Koichi Okamoto, Tetsuo Kimura, Naoki Muguruma, Susumu Ito and Tetsuji Takayama : 赤外線蛍光内視鏡を用いた新しい診断法の開発., Technical Information Institute Co., Ltd., Sep. 2017.
森 博愛, Ichiro Shimizu, 長瀬 教夫, Masahiro Nomura, Akiyoshi Nishikado, 井内 新, Susumu Ito, Hirohito Honda, Seisuke Okamura, Tsuneo Ninomiya, Ken Saito, 田村 禎通, Yutaka Nakaya, Naoki Muguruma, Toshiaki Hashimoto and 高橋 昌江 : メディカルスタッフのための内科学(第4版), 医学出版社, Tokyo, Mar. 2013.
Susumu Ito and Hirohito Honda : 代謝性肝疾患, IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd.Tokyo,Japan, Tokyo, Oct. 2006.
Ichiro Shimizu, 白石 達彦, 石川 桃子, 藤原 宗一郎, 岡崎 三千代, 堀江 貴浩 and Susumu Ito : 深部まで観察しないと発見できなかった十二指腸悪性リンパ腫, TOKYO IGAKUSHA, Tokyo, Mar. 2006.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito, Hirohito Honda, Seisuke Okamura and Naoki Muguruma : コメディカルのための内科学 (第3版), 医学出版社, Tokyo, Mar. 2006.
Ichiro Shimizu, 朴 洪宇, 神谷 典穂, 渡部 純二, 横山 英輝, 平田 彰彦, 藤井 尊, 後藤 雅宏 and Susumu Ito : 新規経口型ジクロフェナック製剤の開発, The Society of Chemical Engineers,Japan, Tokyo, 2006.
Ichiro Shimizu, 板垣 達三, 浦田 真理, 三宮 勝隆, 玉木 克佳, 福野 天, 久保 謙一郎, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : 実験的ラット培養肝星細胞における酸化ストレスを介したNADH/NADPHオキシダーゼ活性とTGF-β発現に及ぼすエストラジオールとプロゲステロンの相反する作用, Life Science Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Dec. 2005.
Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : 肝炎・肝癌, Tokushima Medical Association, Tokushima, Dec. 2005.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 48798)
Susumu Ito : 下痢·腹痛·発熱患者の落とし穴, Nakayama-Shoten Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Aug. 2005.
Susumu Ito and Toshiya Okahisa : 薬剤性腸炎, Nakayama-Shoten Co., Ltd., Apr. 2005.
Masahiro Sogabe, Toshiya Okahisa, Koji Tsujigami, Yoshio Okita, Hiroshige Hayashi, Toshikatsu Taniki, Hiroshi Hukuno, Masahiko Nakasono, Naoki Muguruma, Seisuke Okamura and Susumu Ito : Ultrasonographic assesment of gastric motility in diabetic gastroparesis befor and after attaining glycemic control., Springer-Verlag, New York, Feb. 2005.
Susumu Ito : 排便で消失する腹部腫瘤, Nakayama-Shoten Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Jan. 2005.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, A Nishikado, K Koshiba, K Yamaguchi, Tomohito Kawano and Susumu Ito : Autonomic nervous activity and QT dispersion at common bile duct treatment during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreticography: Correlation with cardiac accident, Jan. 2005.
Ichiro Shimizu, Cheng Xinliang, 板垣 達三, 浦田 真理, 大塩 敦郎, 三宮 勝隆, 久保 謙一郎, 福野 天, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : 肝星細胞における酸化ストレスを介したTGF-β発現に及ぼすエストラジオールとプロゲステロンの作用, 自然科学社, Tokyo, Jan. 2005.
Susumu Ito : Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the jejunum., 2005.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito and Hirohito Honda : グアナーゼ(GU), NIPPONRINSHOSHA Co.,Ltd., Osaka, Nov. 2004.
Susumu Ito : 高周波電流を用いた内視鏡治療を施行したペースメーカー装着症例, 日本メディカルセンター, Tokyo, Oct. 2004.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Susumu Ito and H Itozaki : Visualization of cardiac electrical current using 32-channel high temperature superconducting quantum interference device, Massachusetts, Aug. 2004.
Ichiro Shimizu, 竹内 尚, 堀江 貴浩, 藤原 宗一郎, 岡崎 三千代, 白石 達彦 and Susumu Ito : 胃粘膜下腫瘍様形態を示した肝外発育型肝細胞癌, TOKYO IGAKUSHA, Tokyo, Jul. 2004.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Akiyoshi Nishikado, K Koshiba, Kouji Yamaguchi, Tomohito Kawano and Susumu Ito : AUTONOMIC NERVOUS ACTIVITY AND QT DISPERSION AT COMMON BILE DUCT TREATMENT DURING ENDOSCOPYIC RETROGRAE CHOLANGIOANCREATOICOGRAPHY:CORRELAATION WITH CARDIAC ACCIDENTS., Course of Preventive Medicine, Tokushima, Jul. 2004.
Ichiro Shimizu, 糸永 美奈, 板垣 達三, 三宮 勝隆, 久保 謙一郎, Hirohito Honda, Susumu Ito and 上野 光 : 細胞療法の基礎と臨床, Arcmedium, Tokyo, Jun. 2004.
Susumu Ito : 慢性肝炎, 株式会社 主婦と生活社, Tokyo, 2004.
Toshihiro Omoya, Ichiro Shimizu, Chiaki Horie, D-F Yao, Mina Itonoga, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : Mutations of the core gene sequence of HCV from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in China., Amsterdam, Jan. 2003.
Ichiro Shimizu, Toshihiro Omoya, Yajun Zhou, Mina Itonaga, hiroshi Inoue, Guangming Lu, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : Trends in Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Millennium 2000., Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Jan. 2001.
Naoki Muguruma, Susumu Ito, Hidenori Miyake, 松村 敏信 and Seiki Tashiro : 胆嚢癌におけるムチン発現と患者予後に関する検討, The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology, Tokyo, Jan. 2001.
Ichiro Shimizu, Zhou Yajun, 井上 博, 面家 敏宏, 糸永 美奈, Lu Guangming, Yoshihito Okamura, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : 選択的エストロゲン受容体モジュレーター,idoxifeneの抗酸化作用,抗アポトーシス作用と肝線維化抑制作用, 自然科学社, Tokyo, 2001.
Ichiro Shimizu, Hirohito Honda, 豊田 敬生 and Susumu Ito : 「HBc抗体のみ陽性」に関する臨床的学的検討, Okayama, 2000.
Tetsuya Saijyo, Masahiro Nomura, Y Haruta, H Itozaki, H Toyoda, Yutaka Nakaya, Susumu Ito and H Kado : Magnetogastrograms using 64-channel SQUID system: Study on clinical usefulness., Springer-Verlag, New York, 2000.
Hirohito Honda, 豊田 敬生, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : 「HBc抗体のみ陽性」に関する臨床疫学的検討, 岡山医学会, Okayama, 2000.
Ichiro Shimizu, 面家 敏宏, 劉 炎, 日浅 亜弥, 豊田 敬生, Naoki Muguruma, Hiroshi Shibata, Hirohito Honda, 堀江 貴浩 and Susumu Ito : 女性ホルモン·エストラジオールの肝線維化抑制作用, Arcmedium, Tokyo, Oct. 1999.
Susumu Ito, Ichiro Shimizu and Hirohito Honda : 妊娠と肝障害, 朝倉書店, Tokyo, Oct. 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, 面家 敏宏, 日浅 亜弥, 堀江 貴浩, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : エストラジオールの肝発癌抑制作用, 自然科学社, Tokyo, Feb. 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, 柴 昌子, 面家 敏宏, 劉 炎, 日浅 亜弥, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : 肝線維化初期過程におけるⅠ型コラーゲンとMMP-1の遺伝子発現と脂質過酸化反応, Okayama, 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, 溝渕 洋子, 面家 敏宏, 劉 炎, 日浅 亜弥, 市川 壮一, 田岡 聡子, 曽我部 正弘, Hiroshi Shibata, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : ビタミンAの肝線維化抑制作用, Life Science Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito and Hirohito Honda : アルコール肝障害と酸化ストレス, 科学評論社, Tokyo, 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito and Hirohito Honda : C型肝炎, IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd.Tokyo,Japan, Tokyo, 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : グアナーゼ(GU), NIPPONRINSHOSHA Co.,Ltd., Osaka, 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito and Hirohito Honda : 小柴胡湯とインターフェロン, 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, Yoshiko Noda, 筒井 朱美, 多田津 昌也, Naoki Muguruma, 堀江 貴浩, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Shibata, Seisuke Okamura, 西條 哲也, Nobuya Sano and Susumu Ito : 良性反復性肝内胆汁うっ滞に胆石を伴わない慢性膵炎を合併した1例, The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology, Tokyo, 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, 面家 敏宏, 劉 炎, 日浅 亜弥, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : エストラジオールの星細胞活性化抑制作用, Arcmedium, Tokyo, 1999.
Y Kondo, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, T Nada, M Yukinaka, Susumu Ito, H Isozaki and R Nagaishi : Magnetocardiographic measurement using a high-temperature SQUID in healthy subjects: comparison with conventional low-temperature SQUID system, Tohoku University press., Sendai, 1999.
M Yukinaka, Masahiro Nomura, T Nada, Y Kondo, Ken Saito, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : QTc dispersion using magnetocardiogram: analysis in patients with myocardial infarction, Tohoku University press., 1999.
Masahiro Nomura, Y Kondo, T Nada, M Yukinaka, Ken Saito, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Biomagnetic measurement of small intestinal electrical activity by 64-channel magnetographic imaging, Tohoku University press., 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, Hirohito Honda, Susumu Ito and 玉置 大器 : 消化器癌と遺伝子異常·治療(小俣政男監修), 国際医書出版, Tokyo, Nov. 1998.
Ichiro Shimizu, 安田 貢 and Susumu Ito : 女性ホルモンの肝線維化抑制作用, 社団法人 日本肝臓学会, Mar. 1998.
Susumu Ito, Naoki Muguruma and 林 重仁 : 赤外線内視鏡を用いた微小癌診断法開発の基礎的検討, 国際医書出版, Tokyo, 1997.
Toshiya Okahisa, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : 胃潰瘍·十二指腸潰瘍の診断と治療, 真興交易医書出版, Tokyo, 1997.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Fumiko Kishi, Michiko Yukinaka, Ken Saito, Hiroshi Shibata and Susumu Ito : Heart rate variability during painful medical procedures (percutaneous ethanol injection therapy), World Scientific Publishing, 1997.
Susumu Ito and Ichiro Shimizu : 病理学的にみた肝繊維化と小紫胡湯, 日経メディカル, Tokyo, Oct. 1996.
堀江 貴浩, Ichiro Shimizu, 堀江 千昌, 松永 裕子, 安田 貢 and Susumu Ito : 肝癌組織中のHCVコア領域の遺伝子変異 消化器疾患における炎症の分子生物学(小俣政男監修), 国際医学出版, Tokyo, Apr. 1996.
Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : 急性肝炎の鑑別のためのウイルスマーカ検査, 1996.
Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : 病理学的にみた肝線維化と小柴胡湯, 日経BP社, Tokyo, 1996.
Masahiro Nomura, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : 循環器症候群·領域別症候群シリーズ No.12 複数短形性心室頻拍, NIPPONRINSHOSHA Co.,Ltd., Osaka, 1996.
岸 史子, Masahiro Nomura, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : 循環器症候群·領域別症候群シリーズ No.12 倒錯型心室頻拍, NIPPONRINSHOSHA Co.,Ltd., Osaka, 1996.
岸 史子, Masahiro Nomura, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : 循環器症候群·領域別症候群シリーズ No.12 単形性心室頻拍, NIPPONRINSHOSHA Co.,Ltd., Osaka, 1996.
Masahiro Nomura, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : 現代臨床機能検査-その実際と選択-, NIPPONRINSHOSHA Co.,Ltd., 1996.
Masahiro Nomura, 森 博愛, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : 循環器症候群Ⅰ 領域別症候群シリーズ No.12 Brugada症候群, NIPPONRINSHOSHA Co.,Ltd., Osaka, 1996.
Susumu Ito and 石丸 勝雄 : 腎疾患治療薬マニュアル, TOKYO IGAKUSHA, Tokyo, 1996.
Susumu Ito and 堀江 貴浩 : 生涯教育シリーズ 薬の正しい使い方 B型·C型慢性肝炎, 日本医師会雑誌臨時増刊号, Tokyo, 1996.
Susumu Ito, Yutaka Nakaya and 福田 信夫 : 肝臓と多臓器病変, 日本医学館, Tokyo, Jul. 1995.
西條 哲也, Toshiya Okahisa, Seisuke Okamura, Hiroshi Shibata, Hirohito Honda, Ichiro Shimizu, 折野 俊介, Masahiro Nomura, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : 高血圧合併消化性潰瘍の自律神経機能の検討, ホワイトPR, 1995.
Susumu Ito : 慢性肝炎, SHUFU-TO-SEIKATSU SHA LTD., Tokyo, 1995.
柴 昌子, 堀江 千昌, 安田 貢, 堀江 貴浩, 兼村 真子, 西角 智子, Hirohito Honda, Ichiro Shimizu, 伊井 邦雄 and Susumu Ito : ジメチルニトロサミン線維肝と肝硬変患者における寒冷疼痛負荷試験に対するブラデイキニン反応, 医学図書出版社, Tokyo, 1995.
Ichiro Shimizu, 堀江 千昌, 柴 昌子, 安田 貢, 堀江 貴浩, 西角 智子, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : ジメチルニトロサミン腺維肝におけるコラーゲン代謝の検討, 国際医学出版, Tokyo, 1995.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito, Fumiko Kishi, Hirokazu Miyoshi, Susumu Ito, Masao Wada, Satoshi Fujita, Tsutomu Takae and Itsuro Tamura : Atrial excitation onto the MRI using magnetocardiogram., IOS Press, 1995.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito, F Kishi, H Miyoshi, Susumu Ito, M Wada, S Fujita, T Takae and I Tamura : Localization of the focus in ventricular tachycardia by magnetocardiogram, IOS Press, 1995.
Susumu Ito and Toshiya Okahisa : 過敏性腸症候群, 文光堂, Tokyo, 1995.
Susumu Ito : 内科学, IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd.Tokyo,Japan, Tokyo, 1995.
Susumu Ito : 広範囲血液·尿化学検査,免疫学的検査―その数値をどう読むか―, NIPPONRINSHOSHA Co.,Ltd., Tokyo, 1995.
Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : H2ブロッカー使用例における潰瘍治癒過程における隆起型潰瘍瘢痕と白色隆起について, メデイカルトリビユーン, Tokyo, 1991.
Ichiro Shimizu, 梶本 宜史, Tsukasa Takaoka, 矢野 充保, 和田 哲, 春藤 譲治, 岸 清一郎 and Susumu Ito : 今日の消化器内視鏡(川井啓市監修), 日本医学館, Tokyo, 1989.
Ichiro Shimizu, 春藤 譲治, 矢野 充保, 和田 哲, 辻 泰弘, Susumu Ito and 岸 清一郎 : 直腸原発と考えられた悪性リンパ肉腫の1例, Higashihiroshima, 1988.
Susumu Ito : Biochemical aspects of kidney function. Intranephron distribution and properties of xanthine oxidase superoxide dismutanse and guanase activities in control and nephrotic rats.Molecular nephrology, 1986.
Susumu Ito : 内視鏡的膵胆肝造影法とその応用, NANZANDO Co.,Ltd., Tokyo, 1977.
Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):
Susumu Ito : 前立腺癌浸潤による直腸狭窄に対してExpandable Metallic Stentをしえた1例, Vol.42, No.11, 2142-2147,
Y Ono, Yutaka Nakaya, S Bando, Takeshi Soeki, Susumu Ito and Masataka Sata : Telmisartan Decreases Plasma Levels of Asymmetrical Dimethyl-L-Arginine and Improves Lipid and Glucose Metabolism and Vascular Function, International Heart Journal, Vol.50, No.1, 73-83, 2009.
Telmisartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) and also an activator of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma). We investigated whether telmisartan improves vascular endothelial function in patients with essential hypertension with the production of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) through PPAR-gamma.Telmisartan was administered to 15 patients with essential hypertension. To assess vascular function, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), an eNOS inhibitor synthesized by endothelial cells, and the pulse-wave velocity (PWV) were measured. The serum levels of lipid, glucose, and glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) were also evaluated before and after treatment. Telmisartan therapy significantly decreased the blood pressure and total- and LDL-cholesterol levels. HbA1c was also significantly improved but not in fasting plasma glucose. The serum levels of ADMA were significantly decreased (0.48 +/- 0.08 to 0.42 +/- 0.05 nmol/mL; P = 0.01). PWV values were significantly decreased by telmisartan from 1,822.5 +/- 352.3 to 1,661.5 +/- 299.8 cm/second (P = 0.04*). Telmisartan decreased PWV presumably via the activation of PPAR-gamma, suggesting that this agent improves vascular endothelial function via its pleiotropic effects, a mechanism that is different from its hypotensive effects.
Administration, Oral / Aged / Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockers / Arginine / Benzimidazoles / Benzoates / Blood Glucose / Blood Pressure / Cholesterol, LDL / Dose-Response Relationship, Drug / Endothelium, Vascular / Female / Humans / Hypertension / Male / Nitric Oxide Synthase Type III / PPAR gamma / Treatment Outcome
Naoki Muguruma and Susumu Ito : Labeled anti-mucin antibody detectable by infrared-fluorescence endoscopy., Cancer Biomarkers, Vol.4, No.6, 321-328, 2008.
