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Professor Emeritus : Morimoto, Tadaoki |
○ | Surgery, 乳腺外科, 内分泌外科学 |
○ | 乳癌の局所進展からみた乳房温存療法に関する研究, 乳癌検診システム確立の研究に関する研究, 生体の電気特性に関する研究 (breast cancer, 局所進展, 乳房温存療法, 早期発見·診断, 腫瘍の電気特性) |
1. | Tadaoki Morimoto : マンモグラフィ検診精度管理中央委員会とその役割, Nagai Shoten Co., Osaka, Apr. 2006. |
2. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 武藤 芳照 : 乳ガン術後のリハビリテーションのための水中運動の仕方と注意は?, Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, Mar. 2006. |
3. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳ガン術後のリハビリテーションのための水中運動の仕方と注意は?, Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, Mar. 2006. |
4. | 岡崎 邦泰, Tadaoki Morimoto and 武籐 芳照 : 乳癌治療をめぐる運動・生活ガイド, Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, Mar. 2006. |
5. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 田中 隆 : ワンポイントアドバイス:下胸筋神経·血管温存, 文光堂, Tokyo, Nov. 2005. |
6. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 田中 隆, 広瀬 千恵子 and 生島 葉子 : 乳癌検診にすぐに役立つマンモグラム·アトラス 改訂第2版, Nagai Shoten Co., Osaka, Sep. 2005. |
7. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 良性乳腺疾患アトラス-乳腺診療の手引き-, Nagai Shoten Co., Osaka, May 2005. |
8. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳腺腫瘤の診察手順, IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd.Tokyo,Japan, Tokyo, Jan. 2005. |
9. | Tadaoki Morimoto and その他 19名 : マンモグラフィによる乳がん検診の手引き 精度管理マニュアル 第3版, Japan Medkal Journal, Aug. 2004. |
10. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳癌診断のコツと落とし穴, Nakayama-Shoten Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Jun. 2004. |
11. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳癌診療二頁の秘訣, KANEHARA & CO., LTD., Tokyo, May 2004. |
12. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 田中 隆, 広瀬 千恵子 and 生島 葉子 : 乳癌検診にすぐに役立つ マンモグラフィ·アトラス, Nagai Shoten Co., Tokyo, Jun. 2003. |
13. | 大内 憲明, 飯沼 武, 今村 恵子, 遠藤 登喜子, 大貫 幸二, 小田切 邦雄, 鈴木 総長, 館 野之男, 辻 一郎, 角田 博子, 寺田 央, 東野 恵利子, 永井 宏, 東田 善治, 福田 護, 掘田 勝平, 松本 満臣, Tadaoki Morimoto and 横江 隆夫 : マンモグラフイによる乳がん検診の手引き, Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, Jun. 2001. |
14. | 岡崎 邦泰, Tadaoki Morimoto and 武籐 芳照 : 乳がん術後の運動·生活ガイド, Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, Apr. 2001. |
15. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 笹 三徳 : 改訂第3版運動療法ガイド 正しい運動処方を求めて, Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, Oct. 2000. |
16. | 大内 憲明, 飯沼 武, 今村 恵子, 遠藤 登喜子, 大貫 幸二, 小田切 邦雄, 鈴木 総長, 館野 之男, 辻 一郎, 角田 博子, 寺田 央, 東野 恵利子, 永井 宏, 東田 善治, 福田 護, 掘田 勝平, 松本 満臣, Tadaoki Morimoto and 横江 隆夫土 : マンモグラフィによる乳がん検診の手引き 精度管理マニュアル, Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, May 2000. |
17. | 大内 憲明, 飯沼 武, 今村 恵子, 遠藤 登喜子, 大貫 幸二, 小田切 邦雄, 鈴木 総長, 館野 之男, 辻 一郎, 角田 博子, 寺田 央, 東野 恵利子, 永井 宏, 東田 善治, 福田 護, 掘田 勝平, 松本 満臣, Tadaoki Morimoto and 横江 隆夫 : マンモグラフイによる乳がん検診の手引き, Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, May 2000. |
18. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 笹 三徳 : 乳腺外科の要点と盲点(幕内雅敏監修,霞富士雄編集), 文光堂, Tokyo, May 1998. |
19. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 石田 常博, 福田 護, 岡崎 稔, 遠藤 登喜子, 松本 満臣, 小田切 邦雄, 木戸 長一郎, 永井 宏, 土橋 一慶, 掘田 勝平 and 石栗 一男 : マンモグラフィを導入した乳癌検診システムのガイドライン(日本乳癌検診学会ガイドライン作成委員会編), 株式会社 篠原出版新社, Tokyo, Nov. 1997. |
20. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 笹 三徳 : Atlas of Screening Mammography, デジタルプレス, Tokyo, Nov. 1996. |
21. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 笹 三徳 : 女性のスポーツ医学(越野立夫,武藤芳照,定本明子編), Nankodo, Tokyo, Nov. 1996. |
22. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 笹 三徳 : 乳房温存療法のすべて -乳癌治療の常識を変えた最新の治療戦略-(渡辺 弘監修,福田 譲編集), MEDICAL VIEW CO., LTD., Tokyo, Oct. 1994. |
23. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 笹 三徳 : 癌診療Q&A 乳癌, Iyaku Journal Co., Ltd., Osaka, Aug. 1994. |
24. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 笹 三徳 : 外科医のための癌治療マニュアル, Medical Review Co.,Ltd, Osaka, Apr. 1994. |
25. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 老人保健法による健康診査マニュアル, Japan Medkal Journal, Tokyo, Mar. 1994. |
26. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 家庭の医学シリーズ 乳がん 早期発見と最新治療, 主婦の友社, Tokyo, Mar. 1994. |
27. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 改訂 乳腺疾患, KANEHARA & CO., LTD., Tokyo, Apr. 1993. |
28. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 改訂 乳腺疾患, KANEHARA & CO., LTD., Tokyo, Apr. 1993. |
29. | Tadaoki Morimoto : PROGRESS IN CANCER CLINICS, MEDICAL VIEW CO., LTD., Tokyo, Mar. 1993. |
30. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 産婦人科 1乳房管理, KANEHARA & CO., LTD., Tokyo, Nov. 1991. |
31. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 老人保険法とがん検診に関するシンポジウム, Dai-ichi Hoki Publishing Co.,Ltd., Tokyo, Apr. 1991. |
32. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳癌からの生還-乳がんと闘う最前線外科医達の手記, 株式会社 日本小児医事出版社, Tokyo, Aug. 1990. |
33. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳がん検診<自己検診法と集団検診の手引き>, 社会保険出版社, Tokyo, May 1990. |
34. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳がん検診<自己検診法と集団検診の手引き>, 社会保険出版社, Tokyo, May 1990. |
35. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 忘れ得ぬ患者さん達へ<乳がんと闘う若き医師達の手記>, 株式会社 日本小児医事出版社, Tokyo, Feb. 1989. |
36. | Tadaoki Morimoto : がん診療 Question & Answer, 六法出版社, 1989. |
37. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳ガンといわれたら-最新の診断治療から退院後の生活まで-, 主婦の友社, Tokyo, Aug. 1988. |
38. | 渡辺 弘, 阿部 令彦, 田口 鐵男, 妹尾 亘明, 藤間 弘行, Tadaoki Morimoto, 石田 常博, 富永 祐民 and 泉雄 勝 : 乳がん集団検診の手引き, 篠原出版, Tokyo, Oct. 1987. |
39. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 青木 正和 : 老人保険法による健康診査マニュアル, 日本公衆衛生協会, Tokyo, Sep. 1987. |
40. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki and 門田 康正 : 癌の臨床 別集13 乳癌における内分泌療法の進歩, 篠原出版, Tokyo, Aug. 1987. |
41. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 癌の臨床別集 癌の一次予防と二次予防, 篠原出版, Tokyo, Mar. 1987. |
42. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 原田 邦彦 : QUESTIONS&ANSWERS, 六法出版社, Nov. 1986. |
43. | Tadaoki Morimoto : PROGRESS IN CANCER CLINICS, MEDICAL VIEW CO., LTD., Tokyo, Sep. 1986. |
44. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳腺疾患, KANEHARA & CO., LTD., Tokyo, Jul. 1986. |
45. | Tadaoki Morimoto and Kansei Komaki : 乳がん検診<自己検診法と集団検診の手引き>, 社会保険出版社, Tokyo, Nov. 1984. |
46. | Tadaoki Morimoto and Kansei Komaki : 乳がん検診<自己検診法と集団検診の手引き>, 社会保険出版社, Tokyo, Nov. 1984. |
47. | Tadaoki Morimoto and Kansei Komaki : 乳がん検診<自己検診法と集団検診の手引き>, 社会保険出版社, Tokyo, Nov. 1984. |
48. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 藤野 郁野 : 乳ガン子官ガン-賢い女は怖がらない一, 主婦の友社, Tokyo, Oct. 1984. |
49. | 井上 権治 and Tadaoki Morimoto : がん診療Questions & Answers, 六法出版, 1983. |
50. | 井上 権治 and Tadaoki Morimoto : がん診療Questions & Answers, 六法出版, 1983. |
51. | 井上 権治 and Tadaoki Morimoto : がん診療Questions & Answers, 六法出版, 1983. |
52. | 井上 権治 and Tadaoki Morimoto : がん診療Questions & Answers, 六法出版, 1983. |
53. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 園尾 博司 and 井上 権治 : 癌の臨床別冊乳癌·内分泌療法(癌の臨床編), 株式会社 篠原出版新社, Tokyo, Nov. 1981. |
54. | 井上 権治 and Tadaoki Morimoto : 外科 Mook l9, KANEHARA & CO., LTD., May 1981. |
1. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 笠原 善郎, 角田 博子 and Akira Tangoku : 乳癌検診の過剰診断について―避けるための対応策―, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.23, No.3, 337-346, 2014. (DOI: 10.3804/jjabcs.23.337, CiNii: 1390282679441763584) |
2. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 笠原 善郎, 角田 博子 and Akira Tangoku : In order to reduce over-diagnoses in breast cancer screening, 日本がん検診・診断学会誌, Vol.22, No.2, 155-165, 2014. (CiNii: 1524232505822765184) |
3. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Takashi Yamakawa, Masaki Tsuruno and Shigemitsu Takashima : Promotion of quality-controlled mammography alone as a screening modality in Japan., Breast Cancer, Vol.21, No.4, 435-441, 2012. (DOI: 10.1007/s12282-012-0410-x, PubMed: 23515946, Elsevier: Scopus) |
