検索: |
名誉教授 : 伊坂 勝生 |
○ | 電力系統電磁環境 |
○ | 電力系統にかかる電磁環境 (電界 (electric field), 磁界 (magnetic field), 超低周波 (extremely low frequency)) |
1. | 伊坂 勝生, 林 則行 : 環境電磁ノイズハンドブック(仁田周一編集), --- 低周波電磁界の測定法と評価(9.5.1章) ---, 朝倉書店, 東京, 1999年6月. |
2. | 伊坂 勝生 : 電気エネルギー伝送工学(松浦虔士編著), --- 過電圧と絶縁協調について調べよう(第7章),誘導·電波障害について知っておこう(第10章) ---, 株式会社 オーム社, 東京, 1999年5月. |
3. | 伊坂 勝生 : 静電気ハンドブック, --- 生体·生物への影響 ---, 静電気学会(オーム社), 東京, 1998年11月. |
4. | 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀 : 電力工学Ⅱ(大野木幸男編著), --- 線路定数(3章),コロナと誘導障害(8章),中性点接地(9章),異常電圧と絶縁(11章) ---, 朝倉書店, 東京, 1984年4月. |
5. | 石黒 美種, 仁田 工吉, 赤松 則男, 生田 信晧, 伊坂 勝生, 牛田 明夫, 川上 博, 木内 陽介, 小林 邦博, 島田 良作, 鈴木 茂行, 為貞 建臣, 森 一郎, 福井 萬壽夫, 横井 良秀 : 電気·電子工学実験(electrical and eiectronic experiments,in japanese), 産業図書, 東京, 1974年4月. |
1. | Testuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of Spectrum Analyzer's Impulse Bandwidth on the Measurement of EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharges in Multipath-Rich Environment, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.6, No.3, 193-199, 2011. (DOI: 10.1002/tee.20644, CiNii: 1573950400587751808) |
2. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Locating Partial Discharge Source Occurring on Distribution Line by Using FDTD and TDOA Methods, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol.129, No.2, 89-96, 2009. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.129.89, CiNii: 1390001204594947456) |
3. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of the Number of Partial Discharge Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution of Electromagnetic Waves, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol.128, No.10, 635-640, 2008. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.128.635, CiNii: 1390001204592600320) |
4. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Development of Recursive Interpolated D/FFT for On-line and Highly Accurate Frequency Analysis, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.3, No.5, 574-582, 2008. (DOI: 10.1002/tee.20315, CiNii: 1571698600849676288) |
5. | 太良尾 浩生, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : 電磁調理器からの中間周波漏れ磁界による体内誘導電流の解析と平均化処理, 電気設備学会誌, Vol.26, No.2, 141-151, 2006年. (CiNii: 1390282680721569152) |
6. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 金子 康智, 伊坂 勝生 : タービンモデルにおける振動現象のウェーブレット変換による時間周波数可視化, 電気学会論文誌B (電力・エネルギー部門誌), Vol.125, No.4, 434-440, 2005年. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.125.434, CiNii: 1390282679579502976) |
7. | Atsuo Chiba and Katsuo Isaka : Analysis of induced current density inside human model which stands on conductive ground layer in uniform electric field, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol.124, No.12, 1193-1197, 2004. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.124.1193, CiNii: 1390001204593079936) |
8. | 松本 高志, 千葉 敦生, 庄倉 克彦, 池田 英広, 伊坂 勝生 : 表面電荷法と有限要素法による非接地人体モデル内の誘導電流密度解析, 電気学会論文誌B (電力・エネルギー部門誌), Vol.124, No.5, 778-784, 2004年. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.124.778, CiNii: 1390282679579240448) |
9. | 赤谷 正巳, 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生 : スイッチング変調技術による三相零相出力成分の生成と活線絶縁診断システムへの適用, 電気学会論文誌B (電力・エネルギー部門誌), Vol.123, No.10, 1222-1228, 2003年. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.123.1222, CiNii: 1390001204603404416) |
10. | 赤谷 正巳, 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生 : 屋内配線の活線絶縁診断装置の開発(第2報), 電気学会論文誌B (電力・エネルギー部門誌), Vol.123, No.3, 342-349, 2002年. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.123.342, CiNii: 1390001204599456512) |
11. | 赤谷 正巳, 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生 : 屋内配線の活線絶縁診断装置の開発, 電気学会論文誌B (電力・エネルギー部門誌), Vol.122, No.6, 710-718, 2002年. (CiNii: 1390001204599456512) |
12. | 松本 高志, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : 超高圧送電線下の楕円体状人体モデル内部の誘導電流密度解析, 電気設備学会誌, Vol.21, No.4, 314-321, 2001年. |
13. | Takashi Matsumoto, Atsuo Chiba, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Analysis of induced current density in grounded and ungrounded prolate spheroid models in concurrent ELF electric and magnetic fields, Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.135, No.3, 8-15, 2001. (DOI: 10.1002/eej.1028, Elsevier: Scopus) |
14. | 千葉 敦生, 伊坂 勝生 : 電界中の絶縁性円板上に直立する人体モデル内電流密度分布, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.120-B, No.4, 630-636, 2000年. |
15. | 太良尾 浩生, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : 組織膜を考慮した生体モデル内における磁気的低周波誘導電流特性, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.120-A, No.2, 135-141, 2000年. |
16. | 松本 高志, 千葉 敦生, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : 極低周波電磁界内の接地および非接地の回転楕円体状生体モデル内部の誘導電流密度解析, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.120-A, No.1, 49-55, 2000年. (CiNii: 1390001204599905664) |
17. | Takashi Matsumoto, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Quantification of coupling between two-dimensional low-frequency magnetic fields and a sperical model of biological substance, Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part II: Electronics), Vol.83, No.4, 50-60, 2000. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
18. | 松本 高志, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : 互いに平行および直交する低周波電界·磁界内の球状導体モデル内部の誘導電流密度解析, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.119-A, No.7, 1039-1044, 1999年. |
19. | 千葉 敦生, 伊坂 勝生 : 電界中の非接地人体モデル内に誘導される電流密度分布, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.119-B, No.3, 401-407, 1999年. |
20. | 千葉 敦生, 伊坂 勝生, William T. Kaune : 電力周波数の電界により人体モデル頭部脳内に誘導される電流密度分布, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.118-B, No.6, 627-634, 1998年. |
21. | 太良尾 浩生, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : ELF磁界による2媒質偏心球生体モデル内の誘導電界分布特性の解析, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.118-A, No.5, 475-482, 1998年. |
22. | 松本 高志, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : 2次元低周波磁界と球状生体モデルのカップリング現象の定量化, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), Vol.J81-B11, No.1, 92-100, 1998年. |
23. | Takashi Matsumoto, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Study on magnetically induced current densities in spherical model of biological object under power lines, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.42, 73-80, 1997. |
24. | 太良尾 浩生, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : 磁界密度の不平等性が単媒質生体モデル内の誘導電界に及ぼす影響, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.117-A, No.3, 317-323, 1997年. |
25. | 千葉 敦生, 伊坂 勝生 : 電界中に置かれた導電率の異なる内部および外部組織からなる円柱モデル内の電流分布, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.117-B, No.3, 388-396, 1997年. |