The goal of our study was to develop a method for molecular imaging of the gastrointestinal tract using an infrared fluorescence endoscope (IRFE) and antibodies labeled with an indocyanine green (ICG) derivative to detect cancerous tissue. The IRFE comprised an infrared endoscope equipped with excitation (710-790 nm) and barrier (810-920 nm) filters. We developed ICG-N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide ester (ICG-sulfo-OSu) and 3-ICG-acyl-1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione (ICG-ATT) as infrared fluorescent-labeling reagents, and anti-human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) antibody and MUC1 antibody were labeled with the ICG-derivatives. Freshly resected specimens of gastric cancer were observed by IRFE after reaction with ICG-derivative-labeled antibodies. Positive fluorescence was observed at the tumor location by IRFE, and the immunofluorescent images correlated well with the tumor sites. The immunofluorescence studies suggested that the intensity of the infrared fluorescence of the ICG-ATT-labeled MUC1 antibody is stronger than the ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled MUC1 antibody. We concluded that specific antibodies for gastrointestinal cancer labeled with an ICG-derivative accompanied by a reinforcing agent and an optimal electronic device can generate a strong enough fluorescent signal to visualize cancer proteins.
Sogabe Masahiro, Kimura Yoshitaka, Iwaki Hiroshi, Okita Yoshio, Hibino Shingo, Sawda Seizo, Toshiya Okahisa, Okamoto Koichi, Tsujigami Koji, Hayashi Hiroshige, Hukui Yasuo, Nakamura Toshio, Taniki Toshikatsu, Nakasono Masahiko, Naoki Muguruma, Seisuke Okamura and Susumu Ito : Ultrasonographic comparison of gastric motility between diabetic gastroparesis patients with and without metabolic syndrome., Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.23, No.7 Pt 2, e17-22, 2007.
Diabetic patients with poor glycemic control or long standing disease often have impaired gastric motility. Recently, metabolic factors such as blood glucose have been reported as influencing gastric motility independently of autonomic neuropathy. Many diabetic patients have metabolic syndrome, which is strongly associated with coronary and other diseases. We investigated whether metabolic syndrome influences diabetic gastroparesis patients. We observed gastric motility ultrasonographically in diabetic gastroparesis patients including nine with and nine without metabolic syndrome. Both groups complained of upper abdominal symptoms when hospitalized to improve blood sugar control. All patients underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy to rule out gastric and duodenal lesions. All had autonomic neuropathy. Gastric motility was evaluated within 3 days after admission by transabdominal ultrasonography after a test meal. Gastric emptying was 45.0 +/- 13.7% in patients with and 39.1 +/- 11.9% in patients without metabolic syndrome, which was not statistically significant. Frequency of gastric contractions was 8.33 +/- 2.78 per 3 min in patients with metabolic syndrome and 7.44 +/- 2.13 per 3 min in the others, which was not statistically significant. The motility index, which involves antral contractility, was 3.21 +/- 2.18 in patients with metabolic syndrome and 2.80 +/- 1.87 in the others, which was not statistically significant. Metabolic syndrome did not appear to contribute to delayed gastric motility in diabetic gastroparesis.
Iwaki Hiroshi, Toshiya Okahisa, Murata Masahiro, Miyamoto Hiorshi, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Masatake Akutagawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Susumu Ito : Influence of Lipid Emulsion for the Hematocrit Value Measured With Continuous Hematocrit Monitor., ASAIO Journal, Vol.53, No.4, 474-478, 2007.
Continuous monitoring of hematocrit with a CRIT-LINE monitor (CLM) is used to prevent excess ultrafiltration during hemodialysis and continuous renal replacement therapy. The presence of substances affecting the scattering and absorption rates of multiple wavelengths of near infrared rays of CLM in the blood may affect the measured values with CLM. We examined the influences of lipid emulsion (LE) on hematocrit and relative blood volume (RBV) which were measured with CLM using an in vitro experimental model with human blood. Additions of 10% or 20% of LE increased the hematocrit measured by LCM and decreased the percent change of RBV in proportion to the dose. One percentage of 20% LE in the plasma increased the expected hematocrit measured with CLM by 2.9%. The decrease of initial hematocrit from 48.1% to 43.4% decreased the expected percent change of RBV from -3.4% to -3.7% with the addition of 1 ml of 20% LE to 100 ml blood. These findings indicate that additions of LE increase hematocrit that is measured with CLM in proportion to the dose of LE. Low levels of initial hematocrit will increase the degree of expected percent change of RBV. Attention should be paid to the influence of LE during monitoring with CLM.
井本 佳孝, Naoki Muguruma, 木村 哲夫, 梶 雅子, 宮本 弘志, Seisuke Okamura, Susumu Ito, 中園 雅彦, Mitsuyoshi Hirokawa and Toshiaki Sano : A case of parathyroid hormone-related peptide producing gallbladder carcinoma presenting humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy, The Japanese Journal of Gastro-enterology, Vol.104, No.3, 401-406, 2007.
Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (HHM) in neoplastic syndrome has been most commonly reported in squamous cell carcinoma. Gallbladder carcinoma with HHM is uncommon. In this report, we describe a male case of gallbladder carcinoma with marked hypercalcemia and a high level of serum parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP). An immunohistochemical examination using PTHrP was also positive.
Yoshio Okita, Toshiya Okahisa, Masahiro Sogabe, Masao Suzuki, Yoshiaki Ohnishi and Susumu Ito : Low-volume continuous hemodiafiltration with nafamostat mesilate increases trypsin clearance without decreasing plasma trypsin concentration in severe acute pancreatitis., ASAIO Journal, Vol.53, No.2, 207-212, 2007.
Continuous hemodiafiltration (CHDF) has recently been used for treatment of severe acute pancreatitis. CHDF is capable of eliminating small molecules from blood, but whether trypsin can be eliminated by CHDF is not clear. In this study, elimination of trypsin-like enzyme activity (TLE) and cationic trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) using low-volume CHDF was examined at the first CHDF session in eight patients with severe acute pancreatitis. CHDF was performed with a polysulfone hemofilter (membrane area, 0.7 m2) and nafamostat mesilate, a protease inhibitor and anticoagulant, at a blood flow rate of 100 ml/min and a filtration and dialysis flow rate of 10 ml/min each. Before beginning CHDF, plasma TLE was 3.41 +/- 2.86 nmol/(ml.min), and TLI was 5,900 +/- 9,008 ng/ml. The average plasma clearances of TLE and TLI achieved by the circuit during the 12-hour therapy were 56.7 +/- 4.9 ml/min and 8.0 +/- 7.2 ml/min, respectively. The average plasma clearance of TLI into the waste fluid was 2.4 +/- 1.6 ml/min whereas TLE was below the measurable sensitivity. The plasma concentration of TLE and TLI remained unchanged. These results indicate that low-volume CHDF using nafamostat mesilate as an anticoagulant can increase trypsin plasma clearance. However, low-volume CHDF is not effective to eliminate the plasma trypsin concentration.
Yoshitaka Imoto, Naoki Muguruma, Tetsuo Kimura, Eriko Aoyagi, Koichi Okamoto, Seisuke Okamura, Susumu Ito, Nobuya Sano and Mitsuo Shimada : Relationship between mucin expression and preoperatie bile juice cytology in biliary tract carcinoma, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.54, No.1-2, 41-47, 2007.
The present study evaluated correlations between preoperative bile juice cytology and mucin expression of surgical specimens in biliary tract carcinoma. Twenty-five patients with biliary tract carcinoma surgically treated at our hospital, whose bile juice cytology had been evaluated before operation, were allocated to this study. Biliary cytology was classified into three categories based on the Papanicolaou classification. Immunohistochemical staining of tissues was performed using MUC1 and MUC2 monoclonal antibodies. Lesions showing MUC1 expression of ++ or higher and MUC2 expression of - were classified as Group A, and the remaining lesions as Group B. According to the epithelial site, preoperative cytology was highly correlated in Group A, while it was negative in Group B (p<0.05). In the advanced site of carcinomas, preoperative cytology tended to highly be positive in Group A, while it tended to be negative in Group B (p<0.05). These results suggest that the bile juice cytology results are affected by characteristics of mucin expression in the tissue. Based on the possibility that mucin expression correlates with the prognosis of each carcinoma, a positive cytological result suggests a poor prognosis for the carcinoma, which may be informative for predicting the post-operative courses and choosing treatments.
Hiroshi Miyamoto, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Iwaki, Masahiro Murata, Susumu Ito, Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Influence of leukocytapheresis therapy for ulcerative colitis on anemia and hemodynamics., Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis, Vol.11, No.1, 16-21, 2007.
In Japan, leukocytapheresis (LCAP) therapy has been carried out for ulcerative colitis as an effective therapy with a low incidence of side-effects. In the present study, we serially investigated the influence of LCAP therapy on anemia and hemodynamics in patients with ulcerative colitis using a non-invasive method with a Crit-Line monitor (CLM) (Hema Metrics Inc., Salt Lake City, UT and Boston, MA, USA). We carried out LCAP on 10 patients with ulcerative colitis using a CS-100 Cellsorba EX LCAP filter in 34 courses of LCAP. The mean hematocrit value, which was measured using the Crit-Line monitor, was 21.8 +/- 0.2% (21.0-22.4%), which showed no significant changes after each LCAP therapy. The actual erythrocyte count, hemoglobin and hematocrit values decreased by 244 000/mm3, 0.7 g/dL and 2.1%, respectively, however, the differences were insignificant. These values corresponded to 7.8, 8.0 and 7.6% of the values before LCAP, respectively. There were no significant changes in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, or heart rate during LCAP. The results of this study suggest that one course of LCAP does not exacerbate anemia, and it does not influence hemodynamics. However, considering the exacerbation of anemia in patients with severe ulcerative colitis caused by massive melena, monitoring with a less invasive Crit-Line monitor and a vital information monitor might be useful.
Hiroshi Fukuno, Katsuyoshi Tamaki, Mari Urata, Nao Kohno, Ichiro Shimizu, Masahiro Nomura, Susumu Ito and Ken Saito : Influence of an artificial pleural effusion technique on cardio-pulmonary function and autonomic activity, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.54, No.1,2, 48-53, 2007.
Percutaneous treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) located directly under the diaphragm is problematic because ultrasonic imaging is difficult, and the lung may be injured during the procedure. It has been reported that an infusion of 5% glucose solution into the thoracic cavity enables percutaneous treatment in such cases. However, the safety aspects of this have not been investigated. In this study, variations in heart rate and changes in circulatory and respiratory dynamics were examined during the infusion of artificial pleural effusion directly under the diaphragm in patients with HCC. The subjects were 13 patients with an HCC directly under the diaphragm. About 500 ml of a 5% glucose solution was infused into the thoracic cavity, and mean blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation were measured. Holter electrocardiography was simultaneously recorded to evaluate autonomic nerve function. To analyze variations in heart rate, the low-frequency waves (LF: 0.04-0.15 Hz), high-frequency waves (HF: 0.15-0.40 Hz, an index of parasympathetic nerve activity), and the LF/HF ratio (index of sympathetic nerve activity) were examined. The above parameters were measured before, during (when infusion of the half the planned volume was complete), and after infusion were compared. No significant changes in the mean blood pressure or heart rate were found. Oxygen saturation was significantly decreased during and after the infusion. The HF value was slightly higher after infusion and the LF value was significantly increased during infusion. The LF/HF ratio was significantly increased during infusion, and this increase persisted after infusion. The infusion of artificial pleural effusion had no effect on circulatory dynamics, but transiently affected respiratory functions. It was also revealed that infusion stimulated the parasympathetic nerves.
Hiroyuki Ikefuji, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Toshifumi Mori, Noriyasu Kondo, Kiyoshi Leishi, Sayuri Fujimoto and Susumu Ito : Visualization of cardiac dipole using a current density map: detection of cardiac current undetectable by electrocardiography using magnetocardiography., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.54, No.1-2, 116-123, 2007.
A close relationship exists between electric current and the magnetic field. However, electricity and magnetism have different physical characteristics, and magnetocardiography (MCG) may provide information on cardiac current that is difficult to obtain by electrocardiography (ECG). In the present study, we investigated the issue of whether the current density map method, in which cardiac current is estimated from the magnetic gradient, facilitates the visualization of cardiac current undetectable by ECG. The subjects were 50 healthy adults (N group), 40 patients with left ventricular overloading (LVO group), 15 patients with right ventricular overloading (RVO group), 10 patients with an old inferior myocardial infarction (OMI group), and 30 patients with diabetes mellitus (DM group). MCGs were recorded with a second derivative superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) gradiometer using liquid helium. Isopotential maps and current density maps from unipolar precordial ECG leads and MCGs, respectively, were prepared, and the cardiac electric current was examined. The current density map at the ventricular depolarization phase showed one peak of current density in the N group. However, in the OMI group, the current density map showed multiple peaks of current density areas. In the RVO group, two peaks of current densities were detected at the right superior region and left thoracic region and these two diploles appeared to be from the right and left ventricular derived cardiac currents, respectively. Moreover, there was a significant correlation between the magnitude of the current density from the right ventricle and the systolic pulmonary arterial pressure. The current density map at the ventricular repolarization phase in the N group showed only a single current source. However, abnormal current sources in the current density maps were frequently detected even in patients showing no abnormalities on isopotential maps in the LVO, DM, and OMI groups. The findings herein suggest that opposing dipoles of the ventricular depolarization and repolarization vectors were summed and evaluated as a single dipole in the electrocardiogram. However, MCG facilitated the detection of multiple dipoles because of its superior spatial resolution as well as difference in physical properties between magnetic and electrical fields. Our results suggest that MCG with a current density map is useful for detecting cardiac current undetectable by ECG in an early stage.
A late evening snack improves the catabolic state in patients with advanced liver cirrhosis. We tested whether long-term (3 mo) late evening snacking that included a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA)-enriched nutrient mixture produces a better nutritional state and better quality of life than ordinary food in patients with hepatitis C virus-positive liver cirrhosis. In a multicenter, randomized study, 48 patients with liver cirrhosis received late-evening supplementation with the BCAA-enriched nutrient mixture or ordinary food, such as a rice ball or bread, for 3 mo. During the study period, each patient was instructed on energy and protein intake. Blood biochemical data, nitrogen balance, respiratory quotient, and health-related quality of life (Short Form 36 questionnaire) were evaluated at baseline and at the end of the study. Total and late-evening energy intakes were similar in the two groups at 3 mo. Serum albumin level, nitrogen balance, and respiratory quotient were significantly improved by the BCAA mixture but not by ordinary food. The parameters of the Short Form 36 did not statistically significantly improve over 3 mo in either group. Long-term oral supplementation with a BCAA mixture is better than ordinary food in a late evening snack at improving the serum albumin level and the energy metabolism in patients with cirrhosis.
Aged / Amino Acids, Branched-Chain / Blood Chemical Analysis / Dietary Proteins / Dietary Supplements / Energy Intake / energy metabolism / Female / Humans / Liver Cirrhosis / Male / Nutritional Status / oxygen consumption / quality of life / Serum Albumin / Severity of Illness Index
M. Urata, H Fukuno, Masahiro Nomura, T Ogata, Susumu Ito, Kimiko Nakayasu and Yutaka Nakaya : Gastric motility and autonomic activity during obstructive sleep apnea., Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Vol.24, No.Suppl 4, 132-140, 2006.
Momoko Ishikawa, Ichiro Shimizu, Kohzo Uehara, Soichiro Fujiwara, Tatsuhiko Shiraishi, Hirofumi Yamamoto, Takahiro Horie, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : A patient with early syphilis complicated by fatty liver who showed an alleviation of hepatopathy accompanied by jaundice after receiving anti-syphilitic therapy, Internal Medicine, Vol.45, No.16, 953-956, 2006.
A 42-year-old male with visceral obesity and a fatty liver presented with hepatopathy accompanied by jaundice and was diagnosed to have early syphilis based on the results of standard serologic tests and clinical findings. Both the subjective and objective findings including hepatopathy were rapidly alleviated by anti-syphilitic therapy. Severe hepatopathy accompanied by jaundice used to be considered a rare complication. However, due to contemporary unhealthy lifestyle patterns characterized by hypernutrition and a lack of exercise the occurrence of fatty liver is now dramatically increasing. Our findings suggest that the occurrence of fatty liver can exacerbate the damage to the hepatic parenchyma due to a Treponema pallidum infection.
Tetsuya Tsujikawa, Masahiro Nomura, Kimiko Nakayasu, Tomohito Kawano, Yutaka Nakaya, Susumu Ito and Hiromu Nishitani : Risk factors associated with soft coronary artery plaques in Japanese as determined by 16 slice multidetector-row computed tomography., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.3-4, 310-316, 2006.
