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Professor Emeritus : Oe, Shunichiro |
○ | 視覚情報処理工学 |
○ | テクスチャ画像の特徴抽出法と領域分割法, 画像処理による3次元情報の抽出法, 時系列画像からの動的情報の抽出法, カラー画像処理, リモートセンシング画像処理, 画像処理による目視検査の自動化, 時系列データのモデリングと予測手法 (pattern recognition, テクスチャ解析, 3-dimensional image processing, 動画像処理, リモ ートセンシング画像処理, 時系列解析) |
1. | Shunichiro Oe : A Texture Image Segmentation Method Using Neural Networks and Binary Features, World Scientific, Jan. 2001. |
1. | Akinori Tsuji, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : Content-Based Similar Image Retrieval Using Wavelet Packet Transform, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.42, No.1, 71-80, 2013. (DOI: 10.11371/iieej.42.71, CiNii: 1390001204611479040, Elsevier: Scopus) |
2. | 山口 直木 and Shunichiro Oe : Piecewise Linearization Method for Arbitrary Curves by Relaxation Method, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.36, No.6, 863-868, 2007. (DOI: 10.11371/iieej.36.863, CiNii: 1390282679587097600) |
3. | LU Xin and Shunichiro Oe : View Interpolation Improvement Using Suitable Constraints of Feature Tracking Parameters, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.35, No.3, 166-175, 2006. (DOI: 10.11371/iieej.35.166, CiNii: 1390001204611370880) |
4. | Masahiko Sano, Kenji Matsuura, Tetsushi Ueta and Shunichiro Oe : A Study of Database Support for enacting the Security Policy, Journal for Academic Computing and Networking, Vol.8, No.8, 25-32, 2004. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008667, DOI: 10.24669/jacn.8.1_25, CiNii: 1390001288156120704) |
5. | Kashiwagi Toshiyuki and Shunichiro Oe : A Detection Method of Non-uniform Color Area Using Color Histogram, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.124, No.3, 666-671, 2004. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.124.666, CiNii: 1390001204604963968) |
6. | Lu Xin and Shunichiro Oe : Dynamic Color Tracking Based on Probabilistic Data Association, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.124, No.3, 672-679, 2004. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.124.672, CiNii: 1390282679581675136) |
7. | Kenji Terada, Hideaki Tani and Shunichiro Oe : An Experiment of Eyes from Facial Image by Using Genetic Algorithms, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.123-C, No.5, 938-945, 2003. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.123.938, CiNii: 1390001204604547456) |
8. | Kenji Terada, Hiroshi Yamato and Shunichiro Oe : A Method of Identification by Using Handprint View Image, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.31, No.5, 857-863, 2002. (CiNii: 1390001204610659328) |
9. | Kalbin Ge and Shunichiro Oe : Object-Based Image Similarity Measure Using Contour-BasedCategorization, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.31, No.5, 831-840, 2002. (DOI: 10.11371/iieej.31.831, CiNii: 1390001204610877312) |
10. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Image Segmentation by Detecting Texture Edges, The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.122-C, No.5, 808-815, 2002. (CiNii: 1390001204609901184) |
11. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Image Segmentation method based on Multi-layer CNN, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.31, No.1, 58-66, 2002. (CiNii: 1390282679588193408) |
12. | Tao Lu and Shunichiro Oe : An Application of Continuous Weights to Phase Unwrapping, The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.122-C, No.1, 78-83, 2002. (CiNii: 1390282679587783040) |
13. | Kenji Terada, 山戸 一宏, Shunichiro Oe and 大橋 剛介 : An Experiment of Identification of Fractal Coding Facial Image, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.30, No.4, 406-413, 2001. (DOI: 10.11371/iieej.30.406, CiNii: 1390001204610819328) |
14. | Chunke Yang, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : Estimation of Three-dimensional Motion Information from Optical Flow Using Subspace Method, The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.121-C, No.7, 1187-1194, 2001. |
15. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : Segmentation of Texture Image by Combining Multiple Segmentation Results, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.30, No.3, 282-292, 2001. (DOI: 10.11371/iieej.30.282, CiNii: 1390282679586910976) |
16. | Kenji Terada, 吉田 大輔, Shunichiro Oe and 大橋 剛介 : An Individual Identification by Using the Lip Shape as Password., The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.30, No.3, 267-275, 2001. (DOI: 10.11371/iieej.30.267, CiNii: 1390001204610201472) |
17. | 田中 正人, 小川 洋司, 住友 敬 and Shunichiro Oe : 水中自動溶接のための超音波による溶接部形状検出, Journal of High Temperature Society, Vol.27, No.2, 76-80, 2001. (CiNii: 1520573330442097152) |
18. | Kenji Terada, Daisuke Yoshida, Shunichiro Oe and Junichi Yamaguchi : ステレオカメラを用いた通行人数の自動カウント, The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.120-C, No.6, 850-856, 2000. |
19. | 磯田 直美, Shunichiro Oe, Kenji Terada, 多田 淳二 and 戒田 健一 : An Automatic Distance Measurement System and Fixed Lens and Movable CCD and Its Application to Revision of Curved Surface, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.29, No.5, 452-461, 2000. |
20. | 柏木 利幸, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : カラー画像におけるエッジ部分の特徴とカラーヒストグラムを用いたエッジ検出法, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.Vol.120-C, No.5, 715-723, 2000. |
