Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social SciencesDivision of Science and TechnologyMechanical ScienceEnergy System
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Science and TechnologyMechanical ScienceEnergy System
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Advanced Technology and ScienceIntelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMechanical Systems
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationScience and TechnologyMechanical ScienceEnergy System
Tokushima UniversityInstitute of Post-LED Photonics
Tokushima UniversityResearch ClustersResearch Clusters2202005 無機固体蛍光体材料を用いた紫外光波長同定ミニ分光器及び紫外線可視カメラの開発
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Social, etc.

Personal Web Page

Field of Study

Solid State Ionics, Electrochemistry

Activity of Academic Society (Post)

The Electrochemical Society of Japan
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Ceramic Society of Japan

Social Activity / University Management

Prize / Award

Mar. 2012, 平成23年度 田川記念固体化学奨励賞 (The Electrochemical Society of Japan)
Sep. 2023, 社会産業理工学研究部交流会2023 優秀賞 (徳島大学 大学院社会産業理工学研究部)