The acute coronary syndrome is often caused by the rupture of plaques and thrombus formation even without significant stenosis, and patients with soft plaques, but without significant stenosis evidenced by coronary angiography (CAG), often develop an acute coronary syndrome. To address this discrepancy, a qualitative diagnosis of coronary plaques using a 16 slice multidetector-row CT was conducted. Volume rendering and cross-sectional MPR images were obtained. Based on the CT values, plaques on the coronary artery wall were classified as lipid-rich soft plaques (CT value<50 HU) and non-soft plaques (>50 HU).A significant correlation was observed between the percent stenosis determined in cross-sectional MPR images and those determined by CAG (r=+0.92, p<0.01). Diffuse plaques with CT values of less than 50 HU often caused stenosis at level of 75% or less, which were not indicated by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Although diffuse soft plaques with CT values less than 50 HU are not an indication of intervention, a risk of an acute coronary syndrome exists, due to rupture. These soft plaques must be stabilized by treatment even when they do not cause significant stenosis, and MDCT is considered to be useful for their evaluation.
Harada Shinji, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Nateglinide with glibenclamide examination using the respiratory quotient (RQ)., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.3-4, 303-309, 2006.
The respiratory quotient (RQ) is useful for evaluating glucose and lipid metabolism in vivo. We previously reported that the RQ value, even after fasting, was high in diabetics being treated with sulphonylurea (SU), which might explain the accumulation of fat, leading to weight gain in such individuals. In the present study, we measured the RQ in type II diabetic patients who were being treated with a rapid-onset/short-duration insulinotropic agent, nateglinide, and compared it with those being treated with SU. A glucose tolerance test was performed in 20 patients with type II diabetes mellitus treated with nateglinide and in 14 patients treated with SU, and the RQ was simultaneously measured. The RQ values in the patients treated with nateglinide, were similar to those in healthy adults, but was lower than in those treated with SU. No weight gain was observed in patients treated with nateglinide. A significant weight gain was reported in subjects treated with SU, accompanied by an increase in RQ. However, weight gain was less frequent in diabetics treated with nateglinide.
Susumu Ito, Kenichirou Kubo, Hirohito Honda, Katsutaka Sannomiya, Yuan Aying, Wei Mei, Shen Mi, Ichiro Shimizu and Kunio Ii : Histochemical and immunohistochemical investigation of guanase and, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.3.4, 264-270, 2006.
Guanase is known as an enzyme released from the liver. Recently, cloning and sequencing of the guanase gene were reported. In addition, almost simultaneously, it was reported that an unknown protein that binds to neuronal and endocrine lethal(1)-discs large (NE-dlg), one of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologues (MAGUK) family proteins involved in synaptic connection between neurons, was cloned and named nedasin (NE-dlg associated protein), whose sequence was almost identical to that of guanase. We immunostained fresh frozen sections of surgically removed human liver, kidney, and small intestine with anti-nedasin antibody, and simultaneously performed histochemical staining for guanase for comparison. Histochemically, guanase activity was observed in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and biliary epithelium on the liver, in the mucosal epithelium on the small intestine, and in the proximal tubule on the kidney. Immunohistochemically, a brown discoloration due to DAB oxidation was seen in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and biliary epithelium on the liver, in the proximal tubule but in the distal tubule a little on the kidney, in the mucosal epithelium on the small intestine. The stained region of the liver and the small intestine were different from that of the kidney. The different staining properties dependent on the organs were considered to be due to different isozymes. The physiological significance of guanase may vary with the isozymes, further studies are considered necessary.
Toshiya Okahisa, Hisashi Okubo, Erlend Hansen, Takeshi Oda, Tadashi Motomura, Julie Glueck, Hiorshi Miyamoto, Susumu Ito, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masahiro Tamura, Katsuyuki Yoshikawa and Yukihiko Nose' : Development of a clipped single-bag with bicarbonate replacement fluid to ensure proper mixing., ASAIO Journal, Vol.52, No.3, 343-348, 2006.
A clipped single-bag for bicarbonate replacement fluid was developed to ensure proper mixing before administering to the patient. Nonmixture can cause imbalances of electrolytes and pH, which is a key problem for the current double-bag type bicarbonate replacement fluid sets. To resolve this problem, this single bag properly mixes the solutions before use. The new bag consists of a clip that is placed in the middle to keep the two solutions separated and sealed. When the caregiver is ready to administer treatment, the bag is simply unfolded and the clip automatically detaches, releasing the fluids. Thereby, the bicarbonate fluids are effectively mixed. An optimal clip size with an outer diameter of 16 mm and thickness of 2 mm was determined using compression tests and drop tests. This bag may be a safer and more effective way to provide proper replacement fluid supply for both hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration.
Soichiro Fujiwara, Ichiro Shimizu, Momoko Ishikawa, Kohzo Uehara, Hirohumi Yamamoto, Michiyo Okazaki, Susumu Ito, Takahiro Horie and Arata Iuchi : Intestinal Behcet's disease with esophageal ulcers and colonic longitudinal ulcers., World Journal of Gastroenterology : WJG, Vol.12, No.16, 2622-2624, 2006.
Intestinal Behcet's disease in a 38-year-old woman was diagnosed because of the history of recurrent oral aphthous ulcers, erythema nodosum-like eruptions, genital ulcer, and endoscopic findings of esophageal and ileocolonic punched-out ulcers with colonic longitudinal ulcers. Esophageal lesions and colonic longitudinal ulcers are rarely seen in intestinal Behcet's disease. The ulcers of esophagus and ileocolon healed with 3 wk of treatment with prednisolone and mesalazine without any adverse effect. Mesalazine may decrease the total dose of prednisolone required to treat the disease.
Hongyu Piao, Noriho Kamiya, Junji Watanabe, Hideakira Yokoyama, Akihiko Hirata, Takeru Fujii, Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito and Masahiro Goto : Oral delivery of diclofenac sodium using a novel solid-in-oil suspension., International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Vol.313, No.1-2, 159-162, 2006.
The present work reports on a new pharmaceutical formulation for oral delivery of diclofenac sodium (DFNa), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Although DFNa itself is water-soluble at neutral pH, it was readily suspended in soybean oil via complex formation with an edible lipophilic surfactant and a matrix protein. The resulting solid-in-oil (S/O) suspension containing stably encapsulated DFNa in an oil phase markedly reduced the risks for gastrointestinal ulcers upon oral administration even at the LD(50) level in rats (ca. 50 mg/kg DFNa). In addition, plasma concentration of DFNa upon administration of an S/O suspension was comparable with that of the aqueous counterpart at the same DFNa dose. These results indicate the potential use of S/O suspensions as novel oil-based pharmaceutical formulations for oral delivery of water-soluble drugs without causing severe mucitis.
Yoko Tadatsu, Naoki Muguruma, Susumu Ito, Masaya Tadatsu, Yoshihiro Kusaka, Koichi Okamoto, Yoshitaka Imoto, Hiromi Taue, Shigeki Sano and Yoshimitsu Nagao : Optimal Labeling Condition of Antibodies Available for Immunofluorescence Endoscopy, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1/2, 52-60, 2006.
In recent years, labeled antibodies have been used for diagnostic imaging in many studies. In this study, we investigated the mode of binding in antibodies labeled with ICG derivatives newly developed for the diagnosis of microcarcinomas, and evaluated the optimal binding molar ratio between the labeling compounds and antibody. MUC 1 antibody and ICG derivatives (ICG-ATT and ICG-sulfo-OSu) were used. ICG derivatives non-covalently bound to the antibody were removed with ethyl acetate, and the ratio of ICG derivatives covalently bound to the labeled antibody was confirmed. During purification of the labeled antibody, the amount of each labeling compound reacting with 1 molecule of the antibody varied as follows: 4, 8, 16, and 32 molar equivalents. Subsequently, the intensity of fluorescence was evaluated by spectroscopy and infrared fluoroscopy. The ratio of residual ICG derivative labeling the antibody was 67.4% for ICG-ATT and 65.0% for ICG-sulfo-OSu. When fluorescent antibody labeled with ICG-ATT at an F/P ratio of 2.94 or 4.18 was used, specific and clear fluorescent images of the antigen were obtained. When ICG-ATT-labeled antibody at an F/P ratio of 6.50 or 6.75 was used, the fluorescence intensity decreased and the fluorescent images of antigen became unclear. It was found that the ICG-ATT-labeled antibody was a more specific and sensitive marker than ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled antibody, and that lower binding molar ratios of ICG-ATT were more useful for labeling the antibody.
Tomonori Watanabe, Masahiro Nomura, Kimiko Nakayasu, Tomohito Kawano, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Relationships between thermic effect of food insulin resistance and autonomic nervous activity., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1,2, 153-158, 2006.
The thermic effect of food (TEF) is higher in lean than in obese human subjects. Relationships between TEF and insulin resistance during meals, from the point of view of autonomic nervous activity, were evaluated. Autonomic nervous activity was evaluated in 20 young adults using the spectral analysis of heart rate variability from one hour before to two hours after a meal. Heart rate data were analyzed based on low frequency components (LF power, 0.04-0.15 Hz), high frequency components (HF power, 0.15-0.40 Hz), and LF/HF ratios. Energy expenditure and the TEF were measured 30 min after a meal. Homeostasis model of insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) was also measured. The LF/HF ratio was significantly increased 30 min after a meal (p<0.05). No correlation between LF power and HF power with TEF was found, but the LF/HF ratio was significantly and positively correlated with TEF (r=+0.56, p<0.05). Moreover, a significant negative correlation was found between the HOMA-IR and TEF (r=-0.601, p<0.05). The findings suggest that a reduction in insulin sensitivity induces a poor response of sympathetic nervous activity in the postprandial phase and a reduction in postprandial energy expenditure.
Adult / Autonomic Nervous System / energy metabolism / Female / Food / Heart Rate / Humans / insulin resistance / Male / Models, Neurological / obesity
Y Ozaki, Masahiro Nomura, T Nakayama, T Ogata, Kimiko Nakayasu, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Effects of thrombus suction therapy on myocardial blood flow disorders in males with acute inferior myocardial infarction., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1-2, 167-173, 2006.
Several studies have reported that the use of a distal protection device decreases the incidence of slow-flow and/or no-reflow in patients with myocardial infarctions. In the present study, we investigated the influence of a RESCUE/Thrombuster system and a PercuSurge GuardWire catheter on coronary microcirculation disorders in patients with acute myocardial infarction using the natriuretic polypeptide (ANP), the brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and (99m)Tc-tetrofosmin myocardial scintigraphy (TF). The group consisted of a 77 patients with initial inferior myocardial infarction who had undergone emergency coronary angioplasty. The patients were randomly divided into: Group D (n=28), in which a direct stent alone was inserted, Group R/T (n=25), in which a stent was inserted after RESCUE system or a Thrombuster system was performed, and Group P (n=24), in which a stent was inserted after thrombus suction using a PercuSurge GuardWire catheter. Patients with coronary slow-flow/no-reflow were 3, 2 and 0 cases in Group D, Group R / T and Group P, respectively. In the present study, patients with good-reflow were enrolled in order to investigate the coronary microcirculation disorder in patients with visually similar coronary blood flow obtained in coronary angiography after percutaneous coronary reperfusion therapy. TF myocardial scintigraphy was performed 10+/-3 days after admission. Bull's eye images were divided into 8 sections, and each section was evaluated in 4 grades. The grade of each segment was regarded as the defect score. The results were compared with the database prepared based on bull's eye maps from 50 healthy adults in our hospital, and count areas of -2 x SD (standard deviation) or less were calculated as the extent score (%), reflecting the area in which myocardial blood flow was decreased. The extent and severity scores in Groups P and R/T were significantly lower than those in Group D. Coronary angiography at the chronic stage (6 months after surgery) showed the patency of the responsible vascular lesion in all patients. However, the ANP, BNP, cardiac index, and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) were significantly improved in Groups R/T and P, compared to Group D (p<0.01). These results suggest that the use of a RESCUE/Thrombuster system and a PercuSurge GuardWire catheter system in patients with acute inferior wall infarction improves coronary microcirculation disorders and acute- to chronic-phase cardiac function.
K Koshiba, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Efficacy of glimepiride on insulin resistance adipocytokines and atherosclerosis., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1-2, 87-94, 2006.
Plasma adiponectin levels increase after the administration of glimepiride. This unique effects would also be expected to improve other adipocytokines and have anti-atherosclerotic action in patients with metabolic syndrome. Thirty-four patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who were administrated glibenclamide were randomly divided into two groups. In 20 patients glibenclamide was changed to glimepiride (GP group), and the administration of glibenclamide (GB group) was continued in 14 patients. Twelve patients receiving insulin therapy (INS group) were enrolled for comparison. The levels of plasma adiponectin, high sensitive-CRP, TNF-alpha, interleukin-6, homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and augmentation index (AI) were measured before and 28 weeks after the therapy. HOMA-IR in the GP group was significantly decreased compared to the GB group. Plasma adiponectin levels were significantly increased in the GP group but not in the other groups. TNF-alpha, interleukin-6 and high sensitive-CRP levels were significantly decreased in the GP group, but not in the other groups. The baPWV and AI levels did not change in either the GB or the INS group, but were significantly decreased in the GP group. Glimepiride appears to improve insulin resistance and atherosclerotic disorders.
T Kawaguchi, Masahiro Nomura, T Tujikawa, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : (123)I-metaiodo-benzylguanidine myocardial scintigraphy in the Brugada-type ECG., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1-2, 95-102, 2006.
The degree of ST-segment elevation and amplitude of J waves, which may change in patients with the Brugada-type electrocardiogram (ECG) over time, are influenced by autonomic nervous activity and the administration of antiarrhythmic drugs. In the present study, we evaluated whether the shape of ST-segment elevation in patients with a Brugada-type ECG might alter the parameters of an 123I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy and body surface signal-averaged ECG (SAECG). The subjects consisted of 12 patients with a Brugada-type ECG and 15 healthy volunteers (N group). The patients with a Brugada-type ECG were classified into the following 2 groups based on the type of ST-segment elevation: 6 patients with the coved type ST-segment elevation (C group), and 6 patients with the saddle-back type ST-segment elevation (S group). Planar and SPECT images were obtained 15 minutes (early images) and 3 hours (delayed images) after the administration of 123I-MIBG, respectively. In addition, the washout rate (% WR) of 123I-MIBG was obtained in a bull's eye map of the SPECT image. There were no significant differences in the early H/M ratio between the C and S groups. In the C group, however, there were some patients who showed a decreased accumulation or defect of 123I-MIBG in the planar and SPECT images. Furthermore, in contrast to the N and S groups, the C group showed a decreased delayed H/M ratio and increased % WR. SAECG did not show any significant differences between the S and C groups. These results of the present study suggest that the shape of ST-segment elevation may be associated with myocardial autonomic nervous function. In addition, the electric heterogeneity of the action potential in the right ventricular epicardial myocardium, which is frequently influenced by autonomic nervous activity, is closely associated with the development of Brugada syndrome.
Keigo Kinoshita, Toshikatsu Shinka, Youichi Sato, Hiroki Karahashi, Hiroe Kowa, Gang Chen, Mayumi Umeno, Kazunori Toida, Emi Kiyokage, Takuro Nakano, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakahori : Expression analysis of a mouse orthologue of HSFY, a candidate for the azoospermic factor on the human Y chromosome, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1,2, 117-122, 2006.
Heat shock transcription factor on Y (HSFY) is located in one of three candidate regions for azoospermic factor (AZF), AZFb on the Y chromosome. We and others have already revealed that some azoospermic males are missing the regions of the Y chromosome including HSFY. Previously, we showed that murine HSFY-like sequence [mHSFYL (Riken cDNA 4933413G11Rik)], which is the mouse orthologue of HSFY, is exclusively expressed in testis. The sequences encoding the presumed DNA-binding domain in HSFY and mHSFYL were found in other mammals such as dogs, cows and chickens. To elucidate mHSFYL expression in the testes in detail, we carried out in situ hybridization. mHSFYL was predominantly expressed in round spermatids. Furthermore, we clarified the intracellular distribution of mHSFYL in COS1 cells with HA- or GFP-tagged proteins. Both HA-mHSFYL and GFP-mHSFYL were located in the nucleus. Our results suggest that HSFY/mHSFYL may have evolutionarily conserved functions for spermatogenesis.
T Ogata, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Evalution of episodes of sleep apnea in patients with liver cirrhosis, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1,2, 159-166, 2006.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) has been reported to be a new complication of liver cirrhosis with ascites. This fact prompted a study of episodes of sleep apnea as a function of the severity of cirrhosis. Forty eight patients with type C liver cirrhosis were divided according to the Child-Pugh score into 3 groups: Group A (16 patients with grade A cirrhosis), Group B (16 patients with grade B cirrhosis), and Group C (16 patients with grade C cirrhosis). Portable sleep polygraphs (Fuji RC, Inc. Tokyo, Japan) were attached to the subjects, and oronasal respiration, tracheal sounds, respiratory movements of the chest, and percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation continuously were recorded. A decrease in the mean airflow to 50% or less was defined as hypopnea, and the number per hour of episodes of apnea and hypopnea per hour lasting 10 seconds or longer (AHI) was counted. A Holter ECG was also recorded, and spectral heart rate variability during sleep was analyzed by measuring low frequency power (0.04-0.15 Hz, LF power), high frequency power (0.15-0.40 Hz, HF power), the ratio of LF power to HF power (LF/HF ratio), and very low frequency power (0.008-0.04 Hz, VLF power). The difference in QT interval between the lead CM5 and the lead CM1 (QTc dispersion) was also examined. AHI was significantly higher in Group C than in Groups A and B (p<0.05). In Group C, 6 patients with 20 times or more AHI per hour, obstructive sleep apnea, in which respiratory chest movements occur but oronasal respiration decreases or disappears, was observed. Spectral analyses of heart rate variability showed a decrease in HF power without sleep apnea, but increases in HF power and VLF power were observed during sleep apnea. The QTc dispersion increased during episodes of sleep apnea. As the stage of liver cirrhosis advanced, sleep apnea appeared, and changes in autonomic nervous activities were observed. Furthermore, QTc dispersion was increased during episodes of sleep apnea, presumably increasing the risk of ventricular arrhythmia.
