Tokushima UniversityInstitute of Post-LED Photonics
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Science and TechnologyComputer and Optical SciencesOptical Information Systems
Tokushima UniversityResearch ClustersResearch Clusters2201001 シームレスな光イノベーションを創出する次世代光技術
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Advanced Technology and ScienceSystems Innovation EngineeringOptical Systems EngineeringOptical Materials and Devices
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Social, etc.

Personal Web Page

Field of Study

Informatics [Information networks]

Activity of Academic Society (Post)

Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

Social Activity / University Management

Prize / Award

Sep. 2016, 優秀発表賞 (平成28年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会)
Dec. 2016, Student Poster Award (OPTIC2016)
Jun. 2017, Best Paper Award (ISMOT2017)
Feb. 2018, The teacher of the year (Faculty of Engineering)
Mar. 2019, Best poster award- second place (IFAT2019)
Mar. 2023, Best Student Poster Award: 1st Position (pLED International symposium 2023: Exploring Invisible Light Technology)