 149-156, 1994.
46. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
土と基礎, Vol.42, No.3, 45-50, 1994.
47. Hisashi Suzuki, Takuo Yamagami and 辻 哲 :
不飽和地盤の調査·設計·施工に関する諸問題シンポジウム発表論文集, 111-114, 1993.
48. Takuo Yamagami, 森 国夫, Yasuhiro Ueta and 安富 英樹 :
第36回土質工学シンポジウム-斜面の安定解析と安定化工法の諸問題-発表論文集, 99-104, 1991.
49. Takuo Yamagami and 山川 治 :
第36回土質工学シンポジウム-斜面の安定解析と安定化工法の諸問題-発表論文集, 75-82, 1991.
50. Takuo Yamagami, 小嶋 啓介 and 瀧 雅信 :
第36回土質工学 シンポジウム-斜面の安定解析と安定化工法の諸問題-発表論文集, 27-34, 1991.
51. 酒井 信介 and Takuo Yamagami :
第5回計算力学シンポジウム報文集, 265-270, 1991.
52. Takuo Yamagami :
土と基礎, Vol.39, No.9, 50-55, 1991.
53. Hisashi Suzuki and Takuo Yamagami :
三軸試験方法に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 145-148, 1991.
54. Takuo Yamagami and 山川 治 :
土と基礎, Vol.38, No.5, 51-56, 1990.
55. Takuo Yamagami, 森 国夫, 市橋 義治 and Hisashi Suzuki :
粗粒材料の現場締固めの評価に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 93-100, 1990.
56. Hisashi Suzuki and Takuo Yamagami :
繰返し応力を受ける地盤の変形に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 27-34, 1990.
57. Hisashi Suzuki and Takuo Yamagami :
第35回土質工学シンポジウム発表論文集, 59-64, 1990.
58. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
日本科学技術連盟第3回計算力学シンポジウム論文集, 1989.
59. Takuo Yamagami and 酒井 信介 :
日本科学技術連盟第3回計算力学シンポジウム論文集, 1989.
60. Takuo Yamagami, Hisashi Suzuki, 宮川 俊介 and 岡田 雅寿 :
「第34回土質工学シンポジウム-21世紀の土質工学を考える-」発表論文集, 123-129, 1989.
61. Takuo Yamagami, Yasuhiro Ueta and 西田 憲司 :
「第34回土質工学シンポジウム-21世紀の土質工学を考える-」発表論文集, 1989.
62. Hisashi Suzuki and Takuo Yamagami :
第34回土質工学シンポジウム発表論文集, 211-218, 1989.
63. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
土と基礎, Vol.36, No.12, 37-42, 1988.
64. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
斜面崩壊および地すべりの予知と対策に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 199-208, 1988.
65. Takuo Yamagami, 中世古 幸次郎, 橋本 正 and Yasuhiro Ueta :
斜面崩壊および地すべりの予知と対策に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 153-160, 1988.
66. Takuo Yamagami and 山川 治 :
斜面崩壊および地すべりの予知と対策に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 141-151, 1988.
67. Takuo Yamagami, Tadahiro Nita and Hideki Yasutomi :
日本科学技術連盟第1回計算力学シンポジウム論文集, 205-212, 1987.
68. Takuo Yamagami and 岡田 章二 :
基礎工, Vol.14, No.9, 36-40, 1986.
69. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Noncircular Slip Surface Analysis of the Stability of Slopes -An Application of Dynamic Programming to the Janbu Method-,
Journal of Japan Landslide Society, Vol.22, No.4, 8-16, 1986.
70. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Landslides, Vol.21, No.4, 10-17, 1985.
71. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
第6回岩の力学国内シンボジウム講演論文集, 299-304, 1984.
72. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Landslides, Vol.21, No.3, 24-31, 1984.
73. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Landslides, Vol.21, No.2, 16-21, 1984.
74. Takuo Yamagami and 岡田 洋志 :
土木学会論文報告集, No.336, 113-119, 1983.
75. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
土と基礎, Vol.30, No.12, 19-25, 1982.
76. Takuo Yamagami and 末原 光喜 :
土木学会論文報告集, No.318, 107-116, 1982.
77. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
土木学会論文報告集, No.316, 87-96, 1981.
78. Takuo Yamagami :
土木学会論文報告集, No.304, 95-104, 1980.
79. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
土木学会論文報告集, No.302, 67-78, 1980.
80. Takuo Yamagami :
土木学会論文報告集, No.263, 85-95, 1977.
81. Takuo Yamagami and 小田 英一 :
土木学会論文報告集, No.234, 111-120, 1975.
82. 渡辺 弘, 小田 英一 and Takuo Yamagami :
土と基礎, Vol.23, No.1, 11-18, 1975.
83. Takuo Yamagami :
土木学会論文報告集, No.213, 29-40, 1973.
84. 小田 英一 and Takuo Yamagami :
土と基礎, Vol.20, No.3, 7-13, 1972.
85. 小田 英一 and Takuo Yamagami :
土と基礎, Vol.19, No.3, 39-46, 1971.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Vol.29, 23-30, 1984.