21. | Kenji Terada, Daisuke Yoshida, Shunichiro Oe and Junichi Yamaguchi : 振り子ミラーを用いたレンジファインダ, The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.120-C, No.1, 168-173, 2000. |
22. | Chunke Yang and Shunichiro Oe : A new multiple gradient constraints method to compute optical flow, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.28, No.4, 387-395, 1999. |
23. | 吉村 元秀 and Shunichiro Oe : 遺伝的アルゴリズム及び2次元ウェーブレット変換を用いたテクスチャ画像の高精度進化的領域分割, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.12, No.5, 263-276, 1999. |
24. | Kenji Terada, 山中 理聖子 and Shunichiro Oe : 口のカラー動画像を用いた音韻認識, IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.119-D, No.1, 37-43, 1999. |
25. | 山口 直木 and Shunichiro Oe : ステレオ視を用いた3次元物体のモデリング, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.18, No.6, 731-739, 1999. |
26. | 篠原 靖典 and Shunichiro Oe : ウェブレット変換とニューラルネットワークを用いたテクスチャ画像の領域分割, The Transactions of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.119-C, No.12, 1554-1660, 1999. |
27. | Yoshimura Motohide and Shunichiro Oe : Evolutionary segmentation of texture image using genetic algorithms towards automatic decision of optimum number of segmentation areas, Pattern Recognition, Vol.32, No.12, 2041-2054, 1999. |
28. | Zhang Jing and Shunichiro Oe : An Effective Approach for Texture Image Segmentation by Using Pyramid Linking and Newral Networks, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.27, No.6, 819-830, 1998. |
29. | 山口 直木, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : カメラ移動とComplex-Log Mappingを用いた距離計測法, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.27, No.6, 840-848, 1998. |
30. | Kenji Terada, Yuki Tabuchi and Shunichiro Oe : 画像センシングによる玄米の品質検査, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.11, No.9, 514-520, 1998. |
31. | Jing Zhang and Shunichiro Oe : An Effective Approach for Texture Image Segmentation by Using Pyramid Linking and Neural Networks, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.27, No.6, 819-830, 1998. |
32. | Hiroshi Murai, 大松 繁 and Shunichiro Oe : GAによるBP法の収束性の向上とリモートセンシングデータ解析への応用, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-II, Vol.J80-D-II, No.5, 1311-1313, 1997. (CiNii: 1520009410301266048) |
33. | Murai Hiroshi, Omatsu Sigeru and Shunichiro Oe : Principle Component Analysis for Remotely Sensed Data Classified by Kohonen's Feature Mapping Pre-Processor and Multi-Layered Neural Classifier, Transactions of the IEICE of Japan, Vol.E78-B, No.12, 1604-1610, 1996. |
34. | Shunichiro Oe, kaida Kennichi, Nagai Daisuke, Nakamura Mituo, Kimura Tomohiro and Kameyama Koichi : Inspection System of Soldering Joint on Printed Circuit Board by Using Neural Network, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.7, No.3, 225-229, 1995. |
35. | Zhang Fan, Shunichiro Oe and Fujiwara Haruo : Some Grain Size Related Parameter, ISIJ International, Vol.34, No.11, 923-925, 1994. |
36. | Shunichiro Oe : Texture Segmentation Method by Using Two-Dimensional AR Model and Kullback Information, Pattern Recognition, Vol.26, No.2, 237-244, 1993. |
37. | Shunichiro Oe, 篠原 靖典 and 土井 幹生 : 2次元場自己回帰モデルとピラミッドリンキングを用いたテクスチャ画像の領域分割法, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-II, Vol.J75-D-II, No.7, 1132-1142, 1992. (CiNii: 1520572360248022016) |
38. | Shunichiro Oe : Restoration of Image Degraded by Motion Blur Using Matrix Operators, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.22, No.6, 937-953, 1991. |
39. | Shunichiro Oe : 空間時系列モデルの大気汚染質レベル値予測への適用, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.4, No.2, 61-69, 1991. |
40. | Shunichiro Oe and 矢野 多佳子 : モアレ画像用細線化手法, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D, Vol.J72-D-II, No.9, 1415-1422, 1989. |
41. | Shunichiro Oe and 細川 直史 : 2次元場自己回帰モデルを用いたテクスチャの領域分割, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D, Vol.J72-D-II, No.3, 458-462, 1989. |
42. | Shunichiro Oe : 2次元場自己回帰モデルを用いたテクスチャの識別方法, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D, Vol.J70-D, No.9, 1736-1741, 1987. |
43. | Shunichiro Oe, 篠原 靖典 and 篠田 喬 : 適応ディジタルフィルタを用いた故障検知·予知システム, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D, Vol.J64-A, No.4, 315-322, 1981. |
44. | Shunichiro Oe, Soeda Takashi and Nakamizo Takayoshi : A Method of Predicting Failure or Life for Stochastic Systems by Using Autoregressive Models, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.11, No.10, 1177-1188, 1980. |
45. | Takumi Ikuta, Noriko Furuta, Kenji Kondo and Shunichiro Oe : The Waveform of the Group Mean SEP Normal Human Subjects, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol.49, 250-256, 1980. |
46. | Shunichiro Oe, Yutaka Tomita, Sigeru Omatu and Takashi Soeda : Information Theoretical Optimal Smoothing Estimator, Information Sciences, Vol.22, No.3, 201-215, 1980. |
47. | 大松 繁, Shunichiro Oe, 永峰 宏重 and 添田 喬 : 分布定数系の固定遅れ平滑機構, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.99, No.6, 137-144, 1979. |
48. | Yoshikazu Sawaragi, Takashi Soeda, Toshio Yoshimura, Shunichiro Oe, Takayuki Tamura, Yoshiteru Chujo and Hiroichi Ishihara : Statistical Prediction of Air Pollution Levels Using Non-Phisical Models, Automatica, Vol.15, No.4, 441-451, 1979. |
49. | Yoshikazu Sawaragi, Takashi Soeda, Toshio Yoshimura, Shunichiro Oe and Yoshiteru Chujo : The Prediction of Air Pollution Levels by Non-Physical Modees Based on Kalman Filtering Method, Transactions of the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol.98, No.4, 375-386, 1976. |