26. | 松本 高志, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : 位相差を有する低周波水平·垂直磁界内の球状人体モデル内部の誘導電流密度解析, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.117-A, No.3, 276-282, 1997年. |
27. | 太良尾 浩生, 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生 : インピーダンス法による低周波磁界中に置かれた生体モデル内の誘導電界解析手法, 徳島大学工学部研究報告, No.41, 69-77, 1996年. |
28. | Siregar Marsul, Noriyuki Hayashi, Junya Hashimoto and Katsuo Isaka : Induced current characteristics of square probe placed level in a parallel DC and AC lines-to -plate electrode system, Proceedings of the Institute of Electrost, Vol.20, No.4, 238-246, 1996. |
29. | 千葉 敦生, 伊坂 勝生 : 表面電荷法と有限要素法の2段階手法による人体モデル内誘導電流密度の解析, 電子情報通信学会英文論文誌(B), Vol.J79-B-, No.1, 86-93, 1996年. |
30. | Siregar Marsul, Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : Numerical method of the ion flow field calculation using the up-wind approximation, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.40, 71-83, 1995. |
31. | Katsuo Isaka, Noriyuki Hayashi, Masatoshi Okamoto and Yoshihide Yokoi : Measurements of power frequency electromagnetic environments and consideration into exposure evaluation, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E77-B, No.6, 699-707, 1994. |
32. | 千葉 敦生, 伊坂 勝生, 大野木 幸男 : 交流電界中の人体モデルに誘導される電流密度の解析, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), Vol.J77-B-, No.2, 93-100, 1994年. |
33. | 林 則行, 丸尾 和也, 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀 : 商用周波数平等磁界中に置かれた金属平板周辺の磁束密度分布ー平板の寸法及び透磁率の影響, 電気設備学会誌, Vol.13, No.10, 1028-1040, 1993年. |
34. | 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀 : 商用周波数平等磁界中に置かれた非磁性金属平板周辺の磁束密度分布の実験的検討, 電気設備学会誌, Vol.13, No.2, 130-138, 1993年. |
35. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : Total magnetic flux density meter developed for power frequency magnetic field characterization, Trans. IEEJ., Vol.112-B, No.12, 1157-1158, 1992. |
36. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : Analysis of 60-Hz magnetic fields near ground level in 187-kV switchyard of a 187/66-kV AC substation, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.7, No.1, 237-244, 1992. |
37. | 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀 : 固体電位記憶素子を用いた携帯用ELFドシメータの開発, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.111-B, No.9, 1025-1026, 1991年. |
38. | 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀 : 簡易磁界計算法を用いた電力用変電所構内におけるELF磁界分布推定法の検討, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.111-B, No.1, 108-116, 1991年. |
39. | Katsuo Isaka, Yoshihide Yokoi, K. Naito, R. Matsuoka, S. Ito and O. Fujii : Development of real-time system for simultaneous observation of visual discharges and leakage current on contaminated dc indulators, IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation, Vol.EI-25, No.6, 1153-1160, 1990. |
40. | T Takuma, K Kawamoto, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : A three-dimensional method for calculating currents induced in bodies by extremely low-frequency electric fields, Journal of Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.11, No.1, 71-89, 1990. |
41. | 千葉 敦生, 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀, 大野木 幸男 : 電力周波数電界内に置かれた導電率が異なる二種類の組織を有する人体内部の電流分布, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.109-B, No.6, 258-264, 1989年. |
42. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : Analysis of magnetic field profiles in electric blanket users, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.4, No.3, 1897-1903, 1989. |
43. | 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀 : 電気カーペットからの電力周波数磁界の解析, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.109-A, No.2, 91, 1989年. |
44. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : ELF electromagnetic environment in power substations, Journal of Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.10, No.1, 51-64, 1989. |
45. | 林 則行, 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀 : 電力変電所構内の地表面近傍における磁界計算法, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.108 B, No.9, 439, 1988年. |
46. | Omatsu S., Matsushita K. and Katsuo Isaka : Power generator control by variable structure theory, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, 15-24, 1987. |
47. | 長田 正義, 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生 : ホットスポットによる絶縁破壊電圧の低下特性, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.106-A, No.7, 315-321, 1986年. |
48. | 長田 正義, 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生 : 複数の残存素線をもつビニルコードの溶断着火特性, 電気設備学会誌, Vol.5, No.6, 315-321, 1985年. |
49. | Atsuo Chiba, Katsuo Isaka, M Kitagawa, Yoshihide Yokoi and Masayoshi Nagata : Application of finite element method to analysis of induced current densities inside human model exposed to 60-Hz electric field, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.103, No.7, 1895-1901, 1984. |
50. | 千葉 敦生, 伊坂 勝生, 大野木 幸男 : 交流送電線下の人体モデルに誘起される電界強度, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.103-B, No.11, 766-772, 1983年. |
51. | Yukio Onogi, Katsuo Isaka, Atsuo Chiba and Y Okumoto : A method of suppressing fault currents and improving the ground level electric field in a novel six-phase power transmission system, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.PAS-102, No.4, 870-880, 1983. |
52. | 長田 正義, 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生 : 素線切れモデルビニルコードの着火電流範囲, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.102-B, No.8, 562, 1982年. |
53. | 千葉 敦生, 伊坂 勝生, 大野木 幸男 : 交流電界中の人体内に誘起される電界の解析ー有限要素法の適用, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.102-B, No.7, 484, 1982年. |
54. | 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀, 千葉 敦生, 大野木 幸男 : 送電線用しゃへい線への電圧印加法, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.102-B, No.6, 410, 1982年. |
55. | 長田 正義, 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生, 宮地 厳 : インパルス電流思畳による直流アークの消孤と再点孤, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.102-A, No.1, 55, 1982年. |
56. | 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀, 長田 正義, 古井 孝志, 千葉 敦生, 大野木 幸男 : 送電線下地表面近傍の電界分布の比較方法, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.101-B, No.11, 697, 1981年. |
57. | 伊坂 勝生, 千葉 敦生, 大野来 幸男 : 電力線と静電遮へい線との並列送電における直列コンデンサ補償の影響, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.101-B, No.8, 498, 1981年. |
58. | 吉村 昇, 伊坂 勝生, 青笹 正夫, Hammam S., Adams G. : 絶縁用ゴム手袋の貫通破壊に及ぼす開閉サージの影響, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.101-A, No.8, 437-444, 1981年. |
59. | 三橋 信雄, 横井 良英, 長田 正義, 伊坂 勝生 : 絶縁被服電線の劣化履歴と火災危険について, 日本火災学会誌, Vol.31, No.1, 11-19, 1981年. |