2. 春本 繁, Takuo Yamagami and 長友 克寛 :
高松高専研究紀要, Vol.19, 1-10, 1983.
3. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Remarks on Derivation of Terzaghi's One-dimensional Consolidation Equation,
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Vol.19, 1-12, 1982.
4. 小田 英一, 瀬川 浩司 and Takuo Yamagami :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Vol.16, 47-62, 1971.

Review, Commentary:

1. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Discussion of "A new method for estimating the shear strength parameters at the critical slip surface" by T.F. Fathani and H. Nakamura, Vol. 42, No. 2 (166), Jul. 2005, pp. 57-66[ Reply],
Journal of the Japan Landslide Society, Vol.44, No.4, 50-52, Nov. 2007.
(DOI: 10.3313/jls.44.254,   CiNii: 1390001205201282688)
2. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Three-dimensional limit equilibrium slope stability analysis: simplified methods vs rigorous methods,
Landslides, Vol.42, No.2, 27-33, Jul. 2005.
3. Takuo Yamagami :
土と基礎, Vol.52, No.3, 71-76, Mar. 2004.
4. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Discussion of "generalized method for three-dimensional slope stability analysis" by Ching-Chuan Huang, Cheng-Chen Tsai, and Yu-Hong Chen,
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.130, No.2, 227-228, Feb. 2004.
(DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2004)130:2(227),   CiNii: 1570291224100224128,   Elsevier: Scopus)
5. Kenji Nishida, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
地すべり解析における有限要素法の利用(第5回) FEMによる地すべり解析の基礎理論,
Landslides, Vol.40, No.4, 86-89, Nov. 2003.
6. Takuo Yamagami :
The Foundation Engineering & Equipment, Vol.31, No.10, 14-17, Oct. 2003.
7. Takuo Yamagami :
予想される四国の地震と地震災害, 37-49, Sep. 1999.
8. Takuo Yamagami :
社団法人地すべり対策技術協会四国支部平成10年度地すべり技術講習会テキスト, 33-60, Oct. 1998.
9. Takuo Yamagami :
第7章 7-2港湾の被害想定,
徳島県地震防災アセスメント報告書, 135-139, Mar. 1997.
10. Norio Yagi, Ryuichi Yatabe, Takuo Yamagami, Masazumi Ogura and Masaaki Yoshikawa :
四国の地震防災に関する調査研究,平成8年度業務委託報告書, 83-124, Mar. 1997.
11. Takuo Yamagami :
第7章 7-1河川堤防の被害想定,
徳島県地震防災アセスメント報告書, 129-134, Mar. 1997.
12. Takuo Yamagami :
徳島県地震防災アセスメント報告書, 69-76, Mar. 1997.
13. Takuo Yamagami :
徳島県地震防災アセスメント報告書, 53-68, Mar. 1997.
14. Takuo Yamagami :
平成7年度地盤工学会四国支部学術講演会テキスト, 1-11, 1996.
15. Takuo Yamagami :
安定計算に用いる土のせん断定数 Q & Aコ-ナ-,
土と基礎, Vol.41, No.9, 47-48, Sep. 1993.
16. Takuo Yamagami :
'93講演とパネルディスカッション「四国の道路防災について考える」, 2-21, Aug. 1993.
17. Takuo Yamagami :
高知県土木技術セミナーテキスト, 21-40, 1993.
18. Takuo Yamagami, Yasuhiro Ueta, 河野 政治 and 市橋 義治 :
地すべりの機構と対策に関するシンポジウム論文集, 163-170, 1993.
19. Takuo Yamagami and 山川 治 :
地すべりの機構と対策に関するシンポジウム論文集, 143-148, 1993.
20. 安富 英樹 and Takuo Yamagami :
第38回土質工学シンポジウム(建設工事と地下水に関する諸問題)発表論文集, 215-220, 1993.
21. Yasuhiro Ueta and Takuo Yamagami :
平成4年度講話会-逆解析を身近に考える, 1-9, Oct. 1992.
22. Yasuhiro Ueta, Takuo Yamagami, 山川 治 and 安富 英樹 :
破砕帯の工学的性質に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 119-126, May 1992.
23. 山川 治, Takuo Yamagami, 中正 康広 and 古谷 元 :
破砕帯の工学的性質に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 113-118, May 1992.
24. Takuo Yamagami :
土質工学会四国支部,土木学会四国支部 平成3年度学術講演会テキスト, 10-22, Mar. 1992.
25. Takuo Yamagami :
技術手帳2, 176-179, 1991.
26. Takuo Yamagami :
土質工学会四国支部創立30周年記念誌, Sep. 1989.
27. Takuo Yamagami and 田村 武 :
講座:有限要素法による数値解析入門 5.地盤の圧密解析,
土と基礎, Vol.37, No.2, 95-102, Feb. 1989.
28. Takuo Yamagami and 田村 武 :
講座:有限要素法による数値解析入門 5.地盤の圧密解析,
土と基礎, Vol.37, No.1, 81-89, Jan. 1989.
29. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
地すべり学会関西支部現地討論会論文集, 1-14, Oct. 1986.
30. Takuo Yamagami :
土木学会中四支部·土質工学会四国支部共催昭和60年度学術講演会テキスト, 1-18, Feb. 1986.