50. | 沖津 泰 and Shunichiro Oe : 直流電動機の等価キャパシタンスを利用した直流安定化電源, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.19, No.10, 125-133, 1975. |
51. | 仁田 工吉, 沖津 泰 and Shunichiro Oe : サイリスタを用いたのこぎり波の発生とそれによる回転数の測定, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.4, No.2, 9-13, 1968. |
1. | Tao Lu, Shunichiro Oe, Hiroshi Murai and Kensuke Inouchi : Mountain Areas Extraction by Introduction of Wavelet Transform and Application to Ridge Lines Detection, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.30, No.3, 294-297, 2001. (DOI: 10.11371/iieej.30.293, CiNii: 1390282679586909824) |
2. | Shunichiro Oe and 印藤 省三 : 画像の濃度断面に折れ線近似法を適用したテクスチャの境界点抽出法, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D, Vol.J72-D-II, No.6, 967-970, 1989. |
3. | Shunichiro Oe, 篠原 靖典 and 添田 喬 : 適応フィルタを用いた異常データの前処理とモデリング, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.J63-A, No.9, 643-644, 1980. |
1. | Masao Imaeda, Shunichiro Oe, 西岡 一水, 藤原 晴夫 and Ri-ichi Murakami : 徳島大学工学部精密機械工学科におけるCAD教育の現状, 設計製図, Vol.22, No.148, 415-420, Feb. 1987. |
2. | Shunichiro Oe, 井出 光俊 and 高橋 克博 : データフロー型プロセッサμ7281の開発とアプリケーション例, Computer Design, Vol.3, No.4, 121-127, Apr. 1986. |
1. | Wataoka Koh and Shunichiro Oe : Research of Distance Measurement Method by Using RGB Pattern, Proceedings of The 14th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 106-111, Beppu, Jan. 2008. |
2. | Chan Chao-Ning, Shunichiro Oe and Lin Cheng-Sheng : Active Eye-tracking System by Using Quad PTZ Camerastracking, Proceedings of The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2398-2394, Taipei, Nov. 2007. |
3. | Akinori Tsuji and Shunichiro Oe : Content-based Similar Image Retrieval using Wavelet Packet Decomposition, Proc. of the 13th Japan-Koria Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 281-286, Busan, Feb. 2007. |
4. | Zheng Guang and Shunichiro Oe : Distance and Velocity Measurement Using 3D Optical Flow, Proc. of the 13th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 147-152, Busan, Feb. 2007. |
5. | Phonsue Prasit, Suzuki Satoshi, Shunichiro Oe and Kashiwagi Toshiyuki : Construction of Panoramic Image with Distance Information, Proc. of SICE-ICAS International Conference 2006(CD), 4750-4754, Busan, Oct. 2006. |
6. | Nitta Tetsuya, Shunichiro Oe and Kashiwagi Yoshiyuki : Color Texture Image Segmentation Method with High Accuracy using Color Frequency Infomation, Proc. of Twelfth Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 267-272, Tokushima, Feb. 2006. |
7. | Lu Xin and Shunichiro Oe : View Interpolation with Suitable Feature Tracking Constraints, Proc. of Twelfth Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 326-331, Tokushima, Feb. 2006. |
8. | SHIRAI Keiichi, LU Xin and Shunichiro Oe : 3D Acquisition for moving object using two PZT camara, Proc. of Twelfth Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 250-255, Tokushima, Feb. 2006. |
9. | Prasit Phonsue, Shunichiro Oe and Toshiyuki Kashiwagi : Stereo Matching Method using Color Frequency Information, Proc. of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 177-182, Niagara Falls, Jul. 2005. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
10. | Xin Lu and Shunichiro Oe : Human Action Mouse: A Vision Understanding Application in Human Computer Interaction, Proc. 7th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, 203-208, Nagoya, May 2005. |
11. | Atsushi Tanaka, Lu Xin and Shunichiro Oe : Teacher Tracking System for Digital Contents using PZT Camera, Proceedings of 11th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 290-295, Gwangju, Korea, Jan. 2005. |
12. | Lu Xin, Shunichiro Oe and Liu Qiong : Multiple Data Associations in Robust Visual Tracking, Proceedings of 11th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 109-114, Gwangju, Korea, Jan. 2005. |
13. | Lu Xin and Shunichiro Oe : View interpolation and synthesis by KLT feature tracker, Proceedings of 17th Annual Symposium Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, 182-190, San Jose, USA, Jan. 2005. |
14. | Lu Xin and Shunichiro Oe : Recognizing and Modeling Non-rigid Human Body Actions in Space-time, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Image and Graphics, 501-506, Hong Kong, Dec. 2004. |
15. | Lu Xin and Shunichiro Oe : Dynamic Scenes Synthesis using Integration of Robust Tracking and View Morphing, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 738-745, Oogaki Japan, Nov. 2004. |
16. | Lu Xin, Liu Qiong and Shunichiro Oe : Recognizing Non-rigid Human Actions Using Joints Tracking in Space-time, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology, 620-625, Las Vegas, Apr. 2004. |
17. | Kinoshita Kosuke, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : Distance and Velocity Measuring Method Using Optical Flow and Stereo Method, Proceedings of the 10th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontier of Computer Vision(FCV2004), No.o3-4, 136-141, Fukuoka, Feb. 2004. |
18. | Lu Xin and Shunichiro Oe : Synthesizing and Recognizing Human Actions Using Joints Tracking Model, Proceedings of 10th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 101-106, Fukuoka, Feb. 2004. |
19. | Masami Fukuda, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Image Segmentation by using Wavelet Transform and Pyramid Linking Method, Proceedings of the 9th Korea-Japan Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision(FCV2003), 246-252, Jeju, Korea, Feb. 2003. |
