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Field of Study

Chinese Literature

Subject of Study

中国古典文学, 日本漢詩文 (中国古典詩歌, 中国古典文学思想, 日本漢詩文)

Book / Paper


1. Kazuhito Omura :
A Study of Love Poetry during the Six Dynasties period,
中国文庫株式会社, Feb. 2023.
2. 石川 忠久, 市川 桃子, 澤崎 久和, 詹 満江, 三上 英司, 松浦 史子, 有木 大輔, Kazuhito Omura, 高芝 麻子, 遠藤 星希 and 大戸 温子 :
汲古書院, Tokyo, Feb. 2020.
3. 竹田 晃, 黒田 真美子, 遠藤 星希, 山崎 藍, 高芝 麻子, 梶村 永, 福田 素子, 周 重雷, 大野 公賀, 田中 智行, Kazuhito Omura, 相野谷 智之, 溝部 良恵, 上原 究一, 詹 満江, 市川 桃子 and 古田島 洋介 :
新典社, Tokyo, Mar. 2014.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Kazuhito Omura :
三国志研究, No.16, 77-91, 2021.
2. Kazuhito Omura :
Bulletin of the Society of Liu-Chao periods, No.21, 31-45, 2020.
(CiNii: 1520290882467771136)
3. Kazuhito Omura :
The Chinese Culture Chugoku Bunka, No.77, 14-26, 2019.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2009172,   DOI: 10.15068/00157136,   CiNii: 1390853649581971072)
4. Kazuhito Omura :
The Images of Tao Yuanming in Onuma Chinzan's Works and the Character of the Rekidai Eishi Hyakuritsu.,
『日本漢文学研究』, No.14, 21-44, 2019.
(CiNii: 1050848249738430592)
5. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会報, Vol.18, 37-52, 2017.
(CiNii: 1520290883763169280)
6. Kazuhito Omura :
中国文化―研究と教育―, Vol.73, 27-38, 2015.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006545)
7. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会報, Vol.15, 25-40, 2014.
8. Kazuhito Omura :
高崎経済大学論集, Vol.56, No.3, 1-13, 2013.
(CiNii: 1390853650663250816)
9. Kazuhito Omura :
三国志研究, Vol.7, 58-73, 2012.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006544)
10. Kazuhito Omura :
中国文化―研究と教育―, Vol.70, 56-68, 2012.
(DOI: 10.15068/00150752)
11. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会報, Vol.13, 19-35, 2012.
(CiNii: 1520853833020376448)
12. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会報, Vol.12, 15-30, 2011.
(CiNii: 1520572358691302784)
13. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会報, Vol.8, 65-80, 2007.
14. Kazuhito Omura :
中国―社会と文化, Vol.21, 93-107, 2006.
15. Kazuhito Omura :
''巫''から''小婦''へ ― 楽府 『三婦艶』の小婦について,
日本中国学会報, Vol.57, 48-62, 2005.
16. Kazuhito Omura :
人文中國學報, Vol.11, 485-509, 2005.
17. Kazuhito Omura :
TOHOGAKU (Eastern Studies), Vol.106, 53-65, 2003.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Kazuhito Omura :
Study on Yokokawa Toyos SHIKOKU HENRO SHI,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.32, 1-34, 2024.
2. Kazuhito Omura :
Study on the whole story of the publication of NAKAGAWA Kengakus two Naruto Strait () and its position on the history of Japanese and Chinese poetry.,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.31, 1-55, 2023.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2011585)
3. Kazuhito Omura :
"Luoshen Fu" at West Lake(Xihu) in the Ming Dynasty - Regarding Yuan Hongdao's " West Lake(Xihu) " No.1 -,
大上正美先生傘寿記念 三国志論集, 255-280, 2023.
4. Kazuhito Omura :
Study on MORI Shuntōs AWA FUDO SHI,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.30, 1-55, 2022.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2010676)
5. Kazuhito Omura :
Consideration for the relation between prose and poetry in Naruto Kambun(classical Chinese prose) with Kanshi(classical Chinese poetry),
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.29, 33-109, 2021.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2009548,   CiNii: 1050021072400253952)
6. Kazuhito Omura :
A Study of zhongren() in love poetry() of Qi and Liang () dynasties.,
石川忠久先生星寿記念論文集 菊を採る東籬の下, 113-129, 2021.
7. Kazuhito Omura :
The depiction of Naruto Strait in the Classical Chinese Poetry produced by Japanese.,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.28, 1-75, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008485,   CiNii: 1050865265018488576)
8. Kazuhito Omura :
Study on Position of LIU XIAOYI()s YANTI-LIANZHU() in the Literature of WEI-JIN() and Northern and Southern Dynasties.,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.27, 1-28, 2019.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007120,   CiNii: 1050865122806219008)
9. Kazuhito Omura :
『狩野直禎先生追悼三国志論集』(汲古書院), 309-337, 2019.
10. Kazuhito Omura :
『狩野直禎先生米寿記念 三国志論集』(汲古書院), 265-291, 2016.
11. Kazuhito Omura :
東アジア学術総合研究所集刊, Vol.45, 1-27, 2015.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006565)
12. Kazuhito Omura :
東京大学中国語中国文学研究室紀要, Vol.10, 130-158, 2007.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006543)
13. Kazuhito Omura :
新文学, Vol.6, 224-237, 2006.