31. Takuo Yamagami :
日科技連第3回地盤工学における数値解析法入門セミナーテキスト, 99-113, Oct. 1985.
32. Takuo Yamagami, 春本 繁 and Yasuhiro Ueta :
土質工学会論文報告集, Vol.24, No.3, 178-180, Sep. 1984.
33. Takuo Yamagami :
土と基礎, Vol.28, No.4, 65-66, Apr. 1980.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Qing Yang :
Seismic instability assessment of rock slopes in a large area based on planar sliding mode,
Proceedings of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, 711-716, Beijing, Oct. 2011.
2. Kazumasa Onishi, Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Satoru Yamabe :
Progressive failure analysis and design of nail-reinforced slopes,
Proceedings of the 4th Sino-Japan Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, 325-330, Apr. 2010.
3. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Strength parameters from back analysis of slips in two-layer slopes,
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, 747-753, Xi'an, Jun. 2008.
4. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Satoru Yamabe :
Simplified design method for reinforced slopes considering progressive failure,
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement, 551-557, Fukuoka, Nov. 2007.
5. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Failure patterns of the ground surrounding rigid piles in sand subjected to lateral soil movements,
Proceedings of the 3rd Sino-Japan Geotechnical Symposium, 213-222, Chongqing, Nov. 2007.
6. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Conventional and modified design methods for landslide stabilizing piles: a comparison of results,
Proceedings of the 10th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, 103-110, Brisbane, Oct. 2007.
7. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Anchor forces needed to increase slope stability: A comparison of conventional and modified procedures,
Proceedings of An International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (GEO-SINGAPORE 2006), 103-110, Singapore, Dec. 2006.
8. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Regional seismic slope instability assessment using newmark's method and geographical information system,
Proceedings of the 4th Asian Joint Symposium on Geo-Environmental Engineering, 247-252, Dalian, Nov. 2006.
9. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Three-dimensional limit equilibrium slope stability analysis procedures,
Proceedings of the 2nd World Forum of Chinese Scholars in Geotechnical Engineering, 51-57, Nanjing, Aug. 2005.
10. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Nguyen B. V. :
Seismic displacements of slopes based on variable critical slip surfaces,
Proceedings of the 15th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Vol.1, 923-928, Bangkok, Nov. 2004.
11. Yukimasa Kanda, Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Kota Sumoto :
A limit equilibrium stability analysis of slopes with two stabilizing walls,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Landslides, Slope Stability and The Safety of Infra-Structures, 301-308, Singapore, Jul. 2002.
12. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Satoru Yamabe :
LEM-based progressive failure analysis and its application to nail-reinforced slopes,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Landslides, Slope Stability and The Safety of Infra-Structures, 83-96, Singapore, Jul. 2002.
13. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Back analysis of strength parameters from slope failure with a weak layer,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Landslides, Slope Stability and The Safety of Infra-Structures, 275-282, Singapore, Jul. 2002.
14. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Kazuyoshi Yokino :
An identification of DEM parameters for rockfall analysis,
Proceedings of the 14th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Vol.1, 953-958, Hong Kong, Dec. 2001.
15. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang, Satoru Yamabe and Masakazu Taki :
Stability analysis of reinforced slopes considering progressive failure,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement, Vol.1, 749-754, Fukuoka, Nov. 2001.
16. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and R. Baker :
Search for 2-D and 3-D Critical Slip Surfaces based on a Nonlinear Strength Envelope,
CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering (GeoEng2000), Melbourne, Nov. 2000.
17. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang, Tie-Qun Feng and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Evaluation of Seismic Permanent Displacements Based on Variable Critical Slip Surfaces,
CD-ROM Proceedings of International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering (GeoEng2000), Melbourne, Nov. 2000.
18. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang, Katsutoshi Ueno and Shinsuke Sakai :
Back Analysis for Determination of Sedimentation and Consolidation Properties,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice, Vol.1, 217-222, Yokohama, Sep. 2000.
19. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Back Analysis of Unsaturated Strength Parameters from a Noncircular Slope Failure,
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Landslides, Vol.2, 789-794, Cardiff, Jun. 2000.
20. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Three-Dimensional Back Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Strength Parameters,
Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 789-794, Singapore, May 2000.
21. Takuo Yamagami, Satoru Yamabe, Jing-Cai Jiang and Ahmed Younus Khan :
A Promising Approach for Progressive Failure Analysis of Reinforced Slopes,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering (IS-Shikoku'99), Vol.2, 1043-1048, Matsuyama, Nov. 1999.
22. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Kenji Nishida :
Numerical Evaluation of the Effects of Drainage Pipes,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering (IS-Shikoku'99), Vol.1, 545-550, Matsuyama, Nov. 1999.
23. Tie-Qun Feng, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A FE Analysis of Anisotropic Soil Slopes and Back Analysis for its Parameters,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering (IS-Shikoku'99), Vol.1, 317-322, Matsuyama, Nov. 1999.
24. Tie-Qun Feng, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A Back Analysis of MC-DP Model Parameters Based on FEM and NLSSQP Method,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering (IS-Shikoku'99), Vol.1, 311-316, Matsuyama, Nov. 1999.
25. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Back Analysis of Unsaturated Shear Strength from a Circular Slope Failure,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering (IS-Shikoku'99), Vol.1, 305-310, Matsuyama, Nov. 1999.
26. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Ahmed Younus Khan :
Progressive Failure Analysis Based on a Method of Non-Vertical Slices,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering (IS-Shikoku'99), Vol.1, 299-304, Matsuyama, Nov. 1999.
27. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang, Masakazu Taki and Satoshi Yamabe :
Progressive Failure Analysis of Slopes Based on a LEM,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering (IS-Shikoku'99), Vol.1, 293-298, Matsuyama, Nov. 1999.
28. Norio Yagi, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Slope Stability Engineering,
Editor, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering (IS-Shikoku'99), Matsuyama, Nov. 1999.
29. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Tie-Qun Feng :
A Limit Equilibrium Stability Analysis of Slopes with a Stabilizing Wall,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Landslides, Slope Stability & The Safety of Infra- Structures, 277-284, Singapore, Jul. 1999.
30. Popescu Mihail, Takuo Yamagami and Federico A. :
Limit equilibrium back analysis of failed slopes in transportation engineering projects,
Proc. of the 12th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol.1, 417-424, Amsterdam, Jun. 1999.
31. Takuo Yamagami, Tie-Qun Feng and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A Stability Analysis Method for Cut Slopes in Clays,
Proceedings of the 13th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, 675-680, Taipei, Nov. 1998.
32. Takuo Yamagami, Tie-Qun Feng and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A Coupled Finite Element Analysis for Cut Slopes Considering Swelling and Softening Effects,
Proceedings of the Special Sino-Japanese Forum on Performance and Evaluation of Soil Slopes under Earthquakes and Rainstorms, 166-172, Dalian, Jun. 1998.
33. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang, Tie-Qun Feng, Naoyoshi Kurokawa and Masaaki Ezaki :
Variable Critical Slip Surfaces in a Slope during an Earthquake,
Proceedings of the Special Sino-Japanese Forum on Performance and Evaluation of Soil Slopes under Earthquakes and Rainstorms, 88-95, Dalian, Jun. 1998.
34. Takuo Yamagami, Masakazu Taki and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Progressive Failure Analysis of Slopes Based on LEM,
Proceedings of the Special Sino-Japanese Forum on Performance and Evaluation of Soil Slopes under Earthquakes and Rainstorms, 35-48, Dalian, Jun. 1998.
35. Takuo Yamagami, Yasuhiro Ueta and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A Back Analysis Method for Unsaturated Soil Strength Parameters,
Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-American Symposium on Landslides & 2nd Brazilian Conference on Slope Stability, Vol.1, 511-519, Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 1997.
36. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Back Calculation of Strength Parameters for Landslide Control Works Using Neural Networks,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Vol.1, 651-656, Wuhan(China), Nov. 1997.
37. Takuo Yamagami and Masakazu Taki :
Limit Equilibrium Slope Stability Analysis Considering Progressive Failure,
Proc. International Symposium on Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, 719-724, Nagoya, Jan. 1997.
38. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Determination of the sliding direction in three-dimensional slope stability analysis,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Soft Soil Engineering, Vol.1, 567-572, Nanjing, May 1996.
39. Takuo Yamagami and Shinsuke Sakai :
Back Analysis of Sedimentation and Self-Weight Consolidation Properties,
2nd Inter. Conf. on Soft Soil Engineering., Vol.1, 276-281, Nanjing, May 1996.
40. Takuo Yamagami and Osamu Yamakawa :
A Method for Evaluating Anchor Forces Based on the Three-Dimensional Simplified Janbu Method,
Proc. 7th Inter. Symp. on Landslides, Vol.3, 1829-1834, Trondheim, Jan. 1996.
41. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A Generalized Method for Determining the Critical Slip Surface in Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis,
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Landslides, Vol.2, 1433-1438, Trondheim, Jan. 1996.
42. Takashi Okimura, Takuo Yamagami and Keizo Ugai :
Slope Failures during the 1995 Southern Hyogo Earthquake in Japan,
Proc. 7th Inter. Sympo. on Landslides, Vol.2, 1013-1018, Trondheim, Jan. 1996.
43. Takuo Yamagami, Popescu E. Mihail and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Three-Dimensional In-Situ Shear Testing of Solid Waste Granular Materials,
Proc. 10th Danube-European Conf. on S.M.F.E., Vol.4, 1009-1016, Mamaia, Jan. 1995.
44. Takuo Yamagami and Shinsuke Sakai :
Back Analysis of Self-Weight Consolidation Problems,
Proc. Inter. Sympo. on Compression and Consolidation of Clayey Soils (IS-Hiroshima'95), 603-608, Hiroshima, Jan. 1995.
45. Shinsuke Sakai and Takuo Yamagami :
A finite difference solution to self-weight consolidation equations using a predictor-corrector method,
Proc. Inter. Symp. on Compression and Consolidation of Clayey Soils (IS-Hiroshima'95), 783-788, Hiroshima, Jan. 1995.
