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Professor Emeritus : Hanabusa, Takao |
○ | Mechanical Engineering |
○ | X線材料強度学 (X-ray stress measurement, residual stress, Dimensional instability, Surface modification, Stress in thin films) |
1. | Takao Hanabusa : TiN, TiAlN薄膜のX選残留応力測定, サイエンス&テクノロジー, Jul. 2008. |
2. | Takao Hanabusa, Kenji Suzuki and Koichi Akita : Standard Method for X-Ray Stress Measuerment, The Society of Materials Science,Japan, Kyoto, 2005. |
3. | Takao Hanabusa : 徳島大学工学部におけるアウトカムズ評価, 地域科学研究会高等教育情報センター, Apr. 2003. |
4. | Seiichi Wakaizumi, Akira Ohbuchi, Takuji Kawano, Takafumi Noma and Takao Hanabusa : よりよい成績評価の仕方ハンドブック, Center for University Extension, Tokushima, Dec. 2002. |
5. | Yasukazu Ikeuch, Haruo Fujiwara and Takao Hanabusa : "Thermal Stress Behavior in Continuous Alumina Reinforced Aluminium" in "Werkstoffkunde -Beitrage su den Grundlagen und zur interdisziplineaeren Anwendung", DGM-Informationsgesellschaft, Germany, Jan. 1991. |
6. | 児玉 昭太郎 and Takao Hanabusa : X線応力測定法標準, 日本材料学会X線材料強度部門委員会, Kyoto, Jan. 1982. |
7. | Jun-ichi Arima, Akio Isogaya, Kazuyoshi Kamachi, Osamu Kono, Tetsuo Konaga, Toru Goto, Yoshikazu Sakamoto, Yoshiyasu Sakamoto, Shinichi Sato, Yasumitsu Shimomura, Toshio Shiraiwa, Shuji Taira, Hiroshi Takechi, Seiichiro Tani, Imao Tamura, Koichi Nakajima, Hirohiko Namikawa, Takao Hanabusa, Kenkichi Hayashi, Kozaburo Hayashi, Jiro Fukura, Motoaki Fujino, Haruo Fujiwara, Norio Hosokawa, Munetsugu Matsuo, Hironori Murakami and Yasuo Yoshioka : X-Ray Study on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, The Society of Materials Science,Japan, Kyoto, Jan. 1974. |
8. | 有間 淳一, 磯谷 彰男, 蒲池 一義, 辛島 誠一, 河野 修, 小長 哲朗, 後藤 徹, 坂本 芳一, 阪本 喜保, 佐藤 進一, 下村 保光, 白岩 俊男, 平 修二, 武智 弘, 谷 誠一郎, 田村 今男, 中島 耕一, 並川 宏彦, Takao Hanabusa, 林 建吉, 林 紘三郎, 福良 二郎, 藤野 宗昭, 藤原 晴夫, 細川 智生, 松尾 宗次, 村上 裕則 and 吉岡 靖夫 : X線材料強度学-基礎編·実験法編-, 養賢堂, Tokyo, Apr. 1973. |
1. | Ayumi Shiro, Masayuki Nishida, Muslih Rafai M., Tatsuya Okada and Takao Hanabusa : Micro Stresses within Cu Bi-crystal and Al Tri-crystal after Plastic Deformation, Materials Science Forum, Vol.768-769, 363-373, 2014. (DOI: 10.4028/, Elsevier: Scopus) |
2. | Muhamado Naim, Shyouzo Tsuzuki, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Takao Hanabusa : A Way to Further Understanding of Basic Engineering Principle by Supervising Junior High School Students through Set of Science Experiment, Journal of Engineering Research, Vol.Vol.13, No.No.5, 25-28, 2010. |
3. | Mitsuhiko Shinohara, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : Residual Stress Development in Cu Thin Films with and without AlN Passivation by Cyclic Plane Bending, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.24, No.15,16, 2530-2536, 2010. (DOI: 10.1142/S0217979210065210) |
4. | 石崎 繁利, 尾崎 純一, 齋藤 茂, 中辻 武 and Takao Hanabusa : An Attempt of "Monotsukuri Education" by Sharing Method, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.58, No.2, 64-69, 2010. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.58.2_64, CiNii: 1390001204492328192) |
5. | Ayumi Shiro, Takao Hanabusa, Tatsuya Okada, Masayuki Nishida, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Measurement of Micro Residual Stresses near the Grain Boundary in Copper Bicrystal, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.89-91, 515-520, 2010. (DOI: 10.4028/ |
6. | Takao Hanabusa and Shibata Mitsuhiko : X-Ray Investigation on Strength of Thin Films, Materials Science Forum, Vol.638-649, 2395-2404, 2010. (DOI: 10.4028/, Elsevier: Scopus) |
7. | Kikuo Tominaga, Kenji Okada, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Shinya Ohkura, Kazuya Kusaka, Kentaro Shiraishi, Takahiro Ueno and Takao Hanabusa : Deposition of photocatalytic TiO2 films by planar magnetron sputtering system with opposed Ti targets, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Vol.7, 290-293, 2009. (DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2009.290, Elsevier: Scopus) |
8. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Shoso Shingubara, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : Measurement of electromigration-induced stress in aluminum alloy interconnection, Vacuum, Vol.83, No.3, 637-640, 2009. (DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2008.04.041) |
9. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Effect of heating on the residual stresses in TiN films investigated using synchrotron radiation, Vacuum, Vol.83, No.3, 585-588, 2009. (DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2008.04.068) |
10. | 松英 達也, Takao Hanabusa and 渡部 心睦 : Effect of Wear Properties of Aluminum Alloy Surface Treated by the Ion Plating, Journal of Materials Science of Japan, Vol.45, No.6, 222-228, 2008. (CiNii: 1520572358806053248) |
11. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Kenta Kaneko, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : In-situ Thermal Stress Measurement in Multi-layered Aluminum Nitride and Copper Films by Synchrotron Radiation, Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A, Vol.74, No.739, 363-369, 2008. (DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.74.363, CiNii: 1390001204479313408, Elsevier: Scopus) |
12. | 桐山 總, 池田 祐一, 佐藤 康弘, 谷田 弓磨, いち田 英広, 小谷 亮介, 小西 正輝 and Takao Hanabusa : The new goroup work to raise the judgement of young people, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.56, No.1, 83-88, 2008. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.56.1_83, CiNii: 1390001204493312512) |
13. | Masayuki Nishida, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : X-ray stress measurement of fiber reinforced plastics composite material, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.353-358, 2423-2426, 2007. (DOI: 10.4028/, Elsevier: Scopus) |
14. | Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : 思考支援ツールを使った学生自身によるプロジェクト活動の自己評価, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.55, No.4, 70-74, 2007. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.55.4_70, CiNii: 1390001204494383616) |
15. | Shoichiro Fujisawa, Makoto Ohashi and Takao Hanabusa : Self-evaluation of Ability on "Innovation and Creativity" Common Subjects in The University of Tokushima, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.55, No.4, 48-52, 2007. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.55.4_48, CiNii: 1390282679471184768) |
16. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Kenta Kaneko, Osami Sakata and Masayuki Nishida : Stress-assisted atomic migration in thin copper films, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.353-358, 671-674, 2007. (DOI: 10.4028/, Elsevier: Scopus) |
17. | 松英 達也, Takao Hanabusa and 池内 保一 : アーク・イオンプレーティングによって形成された硬質積層膜における残留応力の熱緩和, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.56, No.7, 635-640, 2007. (DOI: 10.2472/jsms.56.635, CiNii: 1390282680394465280) |
18. | Satoshi Kiriyama, 小西 正暉 and Takao Hanabusa : The Communications Skills as The One Side of Capability to Make Plans, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.55, No.1, 54-58, 2007. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.55.1_54, CiNii: 1390001204492148096) |
19. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : Thermal relaxation of residual stresses in TiN films deposited by arc ion plating, International Journal of Materials Research, Vol.97, No.12, 1656-1660, 2006. (DOI: 10.3139/146.101397, Elsevier: Scopus) |
20. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Alteration of internal stresses in SiO2/Cu/TiN thin films by X-ray and synchrotron radiation due to heat treatment, Vacuum, Vol.80, No.7, 836-839, 2006. (DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2005.11.033, Elsevier: Scopus) |
21. | Satoshi Kiriyama, 小西 正暉 and Takao Hanabusa : プランニングに必要な能力の測定, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.54, No.2, 110-115, 2006. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.54.2_110, CiNii: 1390282679469469056) |
22. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shoso Shingubara and Osami Sakata : Thermal stress behavior in nano-size thin aluminum films, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.20, No.25n27, 4691-4696, 2006. (DOI: 10.1142/S0217979206041902, Elsevier: Scopus) |
23. | 桐山 聰, 小西 正暉 and Takao Hanabusa : プレゼンテーション資料からの計画能力評価, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.54, No.6, 102-108, 2006. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.54.6_102, CiNii: 1390001204494055168) |
24. | Li W. Li, D. W. Fei and Takao Hanabusa : Effect of deposition condition on residual stress of iron nitride thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering and ion implantation, Applied Surface Science, Vol.252, No.8, 2847-2852, 2006. (DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.04.043) |
25. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takeshi Tanaka and Takao Hanabusa : Effect of Laser Power Density and Scanning Speed on Residual Stress in Laser-Peened Aluminum Alloy, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.54, No.7, 672-678, 2005. (DOI: 10.2472/jsms.54.672, CiNii: 1390001205418449792) |
26. | Satoshi Kiriyama, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : 動き始めた創成学習, 大学研究ジャーナル, 95-106, 2005. |
27. | Mitsuhiko Hataya, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Kikuo Tominaga and Tatsuya Matsue : Residual stress measurement in sputtered copper thin films by synchrotron radiation and ordinary X-rays, Materials Science Forum, Vol.490-491, 661-668, 2005. (DOI: 10.4028/, Elsevier: Scopus) |
28. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and Noriyoshi Yamauchi : Effect of substrate temperature on crystal orientation and residual stress in RF sputtered galium nitride films, Materials Science Forum, Vol.490-491, 613-618, 2005. (DOI: 10.4028/, Elsevier: Scopus) |
29. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shozo Shingubara and Osami Sakata : In-situ observation of thermal stress in nano-size thin aluminum films, Materials Science Forum, Vol.490-491, 577-582, 2005. (DOI: 10.4028/, Elsevier: Scopus) |
30. | Masayuki Nishida, M. Refai Muslih, Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Nobuaki Minakawa and Takao Hanabusa : Internal stress measurement of fiber reinforced composite by neutron diffraction with in-situ low temperature measurement, Materials Science Forum, Vol.490-491, 239-244, 2005. (DOI: 10.4028/, Elsevier: Scopus) |
31. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuhiro Miyagi and Kazuya Kusaka : X-ray elastic constants of chromium nitride films deposited by arc-ion plating, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, Vol.A22, No.4, 1785-1787, 2004. (DOI: 10.1116/1.1705648) |
32. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and Noriyoshi Yamauchi : Effect of Substrate Temperature on Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in Radio Frequency Sputtered Gallium-Nitride Films, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, Vol.22, No.4, 1587-1590, 2004. (DOI: 10.1116/1.1759348) |
33. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Tatsuya Matsue, Masayuki Nishida, Osami Sakata and Toshiki Sato : Evaluation of Internal Stresses in Single-, Double- and Multi-Layered TiN and TiAlN Thin Films by Synchrotron Radiation, JSME International Journal, Series A: Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering, Vol.47, No.3, 312-317, 2004. (DOI: 10.1299/jsmea.47.312, CiNii: 1390282681469252480) |
34. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Residual stress and thermal stress observation in thin copper films, Thin Solid Films, Vol.459, No.1-2, 245-248, 2004. (DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2003.12.102, Elsevier: Scopus) |
