Tokushima UniversityCenter for Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning (Files for researchmap) [PDF manual] [Auto-propagate to researchmap]


Field of Study

Subject of Study

Book / Paper

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Akihiro Tsukamoto, Osamu Sahara, Masafumi Miwa, Ryoichi Yamanaka, Kenji Terada, Kota Hattori and Takuya Matsumoto :
Theory and Applications of GIS, Vol.30, No.2, 143, 2022.

Review, Commentary:

1. Hideo Yamanaka, Katsuhiro Kawasaki, Takuya Matsumoto and Hitoe Moriwaki :
都市問題, Vol.112, No.12, 9-13, Dec. 2021.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 116578,   CiNii: 1050009295015320960)

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Takuya Matsumoto, Taro Taguchi and Satsuki Kinoshita :
Research on Sustainability of Policy Promotion through Public-Private Partnership in Rural Areas,
農村計画学会 2022 年度秋期大会 学術研究発表会 梗概集, 19-20, Dec. 2022.
2. Akihiro Tsukamoto, Osamu Sahara, Masafumi Miwa, Ryoichi Yamanaka, Kenji Terada, Kota Hattori and Takuya Matsumoto :
Conceptual System of the Disaster Support Using a Tethered Balloon and UAV,
31th Geographic Information System Association Conference, Vol.Poster, No.10, Oct. 2022.
3. Takuya YABE and Takuya Matsumoto :
2年目を迎えたコロナ時代におけるZOOMによる遠隔授業のあり方 ー1年生必修キャリアプラン入門を事例としてー,
第17回大学教育カンファレンス, Jan. 2022.
4. Takuya Matsumoto, 赤木 真由, Ryoya Morita, Taro Taguchi and Hideo Yamanaka :
ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会, Nov. 2020.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • 双方向ラーニング・ワーケーションによる地域活性化の実証的研究 (Project/Area Number: 23K25107 )
  • 双方向ラーニング・ワーケーションによる地域活性化の実証的研究 (Project/Area Number: 22H03853 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (80927575)