46. E. M. Popescu and Takuo Yamagami :
Nonlinear Strength Envelope Parameters from Slope Failures,
Proc. 11th European Conference on S.M.F.E., Vol.1, 211-216, Copenhagen, 1995.
47. Takuo Yamagami and Osamu Yamakawa :
A Simplified Estimation of the Stabilizing Effect of Combined Piles and Anchors on a Landslide Slope,
International Conference on Landslides, Slope Stability and the Safety of Infra-Structures, 401-407, Malaysia, Sep. 1994.
48. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Three-Dimentional Back analysis of Strength Parameters for Landslide Control Works,
International Conference on Landslides, Slope stability and the Safety of Infra- Structures, 393-400, Malaysia, Sep. 1994.
49. E. M. Popescu and Takuo Yamagami :
Back analysis of slope failures-A possibility or a challenge?,
7th International IAEG Congress, 4737-4744, Portugal, Sep. 1994.
50. E. M. Popescu, Takuo Yamagami and Osamu Yamakawa :
A Method to Design Closely Spaced Rigid Piles for Landslide Stabilization,
IV Inter. Conf. on Problems of Pile Foundation Engineering, Vol.1, 240-246, Saratov, Sep. 1994.
51. Takuo Yamagami, Yamakawa Osamu and Hisashi Suzuki :
A simplified design method for the landslide stabilizing piles,
Proc.of the International Seminar on Slope Stability, 29-42, 1994.
52. Takuo Yamagami and E. M. Popescu :
Proc. of the 1st Tokushima International Seminar on Slope Stability Engineering,
Editors of Proc. of the 1st Tokushima Inter. Seminar on Slope Stability Eng., 1-189, Tokushima, Oct. 1993.
53. Takuo Yamagami, Mori Kunio, Yasuhiro Ueta and Yasutomi Hideki :
Design and Construction Control of a Large Embankment with Reinforced Earth Walls,
Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Earth Reinforcement Practice, Vol.1, 443-448, Fukuoka, Nov. 1992.
54. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Back Analysis of Strength Parameters for landslide Control Works,
Proc. of the 6th International Symp. on Landslides, Vol.1, 619-624, Christchurch, Feb. 1992.
55. Takuo Yamagami, Hisashi Suzuki and Yamakawa Osamu :
A Simplified Estimation of the Stabilizing Effect of Piles in a landslide Slope-Applying the Janbu Method,
Proc. of the 6th International Symp. on Landslides, Vol.1, 613-618, Christchurch, Feb. 1992.
56. Takuo Yamagami, Yasuhiro Ueta and Shinsuke Sakai :
A Finite Difference Solution to Self-Weight Consolidation Equations,
Proc. 7th Inter. Conf. on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Vol.2, 1255-1260, Cairns, 1991.
57. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Back Analysis of Failed Slopes in Heterogeneous Soils,
Proc. 10th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Taipei, May 1990.
58. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Back Analysis of Average Strength Parameters for Critical Slip Surfaces,
Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Computer and Physical Modelling in Geotechnical Eng., 53-67, Bangkok, Jan. 1989.
59. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Search for Critical Slip Lines in Finite Element Stress Fields by Dynamic Programming,
Proc. 6th Int. Conf.on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol.2, 1347-1352, Innsbruck, Apr. 1988.
60. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Search for Noncircular Slip Surfaces by the Morgenstern-Price Method,
Proc. 6th Int. Conf.on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol.2, 1335-1340, Innsbruck, Apr. 1988.
61. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
Optimization Technique for Back Analysis of Failed Slopes,
Proc. 8th Asian Regional Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Eng., Vol.1, 513-516, Kyoto, Jul. 1987.
62. Takuo Yamagami, Yasuhiro Ueta and Shigeru Harumoto :
Elasto-plastic Uncoupled Procedure for Consolidation Analysis and its Comparison with Coupled Procedures,
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol.1, 605-612, Nagoya, Apr. 1985.
63. Eiichi Oda and Takuo Yamagami :
On the Distribution of Stresses around a Circular Tunnel under Internal Pressure in Gravitating Plastic Ground with Frictional Resistance,
Proc. 2nd Int. Conf.on Numerical Methods in Geomechnics, 847-858, Jun. 1976.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
地盤工学会四国支部平成21年度技術研究発表会, 39-40, Nov. 2009.
2. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and 冨山 善史 :
第48回日本地すべり学会研究発表会地震地すべり特別セッション, 191-196, Aug. 2009.
3. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Viet Bao Nguyen :
第30回土木学会地震工学研究発表会論文集(CD-ROM), May 2009.
4. 内輪 丈彰, 能野 一美, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成20年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 53-54, Sep. 2008.
5. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
第47回日本地すべり学会研究発表会発表講演集, 244-249, Aug. 2008.
6. 竹田 竜樹, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
平成20年度土木学会四国支部第14回技術研究発表会, 155-156, May 2008.
7. Ryuki Tekeda, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Three-dimensional evaluation of anchor forces needed to increase slope stability,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成19年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 39-40, Oct. 2007.
8. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Yoshifumi Tomiyama :
Stability analysis of slopes under combined horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成19年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 41-43, Oct. 2007.
9. Takeaki Uchiwa, Kazuyoshi Yokino, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
A study of identification of DDA parameters for rockfall simulations,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成19年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 37-38, Oct. 2007.
10. Yoshifumi Tomiyama, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Evaluation of seismic instability of rock slopes in a large area based on planar failure mode,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成19年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 53-54, Oct. 2007.
11. Yuta Ikawa, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Back analysis of MC-DP model parameters for natural ground from borehole lateral load test data,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成19年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 55-56, Oct. 2007.
12. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Akito Sugimoto :
Permanent displacement-based regional seismic slope instability assessment,
第42回地盤工学研究発表会平成19年度発表講演集, 1839-1840, Jul. 2007.
13. Yoshifumi Tomiyama, Akito Sugimoto, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Regional seismic slope instability assessment using GIS and Newmark's method,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成18年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 35-36, Nov. 2006.
14. Kimihito Yamashiro, Kazuyoshi Yokino, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
A study of sensitivity analysis of DDA parameters for rockfall simulations,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成18年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 47-48, Nov. 2006.
15. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
A new method for three-dimensional back analysis of strength parameters from single slip in a homogeneous slope,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成18年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 45-46, Nov. 2006.
16. Kazuyoshi Yokino, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Application experience to non-homogeneous slope of an identification of DEM parameters for rockfall analysis,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成18年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 21-22, Nov. 2006.
17. Yuta Ikawa, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Back analysis of MC-DP model parameters for natural ground from borehole lateral load test data,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成18年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 23-24, Nov. 2006.
18. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Strength parameters from back analysis of a multi-layered slope failure,
第41回地盤工学研究発表会平成18年度発表講演集, 2233-2234, Jul. 2006.
19. Kimihito Yamashiro, Jing-Cai Jiang, Kazuyoshi Yokino and Takuo Yamagami :
平成18年度土木学会四国支部第12回技術研究発表会, 246-247, May 2006.
20. Akito Sugimoto, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
平成18年度土木学会四国支部第12回技術研究発表会講演概要集, 244-245, May 2006.
21. Shinomiya Akihito, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Back analysis of MC-DP model parameters based on borehole lateral load tests,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成17年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 35-36, Nov. 2005.
22. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Back analysis charts of strength parameters for failed uniform slopes,
第40回地盤工学研究発表会平成17年度発表講演集, 2453-2454, Jul. 2005.
23. Ken-ichi Nishiyama, Keisuke Ishida, Akihiro Murata, Takuo Yamagami, Akitoshi Mochizuki, OKADA Kenji, ODAGIRI Shichiro and NAKANO Hiroshi :
日本応用地質学会中四国支部平成16年度研究発表会災害報告資料, 5-8, Nov. 2004.
24. 松井 剛志, Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Yukimasa Kanda :
Experimental study of ground failure behavior around stabilizing piles,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成15年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 67-68, Nov. 2003.
25. Shigeo Uemura, Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Yukimasa Kanda :
Back analysis of strength parameters in a failed heterogeneous slope,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成15年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 53-54, Nov. 2003.
26. Yukihiro Akasaka, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Prediction of earthquake-induced landslides in a wide area using CIS and Newmark method,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成15年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 29-30, Nov. 2003.
27. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
A comparison between simplified and rigorous methods for 3D slope stability analysis,
第38回地盤工学研究発表会平成15年度発表講演集, 2227-2228, Jul. 2003.
28. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and R. Baker :
The effect of strength envelope nonlinearity on three-dimensional slope stability analysis,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成14年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 67-68, Nov. 2002.
29. Yukimasa Kanda, Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and 柴田 誠司 :
A method for evaluating the stability of slopes with stabilizing walls (3rd),
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成14年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 65-66, Nov. 2002.
30. 上島 誠, Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Yukimasa Kanda :
Evaluation of anchor force required for slope stabilization, --- Comparison of the proposed method and conventional method ---,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成14年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 43-44, Nov. 2002.
31. 能野 一美 and Takuo Yamagami :
An identification of DEM parameters for rockfall simulation,
社団法人 地盤工学会四国支部平成14年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 31-32, Nov. 2002.
32. 藤山 修, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Prediction of earthquake-induced landslides in a wide area using GIS and Newmark method,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成14年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 11-12, Nov. 2002.
33. Yukimasa Kanda, Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and 洲本 幸太 :
A method for evaluation the stability of slopes with stabilizing walls,
第37回地盤工学研究発表会平成14年度発表講演集, 2239-2240, Jul. 2002.
34. 能野 一美 and Takuo Yamagami :
An identification of DEM parameters for rockfall simulation,
第37回地盤工学研究発表会平成14年度発表講演集, 2263-2264, Jul. 2002.
35. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Search for the three-dimensional critical slip surface based on an extended Spencer method,
第37回地盤工学研究発表会平成14年度発表講演集, 2211-2212, Jul. 2002.
36. 林 夏樹, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Experimental Study on Strength Anisotropy of Compacted Soil,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成13年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 65-66, Nov. 2001.
