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Field of Study

Electro Mechanical Engineering

Subject of Study

電気機器の特性解析·有限要素解析, 小形モータの特性改善·計測制御, 電動機の故障診断, 風力用発電機システム, マイクロプロセッサの計測·制御への応用 (電気機器, finite element analysis, 特性解析, 計測制御, 故障診断, マイクロプロセッサ応用, signal processing)

Book / Paper


1. Ikuro Morita :
株式会社トリケップス, Tokyo, Sep. 2009.
2. Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
電気書院, Tokyo, May 1985.
3. Takayoshi Nakata, Hiroshi Okitsu, Ikuro Morita and Tokuo Ohnishi :
朝倉書店, Tokyo, Sep. 1984.
4. Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
経営開発センター出版部, 姫路市, Jan. 1981.
5. Hiroshi Okitsu, Takayuki Suzuki and Ikuro Morita :
80年代のエレクトロニクス 第3巻,
日本ビジネスレポート, Tokyo, May 1978.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Masaki Hashizume, 田坂 英司, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Takeomi Tamesada, 茅原 敏広, Ikuro Morita and Takahiro Oie :
Journal of Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging, Vol.6, No.7, 564-572, 2003.
(DOI: 10.5104/jiep.6.564,   CiNii: 1520290884709986560)
2. Mineyo Morimoto and Ikuro Morita :
Vibration Analysis of DC Motors,
日本AEM学会誌, Vol.10, No.2, 185-192, 2002.
(CiNii: 1520009408587035008)
3. Mineyo Morimoto and Ikuro Morita :
Magnetic Force Analysis of DC Motors,
日本AEM学会誌, Vol.10, No.2, 178-184, 2002.
(CiNii: 1520572358419753088)
4. Mineyo Morimoto and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristic Analysis of an Induction Motor with an Unequal Slot Pitch Cage Rotor,
Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.140, No.2, 44-52, 2002.
(DOI: 10.1002/eej.10032,   Elsevier: Scopus)
5. Mineyo Morimoto and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristics Analysis of Induction Motor with an Unequal Slot Pitch Cage Rotor,
The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.D-121, No.8, 841-847, 2001.
6. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami and Ikuro Morita :
A Study of the Pendulum Equation with a Periodic Impulsive Force, --- Bifurcation and Control ---,
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E78-A, No.10, 1269-1275, 1995.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003891)
7. Ikuro Morita and Terunobu Tada :
Cage Rotor Diagnosis of Induction Motor by Leakage Flux Monitoring,
Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.29, No.11, 1269-1275, 1993.
8. Ikuro Morita :
Air Gap Flux Analysis for Cage Rotor Diagnosis,
Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.112, No.3, 171-181, 1992.
9. Ikuro Morita :
Air-Gap Flux Analysis for Cage Rotor Diagnosis,
The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.111-D, No.7, 578-587, 1991.
10. Tatsumi Toumiya, Ikuro Morita and Takayuki Suzuki :
Wind Power Generation Data Processing System with the Aid of a Micro Computer,
Renewable Energy, Vol.1, No.3/4, 321-329, 1991.
11. Ikuro Morita :
Analysis of Three-phase Induction Motor with Faulty Cage Rotor,
The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.110, No.7, 798-806, 1990.
12. Ikuro Morita :
Waveform Analysis of Induction Motors with Unbalanced Parameters,
Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.109, No.6, 91-99, 1989.
13. Ikuro Morita :
Waveform Analysis of Induction Motors with Unbalanced Parameters,
The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.109, No.10, 733-740, 1989.
14. Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Okitsu :
Signature Frequency Analysis for Diagnosis of Induction Motor Systems,
Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.109, No.4, 102-112, 1989.
15. Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Okitsu :
Signature Frequency Analysis for Diagnosis of Induction Motor Systems,
The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.109, No.3, 205-212, 1989.
16. Masaki Hashizume, Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Okitsu :
Estimating the Level of Anesthesia by EEG Analysis,
Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.16, No.1, 42-52, 1985.
17. Masaki Hashizume, Ikuro Morita and Tomoko Arase :
Estimating the Level of Anesthesia by EEG Analysis,
電子通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J67-D, No.8, 892-899, 1984.
18. Tomoko Arase and Ikuro Morita :
EEG Analysis for Automatic Control of Depth of Halothane Anesthesia in Man,
Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Vol.19, No.4, 211-216, 1983.
19. Kameyoshi Okazaki, Takao Saito and Ikuro Morita :
循環制御, Vol.4, No.3, 397-404, 1983.
20. Teisuke Sato, Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
塑性と加工, Vol.21, No.234, 608-613, 1980.
21. Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
電気評論, Vol.64, No.12, 1062-1066, 1979.
22. Kameyoshi Okazaki, Takao Sito and Ikuro Morita :
Measurement of Left Ventricular Pressure Pulse and Analysis of Force-Velocity Relation by Analog Computation,
Respiration & Circulation, Vol.24, No.6, 511-516, 1976.
23. Kokichi Nitta, Hiroshi Okitsu, Takayuki Suzuki and Ikuro Morita :
Dynamic Characteristics of Induction Motors for Variation of Supply Frequency,
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.19, No.8, 446-453, 1975.
24. Kokichi Nitta, Hiroshi Okitsu, Takayuki Suzuki and Ikuro Morita :
Analysis of the Frequency Characteristics of a Three-phase Induction Motor,
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, Vol.22, No.2, 219-224, 1975.
25. Kokichi Nitta, Hiroshi Okitsu, Takayuki Suzuki and Ikuro Morita :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.18, 121-131, 1973.

