Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social SciencesDivision of Science and TechnologyMechanical ScienceEnergy System
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Science and TechnologyMechanical ScienceEnergy System
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Advanced Technology and ScienceIntelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMechanical Systems
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationScience and TechnologyMechanical ScienceEnergy System
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Field of Study

Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics

Subject of Study

Nonequilibrium Biomolecular Dynamics, Pulmonary acinar biomechanics, Molecular Basis of Drug Delivery Systems

Book / Paper


1. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
YODOSHA CO., LTD., Mar. 2017.
2. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Technical Information Institute Co., Ltd., Oct. 2014.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Kenichiro Koshiyama and Kazuki Nakata :
Effects of lipid saturation on bicelle to vesicle transition of a binary phospholipid mixture: a molecular dynamics simulation study,
Soft Matter, Vol.19, No.39, 7655-7662, 2023.
(DOI: 10.1039/D3SM00904A,   PubMed: 37782209)
2. Shigematsu Taiki and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Changes in free energy barrier for water permeation by stretch-induced phase transitions in phospholipid/cholesterol bilayers,
Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 1-8, 2023.
(DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2023.2250447,   PubMed: 37656194)
3. Taiki Shigematsu and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Shear-flow-induced negative tension of phospholipid bilayer: Molecular dynamics simulation,
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.159, No.1, 014901, 2023.
(DOI: 10.1063/5.0153167,   PubMed: 37403852)
4. Atsuki Ishikawa and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Mathematical modeling of pulmonary acinus structure: Verification of acinar shape effects on pathway structure using rat lungs.,
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Vol.302, 2022.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.resp.2022.103900,   PubMed: 35367411)
5. Zhao Jianan, Feng Yu, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Wu Huimin :
Prediction of airway deformation effect on pulmonary air-particle dynamics: A numerical study,
Physics of Fluids, Vol.33, 101906, 2021.
(DOI: 10.1063/5.0065309,   Elsevier: Scopus)
6. Taiki Shigematsu, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo Wada :
Kelvin-Helmholtz-like instability of phospholipid bilayers under shear flow: System-size dependence.,
Physical Review E, Vol.102, No.2-1, 022408, 2020.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.022408,   PubMed: 32942508)
7. Lihi Shachar-Berman, Yan Ostrovski, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Shigeo Wada, Stavros C. Kassinos and Josué Sznitman :
Targeting inhaled fibers to the pulmonary acinus: Opportunities for augmented delivery from in silico simulations,
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.137, 105003, 2019.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2019.105003,   PubMed: 31302212,   Elsevier: Scopus)
8. Kenichiro Koshiyama, Masaki Taneo, Taiki Shigematsu and Shigeo Wada :
Bicelle-to-Vesicle Transition of a Binary Phospholipid Mixture Guided by Controlled Local Lipid Compositions: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study.,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.123, No.14, 3118-3123, 2019.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006354,   DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b10682,   PubMed: 30888822,   Elsevier: Scopus)
9. Taiki Shigematsu, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo Wada :
Stretch-Induced Interdigitation of a Phospholipid/Cholesterol Bilayer.,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.122, No.9, 2556-2563, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b10633,   PubMed: 29419298,   Elsevier: Scopus)
10. Kenichiro Koshiyama, Keisuke Nishimoto, Satoshi Ii, Toshihiro Sera and Shigeo Wada :
Heterogeneous structure and surface tension effects on mechanical response in pulmonary acinus: A finite element analysis.,
Clinical Biomechanics, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2018.01.001,   PubMed: 29370949)
11. Philipp Hofemeier, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Shigeo Wada and Josué Sznitman :