37. 根無 孝之, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Back analysis of strength parameters of natural ground based on borehole test,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成13年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 53-54, Nov. 2001.
38. 能野 一美, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
The study on numerical simulation of rockfall,
第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集, 2509-2510, Jun. 2001.
39. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and 金子 功 :
Back analysis of strength parameters from slope failure with a weak layer,
第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集, 2461-2462, Jun. 2001.
40. 山部 哲, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Progressive failure analysis of reinforced slopes,
第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集, 2457-2458, Jun. 2001.
41. 秋永 康彦, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Evaluation of seismic permanent displacements based on variable critical slip surfaces,
第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集, 2307-2308, Jun. 2001.
42. 岡田 雅寿, Yukimasa Kanda, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Prediction method of earthquake-induced landslides in a wide area and its application,
第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集, 2283-2284, Jun. 2001.
43. 能野 一美, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
The study on numerical simulation of rockfall,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成12年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 59-60, Sep. 2000.
44. 根無 孝之, 馮 鉄群, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A back analysis for MC-DP model parameters in cut slope,
社団法人地盤工学会四国支部平成12年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 43-44, Sep. 2000.
45. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and R. Baker :
Search for 3-D critical slip surface based on a nonlinear strength envelope,
第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集, 2313-2314, Jun. 2000.
46. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Search for 2-D and 3-D critical slip surfaces based on a nonlinear strength envelope,
平成11年度技術研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 37-38, Sep. 1999.
47. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and 佐々木 守 :
Back Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Strength Parameters based on the 3-D Simplified Janbu Method,
第34回地盤工学研究発表会平成11年度発表講演集, 2127-2128, Jul. 1999.
48. 江崎 雅章, Takuo Yamagami and 馮 鉄群 :
A Study of the Evaluation Method of Permanent Deformation of Slopes during Earthquakes,
平成10年度技術研究発表会講演概要集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 51-52, Nov. 1998.
49. 佐々木 守, Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
Back Analysis Method for Unsaturated Soil Strength Parameters based on the 3D Simplified Method,
平成10年度技術研究発表会講演概要集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 47-48, Nov. 1998.
50. Kazuyoshi Yokino and Takuo Yamagami :
A Study on Numerical Simulation of Rockfall considering Deformation of Slopes,
平成10年度技術研究発表会講演概要集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 45-46, Nov. 1998.
51. 西田 憲司, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
日本地下水学会1999年秋期講演会講演要旨集, Oct. 1998.
52. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
土木学会第53回年次学術講演会講演概要集, 482-483, Oct. 1998.
53. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
A New Back Analysis Method for Unsaturated Soil Strength Parameters,
第33回地盤工学研究発表会平成10年度発表講演集, 1713-1714, Jul. 1998.
54. Feng Tie-Qun and Takuo Yamagami :
A Finite-Element Analysis for a Cut Slope Unifying Swelling and Softening Effects,
平成10年度土木学会四国支部第4回技術研究発表会講演概要, 228-229, May 1998.
55. 黒川 尚義, 馮 鉄群 and Takuo Yamagami :
平成10年度土木学会四国支部第4回技術研究発表会講演概要集, 222-223, May 1998.
56. 佐々木 守, Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
平成10年度土木学会四国支部第4回技術研究発表会講演概要集, 214-215, May 1998.
57. Yukimasa Kanda, 野牧 優達, 中井 理光, Takuo Yamagami and Hisashi Suzuki :
A Trial Manufacture of Cyclic Triaxial Apparatus and Its Performance,
平成9年度技術研究発表会講演概要集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 43-44, Nov. 1997.
58. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Three-Dimensional Bearing Capacity Analysis Using a Column Method,
平成9年度技術研究発表会講演概要集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 7-8, Nov. 1997.
59. Tie-Qun Feng and Takuo Yamagami :
A Stability Analysis Method for Excavated Slope in Clayey Soils Incorporating FEM Undrained Strength,
平成9年度技術研究発表会講演概要集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 5-6, Nov. 1997.
60. 滝 昌和 and Takuo Yamagami :
A Consideration on Progressive Failure of Slope based on Limit Equilibrium Method,
平成9年度技術研究発表会講演概要集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 3-4, Nov. 1997.
61. Takuo Yamagami, Yukimasa Kanda, 黒川 尚義 and 坂田 恭子 :
Damage Estimation of Harbor Facilities in Tokushima Prefecture during Earthquakes, --- in cases of Hypothetical Nankai Earthquake and Earthquakes along M. T. L. ---,
平成8年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 51-52, Dec. 1996.
62. Takuo Yamagami, Yukimasa Kanda, 江崎 雅章 and 吉田 佳代 :
Damage Estimation of River Dikes and Embankments in Tokushima Prefecture during Erthquakes, --- in cases of Hypothetical Nankai Earthequakes along M. T. L. ---,
平成8年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 49-50, Dec. 1996.
63. Takuo Yamagami, Yukimasa Kanda, 白川 美香 and 藤野 秀利 :
Liquefaction Prediction of Grounds in Tokushima Prefecture during Earthquakes, --- in cases of Hypothetical Nankai Earthquake and Earthquakes along M. T. L. ---,
平成8年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 47-48, Dec. 1996.