20. | Toshiyuki Kashiwagi and Shunichiro Oe : An Evaluation Method of Color Uniformity, Proceedings of the 9th Korean-Japan Joint Workshop FCV 2003, 228-234, Jeju, Feb. 2003. |
21. | Yasuyuki Kanbara, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : Three-Dimensional Modeling System with High Spatial Resolution Using Movable Color CCD, Proceedings of the 9th Korea-Japan Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision(FCV2003), 149-154, Jeju, Korea, Feb. 2003. |
22. | Phonsue Prasit, Shunichiro Oe and Toshiyuki Kashiwagi : Stereo Matching Method by Using Color Histogram, Proceedings of the 9th Korean-Japan Joint Workshop FCV 2003, 127-132, Jeju, Feb. 2003. |
23. | Lu Xin, Shunichiro Oe and Kashiwagi Toshiyuki : Dynamic Color Tracking in Clutter Based on Sampling, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, Dec. 2002. |
24. | Kanbin Ge and Shunichiro Oe : Application of contour feature classes to object-based image retrieva, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.4925, 614-621, Shanghai, Oct. 2002. |
25. | Lu Xin and Shunichiro Oe : Dynamic object tracking against cluttered background, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.4925, Shanghai, Oct. 2002. |
26. | LIU Guoxiang and Shunichiro Oe : Binary image processing by Multi-layer CNN, Proc. of the 8th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Computer vision (FCV2002), Sapporo, Jan. 2002. |
27. | Masato Tanaka, Takashi Sumitomo and Shunichiro Oe : Ultrasonic Imaging Device for Underwater Object Detection, Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, Vol.2, No.No.C5-4, 676-679, Tokushima, Jul. 2001. |
28. | Hideaki Tani, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Jun'ichi Yamaguchi : Detecting of One's Eye from Facial Image by Using Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications(ITC-CSCC2001), No.C5-4, 676-679, Tokushima, Jul. 2001. |
29. | Toshihito Egami, Shunichiro Oe, Kenji Terada and Toshiyuki Kashiwagi : Three Dimensional Measurement Using Color Image and Movable CCD System, Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications(ITC-CSCC2001), No.C5-5, 680-683, Tokushima, Jul. 2001. |
30. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : Segmentation of Texture Image by Combining Multiple Segmentation Results, Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences, Las Vegas, Jun. 2001. |
31. | Junichi Wagi, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : A Texture Analysis Method by Using Local Binary Pattern, Proceedings of the 7Th Kore-Japan Joint Workshop on Computer VIsion(FCV2001), 73-77, Seoul, Feb. 2001. |
32. | Kenji Terada, Hideaki Tadokoro and Shunichiro Oe : Counting Passers by Using Angled Dual Line images, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision(ICCARV2000), No.FP1.2, Singapore, Dec. 2000. |
33. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : A CNN-Based Texture Segmentation by Integrating Texture Feature Images, Proc. of IASTED International Conference Computer Graphics and Imaging, Las Vegas, Nov. 2000. |
34. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Image Segmentation Method Based on Multi-layer CNN, Proc. of the Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver, Nov. 2000. (DOI: 10.11371/iieej.31.58, Elsevier: Scopus) |
35. | Toshiyuki Kashiwagi, Toshihito Egami, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : Focused Edge Detection Using Color Histogram, Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation(IECON2000), No.MT7-MV-2, Nagoya, Oct. 2000. (DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2000.972230, Elsevier: Scopus) |
36. | Chunke Yang and Shunichiro Oe : A New Gradient-Based Optical Flow Method and Its Application to Motion Segmentation, Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, 1225-1230, Nagoya, Oct. 2000. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
37. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : Multi-step Cellular Neural Networks, Proc. of the 6th International Conference on soft Computing, Iizuka, Sep. 2000. |
38. | Tao Lu, Shunichiro Oe and Hiroshi Murai : Automatic weights determination by NLSSQP method in phase unrapping, Proceedings of IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 782-784, Honolulu, Jul. 2000. |
39. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Image Segmentation Based on Constant Texel, Proceedings of the 6th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Computer Vision, 62-66, Nagoya, Jan. 2000. |
40. | Toshiyuki Kashiwagi, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : Edge Characteristics of Color Images and Edge Detection Using Color Histogram, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques(ICAPRDT'99), 230-234, Calcutta, Dec. 1999. |
41. | Kenji Terada, Daisuke Yoshida, Shunichiro Oe and Junichi Yamaguchi : A Counting Method of the Number of Passing People Using a Stereo Camera, Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON'99), No.MT8-1, San Jose, Dec. 1999. |
42. | Kenji Terada, Daisuke Yoshida, Shunichiro Oe and Junichi Yamaguchi : A Method of Counting the Passing People by Using the Stereo Images, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP'99), No.26AP3.9, 338-342, Kobe, Oct. 1999. |
43. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : Multi-objective Cellular Neural Networks, Proceedings of IJCNN'99, 1999 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, No.168, Washington, D.C., Jul. 1999. |
44. | Chunke Yang and Shunichiro Oe : Estimating Three-Dimensional Information from Motion Image Sequences Using Optical Flow Methods, Proc. of International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision 1999, 107-112, Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada, May 1999. |
45. | Toyoki Shibata, Naomi Isoda, Shunichiro Oe, Kenji Terada and Kenichi Kaida : Modeling of 3-D object by using distance measurement system with movable CCD, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision(QCAV99), 113-118, Trois-Rivieres, Canada, May 1999. |
46. | Motohide Yoshimura and Shunichiro Oe : Texture edge detection using wavelet transform and genetic algorithms, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, 317-322, Trois-Rivieres, Canada, May 1999. |
47. | Liu Guoxiang and Shunichiro Oe : A New texture image segmentation integration method based on computation-integration and cellular neural network, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, 145-150, Trois-Rivieres, Canada, May 1999. |
48. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : A New Texture Description Method Based on Texel, Proceedings FCV'99 Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Computer Vision, 121-16, Taegu, Korea, Feb. 1999. |
49. | Chunke Yang and Shunichiro Oe : A New Gradient-Baesd Method for the Estimation of Two-dimensional Image Velocity Field, Proceedings of the 5th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Computer Vision, 40-45, Taegu, Korea, Jan. 1999. |
50. | Natsuki Kurokawa, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : Counting Method of the Number of a Crowd of People Using a Color Camera, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision(QCAV'98), No.A224, 169-174, Takamatsu, Nov. 1998. |
51. | Guoxiang Liu and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Image Segmentation using Wavelet Filters and Cellular Neural Network, Proc. MVA'98 IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applicatiions, 310-313, Chiba, Oct. 1998. |
52. | Jing Zhang and Shunichiro Oe : A Segmentation Method of Texture Image by Using Neural Networks and Feature of Binary Images, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing Information/Intelligent Systems, Vol.2, 992-995, Iizuka, Oct. 1998. |
53. | Motohide Yoshimura and Shunichiro Oe : Evolutionary Segmentation and Multiresolution Analysis of Texture Image Using Genetic Algorithms and Two-dimensional Wavelet Decomposition, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems, Vol.2, 987-991, Iizuka, Oct. 1998. |
54. | Jing Zhang and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Image Segmentation Method Based on Wavelet Transformation and Neural Networks, Proceedings of 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 4595-4600, San Diego, Oct. 1998. |
55. | Motohide Yoshimura and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Edge Detection Using Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, 169-174, Las Vegas, Jul. 1998. |
56. | Hiroshi Murai, Shunichiro Oe and Shigeru Ohmatu : Remotely Sensed Data Analysis Using Two Neural Networks and Its Application to Land Cover Mapping, Proc. of 1998 IEEE IGARSS'98, Vol.1, 406-408, Seattle, Jul. 1998. |
57. | Chunke Yang and Shunichiro Oe : Computing Optical Flow for Motion Images Sequences by Applying Multi-constraints to Multi-location, Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2601-2604, Seattle, May 1998. |
58. | Chunke Yang and Shunichiro Oe : Estimating Depth Information of an Environment from Optical Flow, Proceedings of the 4th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Computer Vision, 103-108, Tokyo, Feb. 1998. |
59. | Junji Tada, Naomi Isoda, Shunichiro Oe, Kenji Terada and Kenichi Kaida : An Automatic Distance Measurement System by Using Monocula Camera with Movable CCD, Proceedings of 4th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Computer Vision(FCV98), 121-126, Tokyo, Jan. 1998. |
60. | Naoki Yamaguchi, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : A Distance Measurement Method available to Thexture Surface by Using Complex-Log Mapping, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON97), 1157-1162, New Orleans, Nov. 1997. |
61. | Zang Jing and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Image Segmentation Method by Using Pyramid Linking and Self-Organizing Neural Network, Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Neural Information Processing and Intelligent, Information Systems, Vol.2, 1191-1194, Dunedin, New Zealand, Nov. 1997. |
62. | Junji Tada, Naomi Isoda, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Kenichi Kaida : Improvement of Accuracy for a Distance Measurement Method by Movement of CCD, Proceedings of the 2nd Japan-China Symposium on Mechatronics, 327-332, Chengdu, China, Sep. 1997. |
63. | Naoki Yamaguchi, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : A Method of Distance Measurement Using Monocular Camera, Proceedings of the 36th SICE Annual Conference International Session, 1255-1260, Tokushima, Jul. 1997. |