One (sub-)acinus for all: Fate of inhaled aerosols in heterogeneous pulmonary acinar structures.,
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.113, 53-63, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2017.09.033,   PubMed: 28954217,   Elsevier: Scopus)
12. Luosha Xiao, Toshihiro Sera, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo Wada :
Morphological Characterization of Acinar Cluster in Mouse Lung Using a Multiscale-based Segmentation Algorithm on Synchrotron Micro-CT Images.,
The Anatomical Record, Vol.299, No.10, 1424-1434, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1002/ar.23452,   PubMed: 27488590)
13. Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo Wada :
Collapse of a lipid-coated nanobubble and subsequent liposome formation.,
Scientific Reports, Vol.6, 2016.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008165,   DOI: 10.1038/srep28164,   PubMed: 27306704)
14. Taiki Shigematsu, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo Wada :
Effects of Stretching Speed on Mechanical Rupture of Phospholipid/Cholesterol Bilayers: Molecular Dynamics Simulation.,
Scientific Reports, Vol.5, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1038/srep15369,   PubMed: 26471872)
15. Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo Wada :
Mathematical model of a heterogeneous pulmonary acinus structure.,
Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.62, 25-32, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2015.03.032,   PubMed: 25912985)
16. Taiki SHIGEMATSU, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
Line tension of the pore edge in phospholipid/cholesterol bilayer from stretch molecular dynamics simulation,
Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.11, No.1, 15-00422-15-00422, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/jbse.15-00422,   CiNii: 1390282680239479424)
17. Yoshihiro Ujihara, Masanori Nakamura, Masatsugu Soga, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Hiroshi Miyazaki and Shigeo Wada :
Computational studies on strain transmission from a collagen gel construct to a cell and its internal cytoskeletal filaments.,
Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.56, 20-29, 2014.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.10.015,   PubMed: 25464345)
18. Taiki Shigematsu, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo Wada :
Molecular dynamics simulations of pore formation in stretched phospholipid/cholesterol bilayers.,
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, Vol.183, 43-49, 2014.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2014.05.005,   PubMed: 24863643)
19. Luosha Xiao, Toshihiro Sera, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo Wada :
A semiautomatic segmentation algorithm for extracting the complete structure of acini from synchrotron micro-CT images.,
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Vol.2013, 2013.
(DOI: 10.1155/2013/575086,   PubMed: 23533543)
20. Masanori NAKAMURA, Yoshihiro UJIHARA, Masatsugu SOGA, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Hiroshi MIYAZAKI and Shigeo WADA :
Effects of Cytoskeletal Orientations on Deformation of a Cell Residing in a Collagen Gel Construct,
Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, 2-14, 2012.
(DOI: 10.1299/jbse.7.2,   CiNii: 1390282680239519232)
21. Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo Wada :
Molecular dynamics simulations of pore formation dynamics during the rupture process of a phospholipid bilayer caused by high-speed equibiaxial stretching.,
Journal of Biomechanics, Vol.44, No.11, 2053-2058, 2011.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.05.014,   PubMed: 21658696)
22. Masato YASUI, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
Modeling of Lung Microstructure Using Phase-Field Method,
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol.49, No.1, 250-254, 2011.
(DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.49.250,   CiNii: 1390001205267211136,   Elsevier: Scopus)
23. Kenichiro Koshiyama, Takeru Yano and Tetsuya Kodama :
Self-organization of a stable pore structure in a phospholipid bilayer.,
Physical Review Letters, Vol.105, No.1, 2010.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.018105,   PubMed: 20867485)
24. Tetsuya KODAMA, Yukio TOMITA, Yukiko WATANABE, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Takeru YANO and Shigeo FUJIKAWA :
Cavitation Bubbles Mediated Molecular Delivery During Sonoporation,
Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.4, No.1, 124-140, 2009.