64. Takuo Yamagami, Yukimasa Kanda, 江崎 雅章 and 吉田 佳代 :
Prediction of Collapse of Steep Slopes in Tokushima Prefecture during Earthquakes, --- in cases of Hypothetical Nankai Earthquake and Earthquakes along M. T. L. ---,
平成8年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 45-46, Dec. 1996.
65. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Determination of the Sliding Direction in Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis,
第31回土質工学研究発表会平成8年度発表講演集, 2011-2012, Jul. 1996.
66. Takuo Yamagami, 時谷 正憲, 斎藤 和 and 安芸 浩資 :
The Prediction of Stress-Strain Curves by Using the Newral Networks,
平成7年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 43-44, Nov. 1995.
67. Takuo Yamagami, 細野 和博 and 時谷 正憲 :
Neural-Network Approach to Back Analysis of Unsaturated Shear Strength c', φ', φb,
平成7年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 41-42, Nov. 1995.
68. Takuo Yamagami, Hisashi Suzuki and 安芸 浩資 :
Some Geotechnical Properties of Sintered Chromium Slag,
平成7年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 39-40, Nov. 1995.
69. Takuo Yamagami, 山川 治, Hisashi Suzuki and 安富 英樹 :
Some Case Studies on Back Analysis of Design Seismic Coefficients,
平成7年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 27-28, Nov. 1995.
70. Takuo Yamagami, Yasuhiro Ueta and 時谷 正憲 :
Back Calculation of c and φ on a Slip Surface Using Nueral Network,
平成7年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 11-12, Nov. 1995.
71. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
Determination of the Sliding Direction in Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis,
平成7年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 9-10, Nov. 1995.
72. Takuo Yamagami and 山川 治 :
A Stability Analysis of Slopes with Sheet Pile Walls,
平成7年度技術·研究発表会発表論文集,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, 7-8, Nov. 1995.
73. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A Comparison of the minimal factors of safety obtained by DP with Those of Other Methods,
第30回土質工学研究発表会平成7年度発表講演集, 1797-1798, Jul. 1995.
74. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
土木学会第49回年次学術講演会講演概要集, 866-867, Sep. 1994.
75. Takuo Yamagami and Jing-Cai Jiang :
A search for the three dimensional critical slop surface,
第29回土質工学研究発表会平成6年度発表講演集, 1831-1832, Jun. 1994.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
土木学会四国支部,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部 平成16年度学術講演会テキスト, 29-41, Mar. 2005.
2. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
土木学会四国支部,社団法人地盤工学会四国支部 平成16年度学術講演会テキスト, 21-28, Mar. 2005.
3. Takuo Yamagami :
地盤工学に関する勉強会テキスト, 39-64, Feb. 2005.
4. Takuo Yamagami :
地盤工学に関する勉強会テキスト, 16-41, Sep. 2004.
5. Takuo Yamagami :
グラウンドアンカー技術講演会テキスト, Jul. 2004.
6. Takuo Yamagami :
四国における斜面災害と対策工についての技術講習会, Jan. 2003.
7. Takuo Yamagami :
平成10年度第2回滋賀県土木関係職員一般研修テキスト, 1-92, Oct. 1998.
8. Takuo Yamagami and Masakazu Taki :
地盤工学に関する勉強会テキスト, 9-26, Dec. 1997.
9. Eiichi Oda and Takuo Yamagami :
Stress Analysis of the Plastic Region around a Tunnel,
Rock Mechanics in Japan, Vol.2, 90-92, Jul. 1974.


1. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
平成20年度河川整備基金助成事業報告書, 1-22, Jun. 2009.
2. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
平成16年台風災害に関する学術調査 徳島大学教育研究プロジェクト推進費調査成果報告書, 15-22, Mar. 2005.
3. Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagami :
5.4 上那賀町白石市宇のフロン谷土石流,
社団法人地盤工学会四国地域豪雨災害緊急調査団報告書, 2005.
4. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
昭和60年度科学研究費補助金(一般研究c,研究代表者山上拓男)研究成果報告書, 1-37, Feb. 1986.
5. Takuo Yamagami and Yasuhiro Ueta :
「四国地方における貯水池周辺自然斜面の水浸時及び地震時安定性評価に関する研究」昭和58年度文部省特定研究実施経過報告書, 7-21, Sep. 1984.


1. Hiroshi Okajima, Kiyoshi Sakamaki and Takuo Yamagami : 地滑りの測定方法と測定装置, 8 166738 (Jun. 1996), 9-325053 (Dec. 1997), 2980845 (Sep. 1999).

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • Mechanism of germination of underground cavities and its influence on pavement (Project/Area Number: 11450182 )
  • 信頼性理論に基づく降雨時の斜面崩壊予知法 (Project/Area Number: 06650546 )
  • Anisotropic shear strength behavior of a compacted soil and its application to slope stability analysis (Project/Area Number: 05650475 )
  • すべり面に沿う間隙水圧の逆解析に関する研究 (Project/Area Number: 04650441 )
  • Development of a Method for Risk Evaluation and Forecast of Occurrence of a Landslide Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data (Project/Area Number: 01850116 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (90035642)