Academic Letter:

1. Ikuro Morita and Masaki Hashizume :
Drive Characteristcs Analysis of a Three-phase Hybrid Stepping Motor using PSpice.,
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.D-124, No.4, 423-424, 2004.
(DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.124.423,   CiNii: 1390001204654655744)
2. Ikuro Morita and Yoshiyuki Kudo :
Stator Current and Leakage Flux of an Induction Motor with Broken Rotor Bar and Parallel Stator Windings.,
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.D-124, No.3, 335-336, 2004.
(DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.124.335,   CiNii: 1390001204655610496)

Review, Commentary:

1. Ikuro Morita :
Factory·Automation, Vol.14, No.10, 14-19, Oct. 1996.
2. Ikuro Morita :
メインテナンス, No.113, 14-19, Oct. 1989.
3. Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Okitsu :
電気計算, Vol.48, No.16, 64-69, Dec. 1980.
4. Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Okitsu :
Plant Engineer, Vol.10, No.6, 26-30, May 1978.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Ikuro Morita, Tadashi Kanayama and Tsuneaki Ueta :
Load Characteristics Comparisons of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors by Pole-Slot Combinations,
Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Vol.CD-ROM, No.DS2G2-9, Tokyo, Nov. 2009.
2. Naoki Sakamaki and Ikuro Morita :
Study on Synchronous Induction Hybrid Motors,
Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Vol.CD-ROM, No.DS1G1-15, Tokyo, Nov. 2009.
3. Yoshiyuki Kudo and Ikuro Morita :
Analysis for Diagnosis of Induction Motor with Faulty Cage Rotor using Stator Current and Leakage Flux Monitorings,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008, Vol.CD-ROM, No.P-72, Okinawa, Jul. 2008.
4. Tsuneaki Ueta, Tadashi Kanayama and Ikuro Morita :
Comparative Study on Pole-Slot Combinations for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with Concentrated Windings,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008, Vol.CD-ROM, No.P-71, Okinawa, Jul. 2008.
5. Eiji Tasaka, Masaki Hashizume, Seiichi Nishimoto, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Takahiro Oie, Ikuro Morita and Toshihiro Kayahara :
At Speed Testing of Bus Interconnects in Microcomputers,
7th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT06), 123-127, Fukuoka, Nov. 2006.
6. Ikuro Morita and Yuuki Hotta :
Optimum Design of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor using Taguchi Method,
Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Vol.CD-ROM, No.DS2F1-11, Nagasaki, Nov. 2006.
7. Masaki Hashizume, Daisuke Yoneda, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Tetsuo Tada, Takeshi Koyama, Ikuro Morita and Takeomi Tamesada :
IDDQ Test Method Based on Wavelet Transformation for Noisy Current Measurement Environment,
Proc. of 13th Asian Test Symposium, 112-117, Kenting, Taiwan, Nov. 2004.
(DOI: 10.1109/ATS.2004.50)
8. Ikuro Morita and Yutaka Nakatani :
Characteristics Analysis of V type 8 pole 12 slot Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,
Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Vol.CD-ROM, No.OF-4, Jeju Island, Oct. 2004.
9. Ikuro Morita and Hitoshi Mitsui :
Characteristics Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet Motors using Finite Element Method,
Proceedings of SMIC'99 Small Motors and Servo Motor International Conference, 317-322, Tokyo, Oct. 1999.
10. Mineyo Morimoto and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristics of Induction Motor with an Unequal Slot Pitch Cage Rotor,
Proceedings of SMIC'99 Small Motors and Servo Motor International Conference, 123-130, Tokyo, Oct. 1999.
11. Ikuro Morita :
Diagnosis of Induction Motor with Faulty Cage Rotor using Stator Current and Leakage Flux Monitoring,
Proceedings of PCIM'98 International Power Conversion Intelligent Motion and HFPC Conference, 533-538, Tokyo, Apr. 1998.
12. Toshihiro Sezaki, Masaki Hashizume, Takeomi Tamesada and Ikuro Morita :
Supply Current Measurement Circuit for Bridging Fault Detection in Microprocessor Based Circuit,
Proceedings of ITC-CSCC'97 International Technical Conference on Circuits Systems, Computers and Comunications, 935-938, Okinawa, Jul. 1997.
13. Ikuro Morita and Hojo Takahide :
Intermittent Drive Characteristics of Hybrid Stepping Motor,
Proceedings of SMIC'93 Small Motors International Conference, 113-118, Kawasaki, Jul. 1993.
14. Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Okitsu :
Ac Excited Synchronous Generator System for Non-storage Fluid Energy,
Proceedings of IECON'84 International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, 985-990, Tokyo, Oct. 1984.
15. Hiroshi Okitsu, Takayuki Suzuki and Ikuro Morita :
Failure Diagnosis of Electrical Motors by means of Frequency Analysis of the Current,
