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Field of Study


Subject of Study

Functional analysis, Theory of hyperfunctions, Mathematical physics (quantum field theory)

Book / Paper


1. Atsuhito Kohda and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
理工系 ベクトル解析,
2. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Atsuhito Kohda :
3. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruening :
"Localization in Quantum Field Theory" in A Garden of Quanta, --- Essays in Honor of Hiroshi Ezawa ---,
World Scientific, New Jersey - London - Singapore - Hong Kong, Mar. 2003.
4. Shigeaki Nagamachi and 他 :
朝倉書店, Tokyo, Nov. 1995.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruning :
Frame independence of the fundamental length in relativistic quantum field theory,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.51, No.2, 022305-1-022305-18, 2010.
(DOI: 10.1063/1.3276441)
2. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruening :
Quantum Teleportation and Holomorphic Representation of CCR,
Open Systems and Information Dynamics, Vol.15, No.2, 155-172, 2008.
(DOI: 10.1142/S1230161208000146)
3. Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Solution of a linearized model of Heisenberg's fundamental equation II,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.49, No.5, 052304-1-052304-22, 2008.
(DOI: 10.1063/1.2921636)
4. Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Relativistic quantum field theory with a fundamental length,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.45, No.6, 2199-2231, 2004.
(DOI: 10.1063/1.1737055)
5. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Bruening Erwin :
Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory: Localized Field Without Localized Test Function,
Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.63, No.2, 141-155, 2003.
(DOI: 10.1023/A:1023084312072)
6. Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Kernel Theorem for Fourier hyperfunctions,
Journal of Mathematics, The University of Tokushima, Vol.35, 57-64, 2001.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000494)
7. Takeshi Nishimura and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Osaka J. Math., Vol.38, No.3, 667-680, 2001.
8. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruening :
Hyperfunction quantum field theory: Analytic structure, modular aspects, and local observable algebras,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.42, No.1, 99-129, 2001.
(DOI: 10.1063/1.1326460,   Elsevier: Scopus)
9. Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Closure of field operators, asymptotic Abelianness, and vacuum structure in hyperfunction quantum field theory,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.39, No.10, 5098-5111, 1998.
10. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
A Note on the Time Development of Quantum Lattice Systems,
Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.39, No.2, 163-178, 1997.
11. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Takeshi Nishimura :
Edge of the wedge tgheorem for Fourier hyperfunctions,
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, Vol.36, No.3, 499-517, 1993.
12. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Takeshi Nishimura :
Linear canonical supertransformation,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.34, No.5, 1757-1772, 1993.
13. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Yuji Kobayashi :
Hilbert superspace,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.33, 4274-4282, 1992.
14. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Takeshi Nishimura :
Nonstandard analysis of linear canonical transformations on a Fermion Fock space with an indefinite matric,
Osaka J. Math., Vol.28, 579-604, 1991.
15. Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Characteristic functions and invariants of supermatrices,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.31, No.11, 2726-2730, 1990.
16. Takeshi Nishimura and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
An approximation theorem of Runge type and its applications to the theory of Fourier hyperfunctions,
Mathematica Japonica, Vol.35, 263-274, 1990.
17. Takeshi Nishimura and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
On support of Fourier hyperfunctions,
Mathematica Japonica, Vol.35, 293-313, 1990.
18. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruening :
Hyperfunction quantum field theory: Basic stractural result,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.30, 2340-2359, 1989.
19. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Yujji Kobayashi :
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Supermatrices,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol.64 A, No.7, 249-252, 1988.
20. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Yuji Kobayashi :
Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.15, 17-26, 1988.
21. Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Generalized complex superspace - Involution of superfuelds,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.28, 1700-1708, 1987.
22. Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Usage of Infinite Dimensional Nuclear Algebras in Superanalysis,
Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.14, No.1, 15-23, 1987.
23. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Yuji Kobayashi :
The Chain Rule of Differentiation in Superspaces,
Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.11, No.4, 293-297, 1986.
24. Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Anasysis on generalized superspace,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.27, 2247-2256, 1986.
25. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumich Mugibayashi :
Hyperfunctions and renormalizaton,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.27, 832-839, 1986.
26. Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Lie groups and Lie algebras with generalized supersymmetric parameters,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.25, No.12, 3367-3374, 1984.
27. Yuji Kobayashi, Shigeaki Nagamachi and Haruo Miyamoto :
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras with generalized Bose-Fermi Symmetric Parameters,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol.59A, No.5, 203-206, 1983.
28. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi :
Covariance of Euclidean Fermi Field,
Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.66, No.3, 1061-1077, 1981.
29. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
The Vector Valued Fourier Hyperfunctions of Mixed Type II,
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Vol.17, No.1, 65-93, 1981.
30. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
The Theory of Vector Valued Fourier Hyperfunctions of Mixed Type I,
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Vol.17, No.1, 25-63, 1981.
31. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi :
The Haag-Ruelle Formulation of Scattering in Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory,
Reports on Math. Phys., Vol.16, No.2, 181-201, 1979.
32. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobmichi Mugibayashi :
Quantum field theory in terms of Fourier hyperfunctions,
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Vol.12 supple., 309-341, 1977.
33. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi :
Theory of Fourier Hyperfunctions and its Applications to Quantum Field Theory,
Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.1, 259-264, 1976.
34. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibahashi :
Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory II. Euclidean Green's Functions,
Commun. Math. Phys., Vol.49, 257-276, 1976.
35. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi :
Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory,
Commun. Math. Phys., Vol.46, 119-134, 1976.
36. Yoshifumi ITO and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Theory of H-valued Fourier Hyperfunctions,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol.51, No.7, 558-561, 1975.
37. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi :
Locally Markov Fields and the Hamiltonian,
Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.53, No.6, 1813-1826, 1975.
38. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi :
Measure Theoretic Considerations on the Mass Shift Model,
Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.50, No.3, 1066-1079, 1973.
39. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi :
Neutral Scalar Field Theory with a Point Source,
Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.49, No.1, 329-340, 1973.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Yoshifumi ITO and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
On the Theory of Vector Valued Fourier Hyperfunctions,
Journal of Mathematics, Tokushima University, Vol.9, 1-33, 1975.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000383)

Review, Commentary:

1. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Quantum Brownian representation for the quantum field modes.' {Arteaga, Daniel, Adv. Heigh Energy Phys. (2009), Art. ID 278759, 29 pp.},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2530285, 2011e:81164, May 2011.
2. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Constructive field theory in zero dimension.' {Rivasseau, V., Adv. Math. Phys. (2009), Art. ID 180159, 12 pp.},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2570340, 2011c:81167, Mar. 2011.
3. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `States and amplitudes for finite regions in a two-dimensional Euclidean quantum field theory.' {Colosi, Daniele; Oeckl, Robert, J. Geom. Phys. 59 (2009), no. 7, pp. 764--780},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2536844, 2010h:81197, Jun. 2010.
4. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Clustering bounds on $n$-point correlations for unbounded spin systems.' {Abdesselam, Abdelmalek; Procacci, Aldo; Scoppola, Benedetto, J. Stat. Phys. 136 (2009), no. 3, pp. 405--452},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2529680, 2010g:81138, Jun. 2010.
5. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Power series representations for bosonic effective actions.' {Balaban, Tadeusz; Feldman, Joel; Knörrer, Horst; Trubowitz, Eugene, J. Stat. Phys. 134 (2009), no. 5-6, pp. 839--857},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2508478, 2010d:81187, Apr. 2010.
6. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Quasiparticle excitatins in relativistic quantum field theory.' {Arteaga, Daniel, Ann. Physics 324 (2009), no. 4, pp. 920 -- 954 },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2508478, 2010d:81187, Apr. 2010.
7. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Reflection positivity and monotonicity.' {Jaffe, Arthur; Ritter, Gordon, J. Math. Phys 49 (2008), no. 5, 052301, 10 pp. },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2406810, 2009g:81138, Jan. 2010.
8. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `The ultrahyperfunctional approach to non-commutative quantum field theory.' {Franco, Daniel H. T.; Lourenco, Jose A., J. Phys. A 41 (2008), no. 9, 095402, 21 pp. },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2453745, 2009h:81176, Aug. 2009.
9. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `General locality in quantum fields.' {Wang, Hai-Jun, J. Math. Phys 49 (2008), no. 3, 033513, 34 pp. },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2406810, 2009g:81138, Jul. 2009.
10. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Constructive φ4 field theory without tears.' {Magnen, Jacques; Rivasseau, Vincent, Ann. Henri Poincaré 9 (2008), no. 2, pp.403--424 },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2377824, 2009d:81208, Apr. 2009.
11. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Different lattice approximations for Høegh-Krohn's quantum field model' {Liang, Song, Stochastic analysis and applications, 493--499, Abel Symp., 2, Springer, Berlin, 2007 },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2397801, 2009b:81119, Feb. 2009.
12. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Lie fields revisited' {Morgan, Peter, J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), no. 12, 122302, 16 pp. },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2377824, Sep. 2008.
13. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Constructive matrix theory' {Rivassequ, Vincent. J. High Energy Phys. 2007, no. 9, 008, 13 pp },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2342423, Jul. 2008.
14. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Scattering theory for dipole quantum fields' {Gottschalk, H. A., J. Phys. A 40 (2007), no. 31, 9643 -- 9653},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2345317, Jun. 2008.
15. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `The analyticity program in axiomatic quantum field theory. Rigorous quantum field theory, ' {Iagornitzer, DAniel, Progr. Math. 251(2007), 141--159},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2008i, Jun. 2008.
16. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `A Wightman-function approach to relativistic complex-ghost field theory' {Nakanishi, N. Progr. Theoret. Phys. 116 (2006), no. 5, 873--882},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2008b, Feb. 2008.
17. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Why is CPT fundamental?' {Greenberg, O. W.. Found. Phys. 36 (2006), no. 10, 1535--1553},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2007m, Dec. 2007.
18. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Canonical quantization of lattice Higgs-Maxwell-Chern-Simons fields: Krein self-adjointness' {Bowman, Daniel A.; Challifour, John L.. J. Math. Phys. 47 (2006), no. 10, 102302, 20 pp.},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2007k, Oct. 2007.
19. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `An exchange identity for non-linear fields' {Jaffe, Arthur; Jäkel, Christian. Comm. Math. Phys. 264 (2006), no. 2, 283--289 },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2007h, Aug. 2007.
20. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Remark on the integration by parts formula for the φ43-quantum field model' {Albeverio, Sergio; Liang, Song; Zegarlinski, Boguslav , Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top. 9 (2006), no. 1, 149--154 },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2007g, Jul. 2007.
21. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `A new derivation of the CPT and spin-statistics theorems in noncommutative field theories' {Franco, Daniel H. T.; Polito, Caio M. M., J. Math. Phys. 46 (2005), 083503, 11 pp. },
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.i, 7523-7524, Sep. 2006.
22. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Elliptic thermal correlation functions and modular forms in a globally conformal invariant QFT'{Nikolov, Nikolay M.; Todorov, Ivan T. , Rev. Math. Phys. 17 (2005) 613-667},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.i, 7524-7525, Sep. 2006.
23. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Phase space properties and the short distance structure in quantum field theory' {Bostelmann, Henning, J. Math. Phys. 46 (2005), 052301, 17 pp.},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.c, 2317, Mar. 2006.
24. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Thermal quantum fields without cut-offs in 1+1 space-time dimensions' {Gérard, Christian; Jäkel, Christian D. , Rev. Math. Phys. 17 (2005) 113-173},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.b, 1498, Feb. 2006.
25. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Method for solving quantum field theory in the Heisenberg picture' {Nakanishi, Noboru, Prog. Theoret. Phys. 111 (2004) 301-337},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.a, 652, Jan. 2006.
26. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Conformal invariance and rationality in an even dimensional quantum field theory' {Nikolov, N. M.; Todorov, I. T. , Internat. J. Modern Phys. A 19 (2004) 3605-3636},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2005, No.j, 9296-9297, Oct. 2005.
27. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Markov quantum fields on a manifold' {Dimock, J., Rev. Math Phys. 16 (2004) 243-255},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2005, No.d, 2491-2492, Apr. 2005.
28. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Critical Φ43, ε' {Brydges, D.C.; Mitter, P.K.; Scoppola, B., Comm. Math. Phys. 240 (2003) 281-327},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2005, No.b, 1758-1759, Feb. 2005.
29. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Lattice approximations and continuum limits of Φ42-quantum fields' {Albeverio, Sergio; Bernabi, Maria Simonetta; Zhou, Xian Yin, J. Math. Phys. 45 (2004) 149-178},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.m, 10387, Dec. 2004.
30. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Generalized operators and operator-valued distributions in quantum field theory' {Huang, Zhiyuan; Wang, Xiangjun; Wang, Caishi, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 23 (2003) 145-154},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.j, 4964-4965, Oct. 2004.
31. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Towards Euclidean theory of infrared singular quantum fields' {Smirnov, A.G., (2003) 2058-2076 J. Math. Phys. 44},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.f, 4964-4965, Jun. 2004.
32. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Nonlocal extension of the Borchers classes of quantum fields. Multiple facets of quantization and supersymmetry' {Soloviev, M.A., (2002) 697-712 World Sci. Publishing},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.b, 1496-1497, Feb. 2004.
33. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Bosonic monocluster expansion' {Abdesselam, A.; Magnen, J.; Rivassequ, V., Comm. Math. Phys. 229 (2002) 183-207},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.b, 1497-1498, Feb. 2004.
34. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `The Φ4 quantum field in a scale invariant random metric' {Haba, Z., J. Phys. A 35 (2002) 7425-7436},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.k, 8745-8746, Nov. 2003.
35. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Representing Euclidean quantum fields as scaling limit of particle systems' {Albeverio, Sergio; Gottschalk, Hanno; Yoshida, Minroru W., J. Statist. Phys. 108 (2002) 361-369},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.e, 3858-3859, May 2003.
36. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Large-N theory from the axiomatic point of wiew' {Shvedov, O. Yu., J. Math Phys. 42 (2001) 5185-5194},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.a, 2998-2999, Apr. 2003.
37. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.48, 29-41, Mar. 2003.
38. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Erratum: "Infinite infrared regularization and a state space for the Heisenberg algebra"' {Schmidt, Andreas U.J., Math. Phys. 43 (2002) 243-259},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.b, 1405-1406, Feb. 2003.
39. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Infinite infrared regularization and a state space for the Heisenberg algebra' {Schmidt, Andreas U.J., Math. Phys. 43 (2002) 243-259},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.b, 1405, Feb. 2003.
40. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Finite size effects in the anisotropic (λ/4!)(ϕ1 4 + ϕ24)d model' {Fosco, C. D.; Svaiter, N. F., J. Math. Phys. 42 (2001) 5185-5194},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.a, 650, Jan. 2003.
41. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Precise determination of critical exponents and equation fo state by field theory methods. Renormalization group theory in the new millennium' {Zinn-Justin, J., Phys. Rep. 344 (2001) 159-178},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2002, No.i, 6916-6917, Mar. 2002.
42. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Rationality of conformally invariant local correlation functions on compactified Minkowski space' {Nikolov, N.M.; Todorov, I.T., Comm. Math. Phys. 218 (2001) 417-436},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2002, No.c, 2172, Mar. 2002.
43. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Cluster expansions of Brydges-Federbush type for quantum lattice systems' {Kondratiev, A.Yu.; Rebenko, A.L., Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 2 (1996) 59-68},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2001, No.f, 4275-4276, Jun. 2001.
44. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Some remarks about cluster expansion for unbounded continuous spin systems in quantum statistical mechnics' {Kondratiev, Alexei Yu.; Rebenko, Alexei L., Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 2 (1996) 61-69},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2001, No.f, 4275, Jun. 2001.
45. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.46, 8, Mar. 2001.
46. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Generalized random vector fields and Euclidean quantum vector fields' {Becker, C.; Gottschalk, H.; Wu, Jiang-Lun, Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Rndom Fields and Applications, (Ascona, 1996), 15-24, Progr. Probab., 45, Birkhaeuser, Basel, 1999},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2001, No.c, 2047-2048, Mar. 2001.
47. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Unsharp localization and causality in relativistic quantum theory' {Busch, P., J. Phys. A32 (1999) 6535-6546},
Physical Reviews, Vol.2001, No.a, 594, Jan. 2001.
48. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Cluster expansion for P(Φ)2: explicit estimates' {Prodan, E., J. Math. Phys. 41 (2000) 787-804},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2000, No.m, 8971, Dec. 2000.
49. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Introduction to QFT' {Kazhdan, D., Quantum fields and strings: a course for mathematicians, Amer. Math. Soc., Providense (1999) 377-418},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2000, No.k, 8219-8220, Nov. 2000.
50. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `The Ppoisson structure of the mean-field equations in the Φ4 theory' {Martin, C., Ann. Physics 271 (1999) 294-305},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2000, No.i, 6666, Sep. 2000.
51. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Review of `Stochastically positive structure on Wyle algebras. The case of quasi-free states' {Gielerak, R.; Jakobczyk, L; Olkiewicz, R., J. Math. Phys. 39 (1998) 6291-6328},
Mathematical Reviews, Vol.99, No.m, 8863-8864, Dec. 1999.
52. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
数理科学, Vol.31, No.358, 44-49, Apr. 1993.
53. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
BASIC 数学, Vol.26, 9-13, Jan. 1993.
54. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
数理科学, Vol.27, 59-63, Dec. 1989.
55. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
数学, Vol.37, No.3, 264-273, Jul. 1985.
56. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
数理科学, Vol.18, 54-58, Jul. 1980.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Teleportation and locality (Invited talk),
Proceeding of the 18th Chris Engelbrecht Summer School in Theoretical Physics on Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Information Processing and Communication, 11, Durban, Jan. 2007.
2. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
A Model of Quantum Field Theory with a Fundamental Length (Poster session),
Book of Abstracts, International Congress on Mathematical Physics, 11, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 2006.
3. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
A Model of Quantum Field Theory with a Fundamental Length,
Booklet of Abstracts, Nonstandard Methods and Applications in Mathematics, 11, Pisa, May 2006.
4. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
A Model of Quantum Field Theory with a Fundamental Length (Invited talk),
Proceeding of International Conference on Geometry and Analysis on Complex Manifolds dedicated to the 55 years anniversary of Hanoi University of Education, 11, Hanoi, Sep. 2005.
5. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Evoluo de matematiko kaj moderna matematika fiziko,
Broshuro de la Internacia Kongresa Universitato, 58a sesio, 74-82, Vilno, Jul. 2005.
6. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
On the Locality in Quantum Field Theory (Invited talk),
Proceeding of Workshop on Analysis and Application at 50 years anniversary of Hanoi University of Education, 26, Hanoi, Sep. 2001.
7. Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Local Obsefvable Algebras in Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory (Poster session),
Book of Abstructs, International Congress of Mathematical Physics 2000, 102, London, Jul. 2000.
8. Shigeaki Nagamachi and Bruening Erwin :
Modular Aspects and Local Observable Algebras of Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory,
Book of Abstructs, International Congress of Mathematical Physics 1997, Brisbane, Jul. 1997.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Lodo Teorio,
Aug. 2007.
2. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Heisenberg's Fundamental Equation and Quantum Field Theory with a Fundamental Length,
RIMS共同研究「量子解析におけるミクロ・マクロ双対性」, Vol.1565, 74-85, Jul. 2007.
3. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
第44回実函数論·函数解析学合同シンポジウム, Aug. 2005.
4. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Local observables for hyperfunction quantum field theory,
日本数学会函数解析学分科会講演アブストラクト, Sep. 2000.
5. 西村 健 and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Fourier hyperfunction の理論における Schwartz 型の核定理と核の台について,
日本数学会函数解析分科会講演アブストラクト, 74-75, Sep. 1999.
6. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Closure of field operators in hyperfunction quantum field theory,
日本数学会函数解析学分科会講演アブストラクト, 72-73, Sep. 1999.
7. Shigeaki Nagamachi :
Gibbs State について,
日本数学会函数解析学分科会講演アブストラクト, 26-27, Oct. 1997.
8. Yoshifumi ITO and Shigeaki Nagamachi :
日本数学会秋季総合分科会, Oct. 1975.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • A mathematical and informatics research of combinatorial optimization algorithms in the quantum computing and the quantum entanglement (Project/Area Number: 21500024 )
  • The study of the axiomatic quantum field theory using ultrahyperfunctions (Project/Area Number: 16540159 )
  • Unbounded *-representations of partial *-algebras (Project/Area Number: 13640228 )
  • Theory of injective holomorphic mappings of a Riemann surface into another and its applications to hydrodynamics - a modern comprehension of the classical theory of univalent functions (Project/Area Number: 11440048 )
  • The Study of Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory (Project/Area Number: 10640174 )
  • 場の量子論における超対称性の数学的研究 (Project/Area Number: 07640220 )
  • 連立非線形方程式系の大域における数値解法とその応用 (Project/Area Number: 06640315 )
  • 常微分方程式系の初期値問題の数値解析的研究 (Project/Area Number: 05640268 )
  • 常微分方程式系の概周期解の数値解析 (Project/Area Number: 04640236 )
  • パラメーターを持つ群を添え字に持つgraded Hopf代数の研究 (Project/Area Number: 04640076 )
  • 非線形振動と波動における概周期象の数理の研究 (Project/Area Number: 03640215 )
  • 物理学への応用を見込んだス-パ-数学の研究 (Project/Area Number: 02804005 )
  • パラメ-タ-を持つ群を添字にもつgraded Hopf代数の研究 (Project/Area Number: 01540056 )
  • 代数系の等式と変換システムの組合せ論的研究 (Project/Area Number: 01540055 )
  • 非線形振動と波動の数値解析的研究 (Project/Area Number: 63540172 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (00030784)