(DOI: 10.1299/jbse.4.124,   CiNii: 1390282680238299520)
25. Kenichiro Koshiyama, Tetsuya Kodama, Takeru Yano and Shigeo Fujikawa :
Molecular dynamics simulation of structural changes of lipid bilayers induced by shock waves: Effects of incident angles.,
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, Vol.1778, No.6, 1423-1428, 2008.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2008.03.010,   PubMed: 18405658)
26. Kenichiro Koshiyama, Tetsuya Kodama, Takeru Yano and Shigeo Fujikawa :
Structural change in lipid bilayers and water penetration induced by shock waves: molecular dynamics simulations.,
Biophysical Journal, Vol.91, No.6, 2198-2205, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1529/biophysj.105.077677,   PubMed: 16798798)
27. Tetsuya Kodama, Yukio Tomita, Kenichiro Koshiyama and K Martin J Blomley :
Transfection effect of microbubbles on cells in superposed ultrasound waves and behavior of cavitation bubble.,
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Vol.32, No.6, 905-914, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2006.03.004,   PubMed: 16785012)
28. Tetsuya Kodama, Atsuko Aoi, Georges Vassaux, Shiro Mori, Hidehiro Morikawa, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Takeru Yano, Shigeo Fujikawa and Yukio Tomita :
A non-invasive tissue-specific molecular delivery method of cancer gene therapy.,
Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies, Vol.15, No.4, 226-229, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1080/13645700600836059,   PubMed: 16966136)

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. 重松 大樹 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.39, 340-343, 2020.
(CiNii: 1520853834477340160)

Review, Commentary:

1. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study of Lipid Bilayers for the Development of Biomedical Engineering Techniques,
MEMBRANE, Vol.45, No.5, 226-231, 2020.
(DOI: 10.5360/membrane.45.226,   CiNii: 1390004222621460864)
2. 和田 成生, Kenichiro Koshiyama, 肖 蘿莎 and 世良 俊博 :
Respiration & Circulation, Vol.62, No.12, 1179-1187, Dec. 2014.
(DOI: 10.11477/mf.1404200054)
3. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
計算数理工学レビュー, Vol.2013, No.1, 27-33, Mar. 2013.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Mathematical Modeling of Pulmonary Acinus Structure: Extension to Neonatal Lungs,
9th World Congress of Biomechanics Taipei, O-06056-2pages, Jul. 2022.
2. Tsutsumi Yusuke and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Molecular dynamics simulations of a mechanosensitive channel under tension: Effects of hydrophobic molecules on the structural changes of the channel-embedded lipid bilayer,
The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics Abstract book, 1, Dec. 2021.
3. Ishikawa Atsuki and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Mathematical modeling of pulmonary acinus structure: analysis of pathway structure in conical outer shapes,
The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics Abstract book, 1, Dec. 2021.
4. Kenichiro Koshiyama, Keisuke Nishimoto, Satoshi Ii and Shigeo Wada :
CMBE19 proceedings, Vol.2, 703-704, Jun. 2019.
5. Kenichiro Koshiyama, Keisuke Nishimoto, Satoshi Ii, Toshihiro Sera and Shigeo Wada :
Anisotropic deformation of pulmonary acinar tissues for inflation with surface tension effects,
8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 2018.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Kenichiro Koshiyama and YASUKAWA Takumi :
日本機械学会第35回バイオフロンティア講演会予稿集, 2C14-4pages, Dec. 2024.
2. Kenichiro Koshiyama and MIYAZAKI Ryosuke :
日本機械学会第35回バイオフロンティア講演会予稿集, 2C13-4pages, Dec. 2024.
3. Kenichiro Koshiyama and FURUKAWA Shunya :
放射光X線マイクロCTを用いたマウス仔肺微細構造の定量化 :内圧負荷による構造変化,
日本機械学会第35回バイオフロンティア講演会予稿集, 1B17-4pages, Dec. 2024.
4. Kenichiro Koshiyama and FUJITA Kensuke :
日本機械学会第35回バイオフロンティア講演会予稿集, 1B08-4pages, Dec. 2024.
5. Kenichiro Koshiyama and KAKUNO Yugo :
日本流体力学会 年会2024 予稿集, Sep. 2024.
6. Kenichiro Koshiyama and KAKUNO Yugo :
日本機械学会 2024年度年次大会講演論文集, J022-06-3pages, Sep. 2024.