4. | Kenji Okazaki, Akira Tangoku, Tadaoki Morimoto, Ryosuke Kotani, Keigo Hattori, Emiko Yasuno, Masatake Akutagawa and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Basic study of a diagnostic modality employing a new electrical impedance tomography (EIT) method for noninvasive measurement in localized tissue, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.57, No.3,4, 205-218, 2010. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001188, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.57.205, PubMed: 20847519) |
5. | 高瀬 真記, Hideki Nakanishi, Ichiro Hashimoto, Kazuya Matsumoto and Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳房縮小・再建術を行った若年性乳腺肥大症の2例, Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol.27, No.9, 636-642, 2007. (CiNii: 1570009750813697408) |
6. | Taeko Nagao, Yoshimi Bando, Mitsunori Sasa, Tadaoki Morimoto, Nobuya Sano, Toshiyuki Hirose and Akira Tangoku : False-positive in fine-needle aspiration cytology of breast disease can be reduced with p63 immunostaining- A preliminary report, Anticancer Research, Vol.26, No.6B, 4373-4378, 2006. (PubMed: 17201157, Elsevier: Scopus) |
7. | Masahiko Ikeda, Hiroshi Sonoo, Katsuhiro Tanaka, Junichi Kurebayashi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kansei Komaki, Tsuyoshi Kataoka, Kiyosuke Ishiguro and Kiyoshi Yoshizawa : Evaluation of safety and efficacy for bi-weekly Docetaxel and 5'-DFUR combination therapy in patients with advanced or recurrent breast cancer--Phase I study, Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy, Vol.33, No.6, 767-771, 2006. (PubMed: 16770094) |
8. | Emiko Yasuno, Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadaoki Morimoto : A Theoretical Study about Parameter Estimation of Space Distributed Local Tissue Impedance, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.126, No.3, 319-326, 2006. (DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.126.319, CiNii: 1390001204606141952, Elsevier: Scopus) |
9. | Takako Ichihara, Ayako Tamura, Tuyosi Kataoka, Tadaoki Morimoto, Takako Minagawa and Yumi Kuwamura : Accuracy of tissue thickness of the rectus femoris region as measured by ultrasound, JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.4, No.2, 79-86, 2006. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006258, CiNii: 1050865122806544640) |
10. | Takako Ichihara, Tsuyoshi Kataoka, Ayako Tamura, Yukiko Miyakoshi, Yumi Kuwamura, Takako Minagawa and Tadaoki Morimoto : Changes in the thickness of leg muscles before and after laparotomy, Journal of Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Vol.5, No.1, 10-15, 2005. (CiNii: 1390290699832535040) |
11. | Yumi Kuwamura, Ayako Tamura, Takako Minagawa, Takako Ichihara and Tadaoki Morimoto : Content analysis of nursing students' learning though clinical practices with individuals with diabetes mellitus, JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.4, No.1, 26-33, 2005. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006251, CiNii: 1050020697876415232) |
12. | Hiromitsu Takizawa, 中野 基一郎, Koichiro Kenzaki, Kansei Komaki, Tadaoki Morimoto and Akira Tangoku : 甲状腺髄様癌術後肝転移に対し肝動脈化学塞栓療法が有効であった1例, Journal of Japan Surgical Association, Vol.66, No.7, 1709-1712, 2005. (DOI: 10.3919/jjsa.66.1709, CiNii: 1390001204849234560) |
13. | Yumi Kuwamura, Takako Minagawa, Takako Ichihara, Ayako Tamura and Tadaoki Morimoto : Literature review of nursing interventions and evaluations for the persons with diabetes mellitus in Japan, JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.3, No.2, 79-90, 2005. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006244, CiNii: 1050865122806549760) |
14. | 王丸 明子, 寺田 央, 堀田 勝平, 岡崎 正敏, 遠藤 登喜子, 今村 惠子, 大貫 幸二, 東野 英利子, 逸見 典子, 木村 千明, 土橋 一慶, 福田 護 and Tadaoki Morimoto : 施設画像評価委員会の現状と再評価施設における成果, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.14, No.1, 48-53, 2005. (DOI: 10.3804/jjabcs.14.48, CiNii: 1573105974997915520) |
15. | Yumi Kuwamura, Takako Ichihara, Takako Minagawa, Ayako Tamura, Tadaoki Morimoto and Hiroko Kondo : 臨地実習での学習内容に対する学生自己評価の変化-成人看護学臨地実習で興味·関心のあるテーマを課題学習に導入した場合と導入しなかった場合の比較から-, JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.3, No.1, 11-21, 2004. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006233, CiNii: 1050302172853133312) |
16. | Yuken Ohmine, Tadaoki Morimoto, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Mieko Takeuchi, Mari Haku and Hiromu Nishitani : Basic study of new diagnostic modality according to non-invasive measurement of the electrical conductivity of tissues, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.51, No.3,4, 218-225, 2004. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003941, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.51.218, PubMed: 15460909) |
17. | Yumi Kuwamura, Ayako Tamura, Takako Ichihara, Takako Minagawa and Tadaoki Morimoto : Self-evaluation Study of Nursing Students' Recognition of Their Degree of Achievement of Educational Goals in Clinical Practice, JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.2, No.1, 7-15, 2004. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006224, CiNii: 1050865122806558080) |
18. | Mari Haku, Mieko Takeuchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Shuji Yamano and Keiko Takebayashi : Relationship between mammary gland structures during pregnancy and breast-feeding, JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.2, No.1, 16-20, 2004. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006225, CiNii: 1050020697876425856) |
19. | Takako Minagawa, Ayako Tamura, Takako Ichihara, Yumi Kuwamura and Tadaoki Morimoto : Analysis of cases applying shiatsu massage for nursing care, JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.2, No.1, 27-36, 2004. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006227, CiNii: 1050865122806556672) |
20. | Takako Minagawa, Ayako Tamura, Yumi Kuwamura and Tadaoki Morimoto : Study on the difference in observation points between students before and after experiencing related nursing practice, --- On the observations of vital signs and oxygen inhalation by use of an acute stage dummy ---, JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.2, No.1, 1-6, 2004. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006223, CiNii: 1050583647829847552) |
21. | 古妻 嘉一, 遠藤 登喜子, 岩瀬 拓士, 大貫 幸二, 永井 宏, 東野 英里子, 角田 博子, 大村 峯夫, 増田 慎三, 中谷 守一, Tadaoki Morimoto and 大内 憲明 : マンモグラフィ 検診の精度管理に及ぼす読影講習会企画の意義, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.13, No.1, 63-68, 2004. |
22. | Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Emiko Yasuno, Dayong Gao, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi : A New Method for Noninvasive Measurement of Multilayer Tissue Conductivity and Structure Using Divided Electrodes, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.51, No.2, 362-370, 2004. (DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2003.820403, PubMed: 14765709, CiNii: 1571698601693132928) |
23. | Masako Minato, Chieko Hirose, Mitsunori Sasa, Hiroshi Nishitan, Yukiko Hirose and Tadaoki Morimoto : 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography Lymphography-Guided Identification of Sentinel lymph Nodes in Breast Cancer Patients Using Subcutaneous Injection of Nonionic Contrast Medium :A clinical Trial, Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, Vol.28, No.1, 46-51, 2004. (DOI: 10.1097/00004728-200401000-00007, PubMed: 14716231) |
24. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Ayako Tamura, Takako Ichihara, Takako Minagawa, Yumi Kuwamura, Yoshimi Miki and Mitsunori Sasa : Evaluation of a new rehabilitation program for postoperative patients with breast cancer, Nursing & Health Sciences, Vol.5, No.4, 275-282, 2003. (DOI: 10.1046/j.1442-2018.2003.00163.x, PubMed: 14622379) |
25. | Ayako Tamura, Tadaoki Morimoto, Takako Ichihara, Takako Minagawa, Yumi Kuwamura, 三木 好美, 青山 容子, 根本 真由美, 平岡 朗子, 蘇武 由美 and 笹 三徳 : 乳癌術後患者の早期機能回復訓練実施による肩関節可動域の評価, 日本リハビリテーション看護学会学術大会誌第1集, 143-146, 2003. |