Review, Commentary:

1. Kazuhito Omura :
『中国/日本〈漢〉文化大事典』, 241-242, Jun. 2024.
2. Kazuhito Omura :
『中国/日本〈漢〉文化大事典』, 232-233, Jun. 2024.
3. Kazuhito Omura :
『中国/日本〈漢〉文化大事典』, 228-229, Jun. 2024.
4. Kazuhito Omura :
書評 憂世の書としての中国文学史 安藤信廣著『中国文学の歴史 古代から唐宋まで』(東方書店,2021年),
Tosho Shimbun, No.3531, 6, Feb. 2022.
5. Kazuhito Omura :
『中国文化事典』, 292-293, Apr. 2017.
6. Kazuhito Omura :
『中国文化事典』, 290-291, Apr. 2017.
7. 石川 忠久, 市川 桃子, 詹 満江, 三上 英司, 高芝 麻子, 遠藤 星希, 森岡 ゆかり, 大戸 温子, 石塚 英樹 and Kazuhito Omura :
41-43, Feb. 2012.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Kazuhito Omura :
高麗大学・東京大学国際学術発表大会, Feb. 2008.
2. Kazuhito Omura :
第1回中文系研究生国際学術研討会, Vol.1, Dec. 2003.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Kazuhito Omura :
Study on Yokokawa Toyos SHIKOKU HENRO SHI(),
第39回・四国東洋学研究者会議(於:高知大学), Dec. 2024.
2. Kazuhito Omura :
第35回中唐文学会, Oct. 2024.
3. Kazuhito Omura :
A study of the relation between Buddhism and love poetry during Qi dynasty and Liang dynasty,
六朝学術学会第28回大会, Sep. 2024.
4. Kazuhito Omura :
令和5年度国立大学教養教育実施組織会議・第4分科会(高知大学主催), May 2023.
5. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会第44回例会(於:国学院大学), Mar. 2023.
6. Kazuhito Omura :
Luoshenfu in Xihu,
第37回四国東洋学研究者会議, Dec. 2022.
7. Kazuhito Omura :
阿波志調査会講演会, Feb. 2021.
8. Kazuhito Omura :
第36回四国東洋学研究者会議, Nov. 2019.
9. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会 研究例会, Vol.35, Dec. 2017.
10. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会 大会, Vol.20, Jun. 2016.
11. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会 研究例会, Vol.28, Mar. 2014.
12. Kazuhito Omura :
中国文化学会月例会, Mar. 2011.
13. Kazuhito Omura :
六朝学術学会 研究例会, Vol.15, Sep. 2006.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. Kazuhito Omura :
COVID-19 pandemic and the essence of activities about Chinese classical poetry.,
第20回四国漢詩連盟 徳島大会 プログラム・作品集, 39-40, Oct. 2022.
2. Kazuhito Omura :
大沼枕山研究会(科研費・基盤C課題番号15K02441「大沼枕山明治期詩業の比較文学的研究」[研究代表者・詹満江杏林大学教授]), Feb. 2019.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • 『中興間気集』の研究――盛唐から中唐への転換点という視座から (Project/Area Number: 23K00341 )
  • A Study on Reality and expression in Love poetry by the Literary Group of Xiao Gang in the Liang Period of the Southern Dynasties. (Project/Area Number: 15K16723 )
  • A Comparative Literary Study on Ohnuma Chinzan's Poetic Works of the Meiji Period (Project/Area Number: 15K02441 )
  • A new study of love poetry in the Qi-Liang Dynasty. (Project/Area Number: 22720143 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (80431881)