Tokushima UniversityResearch Center for Higher Education学修支援部門
Tokushima UniversityCenter for Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning
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Field of Study


Subject of Study

ビジュアル・ファシリテーションを活用したイノベーション創出に関する研究 (ビジュアル・ファシリテーション, グラフィック・ファシリテーション, グラフィックレコーディング)

Book / Paper


1. Tomoko Tamaari and 有廣悠乃 他 :
学芸出版社, Jul. 2021.
2. Tomoko Tamaari and al Blijsie et. Jeroen :
The World of Visual Facilitation,
The Visual Connection Publishers, Mar. 2020.
3. Tomoko Tamaari and 鈴木康久 他 :
昭和堂, Oct. 2019.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Kazuyoshi Kitaoka and Tomoko Tamaari :
Tokushima University Its Conception, Realization, and Outlook,
Journal of University Education Research, Vol.20, 61-65, 2023.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118146)
2. Tomoko Tamaari, Kojiro WATANABE and Akio Kondo :
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, Vol.18, No.39, 721-726, 2012.
(DOI: 10.3130/aijt.18.721,   CiNii: 1390001205170586496)

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Tomoko Tamaari, 辻岡 卓, 松本 有希, 池本 有里 and Koji Yamamoto :
四国大学経営情報研究所年報, Vol.13, 93-100, 2007.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Tomoko Tamaari, Kojiro WATANABE, Yuno Arihiro and Kazuyoshi Kitaoka :
A Study on Dialogue Design to make a Dementia-friendly Communities,
The 10th International Forum on Advanced Technologies, 18-19, Tokushima, Mar. 2024.
2. Tomoko Tamaari, Atsuya Yoshida, Hideo Yamanaka, Toshiaki Sawada, Sayaka Mori and Hiroshi Miyai :
A Study on Elderly Person's Learning Support with Slate Devices for the Community Revitalization,
2nd Asian Conference on Engineering Education (ACEE2011), Tokushima, Japan, Oct. 2011.
3. Atsuya Yoshida, Hiroshi Miyai, Sayaka Mori, Hideo Yamanaka and Tomoko Tamaari :
The Roles of University Satellites and Educational Programs for Human Resourses development in Rural Areas,
2nd Asian Conference on Engineering Education (ACEE2011), Oct. 2011.
4. Tomoko Tamaari, Kojiro WATANABE, Keiichi SUZUKI and Akio Kondo :
Development of SHOUZUI Ruins Digital Museum Combined With Cellular Phone and Website,
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Hong Kong, Jun. 2009.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Tomoko Tamaari and Kojiro WATANABE :
Design and effectiveness analysis of a workshop to make a dementia friendly communities,
9th Proceedings of Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society, Chugoku-Shikoku, 25-27, Mar. 2024.
2. Tomoko Tamaari, Maria Moriguchi, Yuno Arihiro, Kazuyoshi Kitaoka and Kenji Terada :
Supporting of the Relationship Building for Participants in Student's Project During the Coronavirus Pandemic,
Research Report of JSET Conferences, Vol.2023, No.1, 63-68, May 2023.
(DOI: 10.15077/jsetstudy.2023.1_63)
3. Akihiro Matsuyama, ENOMOTO Kentaroh, Shinya Uriyu, Tomoko Tamaari, Maria Moriguchi and Yuno Arihiro :
学生プロジェクト運営でプロジェクトを活発化させるために 有効であった手法の結果とその考察,
第18回 大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 44-45, Dec. 2022.
4. Wataru NAKAJIMA, Ayumu TANAKA, Tomoko Tamaari, Maria Moriguchi, Yuno Arihiro and Masafumi Miwa :
ロボコンプロジェクトにおけるワークショップ後の活動目的の 見直しと変化,
第18回 大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 60-61, Dec. 2022.
5. UEMATSU Kengo, NAGAMI Miku, Tomoko Tamaari, Maria Moriguchi, Yuno Arihiro and Kazuhiro Hasezaki :
PJWS を受けてプロジェクト活動と加太共同打上実験の成果,
第18回 大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 38-39, Dec. 2022.
6. SAITO Kano, SEKIMOTO Aika, SUZUKI Nanami, FUJIKAWA Akua, Tomoko Tamaari, Maria Moriguchi, Yuno Arihiro and Masashi Ishikawa :