26. | 古妻 嘉一, 遠藤 登喜子, 岩瀬 拓士, 大貫 幸二, 永井 宏, 東野 英里子, 角田 博子, 大村 峯夫, 増田 慎三, 中谷 守一 and Tadaoki Morimoto : アンケート調査によるマンモグラフイ読影講習会の精度管理(6), Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.12, No.2, 185-192, 2003. |
27. | Ayako Tamura, Tadaoki Morimoto, Hiroko Kondo, Takako Ichihara, Yumi Kuwamura, Takako Minagawa, 三木 好美 and 笹 三徳 : 乳癌縮小手術を受けた患者の術後回復過程に関する研究(1), JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.1, No.1, 19-25, 2003. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006216, CiNii: 1050583647829851008) |
28. | Ayako Tamura, Tadaoki Morimoto, Hiroko Kondo, Takako Ichihara, Yumi Kuwamura, Takako Minagawa, 三木 好美 and 笹 三徳 : 乳癌縮小手術(乳房温存術,胸筋温存乳房切除術)を受けた患者の術後回復過程に関する研究(2), JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.1, No.1, 26-33, 2003. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006217, CiNii: 1050302172853140352) |
29. | 古妻 嘉一, 遠藤 登喜子, 岩瀬 拓士, 大貫 幸二, 永井 宏, 東野 英利子, 角田 博子, 大村 峯夫, 増田 慎三, 中谷 守一, Tadaoki Morimoto and 大内 憲明 : マンモグラフィ読影講習会の精度管理の現状と改善策の検討, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.12, No.1, 30-37, 2003. |
30. | Takeshi Tominaga, Hiroki Koyama, Tetsuya Toge, Shigeto Miura, Keizo Sugimachi, Susumu Yamaguchi, Koichi Hirata, Yasumasa Monden, Yasuo Nomura, Masakazu Toi, Izo Kimijima, Shinzaburo Noguchi, Hiroshi Sonoo, Kazuaki Asaishi, Tadashi Ikeda, Tadaoki Morimoto, Jun Ota, Yasuo Ohashi and Osahiko Abe : Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Oral Doxifluridine Plus Oral Cyclophosphamide With Doxifluridine Alone in Women With Node-Positive Breast Cancer After Primary Surgery, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol.21, No.6, 991-998, 2003. (DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2003.06.014, PubMed: 12637462) |
31. | Takako Ichihara, 西亀 正之, Ayako Tamura, Tadaoki Morimoto and 西 正晴 : 超音波検査法による開腹術後患者の下肢筋組織厚および皮下脂肪厚の評価, Journal of Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Vol.2, No.2, 12-21, 2003. (CiNii: 1390572174809224704) |
32. | 岡崎 正敏, 石栗 一男, 今村 恵子, 遠藤 登喜子, 大内 憲明, 大貫 幸二, 王丸 明子, 小田切 邦雄, 寺田 央, 土橋 一慶, 福田 護, 堀田 勝平 and Tadaoki Morimoto : マンモグラフィ検診精度管理中央委員会(精中委)·施設画像評価委員会の活動状況, 日本がん検診·診断学会誌, Vol.10, No.2, 177-182, 2003. |
33. | Masako Minato, Chieko Hirose, Mitsunori Sasa, Hiroshi Nishitan, A. HORI and Tadaoki Morimoto : Axillary 3D CT Imaging with Lymphoscintigraphy Is Useful for Sentinel Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer, Anticancer Research, Vol.23, No.3C, 2935-2940, 2003. (PubMed: 12926139, Elsevier: Scopus) |
34. | Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Emiko Yasuno, Dayong Gao, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi : A New Method for Non-Invasive Measurement of Multi-layer Tissue Conductivity and Structure Using Divided Electrodes, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.1, No.11, 1-10, 2002. |
35. | 古妻 嘉一, 遠藤 登喜子, 岩瀬 拓士, 大貫 幸二, 永井 宏, 東野 英利子, 角田 博子, 大村 峯夫, 増田 慎三, 中谷 守一 and Tadaoki Morimoto : アンケート調査によるマンモグラフィ読影講習会の精度管理[5], Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.11, No.2, 199-212, 2002. (CiNii: 1390001204461127296) |
36. | 笹 三徳, Tadaoki Morimoto, 田中 隆, 相良 安信 and 山口 哲央 : 徳島トライアルの成績から見た49歳以下女性に対するマンモグラフィ併用乳癌検診, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.11, No.2, 149-154, 2002. (CiNii: 1571417125083414528) |
37. | Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi : Estimation of Multi-Layer Tissue Conductivities from Non-invasively Measured Bioresistances Using Divided Electrodes, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E85-D, No.6, 1031-1038, 2002. (CiNii: 1573668927255636608, Elsevier: Scopus) |
38. | Haiying Zhao, Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa and Keisuke Izumi : An immunohistochemical evaluation of biomarkers and apoptotic cells in ductal carcinoma in situ of breast, Breast Cancer, Vol.9, No.2, 118-126, 2002. |
39. | 古妻 嘉一, 遠藤 登喜子, 岩瀬 拓士, 大貫 幸二, 永井 宏, 東野 英利子, 角田 博子, 大村 峯夫, 増田 慎三, 中谷 守一 and Tadaoki Morimoto : アンケート調査によるマンモグラフィ読影講習会の精度管理[4], Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.11, No.1, 72-80, 2002. (CiNii: 1390282679439397248) |
40. | Takeshi Tominaga, Masakazu Toi, Osahiko Abe, Yasuo Ohashi, Junichi Uchino, Hiroshi Hayasaka, Rikiya Abe, Masaru Izuo, Kohji Enomoto, Hiromu Watanabe, Minoru Yoshida, Tetsuo Taguchi, Hiroki Koyama, Tsuneaki Senoo, Tetsuya Toge, Yasumasa Monden, Takao Hattori, Yasuo Nomura, Keizo Sugimachi, Koichi Hirata, Hiroaki Nakazato, Shigeto Miura, Tadaoki Morimoto, Kazuaki Asaishi, Izo Kimijima, Jun Ota, Hiroshi Sonoo and Susumu Yamaguchi : The effect of adjuvant 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine in early stage breast cancer patients: Results from a multicenter randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Oncology, Vol.20, No.3, 517-525, 2002. (PubMed: 11836563) |
41. | Haiying Zhao, Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa, Yutaka Asato and Keisuke Izumi : Cases Report of Malignant Mucocele-like Lesions, Breast Cancer, Vol.9, No.1, 86-90, 2002. (PubMed: 12196728) |
42. | T tominaga, H koyama, Y Nomura, S Miura and Tadaoki Morimoto : Primary breast cancer patients treated with breast-conserving therapy and tamoxifen, --- - Do they always require radiotherapy? - ---, Clin Dru Invest, Vol.21, No.11, 775-782, 2001. |
43. | 古妻 嘉一, 遠藤 登喜子, 岩瀬 拓士, 大貫 幸二, 永井 宏, 東野 英利子, 角田 博子, 大村 峯夫, 増田 慎三, 中谷 守一 and Tadaoki Morimoto : アンケート調査によるマンモグラフィ読影講習会の精度管理[3], Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.10, No.3, 225-233, 2001. |
44. | 古妻 嘉一, 遠藤 登喜子, 岩瀬 拓士, 大貫 幸二, 永井 宏, 東野 英里子, 角田 博子, 大村 峯夫, 増田 慎三, 中谷 守一, 福田 護, 緒方 晴樹, 中島 康雄, 田中 克浩, 園尾 博司 and Tadaoki Morimoto : アンケート調査によるマンモグラフィ読影講習会の精度管理[2], Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.10, No.2, 165-172, 2001. |
45. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Kondo and Yasunobu Sagara : Breast cancer screening with mammography in women aged under 50 years in Japan, Anticancer Research, Vol.20, No.5C, 3689-3694, 2000. (PubMed: 11268440, Elsevier: Scopus) |
46. | Yumi Kuwamura, Tadaoki Morimoto, Ayako Tamura, Takako Ichihara, Takako Minagawa, Kanako Katai, Mari Haku, Mieko Takeuchi and Toshiko Tada : Temperature effect of a disinfectant in operative field during surgery under local anesthesia, Nursing & Health Sciences, Vol.2, No.4, 205-210, 2000. (DOI: 10.1046/j.1442-2018.2000.00058.x) |
47. | Ayako Tamura, Tadaoki Morimoto, Takako Ichihara, Takako Minagawa, Yumi Kuwamura, 三木 好美 and 笹 三徳 : 乳房温存術および胸筋温存乳房切除術に対する新しい術後機能回復訓練実施プログラムの評価, 乳癌の臨床, Vol.1, No.6, 594-595, 2000. |
48. | Yasuhiro Kaneda, Akira Fujii, Takashi Yamaoka, Tadaoki Morimoto and Isao Nagamine : Neither gynecomastia nor galactorrhea is a common side effect of neuroleptics in male patients, Neuroendocrinology Letters, Vol.21, No.6, 447-451, 2000. (PubMed: 11335865, Elsevier: Scopus) |
49. | Yuuken Oomine, Tadaoki Morimoto, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Mieko Takeuchi and Yasumasa Monden : Noninvasive Measurement of the Electrical Bioimpedance of Breast Tumors, Anticancer Research, Vol.20, No.3B, 1941-1946, 2000. (PubMed: 10928131, Elsevier: Scopus) |
50. | Yingyan Yu, Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa, Kuniyasu Okazaki, Yosuke Harada and Tsutomu Fujiwara : Human papillomavirus type 33 DNA in breast cancer in Chinese, Breast Cancer, Vol.7, No.1, 33-36, 2000. |
51. | Yingyan Yu1, Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa, Kuniyasu Okazaki, Yosuke Harada, Tsutomu Fujiwara, Yasuo Irie, Ei-ichi Takahashi, Akira Tanigami and Keisuke Izumi : HPV33 DNA in premalignant and malignant breast lesions in Chinese and Japanese populations., Anticancer Research, Vol.19, No.6B, 5057-5061, 1999. (PubMed: 10697510, Elsevier: Scopus) |