N Kageyama, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, T Watanabe and Susumu Ito : Relationship between adhesion molecules with hs-CRP and changes therein after ARB (Valsartan) administration in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1,2, 134-139, 2006.
It has been reported that a relationship exists between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. To address this issue, we evaluated whether OSAS is associated with adhesion molecules and inflammatory signs, important indicators of atherosclerosis. Levels of high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) were measured in 30 patients with ischemic heart disease, confirmed by coronary arteriography (IHD group). Twenty healthy volunteers without sleep apnea were used as controls (Group N). Sleeping respiratory information was collected using a portable sleep polygraph, together on information about oronasal flow, tracheal sound, chest respiration, and percutaneous oxygen saturation (SpO2) to obtain the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). In the IHD group, 9 (30%) of the 30 patients showed evidence of OSAS [IHD(AHI> or = 40) group] and 21 did not [IHD(AHI<40) group]. The levels of hs-CRP and ICAM-1 were significantly higher in the IHD group than in the N group (p<0.01). Moreover, the levels of hs-CRP and ICAM-1 were significantly higher in the IHD(AHI > or = 40) group than in the IHD(AHI<40) group (p<0.01). However, after the administration of valsartan, angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARB) to both IHD groups, the levels of hs-CRP and ICAM-1 decreased significantly in both groups. Moreover, a multivariate analysis revealed that the levels of hs-CRP and ICAM-1 were associated with the severity of sleep apnea. These findings suggest that, in OSAS the levels of hs-CRP and ICAM-1 are decreased and that the administration of ARB decreases the risk of atherosclerosis.
Masahiko Nakasono, Naoki Muguruma, Seisuke Okamura, Susumu Ito, Akiko Iga, Satoshi Wada, Michiyo Okazaki, Takahiro Horie, Tamotsu Fukuda and Toshiaki Sano : Colonic pseudolipomatosis, microscopically classified into two groups, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.21, No.1 Pt 1, 65-70, 2006.
Colonic pseudolipomatosis is rare and the pathogenesis is controversial. The purpose of the present paper was to clarify endoscopic and histological characteristics of colonic pseudolipomatosis and to discuss the etiology. A total of 15 lesions from 14 patients was reviewed. They were able to be histologically classified into two groups on the basis of variety in size of the vacuoles: Group A, the ratio of largest vacuole to smallest vacuole in size is less than three, Group B, the ratio is more than four. Four of 15 lesions were group A, and were endoscopically polypoid or flat lesions covered with normal-looking mucosa. They were microscopically characterized by (i) predominant location in the upper portion of the lamina propria; (ii) no submucosal involvement; (iii) less variation in vacuolar size; and (iv) no association with lymph follicles. The vacuoles of group A contained proteinaceous materials in two of four lesions. Group B (11 lesions) had small elevated mucosa with normal-looking surface or non-elevated reddish mucosa. Microscopically, the lesions were mainly located in the lower portion of the lamina propria, occasionally also in the submucosa, had variable-sized vacuoles, and were related to lymph follicles. It is suggested that the vacuoles in group A contain fluid, and may indicate an abnormal stagnation of interstitial fluid. Microscopic appearance of group B is essentially similar to that of pneumatosis coli. It is thought that group B probably results from penetration of gas from the crypts into the mucosa during colonoscopy. It is unclear why group B had a preference for ileocecal valve and an association with lymph follicles.
Naoki Muguruma, Yoshitaka Imoto, Tetsuo Kimura, Seisuke Okamura and Susumu Ito : Adenomyomatosis of the Gallbladder as a Potential Risk Factor for Gallbladder Carcinoma, International Medical Journal, Vol.13, No.2, 91-94, 2006.
Duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosa has been sporadically described, but so far little attention has been paid to duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosa. Four cases with duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosa were endoscopically and histologically examined. The four cases exhibited multiple polypoid lesions along the Kerckring's folds and/or were covered by characteristically granular, non-ulcerated mucosa upon thickening. The granularity seems to been caused by dilated lymph vessels containing the carcinoma cells. The lesions were microscopically characterized by: (i) involvement of lymph vessels located in the upper portion of the lamina propria; (ii) no inflammatory changes; and (iii) no desmoplastic changes. Primary sites were thought to be the stomach in case 1, the pancreas in cases 2 and 4, and unknown in case 3. All patients died within 6 months after admission or endoscopic examination. As duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosis shows characteristic endoscopic appearance, endoscopic diagnosis is not difficult. We should realize that the lesion represents extremely poor prognosis, and it should be distinguished from ordinary metastatic duodenal carcinoma.
Mayuko Takagawa, Naoki Muguruma, Kaori Oguri, Yoshitaka Imoto, Koichi Okamoto, Kunio II and Susumu Ito : Prediction of Prognosis in Gallbladder Carcinoma by Mucin and p53 Immunohistochemistry, Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol.50, No.8, 1410-1413, 2005.
Mucin core proteins are known to be present in various organs and are specifically expressed with carcinogenesis and closely associated with the prognoses of various malignant tumors in the digestive tract such as colorectal cancer. The present study evaluated correlations between mucin and p53 expression and prognosis of gallbladder cancer using surgically resected tissue specimens from 26 patients with gallbladder carcinoma surgically treated at our hospital. Immunohistochemical staining was performed using MUC 1, MUC2, and p53 monoclonal antibody. The level of antigen expression in the lesion was classified into four stages: none(-), slight(+), moderate (++), and severe (+ + +). According to the UICC classification, histopathological grading, levels of T, N, and M factors, and tumor stages were compared with regard to the correlations with mucin and p53 expression. All cases were classified into two groups according to the results of mucin immunohistochemistry: group A (MUC1, > or = ++; and MUC2, < or = +) and group B (MUC1, < ++; or MUC2, > +). Postoperative survival periods were compared between the two groups and p53-positive and -negative groups. Neither histological grading nor T factor correlated with mucin or p53 expression, respectively. Moreover, neither N factor nor M factor correlated with mucin or p53 expression. Furthermore, stage grouping did not correlate with mucin or p53 expression. However, when the correlation between the postoperative survival period and mucin expression was evaluated, the mean postoperative surgical period was significantly shorter in Group A than in Group B (1.02 years in Group A vs 2.92 years in Group B; P = 0.016). There was no relationship between postoperative survival period and p53 positivity. Mucin expression was independent of various tumor growth factors and clearly reflected the prognosis of gallbladder cancer. Because the relative malignancy of gallbladder cancer could be evaluated by examining the level of glycoprotein expression in tumor tissue, mucin could be a more important marker than p53 for predicting prognosis in gallbladder carcinoma using surgically resected tissue specimens.
Yukie Iwasa, Kimiko Nakayasu, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : The relationship between autonomic nervous activity and physical activity in children, Pediatrics International, Vol.47, No.4, 361-371, 2005.
There have been few studies that have reported on heart rate variability and the development of autonomic nervous function in children. This study investigated the relationship between heart rate variabilities at night and physical activity in children. The study subjects were 29 children, including 17 boys and 12 girls. The daily activity product and heart rate variabilities during sleep at night (00.00-05.00 hours) were measured and several aspects of these parameters were analyzed. In one child (an 8-year-old girl), heart rate variability and the physical activity product were measured for 12 days. There was a negative correlation between the mean R-R interval and the duration (min) of heavy exercise per day (r = -0.39, P < 0.05). In the 8-year-old girl, from whom data was obtained for 12 days, the duration of heavy exercise per day was negatively correlated with the mean R-R interval (r = -0.63, P < 0.05), the number of changes in successive R-R intervals greater than 50 msec (RR50) (r = -0.74, P < 0.01), and the high frequency (HF) component (r = -0.66, P < 0.05). Furthermore, the daily number of steps was negatively correlated with the mean R-R interval (r = -0.66, P < 0.05), RR50 (r = -0.71, P < 0.05) and the HF component (r = -0.66, P < 0.05). There was a negative correlation between the amounts of energy consumption and the mean R-R interval (r = -0.69, P < 0.05). There was a negative correlation between the amounts of energy consumption and RR50 (r = -0.76, P < 0.01). Moreover, there was also a negative correlation between the amount of energy consumption and the HF component (r = -0.71, P < 0.05). These findings suggested that physical activities increase heart rate during sleep, but reduce parasympathetic nervous activity at night. Because both the HF component and RR50 reduce with growth, the exercise-related inhibition of parasympathetic nervous activity may be a developmental stimulus to reach a balanced autonomic nervous pattern in adults.
Noriyasu Kondo, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Susumu Ito and Takashi Ohguro : Association of Inflammatory Marker and Highly Sensitive C-Reactive Protein With Aerobic Exercise Capacity, Maximum Oxygen Uptake and Insulin Resistance in Healthy Middle-Aged Volunteers, Circulation Journal, Vol.69, No.4, 452-457, 2005.
Increased levels of inflammation markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha , have been found in insulin resistance syndrome. Those with elevated levels of high-sensitive CRP (hs-CRP) are at a higher risk for coronary heart disease. In the present study, we evaluated whether maximum oxygen uptake and insulin resistance are related to hs-CRP for the primary prevention of coronary heart disease. The subjects were 50 subjects who did not have diabetes mellitus. A multi-step treadmill exercise test was performed to obtain the maximum oxygen uptake when assessed by computerized breath-by-breath analysis. As an index of insulin resistance, the homeostasis model insulin resistance index (HOMA-R; fasting glucose x fasting insulin/405) was used. In addition, bodyweight, body mass index, subcutaneous fat thickness, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglyceride were measured. Multivariate analysis revealed that hs-CRP was significantly correlated with HDL-cholesterol, uric acid, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and maximum oxygen uptake. The maximum oxygen uptake showed the smallest odds ratio was in terms of the relationship with hs-CRP. The present study suggests that the development of exercising habits increases the maximum oxygen uptake. Furthermore, an elevated maximum oxygen uptake decreases HOMA-R and reduces the inflammatory marker CRP, suggesting that exercising habit plays an important role in the primary prevention of coronary heart disease.
Exercising habits / High-sensitive C-reactive protein / insulin resistance / Maximum oxygen uptake
Akemi Tsutsui, Seisuke Okamura, Naoki Muguruma, Koji Tsujigami, Soichi Ichikawa, Susumu Ito and Kazunori Umino : Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of ENdosonographic Images of Gastric Lesions: Preliminary Experience, Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, Vol.33, No.3, 112-118, 2005.
This study was conducted to assess the ability of the endoluminal sonographic probes to image upper gastrointestinal lesions detected with conventional endoscopy and to reconstruct 3-dimensional (3D) images. Sonographic images were obtained from 25 gastrointestinal lesions in 22 patients using a sonographic miniprobe manually drawn at a set speed across lesions detected during conventional endoscopy. 3D images were then reconstructed using an in-house software program. In 16 lesions (64%), the 3D sectional images were evaluated as good, and all 25 lesions (100%) could be visualized both transversely and longitudinally. In 12 lesions (48%), the 3D display of the endosonographic surface image corresponded to the endoscopic appearance. In all 11 cases of gastric cancer, the depth of tumor invasion measured using the 3D image was consistent with the histologic diagnosis (100% accuracy). When videotaped sonographic images were stored on a hard disk, it took an average of 3.5 minutes to obtain and display 3D images of the targeted area. 3D sonographic reconstructions of digestive lesions were useful in diagnosis, and we believe that further improvements should enhance the clinical usefulness of 3D endosonography.
Susumu Ito, Ichiro Shimizu, Michiyo Okazaki, Kohzo Uehara and Arata Iuchi : A patient with octopus pot-shaped cardial cancer that metastasized to multipleorgans, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.52, No.1-2, 122-125, 2005.
A 71-year-old male was admitted for abdominal fullness. The condition rapidly deteriorated in a short period (3 weeks), and the patient died. Autopsy revealed a protruding lesion measuring about 3 cm with erosion measuring 5 mm in diameter immediately below the esophago-gastric conjugation site, suggesting primary cardial undifferentiated adenocarcinoma. In the primary focus, changes on the mucosal surface were almost normal However, below the mucosa, infiltration of cancer cells was observed in an approximately 3 cm area along the gastric wall. Simultaneously, the site of infiltration was markedly increased in deep areas. Extraserous infiltration was observed. The morphology was special, and resembled an octopus pot, a trap used to catch octopuses in Japan, with a narrow top and a broad base. In our patient, metastatic lesions were detected in multiple organs, including the stomach.
Tatsuzo Itagaki, Ichiro Shimizu, Xinliang Cheng, Ying Yuan, Atsuo Oshio, Katsuyoshi Tamaki, Hiroshi Fukuno, Hirohito Honda, Yoshihito Okamura and Susumu Ito : Opposing effects of oestradiol and progesterone on intracellular pathways and activation processes in the oxidative stress-induced activation of cultured rat hepatic stellate cells., Gut, Vol.54, No.12, 1782-1789, 2005.
Oxidative stress, including the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), is involved in hepatofibrogenesis. The authors' previous studies have shown that oestradiol suppresses hepatic fibrosis in animal models and attenuates the activation of cultured rat hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), which possess oestrogen receptor subtype beta and are also activated by ROS. To define the mechanisms by which female sex hormones play an antifibrogenic role in activated HSCs, the effects of oestradiol and progesterone on ROS generation processes and intracellular pathways, leading to the activation of HSCs undergoing oxidative stress, was examined. HSCs, isolated from rats, were cultured for 7 days with oestradiol or progesterone for 24 hours as pretreatment, and oxidative stress was then induced by exposure to low doses of hydrogen peroxide for another 24 hours. Oestradiol inhibited ROS generation and antioxidant enzyme loss via the suppression of NADH/NADPH oxidase activity, and attenuated hydrogen peroxide induced transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) expression, HSC proliferation and transformation, and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways and transcription factors. Progesterone exerted a stimulatory effect through the progesterone receptor on the induction of ROS generation processes and intracellular pathways, resulting in TGF-beta1 expression and HSC activation, and fibrogenic effects were inhibited by oestradiol. These findings show for the first time that oestradiol inhibits the activation of transcription factors by suppressing ROS generation processes and the MAPK pathways, and inactivates the downstream transcription processes involved in TGF-beta1 expression and HSC activation, whereas progesterone acts in opposition to the favourable effects of oestradiol and its effects are blocked by oestradiol.
Takahiro Horie, Ichiro Shimizu, Michiyo Okazaki, Kensuke Fujiwara, Soichiro Fujiwara, Koji Yamamoto, Arata Iuchi, Akihito Tanagami, Mitsuyoshi Hirokawa and Susumu Ito : A patient with adult extrahepatic portal obstruction, of which distinction from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma was difficult., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.52, No.3, 203-207, 2005.
A 51-year-old Japanese male with chief complaints of slightly high fever and epigastralgia was hospitalized at our facility. The inflammatory response was enhanced, and liver dysfunction was observed. Abdominal ultrasonography demonstrated a hyperechoic lesion occupying the left portal vein, and abdominal plain CT indicated a low density of the lesion with a clear boundary, measuring about 3 cm x 2 cm, between the porta hepatis and segment IV of the liver. Contrast CT showed no enhancement in the arterial and portal phases, but a reduction in the density inside the tumor in the equilibration phase was noted. MRI showed hypointensity by T1-weighted imaging and hyperintensity by T2-weighted imaging. Angiography demonstrated an obstruction of the left portal vein and superior mesenteric vein, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography revealed a constriction in the left intrahepatic bile duct. Since the possibility of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma could not be excluded, extended left hepatectomy combined with caudate lobectomy was performed. The tumor, measuring 31 mm x 21 mm x 20 mm, was pathohistologically diagnosed as an extrahepatic portal obstruction. Extrahepatic portal obstruction is an important disease that is sometimes difficult to rule out oncologic origin.
Bile Duct Neoplasms / Bile Ducts, Intrahepatic / Cholangiocarcinoma / Constriction, Pathologic / Diagnosis, Differential / Humans / Male / Middle Aged / Portal Vein
Susumu Ito, Koichi Okamoto, Naoki Muguruma, T. Kimura, H. Yano, Y. Imoto, M. Kaji, R. Aoki and Seisuke Okamura : A Novel Diagnostic Method for Evaluation of Vascular Lesions in the Digestive Tract Using Infrared Fluorescence Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Vol.37, No.1, 52-57, 2005.
