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Professor Emeritus : Nagamachi, Shigeaki |
○ | Mathematics |
○ | Functional analysis, Theory of hyperfunctions, Mathematical physics (quantum field theory) |
1. | Atsuhito Kohda and Shigeaki Nagamachi : 理工系 ベクトル解析, GAKUJUTU TOSHO SHUPPAN-SHA, Tokyo, Sep. 2014. |
2. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Atsuhito Kohda : 理工系微分方程式の基礎, GAKUJUTU TOSHO SHUPPAN-SHA, Tokyo, Mar. 2009. |
3. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruening : "Localization in Quantum Field Theory" in A Garden of Quanta, --- Essays in Honor of Hiroshi Ezawa ---, World Scientific, New Jersey - London - Singapore - Hong Kong, Mar. 2003. |
4. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and 他 : 数理情報科学辞典, 朝倉書店, Tokyo, Nov. 1995. |
1. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruning : Frame independence of the fundamental length in relativistic quantum field theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.51, No.2, 022305-1-022305-18, 2010. (DOI: 10.1063/1.3276441) |
2. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruening : Quantum Teleportation and Holomorphic Representation of CCR, Open Systems and Information Dynamics, Vol.15, No.2, 155-172, 2008. (DOI: 10.1142/S1230161208000146) |
3. | Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Solution of a linearized model of Heisenberg's fundamental equation II, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.49, No.5, 052304-1-052304-22, 2008. (DOI: 10.1063/1.2921636) |
4. | Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Relativistic quantum field theory with a fundamental length, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.45, No.6, 2199-2231, 2004. (DOI: 10.1063/1.1737055) |
5. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Bruening Erwin : Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory: Localized Field Without Localized Test Function, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.63, No.2, 141-155, 2003. (DOI: 10.1023/A:1023084312072) |
6. | Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Kernel Theorem for Fourier hyperfunctions, Journal of Mathematics, The University of Tokushima, Vol.35, 57-64, 2001. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000494) |
7. | Takeshi Nishimura and Shigeaki Nagamachi : SUPPORT AND KERNEL THEOREM FOR FOURIER HYPERFUNCTIONS, Osaka J. Math., Vol.38, No.3, 667-680, 2001. |
8. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruening : Hyperfunction quantum field theory: Analytic structure, modular aspects, and local observable algebras, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.42, No.1, 99-129, 2001. (DOI: 10.1063/1.1326460, Elsevier: Scopus) |
9. | Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Closure of field operators, asymptotic Abelianness, and vacuum structure in hyperfunction quantum field theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.39, No.10, 5098-5111, 1998. |
10. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : A Note on the Time Development of Quantum Lattice Systems, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.39, No.2, 163-178, 1997. |
11. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Takeshi Nishimura : Edge of the wedge tgheorem for Fourier hyperfunctions, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, Vol.36, No.3, 499-517, 1993. |
12. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Takeshi Nishimura : Linear canonical supertransformation, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.34, No.5, 1757-1772, 1993. |
13. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Yuji Kobayashi : Hilbert superspace, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.33, 4274-4282, 1992. |
14. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Takeshi Nishimura : Nonstandard analysis of linear canonical transformations on a Fermion Fock space with an indefinite matric, Osaka J. Math., Vol.28, 579-604, 1991. |
15. | Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Characteristic functions and invariants of supermatrices, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.31, No.11, 2726-2730, 1990. |
16. | Takeshi Nishimura and Shigeaki Nagamachi : An approximation theorem of Runge type and its applications to the theory of Fourier hyperfunctions, Mathematica Japonica, Vol.35, 263-274, 1990. |
17. | Takeshi Nishimura and Shigeaki Nagamachi : On support of Fourier hyperfunctions, Mathematica Japonica, Vol.35, 293-313, 1990. |
18. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Erwin Bruening : Hyperfunction quantum field theory: Basic stractural result, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.30, 2340-2359, 1989. |
19. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Yujji Kobayashi : Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Supermatrices, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol.64 A, No.7, 249-252, 1988. |
20. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Yuji Kobayashi : Supedistributions, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.15, 17-26, 1988. |
21. | Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Generalized complex superspace - Involution of superfuelds, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.28, 1700-1708, 1987. |
22. | Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Usage of Infinite Dimensional Nuclear Algebras in Superanalysis, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.14, No.1, 15-23, 1987. |
23. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Yuji Kobayashi : The Chain Rule of Differentiation in Superspaces, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.11, No.4, 293-297, 1986. |
24. | Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Anasysis on generalized superspace, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.27, 2247-2256, 1986. |
25. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumich Mugibayashi : Hyperfunctions and renormalizaton, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.27, 832-839, 1986. |
26. | Yuji Kobayashi and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Lie groups and Lie algebras with generalized supersymmetric parameters, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.25, No.12, 3367-3374, 1984. |
27. | Yuji Kobayashi, Shigeaki Nagamachi and Haruo Miyamoto : Lie Groups and Lie Algebras with generalized Bose-Fermi Symmetric Parameters, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol.59A, No.5, 203-206, 1983. |
28. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi : Covariance of Euclidean Fermi Field, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.66, No.3, 1061-1077, 1981. |
29. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : The Vector Valued Fourier Hyperfunctions of Mixed Type II, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Vol.17, No.1, 65-93, 1981. |
30. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : The Theory of Vector Valued Fourier Hyperfunctions of Mixed Type I, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Vol.17, No.1, 25-63, 1981. |
31. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi : The Haag-Ruelle Formulation of Scattering in Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory, Reports on Math. Phys., Vol.16, No.2, 181-201, 1979. |
32. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobmichi Mugibayashi : Quantum field theory in terms of Fourier hyperfunctions, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Vol.12 supple., 309-341, 1977. |
33. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi : Theory of Fourier Hyperfunctions and its Applications to Quantum Field Theory, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.1, 259-264, 1976. |
34. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibahashi : Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory II. Euclidean Green's Functions, Commun. Math. Phys., Vol.49, 257-276, 1976. |
35. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi : Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory, Commun. Math. Phys., Vol.46, 119-134, 1976. |
36. | Yoshifumi ITO and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Theory of H-valued Fourier Hyperfunctions, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol.51, No.7, 558-561, 1975. |
37. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi : Locally Markov Fields and the Hamiltonian, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.53, No.6, 1813-1826, 1975. |
38. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi : Measure Theoretic Considerations on the Mass Shift Model, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.50, No.3, 1066-1079, 1973. |
39. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Nobumichi Mugibayashi : Neutral Scalar Field Theory with a Point Source, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.49, No.1, 329-340, 1973. |
1. | Yoshifumi ITO and Shigeaki Nagamachi : On the Theory of Vector Valued Fourier Hyperfunctions, Journal of Mathematics, Tokushima University, Vol.9, 1-33, 1975. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000383) |
1. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Quantum Brownian representation for the quantum field modes.' {Arteaga, Daniel, Adv. Heigh Energy Phys. (2009), Art. ID 278759, 29 pp.}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2530285, 2011e:81164, May 2011. |
2. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Constructive field theory in zero dimension.' {Rivasseau, V., Adv. Math. Phys. (2009), Art. ID 180159, 12 pp.}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2570340, 2011c:81167, Mar. 2011. |
3. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `States and amplitudes for finite regions in a two-dimensional Euclidean quantum field theory.' {Colosi, Daniele; Oeckl, Robert, J. Geom. Phys. 59 (2009), no. 7, pp. 764--780}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2536844, 2010h:81197, Jun. 2010. |
4. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Clustering bounds on $n$-point correlations for unbounded spin systems.' {Abdesselam, Abdelmalek; Procacci, Aldo; Scoppola, Benedetto, J. Stat. Phys. 136 (2009), no. 3, pp. 405--452}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2529680, 2010g:81138, Jun. 2010. |
5. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Power series representations for bosonic effective actions.' {Balaban, Tadeusz; Feldman, Joel; Knörrer, Horst; Trubowitz, Eugene, J. Stat. Phys. 134 (2009), no. 5-6, pp. 839--857}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2508478, 2010d:81187, Apr. 2010. |
6. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Quasiparticle excitatins in relativistic quantum field theory.' {Arteaga, Daniel, Ann. Physics 324 (2009), no. 4, pp. 920 -- 954 }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2508478, 2010d:81187, Apr. 2010. |
7. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Reflection positivity and monotonicity.' {Jaffe, Arthur; Ritter, Gordon, J. Math. Phys 49 (2008), no. 5, 052301, 10 pp. }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2406810, 2009g:81138, Jan. 2010. |
8. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `The ultrahyperfunctional approach to non-commutative quantum field theory.' {Franco, Daniel H. T.; Lourenco, Jose A., J. Phys. A 41 (2008), no. 9, 095402, 21 pp. }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2453745, 2009h:81176, Aug. 2009. |
9. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `General locality in quantum fields.' {Wang, Hai-Jun, J. Math. Phys 49 (2008), no. 3, 033513, 34 pp. }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2406810, 2009g:81138, Jul. 2009. |
10. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Constructive φ4 field theory without tears.' {Magnen, Jacques; Rivasseau, Vincent, Ann. Henri Poincaré 9 (2008), no. 2, pp.403--424 }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2377824, 2009d:81208, Apr. 2009. |
11. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Different lattice approximations for Høegh-Krohn's quantum field model' {Liang, Song, Stochastic analysis and applications, 493--499, Abel Symp., 2, Springer, Berlin, 2007 }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2397801, 2009b:81119, Feb. 2009. |
12. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Lie fields revisited' {Morgan, Peter, J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), no. 12, 122302, 16 pp. }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2377824, Sep. 2008. |
13. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Constructive matrix theory' {Rivassequ, Vincent. J. High Energy Phys. 2007, no. 9, 008, 13 pp }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2342423, Jul. 2008. |
14. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Scattering theory for dipole quantum fields' {Gottschalk, H. A., J. Phys. A 40 (2007), no. 31, 9643 -- 9653}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.MR2345317, Jun. 2008. |
15. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `The analyticity program in axiomatic quantum field theory. Rigorous quantum field theory, ' {Iagornitzer, DAniel, Progr. Math. 251(2007), 141--159}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2008i, Jun. 2008. |
16. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `A Wightman-function approach to relativistic complex-ghost field theory' {Nakanishi, N. Progr. Theoret. Phys. 116 (2006), no. 5, 873--882}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2008b, Feb. 2008. |
17. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Why is CPT fundamental?' {Greenberg, O. W.. Found. Phys. 36 (2006), no. 10, 1535--1553}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2007m, Dec. 2007. |
18. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Canonical quantization of lattice Higgs-Maxwell-Chern-Simons fields: Krein self-adjointness' {Bowman, Daniel A.; Challifour, John L.. J. Math. Phys. 47 (2006), no. 10, 102302, 20 pp.}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2007k, Oct. 2007. |
19. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `An exchange identity for non-linear fields' {Jaffe, Arthur; Jäkel, Christian. Comm. Math. Phys. 264 (2006), no. 2, 283--289 }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2007h, Aug. 2007. |
20. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Remark on the integration by parts formula for the φ43-quantum field model' {Albeverio, Sergio; Liang, Song; Zegarlinski, Boguslav , Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top. 9 (2006), no. 1, 149--154 }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2007g, Jul. 2007. |
21. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `A new derivation of the CPT and spin-statistics theorems in noncommutative field theories' {Franco, Daniel H. T.; Polito, Caio M. M., J. Math. Phys. 46 (2005), 083503, 11 pp. }, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.i, 7523-7524, Sep. 2006. |
22. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Elliptic thermal correlation functions and modular forms in a globally conformal invariant QFT'{Nikolov, Nikolay M.; Todorov, Ivan T. , Rev. Math. Phys. 17 (2005) 613-667}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.i, 7524-7525, Sep. 2006. |
23. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Phase space properties and the short distance structure in quantum field theory' {Bostelmann, Henning, J. Math. Phys. 46 (2005), 052301, 17 pp.}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.c, 2317, Mar. 2006. |
24. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Thermal quantum fields without cut-offs in 1+1 space-time dimensions' {Gérard, Christian; Jäkel, Christian D. , Rev. Math. Phys. 17 (2005) 113-173}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.b, 1498, Feb. 2006. |
25. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Method for solving quantum field theory in the Heisenberg picture' {Nakanishi, Noboru, Prog. Theoret. Phys. 111 (2004) 301-337}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2006, No.a, 652, Jan. 2006. |
26. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Conformal invariance and rationality in an even dimensional quantum field theory' {Nikolov, N. M.; Todorov, I. T. , Internat. J. Modern Phys. A 19 (2004) 3605-3636}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2005, No.j, 9296-9297, Oct. 2005. |
27. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Markov quantum fields on a manifold' {Dimock, J., Rev. Math Phys. 16 (2004) 243-255}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2005, No.d, 2491-2492, Apr. 2005. |
28. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Critical Φ43, ε' {Brydges, D.C.; Mitter, P.K.; Scoppola, B., Comm. Math. Phys. 240 (2003) 281-327}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2005, No.b, 1758-1759, Feb. 2005. |
29. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Lattice approximations and continuum limits of Φ42-quantum fields' {Albeverio, Sergio; Bernabi, Maria Simonetta; Zhou, Xian Yin, J. Math. Phys. 45 (2004) 149-178}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.m, 10387, Dec. 2004. |
30. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Generalized operators and operator-valued distributions in quantum field theory' {Huang, Zhiyuan; Wang, Xiangjun; Wang, Caishi, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 23 (2003) 145-154}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.j, 4964-4965, Oct. 2004. |
31. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Towards Euclidean theory of infrared singular quantum fields' {Smirnov, A.G., (2003) 2058-2076 J. Math. Phys. 44}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.f, 4964-4965, Jun. 2004. |
32. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Nonlocal extension of the Borchers classes of quantum fields. Multiple facets of quantization and supersymmetry' {Soloviev, M.A., (2002) 697-712 World Sci. Publishing}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.b, 1496-1497, Feb. 2004. |
33. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Bosonic monocluster expansion' {Abdesselam, A.; Magnen, J.; Rivassequ, V., Comm. Math. Phys. 229 (2002) 183-207}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2004, No.b, 1497-1498, Feb. 2004. |
34. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `The Φ4 quantum field in a scale invariant random metric' {Haba, Z., J. Phys. A 35 (2002) 7425-7436}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.k, 8745-8746, Nov. 2003. |
35. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Representing Euclidean quantum fields as scaling limit of particle systems' {Albeverio, Sergio; Gottschalk, Hanno; Yoshida, Minroru W., J. Statist. Phys. 108 (2002) 361-369}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.e, 3858-3859, May 2003. |
36. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Large-N theory from the axiomatic point of wiew' {Shvedov, O. Yu., J. Math Phys. 42 (2001) 5185-5194}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.a, 2998-2999, Apr. 2003. |
37. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : 公理論的場の量子論, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.48, 29-41, Mar. 2003. |
38. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Erratum: "Infinite infrared regularization and a state space for the Heisenberg algebra"' {Schmidt, Andreas U.J., Math. Phys. 43 (2002) 243-259}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.b, 1405-1406, Feb. 2003. |
39. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Infinite infrared regularization and a state space for the Heisenberg algebra' {Schmidt, Andreas U.J., Math. Phys. 43 (2002) 243-259}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.b, 1405, Feb. 2003. |
40. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Finite size effects in the anisotropic (λ/4!)(ϕ1 4 + ϕ24)d model' {Fosco, C. D.; Svaiter, N. F., J. Math. Phys. 42 (2001) 5185-5194}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2003, No.a, 650, Jan. 2003. |
41. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Precise determination of critical exponents and equation fo state by field theory methods. Renormalization group theory in the new millennium' {Zinn-Justin, J., Phys. Rep. 344 (2001) 159-178}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2002, No.i, 6916-6917, Mar. 2002. |
42. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Rationality of conformally invariant local correlation functions on compactified Minkowski space' {Nikolov, N.M.; Todorov, I.T., Comm. Math. Phys. 218 (2001) 417-436}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2002, No.c, 2172, Mar. 2002. |
43. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Cluster expansions of Brydges-Federbush type for quantum lattice systems' {Kondratiev, A.Yu.; Rebenko, A.L., Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 2 (1996) 59-68}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2001, No.f, 4275-4276, Jun. 2001. |
44. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Some remarks about cluster expansion for unbounded continuous spin systems in quantum statistical mechnics' {Kondratiev, Alexei Yu.; Rebenko, Alexei L., Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 2 (1996) 61-69}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2001, No.f, 4275, Jun. 2001. |
45. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : 空飛ぶじゅうたん, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, No.46, 8, Mar. 2001. |
46. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Generalized random vector fields and Euclidean quantum vector fields' {Becker, C.; Gottschalk, H.; Wu, Jiang-Lun, Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Rndom Fields and Applications, (Ascona, 1996), 15-24, Progr. Probab., 45, Birkhaeuser, Basel, 1999}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2001, No.c, 2047-2048, Mar. 2001. |
47. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Unsharp localization and causality in relativistic quantum theory' {Busch, P., J. Phys. A32 (1999) 6535-6546}, Physical Reviews, Vol.2001, No.a, 594, Jan. 2001. |
48. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Cluster expansion for P(Φ)2: explicit estimates' {Prodan, E., J. Math. Phys. 41 (2000) 787-804}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2000, No.m, 8971, Dec. 2000. |
49. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Introduction to QFT' {Kazhdan, D., Quantum fields and strings: a course for mathematicians, Amer. Math. Soc., Providense (1999) 377-418}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2000, No.k, 8219-8220, Nov. 2000. |
50. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `The Ppoisson structure of the mean-field equations in the Φ4 theory' {Martin, C., Ann. Physics 271 (1999) 294-305}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.2000, No.i, 6666, Sep. 2000. |
51. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Review of `Stochastically positive structure on Wyle algebras. The case of quasi-free states' {Gielerak, R.; Jakobczyk, L; Olkiewicz, R., J. Math. Phys. 39 (1998) 6291-6328}, Mathematical Reviews, Vol.99, No.m, 8863-8864, Dec. 1999. |
52. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : 超関数, 数理科学, Vol.31, No.358, 44-49, Apr. 1993. |
53. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : 場の量子論への招待, BASIC 数学, Vol.26, 9-13, Jan. 1993. |
54. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : スーパー数学とは何か, 数理科学, Vol.27, 59-63, Dec. 1989. |
55. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Supersymmetry, 数学, Vol.37, No.3, 264-273, Jul. 1985. |
56. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : 超関数と場の理論, 数理科学, Vol.18, 54-58, Jul. 1980. |
1. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Teleportation and locality (Invited talk), Proceeding of the 18th Chris Engelbrecht Summer School in Theoretical Physics on Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Information Processing and Communication, 11, Durban, Jan. 2007. |
2. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : A Model of Quantum Field Theory with a Fundamental Length (Poster session), Book of Abstracts, International Congress on Mathematical Physics, 11, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 2006. |
3. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : A Model of Quantum Field Theory with a Fundamental Length, Booklet of Abstracts, Nonstandard Methods and Applications in Mathematics, 11, Pisa, May 2006. |
4. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : A Model of Quantum Field Theory with a Fundamental Length (Invited talk), Proceeding of International Conference on Geometry and Analysis on Complex Manifolds dedicated to the 55 years anniversary of Hanoi University of Education, 11, Hanoi, Sep. 2005. |
5. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Evoluo de matematiko kaj moderna matematika fiziko, Broshuro de la Internacia Kongresa Universitato, 58a sesio, 74-82, Vilno, Jul. 2005. |
6. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : On the Locality in Quantum Field Theory (Invited talk), Proceeding of Workshop on Analysis and Application at 50 years anniversary of Hanoi University of Education, 26, Hanoi, Sep. 2001. |
7. | Erwin Bruening and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Local Obsefvable Algebras in Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory (Poster session), Book of Abstructs, International Congress of Mathematical Physics 2000, 102, London, Jul. 2000. |
8. | Shigeaki Nagamachi and Bruening Erwin : Modular Aspects and Local Observable Algebras of Hyperfunction Quantum Field Theory, Book of Abstructs, International Congress of Mathematical Physics 1997, Brisbane, Jul. 1997. |
1. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Lodo Teorio, Aug. 2007. |
2. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Heisenberg's Fundamental Equation and Quantum Field Theory with a Fundamental Length, RIMS共同研究「量子解析におけるミクロ・マクロ双対性」, Vol.1565, 74-85, Jul. 2007. |
3. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : 基本的長さを持つ公理論的場の量子論, 第44回実函数論·函数解析学合同シンポジウム, Aug. 2005. |
4. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Local observables for hyperfunction quantum field theory, 日本数学会函数解析学分科会講演アブストラクト, Sep. 2000. |
5. | 西村 健 and Shigeaki Nagamachi : Fourier hyperfunction の理論における Schwartz 型の核定理と核の台について, 日本数学会函数解析分科会講演アブストラクト, 74-75, Sep. 1999. |
6. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Closure of field operators in hyperfunction quantum field theory, 日本数学会函数解析学分科会講演アブストラクト, 72-73, Sep. 1999. |
7. | Shigeaki Nagamachi : Gibbs State について, 日本数学会函数解析学分科会講演アブストラクト, 26-27, Oct. 1997. |
8. | Yoshifumi ITO and Shigeaki Nagamachi : ベクトル値フーリエ超函数について, 日本数学会秋季総合分科会, Oct. 1975. |