60. | 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生, アクバル モハマド, 松延多 喜之助, 長野 稔 : 配電用エポキシ樹脂がいしの屋外曝露試験, 電気評論, Vol.64, No.8, 1979年. |
61. | Mohammad Akbar, Yoshihide Yokoi and Katsuo Isaka : Development of leakage current monitor for indoor pollution study, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.3, No.12, 1-4, 1979. |
62. | Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : Influence of dry band on flashover characteristics of polluted insulators, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, 63-72, 1974. |
63. | 河村 達雄, 伊坂 勝生 : がいし汚損面の吸湿現象に影響を及ぼす要因の解析, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.94-B, No.11, 575-582, 1974年. |
64. | 河村 達雄, 石井 勝, 森田 和実, 伊坂 勝生 : 汚損条件下における電力供給システムの絶縁信頼度, 生産研究, Vol.26, No.2, 23-27, 1974年. |
65. | 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生, 長田 正義, 河村 達雄 : 汚損がいしのフラッシオーバ確率, 徳島大学工学部研究報告, Vol.18, 133-140, 1973年. |
66. | 河村 達雄, 伊坂 勝生 : がいし汚損面の吸湿密度,濡れ電流およびフラッシオーバ電圧の吸湿依存性, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.93-B, No.9, 426-433, 1973年. |
67. | 長田 正義, 横井 良秀, 伊坂 勝生, 工藤 義行 : 衝撃電流による金属線の溶融爆発現象について, 徳島大学工学部研究報告, Vol.17, No.0, 9-15, 1972年. (CiNii: 1520009410151440512) |
68. | 河村 達雄, 伊坂 勝生, 大平 短史, 森田 和実 : 汚損フラッシオーバ現象に対するがいし表面温度の影響, 生産研究, Vol.23, No.6, 254-256, 1971年. |
69. | 河村 達雄, 伊坂 勝生 : モデルによる汚損面の吸湿,濡れ電流およびフラッシオーバ特性の解析, 生産研究, Vol.21, No.7, 446-448, 1969年. |
1. | Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge using the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.2, No.1, 97-99, 2007. (DOI: 10.1002/tee.20103, CiNii: 1571135650896512768) |
1. | 伊坂 勝生 : 高電界の動物影響, プラズマ·核融合学会誌, Vol.75, No.6, 672-677, 1999年6月. |
2. | 伊坂 勝生 : 電磁界の生体影響に関する現状評価と今後の課題, --- 各種環境における電磁界の実態と評価 ---, 電気学会電磁界生体影響問題調査特別委員会報告書, 11-24, 1998年10月. |
3. | 伊坂 勝生, 林 則行, 河村 達雄, 奥村 克夫 : 電磁界の測定技術, 静電気学会誌, Vol.20, No.4, 205-210, 1996年7月. |
4. | 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀, 林 則行 : EMI現象とノイズ対量試験の最近の動向, 電気学会論文誌D (産業応用部門誌), Vol.109, No.6, 377-379, 1989年6月. |
5. | 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀 : 高電界の生体形への影響, 静電気学会誌, Vol.9, No.3, 176-181, 1985年3月. |
6. | 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀 : ELF電界と生体のカップリング, 静電気学会誌, Vol.9, No.1, 53-54, 1985年1月. |
7. | 伊坂 勝生, 横井 良秀, 長田 正義, 吉村 昇, 能登 文敏 : 高圧電力線の電気的環境影響ーとくに電界の生体への影響, 静電気学会誌, Vol.4, No.2, 90-100, 1980年1月. |
1. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Comparison of Performance of Antenna Arrangements for Estimating the Number of Partial Discharge Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 562-565, Yokkaichi, Sep. 2008. |
2. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : The Phase Compensation of Recursive Interpolated D/FFT, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 625-628, Yokkaichi, Sep. 2008. |
3. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Multiple PD Sources on Distribution Line by Using FDTD Method, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 95-98, Yokkaichi, Sep. 2008. |
4. | Masatake Kawada, KOJI YAMADA, YASUTOMO KANEKO and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Vibration Phenomena on Model Turbine Rotor Using Cross-Correlation Method Based on In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, IEEE Power & Energy Society 2008 General Meeting, 6pages, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul. 2008. (DOI: 10.1109/PES.2008.4596375, Elsevier: Scopus) |
5. | Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Time-Frequency Analysis of EM Waves Emitted from Consecutive PD pulses Using the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method and the In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, Conference Record of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, 381-386, Vancouver, Jun. 2008. (DOI: 10.1109/ELINSL.2008.4570354, Elsevier: Scopus) |
6. | Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Analysis of Wideband EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge Using the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method and the In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Apr. 2008. (DOI: 10.1109/TDC.2008.4517292, Elsevier: Scopus) |
7. | khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on Characteristics of Wide Band EM Waves Emitted from PD in Air-Substation Using FDTD Method, Proc. of 2007 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, 247-250, Tokyo, Nov. 2007. |
8. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effects of the Length of GIS on Wide Band Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD using FDTD, Proc. of 2007 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, 251-254, Tokyo, Nov. 2007. |
9. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of the Number of Partial Discharge Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution of Electromagnetic Waves, Proc. of 2007 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, 109-112, Tokyo, Nov. 2007. |
10. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Locating Partial Discharge Source Occurring on Distribution Line Using FDTD and TDOA methods, Proc. of 2007 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical and Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, 99-102, Tokyo, Nov. 2007. |
11. | Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Analysis on the Propagation of Wideband EM Waves Emitted from a Partial Discharge using the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) Method, 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (CD-ROM), Honolulu, Hawaii, Jul. 2007. (DOI: 10.1109/ISEMC.2007.136, Elsevier: Scopus) |
12. | Masatake Kawada, Koji Yamada, Yasutomo Kaneko and Katsuo Isaka : Discrimination of Vibration Phenomena on Model Turbine Rotor using In-Place Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting (CD-ROM), Tampa, Florida, USA, Jun. 2007. (DOI: 10.1109/PES.2007.385480, Elsevier: Scopus) |
13. | Masatake Kawada, Koji Yamada, Yasutomo Kaneko and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Contact Vibration generated on Turbine Model using Fast Haar Wavelet Transform, Proc. of PSCE 2006, Atlanta, USA, Oct. 2006. |
14. | Masatake Kawada, Koji Yamada, Yasutomo Kaneko and Katsuo Isaka : Discrimination of Vibration Phenomena generated on Turbine Model with 3 Rotors using Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Vol.3, 44-49, Austin, Texas, Jul. 2005. |
15. | Masatake Kawada, Koji Yamada, Katsuya Yamashita and Katsuo Isaka : Fundamental Study on Vibration Diagnosis for Turbine Generators using Wavelet Transform, CD-ROM (The IEEE Power Engineering Society's 2004 Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE'04)), Vol.3, 1215-1220, New York, Oct. 2004. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