We have developed an infrared fluorescence endoscope to evaluate gastrointestinal vascular lesions. Infrared endoscopy (IRE) after intravenous administration of indocyanine green (ICG) is used at present to examine vascular lesions such as esophageal varices. However, no previous study has compared the sensitivity of infrared fluorescence endoscopy (IRFE) with that of IRE. In this study, we compared the usefulness of IRFE and IRE. For IRFE we used an infrared endoscope equipped with excitation and barrier filters and an intensified charge-coupled device camera. In preliminary experiments, the observable tissue depth was assessed by wrapping increasing numbers of layers of commercially available pork around a syringe containing a uniform concentration of ICG or by changing the concentration of ICG in a syringe covered by a piece of pork of uniform thickness. In the clinical part of the study, ICG was administered intravenously at different concentrations to patients with esophageal varices and the resulting infrared fluorescent images were evaluated. The preliminary experiments revealed that the depth of tissue that could be visualized was significantly greater in IRFE than it was in IRE (11.2 mm in IRFE vs. approximately 3.2 mm in IRE). Clear infrared fluorescence was obtained by IRFE at lower concentrations of ICG than the concentrations required to obtain clear images using IRE. In the clinical part of the study, clear infrared fluorescence was observed in a region where esophageal varices had been detected by conventional endoscopy when ICG was administered in doses of 0.005 mg/kg to 0.01 mg/kg, which was lower than the doses used in IRE. Compared with conventional IRE, IRFE facilitated the observation of deeper layers, and esophageal varices were observed by IRFE following the intravenous administration of a markedly reduced dose of ICG. IRFE, in combining the characteristics of reflected infrared light and fluorescence, may be a useful novel procedure in the diagnosis of vascular lesions in the gastrointestinal tract.
Katsuyoshi Tamaki, Ichiro Shimizu, Atsuo Oshio, Hiroshi Fukuno, Hiroshi Inoue, Akemi Tsutsui, Hiroshi Shibata, Nobuya Sano and Susumu Ito : Influence of large intrahepatic blood vessels on the gross and histological characteristics of lesions prpduced by radiofrequency ablation in a pig livermodel, Liver International, Vol.24, No.6, 696-701, 2004.
Koichi Okamoto, Naoki Muguruma, Rika Aoki, Yasunori Sato, Jiro Nakamoto, Yoshitaka Imoto, Seisuke Okamura, Susumu Ito, Hiroshi Okitsu and Toshiaki Sano : A Treatment Using ST1571 for Jejunal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) Accompanied with Liver Metastas and Peritoneal Dissemination, Internal Medicine, Vol.43, No.12, 1151-1156, 2004.
A 64-year-old man with a chief complaint of melena visited our emergency outpatient clinic. After several examinations, he was diagnosed as a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) with liver metastasis. Surgical resection of the jejunal lesion and postoperative adjuvant therapy with STI571 for one year was performed. Due to recent immunohistological studies and introduction of STI571, the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of GIST are about to change profoundly. Further accumulation of cases is necessary to investigate the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of GIST.
Hideji Tanaka, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kenji Harada, Eriko Kimura, Yoshifumi Oishi, Takeo Ishimoto and Susumu Ito : Losartan improves regional left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in patients with hypertension, --- Accurate evaluation using a newly developed color-coded tissue Doppler imaging technique ---, Journal of Cardiac Failure, Vol.10, No.5, 412-420, 2004.
Angiotensin II receptor antagonists have recently been accepted as antihypertensive therapy. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) has been developed as a noninvasive tool to assess quantitatively regional myocardial motion abnormalities. This study was designed to determine whether our newly developed technique of color-coded TDI may be a useful means of quantifying the improvement in regional left ventricular (LV) myocardial contractility and relaxation after treatment with losartan in patients with hypertension. Losartan (50 to 100 mg) was administered for 6 months to 37 previously untreated patients with essential hypertension. Averaged myocardial velocity profiles (MVPs) for color-coded TDI were recorded in the ventricular septum and LV posterior wall before and after treatment. Peak myocardial velocities and peak myocardial velocity gradients (MVGs) in the LV walls were determined during systole and early diastole. The plasma concentration of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 also was measured in all patients. Blood pressure and plasma TGF-beta1 level decreased after initiation of losartan therapy. The LV mass index and LV meridional end-systolic wall stress also decreased after treatment with losartan. LV geometry changed from a pattern consistent with concentric hypertrophy to normal geometry in 10 patients and to a pattern consistent with concentric remodeling in 5 patients, and from concentric remodeling to normal geometry in 5 patients after treatment with losartan. The ratio of early to late diastolic filling for the transmitral flow velocity increased after losartan treatment. The peak systolic and early diastolic myocardial velocities and MVGs in the ventricular septum and LV posterior wall increased after treatment with losartan, although the values 6 months after treatment with losartan were still lower than those in normal individuals. There were good correlations between changes in plasma TGF-beta1 level and changes in systolic and early diastolic MVGs 6 months after losartan. However, there were no significant correlations between changes in the systolic blood pressure and LV end-systolic wall stress and changes in the TDI parameters. Losartan improves regional LV function in patients with hypertension. Our newly developed averaged MVP and MVG measurements may be useful for accurately evaluating regional LV myocardial contractility and relaxation in these patients.
Masahiro Nomura, Kohzou Uehara, Kenji Harada, Eiko Uemura, Akiko Iga, Tomohito Kawano, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Impairment of gastrointestinal motility by nitrate administration: evaluation based on electrogastrographic changes and autonomic nerve activity, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Vol.20, No.s1, 118-124, 2004.
Nitrates decrease the tone of the lower oesophageal sphincter, and may thus induce gastro-oesophageal reflux. In the present study, we evaluated electrogastrographic changes and heart-rate variability before and after the administration of nitrates. In 15 patients with chest pain treated with nitrates, electrocardiography and percutaneous electrogastrography were performed before and after administration of nitrates. Autonomic nervous system function was evaluated by spectral analysis of heart-rate variability and serial changes in low frequency and high frequency power, and the low frequency/high frequency ratio were compared. Electrogastrograms were analysed by obtaining peak power amplitudes and their dominant frequencies. After the administration of nitrates (isosorbide dinitrate), high frequency power, an index of parasympathetic nervous activity, was significantly decreased, whereas the low frequency/high frequency ratio, an index of sympathetic nervous activity, was significantly increased. The mean peak amplitude of the electrogastrogram significantly increased postprandially both before and after treatment. After isosorbide dinitrate treatment, however, mean peak amplitudes after a meal were significantly lower than those obtained before treatment. The mean dominant frequency of the electrogastrogram did not vary before and after treatment. The present study suggests that nitrates inhibit gastrointestinal motility by decreasing autonomic nervous activity.
Kimiko Nakayasu, Yutaka Nakaya, Oki Yuko, Masahiro Nomura and Susumu Ito : Long Term Follow-up in Japanese Public Office Workers of the Influence of Blood Pressure on ECG Changes, Circulation Journal, Vol.68, No.6, 563-567, 2004.
The relationship between annual changes in blood pressure (BP) and the electrocardiogram (ECG) was studied to clarity what factors give early detection of complications and predict the outcome of therapy. The influence of BP on the ECG was assessed in 830 Japanese office workers. Those with hypertension (HT) more frequently developed left atrial and ventricular overload compared with normotensive subjects. In addition, those with borderline HT (systolic pressure 140-160 mmHg and/or diastolic pressure 90-95 mmHg) and even those with lower blood pressure (systolic pressure 130-140 mmHg and/or diastolic pressure 85-90 mmHg) developed left atrial and ventricular overload more frequently than normotensive subjects. Based on these results, BP should be closely followed up when routine systolic and diastolic pressure levels exceed 130 mmHg and 85 mmHg, respectively, in persons in their 40 s to 50 s and the goal of antihypertensive therapy should be lower than reported previously.
Adult / blood pressure / Body Weight / Electrocardiography / Follow-Up Studies / Humans / hypertension / Incidence / Japan / Middle Aged / Practice Guidelines as Topic / Retrospective Studies / Ventricular Dysfunction / Workplace
Masahiro Nomura, Seiji Kannuki, Kazuyuki Kuwayama, Yukio Kohyama, Yoshinori Hayashi, Erika Yamamoto, Tadayoshi Kaji, Kohzou Uehara, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Susumu Ito, Yutaka Nakaya and Sinji Nagahiro : A patient with Wallenberg's syndrome induced by severe cough, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, Vol.11, No.2, 179-182, 2004.
A 45-year-old man developed severe cough with cervical pain. The patient was unable to hold an upright position. The origin of the right posterior inferior cerebellar artery was not enhanced by angiography. MRI showed a high signal intensity string-like structure of the right vertebral artery. In young patients, Wallenberg's syndrome related to mild head trauma has been reported. However, none of the previous studies related to vertebral arterial dissection was induced by severe cough. When cervical pain is present in young patients with severe cough, MRI should be performed to evaluate the possibility of vertebral arterial dissection.
Cerebral Angiography / Cough / Humans / Lateral Medullary Syndrome / magnetic resonance imaging / Male / Middle Aged
Guangming Lu, Ichiro Shimizu, Xuezhi Cui, Mina Itonaga, Katsuyoshi Tamaki, Hiroshi Fukuno, Hiroshi Inoue, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : Antioxidant and antiapoptotic activities of idoxifene and estradiol in hepatic fibrosis in rats., Life Sciences, Vol.74, No.7, 897-907, 2004.
Oxidative stress plays a causative role in the development of hepatic fibrosis and apoptosis. Estradiol (E2) is an antioxidant, and idoxifene is a tissue-specific selective estrogen receptor modulator. We have previously demonstrated that E2 inhibits hepatic fibrosis in a rat model of hepatic fibrosis induced with dimethylnitrosamine (DMN), and suppresses activation of the nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB proinflammatory transcription factor in cultured rat hepatocytes undergoing oxidative stress. This study reports on the antioxidant and antiapoptotic role of idoxifene and E2 in the DMN model of hepatic fibrosis. The DMN model rats were administered with idoxifene or E2, and were examined activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and expression of Bcl-2 family proteins in the liver. During the course of hepatofibrogenesis after DMN treatment, serum levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), a biomarker for necrosis, and hepatic levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), an end product of lipid peroxidation, increased rapidly for 3 days. On day 14, serum LDH levels normalized, and hepatic fibrosis developed with increased levels of MDA and collagen and decreased production of SOD and GPx in the liver. Fibrotic liver also showed downregulation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-X(L) expression and upregulation of Bad expression. Idoxifene and E2 suppressed DMN-mediated necrosis, lipid peroxidation, the loss of antioxidant enzyme activity, and proapoptotic status in Bcl-2 family protein expression as well as hepatic fibrosis. These findings indicate that, in addition to their antiinflammatory and antifibrotic action, idoxifene and E2 could enhance antioxidant and antiapoptotic activity in hepatic fibrosis in rats.
Little attention has been paid to colorectal xanthoma. To clarify the clinical and pathological features of colorectal xanthoma, we report 28 colorectal xanthomas biopsied from 25 patients. All were composed of typical xanthoma cells and showed polypoid configuration. Median age of the patients was 64 years and there were 15 men and 10 women. Diabetes mellitus, constipation, and hyperlipidemia were found in two, one, and seven patients, respectively. Seventeen (60.7%) of the 28 polyps were located in the sigmoid colon and the remaining 11 in the rectum. Twenty-three polyps (82.1%) were sessile. Twelve (60.0%) of twenty polyps that were recorded were reddish in color. Only two polyps revealed a yellowish tone. Microscopically, foamy cells were present in the lamina propria, but the submucosa did not contain foamy cells. Immunohistochemically, the foamy cells invariably expressed extensive positivity for CD68. The colonic glands showed a deformity in the case with moderate to intense density of the foamy cells. The surface epithelium showed a hyperplastic change in 22 (78.6%) xanthomas. The colonic glands in four xanthomas were also associated with hyperplastic changes. The basement membrane of the surface epithelium was often thickened. Cell debris and proliferation of the capillaries were observed just below the surface epithelium in 19 (67.9%) and 22 (78.6%) xanthomas, respectively. Previous mucosal minute injury was suggested as the pathogenesis of colorectal xanthomas. Colorectal xanthomas were not identical to gastric and esophageal xanthoma, endoscopically or microscopically. We prefer the term "xanthomatous polyp" rather than xanthoma in the colorectal region. They may be regarded as a novel type of colorectal non-neoplastic polyp.
Kanji Kusunoki, Masahiro Nomura, Norihito Kageyama, Akiyoshi Nisikado, Masafumi Harada, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Detection of coronary arterial microvascular discorders using 99mTc-tetrofosm in uptake increase during exercise and coronary blood flow velocity patterns obtained by magnetic resonance imaging., Heart and Vessels, Vol.19, No.1, 1-7, 2004.
This study reports an evaluation of coronary arterial blood flow patterns in patients with diabetes mellitus and healthy subjects using magnetic resonance coronary angiography (MRCA). Twenty patients with diabetes mellitus (DM group) and 20 healthy subjects (N group) were studied using MRCA and myocardial SPECT images using (99m)Tc-tetrofosmin (TF). The rate of change in myocardial TF uptake was measured during a 1-day protocol of exercise and rest. Initial and delayed exercise single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images were acquired 30 min and 3 h after injection (370 MBq of TF) (TF1 and TF2, respectively). Thereafter, 740 MBq of TF was administered intravenously, again, and resting SPECT images (TF3) were acquired 30 min later. The myocardial counts of these three points of acquisition were defined, and the rate of change of myocardial TF uptake between exercise and rest was determined. The % increase in uptake was significantly lower in the DM group than in the N group in all myocardial segments. The average coronary arterial diastolic velocity determined using MRCA was slightly lower in the DM group than in the N group, and the average systolic peak velocity (ASPV) was slightly greater in the DM group than in the N group, although these values were not statistically significant. The diastolic/systolic velocity ratio (DSVR) in the DM group was significantly lower than that in the N group ( P < 0.05). There was a significant correlation between DSVR and % uptake increase ( r = 0.605, P < 0.05). These results indicate that the measurements made using MRCA and the % uptake increase measured using TF myocardial scintigraphy represent a potentially useful noninvasive method for diagnosing microvascular dysfunction in diabetic patients.
Hirotsugu Yamada, Takashi Oki, Takashi Yamamoto, Hideji Tanaka, Tomotsugu Tabata, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Masahiro Nomura, Susumu Ito and James D. Thomas : Potential application of tissue Doppler imaging to assess regional left ventricular diastolic function in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Comparison with 123I-β-methyl iodophenyl pentadecanoic acid myocardial scintigraphy., Clinical Cardiology, Vol.27, No.1, 33-39, 2004.
Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) has been utilized to evaluate left ventricular myocardial dysfunction in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM); however, no clear explanation for the abnormality of TDI variables has been forthcoming. Peak negative myocardial velocity gradient (MVG) derived from TDI may correlate with a disorder of fatty acid metabolism in patients with HCM. Tissue Doppler imaging and 123I-beta-methyl iodophenyl pentadecanoic acid (123I-BMIPP) myocardial scintigraphy were performed in 15 patients with asymmetric septal hypertrophy (mean age 47 +/- 18 years) and in 12 healthy controls (mean age 43 +/- 10 years). In early 123I-BMIPP images, accumulation defects were observed in the ventricular septum in 12 patients and in the posterior wall in 8 patients with HCM. Peak negative MVG in the ventricular septum (1.1 +/- 0.5 vs. 2.8 +/- 0.5, p < 0.0001) and posterior wall (5.2 +/- 1.4 vs. 6.7 +/- 0.8, p < 0.01 ) was significantly lower in the HCM group than in the controls; also, these parameters were significantly lower in patients with than in those without a defect in the region in question. The peak negative MVG in the ventricular septum and posterior wall correlated inversely with the washout rate in all subjects. Peak negative MVG according to TDI is related to disorder of fatty acid metabolism in the regional left ventricular myocardium of patients with HCM.
Jyunji Yamashita, Masahiro Nomura, Kohzou Uehara, Yutaka Nakaya, Eiko Uemura, Akiko Iga, Yuko Sawa, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : Influence of sleep apnea on autonomic nervous activity and QT dispersion in patients with essential hypertension and old myocardial infarction, Journal of Electrocardiology, Vol.37, No.1, 31-40, 2004.
Sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) is an important cardiovascular risk factor in patients with hypertension or myocardial infarction (MI). We evaluated the influence of SAS on autonomic nervous activity and QT dispersion in patients with hypertension or coronary artery disease with old MI. A portable sleep polygraph was attached to 30 healthy volunteers (N group), 30 patients with essential hypertension (HT group), and 30 patients with old myocardial infarction (MI group) to serially record oronasal respiration, tracheal sound, thoracic respiratory movement, and percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation. In addition, a digital Holter ECG was used to examine heart rate variability during nighttime sleep. Heart rate variability was analyzed by obtaining low-frequency (LF) power, high-frequency (HF) power, the LF/HF ratio, and very low-frequency (VLF) power. Dispersion of QT intervals was obtained by CM5 and CM1 leads. VLF and LF powers were significantly higher in the HT-SAS group (hypertensive patients with SAS) than the N and HT-NSAS groups (hypertensive patients without SAS). The HF power was significantly lower in the HT-NSAS group than the N group, but the decrease in HF power in hypertension was not observed in the HT-SAS group. The LF/HF ratio was significantly higher in the HT-NSAS group than the N group, and this value was further increased in the HT-NSAS group. Percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation was decreased, and QT dispersion was significantly increased in the MI group during sleep apnea episodes. More severe autonomic nervous dysfunction and increased QTc dispersion were observed in hypertensive patients with SAS during episodes of apneas and hypopneas compared to those without SAS. These findings suggest that SAS may be associated with the future development of cardiac events.
F Kishi, Masahiro Nomura, E Uemura, N Kageyama, S Kujime, M Kaji, Y Noda, N Kondo, T Kawaguchi, Y Ozaki, K Koshiba, K Yamaguchi, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of myocardial sympathetic nerve function in patients with mitral valve prolapse using iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine myocardial scintigraphy., Journal of Medicine, Vol.35, No.1-6, 187-199, 2004.