52. | Toshiko Tada, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yamamoto Sumiko : Characteristics of the Daily Lives of Elderly Women at Various facilities for the Aged: Analysis of their ADL and Degree of Satisfaction, Nursing & Health Sciences, Vol.1, No.1, 13-18, 1999. |
53. | Hitoshi Ikushima, Yoshihiro Takegawa, Hiroaki Yasuda, Yumi Makimoto, Kenji Matsuzaki, Kenichi Kashihara, Junji Ueno, Mitsunori Sasa, Tadaoki Morimoto and Hiromu Nishitani : Radiation Complications Following Breast Conserving Therapy, Breast Cancer, Vol.5, No.4, 395-400, 1998. |
54. | Hitoshi Miki, Hiroyuki Inoue, Kansei Komaki, Tadashi Uyama, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yasumasa Monden : Value of mass screening for thyroid cancer, World Journal of Surgery, Vol.22, No.1, 99-102, 1998. (PubMed: 9465769) |
55. | Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Shigeru Ohyama : Fast in vivo measurements of local tissue impedances using needle electrodes, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Vol.35, No.5, 486-492, 1997. (DOI: 10.1007/BF02525528, PubMed: 9374052, Elsevier: Scopus) |
56. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Sasa Mitsunori, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Kondo, Yasunobu Sagara, Yumi Kuwamura, Sumiko Yamamoto and Toshiko Tada : Effectiveness of mammographic screening for brest cancer in women aged over 50 years in Japan, Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol.88, No.8, 778-784, 1997. |
57. | H Blaszyk, A Hartmann, Y Tamura, S Saitoh, JM Cunningham, RM McGovern, JJ Schroeder, DJ Schaid, K Ii, Y Monden, Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, M Sasa, K Hirata, M Okazaki, JS Kovach and SS Sommer : Molecular epidemiology of breast cancers in northern and southern Japan: the frequency, clustering, and patterns of p53 gene mutations differ among these two low-risk populations, Oncogene, Vol.13, No.10, 2159-2166, 1996. (PubMed: 8950983) |
58. | Takashi Yamakawa, Mitsuaki Shinotoh, Toshikatsu Taniki, Osamu Yasuda, Masaki Hamagaki, Kan Kondoh, Akiyosi Yamamoto, Satoshi Mumoto, Sueyoshi Itoh, Mitsunori Sasa and Tadaoki Morimoto : Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast: Is Breast Conserving Treatment Feasible?, Breast Cancer, Vol.3, No.2, 119-123, 1996. |
59. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Michio Ogawa, Kunzo Orita, Keizo Sugimachi, Tetsuya Toge, Kiyohiko Dohi, Yasuo Nomura, Yasumasa Monden and Nobuya Ogawa : Postoperative adjuvant randomized trial comparing chemoendocrine therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy for patients with stageII breast cancer, --- 5-year results from The Nishinihon cooperative study group of Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer (ACETBC) of Japan ---, European Journal of Cancer, Vol.32A, No.2, 235-242, 1996. (DOI: 10.1016/0959-8049(95)00579-X, PubMed: 8664034) |
60. | Takashi Yamakawa, Mitsuaki Shinotoh, Toshikatsu Taniki, Osamu Yasuda, Masaki Hamagaki, Kan Kondoh, Akiyosi Yamamoto, Satoshi Mumoto, Sueyoshi Itoh, Mitsunori Sasa and Tadaoki Morimoto : carcinoma in situ of the breast, --- Is breast conserving treatmart feasible ? ---, Breast Cancer, Vol.3, No.2, 119-123, 1996. |
61. | Takashi Tanaka, Tadaoki Morimoto, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani and Yasumasa Monden : An experimental study of conductive heating using a concentric double-electrode applicator, Research in Experimental Medicine, Vol.195, No.5, 255-264, 1995. |
62. | Yasunori Konishi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani and Yasumasa Monden : Electrical properties of extracted rat liver tissue, Research in Experimental Medicine, Vol.195, No.4, 183-192, 1995. |
63. | Takashi Yamakawa, Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa, Satoshi Numoto and Yasumasa Monden : High positive rate of pS2 expression in forefront intraductal cancerous area in breast cancer, Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol.86, No.11, 1035-1040, 1995. |
64. | Kansei Komaki, Yoshitaka Kamamura, Yuken Ohmime, Mitsunori Sasa, Hiroyuki Inoue, Katsuhiro Tanaka, Tadashi Uyama, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yasumasa Monden : Difference in thymidylate synthetase activity in involved nodes compared with primary tumor in breast cancer patients, Breast Cancer, Vol.35, No.2, 157-162, 1995. |
65. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa, Kunio Ii, Hideo Tsuzuki, Yoshitaka Kamamura, Kansei Komaki, Tadashi Uyama and Yasumasa Monden : A Malignant Phyllodes Tumor of the Breast in a 6-Year Old Girl, Breast Cancer, Vol.2, No.1, 71-75, 1995. |
66. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Kunihiko Harada and Yasunobu Sagara : A Comparison of Mass Screening for Breast Cancer Using Mammography and Physical Examination Alone in Japan, Breast Cancer, Vol.2, No.1, 19-25, 1995. |
67. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Kunihiko Harada and Yasunobu Sagara : High detection rate of breast cancer by mass screening using mammography in Japan, Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol.85, No.12, 1193-1195, 1994. |
68. | Suguru Kimura, Tadaoki Morimoto, Tadashi Uyama, Yasumasa Monden, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadamitsu Iritani : Application of electrical impedance analysis for diagnosis of a pulmonary mass, Chest, Vol.105, No.6, 1679-1682, 1994. |
69. | Mitsunori Sasa, Kazuya Kondo, Kansei Komaki, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yasumasa Monden : p53 alteration correlates with negative ER, negative PgR, and high histologic grade in breast cancer., Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol.56, No.1, 46-50, 1994. (PubMed: 8176940) |
70. | Mitsunori Sasa, Kansei Komaki, Tadaoki Morimoto, Toshiaki Mori, Hitoshi Miki, Tadashi Uyama and Yasumasa Monden : Significant Correlation between the Presence of Type W Collagen in the Duct Wall and the Development of Wide Intraductal Cancerous Extension in Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer, Vol.1, No.1, 31-36, 1994. |
71. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Yasumasa Monden, Shigemitsu Takashima, Sueyoshi Itoh, Takashi Kimura, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Muneo Kitamura, Kozo Inui, Naoomi Tanaka, Takashi Nagano, Noriaki Fuzishima, Junji Yanada, Masaki Tsuruno and Kansei Komaki : Five-year results of a randomized clinical trial comparing modified radical mastectomy and extended radical mastectomy for stage II breast cancer, Surgery Today, Vol.24, No.3, 210-214, 1994. |
72. | Mitsunori Sasa, Kansei Komaki, Hideo Tsuzuki, Yoshitake Kamamura, Toshiaki Mori, Hitoshi Miki, Tadashi Uyama, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yasumasa Monden : Tumor progression accompanied by increase in proliferation rate in breast cancer: a preliminary report, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol.54, No.4, 255-259, 1993. |
73. | M Sasa, Kazuya Kondo, K Komaki, T Uyama, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yasumasa Monden : Frequency of spontaneous p53 mutations (CpG site) in breast cancer in Japan., Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Vol.27, No.3, 247-252, 1993. (PubMed: 8312582) |
74. | Hiroyuki Inoue, Kazushi Oshimo, Hitoshi Miki, Muneo Kawano, Kansei Komaki, Yasumasa Monden, Tadaoki Morimoto and Masaru Tsuyuguchi : Immunohistochemical study of estrogen receptor and estradiol on papillary thyroid carcinoma in young patients, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol.53, No.4, 226-230, 1993. |
75. | Hitoshi Miki, Kazushi Oshimo, Hiroyuki Inoue, Muneo Kawano, Katsuhiro Tanaka, Kansei Komaki, Tadashi Uyama, Yasumasa Monden and Tadaoki Morimoto : Incidence of ultrasonographically-detected thyroid nodules in healthy adults, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.40, No.1-2, 43-46, 1993. |