16. | Atso Chiba, Katsuo Isaka, Katsuhiko Shoukura and Takashi Matsumoto : Analysis of Induced Current Density Inside Grounded and Ungrouded Human Models Exposed to Electric Field, Proc. of 2004 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.2, 809-812, Sendai, 2004. |
17. | Matsumoto Takashi, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Analysis of Induced Current Density in Ellipsoidal Human Model Exposed to Concurrent ELF Electric and Magnetic Fields with Phase Differences, IEEE/PES T&D 2002 Asia Pacific, Vol.3, 2343-1347, Oct. 2001. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
18. | Matsumoto Takashi, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Analysis of Induced Current Density in Ellipsoidal and Prolate Spheroidal Human Models in a Circularly Polarized ELF Magnetic Field, Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol.5, 1299-1302, Bangalore, India, Aug. 2001. |
19. | Hiroo Tarao, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Characteristics of ELF magnetically induced current inside biological model with statistically distributed cinductivities, Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol.5, 1307-1310, Bangalore, India, Aug. 2001. |
20. | Hiroo Tarao, Takashi Matsumoto, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Characteristics of ELF magneticall induced current inside biological model with statistically distributed conductivities, Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol.5, 1307-1310, Bangalore, India, Aug. 2001. |
21. | Atsuo Chiba and Katsuo Isaka : Density distribution of currents induced inside the brain in the head part of the human model exposed to power frequency electric field, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol.1, 307-310, London, Aug. 1999. |
22. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Hiroo Tarao and Katsuo Isaka : Influence of bio-membrane on current characteristics induced by ambient ELF magnetic field for spherical tissue model, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol.2, 87-90, London, Aug. 1999. |
23. | Takashi Matsumoto, Atsuo Chiba, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of concurrent ELF electric and magnetic fields on induced current density in biological model in the vicinity of the ground, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol.2, 27-30, London, Aug. 1999. |
24. | Hiroo Tarao, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of membrane on current distribution in biological sphere tissue with a membrane placed in uniform and eddy current fields, Proceedings of International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 165-168, Tokyo, May 1999. |
25. | Takashi Matsumoto, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Analysis of induced current density in spherical conductive model exposed to simultaaneously to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields, Proceedings of International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 157-160, Tokyo, May 1999. |
26. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Hiroo Tarao and Katsuo Isaka : Theoretical analysis of eletctric field induced in bio-material exposed to two dimensional ELF magnetic field, Proceedings of 1998 Korea-Japan Symposium on Electrical Discharges and High Voltage Engineering, 41-44, Busan, Oct. 1998. |
27. | Katsuo Isaka, Noriyuki Hayashi and Ryoji Nishimura : Dosimetry and exposure experiments for extremely low frequency high-tension electric field therapy, Proceedings of EMC'98ROMA, 204-207, Rome, Italy, Sep. 1998. |
28. | Katsuo Isaka, Ryoji Nishimura and Noriyuki Hayashi : Observation of time variation of surface temperatures of faces and hand backs of human bodies at ac high electric potential, Proceedings of 20th BEMS Annual Meeting, 119-120, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, Jun. 1998. |
29. | Tarao Hiroo, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Improved Impedance Method for the Calculation of Electric Fields Induced in Simple Biological Structures by ELF Magnetic Fields, Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 77-80, Montreal, Aug. 1997. |
30. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Siregar Marsul, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : Experimental Investigation on Characteristics of Induced Current in Conductive Plate Placed at Ground Level in Coexisting Ac and Dc-Ion-Flow Fields, Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol.3, 153-156, Montreal, Aug. 1997. |
31. | Takashi Matsumoto, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Quantification of interaction between 2-dimensional low frequency magnetic field and spherical model of biological object, Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol.3, 1-4, Montreal, Aug. 1997. |
32. | M Takami, Noriyuki Hayashi, Marsul Siregar and Katsuo Isaka : Experimental Investigation of Ion Current Characteristics in a DC Line to Plane Electrode System with a Needle Protrusion as a Point Ion Source on a High Voltage Line, Proc.8th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, Bangkok, Oct. 1996. |
33. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Marsul Siregar and Katsuo Isaka : Change in Induced Current Characteristics at Ground Level in Coexisting AC and DC Ion-Flow Fields, Proc.8th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, 1-4, Bangkok, Oct. 1996. |
34. | Marsul Siregar, Noriyuki Hayashi, J Hashimoto and Katsuo Isaka : Experimental Investigation on Ion Current Characteristics under the Modeled AC/DC Hybrid Transmission Line, Proc.7th Annual Conference of IEEEJ, Power and Energy Society, 249-254, Osaka, Aug. 1996. |
35. | Marsul Siregar, Noriyuki Hayashi, J Hashimoto and Katsuo Isaka : Induced Current Characteristics in Square Probe Placed Level in the Vicinity of a Modeled AC/DC Hybrid Transmission Line, Proc.7th Annual Conference of IEEEJ, Power and Energy Society, 243-248, Osaka, Aug. 1996. |
36. | Marsul Siregar, Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka, J Hashimoto and Yoshihide Yokoi : Experimental Investigation on Discharges and Their Applications, Proc.11th International Conference on Discharges and Their Applications, 196-199, Tokyo, Sep. 1995. |