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is closely related to myocardial sympathetic nerve function. This study evaluated the presence of impaired myocardial sympathetic nerve function by Iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigraphy in ten patients with MVP. For comparison, 15 healthy subjects without heart disease were investigated (control group). Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and anterior planar myocardial scintigraphy were performed 15 min (initial images) and 3 hours (delayed images) after injection of MIBG (111 MBq). The location and degrees of reduced tracer uptake were evaluated. Myocardial MIBG uptake was quantified by uptake ratio of the heart (H) to upper mediastinum (M) on the anterior planar images (H/M). Percentage washout of MIBG in nine sectors of all oblique slices along the short-axis was calculated. The washout rates were higher at the inferoposterior and septal segments in patients with anterior leaflet prolapse, and at inferoposterior and lateral segments in patients with posterior leaflet prolapse. The bull's eye map showed increased washout rate in the apical and posteroseptal basal segments. There was no significant difference in the H/M ratio between MVP patients and the control group. These results indicate that MIBG can be used to evaluate localized myocardial sympathetic nerve function in MVP.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : 心磁図法は循環器病診療に貢献できるのか?, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.17, No.1, 16-17, 2004.
Toru Nakayama, Masahiro Nomura, Hiroyuki Fujinaga, Hiroyuki Ikefuji, Masaru Kimura, Kazumasa Chikamori, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Does Coronary Artery Stenting for Acute Myocardial Infarction Improve Left Ventricular Overloading at the Chronic Stage?, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.45, No.2, 217-229, 2004.
In the present study, we evaluated whether stenting is useful for cardiac overloading, using ANP, BNP, and sup99m/supTc-tetrofosmin myocardial scintigraphy. It has been reported that coronary artery stenting is useful for cardiac functions for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The subjects were 110 patients with AMI successfully treated by direct angioplasty. These patients were subgrouped into two groups: the S group (underwent stenting; 54 patients) and the P group (underwent POBA alone; 56 patients). Extent scores reflecting decreased myocardial blood flow were calculated at myocardial areas showing a radioactivity count of less than -2 × standard deviations compared to the database of normal subjects.The ratio of extent scores to defect scores (extent/defect ratio) was compared between the P and S groups. Both ANP and BNP levels in the S group were lower than in the P group at the chronic stage (1 and 3 months after reperfusion therapy). Moreover, the end-diastolic volume index from the left ventriculography 3 months after reperfusion therapy was significantly larger in the P than the S group. The extent/defect ratio was significantly lower in the P group (2.8 ± 0.2) than the S group (3.5 ± 0.3), suggestive of a microcirculation disorder. These results suggest that cardiac overloading and left ventricular remodeling are decreased more by stenting than by POBA alone, probably because stenting prevents decreased myocardial blood flow around the infarct myocardium.br
Y Tomokane, Masahiro Nomura, S Kujime, Y Noda, Naoki Kondo, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Clinical Study on the Effects of Nizatidine on Gastric Motillity and Cardiac Autonomic Function, Arzneimittel-Forschung, Vol.54, No.8, 427-435, 2004.
Nizatidine (CAS 76963-41-2, Acinon), an H2 receptor antagonist, not only inhibits acid secretion but also improves gastrointestinal motility. However, autonomic nervous function has not been studied in detail using electrogastrography (EGG). In the present study, two protocols were adopted to study nizatidine's effects on cardiac autonomic function and gastric motility. Protocol I--Acute: "Group C-I": 10 healthy volunteers received a single oral dose of nizatidine 150 mg. Protocol II--Chronic: "Group DM without N": 15 patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) were observed prior to administration of nizatidine. "Group DM with N": The same 15 patients with DM received nizatidine 300 mg/day for more than 30 days. "Group C-II": This control group was composed of 15 healthy volunteers not receiving nizatidine. In all groups, EGGs were recorded before and after a meal, and autonomic nervous function and QT interval of ECG dispersions were simultaneously evaluated. In Group C-I, nizatidine significantly increased the peak power amplitude of 3 cycles/min (cpm) frequency, but did not significantly change the dominant frequency of the 3-cpm waves. In Group DM with N, nizatidine administration significantly increased the peak power amplitude from 2.4 cpm or a lower frequency (bradygastria) to 3 cpm. Prior to nizatidine administration but after eating a meal, the peak power amplitude on EGG was not increased in Group DM without N. In Group DM with N, however, the EGG peak power amplitude increased to levels similar to those of the healthy subjects (Group C-II). Neither the single nor the chronic administration of nizatidine significantly prolonged the QT interval or increased the QT dispersion. A spectral analysis of heart rate variability showed that nizatidine administration, whether acute or chronic, did not significantly change the indices of autonomic nervous activity. Nizatidine may promote gastric emptying by inhibiting acetylcholine esterase, thus increasing cholinergic activity, and by acting directly on gastric smooth muscle. The results indicate that because nizatidine increases gastric motility without exerting a negative influence on the autonomic nerves, it may be a useful drug in patients with diabetic neuropathy.
Xuezhi Cui, Ichiro Shimizu, Guangming Lu, Mina Itonaga, Hiroshi Inoue, Masayuki Shono, Katsuyoshi Tamaki, Hiroshi Fukuno, Hikaru Ueno and Susumu Ito : Inhibitory effect of a soluble transforming growth factor β type II receptor on the activation of rat hepatic stellate cells in primary culture, Journal of Hepatology, Vol.39, No.5, 731-737, 2003.
Oxidative stress, including the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that acts as a signaling mediator for transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, plays a key role in hepatic fibrosis. Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) produce and respond to TGF-beta in an autocrine manner with increased collagen expression. It has previously been reported that the adenovirus-mediated overexpression of a soluble receptor against the extracellular domain of the TGF-beta type II receptor prevents hepatofibrogenesis in vivo, although its inhibitory role and mechanism in HSC activation remains to be elucidated. In this study, we report on an examination of the actual role of TGF-beta inhibition on oxidative stress and the activation of cultured rat HSCs, using the adenovirus-mediated soluble TGF-beta type II receptor. This soluble receptor secreted from the adenovirus-infected cells binds to TGF-beta. Infection of HSCs with this adenovirus attenuated intracellular levels of TGF-beta1 mRNA and protein, NADH oxidative activity, ROS generation and lipid peroxidation, and prevented HSC activation. These findings suggest that this adenovirus-mediated soluble TGF-beta receptor may lead to an interruption of the TGF-beta autocrine loop in activated HSC, in part, by inhibiting oxidative stress.
Tomohito Kawano, Masahiro Nomura, Akiyoshi Nisikado, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Supplementation of L-arginine improves hypertension and lipid metabolism but not insulin resistance in diabetic rats, Life Sciences, Vol.73, No.23, 3017-3026, 2003.
Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in glucose and lipid metabolism. We previously reported that NO synthesis inhibitors, such as NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), deteriorate insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism, while the addition of L-arginine reverses this deterioration. L-arginine is a precursor of NO, and is used as a supplement in the US. In the present study, we evaluated whether the administration of L-arginine alone improves insulin resistance and serum lipid levels in insulin-resistant and hypertriglycemic rat models. Diabetic rats were divided into 3 groups: the control (Cont) group (standard diet), the L-NAME group (diet containing L-NAME), and the Arg group (diet containing L-arginine). After 4 weeks of breeding, urinary NOx, glucose infusion rate (GIR), glucose and lipid tolerance tests were performed. Urinary NOx levels were significantly lower in the L-NAME group than in the Cont group. The GIR in the L-NAME group was significantly lower than that in the Cont group, suggesting increased insulin resistance. However, the administration of L-arginine did not influence insulin resistance in the Arg group. Oral lipid administration significantly increased plasma triglyceride levels in the L-NAME group and plasma triglyceride levels were significantly lower in the Arg group than in the Cont group. The area under the curve of plasma triglyceride levels after oral lipid administration was larger in the L-NAME group than in the Cont group. The administration of L-NAME increased insulin resistance and decreased lipid metabolism. L-arginine significantly increased urinary NO secretion but did not improve insulin resistance, although it did improve lipid metabolism. These findings suggest that supplementation of L-arginine cannot improve insulin resistance in diabetic rats probably due to increased insulin secretion by L-arginine.
Hiroshi Okamoto, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Kohzou Uehara, Ken Saito, Masaru Kimura, Kazumasa Chikamori and Susumu Ito : Effects of Epalrestat, an Aldose Reductase Inhibitor, on Diabetic Neuropathy and Gastroparesis, Internal Medicine, Vol.42, No.8, 655-664, 2003.
Diabetic patients with severe autonomic nervous disorder show delayed gastric emptying accompanied by diabetic gastroparesis, which decreases the electric activity of the stomach associated with gastric motility. It is reported that epalrestat, an aldose reductase inhibitor, is useful for treating diabetic neuropathy. Therefore, we evaluated whether this drug improves the decreased gastric motility in diabetic patients. The present study evaluated the electrogastrograms (EGG) and autonomic nervous activity in 15 healthy volunteers (N group), and in 15 diabetic patients before and after the administration of epalrestat (DM group). Autonomic nervous activity was evaluated by spectral analysis of heart rate variability. The EGGs were recorded before and after oral administration of epalrestat (3 months or more) in the DM group. The dominant frequency of EGG was 3 cycles/min (cpm) in the N group. However, these 3 cpm waves disappeared with bradygastria, and postprandial increases in the peak powers of EGG were not observed in the DM group. Both the amplitude of 3 cpm waves and the postprandial peak powers were significantly increased after the administration of epalrestat. The parameters of autonomic nervous activities (LF power, HF power, and the LF/HF ratio) were significantly lower in the DM group before the administration of epalrestat than in the N group. However, these parameters were improved after the administration of epalrestat. Since gastroparesis is a form of diabetic dysautonomia, complication by gastroparesis may influence blood sugar control and the absorbance of oral antidiabetics. Epalrestat significantly increased the amplitude of 3 cpm waves on EGG and improved the spectral analytical parameters of heart rate variability. These findings suggest that epalrestat is useful for the treatment of diabetic gastroparesis.
Masaya Tadatsu, Susumu Ito, Naoki Muguruma, Yoshihiro Kusaka, Kumi Inayama, Termi Bando, Yoko Tadatsu, Koichi Okamoto, Kunio Ii, Yoshimitsu Nagao, Shigeki Sano and Hiromi Taue : A New Infrared Fluorescent-Labeling Agent and Labeled Antibody for Diagnosing Microcancers, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Vol.11, No.15, 3289-3294, 2003.
We have developed infrared fluorescent labeling agents and infrared-ray fluorescence endoscopes to establish a novel diagnostic technique. Since the fluorescence intensity of the initial labeled antibody (ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled antibody) was not sufficient for practical use, we synthesized indocyanine green acylthiazolidinethione (ICG-ATT), which was expected to label various target molecules having amino groups efficiently. To confirm imaging of infrared fluorescence intensity of ICG-ATT- and ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled anti-MUC1 antibodies, cotton thread was soaked in various concentrations of the antibody solution in 0.1M PBS, and observed under the epi-illumination infrared fluorescence microscope. Localization and the intensity of infrared fluorescence and DAB coloring was compared in paraffin sections of human gastric mucosa. In the study of cotton threads, both labeled antibodies showed relatively clear infrared fluorescence, and significant difference was not observed between the two antibodies. ICG-ATT-labeled anti-MUC1 antibody produced stronger staining than that by ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled antibody. Localization pattern of infrared fluorescent staining was in good agreement with that by the conventional method with oxidized DAB staining. ICG-ATT is useful as a fluorescent-labeling agent for diagnosis of microcancers by infrared fluorescence endoscopes.
Kansei Katoh, Masahiro Nomura, Akiko Iga, Aya Hiasa, Kohzou Uehara, Kenji Harada, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Comparison of gastric peristalsis inhibition by scopolamine butylbromide and glucagon:evaluation by electrogastrography and analysis of heart rate variability, Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.38, No.7, 629-635, 2003.
Activation of glucagon receptors of the smooth muscle membrane suppresses gastric peristalsis. We evaluated autonomic nervous activity by two methods, electrogastrography (EGG) and analysis of heart rate variability, to compare the inhibiting effects of glucagon and scopolamine butylbromide on gastric peristalsis. Heart rate variability, EGG, and blood catecholamine levels were measured before and after administration of glucagon (G group), scopolamine butylbromide (SB group), or physiological saline (C group). Autonomic nervous function was evaluated using spectral analysis of heart rate variability, and low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) power; the LF/HF ratios were also determined. After administration of scopolamine butylbromide, HF power, an index of parasympathetic nervous activity, decreased; and the LF/HF ratio, an index of sympathetic nervous activity, increased. In contrast, no significant change was observed in autonomic nervous activity after administration of glucagon. The peak power amplitudes of the EGG decreased significantly in the G and SB groups after intramuscular injection, but the difference between the groups was not significant. Furthermore, the dominant frequency increased significantly in the G and SB groups after injection. Serum catecholamine levels showed no significant changes after administration of scopolamine butylbromide or glucagon. Inhibition of gastric peristalsis by glucagon via glucagon receptors on smooth muscles did not influence autonomic nervous activity, unlike the results obtained after administration of scopolamine butylbromide. Therefore, glucagon may be safe for use with elderly patients and those with cardiopulmonary complications.
Akiko Iga, Masahiro Nomura, Yuki Sawada, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Autonomic nervous dysfunction in patients with liver cirrhosis using 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine myocardial scintigraphy and spectrum analysis of heart-rate variability, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.18, No.6, 611-752, 2003.
Kohzou Uehara, Masahiro Nomura, Yuji Ozaki, Hiroyuki Fujinaga, Hiroyuki Ikefuji, Masaru Kimura, Kazumasa Chikamori, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : High-sensitivity C-reactive protein and left ventricular remodeling in patients with acute myocardial infarction, Heart and Vessels, Vol.18, No.2, 67-74, 2003.
Inflammatory cytokines are suspected to play an important role in the pathophysiology of left ventricular (LV) remodeling. We investigated whether high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) (hs-CRP) is a predictor for LV remodeling in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) with successful reperfusion, and also whether such a situation can be avoided by the administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB). The subjects were 139 patients with an initial attack of anterior myocardial infarction successfully treated by reperfusion therapy. They were randomly divided into the following two groups: an angiotensin (AG) group (91 patients treated with ACEI/ARB) and a NON-AG group (48 patients not treated with ACEI/ARB). Levels of hs-CRP, creatine kinase, human atrial natriuretic polypeptide, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), fasting blood glucose, serum lipids, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation product, prothromloin time, and activated partial thromboplastin time were measured immediately after 1, 2, 3, and 7 days, and 1 months after the onset of AMI. ACEI or ARB administration lowered hs-CRP levels and prevented the development of LV remodeling. Peak CRP levels significantly correlated with BNP levels during the acute stage (r = +0.54, P < 0.0001), end-diastolic volume index (r = +0.78, P < 0.0001), end-systolic volume index (r = +0.36, P = 0.0405), ejection fraction (r = -0.45, P = 0.0052), left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (r = +0.61, P < 0.0001), cardiac output (r = -0.52, P = 0.0005), cardiac index (r = -0.41, P = 0.0099), and systolic pulmonary arterial pressure (r = +0.48, P = 0.0017) 1 month after the onset of AMI in the NON-AG group but not in the AG group. Logistic multivariate analysis revealed that peak CRP alone was an independent risk factor for the development of LV remodeling in the NON-AG group (odds ratio = 1.79, P = 0.002). These results suggest that hs-CRP is a useful factor for predicting LV remodeling. Furthermore, ACEI or ARB administration to AMI patients showing increased hs-CRP levels during the early stage of the disease could prevent LV remodeling.
Aged / Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors / C-Reactive Protein / Echocardiography / Female / Humans / Logistic Models / Male / Middle Aged / Multivariate Analysis / Myocardial Infarction / Predictive Value of Tests / Ventricular Remodeling
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● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 12756602
Manabu Kinoshita, Masahiro Nomura, Masafumi Harada, Shigenobu Bando, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Myocardial perfusion magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosing coronary arterial stenosis:evaluation by signal-intensity time curves, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.44, No.3, 323-334, 2003.
It has been reported that myocardial perfusion MRI is a useful method for evaluating the severity of myocardial ischemia. We evaluated whether the severity of coronary arterial stenosis could be assessed by the signal-intensity time curve (SITC) obtained by myocardial perfusion MRI.br The subjects consisted of 10 patients who showed no abnormalities on coronary angiographies (CAG) (A group), 12 with single-vessel disease of 75-90% stenosis on CAG (B group), and 15 with single-vessel disease of 90% or more stenosis (C group). After infusion of dipyridamole for 4 minutes, gadolinium-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid was administered intravenously, followed by serial acquisition of T1-weighted left ventricular short-axis MR images. These images were evaluated after dividing them into the following 3 myocardial segments: anterior wall, lateral wall, and inferior wall. Mean values of the slope of SITC (1.4 ± 0.2 vs 1.1 ± 0.2, iP /i 0.01), and increases to the peak corrected SI (ΔSI) (47.5 ± 1.9 % vs 33.7 ± 2.4%, iP/i 0.01) in normal myocardial segments were significantly greater than in ischemic segments in the C group, while there was no significant distinction between normal and ischemic segments in the B group. The mean values of time to the peak SI were not significantly different between normal and ischemic regions in the B and C groups.br The results suggest that myocardial segments exhibiting 30% decreases in both the slope and ΔSI of SITC can be diagnosed as having 90% or more severe coronary stenosis. The present study shows that visual and SITC evaluations of myocardial perfusion MR images may be useful for clinically evaluating the severity of coronary stenosis.br
Sayuri Fujimoto, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hideji Tanaka, Hirotsugu Yamada, Yoshifumi Oishi, Takeo Ishimoto, Susumu Ito, Yasuhiko Abe and Ryoichi Kanda : Novel approach to the quantitation of regional left ventricular systolic and diastolic function using tissue Doppler imaging to create a myocardial velocity profile and gradient, Circulation Journal, Vol.67, No.5, 416-422, 2003.
