検索: |
金澤 裕樹 |
○ | 放射線科学 | |
○ | 医用イメージング (Medical Imaging) |
○ | 核磁気共鳴画像 | |
○ | 核磁気共鳴画像 (MRIを用いた組織血行動態解析, 生体におけるMR緩和時間測定法開発と応用, MRIを用いた生体情報の可視化) |
1. | 金澤 裕樹 : MRIを中心としたRSNA2023トピックス, 産業開発機構 株式会社, 2024年2月. |
2. | 金澤 裕樹 : 生体構造・代謝物マッピングの最新動向-MT,MWF,CESTイメージングを中心に, 株式会社 インナービジョン, 東京, 2023年. |
3. | 金澤 裕樹 : その他のMR撮像法(MRIによる血管撮像法,脂肪抑制法,MR hydrography), --- 図解 診療放射線技術実践ガイド 第4版 ---, 文光堂, 東京, 2020年1月. |
4. | 金澤 裕樹 : MRIの原理と各種撮像シーケンス, --- MRI再入門 放射線科医のためのマストアイテム Part 1 ---, 学研メディカル秀潤社, 東京, 2020年1月. |
5. | 金澤 裕樹 : 骨盤部MRIに見る信号特性と雑音対策─撮像技術と画像処理, --- Step up MRI 2016 明日の臨床に向けた撮像法,今日の検査に役立つ撮像テクニック ---, インナービジョン, 東京, 2016年8月. |
1. | Yasuhisa Kanematsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Kenji Shimada, Masaaki Korai, Takeshi Miyamoto, Shu Sogabe, Manabu Ishihara, Izumi Yamaguchi, Takeshi Oya, Nobuaki Yamamoto, Yuki Yamamoto, Miyoshi Mitsuharu, Masafumi Harada and Yasushi Takagi : Characterization of carotid plaques using chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging, Neuroradiology, Vol.66, No.9, 1617-1624, 2024. (DOI: 10.1007/s00234-024-03401-3, PubMed: 38866959) |
2. | Yuki Kanazawa, Yo Taniguchi, Masafumi Harada, Kosuke Ito and Yoshitaka Bito : Visualization of Human Brain Cortical Layers Using Quantitative Parameter Mapping on a 3 Tesla Scanner, Proceedings of ISMRM, Vol.33, 2933, 2024. |
3. | Shun Kitano, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Conversion Map from Quantitative Parameter Mapping to Myelin Water Fraction: Comparison with R1·R2* and Myelin Water Fraction in White Matter., Magma, 2024. (DOI: 10.1007/s10334-024-01155-w, PubMed: 38581455) |
4. | Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Akihiro Haga, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto and Masafumi Harada : Determination of Alzheimer's disease based on morphology and atrophy using machine learning combined with automated segmentation, Acta Radiologica, Vol.65, No.4, 359-366, 2024. (DOI: 10.1177/02841851231218384, PubMed: 38196180) |
5. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeada, Sota Goto, Kazuki Takegami, Takashi Asahara, Rina Nishigami, Daiki KObayashi, Yuki Kanazawa and Kazuta Yamashita : Direct dose measurement method during chest CT examination by taking into consideration the X-ray incident direction, European Congress of Radiology, No.EPOS, C-11117, 2024. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2024/C-11117) |
6. | Daiki Kobayashi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Rina Nishigami, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsukmi Kimoto and Shuochiro Yamamoto : A blurring correction method suitable to analyze quantitative x-ray images derived from energy-resolving photon counting detector, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol.Accepted, 2024. (DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/ad3119) |
7. | Nagi Masumoto, Motoharu Sasaki, Yuji Nakaguchi, Takeshi Kamomae, Yuki Kanazawa and Hitoshi Ikushima : Knowledge-based model building for treatment planning for prostate cancer using commercial treatment planning quality assurance software tools, Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.17, No.1, 337-345, 2024. (DOI: 10.1007/s12194-023-00759-6, PubMed: 37938420) |
8. | Daiki Chiba, Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Hiroaki Hayashi and Akihiro Haga : Simplified assessment for chemical exchanged saturation transfer (CEST) imaging: local offset frequency and CEST effect, Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.17, No.1, 93-102, 2024. (DOI: 10.1007/s12194-023-00752-z, PubMed: 37897684, Elsevier: Scopus) |
9. | Yuki Kanazawa, Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kinjyo, Masafumi Harada, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yo Taniguchi, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito, Yuki Matsumoto and Akihiro Haga : Differences of white matter structure for diffusion kurtosis imaging using voxel-based morphometry and connectivity analysis, BJR Open, Vol.6, No.1, 1-7, 2024. (DOI: 10.1093/bjro/tzad003, PubMed: 38352183) |
10. | Rina Nishigami, Daiki Kobayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Takashi Asahara, Tatsuya Maeda, Tomonobu Haba, Yuki Kanazawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto and Hiroaki Hayashi : Optimization of energy windows to calculate quantitative X-ray images using an energy-resolving photon-counting detector: a simulation study, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol.229, No.112460, 1-13, 2024. (DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112460) |
11. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Kazuki Takegami, Rina Nishigami, Daiki Kobayashi, Takashi Asahara, Sota Goto, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Kazuta Yamashita, Kosaku Higashino, Shuichiro Murakami, Takeshi Konishi and Motochika Maki : A suitable procedure of dose reduction factor measurements of X-ray shields during computed tomography examination - the importance of considering positional changes of an X-ray tube -, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol.222, No.111880, 1-11, 2024. (DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.111880) |
12. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Daiki Kobayashi, Rina Nishigami, Sota Goto, Miku Ando, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa and Kazuta Yamashita : Evaluation of lower detection limit and performance analyses related to the incident angle of X-rays and absolute dose using a triple-type dosimeter, Radiation Measurements, Vol.175, No.107148, 1-9, 2024. (DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107148) |
13. | Rina Nishigami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Daiki Kobayashi, Tatsuya Maeada, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Natsumi Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Applicability of high tube voltage imaging to achieve accurate quantitative images when applying photon counting detectors to general radiography, Proceedings of SPIE, 2024. (DOI: 10.1117/12.3004150) |
14. | Daisuke Satoh, Motoharu Sasaki, Yuji Nakaguchi, Takeshi Kamomae, Takashi Kawanaka, Akiko Kubo, Chisato Tonoiso, Yuki Kanazawa, Masataka Oita, Akimi Kajino, Akira Tsuzuki and Hitoshi Ikushima : Differences between professionals in planning treatment for patients with stage III lung cancer using treatment-planning QA software, Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy, Vol.28, No.5, 671-680, 2023. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2000303, DOI: 10.5603/rpor.97511, PubMed: 38179286) |
15. | Rina Nishigami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Daiki Kobayashi, Cheonghae Lee, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Natsumi Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Simulation study on functional images to optimize radiographic condition using energy resolving photon counting detector, The 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2023. (DOI: 10.1109/NSSMICRTSD49126.2023.10338161) |
16. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeada, Sota Goto, Daiki Kobayashi, Cheongha Lee, Yuki Kanazawa, Naoki Maeda and Mitsugi Honda : A wearable active-type dosimeter having novel functions to derive both incident direction and absolute dose of scattered X-rays during IVR procedures, ECR 2023, C-10352, 2023. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2023/C-10352) |
17. | Kazuki Takegami, Yuki Kanazawa, Tatsuya Maeda, Cheonghae Lee, Rina Nishigami, Takashi Asahara, Sota Goto, Daiki KObayashi, Miku Ando, Yuki Kanazawa, Kazuta Yamashita, Kosaku Higashino, Shuichi Murakami, Takeshi Konishi and Motochika Maki : Thyroid dose reduction shield with the generation of less artifacts used for fast chest CT examination, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol.203, 110635, 2023. (DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2022.110635) |
18. | Daiki Kobayashi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Rina Nishigami, Cheonghae Lee, Tastuya Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsuki Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamashita : Blurring correction for calculating functional images using an energy resolving photon counting detector, Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2023. |
19. | Rina Nishigami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Daiki Kobayashi, Cheonghae Lee, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Natsumi Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Simulation study on functional images to optimize radiographic condition using energy resolving photon counting detector, Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2023. |
20. | Cheonghae Lee, Hiroaki Hayashi, Daiki Kobayashi, Rina Nishigami, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsuki Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Automatic determination algorithm of intrinsic parameters on response function of energy-resolving photon counting imaging detector, Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2023. |
21. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Sota Goto, Daiki Kobayashi, Rina Nishigami, Cheonghae Lee, Miku Ando, Yuki Kanazawa, Satoshi Imajo, Kazuta Yamashita and Kosaku Higashino : A wearable active-type X-ray dosimeter having novel functions to derive both incident direction and absolute exposure dose, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol.208, 110932, 2023. (DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2023.110932, Elsevier: Scopus) |
22. | Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuhisa Kanematsu and Yasushi Takagi : Evaluation of Biological Metabolic Activity within an Atherosclerotic Plaque using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging, Proceedings of ISMRM, Vol.32, No.2982, 2023. |
23. | Mayuka Seguchi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuhisa Kanematsu and Yasushi Takagi : Diffusion weighted-viscosity imaging for atherosclerotic plaques, Proceedings of ISMRM, Vol.32, No.1519, 2023. |
24. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Yuki Matsumoto, Masaharu Ono, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Myelin-weighted imaging derived from quantitative parameter mapping, European Journal of Radiology, Vol.156, No.110525, 1-9, 2022. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2022.110525, PubMed: 36166986) |
25. | Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosuke Ito, Yo Taniguchi, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Determination of white matter structure index for voxel basedmorphometry and connectivity analysis., European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), 10, 2022. |
26. | Nagomi Fukuda, Yuki Kanazawa, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Motoharu Sasaki and Akihiro Haga : Development of a B1 correction method without additional scanning VFA T1 map., European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), 10, 2022. |
27. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Yuki Matsumoto : Evaluation of brain tumor and surrounding tissue activity using multi-pool CEST imaging on 3 Tesla scanner, Proceedings of ISMRM, Vol.31, No.4285, 2022. |
28. | Nagomi Fukuda, Yuki Kanazawa, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Motoharu Sasaki and Akihiro Haga : Development of self-calibrating B1 correction for three-dimensional variable flip angle T1 mapping, Proceedings of ISMRM, Vol.31, No.3218, 2022. |
29. | Shun Kitano, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Conversion map from quantitative parameter mapping to myelin water fraction, Proceedings of ISMRM, Vol.31, No.3052, 2022. |
30. | Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Akihiro Haga, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto and Masafumi Harada : Determination of Alzheimer's disease based on morphology and atrophy using machine learning combined with automated segmentation., Proceedings of ISMRM, Vol.31, No.3263, 2022. |
31. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Yo Taniguchi, Masaharu Ono and Yoshitaka Bito : Quantitative parameter mapping of contrast agent concentration and relaxivity and brain tumor extracellular pH, Scientific Reports, 2022. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009872, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-05711-z) |
32. | Madoka Kohno, ANAYT ULLA, Rina Taniguchi, Akane Ohishi, Kako Hirayama, Yuma Takemura, Shoichiro Takao, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Tomoya Fukawa, Hiro-omi Kanayama, Takayuki Uchida, Toshio Suzuki and Takeshi Nikawa : Daily Dietary Supplementation with Steamed Soybean Improves Muscle Volume and Strength in Healthy People Lacking Exercise., Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, Vol.68, No.6, 521-526, 2022. (DOI: 10.3177/jnsv.68.521, PubMed: 36596550, CiNii: 1390576118538657152) |
33. | Cheonghae Lee, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Tatsuya Maeda, Miku Ando, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto and Masahiro Okada : Bone and soft-tissue images extraction through derivation of effective atomic number image using photon-counting detector., Proceedings of IEEE(MIC), 5, 2021. (DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC44867.2021.9875683, Elsevier: Scopus) |
34. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Cheonghae Lee, Tatsuya Maeda, Miku Ando, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto and Masahiro Okada : A novel algorithm for extracting soft-tissue and bone images measured using a photon-counting type X-ray imaging detector with the help of effective atomic number analysis, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol.176, No.109822, 12, 2021. (DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109822) |
35. | Hasegawa Yu, Akihiro Haga, Sakata Dousatsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Masahide Tominaga, Motoharu Sasaki, Imae Toshikazu and Nakagawa Keiichi : Estimation of X-ray Energy Spectrum of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Scanner Using Percentage Depth Dose Measurements and Machine Learning Approach, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.90, 074801-1-074801-7, 2021. (DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.90.074801) |
36. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Syun Kitano, Nagomi Fukuda, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Myelin imaging derived quantitative parameter mapping compared to myelin water fraction, Proceedings of ISMRM, Vol.29, No.2828, 2021. |
37. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Tatsuya Maeda, Emi Tomita, Takashi Asahara, Sota Goto, Yuki Kanazawa, Yasufumi Shitakubo, Kanako Sakuragawa, Hitoshi Ikushima, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : A disposable OSL dosimeter for in-vivo measurement of rectum dose during brachytherapy, Medical Physics, Vol.Online ahead of print, 2021. (DOI: 10.1002/mp.14857, PubMed: 33760234) |
38. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hayashi Hiroaki, Takmumi Asakawa, Cheonghae Lee, Takashi Asahara, Tatsuya Maeda, Sota Goto, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto and Masahiro Okada : Effective atomic number image determination with an energy-resolving photon-counting detector using polychromatic X-ray attenuation by correcting for the beam hardening effect and detector response, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol.170, 109617, 2021. (DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109617) |
39. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Sota Goto, Natsumi Kimoto, Kazuki Takegami, Tatsuya Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Evaluation of calibration factor of OSLD toward eye lens exposure dose measurement of medical staff during IVR, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Vol.in press, 2020. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2008848, DOI: 10.1002/acm2.13042) |
40. | 井上 雄介, 榎 泰之, 鈴木 正行, 金澤 裕樹, 川島 博子 : 乳腺ダイナミックMRIにおける腫瘍辺縁部と腫瘍中心部の時間信号曲線の違いについてー病理組織との対比ー, 日本がん健診・診断学会誌, Vol.28, No.1, 1-6, 2020年. |
41. | Sota Goto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Kazuki Takegami, Takumi Asakawa, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : An idea to reduce angular dependence of dosimeter having a disk-shaped detection region, Radiation Measurements, Vol.137, 106323, 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2020.106323) |
42. | Ikuho Kosaka, Yuki Kanazawa, Kotaro Baba, Hiroaki Hayashi and Masafumi Harada : Quantitative analysis of vibration waves based on Fourier transform in magnetic resonance elastography, Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.13, 268-275, 2020. (DOI: 10.1007/s12194-020-00579-y, PubMed: 32766948) |
43. | Maki Ohtomo, Masafumi Harada, Takashi Abe, Yuki Matsumoto, Yumi Abe, Yuki Kanazawa, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Hiroyuki Kabasawa and Yoshitake Takahashi : Reproducibility and Variability of Quantitative Cerebral Blood Flow Measured by Multi-delay 3D Arterial Spin Labeling According to Sex and Menstrual Cycle, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.67, No.3.4, 321-327, 2020. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2008227, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.67.321, PubMed: 33148909) |
44. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Takashi Abe, Yuki Matsumoto and Yasushi Takagi : Characterization of Brain Tumors using Amide Proton and Nuclear Overhauser Effect at 3 Tesla MR Scanner, Proceedings of the 28th Virtual Conference of ISMRM, No.1697, 2020. |
45. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Tosiaki Miyati, Takashi Abe, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuhisa Kanematsu and Yasushi Takagi : Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging for Atherosclerotic Plaques, Proceedings of 28th Virtual Meeting of ISMRM, No.2128, 2020. |
46. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Sota Goto, Emi Tomita, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa and Shohei Kudomi : Dose calibration factor of an OSL dosimeter during CT examination to measure exposure dose of patients taking into consideration proper X-ray quality, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), No.C-01393, 2020. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2020/C-01393) |
47. | Yugo Wada, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Naoki Maeda, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe, Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Carl Michael : Multi-components analysis of brain using ultrashort echo time magnetic resonance imaging, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), No.C-08766, 2020. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2020/C-08766) |
48. | Naoki Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe, Hiroaki Hayashi, Masaharu Ono and Yoshitaka Bito : Multicomponent T1 Relaxometry Analysis using Quantitative Parameter Mapping Magnetic Resonance Imaging, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), No.C-8678, 2020. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2020/C-08767) |
49. | Yuki Kanazawa, Chiba Daiki, Masafumi Harada, Miyati Tosiaki, Miyoshi Mitsuharu, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe and Akihiro Haga : Thermal sensitive pH imaging using CEST, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.3991, 2019. |
50. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Taniguchi Yo, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Yuki Matsumoto, Ono Masafumi, Bito Yoshitaka and Akihiro Haga : Myelin imaging derived from quantitative parameter mapping, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.3313, 2019. |
51. | Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda and Hideki Otsuka : Appropriate echo time selection for quantitative susceptibility mapping., Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.12, 185-193, 2019. (DOI: 10.1007/s12194-019-00513-x, PubMed: 30980255, Elsevier: Scopus) |
52. | Takashi Abe, Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Yoichi Otomi, Maki Otomo, Moriaki Yamanaka, Mihoko Kondo, Saya Matsuzaki, Ariunbold Gankhuyag, Enkhamgalan Dolgorsuren, Oyundari Gonchigsuren and Masafumi Harada : Comparing neural networks for synthesizing FLAIR images from T1WI and T2WI, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.240, 2019. |
53. | Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Sota Goto, Takashi Asahara, Emi Tomita, Yuki Kanazawa, Takuya Hashizume, V Cruz and H W Cheng : Determining the difference of calibration factors in diagnostic X-rays and mono-energetic X-rays of the small type OSL dosimeter for a more precise dose evaluation in diagnostic X-ray examinations, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), No.C-0212, 14, 2019. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2019/C-0212) |
54. | Yoshiki Mihara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takumi Uehara, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Keiji Tada, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Where do the scattering X-rays to eye lens exposure come from during neonatal cardiac CT examination?, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), No.C-1825, 26, 2019. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2019/C-1825) |
55. | Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Kosaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Sumi Yokoyama, Kazuki Takegami, Takuya Hashizume, Vergil LE Cruz and Ikuo Kobayashi : Applicability of a Practical Calibration for the Small-type OSL Dosimeter for Measuring Doses from Direct X-rays and Penetrating X-rays Affected by Scattered Radiation, Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.6, 22-25, 2019. (DOI: 10.15669/pnst.6.22) |
56. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Natsumi Kimoto, Keiji Tada, Ryosuke Kasai, Yuki Kanazawa, Yoshiki Mihara, Takashi Asahara, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Vergil LE Cruz : Direct Dose Measurement of Patients during Pediatric Computed Tomography Examination, Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.6, 18-21, 2019. (DOI: 10.15669/pnst.6.18) |
57. | Vergil LE Cruz, Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Yuki Kanazawa, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Energy and Angular Dependence of the Small-Type OSL Dosimeter in Nuclear Medicine Regions using Monte Carlo Simulation, Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.6, 34-38, 2019. (DOI: 10.15669/pnst.6.34) |
58. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Kanako Sakuragawa, Hiroshi Saegusa, Yasufumi Shitakubo, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yuki Kanazawa, Yoshiki Mihara, Yoshinori Miyahara, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Vergil LE Cruz : Development of Novel Rectum Dosimeter using OSL sheet with the aim of Direct Dose Measurement of Organ Dose during Brachytherapy, Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.6, 30-33, 2019. (DOI: 10.15669/pnst.6.30) |
59. | Emi Tomita, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Kanako Sakuragawa, Yasufumi Shitakubo, Hiroshi Saegusa, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yuki Kanazawa, Sota Goto, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Vergil LE Cruz : Direct Radiation Dose Measurement of Rectum during High-Dose-Rate 192Ir Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer Treatment, Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.6, 39-42, 2019. (DOI: 10.15669/pnst.6.39) |
60. | Enkh-Amgalan Dolgorsuren, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Maki Otomo, Yuki Matsumoto, Yoshifumi Mizobuchi and Kohhei Nakajima : Correlation and Characteristics of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion and Arterial Spin Labeling Techniques Versus Multiple Parameters Obtained on Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion MRI for Brain Tumors., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.66, No.3.4, 308-313, 2019. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2006801, DOI: 10.2152/jmi.66.308, PubMed: 31656295) |
61. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takumi Asakawa, takashi Asahara, Maeda Tatsuya, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto and Okada Masahiro : Feasibility study of photon counting detector for producing effective atomic number image, Proceedings of IEEE(MIC), 2019. (DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059919, Elsevier: Scopus) |
62. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Sota Goto, Emi Tomita, Natsumi Kimoto, Yoshiki Mihara, Takumi Asakawa, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Kosaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Exposure dose measurement during diagnostic pediatric X-ray examination using an optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter based on precise dose calibration taking into consideration variation of X-ray spectra, Radiation Measurements, Vol.119, 209-219, 2018. (DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.10.007) |
63. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Yuki Kanazawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Okada and Masaki Yamasaki : Reproduction of response functions of a multi-pixel-type energy-resolved photon counting detector while taking into consideration interaction of X-rays, charge sharing and energy resolution, Proceedings of IEEE(MIC), 4, 2018. (DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824417, Elsevier: Scopus) |
64. | Yuki Kanazawa, Kotaro Baba, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Hiroaki Hayashi, Ikuho Kosaka, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Michael Carl and Yuki Matsumoto : Does the amount of signal change depend on calcium concentration in lipid-rich core plaque?, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.3473, 2018. |
65. | Yuki Kanazawa, Toshiaki Sasaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kotaro Baba, Ikuho Kosaka, Yuki Matsumoto, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada : T1 dependency of magnetization transfer effect in human brain, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.3179, 2018. |
66. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Ikuho Kosaka, Kotaro Baba, Hiroaki Hayashi and Yuki Matsumoto : Nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect of low B1 power CEST RF in human brain at 3.0 T, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.5117, 2018. |
67. | Yuki Kanazawa, Yasutaka Fushimi, Naotaka Sakashita, Tomohisa Okada, Yoshiki Arakawa and Mitsue Miyazaki : B1 Power Optimization for Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging: A Phantom Study Using Egg White for Amide Proton Transfer Imaging Applications in the Human Brain, Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences, Vol.17, No.1, 86-94, 2018. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2009146, DOI: 10.2463/mrms.tn.2016-0069, PubMed: 28566586) |
68. | Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Toshiaki Sasaki, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada : Development of correction for signal-to-noise ratio using a T2* with improved Phase method, Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, Vol.42, No.1, 117-123, 2018. (DOI: 10.1097/RCT.0000000000000644, PubMed: 28708721) |
69. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Natsumi Kimoto, Kenji Yamada, Sumi Yokoyama, Yuki Kanazawa and Tohru Okazaki : Phantom study using an OSL dosimeter with the aim of accurate measurement of eye lens dose exposure of operator during transfemoral cardiac catheterization using fluoroscopic examination, European Congress of Radiology, Vol.EPOS, No.C-0044, 2018. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2018/C-0044) |
70. | Yuki Kanazawa, Tetsuya Yamada, Aki Kido, Koji Fujimoto, Kyoko Takakura, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasutaka Fushimi, Satoshi Kozawa, Koji Koizumi, Makiko Okuni, Naomi Ueda and Kaori Togashi : Internal evaluation of impregnation treatment of waterlogged wood; relation between concentration of internal materials and relaxation time using magnetic resonance imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.38, 196-201, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.mri.2017.01.010, PubMed: 28095302) |
71. | Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa and Hiroyuki Kabasawa : CEST and Binding Water MT Separation in Brain Tumor by Multi Pool Model CEST Peak Extraction Method, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, 4242, 2017. |
72. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Toshiaki Sasaki and Natsuki Ikemitsu : Baseline of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging for Brain, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, 4646, 2017. |
73. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Toshiaki Sasaki, Natsuki Ikemitsu and Michael Carl : Dura Mater imaging with UTE T2* Mapping, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, 4682, 2017. |
74. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Yoshiki Mihara, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masashi Yamasaki and Masahiro Okada : Precise material identification method based on a photon counting technique with correction of the beam hardening effect in X-ray spectra, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol.124, 16-26, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.01.049, PubMed: 28314161, Elsevier: Scopus) |
75. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kenji Yamada, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Fumio Hayashi, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Entrance surface dose measurements using a small OSL dosimeter with a computed tomography scanner having 320 rows of detectors, Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.10, No.1, 49-59, 2017. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004011, DOI: 10.1007/s12194-016-0366-1, PubMed: 27341805) |
