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Field of Study

Dynamics of Mechanical Systems

Subject of Study

部分空間法による振動特性の同定および入力推定に関する研究, セミアクティブ動吸振器による振動制御に関する研究 (vibration analysis, modal analysis, vibration control, 動吸振器, 部分空間同定法, サスペンション, 入力推定) (機械構造物の振動特性を部分空間同定法により求める.過渡状態での入力推定を行うための手法を検討している.SMAばねを用いたセミアクティブ動吸振器の作成を行う.また,車両のシートサスペンションおよびエネルギー回生についても検討している.)

Book / Paper


1. Takashi Yokoyma, Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :

2. Takashi Yokoyama, Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
基礎 振動工学[第2版],
3. Toshio Yoshimura, Takashi Yokoyama and Junichi Hino :

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Junichi Hino and Shiona Tanaka :
A study on Normalization of Complex Eigenmodes by Mass Change Method,
日本機械学会D&D2023論文集, 2023.
2. Junichi Hino :
Estimation of a Force to Structures using SVD and Regularization method (Consideration of Location Estimation of an Excitation Point),
Japan society for mechanical engineers D&D2022, 2022.
3. Junichi Hino, Satoshi Ooya and Yuka Shigeni :
Estimation of Normalized Eigenmodes and Natural Frequencies by Using the Effect of Accelerometers Mass,
Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future, Experiments, Materials and Signal Processing, No.2, 175-182, 2021.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2010820,   DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48153-7_23)
4. Junichi Hino and Takuro Morizane :
A time domain approach of input force estimation using SVD and regularization,
25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling, Vol.7, 4437-4444, 2018.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
5. Motomichi Sonobe, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Effectiveness of Delayed Feedback Control Applied to a Small-Size Helicopter with a Suspended Load System,
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.28, No.3, 351-360, 2016.
(DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2016.p0351,   CiNii: 1390001288150493824)
6. Akitaka Imamura, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Flight Characteristics of Quad Rotor Helicopter with Thrust Vectoring Equipment,
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.28, No.3, 334-359, 2016.
(DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2016.p0334,   CiNii: 1390282763126703360)
7. Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
Study on modeling of human postural control on frontal-plane during standing (Identification of a transfer function model by frequency response test),
Transactions of the JSME, Vol.81, No.832, 15-00260, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.15-00260,   CiNii: 1390001205516720000)
8. Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
Development of a Semi-active Dynamic Absorber with Shape Memory Alloy,
Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering, Vol.50, No.12, 643-649, 2015.
(CiNii: 1520572357735158528)
9. Motomichi Sonobe, yoshiki kataoka and Junichi Hino :
Study on modeling of human postural control on frontal-plane during standing (Estimation of the system parameters by impulse response analysis)),
Transactions of the JSME, Vol.81, No.821, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.14-00367,   CiNii: 1390282680492581120)
10. Akitaka Imamura, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Flight Characteristic of Quadrotor Hrlicopter Using Extra Deflecting Thrusters,
The Journal of Instrumentation Automation and Systems, Vol.1, No.2, 64-71, 2014.
(DOI: 10.21535/jias.v1i2.163)
11. Akitaka Imamura, Yasuyuki Urashiri, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Flight Characteristic of Quad Rotor Helicopter with Tilting Rotor,
The Journal of Instrumentation Automation and Systems, Vol.1, No.2, 56-63, 2014.
(DOI: 10.21535/jias.v1i2.157)
12. Akitaka Imamura, Shinji Uemura, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Flight Characteristics of Quad Ducted Fan Helicopter with Thrust Vectoring Nozzles,
Journal of Unmanned System Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 54-61, 2014.
(DOI: 10.21535/just.v2i1.60)
13. Motomichi Sonobe, Zhiao Chen, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Cable angle feedback control for helicopter slung load system using delayed feedback,
Journal of Unmanned System Technology, Vol.1, No.3, 100-105, 2013.
(DOI: 10.21535/just.v1i3.52)
14. Junichi Hino, Tomohiro Masukawa and Motomichi Sonobe :
Identification of Modal Parameters by Frequency Domain Subspace Method (Consideration of Residual Terms and Estimation of Model Order),
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.79, No.804, 2792-2803, 2013.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.79.2792,   CiNii: 1390001206385903872,   Elsevier: Scopus)
15. Motomichi Sonobe, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Study on Simple Vibration Control for Small-Size Helicopter with Slung Load System (Experiment Based Studies of the Vibration Control on Hovering),
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.78, No.789, 1460-1469, 2012.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.78.1460,   CiNii: 1390282681363705344)
16. 坂東 慎之介, Junichi Hino, Hiromu Iwata, 赤木 良, Akira Mizobuchi and Koji Hashimoto :
Relationship Between In-Plane Stress and Modal Shape of Disk,
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.78, No.787, 892-901, 2012.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.78.892,   CiNii: 1390001205272590464)
17. Kunihiko Ishihara, 為平 泰助, 辻 政範 and Junichi Hino :
Study on Countermeasure by Baffle Plate for Self-Sustained Tone Generated in Boiler Tube Banks with Cavity,
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.78, No.787, 758-769, 2012.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.78.758,   CiNii: 1390282681364167168)
18. 坂東 慎之介, Junichi Hino, 岩田 弘, Akira Mizobuchi and 橋本 浩二 :
A Study on the Transverse Vibration of the High Speed Rotating Circular Saw and the Countermeasure,
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.77, No.784, 4391-4401, 2011.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.77.4391,   CiNii: 1390001206386342656,   Elsevier: Scopus)
19. Shinnosuke Bando, Junichi Hino, Hiromu Iwata, Ryo Akagi, Akira Mizobuchi and Koji Hashimoto :
Relationship Between In-plate Stress and Modal Shape of Disk,
Journal of System Design and Dynamics, Vol.5, No.7, 1498-1507, 2011.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsdd.5.1498)
20. 坂東 慎之介, Junichi Hino, 岩田 弘 and 橋本 浩二 :
The Tensioning for a Tipped Saw Using the Temperature Distribution on Its Base Metal(Mechanical Systems),
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.76, No.772, 3330-3335, 2010.