The myocardial velocity profile (MVP) and gradient (MVG) between the endocardium and epicardium of the left ventricular (LV) wall measured by color-coded tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) are new indices for evaluating regional LV myocardial function. However, accurate recording and measurement of the MVP is difficult using conventional methodology because of the stochastic nature of the ultrasound signal; that is, the effect of speckled noise. The aim of this study was to validate the accuracy and establish the validity of a newly developed method for measuring the MVP and MVG using 10 clinically normal controls and 10 patients with a hypertensive hypertrophied LV posterior wall. A non-isotropic, averaging algorithm was developed that was capable of obtaining a stable MVP (averaged MVP). Averaged MVP was recorded using parasternal, LV short-axis, color-coded TDI, placing regions of interest along the LV posterior wall with the reference point for angle-correction being at the center of LV contraction. The velocity from epicardium to endocardium within the region of interest was automatically angle-corrected to calculate the velocity component radially relative to the LV cavity and was spatially averaged along the circumference within the region of interest. Inter- and intraobserber variabilities of measurements were lower in the averaged MVP and MVG than in the conventional MVP and MVG. The correlation coefficients of the linear regression lines of systolic and early diastolic MVPs in the LV posterior wall were higher in all controls and hypertensive patients with the averaged method than with the conventional TDI procedures. The mean peak systolic and early diastolic MVGs were lower in the hypertensive group than in the controls. In conclusion, the newly developed averaged MVP provides a stable and reproducible index for the quantitative assessment of regional LV myocardial function.
Adult / Algorithms / Diastole / Echocardiography, Doppler, Color / Female / Heart Rate / Humans / Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular / Image Processing, Computer-Assisted / Male / Middle Aged / Prospective Studies / Regression Analysis / Reproducibility of Results / Systole / Ventricular Dysfunction, Left / Ventricular Function, Left
Takashi Yamamoto, Takashi Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, Hideji Tanaka, Tomotsugu Tabata, T Ishimoto, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Prognostic value of the atrial systolic mitral annular motion velocity in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.16, No.4, 333-339, 2003.
Transmitral flow velocity variables are powerful predictors of poor prognosis in patients with left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction. However, these variables may not accurately reflect the severity of pulmonary congestion. This study was designed to determine whether the peak atrial systolic mitral annular motion velocity (MA-Aw) measured by pulsed Doppler tissue imaging can predict cardiac death or hospitalization for worsening heart failure in patients with LV systolic dysfunction. MA-Aw was recorded in 96 patients with LV systolic dysfunction who were followed up for 29 +/- 10 months. All patients underwent Doppler echocardiography on entry into the study, and cardiac catheterization was performed in 45 patients. Patients were divided into 3 groups on the basis of the ratio of early (E) to late (A) diastolic filling (E/A) of the transmitral flow velocity: group 1 (n=31; E/A < 1); group 2 (n=37; 1 < or = E/A < 2); and group 3 (n=28; E/A > or = 2). During follow-up, 36 patients (38%) died of cardiac causes and 34 (35%) were hospitalized for worsening heart failure. There were 2 cardiac deaths (6%) in group 1, 14 (39%) in group 2, and 20 (56%) in group 3. The MA-Aw correlated closely with the mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Univariate Cox model analysis showed that MA-Aw < or = 5 cm/s was the most powerful predictor of cardiac death or hospitalization for worsening heart failure compared with clinical, hemodynamic, and the other echocardiographic variables. Furthermore, MA-Aw < or = 5 cm/s was clearly discernible as a good predictor of cardiac mortality on multivariate Cox model and as assessed by Kaplan-Meier method. The MA-Aw obtained by pulsed Doppler tissue imaging is a sensitive index of pulmonary congestion in patients with LV systolic dysfunction. It is a simple and noninvasive outcome measure and can be used to monitor treatment.
Hiroshi Inoue, Ichiro Shimizu, Guangming Lu, Mina Itonaga, Xuezhi Cui, Yoshihito Okamura, Masayuki Shono, Hirohito Honda, Satoshi Inoue, Masami Muramatsu and Susumu Ito : Idoxifene and Estradiol Enhance Antiapoptotic Activity Through Estrogen Receptor- in Cultured Rat Hepatocytes, Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol.48, No.3, 570-580, 2003.
Oxidative stress plays a causative role in the development of hepatic fibrosis and apoptosis. Estradiol (E2) is an antioxidant, and idoxifene is a tissue-specific selective estrogen-receptor modulator. We have previously demonstrated that E2 inhibits hepatic fibrosis in rat models of hepatic fibrosis and that the actions of E2 are mediated through estrogen receptors (ERs). This study reports on the antiapoptotic role of idoxifene and E2, and the functions of ER subtypes ER-alpha and ER-beta in hepatocytes undergoing oxidative stress. Lipid peroxidation was induced in cultured rat hepatocytes with ferric nitrilotriacetate solution with idoxifene or E2. Oxidative stress-induced early apoptosis was linked to its ability to inhibit not only the expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL but the production of antioxidant enzymes as well and to stimulate Bad expression. Hepatocytes possessed functional ER-beta, but not ER-alpha, to respond directly to idoxifene and E2. Idoxifene and E2 suppressed oxidative stress-induced reactive oxygen species generation and lipid peroxidation, and their antiapoptotic effects on the activation of activator protein-1 and nuclear factor-kappaB, the loss of antioxidant enzyme activity, and Bcl-2 family protein expression in early apoptotic hepatocytes were blocked by the pure ER antagonist ICI 182,780. Our results indicate that idoxifene and E2 could enhance antiapoptotic activity through ER-beta during oxidative damage in hepatocytes.
Susumu Ito, Ichiro Shimizu, 糸永 美奈, Yoshihito Okamura, 三宮 勝隆 and Hirohito Honda : 肝細胞アポトーシスにおけるエストラジオールとエストロゲン受容体βの抑制的関与, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.49, No.2, 211-213, 2003.
K Inayama, Susumu Ito, Naoki Muguruma, Yoshihiro Kusaka, T Bando, Y Tadatsu, M Tadatsu, Kunio Ii, S Shibamura and K Takesako : Basic study of an agent for reinforcement of near-infrared fluorescence on tumor tissue, Digestive and Liver Disease, Vol.35, No.2, 88-93, 2003.
An indocyanine green derivative (ICG-sulfo-OSu) and agents for reinforcement of infrared fluorescence, which can be used as an infrared fluorescent labeling substance suitable for detection of microlesions by an IR fluorescence endoscope, have been developed. The study aims were to confirm the ability of a reinforcement agent, as well as imaging processing, to intensify fluorescence from the labeled antibody on immunohistochemical staining. ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled MUC1 antibody and an IR fluorescence imaging system were employed in the present study. Paraffin sections of gastric cancer were stained with anti-MUC1 antibody by the avidin-biotinylated peroxidase complex method. Among the positive specimens, three cases were used for IR imaging analysis. Octylglucoside was used as a reinforcement agent. The incubation of paraffin sections with ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled MUC1 antibody resulted in positive staining of the tumor sites by an IR fluorescence imaging system, and the intensity of fluorescence was increased depending on the concentration of octylglucoside and grade of imaging processing. A reinforcement agent, and image processing, intensify a labeled antibody excitable by infrared fluorescence in tumor sections and can generate a strong enough fluorescent signal to detect small cancers when examined with an infrared fluorescence endoscope.
Hiroko Matsunaga, Hirohito Honda, Kenichiro Kubo, Katsutaka Sannomiya, Xuezhi Cui, Yoshio Toyota, Toshifumi Mori, Naoki Muguruma, Toshiya Okahisa, Seisuke Okamura, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : Clinical value of the determination of serum guanase activity in patients with chronic hepatitis type C, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.50, No.1-2, 64-71, 2003.
The study examines the clinical significance of guanase (GU) measurement in patients with hepatitis C. 688 patients in whom either ALT was abnormal, or in whom HBsAg or HCVAb was detected in the serum, were enrolled into this study. The percentage of cases in which normal ALT while elevated GU was compared among the different disease groups. Then, the percentage of cases with normal ALT but elevated GU was compared between HBV and HCV groups. For the entire population, a significant correlation was observed between ALT and GU (r=0.872). The overall percentage of cases with normal ALT but elevated GU activity was 11.4%. In HCV group, 449 cases had normal ALT. Of these cases, 20.3% had elevated GU, while ALT was normal. Before 1989, no test to check donated blood for HCV antibody was available. However, screening of donated blood for high GU was associated with a reduced incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis. This is probably because following the screening, blood donated by patients with hepatitis C who had normal ALT but elevated GU was rejected. After the introduction of HCV antibody measurement, GU measurement is still useful to reveal the pathophysiological condition in-patients with chronic hepatitis type C.
Alanine Transaminase / Biological Markers / Blood Donors / Comorbidity / Guanine Deaminase / Hepatitis B Surface Antigens / Hepatitis B, Chronic / Hepatitis C Antibodies / Hepatitis C, Chronic / Humans / Incidence / Japan / Mass Screening / Prospective Studies / Sensitivity and Specificity
Kenji Harada, Masahiro Nomura, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Kouzoh Uehara, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Clinical efficacy of efonidipine hydrochloride, a T-type calcium channel inhibitor, on sympathetic activities, --- Examination using spectral analysis of heat rate/blood pressure variabilities and 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine myocardial scintigraphy ---, Circulation Journal, Vol.67, No.2, 139-145, 2003.
Dihydropyridine Ca antagonists cause reflex tachycardia related to their hypotensive effects. Efonidipine hydrochloride has inhibitory effects on T-type Ca channels, even as it inhibits reflex tachycardia. In the present study, the influence of efonidipine hydrochloride on heart rate and autonomic nervous function was investigated. Using an electrocardiogram and a tonometric blood pressure measurement, autonomic nervous activity was evaluated using spectral analysis of heart rate/systolic blood pressure variability. Three protocols were used: (1) a single dose of efonidipine hydrochloride was administered orally to healthy subjects with resting heart rate values of 75 beats/min or more (high-HR group) and to healthy subjects with resting heart rate values less than 75 beats/min (low-HR group); (2) efonidipine hydrochloride was newly administered to untreated patients with essential hypertension, and autonomic nervous activity was investigated after a 4-week treatment period; and (3) patients with high heart rate values (>/=75 beats/min) who had been treated with a dihydropyridine L-type Ca channel inhibitor for 1 month or more were switched to efonidipine hydrochloride and any changes in autonomic nervous activity were investigated. In all protocols, administration of efonidipine hydrochloride decreased the heart rate in patients with a high heart rate, reduced sympathetic nervous activity, and enhanced parasympathetic nervous activity. In addition, myocardial scintigraphy with (123)I-metaiodobenzylguanidine showed significant improvement in the washout rate and H/M ratio of patients who were switched from other dihydropyridine Ca antagonists to efonidipine hydrochloride. Efonidipine hydrochloride inhibits increases in heart rate and has effects on the autonomic nervous system. It may be useful for treating hypertension and angina pectoris, and may also have a cardiac protective function.
T Omoya, I Shimizu, C Horie, DF Yao, M Itonaga, Y Okamura, H Honda and Susumu Ito : Mutations of the core gene sequence of HCV from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in China., Frontiers in Viral Hepatitis, 531-545, 2003.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Eiko Uemura, Yuko Sawa, Akiko Iga, N Kageyama, Toru Nakayama, Kanji Kusunoki, Tomohito Kawano, K Katoh, Hiroshi Okamoto, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : Effects of Benidipine Hydrochloride on Autonomic Nervous Activity in Hypertensive Patients with High- and Low-salt Diets, Arzneimittel-Forschung, Vol.53, No.5, 314-320, 2003.
The effects of benidipine hydrochloride (CAS 91559-74-5, Coniel) on autonomic nervous activity in hypertensive patients with high- and low-salt diets were investigated. Six patients having a urinary sodium excretion of 80 mEq/day or less (low salt group) and 6 patients having a urinary sodium excretion of 200 mEq/day or more (high salt group) were orally given benidipine hydrochloride (4 mg). Before and four weeks after the treatment with benidipine, 24-h circadian variation in blood pressure and 24-h Holter electrocardiogram (ECG) were recorded. The low frequency power spectrum of heart rate (LF power; 0.04-0.15 Hz), high frequency power spectrum of heart rate (HF power; 0.15-0.40 Hz), and the ratio of LF to HF (LF/HF) were calculated, and these parameters were averaged every hour in every subject. HF power was significantly lower and LF/HF ratio was significantly higher in the high-salt group than in the low-salt group before the treatment. However, the benidipine treatment significantly increased the HF power in both groups, particularly in the high-salt group, and significantly decreased the LF/HF ratio in both groups. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the antihypertensive effect of benidipine between the high- and low-salt intake groups. These results suggest that benidipine favourably influences blood pressure and autonomic nervous activity in hypertensive patients with a high-salt intake. It is concluded that benidipine may be useful for improving the development of salt-induced hypertension and its accompanying haemodynamic responses.
Miyako NIKI, Ichiro Shimizu, Takahiro HORIE, Michiyo OKAZAKI, Tatsuhiko SHIRAISHI, Hisashi TAKEUCHI, Soichiro FUJIWARA, Masahiko MURATA, Koji YAMAMOTO, Arata IUCHI, Yoshio ATAGI and Susumu Ito : Hepatic portal venous gas disappearing within 24 hours, Internal Medicine, Vol.41, No.11, 950-952, 2002.
Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG) was detected by CT in a 64-year-old woman who suddenly complained of lower abdominal pain. However, the abdominal symptoms disappeared rapidly, and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy indicated only terminal ileitis. Conservative treatment alone was performed, and HPVG completely disappeared approximately 18 hours later. The use of CT proved to be useful for following the course of HPVG.(Internal Medicine 41: 950-952, 2002)
Junko Endo, Masahiro Nomura, Satofumi Morishita, Nobutaka Uemura, Shuji Inoue, Seiichiro Kishi, Ritsuko Kawaguchi, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Influence of mosapride citrate on gastric motility and autonomic nervous function:evaluation by spectral analyses of heart rate and blood pressure variabilities,and by electrogastrography, Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.37, No.11, 888-895, 2002.
Mosapride citrate selectively acts on serotonin (5-HT(4)) receptors, thus accelerating gastrointestinal motility via acetylcholine. However, few studies have evaluated the influence of mosapride citrate on autonomic nervous activity and hemodynamics. The changes in autonomic nervous activity, QT interval, and QT dispersion resulting from the administration of mosapride citrate were studied. Blood pressure, electrocardiograms (ECGs), percutaneous electrogastrograms (EGGs), and ultrasonography were recorded in 20 healthy adult volunteers before and after mosapride citrate (10 mg) was administered. Autonomic nervous activity was evaluated by spectral analyses of heart rate and blood pressure variabilities. Serial changes in low-frequency components (LF, 0.04-0.15 Hz), high-frequency components (HF, 0.15-0.40 Hz), and the LF/HF ratio were investigated. The mean peak power of EGG increased significantly, from 86 +/- 34 microV to 131 +/- 49 microV, after the administration of mosapride citrate (P < 0.05). Gastric emptying significantly increased after the administration of mosapride citrate (P < 0.05). However, neither blood pressure nor heart rate changed significantly after the drug was administrated. In addition, spectral analyses of heart rate and blood pressure variabilities showed no significant changes in autonomic nervous activity parameters, QT intervals, or QT dispersions. Mosapride citrate increased gastric motility and emptying without influencing autonomic nervous activity, suggesting that it may be very useful for elderly patients or patients with autonomic imbalance.
Yoshio Toyota, Hirohito Honda, Toshihiro Omoya, Kumi Inayama, Masaharu Suzuki, Kenichiro Kubo, Masahiko Nakasono, Naoki Muguruma, Seisuke Okamura, Ichiro Shimizu, Kunio Ii and Susumu Ito : Usefulness of a hemoglobin index determined by electronic endoscopy in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori gastritis, Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.14, No.4, 156-162, 2002.
Takuzi Tada, Takashi Oki, Miho Abe, Masako Matsuoka, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, T Yamamoto, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : The role of short- and long-axis function in determining late diastolic left ventricular filling in patients with hypertension: Assessment by pulsed Doppler tissue imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.15, No.10 Supplement, 1211-1217, 2002.