International Conference on Electrical Machines, 1947-1954, Greece, Sep. 1980.
16. Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
Automatic Failure Diagnosis of a DC Motor,
2nd Scientific Conference on Electrical Machines, 109-111, Varna, Oct. 1979.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Itaru Matsuoka and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristics Comparisons of IPMSM with Concentrated and Distributed Windings,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5, No.012, 19, Mar. 2011.
2. Ikuro Morita, Tatsuya Tsunemi and Hayato Yoshino :
Synchronous Characteristics of Single-Phase Reluctance Type Synchronous Induction Motor,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5, No.006, 10, Mar. 2011.
3. Itaru Matsuoka and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristics Comparisons of IPMSM with Concentrated and Distributed Windings,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.3, 37, Sep. 2010.
4. Tatsuya Tsunemi, Ikuro Morita and Hayato Yoshino :
Synchronous Characteristics of Single-Phase Reluctance Type Synchronous Induction Motor,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.2, 36, Sep. 2010.
5. Ikuro Morita :
Thrust Force of Tubular Linear Motor Considering End-effect,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.1, 35, Sep. 2010.
6. Tatuya Tsunemi, Ikuro Morita and Hayato Yoshino :
Characteristics Analysis of Single-Phase Reluctance Type Synchronous Induction Motor,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5, No.039, 63, Mar. 2010.
7. Ikuro Morita, Tadashi Kanayama and Tsuneaki Ueta :
Load Characteristics Comparisons of IPMSM with Various Pole-Slot Combinations,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5, No.001, 1, Mar. 2010.
8. Ikuro Morita and Yuuichiro Sasamori :
Characteristics of Tubular Linear Motor with Halbach Magnet Array,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.4, 47, Sep. 2009.
9. Tatsuya Tsunemi, Ikuro Morita and Hayato Yoshino :
Characteristics Analysis of Single-Phase Reluctace Type Synchronous Induction Motor,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.3, 46, Sep. 2009.
10. Naoki Sakamaki and Ikuro Morita :
Study on Synchronous Induction Hybrid Motor,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.2, 45, Sep. 2009.
11. Tsunenaki Ueta, Ikuro Morita and Tadashi Kanayama :
Load Characteristics Comparisons of IPMSM with Various Pole-Slot Combinations,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.1, 44, Sep. 2009.
12. Tadashi Kanayama and Ikuro Morita :
Comparisons on Characteristics of IPMSM with Various Pole-Slot Combinations (3),
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.2, 40, Sep. 2008.
13. Ikuro Morita and Tadashi Kanayama :
Saliency Ratio of IPMSM considering Spatial Harmonics,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.4, 42, Sep. 2008.
14. Yuuichiro Sasamori and Ikuro Morita :
Study on Design of High Performanced IPMSM for Hybrid Vehicles,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.3, 41, Sep. 2008.
15. Yoshinori Matsuda and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristic Analysis of IPMSM using Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Model,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.5, 43, Sep. 2008.
16. Naoki Sakamaki and Ikuro Morita :
Study on Multi-objective Optimum Design for IPMSM with Concentrated Winding,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.1, 39, Sep. 2008.
17. Yuuichiro Sasamori and Ikuro Morita :
Thrust Force Characteristics of Tubular Linear Motor on Magnet Configurations,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5, No.224, 337, Mar. 2008.
18. Yoshinori Matsuda and Ikuro Morita :
A Study on Multi-objective Optimum Design for IPMSM with Concentrated Winding,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5, No.024, 39, Mar. 2008.
19. Tadashi Kanayama and Ikuro Morita :
Comparison on Characteristics of Concentrated Winding IPMSM with Various Pole-Slot Combinations,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5, No.026, 41, Mar. 2008.
20. Ikuro Morita and Tadashi Kanayama :
Saliency Ratio of IPMSM considering Spatial Harmonics,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5, No.025, 40, Mar. 2008.
21. Yoshinori Matsuda and Ikuro Morita :
Multi-objective Optimum Design for IPMSM with Concentrated Winding,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.4, 36, Sep. 2007.
22. Tadashi Kanayama and Ikuro Morita :
Comparisons on Characteristics of IPMSM with Various Pole-Slot Combinations (2),
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.2, 34, Sep. 2007.
23. Ikuro Morita and Yuuki Hotta :
A Study on Multi-objective Optimum Design using Taguchi Method,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.3, 35, Sep. 2007.
