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Suzuki, Yoshihisa (66.6%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Dr.
Field of Study: Crystal Growth
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Advanced Environmental Technology on Chemistry (Graduate School), Basic Physical Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Applied Chemistry Laboratory 1 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Solid State Chemistry (Graduate School), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Bioprocess Engineering (Graduate School), Research Approaches in Science and Technology B (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules, Colloidal crystal, Microgravity experiments, Synchrotron X-ray Crystallography of Protein Crystals (Protein crystallization, colloidal crystal, Microgravity experiments, Synchrotron X-ray Crystallography of Protein Crystals, Liquid-liquid Phase Separation of Protein Solutions)
Yanagiya, Shin-ichiro (10.6%) / Associate Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Surface science, Crystal Growth, Applied Optics
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), laser measurement (Bachelor Course), Exercises in Fundamentals of Optics (Bachelor Course), Optical Science and Technology Laboratory 1 (Bachelor Course), Optical Science and Technology Computation Exercise (Bachelor Course), Optical Crystal Engineering (Graduate School), Basics on Semiconductor Nanotechnology (Bachelor Course), Applied Photochemistry (Bachelor Course), Ethics for Engineers and Scientists (Common Curriculum), Thermodynamics (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Crystal Designs for nano phtonics, Mesoscopic physics in cells, Hybrid microscopy using advanced optical microscope with atomics force microscope (microscope, optics, surface, nano, crystal growth)
(Kaneshina, Shoji) (3.3%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 理学博士
Field of Study: Biophysical Chemistry, Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Molecular Theory of Anesthesia, High Pressure Science
Subject of Study: High Pressure Adaptation of Living Organisms, Solution and Surface Properties of Amphiphilic Drugs, Local Anesthetic Sensor, Pressure Denaturation of Proteins (Phospholipids, Local Anesthetics, Surfactants, High Pressure, Bilayer Membranes)
(Kourai, Hiroki) (2.6%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 工学博士
Field of Study: Microbiology, Bioorganic Chemistry, Environmental Bioengineering
Subject of Study: 高機能性第四アンモニウム塩系殺菌剤の分子設計, 第四アンモニウム塩系殺菌剤に対する微生物応答, 高機能性環境調和型殺菌剤の開発, 殺菌剤の微生物分解, 殺菌剤の細胞毒性, 光化学反応による活性酸素の生成機構とその生理活性, 大腸菌O-157の制御と免疫学的研究 (Microbial control, sterilization, Disinfectant, Drug-resistant bacteria, Biodegradation, Toxicology, Immunology, genetics)
Matsuki, Hitoshi (1.7%) / Professor   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(理学)
Field of Study: Biophysical Chemistry, Colloid and Surface Chemistry, High Pressure Bioscience
Lecture: Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Molecular Aggregate Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Graduation Research (Bachelor Course), Basic Physical Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Training of Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bioengineering (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience Research (Bachelor Course), Advanced Exercise on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Advanced Research on Applied Life Science (Graduate School), Biofunctional Engineering (Graduate School), Advanced Biochmical Thermodynamics (Graduate School), Life Science (Bachelor Course), Research on Bioresource Science (Graduate School), Bioindustry A (Bachelor Course), Practice for Bioscience and Bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Basic bioindustry (Bachelor Course), Practices for Fermentation Physiology (Bachelor Course), Cell engineering (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers Ⅱ (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Behavior of Biological Substances under High Pressure, Interaction between Membrane-Active Drugs and Model Biomembranes, Molecular-Aggregate Formation of Surface-Active Substances (Molecular Aggregate, Molecular Mechanism of Anesthesia, high pressure, surface tension, Non-Specific Molecular Interaction)
(Sugiyama, Shigeru) (1.7%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Field of Study: Reaction Engineering
Subject of Study: Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Alkanes on Solid Catalysts, Conversion of various alcohols on mesoporous silica doped with various cations, Catalytic preparation of precursors of methyl methacrylate, Application of microreactor to solid catalysts, Recovery of phosphorus from unused resources (alkane, Mesoporous silica, alcohols, Microreactor, Recovery of phosphorus, Unused resources)
(Ohshima, Toshihisa) (1.0%) / Professor Emeritus   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 農学博士
Field of Study: Enzyme Chemistry, Enzyme Engineering, Genetics Engineering
Subject of Study: ゲノム情報に基づく超好熱菌酵素の構造と機能解析, 特異環境微生物の環境適応の分子機構の解明と生物工学的応用, アミノ酸代謝関連酵素の遺伝子工学的機能開発, 酵素の機能創製 (超好熱菌, 低温菌, 特異環境微生物, 酵素の機能デザイン, 酵素の応用)