35. | Takao Hanabusa, Tatsuya Matsue and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : Dependence to processing conditions of structure in TiN films deposited by arc ion plating, Vacuum, Vol.74, No.3-4, 647-651, 2004. (DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2004.01.049) |
36. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Tatsuya Matsue, Masayuki Nishida, Osami Sakata and Toshiki Sato : Evaluation of internal stresses in TiN thin films by synchrotron radiation, Vacuum, Vol.74, No.3-4, 571-575, 2004. (DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2004.01.029) |
37. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Measurement of crystal orientation and residual stress in GaN film deposited by RF sputtering with powder target, Vacuum, Vol.74, No.3-4, 613-618, 2004. (DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2004.01.034) |
38. | Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : Presentation Assessment of Activities in Graduation Research and Its Development, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.51, No.5, 42-50, 2003. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.51.5_42, CiNii: 1390001204494125440) |
39. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Yasukazu Ikeuchi and Kazuya Kusaka : X-Ray Evaluation of SiO2/Cu/TiN Films Deposited by Ion Plating, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.52, No.10, 1231-1236, 2003. (DOI: 10.2472/jsms.52.1231, Elsevier: Scopus) |
40. | Masayuki Nishida, Takao Hanabusa, Yasukazu Ikeuchi and Nobuaki Minakawa : Neutron Stress Measurement of W-Fiber Reinforced Cu Composite, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, Vol.34, 49-55, 2003. (DOI: 10.1002/mawe.200390015) |
41. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Masayuki Nishida, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : Crystal orientation and residual stress in TiN film by synchrotron radiation, Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, Vol.94, No.6, 662-666, 2003. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
42. | Masayuki Nishida, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : Internal stress analysis of long fiber reinforced materials, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.17, No.8&9, 1821-1826, 2003. (DOI: 10.1142/S0217979203019721, Elsevier: Scopus) |
43. | Kazuya Kusaka, Kouhei Furutani, Takuya Kikuma, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Plasma Protection Net on Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in Sputtered Gallium Nitride Films, Materials Science Research International, Vol.8, No.4, 187-192, 2002. (DOI: 10.2472/jsms.51.12Appendix_187, CiNii: 1390001205443968512, Elsevier: Scopus) |
44. | Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : A new trial of outcomes assesment based on presentation practice, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.50, No.5, 47-53, 2002. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.50.5_47, CiNii: 1390001204494433792) |
45. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : The structure of TiN films deposited by arc ion plating, Vacuum, Vol.66, No.3-4, 435-440, 2002. (DOI: 10.1016/S0042-207X(02)00167-7, Elsevier: Scopus) |
46. | Kazuya Kusaka, Daisuke Taniguchi, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of sputtering gas pressure and nitrogen concentration on crystal orientation and residual stress in sputtered AlN films, Vacuum, Vol.66, No.3-4, 441-446, 2002. (DOI: 10.1016/S0042-207X(02)00168-9, Elsevier: Scopus) |
47. | Takuya Kikuma, Kikuo Tominaga, Kazuo Furutani, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Takashi Mukai : GaN films deposited by planar magnetron sputtering, Vacuum, Vol.66, No.3-4, 233-237, 2002. (DOI: 10.1016/S0042-207X(02)00147-1) |
48. | Kikuo Tominaga, Takuya Kikuma, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Energetic oxygen ions in ZrO2 deposition by reactive sputtering of Zr, Vacuum, Vol.66, No.3-4, 279-284, 2002. (DOI: 10.1016/S0042-207X(02)00155-0) |
49. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : X-ray Stress Measurementof Cu/TiN Films, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.51, No.7, 743-748, 2002. (DOI: 10.2472/jsms.51.743, CiNii: 1390001205393307904, Elsevier: Scopus) |
50. | Takao Hanabusa, Fukuji Inoko, Katsunobu Konishi, Masahiro Masuda and Kei Miwa : Pre-Design Project Giving Incentive to Specialized Course, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.49, No.6, 38-43, 2001. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.49.6_38) |
51. | Takao Hanabusa, 森口 忠和, Kazuya Kusaka and Tatsuya Matsue : Development of Thick TiN Film on Aluminum Substrate and Its Wear Properties, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.50, No.7, 732-737, 2001. (DOI: 10.2472/jsms.50.732, CiNii: 1390282680369480192, Elsevier: Scopus) |
52. | 松英 達也, Takao Hanabusa and 池内 保一 : Effect of Processing Conditions on Structure of TiN Films Deposited by Arc Ion Plating, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.50, No.7, 707-712, 2001. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
53. | Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in Chromium Nitride Films Deposited by Arc-Ion Plating, Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, Vol.1, 299-302, 2001. |
54. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : Influence of Processing Conditions on Structure of TiN Films Deposited by Arc Ion Plating, Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, Vol.1, 303-306, 2001. |
55. | Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Tatsuya Matsue and Takao Hanabusa : X-Ray Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Aluminum Composites, Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, Vol.1, 324-327, 2001. |
56. | Masayuki Nishida and Takao Hanabusa : FEM Study on Microstress Distribution of Fiber Reinforced Material and Triaxiallity of X-Ray Stress, Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, Vol.1, 320-323, 2001. |
57. | Makoto Nisiike, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : X-Ray Evaluation of Laser-Peened Aluminum Surface, Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, Vol.1, 285-290, 2001. |
58. | Takao Hanabusa and Masayuki Nishida : Residual Stress and In-situ Thermal Stress Measurements of Copper Films on Glass Substrate, Materials Science Research International, Vol.7, No.1, 54-60, 2001. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
59. | 池内 保一, 松英 達也 and Takao Hanabusa : X-Ray Evaluation of Residual Stresses during Heat-Treating of Continuous SiC Fiber-Reinforced 6061Al Alloy Composite, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.50, No.1, 76-82, 2001. (DOI: 10.2472/jsms.50.76, Elsevier: Scopus) |
60. | Yasuhiro Miki, Tadashi Taniguchi, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Tatsuya Matsue : X-ray Stress Measurement and Mechanical Properties of TiN Films Coated on Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Substrates by Arc Ion Plating and Ion Beam Mixing, Materials Science Research International, Vol.6, No.4, 243-248, 2000. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
61. | Kazuya Kusaka, Daisuke Taniguchi, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Input Power on Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in AlN Film Deposited by dc Sputtering, Vacuum, Vol.59, No.2-3, 806-813, 2000. (DOI: 10.1016/S0042-207X(00)00351-1, Elsevier: Scopus) |
62. | 松英 達也, Takao Hanabusa, 池内 保一, 三木 靖弘 and 米谷 英治 : Alteration of residual stress in TiN film due to heat treatment, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.49, No.7, 735-741, 2000. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
63. | 松英 達也, Takao Hanabusa, 池内 保一, 三木 靖弘 and 米谷 英治 : アーク·イオンプレーティング法により形成されたTiN皮膜のX線残留応力測定, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.46, No.12, 699-704, 1999. |
64. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Yasuhiro Miki, Kazuya Kusaka and Eiji Maitani : Residual Stress in TiN Film Deposited by Arc Ion Plating, Thin Solid Films, Vol.343-344, 257-260, 1999. |
65. | Takao Hanabusa, Hiroyosi Hosoda, Kazuya Kusaka and Kikuo Tominaga : Abnormal Residual Stress State in ZnO Films Synthesized by Planar Magnetron Sputtering System with Two Facing Targets, Thin Solid Films, Vol.343-344, 164-167, 1999. |
66. | Yasuhiro Miki, Tadasi Taniguchi, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Eiji Maitani : Mechanical Properties of TiN Films Deposited on Aluminum Substrates by Arc Ion Plating Method, Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A, Vol.65, No.635, 1635-1641, 1999. |
67. | Takao Hanabusa : X-Ray Measurement of Stresses in Deposited Thin Film with Fiber Texture, Materials Science Research International, Vol.5, No.2, 63-73, 1999. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
68. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : Change in Residual Stresses of TiN Films due to Annealing Treatments, Materials Science Research International, Vol.5, No.1, 45-50, 1999. |
69. | J. D. Ju, Masayuki Nishida and Takao Hanabusa : Simulation of the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior and Residual Stresses in Spray Coating Process, Materials Processing Technologies, Vol.92-93, 243-250, 1999. |
70. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takahiro Ao, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of External Magnetic Field on c-axis Orientation and Residual Stress in AlN Films, Thin Solid Films, Vol.332, No.1-2, 247-251, 1998. |
71. | Kikuo Tominaga, Yoshifumi Sato, Ichiro Mori, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Influence of target shape on properties of AlN sputtered film, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.37, 5224-5226, 1998. |
72. | Kikuo Tominaga, Takahiro Ao, Yoshifumi Sato, Ichiro Mori, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Magnetic Field Dependence of AlN Films in DC Planar Magnetron Sputtering with Opposed Targets, Vacuum, Vol.51, No.4, 549-553, 1998. |
73. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and Takahiro Ao : Residual Stress Measurement in AlN Film Deposited by Alternating Sputtering Method, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.46, No.12, 1429-1435, 1997. |
74. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Plasma Protection Net on Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by a Magnetron Sputtering System, Thin Solid Films, Vol.290-291, 260-263, 1996. |
75. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Masayuki Nishida and Fukuji Inoko : Residual Stress and in-situ Thermal Stress Measurement of Aluminum Film Deposited on Silicon Wafer, Thin Solid Films, Vol.290-291, 248-253, 1996. |
76. | 松英 達也, Takao Hanabusa and 池内 保一 : TiNおよびTiC被覆材の繰り返し曲げ負荷過程のX線的研究, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.45, No.10, 1119-1124, 1996. |
77. | Kikuo Tominaga, Takahir Ao, Ichirou Mori, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Gas pressure dependence of AlN film properties in alternating sputtering system, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.35, No.9B, 4972-4975, 1996. |
78. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Nitrogen Gas Pressure on Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by the Planar Magnetron Sputtering System, Thin Solid Films, Vol.281-282, 340-343, 1996. |
79. | Kikuo Tominaga, Shozo Inoue, R.P. Howson, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : TiN films prepared by unbalanced planar magnetron sputtering under controle of photoemission of Ti, Thin Solid Films, Vol.281-282, 182-185, 1996. |
80. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : Residual Stress and Its Thermal Relaxation in TiN Films, Thin Solid Films, Vol.281-282, 344-347, 1996. |
81. | 松英 達也, Takao Hanabusa and 池内 保一 : TiN被覆材の残留応力の成膜温度および膜厚依存性, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.44, No.504, 1121-1126, 1995. |