37. | Katsuo Isaka, Noriyuki Hayashi and Yoshihide Yokoi : Application of Characteristics of Ground-Level Electric and Magnetic Fields to Development of Electric Power Direction Finder, Proc.9th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 1-4, Graz, Austria, Aug. 1995. |
38. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka, H Tarao and Yoshihide Yokoi : Numerical Calculation of Induced Electric Field and Currents on Simple Models of Multi-Medium Biological Systems Using the Impedance Method, Proc.9th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 1-4, Graz, Austria, Aug. 1995. |
39. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : ELF Magnetic Field Characterization in HV and EHV Power Substations, Proc.Japan-USA Science Seminar on Electromagnetic Field Effects Caused by High Voltage Systems, Modeling, Characterization, Measurements and Mitigation, 381-390, Sapporo, Jun. 1994. |
40. | K Naito, Y Mizuno, Y Yamano, Katsuo Isaka, I Yonemura and H Hasekura : Effect of Power Frequency Magnetic Field on Longevity of Fruit Flies, Proc.Japan-USA Science Seminar on Electromagnetic Field Effects Caused by High Voltage Systems, Modeling, Characterization, Measurements and Mitigation, 322-329, Sapporo, Jun. 1994. |
41. | Katsuo Isaka, Noriyuki Hayashi, Yoshihide Yokoi and Atsuo Chiba : Measurements of Electric and Magnetic Fields and Analysis of Induced Current Density in Human Model Exposed to Those Fields, Proc.Japan-USA Science Seminar on Electromagnetic Field Effects Caused by High Voltage Systems, Modeling, Characterization, Measurements and Mitigation, 270-279, Sapporo, Jun. 1994. |
42. | Katsuo Isaka : Electromagnetic Field Effects Caused by High Voltage Systems(Summary of Research Projects in Japan), Proc.Japan-USA Science Seminar on Electromagnetic Field Effects Caused by High Voltage Systems, Modeling, Characterization, Measurements and Mitigation, 35-44, Sapporo, Jun. 1994. |
43. | Katsuo Isaka, T Kushiro, Masatoshi Okamoto, Noriyuki Hayashi and Yoshihide Yokoi : Characteristics of Power Line Electric and Magnetic Fields, Proc. 1994 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 153-156, Sendai, May 1994. |
44. | Noriyuki Hayashi, N Okumura, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : Field Characterization around Metal Objects exposed to a Uniform ELF Magnetic Field-Effect of Object Dimensions and Exposure Conditions-, Proc. 1994 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 153-156, Sendai, May 1994. |
45. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka, K Maruo and Yoshihide Yokoi : Magnetic Field Enhancement due to the Eddy Current Dffect for a Two-Plate System, Proc. 6th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, 99-102, Ohita,Japan, Nov. 1993. |
46. | K Naito, Katsuo Isaka, I Yonemura and H Hasekura : An Experimental Study on the Effect of 60-Hz Magnetic Field on Longevity of Fruit Flies, Proc. 8th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 543-546, Yokohama, Aug. 1993. |
47. | Atsushi Chiba, Katsuo Isaka, Yoshihide Yokoi and Y Onogi : A Method for Numerical etermination of Induced Current Density in Human Model Exposed to Power Frequency Electric Field, Proc. 8th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 535-538, Yokohama, Aug. 1993. |
48. | Katsuo Isaka, T Kushiro, Masatoshi Okamoto, Noriyuki Hayashi and Yoshihide Yokoi : Electromagnetic environments in the Vicinity of Ground under EHV Power Lines, Proc. 8th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Yokohama, Aug. 1993. |
49. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : Magnetic Field Profiles near Metal Objects Modeling Substation Structures Exposed to Power Frequency Magnetic Fields, Proc. 8th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 513-516, Yokohama, Aug. 1993. |
50. | Katsuo Isaka, Noriyuki Hayashi and Yoshihide Yokoi : Calculation of Electric and Magnetic Fields near Ground Level in 187 kV AC Substation, Proc. 9th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, 403-410, Monterey, Mar. 1993. |
51. | Yoshihide Yokoi, K Maruo, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Magnetic Field Profiles around Steel Plates Exposed to a Uniform Magnetic Field, Proc. 5th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, Singapore, Nov. 1992. |
52. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka and Yoshihide Yokoi : Measurement of Total Magnetic Field under a 187-kV Transmission Line and in a 187/6 kV Power Substation, Proc. 5th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, Singapore, Nov. 1992. |
53. | Katsuo Isaka, Noriyuki Hayashi and Yoshihide Yokoi : AC Transmission Line Electric and Magnetic Fields near Ground Level, Proc. 4th JSPS-VCC Seminar on Integrated Engineering, 261-269, Kyoto, Oct. 1992. |
54. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka, H Negishi and Yoshihide Yokoi : Magnetic Field Profiles around Metal Plates in a Uniform Magnetic Field, Proc. 4th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, 160-163, Busan, Oct. 1991. |
55. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka, S Yura and Yoshihide Yokoi : Development of Magnetic Field Dosimeter for Exposure Application, Proc. 7th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 83-86, Dresden, Aug. 1991. |
56. | Katsuo Isaka, Noriyuki Hayashi, Yoshihide Yokoi, Masatoshi Okamoto, Takashi Matsumoto and S Hammam : Characterization of Electric and Magnetic fields at Ground Level under EHV Transmission Lines, Proc. 7th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Dresden, Aug. 1991. |
57. | Katsuo Isaka, Noriyuki Hayashi, Yoshihide Yokoi and Masatoshi Okamoto : Characteristic of Ground-Level Electric and Magnetic Fields Generated by AC Power Transmission Lines, Proc. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 511-514, Nagoya, Sep. 1989. |
58. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Katsuo Isaka, H Kume and Yoshihide Yokoi : Power Frequency Magnetic fields in 187/66 kV electric Power Substation, Proc. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 505-510, Nagoya, Sep. 1989. |
59. | Noriyuki Hayashi, Hiroo Tarao and Katsuo Isaka : Effects of membrane conductivity on current distribution induced in bio-material by ambient ELF magnetic field, Proceedings of The 9th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED'98), No.No. D1-3, Bandung, Nov. 1988. |
60. | Y. Gyuk and Katsuo Isaka : Mutual Shielding of Animals in Proximity, International Meeting on Biological Effects from Electromagnetic fields, Tucson, USA, Nov. 1988. |