7. FURUKAWA Shunya, Kenichiro Koshiyama, 世良 俊博 and FUJITA Kensuke :
日本機械学会第35回バイオエンジニアリング講演会抄録集, 2P74-1page, May 2024.
8. KAKUNO Yugo and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Effect of lipid bilayers on shock wave propagation: molecular dynamics analysis,
2023年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集, 2B2-4-3pages, Mar. 2024.
9. TAKAMI Yudai and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Molecular Dynamics Study on Nanoliposomes under Cyclic T ensile Loading : toward Understanding Ultrasound Induced Drug Release,
日本機械学会第34回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1E21-4pages, Dec. 2023.
10. RYO Shintaro, FUJITA Kensuke and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Finite Element Analysis with Mathematical Shape Model of Centri acinar Emphysema,
日本機械学会第34回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1B17-4pages, Dec. 2023.
11. MIYAZAKI Ryosuke and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nanoliposomes Encapsulating Small Molecules: Effects of Molecular Concentration on Encapsulation Efficiency,
日本機械学会 第36回計算力学講演会講演論文集, OS-1811-4pages, Oct. 2023.
12. RYO Shintaro, FUJITA Kensuke and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Mathematical Modeling of Pulmonary Acinus Structure in Emphysema: Effects of Emphysema Types on Mechanical Fields,
日本機械学会 第36回計算力学講演会講演論文集, OS-1810-4pages, Oct. 2023.
13. FUJITA Kensuke, RYO Shintaro and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Ma t hematical Modeling of Pulmonary Acinus Structure: An Algorithm of Implementing Airway Path Length Dependent Alve olarization,
日本機械学会 第36回計算力学講演会講演論文集, OS-1804-4pages, Oct. 2023.
14. Kenichiro Koshiyama and KAKUNO Yugo :
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Lipid Assembly under Shock Wave: Toward Understanding Pulse Width Effects,
日本機械学会2023年度年次大会講演論文集, J022-07-4pages, Sep. 2023.
15. Kensuke Fujita, SHINTAROH Ryo and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
日本機械学会第35回バイオエンジニアリング講演会抄録集, P208-2-1page, Jun. 2023.
16. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
日本機械学会第35回バイオエンジニアリング講演会抄録集, OS-B3-1page, Jun. 2023.
17. Kenichiro Koshiyama, Shintaroh Ryo and Kensuke Fujita :
第30回バイオフィジオロジー研究会抄録集, 6-7, Mar. 2023.
18. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Planar Shock Wave Interaction with nanoliposome: Molecular Dynamics Simulations,
2022年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集, 3C3-2-2pages, Mar. 2023.
19. SHINTAROH Ryo and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Mathematical Modelling of Pulmonary Acinus Structure Representing Lung Tissue Destruction: Toward Modelling of Emphysematous Acinus,
日本機械学会 第33回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1F19-4Pages, Dec. 2022.
20. 木下 敦斗 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Identifying Material Model of Lung Tissues Based on Uniaxial Tensile Tests and Optimization with Finite Element Analysis: Effects of Specimen Dimension,
日本機械学会 第33回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1D05-4Pages, Dec. 2022.
21. 仲田 一輝 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Molecular Dynamics Study of Transition from Bicelle to Vesicle Induced by Changing Local Mechanical Properties: Effects of Lipid Saturation,
日本機械学会 第33回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1D08-4Pages, Dec. 2022.
22. 岸上 夏輝 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Effects of Lipid Compositions on Lipid Monolayer Buckling: Molecular Dynamics Study,
日本機械学会 第33回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1D01-4Pages, Dec. 2022.
23. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Planar Shock Wave Interaction with a Lipid Assembly: Molecular Dynamics Simulations,
日本機械学会2022年度年次大会講演論文集, C000432-4pages, Sep. 2022.
24. 岸上 夏輝 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
日本機械学会 第32回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 2D16-4Pages, Jan. 2022.