64. | Naomi Isoda, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Kenichi Kaida : Improvement of Accuracy for Distance Measurement Method by using Movable CCD, Proceedings of the 36th SICE Annual Conference International Session, 1251-1254, Tokushima, Jul. 1997. |
65. | Zhang Jing and Shunichiro Oe : A Segmentation Method of Texture Image by Using Pyramid Linking and Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 36th SICE Annual Conference International Session, 1267-1272, Tokushima, Jul. 1997. |
66. | Yoshimura Motohide and Shunichiro Oe : Edge Detection of Texture Image Using Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the 36th SICE Annual Conference International Session, 1261-1266, Tokushima, Jul. 1997. |
67. | Motohide Yoshimura and Shunichiro Oe : Texture Image Segmentation by Using Genetic Algorithms Considering Optimum Number of Segmentation Areas, Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 471-476, Indianapolis, USA, Apr. 1997. |
68. | Naomi Isoda, Junji Tada, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Kenichi Kaida : A Method of Distance Measurement Using a Monocular Camera with Movable CCD, Proceedings of 3th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Computer Vision(FCV97), No.2, 65-70, Gyounju, Jan. 1997. |
69. | Chunke Yang, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : Motion Analysis of Echocardiograph Using Optical Flow Method, Proceedings of 1996 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics(SMC96), No.10, 672-677, Beijing, Oct. 1996. |
70. | Yoshimura Motohide, Shunichiro Oe and Shinohara Tasunori : Texture Segmentation Method Considering Optimum Number of Segmentation Areas by Using Neural Networks, Proceedings of 1996 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 1640-1645, Washington, D.C., Jun. 1996. |
71. | Yoshimura Motohide and Shunichiro Oe : A method of distance Texture Image Segmentation by Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings 1996 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 125-130, Nagoya, May 1996. |
72. | Yamaguchi Naoki, Isoda Naomi and Shunichiro Oe : A method of distance measurement by using monocular camera, Proceedings of the 2nd Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Computer Vision, 117-120, Takamatsu, Feb. 1996. |
73. | Shunichiro Oe, Kaida Kenichi, Nagai Daisuke, Nakamura Mithuo, Kimura Tomohiro and Kameyama Koichi : Inspection System of Soldering Joint on Printed Circuit Board by Using Neural Network, 2nd Japan-France Congress on Mechatronics, Vol.1, 83-86, Takamatsu, Nov. 1994. |
74. | Shunichiro Oe, Hashida Masaharu, Enokihara Masaki and Shinohara Yasunori : Texture Segmentation Method Using Decision-Based Neural Networks, Proceedings IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Identification, 228-231, Wakayama, Sep. 1994. |
75. | Shunichiro Oe, Masaharu Hashida, Masaki Enokihara and Yasunori Shinohara : A Texture Segmentation Method Using Unsupervised and Supervised Neural Networks, Proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Vol.4, 2415-2418, Orlando, Jul. 1994. |
76. | Shunichiro Oe, Hashida Masaharu and Shinohara Yasunori : A Segmentation Method of Texture Image by Using Neural Network, Proceedings of 1993 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vol.1, 189-192, Nagoya, Oct. 1993. |
77. | Shunichiro Oe and Yutaka Tomita : Modeling a Random Field by Two-Dimensional AR Process and its Application to Texture Analysis, Proceedings of the 1986 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE, 2016-2017, Seattle, Jul. 1986. |
78. | Shunichiro Oe, Yutaka Tomita and Takashi Soeda : Failure Detection and Prediction System by Using Adaptive Digital Filter, Proceedings of the IFAC/IFIC Symposium on Real Time Digital Control Applications, Guadalajara, 93-99, Mexico, Jan. 1983. |
79. | Yoshikazu Sawaragi, Takashi Soeda, Toshio Yoshimura, Shunichiro Oe, Yoshiteru Chujo and Hirokazu Ishihara : Statistical Prediction of Air Pollution Levels Based on Kalman Filtering Method, Proceedings of IFAC Symposium on Environmental Systems Planning Design and Control, 197-204, Kyoto, Jul. 1977. |
80. | Takashi Soeda, Yoshikazu Sawaragi, Toshio Yoshimura, Shunichiro Oe and Hirokazu Ishihara : Modeling for Prediction of Air Pollution Levels by Non-Physical Models, International Congress of Scientists on The Human Environment, 1-23, Kyoto, Oct. 1975. |
1. | 新田 哲也, Shunichiro Oe and 柏木 利幸 : Development of Color Texture Image Segmentation Method with High Accuracy, ViEW ビジョン技術の実利用ワークショップ講演論文集, 139-144, Nov. 2006. |
2. | 長澤 信太郎, Shunichiro Oe and 柏木 利幸 : マルチスペクトル分光器を用いた欠陥検出波長帯域選択手法, 第11回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ講演論文集, 14-19, Sep. 2006. |
3. | 長澤 信太郎, Shunichiro Oe and 柏木 利幸 : マルチスペクトル分光器を用いた欠陥検出, ビジョン技術の実利用ワークショップ講演論文集, 99-104, Dec. 2005. |
4. | 柏木 利幸, 高木 圭 and Shunichiro Oe : カラーヒストグラムを用いた24ビットカラー画像の露出補正, 第11回画像センシングシンポジウム講演論文集, 113-116, Jun. 2005. |
5. | Prasit Phonsue, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Toshiyuki Kashiwagi : カラーヒストグラムを用いたステレオ画像の対応点探索法, 第10回画像センシングシンポジウム, No.F-1, 285-290, Jun. 2004. |
6. | Kei Takagi, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Toshiyuki Kashiwagi : 藍染めの色むら可視化手法, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-29, 238, Oct. 2003. |
7. | Prasit Phonsue, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Toshiyuki Kashiwagi : カラーヒストグラムを用いた顔の三次元情報の復元, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-27, 236, Oct. 2003. |