61. | Masayoshi Nagata, Yoshihide Yokoi, Katsuo Isaka, T Ogawa and I Miyachi : Extinction Propeties of DC ARC Superposed by Aperiodic and Oscillatory Impulse Currents, Proc. International Conference on Gas Dischages and Their Applications, 143-146, Venice, Italy, Sep. 1988. |
62. | Katsuo Isaka, Yoshihide Yokoi, K Naito, R. Matsuoka, S Ito and K Sakanishi : An Investigation of DC Contamination Flashover Phenomena of Suspension Insulators, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, 20-24, Beijing, Sep. 1988. |
63. | Katsuo Isaka, Yoshihide Yokoi, Noriyuki Hayashi, Masayoshi Nagata and Atsuo Chiba : Interaction of ELF Electric and Magnetic Fields with Human Body, Proc. US-Japan Seminar on Electromagnetic Interference, 21-30, Honolulu, Aug. 1988. |
64. | Katsuo Isaka, Yoshihide Yokoi, Masayoshi Nagata and Atsuo Chiba : Induced Currents in Human Heads in AC Electric Field, International Meeting on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, 555-559, Kansas City, USA, Oct. 1987. |
65. | Katsuo Isaka and Y Shiga : Measurement of Induced Body Current Using Animal Models, DOE-EPRI Contractor's Meeting, Denver, USA, Nov. 1986. |
66. | Katsuo Isaka and Y Shiga : Estimation of Body Current Induced in Plural Baboon Models Exposed to 60HZ Electric Field, DOE-EPRI Contractor's Meeting, Denver, USA, Nov. 1986. |
67. | K Shimizu, Katsuo Isaka and T Shigemitsu : Theoretical Dosimetry(Japanese Research), Workshop of Contractor's Meeting, Oct. 1985. |
68. | Katsuo Isaka, Yoshihide Yokoi, Masayoshi Nagata, Masatoshi Okamoto and Atsuo Chiba : Induced Current in Foreign Tissue Existing in Homogeneous Tissue of Human Model Exposed to Transmission Line Electric Field, Proc. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 555-559, Tokyo, Oct. 1984. |
69. | Katsuo Isaka, Yoshihide Yokoi, Masayoshi Nagata and I Nakagawa : Selection of Impedance of Glazed Semiconducting Insulators to Prevent Corona Discharges from Insulator String of EHV Transmission Line, Proc. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 61-66, Tokyo, Oct. 1984. |
70. | Katsuo Isaka, Yoshihide Yokoi, Masayoshi Nagata and Atsuo Chiba : ELF Electric Field Coupling to Human Body, Proc. Japan-US Science Seminar on Detection and Control of Electric Field and Space Charge in Electrical Environmental Problems, 251-260, Fukuoka, Oct. 1984. |
71. | Katsuo Isaka, Yoshihide Yokoi, Masayoshi Nagata, M Kitagawa, T Matsuo and S. Hammam : Results of Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Induced Currents in Human Body, Proc. Symposium on Interaction of Biological Systems with Static and ELF Electric and Magnetic Fields, Richland, USA, Oct. 1984. |
72. | Masayoshi Nagata, I Miyachi, Yoshihide Yokoi and Katsuo Isaka : Extinction and Reignition of DC ARC Superposed by Impulse Current, Proc. 7th International Conference on Gas Dischages and Applications, 112-115, London, Sep. 1982. |
73. | Katsuo Isaka, S. Hammam and Yoshihide Yokoi : Observation of partial discharges on wet contaminated insulation surfaces using coherent fiber-optic cables, National Academy of Sciences Annual Report, Schenectady, USA, Dec. 1977. |
74. | Katsuo Isaka, Noriyuki Hayashi and Yoshihide Yokoi : Modeling, Characterization and Measurements in Relation to Electromagnetic Field Effects Caused by High and Low Voltage Systems-Summary of Researches in Japan-, Proc. Seminar on Effects of EMF on Biological Systems in Indonesia : Focusing on EMF Quantities, 1-13, Bandung, Indonesia, Mar. 1977. |
75. | Noriyuki Hayashi, H Tarao and Katsuo Isaka : Improvement of the Conventional Impedance Method for Calculating Electric Fields Induced in Simple Biological Structure Exposed to ELF Magnetic Fields, Proc. Seminar on Effects of EMF on Biological Systems in Indonesia : Focusing on EMF Quantities, 1-10, Bandung, Indonesia, Mar. 1977. |
76. | Takashi Matsumoto, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Relationship between Magnetic Field Profile and Magnetically Induced Current in Biological Model under Power Transmission Lines, Proc. Seminar on Effects of EMF on Biological Systems in Indonesia : Focusing on EMF Quantities, 1-13, Bandung, Indonesia, Mar. 1977. |
77. | Hiroo Tarao, Noriyuki Hayashi and Katsuo Isaka : Improved impedance method for the calculation of electric fieldsinduced in simple biological structures by ELF magnetic fields, Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol.3, 77-80, Montreal, Jan. 1977. |
1. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Study on Influence of Mutual Coupling of Antenna Array and Noise on Received EM Waves Emitted from PF by Using FDTD, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Mar. 2009. |
2. | Tetsuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of Spectrum Analyzer's Resolutin Bandwidth on the Measurement of EM Waves Emitted from PD in Multipath-rich Environment, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Mar. 2009. |
3. | Kiichi Taniguchi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka and Richard M Leahy : Comparison of EEG During Right and Left Forefinger Movements Using Directed Transfer Function, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Mar. 2009. |
4. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation of Influence of Antennas in Received EM Waves Emitted from PD, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 412, Sep. 2008. |
5. | Kiichi Taniguchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimating the Patterns of Correlation of Brain Waves During the Forefinger Movements Using Directed Transfer Function, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 411, Sep. 2008. |
6. | Hisayoshi Kuroshima, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge Using Interpolated Method of Moments, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 32, Sep. 2008. |
7. | Tetsuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Investigating the Impulse Bandwidth of Spectrum Analyzer for the Measurement of EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 31, Sep. 2008. |
8. | Yuta Kishigami, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Investigating Optimal Size of Window to Arrange Antenna in GIS for UHF Method, 2008 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of The Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 30, Sep. 2008. |
9. | 長尾 宜紀, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武, 太良尾 浩生, 林 則行 : 電磁調理システム周辺の人体の誘導電流の測定, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 29, 2008年9月. |
10. | 長尾 宜紀, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 太良尾 浩生, 林 則之 : 電磁調理システムからのコンタクト電流の測定, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, 2008年3月. |
11. | Tetsuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Investigation of the Relationship between Resolution Bandwidth of Spectrum Analyzer and Pulse Repetition Frequency for the Measurement of Power of EM Waves Emitted from PD, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
12. | Yasuyuki Hayashi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka, Koji Yamada and Yasutomo Kaneko : Extraction of Characteristic Acceleration Signals Associated with Oil Whip Using Fast ICA, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
13. | Kiichi Taniguchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Investigating a Tolerance of Directed Transfer Function for Brain Waves Based on Signal to Noise Ratio Using Relative Error, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
14. | Hisayoshi Kuroshima, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge in Consideration of the Radius and Partition Number Using Method of Moments, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
15. | Yuta Kishigami, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of Antenna Position at Aperture on Detection Sensitivity of EM Waves Emitted from PD in GIS, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
16. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Locating PD Source Occurring on Distribution Line in Street Waveguide by Using SPOT Method, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
17. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka, Koji Yamada and Yasutomo Kaneko : Detection of Oil Whip and Clearance Vibration with High Accuracy Using Recursive Interpolated D/FFT, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
18. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of the Permittivity of Spacer on EM Waves Emitted from PD in GIS, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
19. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimate of the Number of PD Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution Based on Square Array Antennas, The 2008 Annual Meeting Record of IEE Japan, Mar. 2008. |
20. | 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : CIP法とウェーブレット変換を用いた部分放電放射電磁波の時間周波数可視化, 2007年10月. |
21. | 長尾 宜紀, 金本 吉弘, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武 : 電磁調理器からの接触電流の測定, 電気関係四国支部大会論文誌, 2007年9月. |
22. | Tetsuya Murayama, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : On the Measurement of Power of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge Using Superheterodyne Spectrum Analyzer, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
23. | Yasuyuki Hayashi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka, Koji Yamada and Yasutomo Kaneko : Separation of the Acceleration Signals for Vibration Diagnosis Using Fast Independent Component Analysis, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
24. | Kiichi Taniguchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Evaluating Tolerance of Granger Causality of Brain Waves Based on Signal to Noise Ratio, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
25. | Hisayoshi Kuroshima, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Fundamental Analysis on Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD Using Method of Moments, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
26. | Yuta Kishigami, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Visualization of Six Components of EM Waves Emitted from PD in GIS Using 3D FDTD Method, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
27. | Ye Tian, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Location Accuracy of PD Source Using Four-Antenna Array Based on TDOA and Broyden's Methods, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
28. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Real Time and High Accurate Frequency Analysis Based on IpFFT with Recursive Algorithm, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
29. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD in GIS with T-shaped Branch, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
30. | Hirokazu Ishimaru, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of the Number of Partial Discharge Sources Using Multichannel Blind Deconvolution in Multipath Environment, 2007 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2007. |
31. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : High Accuracy Estimation of Abnormal Vibration Generated on Turbine Model Using Interpolated Fast Fourier Transform, 2007 Annual Conference of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan, 1page, Aug. 2007. |
32. | Khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on Multipath Effects of EM Waves Emitted from PD in Air-Substation Using FDTD Method, 2007 Annual Conference of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan, 1page-1, Aug. 2007. |
33. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Frequency Characteristics of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted fro PD in GIS in Consideration of the Spacer, 2007 Annual Conference of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan, 1page, Aug. 2007. |
34. | Ye Tian, Khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Localization of Partial Discharge on Distribution Line Based on Forward and Inverse Methods, 2007 Annual Conferernce of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan, 1page, Aug. 2007. |
35. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Fundamental Study on Vibration Diagnosis for Turbine Using Interpolated FFT, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 7-027, Mar. 2007. |
36. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effect of Shape of Spacer on EM Waves Emitted from PD in GIS, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 6-257, Mar. 2007. |
37. | Yoshitaka Higuchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Propagation of EM Waves Emitted from PD Occurring on the Distribution Line Using the FDTD Method, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 2-043, Mar. 2007. |
38. | Yoshiteru Fukuda, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of Radiation Power from PD by Measuring EM Waves for Diagnosing of Insulation Material, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 2-042, Mar. 2007. |
39. | Masanari Kurei, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD in GIS in Consideration of the Spacer, Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2006. |