(CiNii: 1390001206388249856,   Elsevier: Scopus)
21. Akira Mizobuchi, Hitoshi Takagi, and Junichi Hino :
Drilling machinability of resin-less "green" composites reinforced by bamboo fiber,
WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Vol.97, 185-194, 2008.
(DOI: 10.2495/HPSM080201)
22. Junichi Hino, Tadayuki Komoto and Toshio Yoshimura :
Identification of Modal Parameters for Inpulse Excitation by Using Subspace Algorithm,
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.73, No.726, 406-413, 2007.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.73.406,   CiNii: 1520853834197833984,   Elsevier: Scopus)
23. Junichi Hino, Sei-ichi Okubo and Toshio Yoshimura :
A Study of Chatter Prediction in End Milling Process by Fuzzy Neural Network Model with Wavelet Packets,
設計工学, Vol.42, No.2, 84-91, 2007.
24. Junichi Hino, Seiichi Okubo and Toshio Yoshimura :
Chatter Prediction in End Milling by FNN Model with Pruning,
JSME International Journal, Series C: Mechanical Systems,Machine Elements and Manufacturing, Vol.49, No.3, 742-749, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmec.49.742,   Elsevier: Scopus)
25. Toshio Yoshimura, Ryota Kimura, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
Active suspension design of one-wheel car models using an improved sliding mode control with the VSS observer,
International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Vol.3, No.1, 65-79, 2005.
(DOI: 10.1504/IJVAS.2005.007038)
26. Junichi Hino, Inai Arata, Hitoshi Takagi and Toshio Yoshimura :
A Study of Dynamic Mass Damper with Shape Memory Alloy, --- Modelling for Hysteretic Damping ---,
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.71, No.710, 2863-2869, 2005.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.71.2863,   CiNii: 1520290884070083456,   Elsevier: Scopus)
27. Junichi Hino and Hitoshi Takagi :
An Approach to Creativity Education for Junior High School Students,
Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.51, No.5, 37-41, 2003.
(DOI: 10.4307/jsee.51.5_37,   CiNii: 1390282679470833280)
28. Junichi Hino, Satoru Hanaoka and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.69, No.683, 1921-1926, 2003.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.69.1921,   CiNii: 1390282681334500096,   Elsevier: Scopus)
29. Toshio Yoshimura, Takahiro Hiwa, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
Active suspension system of a one-wheel car model using fuzzy reasoning and compensators,
International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Vol.1, No.2, 196-205, 2003.
(DOI: 10.1504/IJVAS.2003.003540,   Elsevier: Scopus)
30. Toshio Yoshimura, Sigeki Matumura, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
Active suspension system of one-wheel car models using the sliding mode control with VSS observer,
International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Vol.1, No.1, 133-152, 2002.
(DOI: 10.1504/IJVAS.2002.001809,   Elsevier: Scopus)
31. Junichi Hino, Chuanxin Su and Toshio Yoshimura :
A Study on Chatter Prediction in High-Speed End Milling Process by Fuzzy Neural Network,
JSME International Journal, Series C: Mechanical Systems,Machine Elements and Manufacturing, Vol.44, No.3, 825-831, 2001.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmec.44.825,   Elsevier: Scopus)
32. Toshio Yoshimura, Kenji Sagimori and Junichi Hino :
Active suspension of a half car model based on linear control with dynamic absorbers,
International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol.25, No.4, 283-294, 2001.
(DOI: 10.1504/IJVD.2001.005203,   Elsevier: Scopus)
33. Toshio Yoshimura, 竹井 一剛, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
An Active Suspension System of One-wheel Car Models Using Fuzzy Reasoning,
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.67, No.658, 1779-1784, 2001.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.67.1779,   CiNii: 1390282680838410368)
34. Toshio Yoshimura, Akitomo Kume, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
Construction of an active suspension system of a quarter car model using the concept of sliding mode control,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.239, No.2, 187-199, 2001.
(DOI: 10.1006/jsvi.2000.3117)
35. Chuanxin Su, Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
Prediction of chatter in high-speed milling by means of fuzzy neural networks,
International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.31, No.10, 1323-1330, 2000.
(DOI: 10.1080/00207720050165825,   Elsevier: Scopus)
36. Toshio Yoshimura, Hirofumi Kubota, Kazuyoshi Takei, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
Construction of an active suspension system of a quarter car model using fuzzy reasoning based on single input rule modules,
International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol.23, No.3/4, 297-306, 2000.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
37. Masao Kurimoto, Toshio Yoshimura and Junichi Hino :
An Active Suspension System of Quarter Car Models Using Sliding Mode Controller : Design of Controller Using Minimum-Order Observer,
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.66, No.642, 468-475, 2000.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.66.468,   CiNii: 1390282681305598080)
38. Junichi Hino, 近藤 新一 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Identification of Noise Source by Using Sound Intensity Measurement,
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.66, No.642, 476-481, 2000.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.66.476,   CiNii: 1390001206328887296)
39. Chuanxin Su, Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
A Study on Chatter Prediction in High-Speed End Milling Process by Fuzzy Neural Network,
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.66, No.641, 332-338, 2000.
(DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.66.332,   CiNii: 1390001204679515264)
40. Masao Kurimoto, Toshio Yoshimura and Junichi Hino :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.65, No.634, 2322-2329, 1999.
41. Junichi Hino, Noriaki Watanabe, Toshio Yoshimura and Chanxin Su :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.65, No.632, 1426-1433, 1999.
42. Toshio Yoshimura, Ryousuke Ueno and Junichi Hino :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.65, No.629, 229-235, 1999.
43. Toshio Yoshimura, Kazuhiko Nakaminami, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
Active suspension of passenger cars using linear and fuzzy-logic controls,
Control Engineering Practice, Vol.7, No.1, 41-47, 1999.
44. Junichi Hino, Kunihiko Fujita and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.64, No.626, 106-112, 1998.
45. Toshio Yoshimura and Junichi Hino :
Active suspension with preview of large-sized buses using fuzzy reasoning,
International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol.19, No.2, 187-198, 1998.