76. | Yoshiki Mihara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kenji Yamada, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Ryosuke Kasai, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Basic study for internal dose evaluation during CT examination by means of small-type OSL dosimeter, European Congress of Radiology, C-0005-1-C-0005-22, 2017. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2017/C-0005) |
77. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, Takashi Asahara, Kenji Yamada, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Preliminary study for exposure dose measurement of people assisting during a pediatric X-ray procedure by means of a small-type OSL dosimeter, European Congress of Radiology, C-0034-1-C-0034-19, 2017. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2017/C-0034) |
78. | Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takatoshi Usuda, Toshiaki Sasaki, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada : An improvement of signal-to-noise ratio for phase image, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0803, 2017. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004232, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2017/C-0803) |
79. | Toshiaki Sasaki, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsuki Ikemitsu, Takatoshi Usuda, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada : T1 dependence of magnetization transfer effect for macromolecules, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0827, 2017. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004231, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2017/C-0827) |
80. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Asahara Takashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Yamakawa Tsutomu, Yamamoto Shuichiro, Yamasaki Masashi and Okada Masahiro : Development of a novel method based on a photon counting technique with the aim of precise material identification in clinical X-ray diagnosis, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 2017. (DOI: 10.1117/12.2253564) |
81. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masashi Yamasaki and Masahiro Okada : Response functions of multi-pixel-type CdTe detector, --- Toward development of precise material identification on diagnostic X-ray images by means of photon counting ---, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.10132, 1013236, 2017. (DOI: 10.1117/12.2251185) |
82. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Yuki Kanazawa, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Kazuki Takegami, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Vergil Estacio Lorenzo Cruz : Necessity of Direct Dose Measurement during Current X-ray Diagnosis, --- Our Approach Using a Small-type OSL Dosimeter ---, Medical Research Archives, Vol.5, No.2, 1-20, 2017. (DOI: 10.18103/mra.v5i2.1030) |
83. | Yuki Kanazawa, Tetsuya Yamada, Aki Kido, Koji Fujimoto, Kyoko Takakura, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasutaka Fushimi, Satoshi Kozawa, Koji Koizumi, Makiko Okuni, Naomi Ueda and Kaori Togashi : Visualization of magnetic transfer effect in polyethylene glycol impregnated waterlogged wood., Applied Magnetic Resonance, Vol.48, No.2, 125-134, 2017. (DOI: 10.1007/s00723-016-0850-0) |
84. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Estimation of identification limit for a small-type OSL dosimeter on the medical images by measurement of X-ray spectra, Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.9, No.2, 282-292, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004010, DOI: 10.1007/s12194-016-0362-5, PubMed: 27260346) |
85. | Yuto Konishi, Yuki Kanazawa, Takatoshi Usuda, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda, Junji Ueno and Masafumi Harada : Simple noise reduction for diffusion weighted images, Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.9, No.2, 221-226, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004012, DOI: 10.1007/s12194-016-0350-9, PubMed: 26984734) |
86. | Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda, Munguu Ganbold and Masafumi Harada : Simple improvement method of uniformity of MR elastography on liver, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, 2972, 2016. |
87. | Itsumi Maehata, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Yuki Kanazawa and Masahide Tominaga : Practical method for determination of air-kerma by using an ionization chamber toward the construction of secondary X-ray field to be used in clinical examination rooms, Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.9, No.2, 193-201, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004009, DOI: 10.1007/s12194-016-0352-7) |
88. | Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa and Kobayashi Ikuo : Evaluation of energy dependence of nanoDot optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter using characteristic X-ray induced by medical X-ray equipment, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0338, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004230, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0338) |
89. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Itsumi Maehata and Yuki Kanazawa : Development of leaf electroscope to understand ionization for novice practical training, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0083, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004223, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0083) |
90. | Hiroki Okino, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Compact irradiation system for evaluation of basic characteristics of the nanoDot OSL dosimeter toward direct measurement of exposure dose of patients, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0024, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004220, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0024) |
91. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Fabrication and analysis of phantoms providing the equal-image-density for basic experiment of next-generation-type X-ray diagnosis, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0012, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004216, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0012) |
92. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Proposal of quantitative identification method of a small-type OSL dosimeter: Verification that the dosimeter is not detected in the medical image, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0010, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004215, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0010) |
93. | Itsumi Maehata, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami and Yuki Kanazawa : Precise determination of the scattered X-ray contamination rate using diagnostic X-ray equipment for the construction of the secondary X-ray field, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0007, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004213, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0007) |
94. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Experimental evaluation of response functions of a CdTe detector in the diagnostic region with the aim of carrying out a basic experiment concerning a next generation photon counting system, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0006, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004212, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0006) |
95. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Energy dependence measurement of small-type optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter by means of characteristic X-rays induced with general diagnostic X-ray equipment, Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.9, No.1, 99-108, 2016. (DOI: 10.1007/s12194-015-0339-9, Elsevier: Scopus) |
96. | Yuto Konishi, Yuki Kanazawa, Takatoshi Usuda, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda and Masafumi Harada : Comparison with statistical analysis of signal correction in diffusion weighted MR image, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0291, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004211, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0291) |
97. | Yuki Kanazawa, Yuto Konishi, Takatoshi Usuda, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda and Masafumi Harada : Noise estimation for diffusion weighted MR image, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-0591, 2016. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2004182, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0591) |
98. | Yuki Kanazawa, Hiroaki Hayashi and Masafumi Harada : Clinical Approach of T1-mapping for Hemodynamic Analysis, Medical Imaging and Information Sciences, Vol.32, No.4, xxvi-xxix, 2015. (DOI: 10.11318/mii.32.xxvi) |
99. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Ikuo Kobayashi : Practical calibration curve of small-type optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter for evaluation of entrance-skin dose in the diagnostic X-ray region, Radiological Physics and Technology, Vol.8, No.2, 286-294, 2015. (DOI: 10.1007/s12194-015-0318-1, Elsevier: Scopus) |
100. | Hiroaki Hayashi, K Takegami, H Okino, K Nakagawa and Yuki Kanazawa : Development of new educational apparatus to visualize scattered X-rays., European Congress of Radiology 2015 (EPOS), C-0073, 2015. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2015/C-0073) |
101. | Yuki Kanazawa, T Miyati, Hiroaki Hayashi, A Yagi and O Sato : Optimization of imaging parameter in contrast-enhanced three-dimensional T1 weighted MRI with fat saturation for head disease., European Congress of Radiology 2015 (EPOS), C-1450, 2015. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2015/C-1450) |
102. | Yuki Kanazawa, Toshiaki Miyati and Osamu Sato : Hemodynamic analysis of bladder tumors using T1-dynamic contrast-enhanced fast spin-echo MRI, European Journal of Radiology, Vol.81, No.8, 1682-1687, 2012. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2011.04.013, PubMed: 21543177, CiNii: 1050845760881060224, Elsevier: Scopus) |
103. | Yuki Kanazawa, T Miyati, O Sato and J Tazoe : Why do we have to calculate T1 when evaluation of carotid plaque?, European Congress of Radiology 2011 (EPOS), No.C-1146, 2011. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2011/C-1146) |
104. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 八木 絢子, 吉田 彩, 佐藤 修 : 高速スピンエコー法を用いた T1・T2同時計測MRI, 医用画像情報学会雑誌, Vol.27, No.4, 111-115, 2010年. (DOI: 10.11318/mii.27.111, CiNii: 1390282679630542848) |
105. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 井上 雄介, 佐藤 修 : 高速スピンエコー法を用いた造影ダイナミックT1値計測MRIの最適条件の検討, 日本放射線技術学会雑誌, Vol.63, No.10, 1127-1132, 2007年. (DOI: 10.6009/jjrt.63.1127, PubMed: 18187894, CiNii: 1390001206361392896, Elsevier: Scopus) |
106. | 金澤 裕樹, 井上 雄介, 石田 憲一 : Driven Equilibrium Pulseを利用したTurbo Spin Echo法(DRIVE)の基礎的検討, 日本放射線技術学会雑誌, Vol.62, No.7, 1013-1017, 2006年. (DOI: 10.6009/jjrt.62.1013, CiNii: 1390282681340494976, Elsevier: Scopus) |
1. | Yuki Matsumoto, Koji Fujita, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : Characterization of Movement Disorders Using Multimodal Neuroimaging, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), 2022. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2022/C-16595) |
2. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : Endogenous/exogenous tracers in CEST for pH measurement at 3T MRI, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), 2022. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2022/C-16566) |
3. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Fukuda Nagomi, Kitano Syun, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Brain Tumor Characterization and Assessment using Automatic Detection of Extracellular pH Change, Proceedings of the 2021 ISMRM & SMRT ANNUAL MEETING & EXHIBITION, No.3749, 2021. |
4. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Calculation of Concentration of Contrast Media, Relaxivity, Extracellular pH and Oxygen Extraction Fraction for Brain Tumor Characterization, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.4983, 2020. |
5. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Calculation of molar relaxivity and concentration map of Gd-DTPA map using quantitative parameter map before and after injection for brain metastasis, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.4983, 2019. |
6. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : Chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging depending on several neurodegenerative diseases at 3T, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.2795, 2019. |
7. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo, Amgalan Enkh Dolgorsuren, Ariumbold Gankhuyag, Takamatsu Shin and Yamashita Yuichi : Which number of b-value is better for accurate calculation of virtual MR elastography?, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-1761, 2019. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2019/C-1761) |
8. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo, Ariunbold Gankhuyag, Amgalan Enkh Dolgorsuren, Takamatsu Shin and Yamashita Yuichi : Why are shear stiffness and estimated intravoxel incoherent motion map correlated in the liver?, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), C-1789, 2019. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2019/C-1789) |
9. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo and Mitsuharu Miyoshi : Chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging for neurodegenerative diseases, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, No.2096, 2018. |
1. | 金澤 裕樹 : ISMRM2022in London( ハイブリッド開催)に参加して, 映像情報メディカル増刊号ROUTINE CLINICAL MRI 2023 BOOK 54, Vol.54, No.14, 2022年12月. |
2. | Yuki Kanazawa and Masafumi Harada : Editorial for "Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI for Differentiating Radiation Necrosis from Tumor Progression in Brain Metastasis: Application in a Clinical Setting", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : JMRI, Vol.Epub ahead of print, Oct. 2022. (DOI: 10.1002/jmri.28461, PubMed: 36269612) |
3. | 金澤 裕樹 : ISMRM 2021 Online に参加して, 映像情報メディカル増刊号 ROUTIN CLINICAL MRI 2022 BOOK53, Vol.53, No.14, 42-47, 2021年12月. (CiNii: 1523669556033830272) |
1. | Mayuka Seguchi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuhisa Kanematsu, Yasushi Takagi and Akihiro Haga : Can We Determine Viscosity for Atherosclerotic Plaque Formations?, European Congress of Radiology ECR2024, Wien, Mar. 2025. |
2. | Mayuka Seguchi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Hiroaki Hayashi and Akihiro Haga : How Can We Measure Biological Viscosity Non-Invasively Using MRI?, RSNA2024 (the 110th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Dec. 2024. |
3. | Ohshiro Ryuji, Yuki Kanazawa, Akihiro Haga and Masafumi Harada : How Do We Determine the Water Volume in the Central Nervous System?, RSNA2024 (the 110th Scientific Assembly and AnnualMeeting of the Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Dec. 2024. |
4. | Yuki Kanazawa, Yo Taniguchi, Masafumi Harada, Kosuke Ito and Yoshitaka Bito : Visualization of Human Brain Cortical Layers Using Quantitative Parameter Mapping on a 3 Tesla Scanner, The 33st Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Singapore, May 2024. |