8. | Tsuyoshi Nitta, Shunichiro Oe, Kenji Terada and Toshiyuki Kashiwagi : リモートメンテナンス支援システムの開発, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-24, 233, Oct. 2003. |
9. | Kosuke Kinoshita, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : オプティカルフローとステレオ視を用いた距離情報取得, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-23, 232, Oct. 2003. |
10. | Masahiro Saito, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : X線検査装置開発のためのシミュレーションシステム, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-22, 231, Oct. 2003. |
11. | 森本 圭, Shunichiro Oe, Kenji Terada and 川人 美洋子 : 藍染めの色むら検出法, 第9回画像センシングシンポジウム講演論文集, 239-224, Jun. 2003. |
12. | Kosuke Kinoshita, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : ステレオ動画像からの3次元情報取得, 第9回画像センシングシンポジウム, No.F-20, 403-408, Jun. 2003. |
13. | Akinori Tsuji and Shunichiro Oe : Daubechiesウェーブレットによる画像検索のための特徴量抽出, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Oct. 2002. |
14. | Kosuke Kinoshita, Kenji Terada, Toshiyuki Kshiwagi, Kenji Matsumoto and Shunichiro Oe : 果肉自動投入機のための視覚システム, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-19, 225, Oct. 2002. |
15. | Yasuyuki Kanbara, Kenji Terada, Toshiyuki Kshiwagi, Kenji Matsumoto and Shunichiro Oe : CCD移動のカラーカメラを用いた高精度3次元モデリングシステム, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-12, 218, Oct. 2002. |
16. | Prasit Phonsue, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : カラー情報を用いたステレオ画像による3次元情報取得, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-11, 217, Oct. 2002. |
17. | Satoshi Suzuki, Kenji Terada, Toshiyuki Kashiwagi and Shunichiro Oe : カラー画像の色情報を用いた合焦点位置検出, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-10, 216, Oct. 2002. |
18. | Masami Fukuda, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : 多重解像度解析によるテクスチャ画像の領域分割, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-2, 208, Oct. 2002. |
19. | Yasuyuki Kanbara, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : CCD移動のカラーカメラを用いた3次元モデリングシステム, 第8回画像センシングシンポジウム, No.B-28, 167-172, Jul. 2002. |
20. | Tetsushi Ueta, Akinori Tsuji and Shunichiro Oe : DSPを用いたカオス力学系の信号抽出, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 22, Oct. 2001. |
21. | Akinori Tsuji and Shunichiro Oe : ウェーブレット分解を用いた画像検索, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, Sep. 2001. |
22. | Yasuyuki Kanbara, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : CCD移動のカラーカメラを用いた3次元モデリングシステム, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-21, 236, Sep. 2001. |
23. | Satoshi Suzuki, Kenji Terada, Toshiyuki Kashiwagi and Shunichiro Oe : カラーヒストグラムを用いたフォーカス位置の検出と三次元情報の取得, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-20, 235, Sep. 2001. |
24. | Toshihito Egami, Kenji Terada, Toshiyuki Kashiwagi and Shunichiro Oe : SFFのためのカラーヒストグラムを用いた合焦点位置の検出, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-19, 234, Sep. 2001. |
25. | Sachiko Mizukami, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : 個性豊かなくせ文字フォント作成の試み, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-18, 233, Sep. 2001. |
26. | Ryosuke Torita, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : 唇の動きを用いた母音認識, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-8, 223, Sep. 2001. |
27. | Masami Fukuda, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : ウェーブレット変換を用いたテクスチャー画像の領域分割, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-6, 221, Sep. 2001. |
28. | Prasit Phonsue, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : バンドパスニューラルネットワークを用いた適応型印刷欠陥識別手法, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-5, 220, Sep. 2001. |
29. | Naoki Iwasa, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : 動画像を用いた絶対距離情報の抽出, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.7-11, 109, Sep. 2001. |
30. | Prasit Phonsue, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : ニューラルネットワークを用いた適応型印刷欠陥識別手法, 第6回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ, No.253, 285-290, Aug. 2001. |
31. | Toshiyuki Kashiwagi, Shunichiro Oe, Kenji Terada and Tohihito Egami : カラーヒストグラムを用いたエッジの合焦点評価手法, 第6回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ, No.143, 107-112, Aug. 2001. |
32. | Kazuhiro Yamato, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Junichi Yamaguchi : ファジィ推論を用いた顔画像からの目の検出, 第7回画像センシングシンポジウム, No.G-11, 317-322, Jun. 2001. |
33. | Naoki Iwasa, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : 動画像を用いた3次元情報の抽出, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-21, 236, Oct. 2000. |
34. | Toshihito Egami, Toshiyuki Kashiwagi, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : カラーヒストグラムを用いた合焦点位置の検出, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-20, 235, Oct. 2000. |
35. | Ryosuke Torita, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : 口の動画像からの母音認識, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-18, 233, Oct. 2000. |
36. | Junichi Wagi, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : ローカルバイナリパターンを用いたテクスチャー解析, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-14, 229, Oct. 2000. |
37. | Hideaki Tani, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Junichi Yamaguchi : 撮影環境の変化にロバストな人の行動監視のための視線検出, 第5回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ, No.61, 130-135, Aug. 2000. |
38. | Atsushi Takemura, Kenji Terada, Gosuke Ohashi and Shunichiro Oe : 方向の異なる2つのカメラを用いた顔の識別, 第39回計測自動制御学会学術講演会, No.308C-6, Jul. 2000. |