25. 仲田 一輝 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
日本機械学会 第32回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 2A11-4Pages, Jan. 2022.
26. 木下 敦斗 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
日本機械学会 第32回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1B32-4Pages, Jan. 2022.
27. Shin Kusano and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
日本機械学会 第32回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1B27-4Pages, Jan. 2022.
28. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
第6回ソフトマター工学分科会講演会講演論文集, 1-4, Nov. 2021.
29. 重松 大樹 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
日本流体力学会年会2021 講演論文集, 2pages, Sep. 2021.
30. Atsuki Ishikawa and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
日本機械学会 第34回計算力学講演会講演論文集, 172, Sep. 2021.
31. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Structural Changes of Lipid Bilayers Under High Pressure,
日本機械学会2021年度年次大会講演論文集, J022-04, Sep. 2021.
32. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
小児肺細葉メカニクス構築に向けた不均質肺微小構造数理モデリ ング,
日本機械学会第33回バイオエンジニアリング講演会予稿集, 1B1-03, Jun. 2021.
33. 重松 大樹 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
せん断流れが脂質二重膜のうねりの特性に与える影響:分子動力学シミュレーショ ン,
第34回数値流体力学シンポジウム 講演論文集, B07-4-3pages, Dec. 2020.
34. Yusuke Tsutsumi and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
日本機械学会 第31回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1C23-4Pages, Dec. 2020.
35. Atsuki Ishikawa and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Mathematical Modeling of Pulmonary Acinus Structure: Heterogeneity of the Microstructure Based on the Homogeneity,
日本機械学会 第31回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1C12-4Pages, Dec. 2020.
36. Shin Kusano and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Analysis for Stress Environment in MultiAlveoli Model: for Understanding Mechanics during Alveologenesis,
日本機械学会 第31回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1C11-4Pages, Dec. 2020.
37. 重松 大樹 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
せん断流れ下での脂質二重膜のダイナミク ス:分子動力学シミュレーション,
日本流体力学会年会2020 講演論文集, 2pages, Sep. 2020.
38. Kenichiro Koshiyama, 和田 成生, 伊井 仁志 and 世良 俊博 :
Mechanical Analysis of Pulmonary Acinar Inflation: Toward Understanding Infant Acinar Mechanics,
日本機械学会第32回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, U00127, Dec. 2019.
39. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
第26回次世代医工学研究会プログラム, Dec. 2019.
40. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Mechanosensitive Channel in Lipid Bilayers under Dynamic Mechanical Loading,
日本流体力学会第33回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集, F03-4, Nov. 2019.
41. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Mechanosensitive Channel in Lipid Bilayers,
日本機械学会2019年度年次大会講演論文集, J02106, Sep. 2019.
42. 石本 慶太, 重松 大輝, 和田 成生 and Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Peptide-embedded Liposome Formation,
日本機械学会第30回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集, 1A33, Jul. 2019.
43. Kenichiro Koshiyama, 伊井 仁志, 世良 俊博 and 和田 成生 :
第27回バイオフィジオロジー研究会抄録集, 10-11, Mar. 2019.
44. 種子尾 将希, Kenichiro Koshiyama, 重松 大輝, Kenichiro Koshiyama and 和田 成生 :
日本機械学会第31回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 1G33, Dec. 2018.
45. 竹田 圭佑, 伊井 仁志, 吉永 司, Kenichiro Koshiyama and 和田 成生 :
日本機械学会第31回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 1G13, Dec. 2018.
46. 重松 大輝, Kenichiro Koshiyama and 和田 成生 :
日本機械学会第31回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 1A24, Dec. 2018.
47. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
All atom molecular dynamics simulations of ceramide bilayers under compressive loading,
日本機械学会2018年度年次大会講演論文集, No.J0250001, Sep. 2018.
48. 伊井 仁志, 竹田 圭佑, Kenichiro Koshiyama and 和田 成生 :
Understanding the lung crackle sounds by fluid-structure-acoustic interaction analysis,
計算工学講演会論文集 Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.23, 3p, Jun. 2018.