5. | Ohshiro Ryuji, Yuki Kanazawa, Akihiro Haga and Masafumi Harada : Development of numerical phantom converting from electron microscopic analysis to multi-component water fraction for MRI simulator., The 33st Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Singapore, May 2024. |
6. | Sota Goto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Kazuki Takegami, Rina Nishigami, Daiki Kobayashi, Takashi Asahara and Yuki Kanazawa : A novel analysis method to determine surface radiation dose taking into account the incident angle of X-rays during a helical scanning CT examination, The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), Yokohama, Apr. 2024. |
7. | Daiki Kobayashi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Rina Nishigami, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsuki Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : A correction method for image blurring to derive accurate quantitative material information using an energy resolving photon counting detector, The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), Yokohama, Apr. 2024. |
8. | Rina Nishigami, Hiroaki Hayashi, daiki Kobayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Tomonobu Haba, Natsuki Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Suitability of High Tube Voltage Imaging for General Radiography When Using Energy Resolving Photon Counting Detectors, The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), Yokohama, Apr. 2024. |
9. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeada, Sota Goto, Kazuki Takegami, Takashi Asahara, Rina Nishigami, Daiki KObayashi, Yuki Kanazawa and Kazuta Yamashita : Direct dose measurement method during chest CT examination by taking into consideration the X-ray incident direction, European Congress of Radiology, ECR 2024, Wien, Mar. 2024. |
10. | Shunsuke Uotani, Yuki Kanazawa, Taniguchi Yo, Ito Kosuke, Bito Yoshitaka, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada and Akihiro Haga : Determining Imaging Parameters of a Gradient-echo Technique for Myelin Water Fraction., European Congress of RadiologyECR2024, Wien, Mar. 2024. |
11. | Rina Nishigami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Daiki Kobayashi, Tatsuya Maeada, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Natsumi Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Applicability of high tube voltage imaging to achieve accurate quantitative images when applying photon counting detectors to general radiography, SPIE Medical Imaging 2024, Vol.12925, 129252M, Feb. 2024. (DOI: 10.1117/12.3004150, Elsevier: Scopus) |
12. | Yuki Matsumoto, Shotaro Haji, Masafumi Harada, Wataru Sako, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuishin Izumi, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Quantitative Parameter Mapping of Brain Structure and Components in Parkinsons Disease and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, RSNA2023 (Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Nov. 2023. |
13. | Cheonghae Lee, Hiroaki Hayashi, Daiki Kobayashi, Rina Nishigami, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsuki Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Automatic determination algorithm of intrinsic parameters on response function of energy-resolving photon counting imaging detector, The 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Vancouver, Nov. 2023. |
14. | Daiki Kobayashi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Rina Nishigami, Cheonghae Lee, Tastuya Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsuki Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamashita : Blurring correction for calculating functional images using an energy resolving photon counting detector, The 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Vancouver, Nov. 2023. |
15. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Kazuki takegami, Sota Goto, Rina NIshigami, Daiki KObayashi, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Kazuta Yamashita and Kosaku Higashino : How can we establish direct radiation dose measurement during CT examinations?, The 109th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA2023), Chicago, Nov. 2023. |
16. | Daiki Kobayashi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Rina Nishigami, Cheonghae Lee, Tatsuya Maeada, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsuki Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamloto : Will general radiography become more valuable when exploiting the performance of a photon counting detector?, The 109th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA2023), Chicago, Nov. 2023. |
17. | Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Mayuka Seguchi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Yasuhisa Kanematsu and Yasushi Takagi : Metabolic Analysis Within an Atherosclerotic Plaque Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging, The 109th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA2023), Chicago, Nov. 2023. |
18. | Hiroaki Hayashi, tatsuya Maeda, Kazuki Takegami, Rina Nishigami, Daiki Kobayashi, Cheonhae Lee, Takashi Asahara, sota Goto, Miku Ando, Yuki Kanazawa, Kazuta Yamashita, Kosaku Higashino, Shuichi Murakami, Takeshi Konishi and Motochika Maki : Evidence of exposure dose reduction outside the scanning region during fast scan chest CT examination through the use of an X-ray shield, 20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD20), Viareggio, Sep. 2023. |
19. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeada, Daiki Kobayashi, Sota Goto, Rina Nishigami, Miku Ando, Cheonghae Lee, Yuki Kanazawa, Kazuta Yamashita, Naoki Maeda, Satoshi Imajo and Mitsugi Honda : An active-type personal dosimeter having functions to derive both incident direction and absolute dose of scattered X-rays during clinical X-ray examinations, 20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD20), Viareggio, Sep. 2023. |
20. | Yuki Kanazawa, KITANO Shun, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Myelin Water Atlas Template Derived from Quantitative Parameter Mapping, The 32st Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Toronto, Jun. 2023. |
21. | Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuhisa Kanematsu and Yasushi Takagi : Evaluation of Biological Metabolic Activity within an Atherosclerotic Plaque using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging, The 32st Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Toronto, Jun. 2023. |
22. | Mayuka Seguchi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuhisa Kanematsu and Yasushi Takagi : Diffusion weighted-viscosity imaging for atherosclerotic plaques, The 32st Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Toronto, Jun. 2023. |
23. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Daiki Kobayashi, Sota Goto, Cheonghae Lee, Yuki Kanazawa, Naoki Maeada, Satoshi Imjo and Mitsugu Honda : A novel function for wearable dosimeters: to determine both incident direction and absolute dose of X-rays during IVR procedure, The 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), Yokohama, Apr. 2023. |
24. | Daiki KObayashi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Cheongae Lee, Rina NIshigami, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsumi Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : A correction method for object edge blurring that is effective for quantitative analysis using photon counting imaging, The 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), Yokohama, Apr. 2023. |
25. | Rina Nishigami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Cheonghae Lee, Daiki KObayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, tomonobu Haba, Natsuki Kimoto and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Suitability of High-Tube-Voltage Imaging When Using Energy Resolving Photon Counting Detector (ERPCD): Simulation Study, The 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), Yokohama, Apr. 2023. |
26. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Sota Goto, Daiki Kobayashi, Cheonghae Lee, Yuki Kanazawa, Naoki Maeda and Mitsugu Honda : A wearable active-type dosimeter having novel functions to derive both incident direction and absolute dose of scattered X-rays during IVR procedures, European Congress of Radiology (ECR), Mar. 2023. |
27. | Nagomi Fukuda, Yuki Kanazawa, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Motoharu Sasaki and Akihiro Haga : Development of a B1 correction method without additional scanning VFA T1 map., European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Jul. 2022. |
28. | Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Kinjo, Masafumi Harada, Toshiaki Miyati, Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Naoki Maeda, Yasuhisa Kanematsu, Yasushi Takagi and Akihiro Haga : Evaluation of Blood Flow and Plaque Vulnerability in Carotid Artery Stenosis Focusing on Morphological and Component Characteristics, ISMRM 30th Annual Meeting, London, May 2022. |
29. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Yuki Matsumoto : Evaluation of brain tumor and surrounding tissue activity using multi-pool CEST imaging on 3 Tesla scanner, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, London, May 2022. |
30. | Nagomi Fukuda, Yuki Kanazawa, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Motoharu Sasaki and Akihiro Haga : Development of self-calibrating B1 correction for three-dimensional variable flip angle T1 mapping, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, London, May 2022. |
31. | Shun Kitano, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Conversion map from quantitative parameter mapping to myelin water fraction, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, London, May 2022. |
32. | Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Akihiro Haga, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto and Masafumi Harada : Determination of Alzheimer's disease based on morphology and atrophy using machine learning combined with automated segmentation., Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, London, May 2022. |
33. | Cheonghae Lee, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Tatsuya Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Bone and soft-tissue image generation method based on one shot X-ray exposure using a photon-counting detector, Joint International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology, Yokohama, Apr. 2022. |
34. | Fukuda Nagomi, Yuki Kanazawa, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Motoharu Sasaki and Akihiro Haga : Variable flip angle T1 mapping without acquiring data for B1 correction, Joint International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology, Yokohama, Apr. 2022. |
35. | Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosuke Ito, Yo Taniguchi, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Determination of white matter structure index for voxel basedmorphometry and connectivity analysis., European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2022. |
36. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : Endogenous/exogenous tracers in CEST for pH measurement at 3T MRI, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2022. |
37. | Yuki Matsumoto, Koji Fujita, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : Characterization of Movement Disorders Using Multimodal Neuroimaging, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2022. |
38. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Yo Taniguchi, Masaharu Ono and Yoshitaka Bito : What Is The Extracellular pH Of Brain Tumors And How Can We Detect Brain Tumors Using Gadolinium-based-contrast Agents?, RSNA2021 (Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Nov. 2021. |
39. | Naoki Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Kinjo, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Tosiaki Miyati, Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yasuhisa Kanematsu, Yasushi Takagi and Akihiro Haga : Is it possible to evaluate morphological carotid artery stenosis information using NASCET criteria?, RSNA2021 (Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Nov. 2021. |
40. | Cheonghae Lee, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Tatsuya Maeda, Miku Ando, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto and Masahiro Okada : Bone and soft-tissue images extraction through derivation of effective atomic number image using photon-counting detector, IEEE(MIC), Online, Nov. 2021. (DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC44867.2021.9875683, Elsevier: Scopus) |
41. | Cheonghae Lee, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Tatsuya Maeda, Miku Ando, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto and Masahiro Okada : Bone and soft-tissue images extraction through derivation of effective atomic number image using photon-counting detector., IEEE(MIC), On-line meeting, Oct. 2021. |
42. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Yo Taniguchi, Masaharu Ono and Yoshitaka Bito : Brain Tumor Characterization and Assessment using Automatic Detection of Extracellular pH Change, ISMRM 29th Annual Meeting, Online meeting, May 2021. |
43. | Naoki Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Derivation of Water Exchange Constants between Components using Quantitative Parameter Mapping (QPM), ISMRM 29th Annual Meeting, Online, May 2021. |
44. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Syun Kitano, Nagomi Fukuda, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Myelin imaging derived quantitative parameter mapping compared to myelin water fraction, ISMRM 29th Annual Meeting, Online, May 2021. |
45. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Sota Goto, Kazuki Takegami, Tatsuya Maeda, Chenghae Lee, Yuki Kanazawa, Kazuta Yamashita and Higashino Kosaku : How can we perform actual dose measurement? Clinically applicable procedures and its impact, RSNA2020, Online, Dec. 2020. |
46. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Calculation of Concentration of Contrast Media, Relaxivity, Extracellular pH and Oxygen Extraction Fraction for Brain Tumor Characterization, ISMRM 28th Annual Meeting, Paris, Aug. 2020. |
47. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Takashi Abe, Yuki Matsumoto and Yasushi Takagi : Characterization of Brain Tumors using Amide Proton and Nuclear Overhauser Effect at 3 Tesla MR Scanner, ISMRM Virtual Conference, Aug. 2020. |
48. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Tosiaki Miyati, Takashi Abe, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuhisa Kanematsu and Yasushi Takagi : Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging for Atherosclerotic Plaques, ISMRM Virtual Conference, Aug. 2020. |
49. | Hasegawa Yu, Akihiro Haga, Sakata Dousatsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Masahide Tominaga, Motoharu Sasaki, Imae T. and Nakagawa Keiichi : Estimation of X-ray energy spectrum for CT scannerfrom percentage depth dose measurement, 2020 JOINT AAPM COMP meeting, Jul. 2020. |
50. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Sota Goto, Emi Tomita, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa and Shohei Kudomi : Dose calibration factor of an OSL dosimeter during CT examination to measure exposure dose of patients taking into consideration proper X-ray quality, European Congress of Radiology, No.C-01393, Online, Jul. 2020. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2020/C-01393) |
51. | Maeda Naoki, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Tanigichi Yo, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe, Hiroaki Hayashi, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Multicomponent T1 Relaxometry Analysis using Quantitative Parameter Mapping Magnetic Resonance Imaging, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2020. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2020/C-08767) |
52. | Wada Yugo, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Naoki Maeda, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe, Hiroaki Hayashi, Miyoshi Mitsuharu and Carl Michel : Multi-components analysis of brain using ultrashort echo time magnetic resonance imaging, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2020. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2020/C-08766) |
53. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : How does synthetic MRI depict biological information? A step toward planning for deep brain stimulation (DBS), European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2020. |
54. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Simultaneously Calculation of Concentration of Contrast Media, Relaxivity, and Oxygen Extraction Fraction using Quantitative Parameter Mapping, RSNA2019 (Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Dec. 2019. |
55. | Kimoto Natsumi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Asakawa Takumi, Asahara Takashi, Maeda Tatsuya, Katsumata Akitoshi, Yuki Kanazawa, Koyama Shuji, Yamamoto Shuichiro and Okada Masahiro : Photon counting technique: How to analyze a novel quantitative image?, RSNA2019 (Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Dec. 2019. |
56. | Kimoto Natsumi, Hayashi Hiroaki, Asakawa Takumi, Asahara Takashi, Maeda Tatsuya, Yuki Kanazawa, Katsumata Akitoshi, Yamamoto Shuichiro and Okada Masahiro : Feasibility study of photon counting detector for producing effective atomic number image, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Manchester, Nov. 2019. |
57. | GOTO Sota, HAYASHI Hiroaki, TOMITA Emi, ASAHARA Takashi, KIMOTO Natsumi, Yuki Kanazawa, YAMAGUCHI Hidetoshi and SHIMIZU Morihito : Novel Disk-Shaped OSL Dosimeter Having Smaller Angular Dependence, 19th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19), Hiroshima, Sep. 2019. |
58. | Tomita Emi, Hayashi Hiroaki, Asahara Takashi, Kimoto Natsumi, Goto Sota, Yuki Kanazawa, Shitakubo Yasufumi, Sakuragawa Kanako, Hitoshi Ikushima, Okazaki Tohru and Hashizume Takuya : Development of a Clinically Applicable Rectum Dosimeter for Brachytherapy using an Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter, 19th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19), Hiroshima, Sep. 2019. |
59. | Takegami Kazuki, Hayashi Hiroaki, Kimoto Natsumi, Goto Sota, Tomita Emi, Takashi Asahara, Mihara Yoshiki and Yuki Kanazawa : Practical calibration curve for a small-type OSL dosimeter to measure exposure dose of patients during medical X-ray diagnosis, 19th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19), Hiroshima, Sep. 2019. |
60. | Asahara Takashi, Hayashi Hiroaki, Goto Sota, Tomita Emi, Kimoto Natsumi, Asakawa Takumi, Takegami Kazuki, Yuki Kanazawa, Okazaki Tohru and Hashizume Takuya : Precise dose calibration method of OSL dosimeter with help of X-ray spectra toward exposure dose evaluation of eye lens, 19th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19), Hiroshima, Sep. 2019. |
61. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Calculation of molar relaxivity and concentration map of Gd-DTPA map using quantitative parameter map before and after injection for brain metastasis, ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting, Montreal, May 2019. |
62. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : Chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging depending on several neurodegenerative diseases at 3T, ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting, Montreal, May 2019. |
63. | Yuki Kanazawa, Chiba Daiki, Masafumi Harada, Miyati Tosiaki, Miyoshi Mitsuharu, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe and Akihiro Haga : Thermal sensitive pH imaging using CEST, ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting, Montreal, May 2019. |
64. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Taniguchi Yo, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Yuki Matsumoto, Ono Masafumi, Bito Yoshitaka and Akihiro Haga : Myelin imaging derived from quantitative parameter mapping, ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting, Montreal, May 2019. |
65. | Takashi Abe, Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Yoichi Otomi, Maki Otomo, Moriaki Yamanaka, Mihoko Kondou, Saya Matsuzaki, Ariundbold Gankhuyag, Enkhamgalan Dolgorsuren, Oyundari Gonchigsuren and Masafumi Harada : Comparing neural networks for synthesizing FLAIR images from T1WI and T2WI, ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Apr. 2019. |
66. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takumi Asakawa, Takashi Asahara, Akitoshi Katsumata, Yuki Kanazawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto and Masahiro Okada : Effective atomic number image produced with energy-resolved photon counting detector toward the development of next-generation plain X-ray diagnosis, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2019. |
67. | Emi Tomita, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Yasufumi Shitakubo, Kanako Sakuragawa, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Evaluation of dose to risk organ during brachytherapy for cervical cancer using a novel passive rectum dosimeter, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2019. |
68. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Yoshiki Mihara, Sota Goto, Yuki Kanazawa, Natsumi Kimoto, Takumi Asakawa and Tohru Okazaki : Actual dose measurements of assistant during pediatric X-ray examination with a precisely calibrated optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2019. |
69. | Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Sota Goto, Takashi Asahara, Emi Tomita, Yuki Kanazawa, Takuya Hashizume, V Cruz and H W Cheng : Determining the difference of calibration factors in diagnostic X-rays and mono-energetic X-rays of the small type OSL dosimeter for a more precise dose evaluation in diagnostic X-ray examinations, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2019. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2019/C-0212) |
70. | Yoshiki Mihara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takumi Uehara, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Keiji Tada, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Where do the scattering X-rays to eye lens exposure come from during neonatal cardiac CT examination?, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2019. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2019/C-1825) |
71. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo, Ariunbold Gankhuyag, Amgalan Enkh Dolgorsuren, Takamatsu Shin and Yamashita Yuichi : Why are shear stiffness and estimated intravoxel incoherent motion map correlated in the liver?, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2019. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2019/C-1789) |
72. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo, Amgalan Enkh Dolgorsuren, Ariumbold Gankhuyag, Takamatsu Shin and Yamashita Yuichi : Which number of b-value is better for accurate calculation of virtual MR elastography?, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2019. (DOI: 10.26044/ecr2019/C-1761) |
73. | Yuki Kanazawa, Chiba Daiki, Masafumi Harada, Miyati Tosiaki, Miyoshi Mitsuharu, Hayashi Hiroaki and Akihiro Haga : Quantitative evaluation of local offset frequency for CEST imaging, The 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Chapter of ISMRM, Nagoya, Dec. 2018. |
74. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : Chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging for brain tumors, RSNA2018 (Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Nov. 2018. |
75. | GOTO Sota, Hiroaki Hayashi, TOMITA Emi, KIMOTO Natsumi, UEHARA Takumi, Yuki Kanazawa, ASAKAWA Takumi, ASAHARA Takashi, OKAZAKI Tohru and HASHIZUME Takuya : Trial study for development of a novel-formed dosimeter having lower angular dependence, 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP), Malaysia, Nov. 2018. |
76. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Yuki Kanazawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Okada and Masaki Yamasaki : Reproduction of response functions of a multi-pixel-type energy-resolved photon counting detector while taking into consideration interaction of X-rays, charge sharing and energy resolution, 25th International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-ray & Gamma-ray Detectors, Sydney, Nov. 2018. |
77. | Tomita Emi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Asahara Takashi, Shitakubo Yasufumi, Sakuragawa Kanako, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yuki Kanazawa, Okazaki Tohru and Hashizume Takuya : First Trial of Actual Dose Measurement of Organ at Risk During Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer in Tokushima University Hospital, Second International Seminar and Workshop on Technological Competency as Caring in the Health Science, Tokushima, Aug. 2018. |
78. | Yuki Kanazawa, Kotaro Baba, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Hiroaki Hayashi, Ikuho Kosaka, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Michael Carl and Yuki Matsumoto : Does the amount of signal change depend on calcium concentration in lipid-rich core plaque?, ISMRM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris, Jun. 2018. |
79. | Yuki Kanazawa, Toshiaki Sasaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kotaro Baba, Ikuho Kosaka, Yuki Matsumoto, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada : T1 dependency of magnetization transfer effect in human brain, ISMRM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris, Jun. 2018. |
80. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Ikuho Kosaka, Kotaro Baba, Hiroaki Hayashi and Yuki Matsumoto : Nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect of low B1 power CEST RF in human brain at 3.0 T, ISMRM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris, Jun. 2018. |
81. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo and Mitsuharu Miyoshi : Chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging for neurodegenerative diseases, ISMRM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris, Jun. 2018. |
82. | Cruz Lorenzo Estacio Vergil, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tomita Emi, Yuki Kanazawa, Goto Sota, Mihara Yoshiki, Kimoto Natsumi, Asahara Takashi, Tada Keiji, Kasai Ryosuke, Higashino Kosaku, Yamashita Kazuta, Okazaki Tohru and Hashizume Takuya : Radiation dose measurement in pediatric CT examination using nanoDot dosimeters, a small type Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dosimeter, 5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOARP5), Melbourne, May 2018. |
83. | Okazaki Tohru, Hiroaki Hayashi, Asahara Takashi, Goto Sota, Mihara Yoshiki, Tomita Emi, Yuki Kanazawa, Kimoto Natsumi, Hashizume Takuya, Cruz LE Vergil, Hsin Wei Cheng and Yokoyama Sumi : Proper Calibration Factor of Small Type OSL Dosimeter for Evaluating Eye Lens Dose of Operators during X-ray Fluoroscopic Procedure, th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOARP5), Melbourne, May 2018. |
84. | Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Sota Goto, Yoshiki Mihara, Emi Tomita, Yuki Kanazawa, Natsumi Kimoto, Takuya Hashizum, Vergil LE Cruz and Cheng Wei Hsin : Eye lens dose evaluation of medical staff during the X-ray fluoroscopic procedure using Optically Stimulated Luminescence dosimeter ~ Influence of incident X-ray energy fluctuation on response of the dosimeter ~, 51st Annual Meeting of TWSRT and the 25th East Asia Conference of Radiological Technologists, Taiwan, Mar. 2018. |
85. | Hsin Wei Cheng, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tomita Emi, Tada Keiji, Mihara Yoshiki, Kimoto Natsumi, Kasai Ryosuke, Yuki Kanazawa, Cruz LE Vergil, Hashizume Takuya and Kobayashi Ikuo : (CT) (OSL) (nanoDot), 51st Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Radiation Technology, Taiwan, Mar. 2018. |
86. | Tadashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Natsumi Kimoto, Kenji Yamada, Sumi Yokoyama, Yuki Kanazawa and Toru Okazaki : Phantom study toward accurate measurement of eye lens dose exposure of operator during transfemoral cardiac catheterization using fluoroscopy examination with an OSL dosimeter, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2018. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2018/C-0044) |
87. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natumi Kimoto, Yoshiki Mihara, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Fumio Hayashi, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Universal calibration curve for a small-type OSL dosimeter to be used for direct dose measurements of direct, scattered and penetrating X-rays in the diagnostic region, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, Dec. 2017. |
88. | Tohru OKAZAKI, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi TOMITA, Sota GOTO, Keiji TADA, Yoshiki MIHARA, Natsumi KIMOTO, Ryosuke Kasai, Yuki Kanazawa, Vergil LE CRUZ, Takuya HASHIZUME, Cheng Wei Hsin and Ikuo KOBAYASHI : Practical phantom study using small-type OSL dosimeter toward direct dose measurement during pediatric CT examination, AOCMP-AMPICON 2017, Jaipur, Nov. 2017. |
89. | Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Toshiaki Sasaki, Natsuki Ikemitsu, Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Masafumi Harada and Hideki Otsuka : Which is More Important for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping? SNR of Phase vs Spin Dephasing., Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, Nov. 2017. |
90. | Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Emi Tomita, Yuki Matsumoto, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Masafumi Harada : Can OSL dosimetry measurement be applied to MR imaging during MR-LINAC treatment?, RSNA2017 (Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Nov. 2017. |
91. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Yoshiki Mihara, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masashi Yamasaki, Masahiro Okada and Daisuke Hashimoto : Potential of photon counting technique for next-generation type X-ray diagnostic system: To provide new medical image concerning effective atomic numbers using plain X-ray, RSNA2017 (Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Nov. 2017. |
92. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Takashi Asahara, Yasufumi Shitakubo, Kanako Sakuragawa, Hiroshi Saegusa, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yuki Kanazawa, Sota Goto, Natsumi Kimoto, Yoshiki Mihara, Yoshinori Miyahara, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Vergil Estacio Lorenzo Cruz : Development of a new in-vivo measurement system by means of OSL dosimeters during brachytherapy for cervical cancer, RSNA2017 (Radiological Society of North America), Chicago, Nov. 2017. |
93. | Cheng Wei Hsin, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi TOMITA, Keiji TADA and Yuki Kanazawa : Evaluating the Influence of the Small-type Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dosimeter on CT Images for Radiation Dose Measurement of Patient, The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Science and Technology, Hiroshima, Oct. 2017. |
94. | Yoshiki MIHARA, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi ASAHARA, Sota GOTO, Natsumi KIMOTO, Yuki Kanazawa and Tohru OKAZAKI : Precise calibration factor of small-type OSL dosimeter with the aim toward analysis of exposure doses caused by scattering X-ray in the diagnostic region, The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Science and Technology, Hiroshima, Oct. 2017. |
95. | Emi TOMITA, Hiroaki Hayashi, Sota GOTO, Keiji TADA, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru OKAZAKI and Takuya HASHIZUME : Direct measurement of exposure doses using a small-type OSL dosimeters during pediatric CT examination, The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Science and Technology, Hiroshima, Oct. 2017. |
96. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Yoshiki Mihara, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masashi Yamasaki, Masahiro Okada and Daisuke Hashimoto : Novel material identification method using three energy bins of a photon counting detector taking into consideration Z-dependent beam hardening effect correction with the aim of producing an X-ray image with information of effective atomic number, 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Atlanta, Oct. 2017. (DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2017.8533059, Elsevier: Scopus) |
97. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi TOMITA, Sota GOTO, Natsumi KIMOTO, Keiji TADA, Ryosuke Kasai, Yuki Kanazawa, Yoshiki MIHARA, Takashi ASAHARA, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME and Vergil LE CRUZ : Direct Dose Measurement of Patients during Pediatric Computed Tomography Examination, International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9), Nagoya, Jul. 2017. |
98. | Vergil E. Lorenzo Cruz, Tohru OKAZAKI, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki MIHARA, Takashi ASAHARA, Natsumi KIMOTO, Hiroki OKINO, Yuki Kanazawa, Takuya HASHIZUME and Ikuo KOBAYASHI : Energy and Angular Dependence of the small type OSL Dosimeter in Diagnostic and Nuclear Medicine Regions using Monte Carlo Simulation, International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9), Nagoya, Jul. 2017. |
99. | Emi TOMITA, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi ASAHARA, Kanako SAKURAGAWA, Yasufumi SHITAKUBO, Hiroshi SAEGUSA, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yuki Kanazawa, Sota GOTO, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME and Vergil LE CRUZ : Direct Radiation Dose Measurement of Rectum during High-Dose-Rate 192Ir Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer Treatment, International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9), Nagoya, Jul. 2017. |
100. | Tohru OKAZAKI, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki MIHARA, Takashi ASAHARA, Natsumi KIMOTO, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta YAMASHITA, Sumi YOKOYAMA, Kazuki TAKEGAMI, Takuya HASHIZUME and Vergil LE CRUZ : Applicability of Practical Calibration of a Small-type OSL Dosimeter For Measuring the Exposure Doses Effected by Scattered and Penetrating X-rays, International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9), Nagoya, Jul. 2017. |
101. | Takashi ASAHARA, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi TOMITA, Kanako SAKURAGAWA, Hiroshi SAEGUSA, Yasufumi SHITAKUBO, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yuki Kanazawa, Yoshiki MIHARA, Yoshinori MIYAHARA, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME and Vergil CRUZ : Development of Novel Rectum Dosimeter using OSL sheet with the aim of Direct Dose Measurement of Organ Dose during Brachytherapy, International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9), Nagoya, Jul. 2017. |
102. | Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa and Hiroyuki Kabasawa : CEST and Binding Water MT Separation in Brain Tumor by Multi Pool Model CEST Peak Extraction Method, ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Apr. 2017. |
103. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Toshiaki Sasaki, Natsuki Ikemitsu and Michael Carl : Dura Mater imaging with UTE T2* Mapping, ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Apr. 2017. |
104. | Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Toshiaki Sasaki and Natsuki Ikemitsu : Baseline of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging for Brain, ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Apr. 2017. |
105. | Cheng Wei hsin, 林 裕晃, Kazuki Takegami, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, 金澤 裕樹, Okazaki Tohru, Hashizume Takuya, Kobayashi Ikuo : 小型光刺激發光劑量計測量診斷範圍之輻射劑量的可能性評估, The 50th Annual Meeting of TWSRT and the International Conference of Medical Imaging, Taiwan, 2017年3月. |
106. | Yoshiki Mihara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kenji Yamada, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Ryosuke Kasai, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Basic study for internal dose evaluation during CT examination by means of small-type OSL dosimeter, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Mar. 2017. |
107. | Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Toshiaki Sasaki, Natsuki Ikemitsu, Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Masafumi Harada and Hideki Otsuka : Phase Correction for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) using T2* Mapping, The 5th International Congress on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.2017, No.FA, 111, Seoul, Mar. 2017. |
108. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, Takashi Asahara, Kenji Yamada, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Preliminary study for exposure dose measurement of people assisting during a pediatric X-ray procedure by means of a small-type OSL dosimeter, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2017. |
109. | Toshiaki Sasaki, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsuki Ikemitsu, Takatoshi Usuda, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada : T1 dependence of magnetization transfer effect for macromolecules, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2017. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2017/C-0827) |
110. | Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takatoshi Usuda, Toshiaki Sasaki, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada : An improvement of signal-to-noise ratio for phase image, European Congress of Radiology, Wien, Mar. 2017. |
111. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masashi Yamasaki and Masahiro Okada : Development of a novel method based on a photon counting technique with the aim of precise material identification in clinical X-ray diagnosis, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.10132, Florida, United States, Feb. 2017. (DOI: 10.1117/12.2253564, Elsevier: Scopus) |
112. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masashi Yamasaki and Masahiro Okada : Response functions of multi-pixel type CdTe detector, --- toward development of precise material identification in diagnosti x-ray images by means of photon counting ---, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, Florida, United States, Feb. 2017. (DOI: 10.1117/12.2251185, Elsevier: Scopus) |
113. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Tohru Okazaki, Yoshiki Mihara, Kenji Yamada, Natsumi Kimoto, Kazuki Takegami, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Takuya Hashizume, Ikuo Kobayashi and Mary A. Kaila Ann Reginaldo : Uncertainty estimation of dose measured with a small-type optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter for CT scanning, --- Basic study for estimating entrance skin dose and internal organ dose ---, 22nd International Conference on Medical Physics ICMP, Bangkok, Dec. 2016. |
114. | Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Yoshiki Mihara, Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Kazuki Takegami, Takuya Hashizume, Ikuo Kobayashi and Reginaldo A. Kaila Ann Mary : Calculation of energy and angular dependences of the small-type OSL dosimeter in the diagnostic and nuclear medicine regions using the Monte-Carlo simulation code, 22nd International Conference on Medical Physics ICMP, Bangkok, Dec. 2016. |
115. | Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Kazuki Takegami, Takuya Hashizume, Ikuo Kobayashi and Reginaldo A. Kaila Ann Mary : Universal dose calibration of the small-type OSL dosimeter for diagnostic X-rays - direct, scattered and penetrating X-rays -, 22nd International Conference on Medical Physics ICMP, Bangkok, Dec. 2016. |
116. | Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Nattsuki Ikemitsu, Toshiaki Sasaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuharu Miyosh, Masafumi Harada and Hideki Otsuka : Proposal of an appropriate echo time-input function for quantitative susceptibility mapping., International Conference On Medical Physics (ICMP) 2016, Bangkok, Dec. 2016. |
117. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Yoshiki Mihara, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masashi Yamasaki and Masahiro Okada : Basic study for material identification toward development of a next generation type X-ray diagnosis detector based on a photon counting technique, 22nd International Conference on Medical Physics ICMP, Bangkok, Dec. 2016. |
118. | Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Tsuyoshi Matsuda, Masafumi Harada and Hideki Otsuka : How do you Determine the Echo Time When Calculation of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)?, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2016, Chicago, Dec. 2016. |
119. | Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Nattsuki Ikemitsu, Toshiaki Sasaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Tsuyoshi Matsuda and Masafumi Harada : Hybrid assessment of gadopentetic acid and bone structure with ultrashort echo time imaging, International Conference On Medical Physics (ICMP) 2016, Bangkok, Dec. 2016. |
120. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natumi Kimoto, Yoshiki Mihara, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Fumio Hayashi, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Universal calibration curve for a small-type OSL dosimeter to be used for direct dose measurements of direct, scattered and penetrating X-rays in the diagnostic region, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, Dec. 2016. |
121. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Kenji Yamada, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Yamashita Kazuta, Fumio Hayashi, Yoshihiro Fukui, Koichi Sairyo, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Convenient measurement method using small-type OSL dosimeters for evaluation of doses in CT scans: uncertainty evaluation, entrance-skin dose of phantom, and organ dose of cadaver, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, Dec. 2016. |
122. | Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda, Manguu Ganbold and Masafumi Harada : Simple improvement method of uniformity of MR elastography on liver, ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting, 2972, Singapore, May 2016. |
123. | Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Small size OSL dosimeter to measure patient exposure dose in X-ray diagnosis - Evaluation of invisibility -, 14th international congress of the international radiation protection association, cape town, May 2016. |
124. | Yuto Konishi, Yuki Kanazawa, Takatoshi Usuda, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda and Masafumi Harada : Comparison with statistical analysis of signal correction in diffusion weighted MR image, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), Wien, Mar. 2016. |
125. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Itsumi Maehata, Kazuki Takegami and Yuki Kanazawa : Development of leaf electroscope to understand ionization for novice practical training, European Congress of Radiology, 2016, Wien, Mar. 2016. |
126. | Hiroki Okino, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Compact irradiation system for evaluation of basic characteristics of the nanoDot OSL dosimeter toward direct measurement of exposure dose of patients, European Congress of Radiology, 2016, Wien, Mar. 2016. |
127. | Yuki Kanazawa, Konishi Yuto, Usuda Takatoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Matsuda Tsuyoshi and Masafumi Harada : Noise estimation for diffusion weighted MR image, European Congress of Radiology (EPOS), Vienna, Mar. 2016. |
128. | Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa and Kobayashi Ikuo : Evaluation of energy dependence of nanoDot optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter using characteristic X-ray induced by medical X-ray equipment, European Congress of Radiology (General&Voice of EPOS), 2016, Wien, Mar. 2016. |
129. | Itsumi Maehata, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami and Yuki Kanazawa : Precise determination of the scattered X-ray contamination rate using diagnostic X-ray equipment for the construction of the secondary X-ray field, European Congress of Radiology, 2016, Wien, Mar. 2016. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0007) |
130. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Fabrication and analysis of phantoms providing the equal-image-density for basic experiment of next-generation-type X-ray diagnosis, European Congress of Radiology, 2016, Wien, Mar. 2016. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0012) |
131. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi : Proposal of quantitative identification method of a small-type OSL dosimeter: Verification that the dosimeter is not detected in the medical image, European Congress of Radiology (General&Voice of EPOS), 2016, Wien, Mar. 2016. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0010) |
132. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Experimental evaluation of response functions of a CdTe detector in the diagnostic region with the aim of carrying out a basic experiment concerning a next generation photon counting system, European Congress of Radiology, 2016, Wien, Mar. 2016. |
133. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Ikuo Kobayashi : Precise measurement of the angular and energy dependences of small-type OSL dosimeter in the diagnostic energy region, RSNA2015, Education Exhibits, Chicago, Nov. 2015. |
134. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masashi Yamasaki and Masahiro Okada : A Fundamental Experiment for Novel Material Identification Method Based on a Photon Counting Technique: Using Conventional X-Ray Equipment (PosNo=M3CP-125), IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, Oct. 2015. (DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7582027, Elsevier: Scopus) |
135. | Yuki Kanazawa, T. Miyati, Hiroaki Hayashi, A. Yagi and O. Sato : Optimization of imaging parameter in contrast-enhanced three-dimensional T1 weighted MRI with fat saturation for head disease, European Congress of Radiology 2015 (EPOS), Wien, Mar. 2015. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2015/C-1450) |
136. | Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Kohei Nakagawa and Yuki Kanazawa : Development of new educational apparatus to visualize scattered X-rays, European Congress of Radiology 2015 (EPOS), Wien, Mar. 2015. (DOI: 10.1594/ecr2015/C-0073) |
137. | M. T. Mehemed, Y Fushimi, T Okada, A Yamamoto, M Kanagaki, E Morimoto, R Sakamoto, S Nakajima, S Okuchi, H Yamada, T Kakigi, A Sakata, T Dodo, Yuki Kanazawa, K Takakura, K Fujimoto, A Kido, N Sakashita and K Togashi : Dynamic Oxygen-Enhanced MRI of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid: Inversion Recovery Fast Advanced Spin Echo (IR-FASE) Vs. FASE., Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRM2013), Toulouse, Oct. 2013. |
138. | Y Fushimi, T Okada, A Yamamoto, M Kanagaki, M. T. Mehemed, E Morimoto, R Sakamoto, S Nakajima, S Okuchi, H Yamada, T Kakigi, A Sakata, T Dodo, Yuki Kanazawa, K Takakura, K Fujimoto, A Kido, N Sakashita and K Togashi : Comparison between Proton MR spectroscopy and MIB-1 labeling index of brain tumors, Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRM2013), Toulouse, Oct. 2013. |
139. | Yuki Kanazawa, T Miyati, O Sato and J Tazoe : Why do we have to calculate T1 when evaluation of carotid plaque?, ECR2011, Wien, Mar. 2011. |
140. | Yuki Kanazawa, T Miyati and O Sato : Hemodynamics Quantitative Analysis of Urinary Bladder Tumor, RSNA2009, Chicago, Nov. 2009. |
141. | Yuki Kanazawa, T Miyati and O Sato : Why Do We Have to Calculate T1 Value when Evaluation of Urinary Bladder Tumor?, RSNA2008, Chicago, Nov. 2008. |
1. | 瀬口 真友香, 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 三好 光晴, 原田 雅史 : グリセリン試料の拡散強調MRIを用いた粘稠度導出手法の検討, 第51回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 JSMRM2023, 2024年9月. |
2. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Taniguchi Yo and Ono Masaharu : Basic Considerations for the Development of Gadolinium Contrast Agents with High pH Sensitivity, JSMRM2024, Sep. 2024. |
3. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Taniguchi Yo and Ono Masaharu : Development of Extracellular pH Mapping Method using Quantitative Parameter Mapping(QPM)and Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents, JSMRM2024, Sep. 2024. |
4. | 大城 隆嗣, 金澤 裕樹, 芳賀 昭弘, 原田 雅史 : 生体構造解析を目的としたMR信号数値ファントムの開発, 第52回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 JSMRM2024, 2024年9月. |
5. | 瀬口 真友香, 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 原田 雅史, 三好 光晴, 林 裕晃, 芳賀 昭弘 : 粘稠度DWI-MRIを用いたアテローム性動脈硬化症の臨床検討 - 健常者との比較 -, 第52回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 JSMRM2024, 2024年9月. |
6. | 大城 隆嗣, 金澤 裕樹, 芳賀 昭弘, 原田 雅史 : 生体構造解析を目的としたMR信号数値ファントムの開発, 第80回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2024年4月. |
7. | 瀬口 真友香, 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 原田 雅史, 三好 光晴, 林 裕晃, 芳賀 昭弘 : 粘稠度導出法を用いたアテローム性動脈硬化症の臨床検討, 第80回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2024年4月. |
8. | 兼松 康久, 金澤 裕樹, 島田 健司, 高麗 雅章, 曽我部 周, 石原 学, 山口 泉, 羽星 辰哉, 山本 伸昭, 黒田 一駿, 原田 雅史, 髙木 康志 : CEST MRIを用いた頚動脈プラーク診断, STROKE 2024, 2024年3月. |
9. | 富永 羽香, 金澤 裕樹, 三好 光晴, 原田 雅史 : CEST イメージングの高分子濃度と pH 緩衝液依存性の検討, 第51回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2023年10月. |
10. | 金澤 裕樹 : 臨床実現を目指したMR脳機能イメージング研究, 第51回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2023年10月. |
11. | 龍ケ江 千香, 金澤 裕樹, 福田 和海, 原田 雅史 : 4D-flow MRIから導出した流体パラメータと頸動脈狭窄率の関係, 第51回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2023年10月. |
12. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : AcidoCEST contrast media exhibiting pH dependence on a 3T clinical MRI system, JSMRM2023, Sep. 2023. |
13. | 瀬口 真友香, 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 松元 友暉, 原田 雅史, 林 裕晃, 芳賀 昭弘 : アテローム性動脈硬化症におけるプラーク性状評価のための粘稠度MRI, 第 79 回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2023年4月. |
14. | 魚谷 俊介, 金澤 裕樹, 大城 隆嗣, 芳賀 昭弘, 原田 雅史 : 最尤推定を用いたMyelin Water Fraction導出法の検討, 第 79 回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2023年4月. |
15. | 瀬口 真友香, 金澤 裕樹, 芳賀 昭弘, 原田 雅史 : アテローム性動脈硬化症におけるプラーク形成の潜在的危険因子の評価, 第50回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2022年10月. |
16. | 魚谷 俊介, 金澤 裕樹, 大城 隆嗣, 芳賀 昭弘, 原田 雅史 : 信号雑音比を考慮したMyelin Water Fraction導出法の開発, 第50回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2022年10月. |
17. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Quantitative parameter mapping of brain tumor extracellular pH for therapeutic efficacy, ISMRM Japanese Chapter, Sep. 2022. |
18. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Monda Kanon, Yuki Kanazawa, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Development of a neural network based skull stripping algorithm for quantitative parameter mapping both before and after injection of contrast media, JSMRM2022, Sep. 2022. |
19. | 土師 正太郎, 藤田 浩司, 沖 良祐, 大崎 裕亮, 金澤 裕樹, 松元 友暉, 有澤 亜津子, 川井 恒, 佐藤 康敬, 八木 健太, 坂口 暁, 楊河 宏章, 濱谷 辰斗, 長野 清一, 望月 秀樹, 熱田 直樹, 道勇 学, 祖父江 元, 原田 雅史, 和泉 唯信 : EPI-589の筋萎縮性側索硬化症を対象とした探索的医師主導試験(EPIC-ALS), 第63回日本神経学会学術大会, 2022年5月. |
20. | 松元 友暉, 原田 雅史, 金澤 裕樹, 三好 光晴 : 3T-MRI装置におけamide-proton transfer イメージングの臨床有用性, 第12回 日本安定同位体 生体ガス医学応用学会, 2021年12月. |
21. | 林 裕晃, 前田 達哉, 淺原 孝, 後藤 聡汰, 竹上 和希, 李 青海, 安藤 未来, 金澤 裕樹, 生島 仁史, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 : ディスポ型自作直腸線量計を用いた子宮頸がん治療における線量の実測, 第3回日本放射線安全管理学会・日本保健物理学会合同大会, 2021年12月. |
22. | 兼松 康久, 金澤 裕樹, 島田 健司, 曽我部 周, 宮本 健志, 石原 学, 四方 英二, 山口 泉, 多田 恵曜, 山本 雄貴, 山本 伸昭, 原田 雅史, 髙木 康志 : CEST MRIを用いた頚動脈プラーク診断 Chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI for carotid plaque imaging, NMC Case Report Journal, 2021年10月. |
23. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : A pilot study of extracellular pH measurement using iopamidol acido-chemical exchange transfer imaging on a 3T MRI, JSMRM2021, Sep. 2021. |
24. | 福田 和海, 金澤 裕樹, 松元 友暉, 北野 舜, 芳賀 昭弘, 原田 雅史 : VFA法における多変量正規分布の確率密度関数を用いたB1補正手法の提案, 第49回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2021年9月. |
25. | 池光 捺貴, 金澤 裕樹, 原田 雅史, 松元 友暉, 伊藤 公輔, 谷口 陽, 尾藤 良孝, 芳賀 昭弘 : 白質領域に対する非剛体処理に伴う数値解析の影響, 第49回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2021年9月. |
26. | 北野 舜, 金澤 裕樹, 原田 雅史, 松元 友暉, 福田 和海, 林 裕晃, 谷口 陽, 芳賀 昭弘 : Myelin Water Fraction(MWF)におけるT2* cut-off値の検討, 第49回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2021年9月. |
27. | 鴻野 まどか, 内田 貴之, 大石 あかね, 平山 楓子, 竹村 祐馬, 髙尾 正一郎, 金澤 裕樹, 松元 友暉, 原田 雅史, 榊原 伊織, 鈴木 利雄, 二川 健 : 蒸し大豆食品の継続摂取が運動不足の健常人の筋量や筋力に及ぼす影響, 第75回日本栄養・食糧学会大会, 2021年7月. |
28. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : 腫瘍悪性度の定量に向けた造影剤濃度,緩和能,細胞外pHの同時算出手法 の開発, 日本分子イメージング学会, May 2021. |
29. | Higuchi Takayuki, Akihiro Haga and Yuki Kanazawa : Estimation of CT X-ray spectrum from reconstructed images using a deep neural network, 第121回日本医学物理学会, Apr. 2021. |
30. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Automatic detection of extracellular pH change in brain tissue using deep learning based semantic segmentation, Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology, Apr. 2021. |
31. | 北野 舜, 金澤 裕樹, 松元 友暉, 福田 和海, 佐々木 健太, 芳賀 昭弘, 原田 雅史 : T2値およびT2*値導出に係るMyelin Water Fraction(MWF)値の影響, 第77回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2021年4月. |
32. | 福田 和海, 金澤 裕樹, 松元 友暉, 北野 舜, 佐々木 健太, 芳賀 昭弘, 原田 雅史 : 可変フリップアングル法を用いたT1値算出における線形近似と非線形近似の比較, 第77回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2021年4月. |
33. | 金澤 裕樹, 前田 直輝, 原田 雅史, 谷口 陽, 松元 友暉, 阿部 考志, 林 裕晃, 伊藤 公輔, 尾藤 良孝, 芳賀 昭弘 : Quantitative Parameter Mapping(QPM) を用いたコンポーネント間スピン交換定数の導出, 第48回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会Web開催, 2020年9月. |
34. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Which contrast agent is more sensitive to extracellular pH change on brain tumor ?, JSMRM2020, Sep. 2020. |
35. | 隅田 奈美, 原田 雅史, 河野 理, 松元 友暉, 金澤 裕樹, Gonchigsuren Oyundari, 藤田 浩司 : 運動異常症の安静時 fMRIにおける脳機能ネットワークの検討, 第48回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会Web開催, 2020年9月. |
36. | Yuki Kinjo, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe, Hiroaki Hayashi, Masaharu Ono, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Spatially smoothing processing of quantitative values in voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis, 第76回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会WEB開催, May 2020. |
37. | Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Satoshi Imajo, Miho Numata and Mitsugi Honda : Dual-type active dosimeter having a novel algorithm to identify incident angles of X-rays, 第76回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会WEB開催, May 2020. |
38. | 長谷川 侑, 芳賀 昭弘, 坂田 洞察, 金澤 裕樹, 富永 正英, 佐々木 幹治, 今江 禄一, 中川 恵一 : Estimation of X-ray energy spectrum for CT scanner from percentage depth dose measurement, 第119回⽇本医学物理学会学術⼤会WEB開催, 2020年5月. |
39. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Simultaneous Quantitative Calculation of Concentration of Contrast Agent, Relaxivity, and Extracellular pH Map, Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology, Apr. 2020. |
40. | Goto Sota, Hayashi Hiroaki, Tomita Emi, Asahara Takashi, Ikushima Kaho, Kuwabara Momoka and Yuki Kanazawa : Phantom study using novel shaped OSL dosimeters having smaller angular dependence toward actual dose measurement during clinical X-ray examination, 第76回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2020. |
41. | 松元 友暉, 金澤 裕樹, 金城 祐奎, 原田 雅史, 阿部 考志, 兼松 康久, 髙木 康志 : 頸動脈狭窄の定量評価を目的とした4D-flow流体解析, 第1回 4D FLOW研究会, 2019年9月. |
42. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Calculation of extracellular pH using quantitative parameter mapping, JSMRM2019, Sep. 2019. |
43. | Yuki Kinjo, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe, Hiroaki Hayashi, Masaharu Ono, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga : Comparison of estimation parameters of relaxation rate and susceptibility for myelin content with quantitative parameter mapping, JSMRM2019, Sep. 2019. |
44. | 紀本 夏実, 林 裕晃, 淺川 巧, 淺原 孝, 前田 達哉, 金澤 裕樹, 勝又 明敏, 山本 修一郎, 岡田 雅宏 : 医療用連続X線を用いたフォトンカウンティング検出器による実効原子番号画像, 第2回量子線イメージング研究会, 2019年9月. |
45. | 下窪 康史, 櫻川 加奈子, 冨田 恵美, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 生島 仁史 : 子宮頸癌RALSにおける自作直腸線量計を用いた実臨床データとその分析, 日本放射線腫瘍学会小線源治療部会第21回学術大会, 2019年5月. |
46. | 冨田 恵美, 林 裕晃, 淺原 孝, 下窪 康史, 櫻川 加奈子, 金澤 裕樹, 生島 仁史 : 子宮頸癌の腔内照射における直腸線量実測に向けたディスポーザブル型直腸線量計の開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会小線源治療部会第21回学術大会, 2019年5月. |
47. | 金澤 裕樹, 原田 雅史, 谷口 陽, 林 裕晃, 阿部 考志, 大友 真姫, 松元 友暉, 小野 順玄, 尾藤 良孝, 芳賀 昭弘 : Quantitative Parameter Mappingを用いたミエリンMRI, 第75回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2019年4月. |
48. | Asahara Takashi, Hayashi Hiroaki, Mihara Yoshiki, Tomita Emi, Yuki Kanazawa, Yamada Kenji and Okazaki Tohru : Actual Dose Measurement of Assistants while Positioning Patients during Pediatric X-ray Examination Using a Small-type Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter, 第75回放射線技術学会総会学術大会, Apr. 2019. |
49. | Mihara Yoshiki, Hayashi Hiroaki, Uehara Takumi, Tada Keiji, Yuki Kanazawa, Okazaki Tohru and Kajitani Takafumi : An experiment toward proposing a way to reduce eye lens exposure dose using small-type OSL dosimeter during neonatal cardiac CT examination, 第75回放射線技術学会総会学術大会, Apr. 2019. |
50. | Sota GOTO, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Emi TOMITA, Takumi UEHARA, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru OKAZAKI and Takuya HASHIZUME : Trial production and evaluation of characteristics of novel-shaped optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter having lower angular dependence, 第75回放射線技術学会総会学術大会, Apr. 2019. |
51. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Taniguchi Yo, Ono Masaharu and Bito Yoshitaka : Calculation of molar relaxivity and concentration map of Gd-DTPA map using quantitative parameter map before and after injection for brain metastasis, ISMRM Japanese Chapter, Dec. 2018. |
52. | 岡崎 徹, 林 裕晃, 後藤 聡汰, 淺原 孝, 冨田 恵美, 金澤 裕樹, 橋詰 拓弥, Cruz Vergil, Hsin Wei Cheng : 小型OSL線量計の診断用X線に対する応答のエネルギー依存性の精密評価, 日本放射線安全管理学会 第17回 学術大会, 2018年12月. |
53. | 長澤 良子, 金澤 裕樹, 金城 佑奎, 千葉 大輝, 原田 雅史, 林 裕晃, 松元 友暉, 芳賀 昭弘 : 硬さの検出を目的としたIntravoxel Incoherent Motion(IVIM)を用いた曲線解析モデルの比較, 第46回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2018年10月. |
54. | 千葉 大輝, 金澤 裕樹, 金城 佑奎, 長澤 良子, 三好 光晴, 林 裕晃, 原田 雅史, 芳賀 昭弘 : CESTイメージングにおける局所オフセット周波数の定量評価法の開発, 第46回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2018年10月. |
55. | 金城 佑奎, 金澤 裕樹, 長澤 良子, 谷口 陽, 尾藤 良孝, 小野 順玄, 原田 雅史, 千葉 大輝, 松元 友暉, 芳賀 昭弘 : Quantitative Parameter Mapping(QPM)を用いたミエリン描出能の検討: ポリエチレングリコールを用いた ファントム実験, 第46回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2018年10月. |
56. | 後藤 聡汰, 林 裕晃, 冨田 恵美, 上原 匠, 紀本 夏実, 金澤 裕樹, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 : 角度依存性の少ない小型OSL線量計の開発に向けた一考察, 第46回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2018年10月. |
57. | 大友 真姫, 阿部 考志, 松元 友暉, 金澤 裕樹, 原田 雅史 : ASL法により観察された健常ボランティアにおける脳灌流の再現性と性差の評価, 第46回日本磁気共鳴学会大会, 2018年9月. |
58. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo, Amgalan Enkh Dolgorsuren, Ariumbold Gankhuyag, Takamatsu Shin and Yamashita Yuichi : Determination of the thresholding values for virtual MR elastography, JSMRM2018, Sep. 2018. |
59. | Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Kinjoh, Masafumi Harada, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yo Taniguchi, Yoshitaka Bito, Yuki Matsumoto and Masaharu Ono : Construction of voxel-based morphometry of R1 and R2* derived from quantitative parameter mapping, 第46回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, Sep. 2018. |
60. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo and Miyoshi Mitsuharu : Chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging for brain tumors, 日本分子イメージング学会, Jun. 2018. |
61. | 岡崎 徹, 淺原 孝, 橋詰 拓弥, Cruz Vergil, Hsin Wei Cheng, 林 裕晃, 冨田 恵美, 後藤 聡汰, 三原 由樹, 金澤 裕樹, 横山 須美 : 小型OSL線量計を用いたIVR術者水晶体被ばく線量測定に向けた線量値の信頼性の検証, 日本保健物理学会第51回研究発表会, 2018年6月. |
62. | TOMITA Emi, Hiroaki Hayashi, SHITAKUBO Yasufumi, SAKURAGAWA Kanako, Yuki Kanazawa, Hitoshi Ikushima, OKAZAKI Tohru, ASAHARA Takashi, HASHIZUME Takuya and MIYAHARA Yoshinori : Rectum Dose Measurements Using Novel Dosimetric System During High-Dose-Rate 192Ir Brachytherapy Treatment of Cervical Cancer, 第74回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, Apr. 2018. |
63. | Asahara Takashi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tomita Emi, Goto Sota, Yokoyama Sumi, Yuki Kanazawa and Okazaki Tohru : Proposal of Accurate Calibration for Measuring Eye Lens Dose of the Operator during Transfemoral Cardiac Catheterization with Fluoroscopic System Using an OSL dosimeter, 第74回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, Apr. 2018. |
64. | Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Maki Ohtomo, Ariunbold Gankhuyag, Amgalan Enkh Dolgorsuren and Hideki Otsuka : Virtual MR elastography using IVIM stretched model, Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology, Apr. 2018. |
65. | 松元 友暉, 原田 雅史, 金澤 裕樹, 大友 真姫, ARIUNBOLD GANKHUYAG, DOLGORSUREN ENKH-AMGALAN, 大塚 秀樹 : Virtual-magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) using intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) stretched model, 第129回日本医学放射線学会中国・四国地方会, 2017年12月. |
66. | 後藤 聡汰, 林 裕晃, 三原 由樹, 淺原 孝, 冨田 恵美, 金澤 裕樹, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥, Vergil LE Cruz : 小型OSL線量計を用いた超精密測定に向けた固有効率の決定, 第45回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2017年10月. |
67. | 幸坂 育歩, 金澤 裕樹, 馬場 幸太郎, 松元 友暉, 林 裕晃, 原田 雅史 : MR Elastographyの振動波定量解析, 第45回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2017年10月. |
68. | 馬場 幸太郎, 金澤 裕樹, 幸坂 育歩, 松元 友暉, 林 裕晃, 原田 雅史 : lipid-rich-core プラークの物性に着目したマルチコンポーネント解析MRI, 第45回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2017年10月. |
69. | Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kotaro Baba, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Hideki Otsuka : Off-set frequency correction in brain for quantitative susceptibility mapping, JSMRM2017, Sep. 2017. |
70. | 松元 友暉, 金澤 裕樹, 原田 雅史, 林 裕晃, 馬場 幸太郎, 幸坂 育歩, 三好 光晴, 大塚 秀樹 : 定量的磁化率マッピング(QSM)のためのオフセット周波数補正法の提案, Society of Advanced Medical Imaging (SAMI) 2017, 2017年7月. |
71. | Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Wataru Nishiyama, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masashi Yamasaki and Masahiro Okada : Simulation study for effective reduction procedure of scattered Xrays toward high accuracy material identification based on photon counting technique, 第113回日本医学物理学会学術大会, Apr. 2017. |
72. | Yoshiki Mihara, Kenji Yamada, Michihiro Yokoishi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : First observation of dose exposure to assistants during pediatric X-ray procedure by means of a small-type OSL dosimeter, 第73回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, Apr. 2017. |
73. | Yoshiki Mihara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Kenji Yamada, Kazuki Takegami, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Visualization of entrance surface dose during CT examination using small-type OSL dosimeter, 第73回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, Apr. 2017. |
74. | Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Toshiaki Sasaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsuki Ikemitsu, Masafumi Harada and Hideki Otsuka : Evaluation of Mechanical Waves of MR Elastography, JSRT, Apr. 2017. |
75. | 林 裕晃, 三原 由樹, 淺原 孝, 紀本 夏実, 金澤 裕樹, 山田 健二, 笠井 亮佑, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥, 小林 育夫 : 小型OSL線量計を用いた小児X線撮影における介助者被ばく実測に向けた現状と課題, 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成28年度秋季(第176回)大会, 2016年10月. |
76. | 松元 友暉, 金澤 裕樹, 池光 捺貴, 佐々木 俊晃, 臼田 貴俊, 林 裕晃, 三好 光晴, 原田 雅史, 大塚 秀樹 : How to make a phantom for quantitative susceptibility mapping., 第44回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2016年10月. |
77. | 佐々木 俊晃, 金澤 裕樹, 松元 友暉, 池光 捺貴, 臼田 貴俊, 林 裕晃, 三好 光晴, 原田 雅史 : MTパルスを付加したT1値の算出, 第44回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2016年10月. |
78. | 池光 捺貴, 金澤 裕樹, 松元 友暉, 臼田 貴俊, 林 裕晃, 三好 光晴, 原田 雅史 : T2* phase cycle SNR, 第44回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2016年10月. |
79. | 竹上 和希, 三原 由樹, 紀本 夏実, 山田 健二, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 東野 恒作, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 : 小型OSL線量計を用いたCTスキャンにおける入射皮膚線量実測の有用性, 第44回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2016年10月. |
80. | Kazuki Takegami, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Study to expand the dose calibration curve of small-type OSL dosimeter toward scattered and penetrating X-rays for management of radiation exposure in the diagnostic region, 第44回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, Oct. 2016. |
81. | 沖野 啓樹, 浅原 孝, 三原 由樹, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥, 小林 育夫 : シミュレーションコードEGS5を用いた137Csと60Coのγ線に対する小型OSL線量計の角度依存性の評価, 第44回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2016年10月. |
82. | 三原 由樹, 紀本 夏実, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 東野 恒作, 竹上 和希, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 : 診断用X線に対する小型OSL線量計の測定下限値の評価, 第44回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2016年10月. |
83. | Yoshiki Mihara, Kenji Yamada, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Basic study for internal dose evaluation of CT examination by means of small-type OSL dosimeter, 第44回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, Oct. 2016. |
84. | Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Nattsuki Ikemitsu, Toshiaki Sasaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuharu Miyosh, Masafumi Harada and Hideki Otsuka : Noise estimation of phantom phase image in ultra-short echo time imaging, JSMRM2016, Sep. 2016. |
85. | 三原 由樹, 紀本 夏実, 沖野 啓樹, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 東野 恒作, 竹上 和希, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 : 診断領域X線による介助者被ばくの実測に向けた小型OSL線量計の読取装置の改良, 医用画像情報学会平成28年度年次(第175回)大会, 2016年6月. |
86. | 小畠 巧也, 金澤 裕樹, 小川 和郎, 大塚 秀樹 : 三次元高速スピンエコー法を用いたMR angiographyにおける血液信号シミュレーション, 第72回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2016年4月. |
87. | Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Usuda Takatoshi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Matsuda Tsuyoshi, Masafumi Harada and Hideki Otsuka : Dependence on echo time for quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) MRI., JSRT, Apr. 2016. |
88. | Usuda Takatoshi, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Masafumi Harada, Hideki Otsuka and Matsuda Tsuyoshi : Normalization of time-dependent signal change of MRI, JSRT, Apr. 2016. |
89. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa and Shuichiro Yamamoto : Proposal of a New Analytic Method for the Determination of Both Atomic Number and Sample Thickness Based on a Photon Counting Technique Using Diagnostic X-rays, 第72回日本放射線技術学会学術大会_Next Generation Session(学生選抜セッション), Apr. 2016. |
90. | 沖野 啓樹, 竹上 和希, 紀本 夏実, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 : 小型OSL線量計を用いた137Csと90Srの分離測定に関する基礎的研究, 第72回日本放射線技術学会学術大会, 2016年4月. |
91. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume : Phantom Study for Entrance-Skin Doses Measurement in the Diagnostic X-ray Region using a Small-type OSL dosimeter Comparison of the doses measured with other detectors-, 第72回日本放射線技術学会学術大会, Apr. 2016. |
92. | 沖野 啓樹, 竹上 和希, 紀本 夏実, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 : EGS5を用いた核医学検査領域における小型OSL線量計の検出効率の評価, 第72回日本放射線技術学会学術大会, 2016年4月. |
93. | 紀本 夏実, 沖野 啓樹, 竹上 和希, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹 : 初学者の電離作用の理解に向けた箔検電器の開発, 第72回日本放射線技術学会学術大会, 2016年4月. |
94. | Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa and Yamamoto Shuichiro : Fabrication of the equal-image-density materials for basic experiment of next-generation-type X-ray diagnosis system, 第72回日本放射線技術学会学術大会, Apr. 2016. |
95. | Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Ikuo Kobayashi : Practical calibration curve for entrance-skin dose measurement using small-type OSL dosimeter, 第72回日本放射線技術学会学術大会, Apr. 2016. |
96. | 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥, 林 裕晃, 竹上 和希, 沖野 啓樹, 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採, 金澤 裕樹, 小林 育夫 : nanoDot OSL線量計の診断用X線領域におけるエネルギー依存性, 日本放射線安全管理学会第14回学術大会, 2015年12月. |
97. | 橋詰 拓弥, 岡崎 徹, 竹上 和希, 林 裕晃, 沖野 啓樹, 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採, 金澤 裕樹, 小林 育夫 : OSL線量計の診断領域X線に対する基礎実験∼線量計着用における医用画像への影響評価∼, 日本放射線安全管理学会第14回学術大会, 2015年12月. |
98. | 臼田 貴俊, 金澤 裕樹, 小西 優斗, 松元 友暉, 林 裕晃, 原田 雅史, 松田 豪 : MR信号の線形評価を目的とした正規化手法の比較, 第43回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2015年10月. |
99. | 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採, 竹上 和希, 沖野 啓樹, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa and 山河 勉 : Two dimensional material identification method based on a photon counting technique using low-energy X-ray spectrum, 第43回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, Oct. 2015. |
100. | 小西 優斗, 金澤 裕樹, 臼田 貴俊, 松元 友暉, 林 裕晃, 原田 雅史, 松田 豪 : 拡散強調画像の統計学的信号補正の比較, 第43回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2015年10月. |
101. | 前畑 伊採, Hiroaki Hayashi, 紀本 夏実, 竹上 和希, 沖野 啓樹 and Yuki Kanazawa : High accuracy measurement of contamination rate of scattered X-ray in air-kerma to construct secondary standard using diagnostic X-ray apparatus, 第43回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, Oct. 2015. |
102. | 竹上 和希, 沖野 啓樹, 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 and 小林 育夫 : Basic research for clinical application of the OSL dosimeter in the diagnostic region -Estimation of irradiation conditions not to identify the dosimeter on the medical image-, 第43回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, Oct. 2015. |
103. | 竹上 和希, 沖野 啓樹, 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 and 小林 育夫 : Measurement of energy dependence for small type OSL dosimeter by means of diagnostic X-ray equipment, 第43回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, Oct. 2015. |
104. | 竹上 和希, 沖野 啓樹, 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹 : CRシステムを用いた診断領域の散乱X線可視化装置の開発, 第43回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2015年10月. |
105. | 沖野 啓樹, 竹上 和希, 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Kanazawa, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥 and 小林 育夫 : Basic study for calculation of exposure dose of small type OSL dosimeter for high energy photon beam by means of simulation code(EGS5), 第43回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, Oct. 2015. |
106. | 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 竹上 和希, 沖野 啓樹, 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採 : 自作箔検電器を用いた初学者の物理教育-電離作用の理解に向けて-, 第43回放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2015年10月. |
107. | 岸田 弥奈, 原田 雅史, 金澤 裕樹, 船越 康宏, 松田 豪 : 3D-ASL法による脳血管流速測定値に対する通過時間補正の検討:加齢による影響について, 第46回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2015年9月. |
108. | 金澤 裕樹, 臼田 貴俊, 山田 哲哉, 木戸 晶, 藤本 晃司, 高倉 京子, 小澤 聡, 小泉 幸司, 大國 万希子, 植田 直見, 富樫 かおり : 水浸出土木材の含浸物質濃度と緩和時間変化, 第43回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, Vol.35, No.S, 412, 2015年9月. |
109. | 金澤 裕樹, 小西 優斗, 臼田 貴俊, 松元 友暉, 林 裕晃, 原田 雅史, 松田 豪 : ライス分布を用いた拡散強調画像の信号補正, 第43回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2015年9月. |
110. | 沖野 啓樹, 竹上 和希, 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 岡崎 徹, 橋詰 拓弥, 小林 育夫 : 100-2000keVの光子線に対する小型OSL線量計の効率的な照射体系の提案, 第22回EGS研究会, 2015年8月. |
111. | 紀本 夏実, 前畑 伊採, 竹上 和希, 沖野 啓樹, 林 裕晃, 金澤 裕樹, 山河 勉, 山本 修一郎, 山崎 雅志, 岡田 雅宏 : 低エネルギーX線スペクトルのフォトンカウンティングに基づく2次元的物質同定法の提案, 医用画像情報学会 第172回大会, 2015年6月. |
112. | Kishida Mina, Hunakoshi Yasuhiro, Yuki Kanazawa, Matsuda Tsuyoshi and Masafumi Harada : Influence of the Transit Time Correction for on Quantitative Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) Values of Young and Elderly Subjects Using the 3D-ASL Method with Different Labeling Durations, The 71 th Annual Scientific Congress of JSRT, Apr. 2015. |
113. | 金澤 裕樹, 山田 哲也, 木戸 晶, 藤本 晃司, 小澤 聡, 小泉 幸司, 大國 万希子, 植田 直見, 富樫 かおり : 磁化移動効果を用いたポリエチレングリコールの浸透性測定, 第42回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2014年9月. |
114. | 金澤 裕樹, 山田 哲也, 木戸 晶, 藤本 晃司, 小澤 聡, 小泉 幸司, 大國 万希子, 植田 直見, 富樫 かおり : MRIを用いた水浸出土木材の内部性状の可視化 ―磁化移動効果を用いたポリエチレングリコールの浸透性測定―, 日本文化財科学会第31大会, 2014年7月. |
115. | 金澤 裕樹, 伏見 育崇, 藤本 晃司, 木戸 晶, 岡田 知久, 高倉 京子, 坂下 尚孝, 富樫 かおり : CEST 効果におけるSaturation パルスの影響, 第41回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2013年9月. |
116. | Taha Mehemed, 伏見 育崇, 岡田 知久, 山本 憲, 金柿 光憲, 森本 笑子, 坂本 亮, 中島 諭, 山田 浩史, 柿木 崇秀, 坂田 昭彦, 百々 俊樹, 奥知 左智, 高倉 京子, 金澤 裕樹, 木戸 晶, 藤本 晃司, 坂下 尚孝, 富樫 かおり : テスラ MRI における酸素吸入下での脳脊髄液の経時的な信号変化, 第41回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2013年9月. |
117. | 高倉 京子, 藤本 晃司, 木戸 晶, 伏見 育崇, 梅岡 成章, 岡田 知久, 坂下 尚孝, 木村 徳典, 金澤 裕樹, 富樫 かおり : 3D-SSFP-ASL(ASTAR)を用いた腎血流量計測, 第41回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2013年9月. |
118. | 高倉 京子, 藤本 晃司, 木戸 晶, 伏見 育崇, 梅岡 成章, 岡田 知久, 坂下 尚孝, 木村 徳典, 金澤 裕樹, 富樫 かおり : プロトン密度強調(PDw)画像を用いない腎血流量定量の試み, 第41回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2013年9月. |
119. | 金澤 裕樹, 八木 絢子, 中島 清貴, 加藤 良美, 平川 益三, 佐藤 修 : 頭蓋内腫瘍診断における造影T1強調3D-FSPGR-SPAIR法の最適化, 第40回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2012年9月. |
120. | 八木 絢子, 金澤 裕樹, 中島 清貴, 加藤 良美, 平川 益三 : 頭部領域における 3 次元fast spoiled gradient-echo (3D-FSPGR) 法を用いた造影脂肪抑制 T1 強調 MRI の最適化, 第68回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2012年4月. |
121. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 佐藤 修 : 膀胱癌のADCとDCE - MRIパラメ-タの比較, 第39回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2011年10月. |
122. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 八木 絢子, 吉田 彩, 田口 賢治 : T1計測Look-Lockerシーケンスの最適化, 第67回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2011年4月. |
123. | Yuki Kanazawa, 宮地 利明, 佐藤 修 and 田添 潤 : Plaque characteristics in carotid artery using three-dimensional Look-Locker sequence, 第38回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, Oct. 2010. |
124. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 八木 絢子, 吉田 彩, 田口 賢治 : 高速スピンエコー法を用いた組織 T1・T2同時計測MRI, 第66回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2010年4月. |
125. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 佐藤 修 : 組織血流動態定量解析: T1 Dynamic Contrast -Enhanced Fast Spin-Echo (T1DCE-FSE) MRIのモデルフィッティングに関する考察, 第37回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2009年10月. |
126. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 八木 絢子, 吉田 彩, 加藤 良美, 佐藤 修 : 動脈における低角再収束パルス高速スピンエコー法を用いた血流抑制血管壁MRI, 第65回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2009年4月. |
127. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 八木 絢子, 吉田 彩, 井上 雄介 : 高速スピンエコー法を用いたT1値計測のT2補正, 第51回日本放射線技術学会近畿部会学術大会, 2008年2月. |
128. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 井上 雄介 : 高速スピンエコー法による前立腺ダイナミック T1値計測MRIの試み, 第63回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2007年4月. |
129. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 井上 雄介, 李 哲柱, 岡部 春海 : Fast Recovery Fast spin echo (FR-FSE) 法を用いた脂肪抑制T2 強調画像の検討, 第16回日本乳癌画像研究会, 2007年2月. |
130. | 金澤 裕樹, 宮地 利明, 井上 雄介 : 高速spin-echo法を用いた組織T1値計測に関する検討, 第50回日本放射線技術学会近畿部会学術大会, 2007年1月. |
1. | Hiroaki Hayashi, N. Kimoto, I. Maehata, K. Takegami, H. Okino, Yuki Kanazawa, M. Okada, T. Yamakawa, S. Yamamoto and M. Yamasaki : A Fundamental Experiment for Novel Material Identification Method Based on a Photon Counting Technique: Using Conventional X-Ray Equipment, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Conference Record, 2015. (DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7582027, Elsevier: Scopus) |
2. | H. Okino, Hiroaki Hayashi, K. Takegami, N. Kimoto, I. Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, T. Okazaki, T. Hasizume and I. Kobayashi : Proposal of efficient irradiation system of small type OSL dosimeter for photon beams between 100-2000 keV, KEK proceedings, Vol.2015-6, 1-10, Tsukuba, 2015. |
3. | 金澤 裕樹 : 平成20年度後期国際研究集会派遣会員報告書, 日本放射線技術学会雑誌, Vol.65, No.12, 1692-1701, 2009年12月. |
2. | 谷口 陽, 金澤 裕樹, 小野 順玄 : 画像処理装置,及び,それを含む磁気共鳴イメージング装置及び磁気共鳴イメージングシステム, (2018年11月), 特許第P2018-208813号. |