46. Toshio Yoshimura, Hiroyuki Uchida, Hidetoshi Nasu, Junichi Hino and Ryousuke Ueno :
Traction force control of an electric vehicle in 2WS-4WD mode using fuzzy reasoning,
International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol.18, No.5, 442-454, 1997.
47. Toshio Yoshimura, Yasuo Isari, Qin Li and Junichi Hino :
Active suspension of motor coaches using skyhook damper and fuzzy logic control,
Control Engineering Practice, Vol.5, No.2, 175-184, 1997.
48. Toshio Yoshimura, Kazuhiko Nakaminami and Junichi Hino :
A semi-active suspension with dynamic absorbers of ground vehicles using fuzzy reasoning,
International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol.23, No.3/4, 19-34, 1997.
49. Toshio Yoshimura, Kazuhiko Nakaminami, Toshinori Nishikiuchi and Junichi Hino :
A semi-active suspension with dynamic absorbers of ground vehicles using fuzzy reasoning,
International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol.18, No.1, 19-34, 1997.
50. Toshio Yoshimura, Yasunori Isari, Qin Li and Junichi Hino :
Active Suspension of Motor Coarches Using Skyhook Damper and Fuzzy Logic Control,
Control Engineering Practice, Vol.5, No.2, 175-184, 1997.
51. Toshio Yoshimura, 中南 和彦, 錦内 紀晋 and Junichi Hino :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.63, No.606, 380-385, 1997.
52. Toshio Yoshimura, 中南 和彦, 錦内 紀普 and Junichi Hino :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.63, No.606, 380-385, 1997.
53. Junichi Hino, K. Nanki and Toshio Yoshimura :
Semi-active dynamic absorber using fuzzy theory for a beam subjected to a moving load,
Control and Cybernetics, Vol.25, No.2, 283-297, 1996.
54. Toshio Yoshimura, 伊藤 康之 and Junichi Hino :
日本ファジィ学会誌, Vol.7, No.2, 432-441, 1995.
55. 谷住 和也, Toshio Yoshimura, Junichi Hino and 坂井 敬通 :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.61, No.582, 549-556, 1995.
56. 谷住 和也, Toshio Yoshimura, Junichi Hino and 坂井 敬通 :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.61, No.582, 540-548, 1995.
57. Toshio Yoshimura, 李 勤 and Junichi Hino :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.60, No.580, 4155-4160, 1994.
58. 谷住 和也, Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura and 坂井 敬通 :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.60, No.572, 1270-1277, 1994.
59. 谷住 和也, Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura and 坂井 敬通 :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.60, No.572, 1262-1269, 1994.
60. Junichi Hino, 二畠 康 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.60, No.571, 842-849, 1994.
61. Junichi Hino, 角谷 直也, Toshio Yoshimura and 坂井 敬通 :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.60, No.569, 24-29, 1994.
62. Junichi Hino, 武田 真吾 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.59, No.567, 3474-3480, 1993.
63. 坂井 敬通, 荒川 敏明, Toshio Yoshimura and Junichi Hino :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.58, No.550, 1942-1949, 1992.
64. Junichi Hino, 田坂 茂二 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.58, No.548, 1048-1053, 1992.
65. Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura and N. Ananthanarayana :
An optimum dynamic design for beam shapes subjected to a moving concentrated load,
International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.22, No.4, 627-640, 1991.
66. Junichi Hino, 橋本 誠司 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.57, No.538, 2005-2010, 1991.
67. Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.56, No.531, 2874-2879, 1990.
68. Junichi Hino, 橋本 誠司 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.56, No.530, 2610-2614, 1990.
69. Junichi Hino, 平田 成正 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.55, No.514, 1313-1318, 1989.
70. Junichi Hino, 谷住 和也 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.54, No.504, 1700-1707, 1988.
71. Toshio Yoshimura, Junichi Hino and T. Kamata :
Random vibration of a nonlinear beams subjected to a moving load:a finite element method analysis,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.122, No.2, 317-329, 1988.
72. Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.54, No.499, 781-786, 1988.
73. Junichi Hino, 山下 隆志 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.54, No.497, 47-53, 1988.
74. Junichi Hino, 谷住 和也, Toshio Yoshimura and 長松 昭男 :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.53, No.491, 1384-1390, 1987.
75. Junichi Hino, 山下 隆志, Toshio Yoshimura and 長松 昭男 :
Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.53, No.491, 1377-1383, 1987.
76. Toshio Yoshimura, Junichi Hino and N. Ananthanarayana :
Vibration analysis of a Non-linear beam subjected to moving loads using the gakerkin method,
Journal of Sound and Vibartion, Vol.104, No.2, 179-186, 1986.
77. Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura and N. Ananthanarayana :
Vibration analysis of Non-linear beams subjected to a moving load using the finite element method,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.100, No.4, 477-491, 1985.
78. Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura, Katsunobu Konishi and N Ananthanarayana :
A finite element method prediction of the vibration of bridge subjected to a moving vehicle load,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.96, No.1, 43-53, 1984.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Junichi Hino and Ryota Yamamuro :
Time Domain Estimation of Excitation Forces for Mechanical Structures by Kalman Filter (Optimization for Weighted Coefficients),
日本機械学会D&D2020講演論文集, 2020.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmedmc.2020.310,   CiNii: 1390287363462743296)
2. Ryota Yamamuro and Junichi Hino :
Time domain estimation of excitation forces for mechanical structures by Kalman filter(weighted coefficients for stabilization of estimation),
日本機械学会D&D2019講演論文集, 2019.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmedmc.2019.327,   CiNii: 1390846609807639680)
3. Kodai Kawano and Junichi Hino :
Estimation of a force to structures using singular value decomposition and regularization method(investigation of influence to estimation results by direct terms),
日本機械学会D&D2019講演論文集, 2019.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmedmc.2019.326,   CiNii: 1390846609807751168)
4. Junichi Hino and Takuro Morizane :
Estimation of a Force to Structures using Singular Value Decomposition and Regularization Method (Investigation of Estimation Accuracy Related to Excited Locations),
日本機械学会D&D2018講演論文集, No.330, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmedmc.2018.330,   CiNii: 1390282763100699648)
5. Motomichi Sonobe, Hirotaka Yamaguchi, Junichi Hino, 芝田 京子 and 井上 喜雄 :
Modeling of Human Balance Control Considering Phase Characteristics at Low Frequencies,
D&D2017講演論文集, 2017.