82. | 西田 真之 and Takao Hanabusa : 曲げおよび熱サイクルを加えた溶射皮膜のX線応力測定, Journal of High Temperature Society, Vol.21, No.Supplement, 1-9, 1995. |
83. | Kikuo Tominaga, Kazuya Kusaka, Mufei Chong, Takao Hanabusa and Yoshihiro Shintani : Film Degradation in AlN Preparation by Facing Target System, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.33, No.9B, 5235-5239, 1994. |
84. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effects of Plasma Contamination on Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by Planar Magnetron Sputtering, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.43, No.490, 799-805, 1994. |
85. | 池内 保一, 伊賀 浩二 and Takao Hanabusa : アルミナ長繊維強化アルミニウム複合材における熱残留応力のX線3軸解析, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.43, No.490, 792-798, 1994. |
86. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Kikuo Tominaga and Haruo Fujiwara : Dependence of Substrate and Its Temperature on Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by Sputtering, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.42, No.477, 627-633, 1993. |
87. | Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : Influence of Micro-Stress on X-Ray Residual Stress Analysis, Current Japanese Materials Research, Vol.10, 47-72, 1993. |
88. | Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : Evaluation of Thermal Stresses in Continuous Alumina Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composites by X-Ray Stress Measurement, Current Japanese Materials Research, Vol.10, 29-46, 1993. |
89. | 池内 保一, Takao Hanabusa and 藤原 晴夫 : X線回折法によるアルミナ繊維強化Al-5%Cu合金の熱応力測定, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.42, No.477, 606-612, 1993. |
90. | Masayuki Nishida, Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : X-ray Residual Stress Measurement of Laminated Coating Layers Produced by Plasma Spraying, Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol.61, No.1-3, 47-51, 1993. |
91. | 西田 真之, Takao Hanabusa and 勝村 宗英 : X線回折によるレーザ溶射膜の熱応力および残留応力の測定, Journal of High Temperature Society, Vol.19, No.Supplement, 357-364, 1993. |
92. | Yasukazu Ikeuchi and Takao Hanabusa : Thermal Stress Behavior in γ-Alumina Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite, Residual Stresses III -Science and Technology-, Vol.1, 52-57, 1992. |
93. | Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and 藤原 晴夫 : c軸配向した窒化アルミニウム膜のX線的残留応力解析, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.42, No.472, 90-95, 1992. (DOI: 10.2472/jsms.42.90, CiNii: 1390001205393618304) |
94. | Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and Haruo Fujiwara : Residual Stress in Al and AlN Thin Films Deposited by Sputtering, Residual Stress Science and Technology, Vol.1, 728-734, 1992. |
95. | Takao Hanabusa, 谷 通弘 and 藤原 晴夫 : CrKα線およびMoKα線による冷間圧延集合組織材のX線応力測定, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.42, No.454, 790-796, 1991. |
96. | 池内 保一, Takao Hanabusa and 藤原 晴夫 : γ-アルミナ繊維強化アルミニウム複合材料における熱誘起応力の解析的研究, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.39, No.435, 456-462, 1990. |
97. | Yasukazu Ikeutchi, Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : Automated System of X-ray Stress Analysisiand Its Application to Matrix Thermal Deformation Behavior in γ-Al2O3 Fiber Reinforced Al, Proc. of 32nd Japan Congress on Materials Research, 127-133, 1989. |
98. | 西田 真之, Takao Hanabusa and 藤原 晴夫 : 二相材料の引張変形による微視的残留応力, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.38, No.429, 576-581, 1989. |
99. | 池内 保一, Takao Hanabusa and 藤原 晴夫 : α-アルミナ繊維強化アルミニウム複合材料における熱応力挙動, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.38, No.429, 623-629, 1989. |
100. | Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : Evaluation of Macro and Micro Residual Stresses by X-Ray Stress Measurement, Proc. of 32nd Japan Congress on Materials Research, 27-36, 1989. |
101. | Takao Hanabusa, Berthord Scholtes and Eckard Macherauch : X-Ray Residual Stress Measurement of (α+β)-Brass after Uniaxial Tensile Deformation, Proc. of 29th Japan Congress on Materials Research, 123-126, 1988. |
102. | Takao Hanabusa, 藤原 晴夫 and 藤本 芳樹 : 常圧,ホットプレスおよびHIP成形したSi3N4セラミックスのX線応力測定の基礎, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.37, No.413, 204-209, 1988. |
103. | Takao Hanabusa, 藤原 晴夫 and 藤本 芳樹 : ホットプレスしたSi3N4セラミックスの研削加工層の残留応力とその熱的安定性, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.37, No.413, 210-215, 1988. |
104. | Takao Hanabusa, Berthord Scholtes and Eckard Macherauch : X-Ray Stress Measurement of (α+β)-Brass having Rolled Textures, Proc. of 29th Japan Congress on Materials Research, 117-121, 1986. |
105. | Takao Hanabusa and 藤原 晴夫 : X線格子ひずみに及ぼす2次元切削加工集合組織の影響, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.33, No.367, 371-377, 1984. |
106. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazumi Nishioka and Haruo Fujiwara : Criterion for the Triaxial X-Ray Residual Stress Analysis, Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, Vol.74, No.5, 307-313, 1983. |
107. | Takao Hanabusa and 藤原 晴夫 : 研削·切削加工層の微視的せん断残留応力の組織依存性について, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.32, No.354, 245-250, 1983. |
108. | Takao Hanabusa : On the Relation between ψ-Splitting and Microscopic Residual Stressesin Uni-Directionally Deformed Surface, Haerterei-Technische Mitteilungen, Vol.Beiheft, 209-214, 1982. |
109. | Takao Hanabusa, Haruo Fujiwara and Kazumi Nishioka : X-Ray Residual Stress Analysis by the Weighted-Averaging Method for the Layer having Steep Stress Gradient, Haerterei-Technische Mitteilungen, Vol.Beiheft, 204-209, 1982. |
110. | Takao Hanabusa and 藤原 晴夫 : 有向性加工層のX線的応力測定におけるψスプリットと微視的残留応力について, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.31, No.342, 227-233, 1982. |
111. | Takao Hanabusa and 藤原 晴夫 : X線的残留応力解析における重み付き平均解析法の実験的検討, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.30, No.330, 254-260, 1981. |
112. | Takao Hanabusa : 急激な応力こう配のあるときのX線的残留応力解析における重み付き平均解析法の理論, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.30, No.330, 247-253, 1981. |
113. | Naoyasu Takei, Kazumi Nishioka, Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : Theory of the X-ray Residual Stress Analysis, Part II, Scripta Metallurgica, Vol.11, No.7, 619-621, 1977. |
114. | Kazumi Nishioka, Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : Theory of the X-ray Residual Stress Analysis, Scripta Metallurgica, Vol.8, No.12, 1349-1350, 1974. |
115. | Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : セメンタイト粒子を含む鋼の引張変形に関するX線的研究, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.8, 99-107, 1973. |
116. | Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : X線によるセメンタイト相の応力測定と鋼のセメンタイト粒子による加工硬化の研究, 応力と歪, Vol.1, No.4, 22-30, 1972. |
117. | Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : X線によるステンレス·クラッド鋼の残留応力測定, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.19, No.207, 1022-1027, 1970. |
118. | Takao Hanabusa, Jiro Fukura and Haruo Fujiwara : X-Ray Stress Measurement on the Cementite Phase in Steels, Bulletin of JSME, Vol.12, No.53, 931-939, 1969. (DOI: 10.1299/jsme1958.12.931, CiNii: 1390001206490173568) |
119. | Takao Hanabusa, Jiro Fukura and Haruo Fujiwara : 鋼のセメンタイト(Fe3C)相中の応力のX線的測定, Transactions of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.35, No.270, 237-244, 1969. |
120. | Takao Hanabusa, Jiro Fukura and Haruo Fujiwara : ディフラクトメータによる粗大結晶粒材のX線応力測定法, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.16, No.171, 948-953, 1967. |
1. | Minoru Watanabe, Tadashi Yamashiro, Takanori Satoh, Makoto Ohashi, Hideaki Maseda, Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : University and High school cooperation project-A report from experience-based study program of high school students in the laboratory of the university-, Journal of University Education Research, No.6, 85-101, 2009. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001444, CiNii: 1050020697878028800) |
2. | Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : 「ものづくり」による創造的学習, Journal of University Education Research, No.4, 2007. |
3. | Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : TiNおよびTiAlN膜の応力のX線的評価, リガクジャーナル, Vol.35, No.2, 20-27, 2004. |
4. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, 新宮原 正三, 坂田 修身 and 松英 達也 : ナノサイズアルミニウム配線のエレクトロニクスマイグレーション誘起応力の挙動, SPring-8ナノテクノロジー研究, Vol.2 2003A, 10-12, 2003. |
1. | Hiroshi Yoshida and Takao Hanabusa : 学生による自主コミュニケーション活動, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, No.60,2, 63-68, 2012. (DOI: 10.4307/jsee.60.2_63, CiNii: 1572824500613469440) |
1. | Takao Hanabusa and Yun-Hae Kim : Step to the Asian Conference on Engineering Education, Journal of University Education Research, No.7, 60-65, Mar. 2010. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001461) |
2. | Takao Hanabusa : 学生のプロジェクト活動を通した人間力養成, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.56, No.1, 70-75, Jan. 2008. |
3. | Takao Hanabusa : 教員の教育貢献評価に関するアンケート調査報告, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.55, No.4, 191-196, Jul. 2007. |
4. | Takao Hanabusa : 教員の教育貢献評価, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.55, No.4, 184-190, Jul. 2007. |
5. | Takao Hanabusa and Koichi Akita : Stress evaluation by diffraction using neutron and synchrotron radiation, --- 2. Residual stress measurements on thin films and microscopic area using synchrotron radiation ---, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.54, No.6, 642-647, Jun. 2005. (DOI: 10.2472/jsms.54.642, CiNii: 1390282680396304384, Elsevier: Scopus) |
6. | Takao Hanabusa : プレゼンテーション評価で身につく力, IDE現代の高等教育, No.470, 74-80, May 2005. |
7. | 桐山 聰, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and 辛 動勲 : Innovative and Creative Learning Activities have started off : The Activity of the Center for Innovation and Creativity Development, Journal of University Education Research, Vol.2, No.2, 113-124, Mar. 2005. (CiNii: 1050302172854754304) |
8. | Takao Hanabusa : 創成学習とプレゼンテーション評価, 学びに成功する「良い授業」とは何か,大阪大学大学院工学研究課原子力専攻編, 128-138, 2004. |
9. | Takao Hanabusa : X-Ray Stress Measurement of Thin Film Coatings, Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, Vol.1, 285-290, May 2001. |
10. | Takao Hanabusa : X線応力測定法の基礎と最近の発展 5.表面応力·集合組織材, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.48, No.1, 89-95, Jan. 1999. |
11. | Takao Hanabusa : X-ray measurement of stresses in deposited thin film with fiber texture, Materials Science Research International, Vol.5, No.2, 89-95, 1999. |
12. | Takao Hanabusa : 最近のX線応力測定技術 4.X線応力測定法の応用(II)(講座), Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.37, No.419, 971-977, Jan. 1988. |
13. | 藤原 晴夫 and Takao Hanabusa : 最近の加工変質層の測定, 機械と工具, Vol.22, No.12, 41-50, Dec. 1978. |
1. | Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : Students Voluntary Teaching Activities in Science Schools, 2nd Asian Conference on Engineering Education, Tokushima, Oct. 2011. |
2. | Takao Hanabusa, Ayumi Shiro and Tatsuya Okada : Residual Stress Measurement around the Interface of Copper Bicrystal Deformed by Uniaxial Extension, Advances in Science and Technology, Vol.64, 125-134, Montecatini Terme (June 2010), Jun. 2010. |
3. | Tadashi Okada, Takashi Yamahata, Masafumi Miwa, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Takao Hanabusa : Unmanned solar boat which cruises autonomously, Proceedings On "2nd International On-Board Symposium:Huma Health, Energy and Environment", 67-68, Tokushima, May 2010. |
4. | Nishida Masayuki, Kitamura Masashi, Takao Hanabusa and Matsue Tatsuya : X-ray Residual Stress Measurement of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composite, Proceedings of Asian Pasific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009, Yokohama, Nov. 2009. |
