Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences社会総合科学域国際教養系ヨーロッパ分野
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Integrated Arts and SciencesDepartment of Integrated Arts and Social SciencesComparative Studies in Society and Culture
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationRegional Development
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Field of Study

Environmental Ethics, Political Philosophy, Comparative Ethics

Subject of Study

自然観の比較文化研究, 徳倫理学的アプローチによるローカルな環境倫理の研究, ナショナリズムにおける他者と自然

Book / Paper


1. Motohiro Kumasaka :
勁草書房, Aug. 2022.
2. Motohiro Kumasaka :
勁草書房, Feb. 2022.
3. Motohiro Kumasaka :
環境倫理学 (3STEPシリーズ),
昭和堂, Oct. 2020.
4. Motohiro Kumasaka :
勁草書房, Mar. 2018.
5. Motohiro Kumasaka :
岩波書店, Nov. 2016.
6. 岩佐 茂, 稲生 勝, 片山 善博, 佐山 圭司 and Motohiro Kumasaka :
創風社, Tokyo, May 2008.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Elizabeth Costello's Ethics of Correspondence and Vulnerability in The Lives of Animals,
Journal of Environmental Thought and Education, No.10, 136-143, 2017.
(CiNii: 1523388079845736704)
2. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Environmental Virtue Ethics and Vulnerability,
Synthetic Anthropology, No.10, 171-180, 2016.
3. Motohiro Kumasaka :
総合人間学, No.6, 109-120, 2012.
4. Motohiro Kumasaka :
環境思想・教育研究, No.2, 53-60, 2008.
5. Motohiro Kumasaka :
唯物論, No.79, 95-109, 2005.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Motohiro Kumasaka :
La revue de la pensée d'aujourd'hui, Vol.50, No.6, 152-160, 2022.
(CiNii: 1520573980509816448)
2. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Extension and Obfuscation: Two Contrasting Attitudes to the Moral Boundary,
Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, Vol.2, No.44, 21-33, 2012.
(CiNii: 1390572174819531648)
3. Motohiro Kumasaka :
一橋社会科学, No.2, 73-107, 2008.

Academic Letter:

1. Motohiro Kumasaka :
倫理学年報, Vol.73, 67-70, 2024.
(CiNii: 1520018677468004608)

Review, Commentary:

1. Motohiro Kumasaka :
環境倫理, No.4, 26-31, Jan. 2023.
(CiNii: 1010580143216797188)
2. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Jun. 2021.
3. Motohiro Kumasaka :
書評:ポール・B・トンプソン 『食農倫理学の長い旅』,
週刊読書人, Jun. 2021.
4. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Tosho Shimbun, Oct. 2020.
5. Motohiro Kumasaka :
週刊読書人, Sep. 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008185)
6. Motohiro Kumasaka :
共同通信, May 2019.
7. Motohiro Kumasaka :
環境倫理, No.2, 38-44, Mar. 2019.
(CiNii: 1521136280877011328)
8. Motohiro Kumasaka :
α-Synodos, Nov. 2018.
9. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Synodos, Sep. 2018.
10. Motohiro Kumasaka :
環境倫理, No.1, 171-252, Aug. 2017.
(CiNii: 1521980705137398144)
11. Motohiro Kumasaka :
書評: 上柿崇英・尾関周二編『環境哲学と人間学の架橋――現代社会における人間の解明』(世織書房,二〇一五年),
唯物論, No.89, 118-120, Nov. 2015.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Creating Little Deities: To Be a Prayer to Nature and to Be a Player with Nature,
4th International Colloquium in Contemporary Philosophy and Culture, May 2024.
2. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Geisteswissenschaften im Zeitalter der Krisen: Angst und Ehrfurcht,
Keynote Speach at GDVT-Jahrestagung 2024 "Krisen, Kriege und Seuchen-Ihre Auswirkungen auf Gesellschaft, Literatur und Kunst", Mar. 2024.
3. Motohiro Kumasaka :
AIs and Their Limited Subjectivities: Subjectivities Shaped by Humans Recognition,
2024 International Conference AI and Subjectivity, Feb. 2024.
4. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Anthropocentrism and Anthropomorphism in Japanese Environmental /Animal Thought,
International Association of Japanese Philosophy 2017 Conference Globalizing Japanese Philosophy: From East Asia to the World, Jul. 2017.
5. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Two Task of Humanities: Cultivating Empathy and Presenting Social Vision,
International Humanities Forum "On the Status and Role of Humanities in the Age of Globalization", Tokushima, Feb. 2017.
6. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Re-thinking Anthropocentrism in Japanese CUlture: Non-anthropocentric Naturalism and Anthropocentric Communication with Nature,
The 2nd Conference on Contemporary Philosophy in East Asia, Kyoto, Aug. 2014.
7. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Advantages and Limitations of Stewardship in intercultural Aspects: A Comparison with the Natural Thought in Japanese Traditions,
Conservation, Restoration and Sustainability: A Call to Stewardship Conference, Provo, Utah, USA., Nov. 2012.
8. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Representations of Nature in Taiwanese and Japanese Traditional Cultures. Similarity and Difference: Respect for the Natural Order and Respect for Natural Existences,
New York Conference on Asian Studies, NYCAS12, New Paltz, New York, USA, Sep. 2012.
9. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Animal Rights vs. Traditional Japanese Thought?: Two Different Ways of Understanding Life behind the Whaling COntroversy,
Reading Nature Conference, Madrid, Dec. 2011.
10. Motohiro Kumasaka :
How Do Japanese See Nature? Past and Present: Japanese Thought as Environmental Virtue Ethics,
The 12th Asian Bioethics Conference, Taipei, Sep. 2011.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Motohiro Kumasaka :
Food Bio Plus研究会 新規開発食品受容性セミナー「倫理学(環境,動物),人類学的見地から考える」, Nov. 2023.
2. Motohiro Kumasaka :
環境徳の観点からの技術評価 ──そのメリットとデメリット,
第74回日本倫理学会主題別討議 環境倫理の展開 ──環境問題の技術的解決についての検討, Sep. 2023.
3. Motohiro Kumasaka :
尊厳学フォーラム第5回「〈環境〉から価値を考える」, Sep. 2023.
4. Motohiro Kumasaka :
環境思想・教育研究会, Dec. 2022.
5. Motohiro Kumasaka :
シノドス・トークラウンジ, Oct. 2022.
6. Motohiro Kumasaka :
ローカルな環境倫理に関 する新しい研究アプローチ,
応用哲学会第10回年次研究大会, Apr. 2018.
7. Motohiro Kumasaka :
日本倫理学会第67回大会, Oct. 2016.
8. Motohiro Kumasaka :
第22回環境思想・教育研究会基礎例会, Jul. 2016.
9. Motohiro Kumasaka :
第23回環境思想・教育研究会研究基礎例会, Jul. 2016.
10. Motohiro Kumasaka :
第37回全国唯物論研究協会研究大会, Oct. 2014.
11. Motohiro Kumasaka :
環境思想・教育研究会第2回研究大会, Sep. 2014.
12. Motohiro Kumasaka :
第34回唯物論研究協会研究大会, Oct. 2011.
13. Motohiro Kumasaka :
第9回一橋哲学・社会思想学会, Jun. 2011.
14. Motohiro Kumasaka :
第6回総合人間学会, Jun. 2011.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • Revisiting the Concept of Bukhtinian Freedom and the Critique of Hierarchy in the Era of the Anthropocene and Genome Editing (Project/Area Number: 20K00036 )
  • Communication between environmental ethics and thoughts originated by people (Project/Area Number: 19K00017 )
  • Comprehensive Studies on"Local Environmental Ethics" in the 21st Century (Project/Area Number: 16K02132 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (60713518)