6. Junichi Hino and Takuro Morizane :
Estimation of a force to structures using singular value decomposition and regularization method,
D&D2017講演論文集, 2017.
7. Junichi Hino and Shu Nagamachi :
Time domain estimation of excitation forces for mechanical structures by Kalman filter (Application to model of 5 degrees of freedom system),
D&D2017講演論文集, 2017.
8. Syu Nagamachi and Junichi Hino :
Time domain estimation of impluse excitation forces by Kalman filter,
日本機械学会2016年度年次大会講演論文集, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2016.G1000901,   CiNii: 1390282680814454528)
9. Takuro Morizane and Junichi Hino :
Estimation of an impulse force to structures using singular vale decomposition and regulation method,
日本機械学会2016年度年次大会講演論文集, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2016.G1000902,   CiNii: 1390282680814455424)
10. Hirotaka Yamagchi, Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
遅延を考慮した立位人体前額面の1 自由度力学モデリング,
日本機械学会2016年度年次大会講演論文集, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2016.J2320101,   CiNii: 1390282680815959424)
11. Junichi Hino, Yuuki Nakahara and Motomichi Sonobe :
A study of estimation of normarized eigen mode by mass change method,
D&D2016 日本機械学会機械力学・計測制御部門講演会論文集, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmedmc.2016.312)
12. Hitoshi Takagi, Hiroshi Mori, Junichi Hino, Shinji Ochi and Masanori Nakaoka :
Development of functional "green" composites reinforced by natural fibers,
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.49, 11-14, 2004.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001052)
13. Masao Kurimoto, Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.41, 61-67, 1996.
14. Junichi Hino, 橋本 誠司 and Toshio Yoshimura :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.34, 29-38, 1989.
15. Junichi Hino, 杉本 学, Toshio Yoshimura and N Ananthanarayana :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.33, 1-10, 1988.
16. 謝 伯康, Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura and 岡久 俊郎 :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.33, 19-26, 1988.
17. Junichi Hino, 謝 伯康, Toshio Yoshimura and 岡久 俊郎 :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.33, 11-18, 1988.
18. Toshio Yoshimura, N Ananthanaraya, Shinji Ogaki, Tomio Konaka, Kenji Tada and Junichi Hino :
Vibration analysis of a bridge subjected to moving loads using the method of weighted residuals,
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Vol.20, No.1, 43-56, 1983.

Review, Commentary:

1. Junichi Hino :
設計工学, Vol.47, No.2, 14-22, Feb. 2012.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Junichi Hino, Satoshi Ooya and Yuka Shigenai :
Estimation of normalized eigenmodes and natural frequencies by using the effect of accelerometers mass,
The 18th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference, Book of Abstract, 321-322, Sydney, Nov. 2019.
2. Motomichi Sonobe, Hirotaka Yamaguchi and Junichi Hino :
Acceleration control of an electric skateboard considering postural sway,
The 16th Asian Pacific Vibration Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov. 2015.
3. Akitaka Imamura, Y. Urashiri, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Flight Characteristics of Quad Rotor Helicopter with Tilting Rotor,
10th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Montreal, Canada, TueB1-2, Sep. 2014.
4. Motomichi Sonobe, Zhiao Chen, Hiroki Nishimura, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Delayed Feedback Control for Helicopter Slung Load System,
12th, International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Sapporo, Aug. 2014.
5. Akitaka Imamura, Shinji Uemura, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Flight Characteristic of Quad Ducted fan Helicopter with Thrust Vectoring Nozzles,
9th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Jaipur, India, Sep. 2013.
6. Motomichi Sonobe, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Design of Simple Vibration Suppression Control by Using Delayed Feedback,
9th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Jaipur, India, Sep. 2013.
7. Junichi Hino, Masukawa Tomohiro and Motomichi Sonobe :
Modal Parameters Identification by Frequency Domain Subspace Approach(Consideration of residual terms and estimation of model order),
Proceedings of Asia Pacific Vibration Conference 2013, 1-6, ICC JEJU, Jeju Island, Korea, Jun. 2013.
8. Motomichi Sonobe, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Study on simplified vibration control method for small-size helicopter with slung load system,
15th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, Jun. 2013.
9. Motomichi Sonobe, Junichi Hino and yoshiki kataoka :
Dynamic Modeling of Human Body on Electric Skateboard for Driving System via Load Measurement,
The 2nd International Symposium on Experimental Mechanics, Taipei, Nov. 2012.
10. Akitaka Imamura, Masafumi Miwa, Junichi Hino and Joon Hwam Shim :
Extra Thruster for Quad Rotor Helicopter,
Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ICIUS 2012), 587-591, Singapore, Oct. 2012.
11. Akira Mizobuchi, Yuki Ouchi, Koji Hashimoto, Junichi Hino, Hiromu Iwata, Shinnosuke Bando and Tohru Ishida :
Behavior of Cutting Force of Tipped-Saw Treated by Tensioning Method in Sawing of Steel,
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Progress of Machining Technology (ICPMT2012), 97-100, Sep. 2012.
12. Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
Anti-sway Control of an Overhead Traveling Crane Using Input for Damping,
The 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, Hong Kong, China, Vol.4, 1867-1874, Dec. 2011.
13. Junichi Hino, Kawabata Masahiro, Motomichi Sonobe and Bando Shinnosuke :
Modal Parameters Identification by Frequency Domain Subspace Approach with Residues, --- Iterative Algorithm for Residual Terms ---,
Proceedings of The 14th Asia-Pasific Vibration Conference, Vol.2, 854-863, Hong Kong, Dec. 2011.
14. Motomichi Sonobe, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Vibration Suppression Control of Small-size Helicopter Slung Load System,
Proceedings of The International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned System 2011, Chiba, Japan, Nov. 2011.
15. Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
Anti-sway Control of an Overhead Traveling Crane Considering Reduction of Accelerating Time,
Proceedings of The 2nd Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Dynamics and Control, Busan, Korea, 117-120, May 2011.
16. Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and Ishikawa Tomohisa :
Vibration control by an adaptive tuned vibration absorber with shape memory alloy,
Proceedings of The 2nd Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Dynamics and Control, 161-164, Busan, May 2011.
17. Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and Masao Kurimoto :
Vibration Control of Truck Crane by Variable Constrained ontrol with Neural Network,
Proceedings of The 5th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010(CD-ROM), 1-6, Kyoto, Aug. 2010.
18. Motomichi Sonobe, Junichi Hino, Takahiro Kondou, Kenichiro Matsuzaki and Nobuyuki Sowa :
Vibration Control of Pendulum System Based on Jacobian Elliptic Functions,
Proceedings of the 13th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, Nov. 2009.
19. Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and Masao Kurimoto :
Modal Parametrs Identification by Frequency Domain SubspaceAlgorithm with Residues,
Proceedings of the 13th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, Nov. 2009.
20. Akira Mizobuchi, Hitoshi Takagi, and Junichi Hino :
Drilling machinability of resin-less "green" composites reinforced by bamboo fiber,
High Performance Structures and Materials IV, 185-194, Carvoeiro, May 2008.
21. Junichi Hino and Tadayuki Komoto :
Subspace Identification of Modal Parameters by Impulse Excitation,
Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Advanced Technology of Vibration and Sound, 46-51, Lanzhou, China, Jun. 2007.
22. Junichi Hino, Okubo Seiichi and Toshio Yoshimura :
A Study of Chatter Prediction in End Milling Process by FNN Model With Pruning Process,
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 682-687, Taipei, Nov. 2005.
23. Hiroshi Mori, Hitoshi Takagi, Junichi Hino and Masanori Nakaoka :
Damping properties of bamboo fiber reinforced eco-composites,
Journal of Ecotechnology Research, Vol.10, No.4, 174-175, Toyama, Dec. 2004.
24. Junichi Hino, Yuichro Okada and Toshio Yoshimura :
Vibration control for a load of truck crane by gain scheduling H infinitive controllwe based on LMI,
Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference'99, 690-695, Singapore, Dec. 1999.
25. Toshio Yoshimura, Hirofumi Kubota, Kazuyoshi Takei, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
Active suspension of a quarter car model using fuzzy reasoning based on single input rule modules,
Proceedings of Asia-Vibration Conference'99, 245-250, Singapore, Dec. 1999.
26. Toshio Yoshimura, Masao Kurimoto, Chuanxin Su and Junichi Hino :
Active suspension of a half car model using the sliding mode control,
Proceedings of ICARCV'98, Vol.1, 355-360, Singapore, Dec. 1998.
27. Chaunxin Su, Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
Inference of self-excited vibration in high-speed end-milling based on fuzzy neural networks,
Proceedings of IIZUKA'98, Iizuka, Oct. 1998.
28. Toshio Yoshimura, Kazuhiko Nakaminami, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
An Active Suspension of Passenger Cars Using Linear and Fuzzy Logic Controls,
Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference'97, 748-753, Kyongju, Nov. 1997.
29. Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
An Optimum Design of Passive Dynamic Absorber for a Time Variable System,
Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference'97, 1228-1233, Kyongju, Nov. 1997.
30. Junichi Hino, N. Sumitani and Toshio Yoshimura :
Vibration analysis of a truck crane with substructure synthesis method,
Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference '95, 331-336, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 1995.
31. Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
Vibration control for a load of truck crane in swing motion with fuzzy adaptation rule,
2nd Int. Conf. on Motion and Vibration Control, 617-622, Shinyokohama, Japan, Sep. 1994.
32. Toshio Yoshimura, Yasuyuki Itoh, Junichi Hino and Kazuo Takai :
A study on semi-active controls for vehicle suspension by the fuzzy inference,
The 3rd Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Nets and Soft Computing, 585-586, Iizuka, Japan, Aug. 1994.
33. Junichi Hino, K. Nanki and Toshio Yoshimura :
Semi-active dynamic absorber using the fuzzy theory for a beam subjected to a moving load,
The 3rd Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Nets and Soft Computing, 405-406, Iizuka, Japan, Aug. 1994.
34. Junichi Hino, Y. Futabatake and Toshio Yoshimura :
A semi-active dynamic absorber using the fuzzy theory for a beam subjected to moving loads,
Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference '93, 1148-1153, Kita-kyushyu, Japan, Nov. 1993.
35. Junichi Hino, N. Hirata, Toshio Yoshimura and S. Matsunaga :
The mode synthesis method for structures subjected to a moving load, --- Application to a nonlinear uniform viscoelastic beam ---,
Asia Vibration Conference '89, 35-40, Shenzen, China, Nov. 1989.
36. Toshio Yoshimura and Junichi Hino :
Random vibration of nonlinear beams subjected to a moving load using the finite element method,
KSME-JSME Vibration Conference '87, 144-153, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 1987.
37. Katsunobu Konishi, Akira Kishibuchi, Toshio Yoshimura and Junichi Hino :
Nonlinear coupled vibration of liquid and walls in deformable rectangular containers,
Int. Conference on Vibration Problems in Engineering, 466-471, Xi'an, Jun. 1986.
38. Toshio Yoshimura, Junichi Hino, Katsunobu Konishi and Z. Yue :
A finite element formulation for the vibration of variable beams due to a moving load,
Int. Conference on Vibration Problems in Engineering, 208-213, Xian, China, Jun. 1986.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Tanaka Shiona and Junichi Hino :
Derivation of normalization eigenmode by mass change method for general viscous damping system,
日本機械学会講演論文集, Mar. 2023.
2. Jiahua Lin and Junichi Hino :
Optimization of covariance matrices of the Kalman filter in excitation force estimation,
日本機械学会講演論文集, Mar. 2023.
3. Keiji Matsushita and Junichi Hino :
Estimating mode characteristics by mass modification method,
日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第60期総会・講演論文集(オンライン論文集), Mar. 2022.
4. Junichi Hino :
Time Domain Estimation of Excitation Forces for Mechanical Structures by Kalman Filter (Identifying dynamic characteristics of structures),
日本機械学会D&D2021講演論文集(オンライン論文集), Sep. 2021.