5. | Matsue Tatsuya, Takao Hanabusa, Kusaka Kazuya, Sakata Osami and Nishida Masayuki : Residual Stresses of CrN Films Deposited by Arc Ion Plating Investigated using Synchrotron Radiation, Book of Abstracts, The 5th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation (MECA SENS V), 152, Mito, Nov. 2009. |
6. | Nishida Masayuki, Takao Hanabusa and Matsue Tatsuya : Neutron Stress Measurement of Coarse Crystal Grain Aluminum Casting Alloy, Book of Abstracts, The 5th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation (MECA SENS V), 83, Mito, Nov. 2009. |
7. | Nishida Masayuki, Takao Hanabusa, Shiro Ayumi and Matsue Tatsuya : Stress Estimation of Titanium Casting Alloy by X-ray Measurement Technique of Single Crystal, Book of Abstracts, The 5th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation (MECA SENS V), 83, Mito, Nov. 2009. |
8. | Shiro Ayumi, Okada Tasuya, Takao Hanabusa and Nishida Masayuki : Observation of Micro Residual Stresses near the Grain Boundary in Copper Bicrystal with Schmid factor of 0.5, Book of Abstracts, The 5th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation (MECA SENS V), 82, Mito, Nov. 2009. |
9. | Takao Hanabusa, Shiro Ayumi, Refai Muslih and Nishida Masayuki : Diffraction Plane Dependence of Micro Residual Stresses in Uniaxially Extended Carbon Steels, Book of Abstracts, The 5th International COnference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation (MECA SENS V), 34, Mito, Nov. 2009. |
10. | Muhamad Naim, Keisuke Fukuda, Norihisa Kitamura, Ryo Takekoshi, Akifumi Miyake, Shoichiro Fujisawa, Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : A Way to Futher Understanding of Basic Engineering Principle by Supervising Junior High School Students through Sets of Science Experiment, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Engineering Education 2009 (ACEE2009), 310-311, Busan, Oct. 2009. |
11. | Tadashi Okada, Takashi Yamahata, Masafumi Miwa, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Takao Hanabusa : Solar Boat Project, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Engineering Education 2009 (ACEE2009), 291, Busan, Oct. 2009. |
12. | Norihisa Shimamura, Kosuke Harada, Shingo Kuno, Shinsuke Nakanishi, Takahumi Nakagawa, Satoshi Nishino, Takao Hanabusa, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Kazuya Kusaka : Activity of Tatara Project, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Engineering Education 2009 (ACEE2009), 213-214, Busan, Oct. 2009. |
13. | Shoichiro Fujisawa, Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : Introduction to the Center for Innovation and Creativity Development in The University of Tokushima, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Engineering Education 2009 (ACEE2009), 60-61, Busan, Oct. 2009. |
14. | Ryoju Nakata, S Sugimoto, Hideo Araki and Takao Hanabusa : Education for Human Behavior Science in High School-College Partnership Programs Associated with Super Science High School, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Engineering Education 2009 (ACEE 2009), 312-313, Busan, Oct. 2009. |
15. | Yun-Hae Kim, Takao Hanabusa and Se-Ho Park : Globalization of Engineering Education in Asia, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Engineering Education 2009 (ACEE 2009), 15-19, Busan, Oct. 2009. |
16. | Takao Hanabusa and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Roots Finding, --- PBL in the first year course ---, Proceeding of the Asian Conference on Engineering Education 2009 (ACEE 2009), 229, Busan, Oct. 2009. |
17. | Takao Hanabusa and Yun-Hae Kim : Step to the Asian Conference on Engineering Education, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Engineering Education 2009 (ACEE 2009), 20-23, Busan, Oct. 2009. |
18. | Ishizaki Shigetoshi, Ozaki Jun-ichi and Takao Hanabusa : Problem-Based Learning in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of the ICEE & ICEER 2009 KOREA, 16-14-16-19, Seoul, Aug. 2009. |
19. | Ayumi Shiro and Takao Hanabusa : Measurement of Micro Residual Stresses near the Grain Boundary in Copper Bicrystal, THERMEC'2009, Berlin, Aug. 2009. |
20. | Takao Hanabusa and Mitsuhiko Shinohara : X-Ray Investigation on Strength of Thin FIlms, THERMEC'2009, Berlin, Aug. 2009. |
21. | Takao Hanabusa and Yun-Hae Kim : Activities in the Center for Innovation and Creativity Development of The University of Tokushima -Current International Relationship between The University of Tokushima and Korea Maritime University and the Future Development-, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Education, 29-32, Dublin, Nov. 2008. |
22. | Yun-Hae Kim and Takao Hanabusa : Activation of Engineering Education through International Capstone Design Coalition, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Education, 23-27, Dublin, Nov. 2008. |
23. | Shinohara Mitsuhiko, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : Residual stress development in Cu thin films with and without AlN passivation by cyclic plane bending, AMDP 2008 Program & Abstract Book, 93, Beijing, China, Oct. 2008. |
24. | Isoda Hirokazu, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Evaluation of residual stresses induced by laser peening, AMDP 2008 Program & Abstract Book, 92, Beijing, China, Oct. 2008. |
25. | Takao Hanabusa, Tadashige Daiki and Nishida Masayuki : X-ray stress measurement of coarse grained cast Aluminum, AMDP 2008 Program & Abstract Book, 48, Beijing, Oct. 2008. |
26. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Nishida Masayuki : Diffraction stress measurement on coarse graind materials, The 8th International Conference on Residual Stresses, Denver, USA, Aug. 2008. |
27. | Nishida Masayuki, Shiro Ayumi, Jing Tian, Muslih Refai M. and Takao Hanabusa : Residual stress measurement of coarse crystal grain in titanium casting alloy by neutron diffraction, The 8th International Conference on Residual Stresses, Denver, Aug. 2008. |
28. | Shiro Ayumi, Takao Hanabusa, Nishida Masayuki and Jing Tian : Residual stress estimation of Ti casting alloy by X-ray single crystal measurement method, The 8th International Conferenceon Residual Stresses, Denver, Aug. 2008. |
29. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Sakata Osami : Relaxation of residual stresses in thin films investigated using synchrotron radiation, The 8th International Conference on Residual stresses, Denver, Aug. 2008. |
30. | Takao Hanabusa, Nishida Masayuji and Jing Tian : Residual stress evaluation of Ti casting alloy by X-ray single crystal measurement method, The 8th International Conference on Residual Stresses, Denver, Aug. 2008. |
31. | Okada Kenji, Kikuo Tominaga, Retsuo Kawakami, Ohkura Shinya, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Deposition of photocatalytic tiO2 films by planar magnetron sputtering system with opposed Ti targets, 14th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, 331-332, Dublin, Jul. 2008. |
32. | Takao Hanabusa, Masayuki Nishida and Kazuya Kusaka : Thermal stress behavior of micro- and nano-size aluminum films, International Conference on Neutron and X-ray Scattering 2007, 21-27, Bandung, Indonesia, Jul. 2007. |
33. | Takao Hanabusa : Fundamental and application of X-ray stress measurement, International Conference on Neutron and X-ray Scattering, Workshop, Serpong, Indonesia, Jul. 2007. |
34. | Masayuki Nishida, Jing Tian, Muslih R. M. and Takao Hanabusa : Residual stress measurement of titanium casting alloy by neutron diffraction, Proceedings of the International Conference on Neutron and X-ray Scattering 2007, 101-104, Bandung, Jul. 2007. |
35. | Kikuo Tominaga, Miyamoto Yoshinori, Ohkura Shinya, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Comparison of film depositions of anatase TiO2 by planar magnetron sputtering with opposed Ti targets and conventional Ti targets, The 20th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials, 108, Nagoya, Jun. 2007. |
36. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Shingubara Shoso, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : Measurement of electromigration-induced stress in aluminum interconnection, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Process, 411-414, Kanazawa, Jun. 2007. |
37. | Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : Stress Assisted Atomic Migration in Copper Thin Films, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Process, 229-232, Kanazawa, Jun. 2007. |
38. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Alteration of Residual Stresses in TiN Films by Synchrotron Radiation due to Heat Treatment, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Process, 127-130, Kanazawa, Jun. 2007. |
39. | Masayuki Nishida, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : X-ray stress measurement of fiber reinforced plastics composite material, APCFS'06, Hainan Iland, Nov. 2006. |
40. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Masayuki Nishida : Stress-assisted atomic migration in thin copper films, APCFS'06, 22-25, Hainan Iland, China, Nov. 2006. |
41. | Yun-Hae Kim, Jin-Ho Son, Jong-Rae Cho, Yoon-Sik Kim and Takao Hanabusa : Design of Un-manned Solar Boat System, 2006 JSEE Annual Conference, International Session Proceedings, 36-39, Kokura, Kitakyushu, Jul. 2006. |
42. | Takao Hanabusa, Kim Yun-Hae, Kim Yoon-Sik, Cho Jong-Rae and Satoshi Kiriyama : Encouragement of Engineering Education by International Coalition, --- Relation between the Center for Innovation and Creativity Development, The University of Tokushima and the Center for Innovation of Education, Korea Maritime University ---, 2006 JSEE Annual Conference, International Session Proceedings, 32-34, Kokura, Kitakyushu, Jul. 2006. |
43. | Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : Teaching elementary school student in a handicraft lesson by science and technological students, Proceeding of the 34th SEFI Annual Conference, 109, Uppsala, Sweden, Jun. 2006. |
44. | Takao Hanabusa and Shoichiro Fujisawa : "Roots Finding" -PBL in th e first year course-, 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on PBL, 77, Tokyo, Jun. 2006. |
45. | Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : Encouragement of student activities by presentation evaluation, Proceeding of the 34th SEFI Annual Conference, 109, Uppsala, Sweden, June 2006, Jun. 2006. |
46. | Satoshi Kiriyama, Takao Hanabusa and Masanobu Haraguchi : The self analysis of setbacks in the WEB designer project, Abstract of 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on PBL, 80, Tokyo, May 2006. |
47. | Masanobu Haraguchi, Satoshi Kiriyama, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Takao Hanabusa : Education of the ability to find solution through making WEB pages for first-grade students, Abstract of 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on PBL, 78, Tokyo, May 2006. |
48. | Takao Hanabusa, Shoichiro Fujisawa and : "Roots Finding", --- PBL in the first year course ---, Abstract of 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on PBL, 77, Tokyo, May 2006. |
49. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Satoshi Kiriyama, Tetsushi Ueta, Akio Tsuneda and Takuo Nagamachi : Mutual evaluation of presentation skills between two distant universities by giga-bit network, Abstract of 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on PBL, 79, Tokyo, May 2006. |
50. | Takao Hanabusa : Residual stress evaluation of industrial materials by X-ray and neutron diffraction, ISOPE-2006, San Francisco, May 2006. |
51. | Satoshi Kiriyama, Ikeda Yuuichi, Kazuya Kusaka, Masanobu Haraguchi and Takao Hanabusa : The Good Result of Independent Project Activities by Students and the New prospect of Creativity Education, Proceedings of The 1st International Conference Design Engineering and Science (Proc. of ICDES2005), 369-373, Wien, Oct. 2005. |