76. | Takao Yokoe, Tsunehiro Ishida, Suketami Tominaga, Tetsuo Kuroishi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Hideya Tashiro, Sueyoshi Itoh, Rikiya Abe, Jun Ota, Toshio Horino, Tetsuo Taguchi, Kazuyoshi Honda, Michizou Sasakawa, Yoshitomo Kashiki, Satoru Yamamoto, Kohji Enomoto, Masami Ogita, Koichi Yoshida, Choichiro Kido, Mamoru Fukuda, Hiromu Watanabe and Masaru Izuo : Effect of mass screening for breast cancer from the aspect of psychosocial assessment of the quality of life, Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol.84, No.4, 365-370, 1993. |
77. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Suguru Kimura, Yasunori Konishi, Kansei Komaki, Tadashi Uyama, Yasumasa Monden, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadamitsu Iritani : A study of the electrical bioimpedance of tumors, Journal of Investigative Surgery, Vol.6, No.1, 25-32, 1993. (PubMed: 8452822, Elsevier: Scopus) |
78. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Takashi Tanaka, Kansei Komaki, Mitsunori Sasa, Yasumasa Monden, Hisajiro Kumagai and Hisashi Otsuka : The coexistence of lobular carcinoma in a fibroadenoma with a malignant phyllodes tumor in the opposite breast: report of a case, Surgery Today, Vol.23, No.7, 656-660, 1993. |
79. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kuniyasu Okazaki, Kansei Komaki, Mitsunori Sasa, Toshiaki Mori, Hideo Tsuzuki, Yoshitaka Kamamura, Hitoshi Miki and Yasumasa Monden : Cancerous residue in breast-conserving surgery, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol.52, No.2, 71-76, 1993. |
80. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Toshiaki Mori, Mitsunori Sasa, Hitoshi Miki, Hiroyuki Inoue, Yasumasa Monden and Hideki Nakanishi : Juvenile gigantomastia: report of a case, Surgery Today, Vol.23, No.3, 260-264, 1993. |
81. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Toshiaki Mori, Mitsunori Sasa, Kazushi Oshimo, Hitoshi Miki, Yasumasa Monden, Kozo Inui, Nobuo Saoyama and Hiiru Yoshida : The quality of mass screening for breast cancer by physical examination, Surgery Today, Vol.23, No.3, 200-204, 1993. |
82. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Kazushi Oshimo, Hitoshi Miki, Mitsunori Sasa, Toshiaki Mori, Hideo Tsuzuki, Yoshitaka Kamamura and Yasumasa Monden : The characteristics of interval breast cancer in mass screening, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.39, No.3-4, 109-116, 1992. |
83. | Takesada Mori, Hideo Inaji, Hiroki Koyama, Rikiya Abe, Mitsuhiro Nihei, Masaru Izuo, Tetsuo Ogawa, Koji Enomoto, Hironobu Sato, Fujio Kasumi, Goi Sakamoto, Masujiro Makita, Shigeto Miura, Osamu Kojima, Keisuke Miyauchi, Akira Wada, Eiji Yayoi, Yuichi Takatsuka, Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Yasuhiko Miyauchi, Michitsugu Sato and Takashi Kudo : Evaluation of an improved dot-immunobinding assay for carcinoembryonic antigen determination in nipple discharge in early breast cancer: results of a multicenter study, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol.22, No.6, 371-376, 1992. (PubMed: 1291755) |
84. | Masakazu Toi, Takao Hattori, Masanobu Akazi, Kiyoshi Inokuchi, Kunzo Orita, Keizo Sugimachi, Kiyohiko Dohi, Yasuo Nomura, Yasumasa Monden, Yuzo Hamada, Tadaoki Morimoto and Nobuya Ogawa : Randomized adjuvant trial to evaluate the addition of tamoxifen and PSK to chemotherapy in patients with primary breast cancer. 5-Year results from the Nishi-Nippon Group of the Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer Organization, Cancer, Vol.70, No.10, 2475-2483, 1992. |
85. | Hitoshi Miki, Kazushi Oshimo, Hiroyuki Inoue, Muneo Kawano, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yasumasa Monden : Estimated weight of the residual parathyroid gland after parathyroidectomy Surgery using plasma levels of parathyroid hormone, Surgery Today, Vol.22, No.3, 196-200, 1992. |
86. | Tetsuo Kuroishi, Suketami Tominaga, Jun Ota, Toshio Horino, Tetsuo Taguchi, Tsunehiro Ishida, Takao Yokoe, Masaru Izuo, Masami Ogita, Sueyoshi Itoh, Rikiya Abe, Koichi Yoshida, Tadaoki Morimoto, Kohji Enomoto, Hideya Tashiro, Yoshitomo Kashiki, Satoru Yamamoto, Choichiro Kido, Kazuyoshi Honda, Michizou Sasakawa, Mamoru Fukuda and Hiromu Watanabe : The effect of breast self-examination on early detection and survival, Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol.83, No.4, 344-350, 1992. |
87. | Hitoshi Miki, Kazushi Oshimo, Hiroyuki Inoue, Muneo Kawano, Tadaoki Morimoto, Yasumasa Monden, Yosuke Yamamoto and Seizo Kita : Thyroid carcinoma in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol.49, No.3, 168-171, 1992. |
88. | Yasuo Nomura, Shigeto Miura, Hiroki Koyama, Kohji Enomoto, Fujio Kasumi, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Masahara Kimura, Takeshi Tominaga, Hirokazu Iino, Tadaoki Morimoto and Hideya Tashiro : Relative effect of steroid hormone receptors on the prognosis of patients with operable breast cancer. A univariate and multivariate analysis of 3089 Japanese patients with breast cancer from the Study Group for the Japanese Breast Cancer Society on Hormone Receptors and Prognosis in Breast Cancer, Cancer, Vol.69, No.1, 153-164, 1992. |
89. | Masaaki Kosaka, Nobuko Tsuchihashi, Makoto Takishita, Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, Kazuto Okagawa, Tetsuya Gotoh, Shiro Saito, Kansei Komaki, Tadaoki Morimoto and Toshiaki Sano : Primary adult T-cell lymphoma of the breast, Acta haematologica, Vol.87, No.4, 202-205, 1992. |
90. | Kansei Komaki, Tadaoki Morimoto, Toshiaki Mori, Mitsunori Sasa, Kazushi Oshimo, Yasumasa Monden, Takanori Hirose and Kazuo Hizawa : A rare case of fibroadenoma in a tubular adenoma of the breast, Surgery Today, Vol.22, No.2, 163-165, 1992. |
91. | Toshiaki Mori, Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki and Yasumasa Monden : Comparison of estrogen receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor content of primary and involved nodes in human breast cancer, Cancer, Vol.68, No.3, 532-537, 1991. |
92. | Kansei Komaki, Toshiaki Mori, Tadaoki Morimoto, Mitsunori Sasa, Yasumasa Monden and Kunio Ii : Correlation between estrogen receptor status and histological malignancy in human breast cancer, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol.46, No.3, 185-189, 1991. |
93. | Kansei Komaki, Goi Sakamoto, Haruo Sugano, Fujio Kasumi, Susumu Watanabe, Itsumasa Nishi, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yasumasa Monden : The morphological feature of mucus leakage appearing in low papillary carcinoma of the breast, Human Pathology, Vol.22, No.3, 231-236, 1991. (PubMed: 1848526) |
94. | Tetsuo Kuroishi, Suketami Tominaga, Jun Ota, Toshio Horino, Tetsuo Taguchi, Tsunehiro Ishida, Takao Yokoe, Masaru Izuo, Masami Ogita, Sueyoshi Itoh, Rikiya Abe, Koichi Yoshida, Tadaoki Morimoto, Kohji Enomoto, Hideya Tashiro, Yoshitomo Kashiki, Choichiro Kido, Kazuyosi Honda, Michizou Sasakawa, Mamoru Fukuda and Hiromu Watanabe : The effect of mass screening for breast cancer: results of a multivariate analysis, Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol.82, No.1, 27-32, 1991. |
95. | Koichi Yoshida, Rikiya Abe, Sueyoshi Itoh, Tetsuo Taguchi, Jun Ota, Tadaoki Morimoto, Tsunehiro Ishida, Hideya Tashiro, Masami Ogita, Choichiro Kido, Yoshitomo Kashiki, Tetsuo Kuroishi and Suketami Tominaga : Comparisons of interval breast cancers with other breast cancers detected through mass screening and in outpatient clinics in Japan, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol.20, No.4, 374-379, 1990. (PubMed: 2283721) |
96. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Kansei Komaki, Yasunori Konishi, Takashi Tanaka, Takashi Yamakawa, Toshiaki Mori, Mitsunori Sasa and Monden Yasumasa : Chemoendocrine therapy in DMBA-induced rat mammary carcinoma, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.37, No.3-4, 59-68, 1990. |