5. Moeki Matsuda and Junichi Hino :
日本設計工学会四国支部2019年度研究発表講演会論文集, Mar. 2020.
6. Kosuke Isozaki and Junichi Hino :
日本設計工学会四国支部2019年度研究発表講演会論文集, Mar. 2020.
7. Junichi Hino and Eisaku Matsuoka :
日本機械学会講演論文集, Mar. 2019.
8. satoshi ooya and Junichi Hino :
Estimation of normarized eigen mode and natural frequency,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第56期総会講演会論文集, Mar. 2018.
9. Akira Goto and Junichi Hino :
Vibration control for vehicle seat by friction damper using piezoelectric actuator,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第56期総会講演会論文集, Mar. 2018.
10. Hirotaka Yamaguchi, Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
Feedforward Control for Human Standing Model Constructed Experimentally,
スポーツ工学・ヒューマンダイナミクス2015, Oct. 2015.
11. Motomichi Sonobe, Hirotaka Yamaguchi and Junichi Hino :
Acceleration control of electric skateboard considering human body dynamics,
MOVIC2015, Jun. 2015.
12. Yuki Morimoto, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
A study of energy absorption for mechanical structures with a rotatory dynamic vibration absorber,
日本機械学会中国四国支部 第53期総会・講演会, Mar. 2015.
13. Morimoto Daiki, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
A sliding mode control of vehicle seat suspension with friction force,
日本機械学会中国四国支部 第53期総会・講演会, Mar. 2015.
14. Okayama Takehiro, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
A study of estimation method of input force time histories for mechanical structures,
日本機械学会中国四国支部 第53期総会・講演会, Mar. 2015.
15. Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
A study of posture control of a human riding on an electric skateboard,
日本機械学会中国四国支部 第53期総会・講演会, Mar. 2015.
16. Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
Parameter Identification of Human Model in Standing with Delay,
スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス2014講演論文集, Oct. 2014.
17. Hiroki Nishimura, Motomichi Sonobe, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
A study on transportation system with a slung load by small-size helicopter (Helicopter identification and design of delayed feedback controller),
D&S2014, Sep. 2014.
18. Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
Posture Control Analysis of Upright Standing on the Electric Skateboard (A Way for Estimating the Delay Time),
日本機械学会機械力学・計測制御部門講演論文集, Aug. 2014.
19. Akitaka Imamura, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014, 2A1-F03, May 2014.
20. Akitaka Imamura, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
日本航空宇宙学会第45期年会講演会, JSASS-2014-1071, Apr. 2014.
21. Takuya Nagamoto, Motomichi Sonobe, yoshiki kataoka and Junichi Hino :
Analysis of Posutural Control with Delay in the Frontal Plane during Human Upright Standing,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第52期講演会, Mar. 2014.
22. Zhiao Chen, Hiroki Nishimura, Motomichi Sonobe, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Vibration control for Small-size Helicopter with Slung Load System by Using Delayed Feedback Control,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第52期講演会, Mar. 2014.
23. Gaku Kosaki, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第52期講演会, Mar. 2014.
24. Keiichiro Kondo, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
Design of semi-active suspension with an electrical actuator and consideration of energy regeneration,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第52期講演会, Mar. 2014.
25. Naoto Wada, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第52期講演会, Mar. 2014.
26. Tomohiro Masukawa, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
Estimation of scaling-mode shapes by mass change method,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第52期講演会, Mar. 2014.
27. Nagamoto Takuya, Motomichi Sonobe, yoshiki kataoka and Junichi Hino :
Analysis of Postural Control on Frontal Plane of Human Body by Impulse Response Test,
日本機械学会 2013年度年次大会講演論文集, Sep. 2013.
28. Motomichi Sonobe, Nagamoto Takuya, yoshiki kataoka and Junichi Hino :
Development of a Electric Skateboard for Posture Control of Human Body,
Movic2013, Aug. 2013.
29. Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
A Case Study of Education for Equilibrium of Force by Using Balance Scales of Framed Structure,
JSME Dynamics & Design Conference 2013, Aug. 2013.
30. Akitaka Imamura, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013, 1A2-G07, May 2013.
31. 加地 純也, 廣野 恭平, Shin-ichi Ito, Katsuya SATO, Junichi Hino and Shoichiro Fujisawa :
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013講演論文集, No.2A2_C01, 1-2, May 2013.
32. Akitaka Imamura, Shinji Uemura, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
第44期年会講演会, JSASS-2013-1027, Apr. 2013.
33. 近藤 啓一郎, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
LMI を用いた電動アクティブサスペンションの多目的制御,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第51期総会講演会・講演論文集, Mar. 2013.
34. 石川 智久, Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and 和田 直人 :
位相差を用いたセミアクティブSMA 動吸振器の開発,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第51期総会講演会・講演論文集, Mar. 2013.
35. 和田 直人, Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and 石川 智久 :
SMA ばねを用いた動吸振器の温度制御による構造物の振動制御,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第51期総会講演会・講演論文集, Mar. 2013.
36. 福島 啓太, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第51期総会講演会・講演論文集, Mar. 2013.
37. 小崎 学, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第51期総会講演会・講演論文集, Mar. 2013.
38. 増川 智裕, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第51期総会講演会・講演論文集, Mar. 2013.
39. 今村 彰隆, Masafumi Miwa, Junichi Hino and Joon Hwam Shim :
Control Characteristics of Ducted-fan Flying Objects,
第55回自動制御連合講演会, 1M301, Nov. 2012.
40. Motomichi Sonobe, Nagamoto Takuya, Junichi Hino and yoshiki kataoka :
Analysis of Frontal Plane Body Motion by Using Electric Skateboard,
Symposium on Sports and Human Dynamics 2012, 454-459, Nov. 2012.
41. Motomichi Sonobe, Junichi Hino, yoshiki kataoka and Aika Yuta :
Development of an Electric Skateboard System Considering Human Body Dynamics,
JSME Dynamics & Design Conference 2012, Sep. 2012.
42. 川端 将弘 and Junichi Hino :
日本設計工学会四国支部平成23年度研究発表講演会講演論文集, 25-27, Mar. 2012.