52. | Takao Hanabusa and Satoshi Kiriyama : Activity of The Center for Innovation and Creativity Development, Final Program and Abstracts of SICE Annual Conference 2005, 41, Okayama, Aug. 2005. |
53. | Satoshi Kiriyama, Ikeda Yuuichi and Takao Hanabusa : The Importance of Concept-Teaching in Spontaneous Project Based Learning, Final Program and Abstracts of SICE Annual Conference 2005, 41, Okayama, Aug. 2005. |
54. | Masayuki Nishida, Refai M. Muslih, Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Nobuaki Minakawa and Takao Hanabusa : Low temperature in-situ stress measurement of W/Cu composite by neutron diffraction, Advanced Maerials evelopment & Performance Conference 2005, 89, Auckland, New Zealand, Jul. 2005. |
55. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Alteration of internal stresses in SiO2/Cu/TiN thin films by synchrotron radiation due to heat treatment, The 8th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan, Jun. 2005. |
56. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Shoso Shingubara, Tatsuya Matsue and K. Ohshima : Behavior of electromigration-induced stress in nano-sized aluminum interconection, The 8th International Symposium on Sputterring and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan, Jun. 2005. |
57. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shoso Shingubara and Osami Sakata : Thermal stress behavior in nano-size thin aluminum films, Advanced Materials Development & Performance Conference 2005, 157, Auckland, New Zealand, Jun. 2005. |
58. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Shoso Shingubara, K. Noda and K. Oshima : The 8th International Sympsium on Sputtering & Plasm Processes, MN-P-3, Kanazawa, Jun. 2005. |
59. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Alteration of internal stresses in SiO2/Cu/TiN thin films by synchrotron radiation due to heat treatment, The 8th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes, TF-P1-13, Kanazawa, Jun. 2005. |
60. | Takao Hanabusa, Satoshi Kiriyama and Dohoon Shin : Activitiy of the center for innovation and creativity development, Proceedings of SICE 2005, 2005. |
61. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shoso Shingubara and Osami Sakata : In-situ observation of thermal stress in nano-size thin aluminum films, The Seventh International Conference on Residual Stresses, Xi'an, China, Jul. 2004. |
62. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shoso Shingubara and Osami Sakata : In-situ Thermal Stress Measurement of Thin Films During Thermal Cycling, Proceedings of 4th International Forum on Advanced Materila Science and Technology, Troyes([France]), Jul. 2004. |
63. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shoso Shingubara and Osami Sakata : In-situ Observation of Thermal Stress in Nano-size Thin Films, Proceedings of 16th International Vacuum Congress, Venice([Italy]), Jun. 2004. |
64. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Shoso Shingubara, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : In-situ thermal stress measurement in nano-sized aluminum and copper films with SOG passivation, AIP Conference Proceedings of Stress-induced Phenomena in Metallization, Vol.741, 229-235, Austin([USA]), Jun. 2004. |
65. | Mitsuhiko Hataya, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Kikuo Tominaga, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : Residual Stress Measurement in Sputtered Copper Thin Films by Synchrotron Radiation and Ordinary X-rays, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Residual Stresses, 661-666, Xi'an, Jun. 2004. |
66. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and Noriyoshi Yamauchi : Effect of Substrate Temperature on Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in RF Sputtered Gallium Nitride Films, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Residual Stresses, 613-618, Xi'an, Jun. 2004. |
67. | Dongying Ju, Tomio Ueda, Takashi Hatakeyama, Takuya Arizono, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Evaluation of Residual Stress in Nano-TiO2 Film on ITO Glass by Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Residual Stresses, Xi'an, Jun. 2004. |
68. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shoso Shingubara and Osami Sakata : In-situ Observation of Thermal Stress in Nano-size Thin Aluminum Films, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Residual Stresses, Xi'an, Jun. 2004. |
69. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shoso Shingubara and Osami Sakata : In-situ observation of thermal stress in nano-size thin films, 16th International vacuum congress, Venice, Italy, 2004. |
70. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shoso Shingubara and Osami Sakata : In-situ thermal stress measurement of thin films during thermal cycling, 4th International forum on advanced materials science and technology, Troyes, France, 2004. |
71. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Measurement of Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in GaN Film Deposited by RF Sputtering with Powder Target, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Process, 157-160, Kanazawa, Jun. 2003. |
72. | Kikuo Tominaga, Takuya Kikuma, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Energetic oxygen ions in ZrO2 deposition by reactive sputtering of Zr, Proc. 6th International Symposium on Sputtering &Plasma Processes, 434-437, Kanazawa, Jun. 2001. |
73. | Masayuki Nishida and Takao Hanabusa : Phase Stress Measurement in Stainless Spraying Layer by X-Ray Method, The Sixth International Conference on Residual Stresses, Vol.2, 1084-1091, London, Jul. 2000. |
74. | Takao Hanabusa, Yasuhiro Miki, Tatsuya Matsue and Kazuya Kusaka : The Effect of Residual Stresses on the Wear Behavior of TiN Films on Aluminum Substrates, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Residual Stresses, Vol.2, 827-834, Oxford, United Kingdom, Jul. 2000. |
75. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Relationship between Grain Size and Residual Stress in AlN Sputtered Film, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Residual Stresses, Vol.1, 391-398, Oxford, United Kingdom, Jul. 2000. |
76. | Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Tatsuya Matsue and Takao Hanabusa : Effects of Residual Stresses on Thermal Expansion of Continuous Alumina Fiber Reinforced Aluminum, The Sixth International Conference on Residual Stresses, Vol.2, 1291-1298, London, Jan. 2000. |
77. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : Alteration of Residual Stresses in TiN and TiC Films due to Annealing Treatments, The Sixth International Conference on Residual Stresses, Vol.2, 964-971, London, Jan. 2000. |
78. | Takao Hanabusa : Japanese Standard for X-Ray Stress Measurement, The Sixth International Conference on Residual Stresses, 181-188, London, Jan. 2000. |
79. | Kikuo Tominaga, Yoshifumi Sato, Ichiro Mori, Kouhei Furutani, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : InN film deposition by planar magnetron sputtering, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance Evaluation and Application, 474-477, Tokushima, Nov. 1999. |
80. | Kazuya Kusaka, Daisike Taniguchi, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Sputtering Power on Residual Stress in AlN Film Deposited by d.c. Sputtering, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance Evaluation and Application, 223-228, Tokushima, Nov. 1999. |
81. | Takeshi Sugiyama, Masayuki Nishida, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : FEM Examination of Triaxiality on X-ray Stress Measurement, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance Evaluation and Application, 895-899, Tokushima, Nov. 1999. |
82. | Kouhei Furutani, Bujang Lieng Anak John, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Depositing Time and Sputtering Power on Residual Stress in InN Films Deposited by RF Sputtering, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance Evaluation and Application, 887-890, Tokushima, Nov. 1999. |
83. | Kunihiko Hashimoto, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : X-ray Stress Measurement of Sintered Steel, --- A Simulation of Japanease Sword ---, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance Evaluation and Application, 891-894, Tokushima, Nov. 1999. |
84. | Daisike Taniguchi, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Sputtering Power on Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by rf Sputtering, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance Evaluation and Application, 883-886, Tokushima, Nov. 1999. |
85. | J. D. Ju and Takao Hanabusa : Simulation of Thermo-mechanical Behavior in Spray Coating Process Combined with Finite Element Method and Molecular Dynamics, Advanced Materials Development & Performance, Ed. by I. Nakabayashi and R. Murakami, Vol.1, 335-340, Tokushima, Jan. 1999. |
86. | Masayuki Nishida and Takao Hanabusa : X-Ray Stress Measurement on Two-phase Stainless Spraying Layer, Advanced Materials Development & Performance, Vol.1, 258-263, Tokushima, Jan. 1999. |
87. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeutchi : Effects of Annealing Treatments on Residual Stresses in TiN Films, Advanced Materials Development & Performance, Ed. by I. Nakabayashi and R. Murakami, Vol.1, 246-251, Tokushima, Jan. 1999. |
88. | Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Tatsuya Matsue and Takao Hanabusa : X-Ray Triaxial Evaluation of Thermal Residual Stresses in γ-Alumina Fiber Reinforced Al-5%Cu Composite, Advanced Materials Development & Performance, Ed. by I. Nakabayashi and R. Murakami, Vol.1, 234-239, Tokushima, Jan. 1999. |
89. | Takao Hanabusa : X-ray Stress Measurement of Textured Thin Films, Advanced Materials Development & Performance, Ed. by I. Nakabayashi and R. Murakami, Vol.1, 216-222, Tokushima, Jan. 1999. |
90. | Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Tatsuya Matsue and Takao Hanabusa : X-Ray Tri-axial Evaluation of Thermal Residual Stresses in Continuous Alumina Fiber Reinforced Aluminum, The Fifth International Conference on Residual Stresses, Ed. by T. Ericsson, M. Oden and A. Andersson, Vol.2, 958-963, Linkoeping, Sweden, Jan. 1998. |
91. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuch : Residual Stress and Its Thermal Relaxation of TiN Materials, The Fifth International Conference on Residual Stresses, Ed. by T. Ericsson, M. Oden and A. Andersson, Vol.2, 964-969, Linkoeping, Sweden, Jan. 1998. |
92. | Masayuki Nishida and Takao Hanabusa : X-RayStress Measurement of Spray Layers Loaded by Bending and Thermal Cycling, The Fifth International Conference on Residual Stresses, Ed. by T. Ericsson, M. Oden and A. Andersson, Vol.2, 1018-1023, Linkoeping, Sweden, Jan. 1998. |
93. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and Takahiro Ao : Effect of External Magnetic Field on Residual Stress in AlN Films Prepared by Sputtering System, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, 378, Tokushima, Oct. 1997. |
94. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Masayuki Nishida : Development of Thermal Stress in Aluminum Film on Silicon Substrate, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance Evaluation and Application, 268-273, Auckland, Jul. 1997. |
95. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Nitrogen Gas Pressure on Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by Planar Magnetron Sputtering System, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance Evaluation and Application, 310-315, Auckland, Jul. 1997. |
96. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeutchi : X-Ray Study on Repeated Bending Loading Process of TiN and TiC Coated Materials, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics, 495-462, Wakayama, Jul. 1997. |
97. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and Takahiro Ao : Effect of Partial Nitrogen Gas Pressure on Residual Stress in AlN Films Prepared by Sputtering System, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Residual Stresses, 1048-1053, Linkoeping, Sweden, Jun. 1997. |
98. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Masayuki Nishida and Fukuji Inoko : In-situ Thermal Stress Measurement and Observation of Void and Hillock Formation of Aluminum Film, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Residual Stresses, Vol.2, 854-861, Linkoeping, Sweden, Jun. 1997. |
99. | Kikuo Tominaga, Takahiro Ao, Yoshifumi Sato, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Magnetic field dependence of AlN film properties in DC facing target sputtering, 4th International symposium on sputtering & plasma processes, 129-133, Kanazawa, Jun. 1997. |
100. | J. D. Ju, Masayuki Nishida and Takao Hanabusa : Simulation and Experimental Verification of Therm-Mechanical Behavior and Residual Stresses in Spray Coating Process, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, AMPT'97, Ed. M. Andritschky, Vol.1, 354-362, Guimaraes, Portugal, Jan. 1997. |
101. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa and Yasukazu Ikeuchi : Residual Stress and Its Thermal Relaxation of TiN Films, 13th International Vacuum Congress, 9th International Conference on Solid Surfaces, Yokohama, Sep. 1995. |
102. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effects of Substrate Temperature and Successive Annealing on Residual Stress in AlN Films Dposited by Sputtering, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Thermal Stresses and Related Topics, 599-602, Hamamatsu, Jun. 1995. |
103. | Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Tatsuya Matsue and Takao Hanabusa : X-Ray Evaluation of Thermal Stresses in Continuous Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Aluminum, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Thermal Stresses and Related Topics, THERMAL STRESSES '95, 377-380, Hamamatsu, Jan. 1995. |
104. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Kikuo Tominaga : Residual Stress in Aluminum Nitride Films Deposited on Glass Substrate by Magnetron Sputtering Method, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Residual Stresses, 631-639, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Jun. 1994. |
105. | Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : X-Ray Evaluation of Thermally Induced Stresses in Alumina Fiber Reinforced Al-5%Cu Alloy, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Residual Stresses, 732-740, Bethel, USA, Jan. 1994. |
106. | Masayuki Nishida and Takao Hanabusa : Measurement of Residual Stress in Plasma Spray Coating Layers, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Residual Stresses, 767-776, Bethel, USA, Jan. 1994. |
107. | Tatsuo Inoue, T. Ohmori and Takao Hanabusa : Simulation and Experiments of Quenching Process of the Japanese Sword, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Residual Stresses, 970-976, Bethel, USA, Jan. 1994. |
108. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Kikuo Tominaga and Haruo Fujiwara : Dependence of Substrate and Its Temperature on Residual Sress Development in AlN Films Deposited on Glasses by Magnetron Sputtering Method, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing & Stress-Strain Measurement, 516-523, Tokyo, Oct. 1992. |
109. | Masayuki Nishida, Takao Hanabusa, Munehide Katsumura and Haruo Fujiwara : X-Ray Residual Stress Measurement of Laser Sprayed Layer, Residual Stresses III -Science and Technology-, Vol.1, 680-685, London and New York, Jan. 1992. |
110. | Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and Haruo Fujiwara : Residual Stresses in Al and AlN Thin Films Deposited By Sputtering, Residual Stresses III -Science and Technology-, Vol.1, 728-734, London and New York, Jan. 1992. |
111. | Takao Hanabusa, Michihiro Tani and Haruo Fujiwara : X-Ray Stress Measurement of Cold-Rolled Steels by CrKα and MoKα Characteristic Radiations, Residual Stresses III -Science and Technology-, Vol.2, 995-1000, London and New York, Jan. 1992. |
112. | Takao Hanabusa, Haruo Fujiwara, Ichiroh Nakao and Haruhiko Imura : Dimensional Alteration According to Residual Stress Relaxation, Residual Stresses III -Science and Technology-, Vol.2, 1531-1536, London and New York, Jan. 1992. |
113. | Takao Hanabusa, Haruo Fujiwara, Y. Bandoh, K. Ninomiya and Yoshiki Fujimoto : Scientific Research of Japanese Sword (Nippontoh), --- Its Curvature (Sori) and Residual Stress ---, Residual Stresses III -Science and Technology-, Vol.2, 1537-1542, London and New York, Jan. 1992. |
114. | Masayuki Nishida, Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : X-Ray Stress Measurement of Laminated Plasma Spray Coating Layer, Nondestructive Testing & Stress-Strain Measurement, FENDT'92, 390-397, Tokyo, Jan. 1992. |
115. | Takao Hanabusa, Haruo Fujiwara and Masayuki Nishida : Residual Microstress Development in Steels after Tensile Deformation, International Conference on Residual Stresses, ICRS-2, 555-560, London and New York, Jan. 1989. |
116. | Takao Hanabusa, Haruo Fujiwara and Yoshiki Fujimoto : X-Ray Stress Measurement of Si3N4 Ceramics, International Conference on Residual Stresses, ICRS-2, 310-315, London and New York, Jan. 1989. |
117. | Takao Hanabusa, Haruo Fujiwara and Kohji Uga : Development of Residual Stresses in Deformed Steel Containing Carbide Particles, Residual Stresses in Science and Technology, Vol.1, 547-554, Oberursel, Germany, Jan. 1987. |
118. | Takao Hanabusa and Haruo Fujiwara : X-Ray Study on Tensile Deformation of Steels Containing Cementite Particles, X-Ray Study on Strength and Deformation of Metals, 33-41, Kyoto, Jan. 1971. |
1. | Takao Hanabusa and Hiroshi Yoshida : 徳島大学の学生自主コミュニケーション活動, 平成23年度工学教育研究講演会 講演論文集, 390-391, Sep. 2011. |
2. | 城 鮎美, Tatsuya Okada, Takao Hanabusa and 菖蒲 敬久 : 塑性変形させた金属双結晶残留応力/ひずみ測定, 中性子・放射光による材料強度評価に関する研究会, Mar. 2011. |
3. | Ayumi Shiro, Tatsuya Okada, Takao Hanabusa and 菖蒲 敬久 : 銅双結晶における残留応力測定, 日本金属学会2010年秋期(第147回)大会, Sep. 2010. |
4. | Shyouzo Tsuzuki, Takao Hanabusa and Shoichiro Fujisawa : サイエンス・エンジニアリングクラブ設立への取組み, 平成22年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 506-507, Aug. 2010. |
5. | Shoichiro Fujisawa, Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : 科学リテラシーのための地域ネットワークの構築, 平成21年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, 977-978, Sep. 2009. |
6. | Takao Hanabusa and Yun-Hae Kim : Current International Relation ship between The University of Tokushima and Korea Maritime University and The Future Development, 2009 JSEE Annual Conference, International Session Proceedings, 36-38, Aug. 2009. |
7. | Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : 創造のための教育-初等・中等教育課程についての考察-, 平成21年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 34-35, Aug. 2009. |
8. | 中田 領樹, Takao Hanabusa, Hideo Araki, 藤田 慎平 and 杉本 多余 : SSHを基盤とした高大連携による人間行動科学教育, 平成21年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 50-51, Aug. 2009. |
9. | Takao Hanabusa and Yun-Hae Kim : Current In ternational Relationship between The University of Tokushima and Korea Maritime University and Future Development, Aug. 2009. |
10. | 石崎 繁利 and Takao Hanabusa : 分担方式ものづくり教育における授業改善, 平成21年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 234-235, Aug. 2009. |
11. | 鍋野 幸大, 田中 裕一, 石崎 繁利 and Takao Hanabusa : 卒業研究におけるものづくりの取り組み-バトミントン練習機の開発-, 平成21年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 218-219, Aug. 2009. |
12. | 石崎 繁利 and Takao Hanabusa : 機械工学科新入生に対する学習指導の試み-1年設計製図の授業時間を利用した週間学習記録による自学自習の調査-, 平成21年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 16-17, Aug. 2009. |
13. | 飯田 裕介 and Takao Hanabusa : 学生によるプロジェクト活動をより良いものにするために, 平成21年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 236-237, Aug. 2009. |
14. | 城 鮎美, Takao Hanabusa and Tatsuya Okada : 銅双結晶の粒界近傍の残留応力測定, 日本材料学会第58期学術講演会, May 2009. |
15. | 小濱 達也, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : AIP法によって生成したTiN膜の残留応力の熱的特性, 日本材料学会第58期学術講演会, May 2009. |
16. | Takao Hanabusa, 城 鮎美, Muslih Refai and 西田 真之 : 炭素鋼の残留応力回折面依存性の中性子回折による観察, 日本材料学会第58期学術講演会, May 2009. |
17. | 石崎 繁利, 齋藤 茂, 尾崎 純一, 中辻 武 and Takao Hanabusa : 機械系ものづくり教育における一環形式と分担形式の比較, 第84期日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集, 1410, Mar. 2009. |
18. | 石崎 繁利, 尾崎 純一, 齋藤 茂, 中辻 武 and Takao Hanabusa : 機械系ものづくり教育における学生の意欲と集中度, 2008年度精密工学会春季大会講演会, Mar. 2009. |
19. | Takao Hanabusa : プロジェクト活動を通した人間力養成, 3rd KMU/TU Symposium on Engineering Education, Mar. 2009. |
20. | Minoru Watanabe, 山城 考, Takanori Satoh, Makoto Ohashi, 間世田 英明, Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : 高大連携事業「高校生の大学研究室への体験入学型学習プログラム」実施報告, 第120回徳島生物学会 会報, 17, Dec. 2008. |
21. | 桐山 聰 and Takao Hanabusa : エンジニアリングデザインに必至な能力を育成するプログラム, 平成20年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 342-343, Aug. 2008. |
22. | 佐藤 旭, Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : 課外活動による自主創造力の向上-ギター制作・解析を通して得られたもの, 工学・工業教育研究講演会論文集, 528-529, Aug. 2008. |
23. | Shyouzo Tsuzuki, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : 視覚的理解から操作・体得理解へ-4節リンク模型を用いた「機構学」での動機付け-, 平成20年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 38-39, Aug. 2008. |
24. | 石崎 繁利, 尾崎 純一 and Takao Hanabusa : 強制的な設計図交換によるものづくり教育, 平成20年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 66-67, Aug. 2008. |
25. | 川端 剛史, 桐山 聰 and Takao Hanabusa : 放送コンテンツ制作とを通したプロジェクトマネジメントの体験,学習, 平成20年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 4-5, Aug. 2008. |
26. | Shoichiro Fujisawa, Takao Hanabusa and Satoshi Kiriyama : 共創的学習空間の構築, 平成20年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 102-103, Aug. 2008. |
27. | Kazuya Kusaka, Hitoshi Takagi, Daisuke Yonekura, Takuo Nagamachi and Takao Hanabusa : Trial of practice shared in design and production works, 平成20年度工学・工業教育研究講演会 講演論文集, 66-67, Aug. 2008. |
28. | Mitsuhiko Shinohara, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : 繰り返し曲げ付加によるCu薄膜の残留応力評価, Proceedings of The 43rd Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 92-96, Jul. 2008. |
29. | Yoshitaka Watanabe, Masayuki Nishida and Takao Hanabusa : 繊維強化高分子材料のX線応力測定, Proceedings of The 43rd Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 29-34, Jul. 2008. |
30. | Ayumi Shiro, Takao Hanabusa, 西田 真之 and Jing Tian : チタン鋳造合金のX線応力測定, Proceedings of The 43rd Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 23-28, Jul. 2008. |
31. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Residual Stresses in CrN films due to heat treatment, Proceedings of The 43st Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 97-101, Jul. 2008. |
32. | Hirokazu Isoda, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : Effect of laser incident angle on residual stress development in laser-peened aluminum alloy, Proceedings of The 43rd Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 47-52, Jul. 2008. |
33. | Daiki Tadashige, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Masayuki Nishida : Measurement of residual stress in aluminum casting with large crystal by X-ray diffraction, Proceedings of The 43st Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 1-6, Jul. 2008. |
34. | 石崎 繁利, 尾崎 純一 and Takao Hanabusa : DCモーターを用いたものつくり教育, 平成19年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 660-661, Aug. 2007. |
35. | 井上 直人, 池田 佑一, 伊勢 太佑, 森 智史, Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : LEDプロジェクトを通して学んだこと, 平成19年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 662-663, Aug. 2007. |
36. | 島村 典尚, 白井 祐太郎, 四宮 龍一, 谷川 明弘, Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : プロジェクトチームによるたたら製鉄のe-ラーニング教材化, 平成19年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 424-425, Aug. 2007. |
37. | Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : 学生の学生による学生のためのe-learning教材製作を通した計画能力の育成, 平成19年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 422-423, Aug. 2007. |
38. | Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : 思考ツールをつかった計画能力育成の試み, 平成19年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 350-351, Aug. 2007. |
39. | 田中 啓祐, Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : 3次元CADを用いた自主的な設計学習, 平成19年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 236-237, Aug. 2007. |
40. | Shyouzo Tsuzuki, Takao Hanabusa, Satoshi Kiriyama and Kazuya Kusaka : プロジェクト活動における教育的効果について, 平成19年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 144-145, Aug. 2007. |
41. | Takao Hanabusa and Satoshi Kiriyama : 研究マネジメント能力を育成する教育方法の開発, 平成19年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 486-487, Aug. 2007. |
42. | 松英 達也 and Takao Hanabusa : イオン・ピーニングによるアルミニウム合金の表面処理効果, 第42回X線材料強度に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, 200-204, Jul. 2007. |
43. | 西田 真之 and Takao Hanabusa : 透過回折法を用いた繊維強化高分子材料のX線応力測定, 第42回X線材料強度に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, 103-108, Jul. 2007. |
44. | Takumi Kakuda, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : In-situ high temperature observation on the surface of copper films deposited by sputtering, Proceedings of The 42st Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 156-158, Jul. 2007. |
45. | 西田 真之, 城 鮎美, Jing Tian, M. Rifai and Takao Hanabusa : 中性子およびX線によるTi鋳造材料の応力評価, 第42回X線材料強度に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, 5-10, Jul. 2007. |
46. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Tomoyuki Kirimoto : Stress Measurement in Cast Aluminum, Proceedings of The 42st Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 93-97, Jul. 2007. |
47. | Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : 「ものづくり」による創造的学習, 徳島大学教育カンファレンス, Mar. 2007. |
48. | Shoichiro Fujisawa, Makoto Ohashi and Takao Hanabusa : Case study of self-evaluation of engineering design ability, 第7回(社)計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集, 149-150, Dec. 2006. |
49. | Takao Hanabusa : プレゼンテーション評価で得られるもの, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演論文集, Dec. 2006. |
50. | 森岡 真吾, 野村 正人, 小西 正暉, Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : 学生の視点からのソーラーボートプロジェクト, 平成18年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会 講演論文集, 758-759, Jul. 2006. |
51. | 池田 祐一, 宝田 浩延, Masanobu Haraguchi, Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : 学生の視点からのLEDプロジェクト, 平成18年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会 講演論文集, 690-691, Jul. 2006. |
52. | Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : ミニFMプロジェクト『Ignition』をモデルとする戦略的人材育成, 平成18年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会 講演論文集, 586-587, Jul. 2006. |
53. | Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : 学部学生に対するプロジェクト·マネジメント教育, 平成18年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会 講演論文集, 584-585, Jul. 2006. |
54. | 桐山 聡 and Takao Hanabusa : コミュニティサイトを活用した学生自主プロジェクト活動の管理, 平成18年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 450-451, Jul. 2006. |
55. | Takao Hanabusa : 徳島大学の教員評価, 平成18年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 436-437, Jul. 2006. |
56. | Shoichiro Fujisawa, 大橋 眞 and Takao Hanabusa : 徳島大学全学共通「創成学習」科目における能力自己評価, 平成18年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 420-421, Jul. 2006. |
57. | Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : コミュニティサイトを活用した学生自主プロジェクト活動の管理, 平成18年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会 講演論文集, 450-451, Jul. 2006. |
58. | Shoichiro Fujisawa, Makoto Ohashi and Takao Hanabusa : 徳島大学全学共通「創成学習」科目における能力自己評価, 平成18年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 420-421, Jul. 2006. |
59. | 竹内 公紀, 武藤 雅幸, 山本 麻由, Takao Hanabusa and Masanobu Haraguchi : 学生の視点からのWEBアーティスト発掘プロジェクト, 平成18年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演集, 110-111, Jul. 2006. |
60. | Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : プレゼンテーション資料から評価する学生の企画·計画能力, 平成18年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会 講演論文集, 138-139, Jul. 2006. |
61. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Alteration of internal stresses in hard coating films by synchrotron radiation due to heat treatment, Proceedings of The 41st Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 40-45, Jul. 2006. |
62. | Kazuya Kusaka, Kenta Kaneko, Takao Hanabusa and Osami Sakata : In-situ thermal stress measurement in multi-layered aluminum nitride and copper films by synchrotron radiation, Proceedings of The 41st Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 13-18, Jul. 2006. |
63. | Kenta Kaneko, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Osami Sakata : In-situ thermal stress measurement in nano-size copper thin films by synchrotron radiation, Proceedings of The 41st Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 7-12, Jul. 2006. |
64. | 西田 真之, M. Rifai, Takao Hanabusa and Jing Tian : 鋳造材料の中性子応力測定, X線材料強度に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, 143-148, Jun. 2006. |
65. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kazumasa Miki : Effect of Laser Focal Position and Laser Scanning Speed on Residual Stress in Laser Peened Cun Metal, Proceedings of The 40th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 107-112, Sep. 2005. |
66. | 宝田 浩延, 吉田 篤司, 池田 祐一, Masanobu Haraguchi, Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : 自主的創成活動における学生間の相互教育効果, 平成17年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 198-199, Sep. 2005. |
67. | 竹内 公紀, 武藤 雅幸, Takao Hanabusa, Masanobu Haraguchi and Satoshi Kiriyama : 総合的デザイン教育の必要性, 平成17年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 194-195, Sep. 2005. |
68. | Masanobu Haraguchi, Satoshi Kiriyama and Takao Hanabusa : 自発的学習を促進する条件, 平成17年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 192-193, Sep. 2005. |
69. | Takao Hanabusa, Satoshi Kiriyama and 中島 やよい : 動き始めた創成学習開発センター, 平成17年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 202-203, Sep. 2005. |
70. | Satoshi Kiriyama, Kazuya Kusaka, Shingo Kuroiwa, Masanobu Haraguchi and Takao Hanabusa : 学生自主プロジェクト活動実態に関する考察, 平成17年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 200-201, Sep. 2005. |
71. | Yasushi Kawasaki, Ikuo Shimizu, Mitsuhiko Hataya, Toshio Matsubara, Atsushi Moriai, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Evaluation of characteristics of SPS Sintering Materials by Neutron Diffraction Method, Proceedings of The 40th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 42-47, Sep. 2005. |
72. | Satoshi Kiriyama, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : 創成学習開発センターにおける創造性教育の取り組み, 第66回応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 332, Sep. 2005. |
73. | 宝田 浩延, 吉田 篤司, 池田 祐一, Masanobu Haraguchi and Takao Hanabusa : 自主的創成学習活動における学生間の相互教育効果, 平成17年度工学・工業教育講演会講演論文集, 198-199, Sep. 2005. |
74. | 竹内 公紀, 武藤 雅幸, Takao Hanabusa, Masanobu Haraguchi and 桐山 聡 : 総合的デザイン教育の必要性, 平成17年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 194-195, Sep. 2005. |
75. | Masanobu Haraguchi, 桐山 聡, Takao Hanabusa and 辛 動勲 : 自発的学習を促進する条件, 平成17年度工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 192193, Sep. 2005. |
76. | 竹内 公紀, 武藤 雅幸, Takao Hanabusa, Masanobu Haraguchi and 桐山 聰 : 総合的デザイン教育の必要性, 平成17年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 194-195, Sep. 2005. |
77. | 宝田 浩延, 吉田 篤司, 池田 祐一, Masanobu Haraguchi, 桐山 聰 and Takao Hanabusa : 自主的創成活動における学生間の相互教育効果, 平成17年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 198-199, Sep. 2005. |
78. | Takao Hanabusa, Satoshi Kiriyama, Dohoon Shin and Yayoi Nakashima : 動き始めた創成学習開発センター, 平成17年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 202-203, Sep. 2005. |
79. | 西田 真之, 池内 保一, M. Rifai, 皆川 宣明 and Takao Hanabusa : W/Cu繊維強化材の極低温その場内部応力測定, 日本材料学会第54期学術講演会, May 2005. |
80. | 桐本 知幸 and Takao Hanabusa : X線回折法によるオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼溶接材の残留応力測定, 日本材料学会四国支部講演会, Apr. 2005. |
81. | Hideaki Takai, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : TiN薄膜熱応力その場測定, 日本材料学会四国支部第6期総会·学術講演会講演論文集, 45-46, Apr. 2005. |
82. | Yoshihiko Saeki, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : レーザピーニング処理したアルミニウム合金の残留応力分布とその評価, 日本材料学会四国支部第6期総会·学術講演会講演論文集, 43-44, Apr. 2005. |
83. | Kenta Kaneko, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : 放射光を用いたナノサイズアルミニウム薄膜の熱応力その場測定, 日本材料学会四国支部第6期総会·学術講演会講演論文集, 39-40, Apr. 2005. |
84. | Yasushi Kawasaki, Mitsuhiko Hataya, Ikuo Shimizu, Toshio Matsubara, Atsushi Moriai, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : 中性子回折法による金属およびセラミックスのSPS焼結材の特性評価, 日本材料学会四国支部第6期総会·学術講演会講演論文集, 37-38, Apr. 2005. |
85. | Takao Hanabusa : In-situ thermal stress measurement in Al and Cu thin films, マイクロマテリアルシンポジウム講演論文集, 88-91, Sep. 2004. |
86. | Kazuhiro Noda, Mitsuhiko Hataya, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Koji Oshima, Tomoyuki Ishida, Shoso Shingubara, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : Measurement of Electromigration-induced Strain in Fine Aluminum Line, Proceedings of The 39th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 219-223, Sep. 2004. |
87. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Shoso Shingubara, Kazuhiro Noda, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : Thermal Stress Behavior of Aluminum Nanofilms under Heat Cycling, Proceedings of The 39th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 213-218, Sep. 2004. |
88. | Hideaki Takai, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : The Residual Stress and Surface Property of Titanium Nitride, Proceedings of The 39th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 208-212, Sep. 2004. |
89. | Tatsuya Matsue, Takao Hanabusa, Yasukazu Ikeuchi, Kazuya Kusaka and Osami Sakata : Alteration of Residual Stress in SiO2/Cu/TiN Films due to Heat Treatment, Proceedings of The 39th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 202-207, Sep. 2004. |
90. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takeshi Tanaka and Takao Hanabusa : Effect of Laser Power and Scanning Speed on Residual Stress in Laser-peened Aluminum Alloy Surface, Proceedings of The 39th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 141-146, Sep. 2004. |
91. | Mitsuhiko Hataya, Makoto Nakagawa, Toshio Matsubara, Atsushi Moriai, Hiroshi Suzuki, Nobuaki Minakawa, Yukio Morii, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Residual Stress Analysis of Metal/Ceramic Functionally Graded Materials, Proceedings of The 39th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 93-97, Sep. 2004. |
92. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Shoso Shingubara, Tatsuya Matsue, Osami Sakata and Kazhiro Noda : ナノサイズアルミニウム薄膜の熱応力その場測定, 日本機械学会2004年度年次大会講演論文集, Vol.1, Sep. 2004. |
93. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuhiro Noda, Mitsuhiko Hataya, Shoso Shingubara, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : 放射光を用いたナノサイズアルミニウム薄膜の熱応力その場測定, LSI配線における原子輸送·応力問題 第10回研究会予稿集, 34-35, Jul. 2004. |
94. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takeshi Tanaka and Takao Hanabusa : Effect of laser power on residual stress in laser-peened aluminum alloy, 第53期 学術講演会講演論文集, 49-50, May 2004. |
95. | Hideaki Takai, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : ナノサイズ窒化チタン薄膜の残留応力測定および表面特性, 日本材料学会四国支部第5期総会·学術講演会講演論文集, 7-8, Apr. 2004. |
96. | Mitsuhiko Hataya, Kazuhiro Noda, Kazuya Kusaka, Kikuo Tominaga, Takao Hanabusa, Tatsuya Matsue and Osami Sakata : ナノサイズCu薄膜の残留応力測定, 日本材料学会四国支部第5期総会·学術講演会講演論文集, 5-6, Apr. 2004. |
97. | Mitsuhiko Hataya, Makoto Nakagawa, Toshio Matsubara, Atsushi Moriai, Hiroshi Suzuki, Nobuaki Minakawa, Yukio Morii, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : 金属/セラミックス系傾斜機能材料の内部残留応力測定, 日本材料学会四国支部第5期総会·学術講演会講演論文集, 1-2, Apr. 2004. |
98. | Kazuhiro Noda, Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Osami Sakata, Toshiki Sato and Tatsuya Matsue : 放射光およびX線を用いたTiN薄膜の残留応力測定および表面観察, 第47回 日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会講演論文集, 303-304, Oct. 2003. |