97. | Hitoshi Miki, Kazushi Oshimo, Hiroyuki Inoue, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yasumasa Monden : Sex hormone receptors in human thyroid tissues, Cancer, Vol.66, No.8, 1759-1762, 1990. |
98. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Takashi Yanakawa, Takashi Tanaka, Yuken Oomine, Yasunori Konishi, Toshiaki Mori and Yasumasa Monden : Cancer of the male breast, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol.44, No.3, 180-184, 1990. |
99. | Tetsuo Kuroishi, Suketami Tominaga, Tadaoki Morimoto, Hideya Tashiro, Sueyoshi Itoh, Hiromu Watanabe, Mamoru Fukuda, Jun Ota, Tosio Horino, Tsunehiro Ishida, Takao Yokoe, Koji Enomoto, Yoshitomo Kashiki and Masami Ogita : Tumor growth rate and prognosis of breast cancer mainly detected by mass screening, Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol.81, No.5, 454-462, 1990. |
100. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Yosuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Suguru Kimura, Yasunori Konishi, Nanretsu Mitsuyama, Kansei Komaki and Yasumasa Monden : Measurement of the electrical bio-impedance of breast tumors, European surgical research, Vol.22, No.2, 86-92, 1990. |
101. | Jun Ohta, Toshio Horino, Tetsuo Taguchi, Tsunehiro Ishida, Masaru lzuo, Masami Ogita, Rikiya Abe, Hiromu Watanahe, Tadaoki Morimoto, Sueyoshi Itoh, Hideya Tashiro, Koichi Yoshida, Kazuyoshi Honda, Michizou Sasakawa, Koji Enomoto, Yoshitomo Kashiki, Choichiro Kido, Tefsu Kuroishi and Suketani Tominaga : Mass screening for breast cancer: comparison of the clinical stages and prognosis of breast cancer detected by mass screening and in out-patient clinics, Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol.80, No.11, 1028-1034, 1989. |
102. | Yasumasa Monden, Tadaoki Morimoto, Toshikatsu Taniki, Tadashi Uyana and Suguru Kimura : Flexible bronchoscopy for foreign body in airway, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.36, No.1-2, 35-39, 1989. |
103. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Takashi Yamakawa, Takashi Tanaka, Hiroshi Sonoo and Yasumasa Monden : Prognostic value of hormone receptors in breast cancer, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol.39, No.2, 101-107, 1988. |
104. | Tadashi Uyama, Yasumasa Monden, Kunihiko Harada, Suguru Kiuura, Tadaoki Morimoto, Kazuna Miura, Toshikatu Taniki and Nobuyuki Tanida : Rapidly growing mature teratoma of the mediastinum: do sex hormones affect growth of the tumor?, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol.38, No.4, 285-289, 1988. |
105. | Kozo Inui, Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Hiroshi Sonoo and Yasumasa Monden : Changes in the hormone dependency of DMBA-induced rat mammary tumors with reference to the effect of tamoxifen, The Japanese Journal of Surgery, Vol.18, No.3, 284-290, 1988. (PubMed: 3136267) |
106. | Kansei Komaki, Goi Sakanoto, Haruo Sugano, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yasumasa Monden : Mucinous carcinoma of the breast in Japan. A prognostic analysis based on morphologic features, Cancer, Vol.61, No.5, 989-996, 1988. |
107. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Kazushi Oshiro, Takashi Yamakawa, Nanretsu Mitsnyana, Takashi Tanaka and Yasumasa Monden : Breast cancer detected by mass screening using physical examination alone, The Japanese Journal of Surgery, Vol.17, No.5, 377-381, 1987. |
108. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Kozo Inui, Atsushi Unemoto, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Kunihiko Harada and Kenji Inoue : Involvement of nipple and areola in early breast cancer, Cancer, Vol.55, No.10, 2459-2463, 1985. |
109. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Kozo Inui, Kenichi Nishimoto, Hiroshi Sonoo, Kunihiko Harada and Kenji Inoue : Minor surgery for early cancer of the breast--from the clinicopathological study--, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.30, No.1-2, 1-7, 1983. |
110. | Kenji Inoue, Tadaoki Morimoto, Hiroshi Sonoo, Yasushi Koshiba, Muneo Kitamura, Etsuo Kakuta and Haruo Fujiwara : An evaluation of mass screening for breast cancer, The Japanese journal of surgery, Vol.11, No.1, 22-26, 1981. |
111. | Takao Hattori, Minoru Niimoto, Akira Nakano, Eiji Itagaki, Kenji Inoue and Tadaoki Morimoto : Biopsy of the breast, The Japanese journal of surgery, Vol.10, No.4, 270-276, 1980. |
112. | Kunio Ii, Kazuo Hizawa, Kuniyasu Okazaki, Tadaoki Morimoto and Yukihisa Uyama : Liposarcoma of the breast--fine structural and histochemical study of a case and review of 42 cases in the literature, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.27, No.3-4, 45-56, 1980. |
113. | Kenji Inoue, Kuniyasu Okazaki, Tadaoki Morimoto, Masami Hayashi, Yukihisa Uyama, Hiroshi Sonoo, Yasushi Koshiba, Tetsuichi Takihara, Yasuo Nomura, Jun Yamagata, Hideaki Kondo, Kazuhiro Kanda and Kenji Takenaka : Therapeutic value of mepitiostane in the treatment of advanced breast cancer, Cancer treatment reports, Vol.62, No.5, 743-745, 1978. |
1. | Toshiko Tada, Tadaoki Morimoto, 山本 澄子 and Yumi Kuwamura : 生活習慣と肥満尺度の関連性の検討, Quality Nursing, Vol.4, No.1, 37-42, 1998. |
2. | 山本 澄子, Tadaoki Morimoto, Toshiko Tada, Yumi Kuwamura and Takako Ichihara : 生体インピーダンス法(BIA法),近赤外分光法および皮脂厚計による肥満測定, Bulletin of School of Medical Sciences, the University of Tokushima, Vol.6, 137-143, 1996. |
1. | Yasuhiro Kaneda, Tadaoki Morimoto and Akira Fujii : Gynecomastia induced by treatment with tandospirone, a 5-HT1A agonist, Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, Vol.26, No.2, 152-153, 2001. (PubMed: 11291533, Elsevier: Scopus) |
1. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 画像診断器機・システムの展望「最新マンモグラフィがもたらす有用性」, 新医療, Vol.33, Apr. 2006. |
2. | 岡崎 正敏, 遠藤 登喜子, 東野 英利子, 大貫 幸二, 福田 護, 木村 千明, 堀田 勝平, 今村 恵子, 土橋 一慶, 梶谷 典子, 寺田 央, 王丸 明子 and Tadaoki Morimoto : マンモグラフィ検診精度管理中央委員会の現状と課題, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.15, No.1, 19-26, 2006. |
3. | 遠藤 登喜子, 岩瀬 拓士, 宇津野 栄, 大貫 幸二, 大村 峯, 木村 千明, 古妻 嘉一, 角田 博子, 寺田 央, 東野 英利子, 堀田 勝平, 梶谷 典子 and Tadaoki Morimoto : マンモグラフィ検診精度管理中央委員会の現状と課題, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.15, No.1, 12-18, 2006. |
4. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 福田 護, 岡崎 正敏, 遠藤 登喜子, 大内 憲明, 光山 昌珠, 佐野 宗明, 東野 英利子, 永井 宏, 土橋 一慶, 堀田 勝平, 逸見 典子, 今村 恵子, 木村 千明, 横江 隆夫, 岩瀬 拓士, 寺田 央, 富永 祐民, 飯沼 武 and 坂元 吾偉 : マンモグラフィ検診精度管理中央委員会の現状と課題, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.15, No.1, 4-11, 2006. |
5. | Tadaoki Morimoto and Mari Haku : Effectiveness of Mammographic Screening and Tasks of Screening for Breast Cancer in Japan, Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology, Vol.61, No.6, 749-758, Jun. 2005. (DOI: 10.6009/jjrt.kj00003326832, CiNii: 1390282681365636480, Elsevier: Scopus) |
6. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 乳房内石灰化像の診断, Japan Medical Journal, No.4192, 90-91, Aug. 2004. |
7. | 寺田 央, 堀田 勝平, 岡崎 正敏, 遠藤 登喜子, 今村 惠子, 大貫 幸二, 東野 英利子, 逸見 典子, 木村 千明, 王丸 明子, 土橋 一慶, 福田 護 and Tadaoki Morimoto : 施設画像評価委員会の現状, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.13, No.2, 205-209, Jun. 2004. |
8. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Kansei Komaki, Junji Ueno and Minoru Irahara : 都道府県の乳がん部会と精中委とのあり方, 日本乳癌検診学会誌, Vol.13, No.2, 195-204, Jun. 2004. |
9. | 今村 恵子, 寺田 央, 岡崎 正敏, 堀田 勝平, 遠藤 登喜子, 東野 恵利子, 大貫 幸二, 逸見 典子, 石栗 一男, 福田 護, Tadaoki Morimoto and 大内 憲明 : マンモグラフィ実施機関についての施設認定, 新医療, No.4, 2-5, Apr. 2004. |
10. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Masatoshi Okazaki and Tokiko Endo : Current Status and Goals of Mammographic Screening for Breast Cancer in Japan, Breast Cancer, Vol.11, No.1, 73-81, Jan. 2004. (DOI: 10.1007/BF02968007, PubMed: 14718797) |
11. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 健診で異常を指摘された人へのベストガイド がん検診での異常-乳癌, JIM, Vol.13, No.4, 339-342, Apr. 2003. |
12. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 田中 隆 : 産婦人科医のための目で見るマンモグラフィ入門(6回) 症例提示によるマンモグラフィ読影の実際 その他の所見 乳腺実質の所見·皮膚所見·リンパ節所見, Obstetrical and Gynecological Therapy, Vol.85, No.6, 701-709, Dec. 2002. |
13. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 田中 隆 : 産婦人科医のための目で見るマンモグラフィ入門(5回) 症例提示によるマンモグラフィ読影の実際(石灰化), Obstetrical and Gynecological Therapy, Vol.85, No.5, 577-584, Nov. 2002. |
14. | 岡崎 邦泰 and Tadaoki Morimoto : 癌診療に役立つ最新データⅣ.乳癌 乳癌の疫学に関する最新のデータ, 臨床外科, Vol.57, No.11, 74-79, Oct. 2002. |
15. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 田中 隆 : 産婦人科医のための目で見るマンモグラフィ入門(4回) 症例提示によるマンモグラフィ読影の実際(腫瘍), Obstetrical and Gynecological Therapy, Vol.85, No.4, 453-461, Oct. 2002. |
16. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 田中 隆 : 産婦人科医のための目で見るマンモグラフィ入門(3回) 症例提示による読影のポイント, Obstetrical and Gynecological Therapy, Vol.85, No.3, 348-357, Sep. 2002. |
17. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 田中 隆 : 産婦人科医のための目で見るマンモグラフィ入門(2回) マンモグラフィ診断技術の進歩, Obstetrical and Gynecological Therapy, Vol.85, No.2, 234-239, Aug. 2002. |
18. | Tadaoki Morimoto and 田中 隆 : 産婦人科医のための目で見るマンモグラフィ入門(1回) 乳癌検診におけるマンモグラフィによる診断の今日的意義, Obstetrical and Gynecological Therapy, Vol.85, No.1, 95-101, Jul. 2002. |
19. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 笹 三徳, 相良 安信 and 山口 哲央 : 徳島県におけるマンモグラフィ検診の経緯と実情, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.11, No.2, 219-221, Jun. 2002. |
20. | 浅石 和昭, 弥生 恵司, 森谷 卓也, 市原 周, 井内 康輝, Tadaoki Morimoto and 大内 憲明 : Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia;ADH, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.11, No.2, 193-198, Jun. 2002. |
21. | Tadaoki Morimoto : マンモグラフィ検診による乳癌死亡率減少効果と本邦の乳癌検診の課題, Shikoku Acta Medica, Vol.58, No.1-2, 1-10, Apr. 2002. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003718) |
22. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 質疑応答,乳癌術後の予防接種および感染症予防, Japan Medical Journal, No.4048, 105-106, Nov. 2001. |
23. | Tadaoki Morimoto : 【乳癌検診の実際】フォローアップ症例に対する説明と取り扱い, 臨床婦人科産科増刊号「婦人科医のための乳癌検診」, Vol.55, No.4, 508-513, Apr. 2001. |
24. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 遠藤 登喜子, 岡崎 正敏, 福田 護, 大内 憲明, 小田切 邦雄, 永井 宏, 土橋 一慶, 堀田 勝平, 石栗 一男, 前越 久, 今村 惠子, 岩瀬 拓士, 横江 隆夫, 富永 祐民, 飯沼 武 and 坂本 吾偉 : マンモグラフィ検診精度管理中央委員会の役割について, Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening, Vol.10, No.1, 71-87, Mar. 2001. |
25. | Tadaoki Morimoto, 遠藤 登喜子 and 岡崎 正敏 : 乳癌検診におけるマンモグラフィ検診精度管理中央委員会の役割, Japan Medical Journal, No.4005, 37-42, Jan. 2001. |
26. | Tadaoki Morimoto, Yumi Kuwamura, 島田 洋子, Fumiko Hashimoto and Toshiko Tada : 乳癌検診の今, Ope Nursing, No.1999, 240-247, Sep. 1999. |
27. | Tadaoki Morimoto and Mitsunori Sasa : Current Status of Screening for Breast Cancer and Tasks for Introduction of Mammographic Screening in Japan, Breast Cancer, Vol.5, No.3, 227-234, 1998. |
1. | Emiko Yasuno, Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Okazaki Kenji, Ikeda Yuichi, Sato Yasuhiro and Ichida Teruhiro : A fundamental study on theory of space distribution estimation for EIT, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biological and Physiological Engineering /The 22nd SICE Symposium on Biological and Physiological Engineering, 353-354, Harbin, Jan. 2008. |
2. | Teruhiro Ichida, Yuichi Ikeda, Emiko Yasuno, Kenji Okazaki, Yasuhiro Sato, Akira Tangoku, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadaoki Morimoto : Improvement of bio-impedance measurement accuracy with guard electrodes approach, International journal of bioelectromagnetism, Vol.9, No.1, 126-127, Aizuwakamatsu, Oct. 2007. |
3. | Ikeda Yuichi, Sato Yasuhiro, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Emiko Yasuno, Omine Yuken, Akira Tangoku and Tadaoki Morimoto : Nomivasive Estimation of Tissue Impedance Based on an Equivalent Circuit Model, Proceedings of the Intenational Conference on Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, 246-251, Singapore, Dec. 2006. |
4. | Arisa Morimoto, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Y Omine, Akira Tangoku and Tadaoki Morimoto : Spatial Resolution in the Electrical Impedance Tomography for the Local Tissue, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Vol.7, 6638-6641, Shanghai, Sep. 2005. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
5. | Emiko Yasuno, Kato Hiromi, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadaoki Morimoto : A Fundamental Study on Parameter Estimation of Layerd Local Tissue Impedance for EIT, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Vol.7, 6650-6653, Shanghai, Sep. 2005. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
6. | Morimoto Arisa, Kato Hiromi, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadaoki Morimoto : Theoretical study on local tissue EIT and its spatial resolution, 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering(APCMBE2005), Tsukuba, Apr. 2005. |
7. | Hiromi Kato, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadaoki Morimoto : Electrical Impedance Tomography for Local Biological Tissue, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 942-946, Kunming, Dec. 2004. |
8. | Emiko Yasuno, Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Mieko Takeuchi and Yuuken Oomine : Parameter Estimation of the Local Tissue Impedance by Using Divided Electrode for EIT, 2004 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing, 379-382, Honolulu, Mar. 2004. |
9. | Hiroyuki Bando, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi : A New Method for Estimating Bioimpedance Distribution in a Local Tissue Using Divided Electrodes - Towards Local EIT, Proceedings of World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, August 24-29, 2003, MO.TR1-38, Sydney, Aug. 2003. |
10. | Kenji Izukura, Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi : A New Method of Electrical Impedance Tomography for Conductivity Distribution in Multi-layer Local Tissue from Non-invasively Measured Bioresistances, international Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering Programme&Handbook, 132, Singapore, Dec. 2002. |
11. | Yumi Komai, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi : Theoretical Studies on Electrical Impedance Tomography Based on Equivalent Circuits for the Local Tissue by Use of a Divided Ilectrode, international Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering Programme&Handbook, 50, Singapore, Dec. 2002. |
12. | Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi : Estimation of Conductivity Distribution in the Local Tissue Using a Divided Electrode, Proceedings of The International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, Vol.2, 1262-1267, Tokushima, Jul. 2001. |
13. | Yasuhiro Kaneda, Tadaoki Morimoto and Akira Fujii : Effects of tandospirone on the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis of male patients, Scientific Meeting of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists, Seoul, Oct. 1999. |
14. | Risuke Kojima, Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani and Tadaoki Morimoto : Parameter Estimation of Distributed Equivalent Circuits for the Tissue, Proceedings of The 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, 451, Seoul, Sep. 1999. |
15. | Norihide Momose, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Y Konishi, Tadaoki Morimoto and I Kato : Three dimensional analysis of local tissue impedance by finite element method, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol.35, No.Suppl. Part 1, 347, Nice, France, Sep. 1997. |
