Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences社会総合科学域地域デザイン系法律・政治分野 (Files for researchmap) [PDF manual] [Auto-propagate to researchmap]


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Field of Study

Study of Constitution

Lecture (2024)

Course Introduction (Bachelor Course)
公共政策コースゼミガイダンス ゼミ選考 (Bachelor Course)
公共政策コース卒業研究題目届 (Bachelor Course)
公共政策卒業研究提出窓口 (Bachelor Course)
Public Policy Studies Course Seminar I (Bachelor Course)
Public Policy Studies Course Seminar II (Bachelor Course)
Senior Thesis Studies (Bachelor Course)
Introduction to the Regional Design Course (Bachelor Course)
Regional Design Course Seminar Ⅰ (Bachelor Course)
Regional Design Course Seminar Ⅱ (Bachelor Course)
Constitutional Law Ⅰ (Bachelor Course)
Constitutional Law Ⅱ (Bachelor Course)
Japanese Constitution (Common Curriculum)
Introduction to Integrated Arts and Sciences (Bachelor Course)

(Lectures are listed by lecturer for subjects registered in our student affair database system.)

Research Supervisory ( last 5 years )

11 students (bachelor)