99. | Mitsuhiko Hataya, Makoto Nakagawa, Toshio Matsubara, Atsushi Moriai, Yukio Morii, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Al-Al2O3系焼結複合材料の中性子回折法による内部残留応力分布評価, 第47回 日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会講演論文集, 295-296, Oct. 2003. |
100. | Hitoshi Takagi, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Hiroshi Kawakami : Trial of task inquiring class named "Find Its Root", 平成15年度工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 417-418, Sep. 2003. |
101. | Hitoshi Takagi, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : Trial of class on history of technology named "Find Its Root" and its effect, 日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演論文集, Vol.V, 181-182, Aug. 2003. |
102. | Kazuya Kusaka, Kikuo Tominaga and Takao Hanabusa : GaNスパッタ膜の結晶配向性と内部応力の基盤温度依存性, 平成14年電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 186, Oct. 2002. |
103. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Masayuki Nishida and Tatsuya Matsue : Measurement of Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in TiN Films by Synchrotron Radiation, Proceedings of the 38th symposium on X-ray studies on mechanical behavior of materials, 93-98, Sep. 2002. |
104. | Makoto Nishiike, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : Evaluation of Laser-Peened Aluminum Surface, Proceedings of the 38th symposium on X-ray studies on mechanical behavior of materials, 128-131, Sep. 2002. |
105. | Kazuya Kusaka, Noriyoshi Yamauchi, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Residual Stress Measurement of RF Sputtered Gallium Nitride Films, Proceedings of the 38th symposium on X-ray studies on mechanical behavior of materials, 41-46, Sep. 2002. |
106. | Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : 卒業研究のプレゼンテーション評価, 平成14年度 工学·工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, 199-202, Jul. 2002. |
107. | Kazuya Kusaka, Noriyoshi Yamauchi, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : スパッタリング生成した単結晶ガリウム膜の残留応力測定, 第51期 学術講演会講演論文集, 235-236, May 2002. |
108. | Makoto Nishiike, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : レーザーピーニング処理した炭素鋼の残留応力測定, 第51期 学術講演会講演論文集, 225-226, May 2002. |
109. | Kikuo Tominaga, Takuya Kikuma, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : ZrO2膜作製における高速酸素発生とZrターゲット面酸化機構モデル, 第49回応用物理学関係連合講演会, Vol.2, 635, Mar. 2002. |
110. | Kikuo Tominaga, 喜久間 拓也, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Takashi Mukai : プレーナマグネトロンスパッタリング法によるサファイヤ基板上へのGaN膜の作製, 第49回応用物理学関係連合講演会, Vol.2, 597, Mar. 2002. |
111. | Kazuya Kusaka, Kouhei Furutani, Takuya Kikuma, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Plasma Protection Net on Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in Sputtering GaN Films, Proceedings of the 37th symposium on X-ray studies on mechanical behavior of materials, 175-179, Sep. 2001. |
112. | Kazuya Kusaka, Daisuke Taniguchi, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by DC and RF Sputtering, Proceedings of the 37th symposium on X-ray studies on mechanical behavior of materials, 170-174, Sep. 2001. |
113. | Makoto Nishiike, Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : レーザーピーニング処理したアルミニウム表面の残留応力評価, 第50期 学術講演会講演論文集, 405-406, May 2001. |
114. | Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : AIP法で作製した窒化クロム膜の優先配向性と残留応力評価, 第50期 学術講演会講演論文集, 401-402, May 2001. |
115. | Kikuo Tominaga, 喜久間 拓也, 古谷 公平, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Takashi Mukai : プレーナマグネトロンスパッタリング法によるGaN膜の作製, 平成12年電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 188, Oct. 2000. |
116. | Kazuya Kusaka, Hironori Mitsumura, Kouhei Furutani, Takao Hanabusa and Shiro Sakai : Residual Stress Measurement of Single Crystal GaN Film, Proceedings of the 36th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 291-295, Sep. 2000. |
117. | Takao Hanabusa, Tadakazu Moriguchi, Kazuya Kusaka and Tatsuya Matsue : Development of Thick TiN Film on Aluminum Substrate and Its Wear Properties, Proceedings of the 36th symposium on X-ray studies on mechanical behavior of materials, 54-58, Sep. 2000. |
118. | Daisuke Taniguchi, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Sputtering Power on Residual Stress and Crystal Orientation in AlN Films Deposited by RF and DC Sputtering, Proceedings of the 35th symposium on X-ray studies on mechanical behavior of materials, 115-119, Sep. 1999. |
119. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Film Thickness on Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in AlN Film Deposited by DC Sputtering, Proceedings of the 35th symposium on X-ray studies on mechanical behavior of materials, 109-114, Sep. 1999. |
120. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka, Hiroyoshi Hosota and Kikuo Tominaga : Residual Stress Measurement of ZnO Film Deposited by Two Facing Target Sputtering System, Proceedings of the 34th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 141-145, Jul. 1998. |
121. | Yasuhiro Miki, Tadashi Taniguchi, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Eiji Maitani : Mechanical Properties of TiN Films Deposited on Aluminum Substrate by Arc Ion Plating Method, Proceedings of the 34th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 49-54, Jul. 1998. |
122. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of External Magnetic Field on c-axis Orientation and Residual Stress in AlN Films, Proceedings of the 33th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 66-71, Jul. 1997. |
123. | Hiroyoshi Hosota, Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Residual Stress Measurement in ZnO Films Deposited by Two Facing Targets Sputtering System, Proceedings of the 33th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 61-65, Jul. 1997. |
124. | Takao Hanabusa, Kazuya Kusaka and Eiji Hanaki : Influence of Passivating Layer on Thermal Stress Development in Aluminum Film, Proceedings of the 33th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 44-49, Jul. 1997. |
125. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga and Takahiro Ao : Residual Stress Measurement in AlN Films by Alternating Sputtering System, Proceedings of the 32th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 238-243, Jul. 1996. |
126. | Takao Hanabusa, Masayuki Nishida and Kazuya Kusaka : X-ray Residual Stress Measurement of Laser-sprayed Layer, Proceedings of the 32th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 155-160, Jul. 1996. |
127. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Effect of Plasma Prevention Net for Deposition of AlN Films by Magnetron Sputtering Method, Proceedings of the 31th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 135-140, Jul. 1995. |
128. | Kazuya Kusaka, Eiji Hanaki, Masayuki Nishida, Fukuji Inoko and Takao Hanabusa : Change of Residual Stress for Heat Treatment in Aluminum Films Deposited on Thermal Oxygenated Silicon Wafer, Proceedings of the 31th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 129-134, Jul. 1995. |
129. | Kazuya Kusaka, Katsuyuki Ohta, Seiichi Nunokawa, Takao Hanabusa and Fukuji Inoko : Al薄膜の残留応力の熱処理による変化, 日本機械学会·材料力学部門講演会論文集, Vol.B, No.940-37, 318-319, Oct. 1994. |
130. | Takao Hanabusa and Kazuya Kusaka : {111}配向膜のX線的応力解析, 日本機械学会·材料力学部門講演会論文集, Vol.B, No.940-37, 316-317, Oct. 1994. |
131. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Dependence of Nitrogen Gas Pressure on Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by Planar Magnetron Sputtering System with Unbalanced Target, Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 75-80, Jul. 1994. |
132. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : プレーナマグネトロンスパッタリング生成したAlN膜の結晶配向性と残留応力の窒素ガス圧依存性, 第43期学術講演会論文集, 151-152, May 1994. |
133. | Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa and Kikuo Tominaga : Influence of Plasma on Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by Planar Magnetron Sputtering System, Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 63-68, Jul. 1993. |
134. | Takao Hanabusa, Kikuo Tominaga, Haruo Fujiwara and Kazuya Kusaka : Dependence of Substrate Temperature on Residual Stress in AlN Films Deposited by Sputtering System, Proceedings of the 28th Symposium on X-ray Studies on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 93-98, Jul. 1992. |
1. | Takao Hanabusa : 意欲ある若者を育てる教育, Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Vol.58, No.3, 84, Mar. 2010. |
2. | Takao Hanabusa : ものづくりとアクティブラーニング, SPODフォーラムプログラム, Sep. 2009. |
3. | Takao Hanabusa : プロジェクト活動で獲得する人間力, 富山大学工学部第6回工学部FDシンポジウム報告書, 4-24, Mar. 2009. |
4. | Minoru Watanabe, 山城 考, Takanori Satoh, Makoto Ohashi, 間世田 英明, Shyouzo Tsuzuki and Takao Hanabusa : 高大連携事業「高校生の大学研究室への体験入学型学習プログラム」実施報告, 平成20年度全学FD徳島大学教育カンファレンス 発表抄録集, 8-9, Jan. 2009. |
5. | Takao Hanabusa : 5大学教育連携の歩みとこれから, 平成17年度FD研究報告, 2008. |
6. | Takao Hanabusa : The Activity of The Center for Innovation and Creativity Development, The 3rd International Seminar for the Development of Environment-friendly Technology, 1-6, Dec. 2007. |
7. | Takao Hanabusa : 徳島大学工学部創成学習開発センターの活動, ものづくり創成教育シンポジウム2007(山口大学), Oct. 2007. |
8. | Takao Hanabusa : X線応力測定の基礎と応用, 日本機械学会関西支部第292回講習会, Oct. 2007. |
9. | Takao Hanabusa : やる気養成プログラム, 平成19年度5大学連携教育シンポジウム, Sep. 2007. |
10. | Hirokazu Miyoshi, Hiroshi Maezawa, Akio Adachi, Takuya Saze, Namiko Irikura, Yoshinori Kuwahara, 立花 さやか, Tatsuhiro Ishida, Akihiko Tsuji, Takao Hanabusa, Toshihiro Moriga, 鬼島 明洋, Eiichi Honda, Seiji Iwamoto, 佐藤 一雄, Shunsuke Furutani and Yasuhiko Morita : 徳島大学アイソトープ総合センターニュース, 徳島大学アイソトープ総合センターニュース, Vol.6, 1-42, Mar. 2007. |
11. | Takao Hanabusa, Yun-Hae KIM, Yoon-Sik KIM, Jong-Rae CHO and Satoshi Kiriyama : Encouragement of Engineering Education by International Coalition -Relation between the Center for Innovation and Creativity Development, The University of Tokushima and the Center for Innovation of Education, Korea Maritime University, '06 International Exchange Conference on Engineering Education between Tokushima University and Korea Maritime University, 2-4, Sep. 2006. |
12. | Takao Hanabusa : ナノサイズ薄膜の応力評価(その2 Al薄膜の熱応力のその場測定), 放射光による応力評価の実用化, 41-44, Apr. 2006. |
13. | Takao Hanabusa : ナノサイズ薄膜の応力評価(その1 ナノサイズCu薄膜の残留応力), 放射光による応力評価の実用化, 36-40, Apr. 2006. |
14. | Shoichiro Fujisawa and Takao Hanabusa : 全学共通「創成学習」科目における能力自己評価, 徳島大学教育カンファレンス, Mar. 2006. |
15. | Takao Hanabusa and Shoichiro Fujisawa : 全学共通教育創成学習「ルーツを探れ」, 徳島大学大学教育カンファレンス, Mar. 2006. |
16. | Takao Hanabusa : 5大学教育連携とギガビットネットワーク(JGNⅡ)による新しい教育の試み, 徳島大学教育カンファレンス, Mar. 2006. |
17. | Takao Hanabusa : 卒業研究のプレゼンテーション評価, 工学教育プログラム改革推進研究発表会予稿集, 9-11, Dec. 2001. |
18. | Takao Hanabusa : 第4回残留応力に関する国際会議(ICRS-4)に出席して(国際会議だより), Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.43, No.492, 1184, Jan. 1994. |
1. | Satoshi Kiriyama, Takao Hanabusa, Hideo Araki, Koichi Nakamura, Shingo Kuroiwa, Shoichiro Fujisawa, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshiaki Tamaki, Tatsuji Haneji, Yoshihisa Takaishi, Seishi Kitayama, Makoto Ohashi and Tetsushi Ueta : 特色ある大学教育支援プログラム「進取の気風」を育む創造性教育の推進 平成17年度 報告書, 特色ある大学教育支援プログラム「進取の気風」を育む創造性教育の推進 平成17年度 報告書, Tokushima, Mar. 2006. |
2. | Takao Hanabusa, Hideo Araki, Koichi Nakamura, Shingo Kuroiwa, Masanobu Haraguchi and Satoshi Kiriyama : 特色ある大学教育支援プログラム 「進取の気風」を育む創造性教育の推進 平成15,16年度 報告書, 平成15,16年度 報告書, Tokushima, Apr. 2005. |
3. | Satoshi Kiriyama, Kazuya Kusaka and Takao Hanabusa : 動きはじめた創成学習―徳島大学創成学習開発センターの活動, 大学教育研究ジャーナル(徳島大学), No.2, 95-106, Tokushima, Mar. 2005. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001402) |
1. | 平野 博之, Takao Hanabusa and 喜多 哲也 : 炭化ケイ素被覆黒鉛部材, 5-127726 (Apr. 1993), 6-305862 (Nov. 1994), 6-305862 (Nov. 1994). | |
2. | 平野 博之 and Takao Hanabusa : 炭化ケイ素被覆黒鉛部材, 5-127715 (Apr. 1993), 6-305861 (Nov. 1994), 6-305861 (Nov. 1994). |