24. Yuuichiro Sasamori and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristics of Tubular Linear Motor due to Magnet Configurations (3),
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4, No.1, 33, Sep. 2007.
25. Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Horinaka :
Comparative Study on Pole-Slot Combinations for IPMSMs,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5-098, Mar. 2007.
26. Yoshiyuki Kudo, Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Horinaka :
Comparisons on Characteristics of IPMSM with Various Pole-Slot Combinations,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4-3, Sep. 2006.
27. Tsuneaki Ueta, Ikuro Morita and Haruhiko Okamoto :
Characteristics of Tubular Linear Motor due to Magnet Configurations (2),
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4-2, Sep. 2006.
28. Ikuro Morita and Yuuki Hotta :
Cogging Torque and Torque Ripple Minimizations for IPMSM with Concentrated Winding,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4-1, Sep. 2006.
29. Ikuro Morita and Yuuki Hotta :
An Improvement in Cogging Torque and Torque Ripple of IPMSM with Concentrated Winding,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5-117, Mar. 2006.
30. Ikuro Morita and Yuuki Hotta :
Characteristics of Tubular Linear Motor due to Magnet Configurations,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4-7, Sep. 2005.
31. Kenji Ooiso and Ikuro Morita :
Leakage Flux Analysis of an Induction Motor,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4-6, Sep. 2005.
32. Yuuki Hotta and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristic Improvement of IPMSM with Concentrated Winding due to Stator Shapes,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4-5, Sep. 2005.
33. Kenji Ooiso and Ikuro Morita :
Charactersitics Analysis of Induction Motor with Broken Rotor Bar and Parallel Stator Windings,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5-134, Mar. 2005.
34. Yuuki Hotta and Ikuro Morita :
Charactersitics of Magnetic Gear with Various Magnet Configurations,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.5-96, Mar. 2005.
35. Ikuro Morita and Yutaka Nakatani :
Torque Charactersitics of 8 pole 12 slot IPMSM with Concentrated Windings,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4-5, Sep. 2004.
36. Kenji Ooiso and Ikuro Morita :
Charactersitics Analysis of an Induction Motor with Broken Rotor Bar and Parallel Stator Windings,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4-3, Sep. 2004.
37. Yuuki Hotta and Ikuro Morita :
Charactersitics of Magnetic Gear with Various Magnet Configurations,
Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Vol.4-4, Sep. 2004.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. Ikuro Morita, Tatsuya Tsunemi, Yoshiyuki Kudo and Hayato Yoshino :
Asynchronous and Synchronous Characteristics of Single-Phase Reluctance Type Synchronous Induction Motor,
The Papers of Joint Technical Meeting on Rotating Machinery, Linear Drivers and Home and Consumer Appliances, IEE Japan, 61-66, Aug. 2011.
2. Ikuro Morita :
Thrust force Analysis of Tubular Linear Motors with Halbach Array,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-10, No.075, 31-36, Aug. 2010.
3. Itaru Matsuoka and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristics Comparisons of IPMSM with Concentrated and Distributed Windings,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-10, No.075, 19-24, Aug. 2010.
4. Naoki Skamaki and Ikuro Morita :
Study on Synchronous Induction Hybrid Motor,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-09, No.54, 19-24, Aug. 2009.
5. Tatsuya Tsunemi, Ikuro Morita and Hayato Yoshino :
Characteristics Analysis of Single-Phase Reluctance Type Synchronous Induction Motor,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-09, No.53, 13-18, Aug. 2009.
6. Ikuro Morita, Tadashi Kanayama and Tsuneaki Ueta :
Load Characteristics Comparisons on Interior permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors by Pole-Slot Combinations,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-09, No.52, 7-12, Aug. 2009.
7. Naoyuki Shimomura, Ikuro Morita, Takashi Yasuno, Masahide Hojo, Masatake Kawada, Kenji Teranishi and Tokuo Ohnishi :
An Approach on Electrical Electronic Engineering Laboratory, --- Things to Appear from Small-Group Instruction ---,
The Papers of Technical Meeting, IEE JAPAN, Vol.FIE-08, No.2, 11-15, Sep. 2008.
8. Naoki Skamaki and Ikuro Morita :
Study on Multi-objective Optimum Design for IPMSM with Concentrated Winding,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-08, No.37, 25-30, Aug. 2008.
9. Tadashi Kanayama and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristics Comparison on Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors by Pole-Slot Combinations,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-08, No.36, 19-24, Aug. 2008.