43. 石川 智久 and Junichi Hino :
日本設計工学会四国支部平成23年度研究発表講演会講演論文集, 22-24, Mar. 2012.
44. Yuki Ohuchi, Akira Mizobuchi, 橋本 浩二, Junichi Hino, 岩田 弘, 坂東 慎之介 and 石田 徹 :
精密工学会学生会員卒業研究発表講演会論文集, Mar. 2012.
45. Motomichi Sonobe, Masafumi Miwa and Junichi Hino :
Vibration Control of a Slung Load Coupled to a Small Size Helicopter,
JSME Dynamics & Design Conference 2011, Sep. 2011.
46. 為平 泰佑, Kunihiko Ishihara, Junichi Hino and 辻 政範 :
日本機械学会D&D2011講演会, Vol.11, No.2, 45, Sep. 2011.
47. 川端 将弘, Junichi Hino and Motomichi Sonobe :
Dynamics & Design Conference 2011 講演論文集, Sep. 2011.
48. 坂東 慎之介, Junichi Hino, 岩田 弘, 赤木 良, Akira Mizobuchi and 橋本 浩二 :
Dynamics and Design Conference 2011 講演概要集, Sep. 2011.
49. Masafumi Miwa, Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
Load - Swing Suppresion Control of ummand helicopter,
第12回「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集, 478-482, Jul. 2011.
50. 為平 泰佑, Kunihiko Ishihara, Junichi Hino and 辻 政範 :
日本機械学会関西支部第86期総会・講演会, 610, Mar. 2011.
51. 宮本 惇平, Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and Masao Kurimoto :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第49期総会・講演会講演論文集, Vol.115, No.1, 151-152, Mar. 2011.
52. 為平 泰佑, Kunihiko Ishihara, Junichi Hino and 辻 政範 :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第49期総会・講演会, 367-368, Mar. 2011.
53. Tatsuo Sasaoka, Akira Mizobuchi, Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and 小川 仁 :
ダイヤモンド電着工具によるガラス基板への通り穴加工(第10 報),
2011年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集, 175-176, Mar. 2011.
54. Tatsuo Sasaoka, Akira Mizobuchi, Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and 小川 仁 :
2010年度精密工学会中国四国支部徳島地方学術講演会講演論文集, 39-40, Nov. 2010.
55. Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and Masao Kurimoto :
Identification for natural frequencies of time varying systems,
第53回自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM論文集), Nov. 2010.
56. 坂東 慎之介, Junichi Hino, 岩田 弘 and 橋本 浩二 :
日本設計工学会 平成22年度秋季大会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 183-186, Oct. 2010.
57. Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and Masao Kurimoto :
日本設計工学会 平成22年度秋季大会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 113-116, Oct. 2010.
58. Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
Study on Open-Loop Control of Overhead Traveling Cranes by Switching Input,
日本機械学会 徳島講演会講演論文集, 77-78, Oct. 2010.
59. Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe, Masao Kurimoto and 川端 将弘 :
日本機械学会 徳島講演会講演論文集, 77-78, Oct. 2010.
60. 宮本 惇平, Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and Masao Kurimoto :
日本機械学会 徳島講演会講演論文集, 75-76, Oct. 2010.
61. 為平 泰佑, Kunihiko Ishihara, Junichi Hino and 辻 政範 :
日本機械学会中国四国支部徳島講演会講演論文集No.105-2, 43-44, Oct. 2010.
62. Tatsuo Sasaoka, Akira Mizobuchi, Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and 小川 仁 :
2010年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集, 321-322, Sep. 2010.
63. Motomichi Sonobe and Junichi Hino :
Study on Reduction of Accelerating Time for Anti-sway Control,
Dynamics & Design Conference 2010, Sep. 2010.
64. Junichi Hino, 川上 真平, Motomichi Sonobe and Masao Kurimoto :
日本設計工学会四国支部平成21年度研究発表講演会講演論文集, Mar. 2010.
65. Motomichi Sonobe, Takahiro Kondou, Kenichiro Matsuzaki, Nobuyuki Sowa and Junichi Hino :
Vibration Control of Pendulums Based on Jacobian Elliptic Functions (Application to a Serial Double Pendulum System),
Movic2009, 148-151, Sep. 2009.
66. Junichi Hino, MIchio Yoneda and Masao Kurimoto :
Modal Parameter Identification of Time Varying Systems by Time Domain Subspace Algorithm,
日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Aug. 2009.
67. Junichi Hino and Yoshimura Takashi :
日本設計工学会四国支部平成20年度研究発表講演会 講演論文集, 15-18, Mar. 2009.
68. Matsuda Kazuya, Junichi Hino and Masao Kurimoto :
Vibration Control of a Structure by SMA Dynamic Vibration Absorber,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第47期総会・講演会 講演論文集, No.095-1, 441-442, Mar. 2009.
69. Kawakami Shinpei, Junichi Hino and Masao Kurimoto :
Vibration Control for Truck Crane by Variable Constrained Control,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第47期総会・講演会 講演論文集, No.095-1, 421-422, Mar. 2009.
70. Yoneda Michio, Junichi Hino and Masao Kurimoto :
Modal Identification of Linear Time Vraying Systems Using Subspace Method,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第47期総会・講演会 講演論文集, No.095-1, 395-396, Mar. 2009.
71. Junichi Hino, Goto Takashi and Masao Kurimoto :
A study of Modal Parameters Identification by Frequency Domain Subspace Algorithm,
日本機械学会機械力学・計測制御部門講演論文集(アブストラクト集およびCD-ROM), No.08-14, 246, Sep. 2008.
72. 後藤 揚, Junichi Hino and Masao Kurimoto :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第46期総会講演会講演論文集, No.085-1, 245-246, Mar. 2008.
73. Junichi Hino, 松田 和也 and Masao Kurimoto :
A Study of Dynamic Mass Damper with Shape Memory Alloy, --- Vibration Suppression by Temperature Dependence ---,
日本機械学会機械力学計測制御部門講演会アブストラクト集, No.07-8, 274, Sep. 2007.
74. 西岡 哲也, Junichi Hino and Masao Kurimoto :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第45期総会講演会講演論文集, No.075-1, 315-316, Mar. 2007.