16. | Yohsuke Kinouchi, Emiko Fujimoto and Tadaoki Morimoto : Equivalent distributed circuits for bioimpedance of nonuniform tissue, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Vol.35, No.Suppl. Part 1, 347, Nice, France, Sep. 1997. |
1. | Junko Honda, 笹 三徳, 高橋 雅子, 廣瀬 千恵子, 生島 葉子, 井上 光郎, 三木 仁司, 鎌田 正晴, 濱田 信一, Yoshimi Bando, Akira Tangoku and Tadaoki Morimoto : マンモグラフィ所見の変化からみた乳癌の悪性度, 第26回日本乳癌検診学会学術総会, Nov. 2016. |
2. | 橋本 公子, Mari Haku and Tadaoki Morimoto : 開業助産師による母乳育児支援 -乳腺外科医との連携を通して-, 徳島母性衛生学会抄録集, Sep. 2014. |
3. | Tomoya Takahashi, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki and Emiko Yasuno : Study of a measurement device for bioelectrical impedance using multi-electrode and lock-in amplifier, 2013 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 239, Sep. 2013. |
4. | Iwami Seiji, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki, Emiko Yasuno and Tomoya Takahashi : Study for the electrode arrangement of the impedance measureing device in consideration of the variation of the biological tissue impedance, 2013 Shikoku-section Joint Convention Record of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 238, Sep. 2013. |
5. | Takuto Inoko, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki, Emiko Yasuno, Tomoya Takahashi and Seiji Iwami : 生体インピーダンスを用いた腫瘍の質的診断のための電極配置の検討, 第35回日本生体医工学会中国四国支部大会 講演抄録, 17, Oct. 2012. |
6. | Takuto Inoko, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki, Emiko Yasuno, Tomoya Takahashi and Seiji Iwami : Examination of qualitative diagnosis of tumors by measurement of the bioelectrical impedance, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 261, Sep. 2012. |
7. | Tomoya Takahashi, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki and Emiko Yasuno : Development of a bioelectrical impedance device with multiple electrodes, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 260, Sep. 2012. |
8. | Seiji Iwami, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki, Emiko Yasuno, Takuto Inoko and Tomoya Takahashi : Study of multi-electrode impedance measureng device of using a biological tissue equivalent circuit simulation, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 259, Sep. 2012. |
9. | Takuto Inoko, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki, Mikio Miyakogawa and Emiko Yasuno : Biological impedance parameter presumption with lattice circuit, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 237, Sep. 2011. |
10. | Masakazu Goto, 三浦 連人, 木下 貴史, 松山 和男, Tadaoki Morimoto, Masanori Nishioka, Mitsuo Shimada and Seiki Tashiro : 下部直腸癌に対する術前化学放射線療法の効果 (第66回日本消化器外科学会総会), 日本消化器外科学会総会, 841, Jul. 2011. |
11. | Keigo Hattori, Takuto Inoko, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masatake Akutagawa, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki, Mikio Miyakogawa and Emiko Yasuno : Research on living body impedance parameter presumption, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 197, Sep. 2010. |
12. | Keigo Hattori, Ryousuke Kotani, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masatake Akutagawa, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki and Emiko Yasuno : Research on living body impedance parameter presumption, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 240, Sep. 2009. |
13. | Ryousuke Kotani, Keigo Hattori, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masatake Akutagawa, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki and Emiko Yasuno : Verification of the guard electrode effect with bioimpedance measurement, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 239, Sep. 2009. |
14. | 小谷 亮介, 櫟田 英広, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masatake Akutagawa, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, 岡崎 憲二 and Emiko Yasuno : Verification of the guard electrode effect using a salt solution phantom, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 239, Sep. 2008. |
15. | 櫟田 英広, 小谷 亮介, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masatake Akutagawa, 岡崎 憲二, Akira Tangoku, Tadaoki Morimoto and Emiko Yasuno : Verification of Bio-Impedance Measurement Device, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 240, Sep. 2008. |
16. | Ikeda Yuichi, Sato Yasuhiro, Ichida Teruhiro, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Okazaki Kenji, Akira Tangoku and Tadaoki Morimoto : Development of Noninvasive Bio-impedance Measuring Method for Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 398, Sep. 2007. |
17. | 櫟田 英広, 池田 祐一, 佐藤 康弘, Yohsuke Kinouchi, 岡崎 憲二, Akira Tangoku, Tadaoki Morimoto and Emiko Yasuno : Verification of Bio-Impedance Measurement Device with Saltwater Phantom, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 221, Sep. 2007. |
18. | 佐藤 康弘, 池田 祐一, 櫟田 英広, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, 岡崎 憲二 and Emiko Yasuno : Analysis of electrical current distribution in tissue inn Bio-impedance measurement, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 220, Sep. 2007. |
19. | Morimoto Arisa, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku and Omine Y. : Theoretical study of spatial resolution in the local tissu EIT, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 223, Sep. 2005. |
20. | Takako Ichihara, Ayako Tamura, 片岡 健, 宮腰 由紀子, Tadaoki Morimoto, Takako Minagawa and Yumi Kuwamura : 下肢伸筋·屈筋の筋組織厚と術後臥床日数の関係, 第3回日本リハビリテーション看護学会学術大会集録, 96-98, Oct. 2004. |
21. | Morimoto Arisa, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadaoki Morimoto : 局所組織EITの空間分解能の検討, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Sep. 2004. |
22. | Kato Hiromi, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadaoki Morimoto : 生体組織インピーダンスの層組織構造の推定, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Sep. 2004. |
23. | Hajime Miura, Kouichi Murakami, Tadaoki Morimoto, 田上 周路 and Yoshio Hayasaki : 近赤外分光装置による乳房部の代謝測定, 第10回医用近赤外線分光法研究会, Nov. 2003. |
24. | Takako Ichihara, Ayako Tamura, 西亀 正之, 宮腰 由紀子, Takako Minagawa, Yumi Kuwamura, Tadaoki Morimoto and 片岡 健 : ベッド上安静に伴う下肢の筋組織厚の変化, 第2回日本リハビリテーション看護学会学術大会集録, Vol.5-17, 49-51, Oct. 2003. |
25. | 芝篤 志, Hiroaki Yasuda, 中川 崇, Hiromu Nishitani, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yoshihiro Takegawa, Tadaoki Morimoto and 笹 三徳 : 乳房温存療法の長期予後, 第98回日本医学放射線学会中国·四国地方会(岡山) 2002.6. 日本医学放射線学会雑誌, Vol.62, No.14, 54, Dec. 2002. |
26. | 児島 理介, 安野 恵美子, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Tadaoki Morimoto : 生体組織インピーダンスの空間分布推定, 第22回日本エム・イー学会中国四国支部大会抄録集, 34, Nov. 1999. |
27. | 笹 三徳, Tadaoki Morimoto, 柏原 賢一, Yoshihiro Takegawa, Keisuke Izumi and Nobuya Sano : 乳房温存療法における乳房照射の有効性について, 第4回日本乳癌学会総会(東京), Jun. 1996. |
28. | 笹 三徳, Tadaoki Morimoto, 柏原 賢一, Yoshihiro Takegawa and Yasumasa Monden : 乳房温存療法の短期成績, 第3回日本乳癌学会総会(大阪), Jun. 1995. |
1. | Seiji Iwami, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki, Emiko Yasuno, Takuto Inoko and Tomoya Takahashi : Investigation of electrode arrangement for the bioimpedance measurement of tumor tissue, IEICE Technical Report, Vol.112, No.123, 25-29, Jul. 2012. |
2. | 岩見 誠治, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Akira Tangoku, Kenji Okazaki, 安野 恵美子, 猪子 拓人 and 高橋 知也 : 浅部腫瘍生体組織インピーダンス測定のための電極配置について, IEICE Technical Report (MBE), Vol.112, No.123, 25-29, 2012. |
3. | Yoshie Imai, Chiemi Onishi, Chiemi Kawanishi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Tatuko Hujimura, Masami Satou and Natuko Takahashi : 乳がん患者に対する看護職による情報提供の実態, 徳島乳腺研究会, Apr. 2007. |
4. | 笹 三徳, Tadaoki Morimoto, 山本 弘幸, 乾 浩三, 田中 克浩, 杉本 友則, 柏原 賢一, Yoshihiro Takegawa and Yasumasa Monden : 乳房温存療法の短期成績, 第17回徳島乳腺疾患懇話会, Jan. 1995. |
5. | Yoshihiro Takegawa, Tadaoki Morimoto, Junji Ueno and 柏原 賢一 : 徳島大学放射線科における乳房温存療法の現状, 第15回徳島乳腺疾患懇話会, Jan. 1994. |
1. | Mari Haku, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi : 産褥期の乳汁分泌に関与する乳腺構造分析と母乳哺育継続要因に関する研究, 平成15∼16年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(c)(2))研究成果報告書, 1-58, Mar. 2005. |