10. Yoshinori Matsuda and Ikuro Morita :
Multi-objective Optimum Design for IPMSM with Concentrated windings,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-07, No.55, 37-42, Sep. 2007.
11. Yuuichirou Sasamori and Ikuro Morita :
Comparative Study of Tubular Linear Motor on Magnet Configurations,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-07, No.56, 43-48, Aug. 2007.
12. Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Horinaka :
Comparative Study on Pole-Slot Combinations for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-06, No.133, 47-52, Nov. 2006.
13. Kenji Ooiso, Yoshiyuki Kudo and Ikuro Morita :
Analysis of an Induction Motor with Broken Rotor Bar and Parallel Statro Windings,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-05, No.177, 35-40, Dec. 2005.
14. Yuuki Hotta and Ikuro Morita :
Optimum Design of IPMSM with Concentrated windings,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-05, No.176, 29-34, Dec. 2005.
15. Yuuki Hotta and Ikuro Morita :
Fundamental Charactersitics of Magnet Gear,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-04, No.172, 69-74, Dec. 2004.
16. Yutaka Nakatani and Ikuro Morita :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-03, No.147, 65-70, Nov. 2003.
17. Yutaka Nakatani and Ikuro Morita :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-02, No.134, 7-12, Nov. 2002.
18. Yuhei Uno and Ikuro Morita :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-02, No.133, 1-6, Nov. 2002.
19. Ikuro Morita and Tomohiro Kume :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-02, No.56, 23-28, Jun. 2002.
(CiNii: 1571135650662443776)
20. Kazuya Atsumo and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristics of 6 Pole V type IPMSMs with Several Rotor Configurations,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-01, No.159, 1-6, Nov. 2001.
21. Kazuya Atsumo and Ikuro Morita :
Characteristics of 8 Pole V type IPMSMs with Several Rotor Configurations,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-01, No.63, 7-12, Jun. 2001.
22. Ikuro Morita and 厚母 一也 :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-00, No.162, 25-30, Nov. 2000.
23. Ikuro Morita and Hitoshi Mitsui :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-00, No.23, 31-36, Jun. 2000.
24. 池上 雅人 and Ikuro Morita :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-99, No.122, 25-30, Nov. 1999.
25. Ikuro Morita and 池上 雅人 :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-99, No.134, 13-18, Nov. 1999.
26. Ikuro Morita and 増村 成嗣 :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-99, No.31, 7-12, Jun. 1999.
27. Hitoshi Mitsui and Ikuro Morita :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-99, No.34, 25-30, Jun. 1999.
28. Ikuro Morita and Hitoshi Mitsui :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-98, No.158, 7-12, Nov. 1998.
29. Hitoshi Mitsui and Ikuro Morita :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-98, No.159, 13-17, Nov. 1998.
30. Ikuro Morita and Hiroyuki Ikeda :
Force Wave Analysis of Induction Motor with a Non-uniform Slot Pitched Cage Rotor,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-97, No.145, 51-56, Nov. 1997.
31. Ikuro Morita and Hiroyuki Ikeda :
Characteristics of Induction Motor with an Unequal Stlot Cage Rotor,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-97, No.21, 87-92, Jun. 1997.
32. Ikuro Morita and Masao Takaoka :
Rotor Angle and Speed Estimation for HB Stepping Motor,
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-96, No.135, 39-46, Dec. 1996.
33. Masaki Hashizume, Takeomi Tamesada and Ikuro Morita :
第14回バイオメカニカルシンポジウム, 175-184, Jul. 1995.
34. Ikuro Morita, Ken Uematsu and Takahide Hojo :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-94, No.58, 105-112, Jun. 1994.
35. Mineyo Morimoto and Ikuro Morita :
Research of Vibration and Noise Analysis of DC Motor(Part 1),
住友重機械技報, Vol.37, No.110, 8-14, Aug. 1989.
36. Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
昭和61年度先端技術応用要覧, 745-755, Mar. 1987.
37. Ikuro Morita and Hiroshi Okitsu :
回転機研究会資料, Vol.RM-84, No.61, 71-80, Aug. 1984.
38. Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
第16回ビークルオートメーション研究会, No.6103, 22-42, Oct. 1981.
39. Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
第1回設備診断技術シンポジウム, No.B2, 24-42, Mar. 1981.
40. Masaki Hashizume, Ikuro Morita, Hiroshi Okitsu and Kameyoshi Okazaki :
IEICE Technical Report, Vol.BME80, No.44, 39-46, Sep. 1980.
41. Takashi Soeda, Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
大規模プラントの異常状態検知と故障の予測研究·研究成果報告書, 1-29, Jan. 1978.
42. Hiroshi Okitsu and Ikuro Morita :
日本機械学会RC-SC41大規模プラントの異常状態検知と故障の予測研究分科会, Jan. 1977.
43. Ikuro Morita :
日立原子力研究所研究報告, No.67, Oct. 1971.