40. | 原田 優, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 配電線周辺のELF磁界の解析, 電気関係学会四国支部論文集, 2006年9月. |
41. | 陳 皓, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 高圧送電線下の地表面近傍における電界の定量化, 電気関係学会四国支部論文集, 2006年9月. |
42. | Yoshiteru Fukuda, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Estimation of Electric Field Strength by Measuring EM Waves emitted from PD, Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2006. |
43. | Yoshitaka Higuchi, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : 3D Reconstruction Method using PSM and TM to Combine with the Location of PD Source, Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and related Engineers, Sep. 2006. |
44. | Takashi Kuraishi, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka and Koji Yamada : Fundamental Study on Vibration Diagnosis for Turbine using the Optimization of Spectrum Analysis, 電気関係学会四国支部論文集, Sep. 2006. |
45. | Khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Simulation on Propagation of VHF EM Waves Emitted from Partial Discharge in Air-Substation, 電気関係学会四国支部論文集, Sep. 2006. |
46. | Khammanivong Somsay, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Fundamental Study on Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the FDTD Simulation of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from PD, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, Sep. 2005. |
47. | Kenji Rikimoto, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka and Koji Yamada : Detection of Abnormal Vibration Components Generated on Turbine Model using ICA, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, Sep. 2005. |
48. | Yoshiteru Fukuda, Masatake Kawada and Katsuo Isaka : Effects of RBW and VBW of Spectrum Analyzer on Frequency Spectrum of EM Waves emitted from PD, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, Sep. 2005. |
49. | 樋口 佳孝, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 部分放電源特定支援のためのステレオ法による3次元形状復元, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, 2005年9月. |
50. | 山中 真吾, 付 政, 伊坂 勝生, 原田 雅史, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 磁気共鳴画像(MRI)診断装置の操作室における磁界測定, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, 2005年9月. |
51. | 溝端 康弘, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武 : 角度鉄塔周辺における送電線からの磁界解析, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, 2005年9月. |
52. | 原田 優, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武 : 垂直立ち上がり配電ケーブルからの磁界測定, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文誌, 2005年9月. |
53. | 力本 健治, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 山田 康二 : 独立成分分析によるタービンモデルの異常振動に伴う変位信号成分分離, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2005年3月. |
54. | 山中 真吾, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : プロテオミクス実験システムから発生するELF磁界の低減の試み, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2005年3月. |
55. | 福田 好輝, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 部分放電放射電磁波測定におけるスペクトラムアナライザの分解能·ビデオ帯域幅の影響, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2005年3月. |
56. | 力本 健治, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 山田 康二 : 独立成分分析によるタービン発電機振動診断のための加速度信号分離, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
57. | Takuya Sadakuni, Masatake Kawada, Katsuo Isaka and Koji Yamada : Study on Diagnosis for Turbine Generator using Bayesian Network, 電気関係学会四国四国支部大会論文集, Sep. 2004. |
58. | 湯下 良之, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : ブラウン管タイプのVDTからのトランジェント磁界の測定結果, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
59. | 城尾 友紀, 伊坂 勝生, 川田 昌武, 大崎 和夫 : 人の前腕部における血流に対する高電界の作用, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
60. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 金子 康智, 伊坂 勝生 : ウェーブレット変換による3軸型タービン発電機モデルの振動解析, 電気関係学会四国支部大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
61. | 力本 健治, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 山田 康二 : 独立成分分析によるタービン発電機振動診断のための基礎研究, 電気学会産業応用部門大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
62. | 定國 卓也, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 山田 康二 : ベイジアンネットワークによるタービン発電機診断に関する研究, 電気学会産業応用部門大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
63. | 湯下 良之, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : VDTからのトランジェント磁界の波形観測, 電気設備学会全国大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
64. | 溝端 康弘, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : 角度鉄塔に吊下げられた送電線からの磁界解析, 電気設備学会全国大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
65. | 山中 真吾, 付 政, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 原田 雅史, 長篠 博文, 西谷 弘 : 磁気共鳴画像診断装置(MRI)操作室における磁界測定, 電気設備学会全国大会論文集, 2004年9月. |
66. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 金子 康智, 伊坂 勝生 : 3軸型タービン発電機モデルにおける接触振動現象のウェーブレット変換を用いた時間周波数可視化, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2004年3月. |
67. | 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 伊坂 勝生 : 高速回転機診断のための変位·加速度信号の時間周波数可視化, 自動制御連合講演会論文集, 2003年11月. |
68. | 定國 卓也, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : FFTによるタービン発電機の高速振動診断に関する基礎研究, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
69. | 久米 一哉, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : FDTD法を用いた部分放電電流による放射電磁波の可視化, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
70. | 付 政, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 原田 雅史, 長篠 博文, 西谷 弘 : 磁気共鳴画像診断装置の操作室における磁界測定, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
71. | 湊 雄策, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : EMDEXⅡ磁界メータの測定精度に関する一考察, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, 2003年10月. |
72. | 湯下 良之, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : トランジェント磁界の波形観測に関する研究, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, 2003年10月. |
73. | 城尾 友紀, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 大崎 和夫 : 電界内における心電図測定のための基礎研究, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
74. | 久米 一哉, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : FDTD法を用いた部分放電電磁波モデリングに関する基礎研究, 高速信号処理応用技術学会秋季大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
75. | 定國 卓也, 川田 昌武, 山田 康二, 山下 勝也, 伊坂 勝生 : タービン発電機振動診断のためのFFT周波数分解能の検討, 高速信号処理応用技術学会秋季大会論文集, 2003年10月. |
76. | 香川 明彦, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生 : トランジェント磁界の定量化, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, 2002年10月. |
77. | 山崎 健一, 伊坂 勝生 : 生体への誘導電流, 平成13年電気学会全国大会シンポジュウム予稿集, 395-398, 2001年3月. |
78. | 伊坂 勝生 : 身の周りの電磁界, 第8回電磁界の健康影響に関するシンポジウム予稿集, 5-15, 2001年2月. |
1. | 下村 直行, 川田 昌武, 伊坂 勝生, 井上 廉 : 学生と担任のためのクラスホームページ, --- 進学・就職活動 ---, 電気学会研究会資料, Vol.FIE-07, 25-29, 2007年9月. |
2. | 伊坂 勝生 : 平成11年度電磁場ばく露に関する調査研究委員会報告書, --- 電力作業者,溶接作業者および溶解作業者の磁界ばく露調査 ---, 2000年3月. |