75. 徳永 英司, Junichi Hino and Masao Kurimoto :
日本機械学会中国四国支部第45期総会講演会講演論文集, No.075-1, 313-314, Mar. 2007.
76. Akira Oyama, Hitoshi Takagi, Junichi Hino and Hiroshi Mori :
Development and Applications of Resin-Less ``Green'' Composites Reinforced by Bamboo Fiber, --- Machinability in Drilling ---,
Proceedings of JSMS COMPOSITES 35, 220-222, Mar. 2006.
77. Tadayuki Komoto, Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura and Masao Kurimoto :
Identification of Modal Parameters by Subspace Algorithm, --- Consideration for Excitation Data ---,
中国四国支部第44期総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.065, No.1, 291-292, Mar. 2006.
78. Tetsuya Nishioka, Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura and Masao Kurimoto :
A Sliding Mode Control for a Truck Crane Motion with DAE,
中国四国支部第44期総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.065, No.1, 267-268, Mar. 2006.
79. Takashi Kurichi, Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
Identification of unknown input system and restoration of unknown inputs by using independent component analysis,
中国四国支部第44期総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.065, No.1, 261-262, Mar. 2006.
80. Junichi Hino, Tadayuki Komoto and Toshio Yoshimura :
Identification of Modal Parameters by Subspace Algorithm, --- Vibration Testing by Impulse Excitation ---,
日本機械学会機械力学·計測制御部門講演会,(D&D2005シンポジウムアブストラクト集),, Vol.05, No.15, 251, Aug. 2005.
81. Junichi Hino, Toshio Abe, Toshio Yoshimura and Masao Kurimoto :
Frequency-Shaped Sliding Mode Control for a Nonlinear Multi Degrees of Freedom Structure,
日本機械学会機械力学·計測制御部門講演会,(D&D2005シンポジウムアブストラクト集), Vol.05, No.15, 201, Aug. 2005.
82. 加藤 晃一, Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
A Study of the Application to Mechanical Signal Processing with Independent Component Analysis,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第43期総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.055-1, 271-272, Mar. 2005.
83. 稲井 新, Junichi Hino, Hitoshi Takagi and Toshio Yoshimura :
A Design Method of Semi Active Mass Damper with Super Elasticity Materials,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第43期総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.055-1, 265-266, Mar. 2005.
84. 阿部 登志生, Junichi Hino and Toshio Yoshimura :
Frequency-Shaped Sliding Mode Control for a Nonlinear Multi Degrees of Freedom Structure,
日本機械学会中国四国支部第43期総会講演会講演論文集, Vol.055-1, 281-282, Mar. 2005.
85. Junichi Hino, Seiichi Okubo, Toshio Yoshimura and Masao Kurimoto :
A Study for Prediction of Chatter Vibration by using FNN, --- Division of Hidden Layer Neurons ---,
日本機械学会中国四国支部山口地方講演会講演論文集, Vol.045, No.2, 247-248, Nov. 2004.
86. Hitoshi Takagi, Hiroshi Mori, Junichi Hino and Masanori Nakaoka :
日本機械学会山口地方講演会講演論文集, 5-6, Nov. 2004.
87. Junichi Hino, Arata Inai, Hitoshi Takagi and Toshio Yoshimura :
A Study of Dynamic Mass Damper with Shape Memory Alloy, --- Modelling for Hysteretic Damping ---,
日本機械学会機械力学·計測制御部門講演会,(D&D2004シンポジウムアブストラクト集),, Vol.04, No.5, 257, Sep. 2004.
88. Hiroshi Mori, Hitoshi Takagi, Junichi Hino, Shinji Ochi and Masanori Nakaoka :
日本材料学会四国支部第5期総会·学術講演会講演論文集, 11-12, Apr. 2004.
89. Hiroshi Mori, Hitoshi Takagi, Junichi Hino, Shinji Ochi and Masanori Nakaoka :
Damping properties of bamboo fiber reinforced "green" composites,
Proceedings of JSMS COMPOSITES 33, 31-33, Mar. 2004.
90. 木村 良太, Toshio Yoshimura, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
中国四国支部第42期総会·講演会 講演論文集, Vol.045-1, 197-198, Mar. 2004.
91. 高木 敦史, Toshio Yoshimura, Masao Kurimoto and Junichi Hino :
中国四国支部第42期総会·講演会 講演論文集, Vol.045-1, 179-180, Mar. 2004.
92. 原井 篤志, Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura and Masao Kurimoto :
中国四国支部第42期総会·講演会 講演論文集, Vol.045-1, 191-192, Mar. 2004.
93. Junichi Hino, 武澤 慎 and Toshio Yoshimura :
A Modelling of Dynamics for Truck Cranes,
計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演論文集, 91-92, Dec. 2001.
94. Junichi Hino, 田中 龍彦 and Toshio Yoshimura :
日本機械学会·日本音響学会共催シンポジウム講演論文集, Vol.01, No.7, 239-242, Jun. 2001.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. Tatsuo Sasaoka, Akira Mizobuchi, Junichi Hino, Motomichi Sonobe and 小川 仁 :
2010年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集, 321-322, Sep. 2010.
2. Hitoshi Takagi, Junichi Hino, Akira Mizobuchi and Koji Kusano :
Development of resinless green composites reinforced by bamboo fiber,
Engineering Festival 2007, 6, Sep. 2007.
3. Toshio Yoshimura and Junichi Hino :
テクノ情報, Vol.1, No.2, 20-25, Aug. 1995.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • Estimation of excitation forces in time domain using operational responses (Project/Area Number: 16K06159 )
  • Development for a Prediction System of Chatter Vibration by using Fuzzy Neural Network Model (Project/Area Number: 15560200 )
  • 起状および旋回同時操作時のトラッククレーンの振動制御に関する研究 (Project/Area Number: 09750265 )
  • 旋回および起伏同時操作を行うトラッククレーンの振動制御に関する研究 (Project/Area Number: 08750278 )
  • トラッククレーン操作時の動特性解析とつり荷の振れ止め制御 (Project/Area Number: 06750237 )
  • 非線形の結合部を持つ部分構造合成法を用いたトラッククレーンの振動解析 (Project/Area Number: 05750223 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (10173189)