39. | Junichi Wagi, Kenji Terada, Shinobu Hanaoka and Shunichiro Oe : 画像処理による混雑状況下における人数計測, 第39回計測自動制御学会学術講演会, No.109A-5, Jul. 2000. |
40. | Hideaki Tani, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Junichi Yamaguchi : 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた顔画像からの視線検知, 第6回画像センシングシンポジウム, No.I-3, 431-436, Jun. 2000. |
41. | Junichi Wagi, Motohide Yoshimura, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : 拡張Local Binary Patternを用いたテクスチャー分割, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, No.D-12-67, 7-237, Mar. 2000. |
42. | Masayuki Yamada, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : ニューラルネットワークを用いた時系列データのモデリング, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.16-21, 291, Oct. 1999. |
43. | Junichi Wagi, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : ローカルバイナリーパターンを用いたテクスチャー分類, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-21, 226, Oct. 1999. |
44. | Toyoki Shibata, Naomi Isoda, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Kenichi Kaida : 画像撮像素子移動による自動距離計測システムを用いた3次元物体のモデリング, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-20, 225, Oct. 1999. |
45. | Eiichiro Okahisa, Kenji Terada, Tetsushi Ueta and Shunichiro Oe : 口の形状と動き情報を用いた母音認識法, National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, Vol.3, 138, Mar. 1999. |
46. | Toyoki Shibata, Naomi Isoda, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Kenichi Kaida : 画像撮像素子移動による自動距離計測システムを用いた3次元物体のモデリング, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-27, 228, Oct. 1998. |
47. | Naomi Isoda, Junji Tada, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Kenichi Kaida : 撮像素子移動を用いた自動距離計測システムおよびその応用, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, No.13-26, 227, Oct. 1998. |
48. | Kenji Terada, Rikiko Yamanaka and Shunichiro Oe : 口のカラー動画像を用いた音韻認識, 第4回画像センシングシンポジウム, No.C-19, 145-150, Jun. 1998. |
49. | Hiroshi Miyazaki, Tomoyasu Amano, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : 動画像を用いた母音認識, 第36回計測自動制御学会学術講演会, No.314A-4, 903-904, Jul. 1997. |
50. | Kenji Terada, Yuki Tabuchi and Shunichiro Oe : 画像センシングによる玄米の品質検査, 第36回計測自動制御学会学術講演会, No.314A-1, 897-898, Jul. 1997. |
51. | Chunke Yang, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : Estimating Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters from Optical Flow, 第36回計測自動制御学会学術講演会, No.302C-2, 623-624, Jul. 1997. |
52. | Masafumi Tsueike, Tetsushi Ueta and Shunichiro Oe : カオスアトラクタの可聴領域における表現, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 342, Oct. 1995. |
1. | Kazuhide Kanenishi, Kenji Matsuura, Takahiro Oie, Yasuo Miyoshi, Masahiko Sano, Shunichiro Oe and Yoneo Yano : 大学ポータルの徳島大学における構築とその運用について, 平成17年度情報処理研究集会講演論文集, 113-116, Nov. 2005. |
2. | Kazuhide Kanenishi, Kenji Matsuura, Takahiro Oie, Yasuo Miyoshi, Masahiko Sano, Shunichiro Oe and Yoneo Yano : Construction and Operation Method of the University Information Portal in the Tokushima University, IPSJ SIG Technical Report (2005-DSM-39), Vol.2005, No.101, 1-6, Oct. 2005. |
3. | Yasuo Miyoshi, Takahiro Oie, Kenji Matsuura, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Masahiko Sano, Shunichiro Oe and Yoneo Yano : Implementation and Operation of Authentication Infrastructure for Wireless Network in Tokushima University, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports (2005-DSM-39), Vol.2005, No.101, 61-66, Oct. 2005. (CiNii: 1520009409507823104) |
4. | Kenji Matsuura, Tetsushi Ueta, Masahiko Sano and Shunichiro Oe : A Study on Polishing up the Security Policy Documents in accordance with Information Security Management System, 情報処理学会研究報告, Vol.2004-DSM-33, 59-64, May 2004. |
5. | Prasit Phonsue, Shunichiro Oe, Kenji Terada and Toshiyuki Kashiwagi : カラー情報を用いたステレオ法による3次元情報の取得, 電気学会産業システム情報化研究会, No.IIS-03-38, 21-26, Jun. 2003. |
6. | Kosuke Kinoshita, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : 動画像からの距離情報の抽出, 電気学会研究会産業システム情報化研究会, No.IIS-03-7, Feb. 2003. |
7. | Toshihito Egami, Toshiyuki Kashiwagi, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : カラー画像とCCD移動システムを用いた3次元計測, 電子情報通信学会PRU研究会, No.PRU2001-2, 9-15, Jun. 2001. |
8. | Naomi Isoda, Toyoki Shibata, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : 単眼カメラを用いた距離計測法の高精度化と3次元形状モデリング, 電気学会産業システム情報化技術委員会研究会, No.IIS-00-26, 23-28, Aug. 2000. |
9. | Kazuhiro Yamato, Kenji Terada, Shunichiro Oe and Junichi Yamaguchi : 顔画像の部分的自己相似性に着目した個人識別, 電気学会産業システム情報化技術委員会研究会, No.IIS-00-22, 1-6, Aug. 2000. |
10. | Chunke Yang, Kenji Terada and Shunichiro Oe : オプティカルフロー法による超音波心臓時系列の動的な解析, 電子情報通信学会MEとバイオサバネティックス研究会, No.MBE97-65, 51-56, Jul. 1997. |
1. | Shunichiro Oe, 柏木 利幸 and 高木 圭 : カラー画像の露出補正法, 2005-342982, . | |
2. | Kenji Kita, Masami Shishibori and Shunichiro Oe : Method for retrieving data, apparatus for retrieving data, program for retrieving data, and medium readable by machine, US20050086210A1 (Mar. 2004), US20050086210A1 (Mar. 2004). | |
3. | Kenji Kita, Masami Shishibori and Shunichiro Oe : データ検索方法,データ検索装置,データ検索プログラムおよびコンピュータで読み取り可能な記録媒体, 2003-174078 (Jun. 2003), 2003-174078 (Jun. 2003). | |
4. | 柏木 利幸, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : カラー画像の処理方法, 2003-081660 (Mar. 2003), 2004-005508 (Jan. 2004), 4089780 (Mar. 2008). | |
5. | 柏木 利幸, Shunichiro Oe and Kenji Terada : カラー画像の処理方法, 11-333543 (Nov. 1999), 2001-155173 (Jun. 2001), 3464182 (Aug. 2003). | |
6. | Shunichiro Oe : 距離測定装置, 10-13719 (Jan. 1998), . | |
7. | Shunichiro Oe : 距離測定法法, 8-195889 (Jul. 1996), 10-38559 (Feb. 1998), . |