第18回 大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 36-37, Dec. 2022.
7. Maria Moriguchi, 亀井 克一郎, Tomoko Tamaari, Kazuya Kusaka, Hiroyuki Ukida, Junko Kanai and Kenji Terada :
コロナ禍 3 年目を迎えた自主的な学生プロジェクト活動の実態と その支援の実践について,
第 19 回 ものづくり・創造性教育に関するシンポジウム, 4-6, Dec. 2022.
8. Maria Moriguchi, 亀井 克一郎, Kazuya Kusaka, Hiroyuki Ukida, Junko Kanai, Kenji Terada and Tomoko Tamaari :
徳島大学イノベーションプラザの学生プロジェクト活動への 支援とその方法の検討,
第10回イノベーション教育学会年次大会, Nov. 2022.
9. Tomoko Tamaari, Tetsuro Katayama, 小出 静代, Junko Kanai, 有廣 悠乃, Yu Ishihara and Kazuyoshi Kitaoka :
徳島大学i.schoolの取組み- 徳島大学が推進するイノベーション教育の事例紹介 -,
第10回イノベーション教育学会年次大会, Nov. 2022.
10. Tomoko Tamaari :
第9回イノベーション教育学会年次大会, Feb. 2022.
11. Tetsuro Katayama, Junko Kanai, 小出 静代, Tomoko Tamaari and Kazuyoshi Kitaoka :
イノベーション教育学会第9回年次大会, Feb. 2022.
12. Kazuyoshi Kitaoka, Tomoko Tamaari, Tetsuro Katayama, Junko Kanai and 小出 静代 :
イノベーション教育学会第9回年次大会, Feb. 2022.
13. Tomoko Tamaari, 河村 恵理 and Mitsuru Kakita :
研究大学コンソーシアムシンポジウム, Oct. 2021.
14. Tomoko Tamaari :
令和2年度全学FD推進プログラム第16回大学教育カンファレンスin徳島 発表抄録集, 8-9, Jan. 2021.
15. Tomoko Tamaari, Kazuyoshi Kitaoka and 小野 恵里 :
令和元年度全学FD推進プログラム大学教育カンファレンスin徳島 発表抄録集, 12-13, Dec. 2019.
16. Kazuyoshi Kitaoka, Tomoko Tamaari, 宮越 浩子 and 堀井 秀之 :
オンライン電子ふせんツール「APISNOTE(エイピスノート)」 を活用したワークショップの体験,
大学教育カンファレンス2019, Dec. 2019.
17. Tomoko Tamaari, Shogo Hirai, Shinichi Takahashi and Atsuya Yoshida :
Development of e-Books for Rice Terrace Guide in Kamikatsu Town, Tokushima,
5th. GIS Symposium in Shikoku, Jan. 2012.
18. Kojiro WATANABE and Tomoko Tamaari :
Development of the Shouzui Ruins Digital Museum based on Website, --- Part2: Personal Website of the Digital Museum and Demonstration Experiment ---,
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, Vol.F-1, 1063-1064, Sep. 2010.
19. Tomoko Tamaari and Kojiro WATANABE :
Development of the Shouzui Ruins Digital Museum based on Website, --- Part1: Website using PC and Mobile Phone ---,
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, Vol.F-1, 1061-1062, Sep. 2010.
20. Tomoko Tamaari, Kojiro WATANABE and Akio Kondo :
Development of SHOUZUI Ruin Digital Museum,
Proceedings of AIJ Shikoku Chapter Architectural Research Meeting, No.10, 51-52, Apr. 2010.
21. Tomoko Tamaari, Kojiro WATANABE and Akio Kondo :
Development of SHOUZUI Ruin Digital Museum,
3rd. GIS Symposium in Shikoku, B-4, Feb. 2010.
22. Tomoko Tamaari, Kojiro WATANABE and Akio Kondo :
Development of Shouzui Ruins Digital Museum by Cellular Phone and Web site, --- Part1: Concept of the Digital Museum and Development of P-HIS ---,
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, Vol.F-1, 859-860, Aug. 2009.
23. Kojiro WATANABE, Tomoko Tamaari and Akio Kondo :
Development of Shouzui Ruins Digital Museum by Cellular Phone and Web site, --- Part2: Development of C-HIS and SS-HIS and Evaluation of the Digital Museum ---,
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, Vol.F-1, 861-862, Aug. 2009.
24. Tomoko Tamaari, Kojiro WATANABE, Keiichi Suzuki and Akio Kondo :
Development of Urban Information Guiding System using Mobile Information Terminal, --- Case study of the Open Campus in Shikoku University ---,
Proceedings of AIJ Shikoku Chapter Architectural Research Meeting, No.9, 85-86, May 2009.
25. Tomoko Tamaari, Kojiro WATANABE, Keiichi Suzuki and Akio Kondo :
Development of Historical Information System of Ruins by Cellular Phone and Personal Computer,
2nd. GIS Symposium in Shikoku, C-2, Feb. 2009.


1. Atsuya Yoshida, Hiroshi Miyai, Sayaka Mori and Tomoko Tamaari :
平成23年度上勝学講座記録集, 1-128, Mar. 2012.