(CiNii: 1520290883711773952)
49. Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Lipid Coated Nanobubble under Cyclic Pressure Changes,
The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, Vol.2018, No.0, 1G04, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebio.2018.30.1G04,   CiNii: 1390845712969144704)
50. Masaki TANEO, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Taiki SHIGEMATSU and Shigeo WADA :
The Formation of Nanoliposome Composed of Binary Mixture Lipids::Molecular Dynamics Simulation,
The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, Vol.2018, No.0, 1G07, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebio.2018.30.1G07,   CiNii: 1390845712969143296)
51. Taiki SHIGEMATSU, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
Molecular Partitioning and Line Tension of Pore Edge in Mixed-Lipid Bilayers::Molecular Dynamics Simulation,
The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, Vol.2018, No.0, 1G08, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebio.2018.30.1G08,   CiNii: 1390282763015995520)
52. Keisuke TAKEDA, Tsukasa YOSHINAGA, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Satoshi II and Shigeo WADA :
Acoustic analysis of lung sound distribution using airway branching model in pulmonary lobes based on real shape,
The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, Vol.2018, No.0, 2F05, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebio.2018.30.2F05,   CiNii: 1390001288038484864)
53. Ryogo ENOSAKI, Satoshi II, Naoki TAKEISHI, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Daiki SHIGEMATSU and Shigeo WADA :
Computer simulation of fibrin clot formation using protofibril aggregation model::evaluation of the morphological characteristics,
The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, Vol.2018, No.0, 2E07, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebio.2018.30.2E07,   CiNii: 1390845712969160832)
54. Kenichiro Koshiyama :
Molecular dynamics simulations of ceramide bilayer failure,
The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, Vol.2017, No.0, J0220105, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2017.J0220105,   CiNii: 1390282680820265856)
55. Ryogo ENOSAKI, Satoshi II, Naoki TAKEISHI, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Taiki SHIGEMATSU and Shigeo WADA :
Mesoscopic numerical approach for fibrin clot formation using discrete element model,
The Proceedings of The Computational Mechanics Conference, Vol.2017, No.0, 67, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmecmd.2017.30.067,   CiNii: 1390001205858572288)
56. Keisuke TAKEDA, Tsukasa YOSHINAGA, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Satoshi II and Shigeo WADA :
Sound analysis using airway branching model based on real shape,
The Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, Vol.2017, No.0, 2C12, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebiofro.2017.28.2C12,   CiNii: 1390001205872251264)
57. Masaki TANEO, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Taiki SHIGEMATSU and Shigeo WADA :
Effect of Lipid Composition on Nanoliposome Formation: Molecular Dynamics Simulation,
The Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, Vol.2017, No.0, 1B22, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebiofro.2017.28.1B22,   CiNii: 1390282680848664832)
58. Taiki SHIGEMATSU, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
Effects of Phase Transition on Pore Formation in Stretched Phospholipid/Cholesterol Bilayer:Molecular Dynamics Simulation,
The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, Vol.2017, No.0, 1F34, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebio.2017.29.1F34,   CiNii: 1390282680852320896)
59. Naoya ANDO, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Manabu KINOSHITA and Shigeo WADA :
1H15 Real time observations of the molecular delivery in in vitro sonoporation : effects of ultrasound conditions on the delivery timing,
The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, Vol.2016, No.0, _1H15-1_-_1H15-5_, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebio.2016.28._1H15-1_,   CiNii: 1390282680853080960)
60. Ryotaro KURUMATANI, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of PEGylated-liposome Rupture Induced by High-speed Mechanical Loading,
The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, Vol.2016, No.0, J0210101, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2016.J0210101,   CiNii: 1390001205837764736)
61. Keisuke NISHIMOTO, Kenichiro Koshiyama, Satoshi II and Shigeo WADA :
Deformation Analysis of Heterogeneous Pulmonary Acinus Structure with Considering Effects of Surface Tension,
The Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, Vol.2016, No.0, C213, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebiofro.2016.27.C213,   CiNii: 1390001205870938240)
62. Taiki SHIGEMATSU, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
1C42 Molecular dynamics simulation of water permeability through stretched phospholipid/cholesterol bilayer,
The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, Vol.2015, No.0, 127-128, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebio.2015.27.127,   CiNii: 1390282680853923584)
63. Asuka NISHIKAWA, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
2F33 Modeling of heterogeneous micro vasculature network at the pulmonary acinus level,
The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, Vol.2015, No.0, 535-536, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebio.2015.27.535,   CiNii: 1390282680854632704)
64. Taiki SHIGEMATSU, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
617 Mutual Effects of Cholesterol and Stretching Speed on Rupture of Phospholipid Bilayers under Stretching : Molecular Dynamics Simulation,
The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch, Vol.2015, No.0, 259-260, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmekansai.2015.90.259,   CiNii: 1390001205853521664)
65. Yukiho ISHIDA, Satoshi II, Hideo HIRAKATA, Naoko SUGITA, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
P016 A blood-clot formation model considering biochemical reactions and viscoelasticity of thrombus,
The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch, Vol.2015, No.0, 434, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmekansai.2015.90.434,   CiNii: 1390282680829838464)
66. Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
0313 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Lipid Coated Nanobubble,
The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference, Vol.2015, No.0, _0313-1_-_0313-2_, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2015._0313-1_,   CiNii: 1390282680859250304)
67. Ryotaro KURUMATANI, Taiki SHIGEMATSU, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
J0270201 Molecular Dynamics Study about Water Permeability Change of Lipid Membranes under Stretching : toward Development of Liposomes for Drug Delivery,
The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, Vol.2015, No.0, _J0270201--_J0270201-, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2015._J0270201-,   CiNii: 1390001205843235712)
68. Ryotaro KURUMATANI, Taiki SHIGEMATSU, Kenichiro Koshiyama and Shigeo WADA :
B211 Coarse grained molecular dynamics simulations of nano-liposome rupture induced by mechanical stresses,
The Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, Vol.2015, No.0, 121-122, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1299/jsmebiofro.2015.26.121,   CiNii: 1390282680849666048)

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • 局所力学物性制御によるリポソーム形成誘導 (Project/Area Number: 24K22408 )
  • 小児肺微小構造の成熟と力学場の関係 (Project/Area Number: 23K28401 )
  • Evaluation of mechanical environment and cell response at alveolar region for lung remodeling (Project/Area Number: 19H04444 )
  • Generation of Biomechanics for Infant Lung Acinus (Project/Area Number: 18K19921 )
  • Therapeutic system for metastatic lymph nodes at early stages (Project/Area Number: 17H00865 )
  • What is the reason to form the thrombi with different internal structures and mechanical characteristics? (Project/Area Number: 15K12510 )
  • Next-generation ultrasound contrast agent development platform based on elucidating the physical phenomenon of lipid coated nanobubbles (Project/Area Number: 15K01284 )
  • Multiscale mechanical modeling and analysis of the lung for better understanding of the pathological remodeling mechanism (Project/Area Number: 24240073 )
  • Molecular mechanisms about ultrasound neuromodulation (Project/Area Number: 23686031 )
  • Three dimensional measurements of collagen structure in a vascular tissue subject to abnormal mechanical remodeling (Project/Area Number: 23650261 )
  • Towards the establishment of hemolysis simulator by a multi-scale analysis and experimental observations of damages on a red blood cell membrane and (Project/Area Number: 22300155 )
  • Molecular Mechanisms about Changes of Cell Membranes Functions : Induced by Shear Forces (Project/Area Number: 20760114 )
  • Computational studies on the development of intracranial aneurysms considering arterial wall remodeling induced by hemodynamics factors (Project/Area Number: 17300138 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (80467513)