1. Ikuro Morita :
Improvement of Small Sized Application Specific Motors and Evaluation Technologies of It,
電気学会技術報告, No.1176, 28-33, Tokyo, Dec. 2009.
2. Ikuro Morita :
電気学会技術報告, No.1063, 103-107, Tokyo, Aug. 2006.
3. Ikuro Morita :
電気学会技術報告, No.1063, 96-100, Tokyo, Aug. 2006.
4. Ikuro Morita :
電気学会技術報告, No.954, 102-103, Tokyo, Feb. 2004.
5. Ikuro Morita :
電気学会技術報告, No.954, 3, Tokyo, Feb. 2004.
6. Ikuro Morita :
電気学会技術報告, No.954, 78-82, Tokyo, Feb. 2004.
7. Ikuro Morita :
電気学会技術報告, No.848, 74-77, Tokyo, Oct. 2001.


1. Ikuro Morita, Hidetoshi Hayashi and Masato Ikegami : Embedded permanent magnet type induction motor which allows coil embedding work to be easily performed, Pub. App. No.20030011266 (Nov. 2003), US Patent 6727624.
2. Ikuro Morita, Hidetoshi Hayashi and Masato Ikegami : 永久磁石式同期電動機, 2003-389762 (Nov. 2003), .
3. Ikuro Morita, Hidetoshi Hayashi and Hiroyuki Ikeda : 永久磁石埋込み型誘導電動機, 2001-187831 (Jun. 2001), 2003-009483 (Jan. 2003), .
4. Ikuro Morita and 林 秀俊 : 回転電機, 10-85465 (Mar. 1998), 11-285213 (Oct. 1999), .
5. Ikuro Morita and 沖津 泰 : 誘導電動機の故障診断方式, 55-045059 (Apr. 1980), 56-141761 (Nov. 1981), .
6. Ikuro Morita, 沖津 泰 and 岡崎 亀義 : X線照射制御装置, 54-155187 (Nov. 1979), 56-078100 (Jun. 1981), .
7. Ikuro Morita and 沖津 泰 : 直流電動機故障診断装置, 50-91403 (Jul. 1975), 52-14808 (Feb. 1977), .

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