Left ventricular (LV) wall motion velocity during atrial systole is mediated by both transmitral flow and LV myocardial compliance at end-diastole. LV wall distensibility along the long- and short-axis during atrial systole and late diastolic LV filling may vary according to the remodeling of LV morphology. We measured LV wall motion velocities along the long and short axes using pulsed Doppler tissue imaging in 127 patients with hypertension to evaluate the relationship between the hemodynamic changes and LV morphology and to determine the role of both long- and short-axis function in late diastolic LV filling. Participants were classified into 3 groups according to LV dimension and end-diastolic wall thickness determined by M-mode echocardiography: group A (n = 62) without LV dilation or hypertrophy, group B (n = 55) with LV hypertrophy, and group C (n = 10) with LV dilation and systolic dysfunction. The time constant of the LV pressure decay during isovolumic diastole and the LV end-diastolic pressure were longest and greatest, respectively, in group C, compared with groups B and A. There were no significant differences in active left atrial emptying volume during atrial contraction determined by computerized echocardiographic 3-dimensional reconstruction among patient and control groups. The peak atrial systolic motion velocity of the LV posterior wall along the long axis was significantly lower in groups B and C, particularly in the latter group, than in group A. The peak atrial systolic motion velocity of the LV posterior wall along the short axis was greatest in group B and was lowest in group C compared with the other groups, respectively. The peak atrial systolic motion velocity of the LV posterior wall was greater along the long axis than the short axis in group A, but was less than the short axis in group B. In conclusion, the long- and short-axis function of the LV wall during atrial systole varies in patients with hypertension according to the severity of hemodynamic and morphologic abnormalities. The degree of LV wall expansion along the short axis is an important factor resulting from the atrial kick, and a determinant of its effectiveness.
Yoshie Ochi, Masahiro Nomura, Seisuke Okamura, Mitsuyasu Yano, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Changes in autonomic nervous activity during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography:a possible factor in cardiac complications., Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.17, No.9, 1021-1029, 2002.
The changes of autonomic nervous activity during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) are closely related to the development of cardiovascular complications, such as arrhythmias and acute coronary syndrome. In the present study, the correlation between changes in hemodynamics and autonomic nervous activity during ERCP procedures was evaluated by analyzing heart rate variability and blood catecholamine levels. Twenty-three patients who underwent ERCP (ERCP group) and 15 control subjects who were only premedicated (C group) were studied. Ambulant ECG, blood pressure, arterial oxygen saturation, and blood level of catecholamine were measured. Autonomic nervous function was assessed by analyzing the spectral analysis and 1/f fluctuation. The low frequency power (LF power; 0.04-0.15 Hz), high frequency power (HF power; 0.15-0.40 Hz, indicator of parasymapathetic tone), the ratio of LF power to HF power (LF/HF ratio, indicator of sympathetic tone), and 1/f fluctuation (indicator of pleasant mood) were calculated. Blood pressure and heart rate were increased and arterial oxygen saturation was decreased in the ERCP group during the endoscopic procedure. Changes in the parameters of autonomic nervous function (LF power, HF power, LF/HF ratio, and 1/f fluctuation) were significantly greater in the ERCP group than in the C group, especially during cholangiography. Moreover, blood levels of catecholamines were significantly increased during the ERCP procedure. In the C group, however, blood levels of catecholamines did not significantly change except directly after premedication. Autonomic nervous activity varied greatly during cholangiography, demonstrating that ERCP has more than a little influence on the cardiovascular system. The results of the present study indicated that attention should be focused on changes in hemodynamics in patients with cardiovascular complications by monitoring the aforementioned hemodynamic parameters during ERCP.
曽我部 正弘, 福野 天, 大喜田 義雄, 里見 建裕, 林 広茂, 谷木 利勝, Seisuke Okamura, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : A case of hemorrhagic cholecystitis during anticoagulant therapy, following surgery of aortic valve replacement, mitral valve plasty and tricuspid valve plasty, The Japanese Journal of Gastro-enterology, Vol.99, No.8, 974-979, 2002.
N. Uemura, Masahiro Nomura, S. Inoue, J. Endo, S. Kishi, Ken Saito, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Changes in Hemodynamics and Autonomic Nervous Activity in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy:Differences Between the Pneumo-Peritoneum and Abdominal Wall-Lifting Method, Endoscopy, Vol.34, No.8, 643-650, 2002.
Intraoperative changes in circulatory hemodynamics and autonomic nervous activity were evaluated in 33 patients with cholelithiasis who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Of these patients, 18 were treated using a pneumoperitoneum (group G) and 15 using the abdominal wall-lifting method (group WL). Their ECG, blood pressure, arterial oxygen saturation, and expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure were monitored. Autonomic nervous function was evaluated by spectral analysis of the heart rate. Mean blood pressure increased significantly in group G during surgery, but did not vary in group WL during any stage of surgery. The high-frequency (HF) power, an index of parasympathetic activity, decreased significantly in group G after pneumoperitoneum. However, the HF power did not decrease significantly in group WL. The LF/HF ratio, an index of sympathetic activity, increased significantly in group G after pneumoperitoneum, but did not vary in group WL. In addition, the incidence of ventricular or supraventricular arrhythmias and the severity of the arrhythmias as determined by Lown's classification were higher in group G than in group WL. These findings suggest that intraoperative changes in autonomic nervous activity, due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, were smaller in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy using the abdominal wall-lifting method than in those undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy using pneumoperitoneum. The results also demonstrated that hemodynamic changes were smaller in patients undergoing the abdominal wall-lifting method than in those undergoing pneumoperitoneum. It was concluded that hemodynamics should be carefully monitored during pneumoperitoneum, and that the abdominal wall-lifting approach in laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a method worthy of consideration for elderly patients or those with cardiopulmonary complications.
Abdominal Muscles / Aged / Aged, 80 and over / Autonomic Nervous System / blood pressure / Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic / Cholelithiasis / female / Humans / Intraoperative Period / male / Middle Aged / Pneumoperitoneum, Artificial
Guangming Lu, Ichiro Shimizu, Xuezhi Cui, Mina Itonaga, Katsuyoshi Tamaki, Hiroshi Fukuno, Hiroshi Inoue, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : Interferon-α enhances biological defense activities against oxidative stress in cultured rat hepa-tocytes and hepatic stellate cells, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.49, No.3-4, 172-181, 2002.
Oxidative stress has been implicated as a cause of hepatic fibrosis, and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), which are the most important collagen-producing cell types, have been reported to be activated by lipid peroxidation products. Antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) provide a defense system that plays a critical role in protecting the cell from free radical damage, particularly lipid peroxidation. To elucidate the antioxidant activity of interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha), the effects of IFN-alpha on rat hepatocytes undergoing oxidative stress and HSCs in primary culture as well as isolated rat liver mitochondria were examined. IFN-alpha was observed to dose-dependently increase the immunoreactive protein levels of copper, zinc-and manganese-dependent SOD as well as the enzyme activities of GPx, and decrease the lipid peroxidation product levels and oxidative burst both in stressed hepatocytes and activated HSCs; GPx activities, however, were not detected in the latter cells. IFN-alpha also inhibited HSC activation and lipid peroxidation in liver mitochondria. These findings suggest that IFN-alpha may enhance biological defense activities against oxidative stress and function as a potent fibrosuppressant by protecting hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells from lipid peroxidation in vivo.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 110651, PubMed: 12323007)
Masako Kamamura, Hirohito Honda, Hiroshi Inoue, Hirohiko Shinomiya, Kenichiro Kobo, Akemi Tsutsui, Naoki Muguruma, Hiroshi Shibata, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : Study of causes of higher mortality rates from chronic liver diseases in Tokushima Prefecture, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.49, No.3-4, 163-171, 2002.
Mortality rates from chronic liver diseases (CLD) such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma have been reported to be higher in Tokushima prefecture, although its causes remain unclear. To clarify the causes of CLD in Tokushima prefecture, we evaluated the positive rates of HBs antigen and anti-HCV antibody and the mortality rates from CLD in patients with liver diseases and blood donors after dividing the entire Tokushima prefecture into 8 district boundaries of health centers. In addition, to evaluate the causes of the higher frequency of CLD and the relationship between the development of CLD and viruses, medical examinations were performed in 2 mountain villages in Tokushima prefecture where the drift of population was limited and the mortality rates from CLD differed from each other. As a result, it was found that HCV infection was the major cause of the higher mortality rates from CLD in Tokushima prefecture. Although there were marked regional differences in the mortality rates from CLD, they were mainly due to different rates of HCV infection.
Adult / Aged / Blood Donors / Carcinoma, Hepatocellular / Chronic Disease / Female / Hepatitis B Antibodies / Hepatitis B Surface Antigens / Hepatitis B, Chronic / Hepatitis C Antibodies / Hepatitis C, Chronic / Humans / Japan / Liver Cirrhosis / Liver Diseases / Liver Function Tests / Liver Neoplasms / Male / Middle Aged / Population Dynamics / Rural Population / Seroepidemiologic Studies
(Link to Search Site for Scientific Articles)
● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 12323006
Yutaka Nakaya, Nagakatsu Harada, Sae Kakui, Kazuko Okada, Akira Takahashi, Junnya Inoi and Susumu Ito : Severe catabolic state after prolonged fasting in cirrhotic patients: effect of oral branched-chain amino-acid-enriched nutrient mixture, Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.37, No.7, 531-536, 2002.
Cirrhotic patients frequently undergo various medical procedures, such as diagnostic gastrointestinal endoscopy, without taking breakfast. The aim of the present study was to clarify the effect of longer fasting (> 12 h) on energy metabolism, and to test whether supplementation of an oral branched-chain amino-acid-enriched nutrient mixture (BCAA mixture), which contains various nutrients in addition to BCAA, could improve the catabolic state. Metabolic measurement was performed in 30 cirrhotic patients and 13 normal subjects, using indirect calorimetry. Compared with that in the normal subjects, the respiratory quotient (RQ) was significantly lower after an overnight fast in the cirrhotic patients, indicating accelerated fat oxidation and a catabolic state. In addition, RQ in cirrhotic patients (n = 7) decreased rapidly with longer fasting, whereas that in the normal subjects (n = 5) showed relatively stable values. These results indicate that special care should be taken with medical procedures that are carried out in patients who have fasted. The effect of oral glucose, a carbohydrate-rich snack (rice ball), and the BCAA mixture (each, 210 kcal) on RQ was studied in 6 normal subjects and 6 patients with liver cirrhosis after an overnight fast. Supplementation of the carbohydrate-rich snack and the BCAA mixture (210 kcal each) elevated RQ and blood glucose levels to a similar degree in the cirrhotic patients. Oral administration of glucose (210 kcal) led to significantly greater elevation of blood glucose levels than the other snacks, which may be unfavorable for cirrhotic patients, who frequently have glucose intolerance. In the 30 cirrhotic patients, supplementation with the BCAA mixture in the late evening significantly improved RQ in the early morning. Carbohydrate-rich meals are used as a late evening snack in cirrhotic patients, but our study indicates that supplementation with a BCAA mixture can also be used to reduce fat oxidation in the early morning, with results similar to those with carbohydrate-rich snacks.
Terumi Bando, Naoki Muguruma, Susumu Ito, Yoko Musashi, Kumi Inayama, Yoshihiro Kusaka, Masaya Tadatsu, Kunio Ii, Tatsuro Irimura, Seiichi Shibamura and Kazuhiro Takesako : Basic studies on a labeled anti-mucin antibody detectable by infrared-fluorescence endoscopy, Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.37, No.4, 260-269, 2002.
We developed a fluorescent dye, indocyanine green (ICG)-sulfo-OSu, which was excited by infrared rays and conjugated to various antibodies. We attempted to clarify the staining patterns of antisulfomucin and anti-MUC1 antibodies in gastrointestinal cancer. We then evaluated the potential of the dye as a fluorescent label for antibodies specific to cancer, to be used as a diagnostic method for microcancer, with infrared fluorescence endoscopy. Paraffin sections of samples collected from 10 patients with esophageal cancer, 30 patients with gastric cancer, and 20 patients with colorectal cancer were immunohistologically stained using an anti-sulfomucin antibody and an anti-MUC1 antibody, and the staining patterns were examined. If a section had a high staining intensity, it was reacted with the ICG-suflo-OSu-labeled antibody and evaluated with infrared fluorescence imaging. The staining patterns with the antibodies varied depending on the organs and the histological types and depth of the cancers, but the staining was generally good and the staining on the mucosal surface of cancer tissues was retained. Good images of cancer cells could be obtained by infrared fluorescence observation using the ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled anti-MUC1 antibody. The anti-MUC1 antibody stained gastrointestinal cancer cells well, and nearly specific infrared fluorescence in cancer tissues was observed using the labeled anti-MUC1 antibody. The ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled anti-MUC1 antibody has possible usefulness for the screening of cancer via infrared fluorescence endoscopy.
K Katoh, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Akiko Iga, Tomomi Nada, Aya Hiasa, Y Ochi, R Kawaguchi, N Uemura, Hirohito Honda, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : Autonomic nervous activity before and after eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients with chronic duodenal ulcer, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Vol.16, No.Suppl.2, 180-186, 2002.
Helicobacter pylori infection is involved in the formation of chronic peptic ulcer. However, a previously reported hypothesis concerning the involvement of central autonomic nervous disorder in this condition cannot be ruled out. To use spectrum analysis of heart rate viability to examine autonomic nervous activity before and after H. pylori eradication. Twenty patients with chronic duodenal ulcer (duodenal ulcer group) and 20 age-matched normal adults (N group). In both groups, 24-h Holter electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded and spectrum analysis of heartrate variability was performed. In the duodenal ulcer group, Holter ECG was recorded before and after H. pylori eradication. In the N group, analysis of heart rate variability showed that high frequency (HF) power, an index of parasympathetic activity, was high at night, while the low frequency (LF)/HF ratio, an index of sympathetic function, was high during the daytime. In the duodenal ulcer group, HF power was higher at night than during the daytime, showing a similar pattern to the N group, but the power value was higher than in the N group (P < 0.05). In the duodenal ulcer group, LF/HF at night was significantly higher than that of the N group. In addition, in the duodenal ulcer group, autonomic activity after H. pylori eradication did not differ significantly from that before H. pylori eradication. In patients with chronic peptic ulcer, both sympatheticotonia and parasympatheticotonia may occur at night, and this abnormality in autonomic nervous activity may cause increased gastric acid secretion and gastric mucosal vasoconstriction. Abnormalities in autonomic activity persist even after H. pylori eradication, suggesting that they may be an independent risk factor in the formation of chronic peptic ulcer in addition to H. pylori infection.
Masako Matsuoka, Takashi Oki, Yuichiro Mishiro, Hirotsugu Yamada, Tomotsugu Tabata, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Early systolic mitral annular motion velocities responses to dobutamine infusion predict myocardial viability in patients with previous myocardial infarction., American Heart Journal, Vol.143, No.3, 552-558, 2002.
This study was undertaken for the determination of the correlation between myocardial viability and regional systolic mitral annular motion velocity (MAV) response to dobutamine stress in patients with previous myocardial infarction (MI) with pulsed tissue Doppler scan imaging. The study included 45 patients (mean age, 65 +/- 12 years) with previous MI with 1 major coronary lesion and 30 healthy individuals (mean age, 61 +/- 14 years). 99mTc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile scintigraphy was performed to divide the patients into 2 groups: the viability (+) group (n = 25) and the viability (-) group (n = 20). Dobutamine was infused (at 2, 5, 10, and 20 microg/kg/min), and the peak first and second systolic MAVs (Sw1 and Sw2, respectively) were measured at the level of the mitral annulus corresponding to the infarct regions in the MI group and to the 6 mitral annular sites in the control group. In addition, the left ventricular wall motion score index (WMSI) was determined with 2-dimensional echocardiography. At baseline, the WMSI was significantly greater and the mean Sw1 and Sw2 were significantly lower in both the viability (+) and (-) groups than in the control group, but there were no significant differences between the viability (+) and (-) groups. After dobutamine infusion, the WMSI improved only in the viability (+) group. The mean Sw1 and Sw2 increased significantly with 2 microg/kg/min and 5 microg/kg/min of dobutamine, respectively, in the viability (+) group. With an increase in Sw1 of 2.0 cm/s or more with 5 microg/kg/min of dobutamine, viable myocardium was detected, with a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 90%. There were no significant increases in Sw1 or Sw2 in the viability (-) group with dobutamine infusion. Viable left ventricular myocardium is identified with peak early systolic MAV during dobutamine infusion.
Yan Liu, Ichiro Shimizu, Toshihiro Omoya, Susumu Ito, Xiao-Song Gu and Ji Zuo : Protective effect of estradiol on hepatocytic oxidative damage., World Journal of Gastroenterology : WJG, Vol.8, No.2, 363-366, 2002.
To examine the protective effect of estradiol on the cultured hepatocytes under oxidative stress. Hepatocytes of rat were isolated by using perfusion method, and oxidative stress was induced by a serum-free medium and FeNTA. MDA level was determined with TBA method. Cell damage was assessed by LDH assay. Apoptosis of hepatocytes was assessed with cytoflowmetric analysis. Expression of Bcl-xl in cultured hepatocytes was detected by Western blot. The radical-scavenging activity of estradiol was valued by its ability to scavenge the stable free radical of DDPH. Oxidative stress increased LDH from 168 +/- 25 x 10(-6)IU.cell(-1) to 780 +/- 62 x 10(-6)IU.cell(-1) and MDA(from 0.28 +/- 0.07 x 10(-6)nmol.cell(-1) to 1.35 +/- 0.12 x 10(-6)nmol.cell(-1)) levels in cultured hepatocyte, and estradiol inhibited both LDH and MDA production in a dose dependent manner. In the presence of estradiol 10(-6)mol.L(-1), 10( -7 )mol.L(-1) and 10(-8)mol.L(-1),the LDH levels are 410 +/- 53 x 10(-6)IU.cell(-1) (P<0.01 vs oxidative group), 530 +/- 37 X 10(-6)IU.cell(-1 ) (P<0.01 vs oxidative group), 687+/-42 x 10(-6)IU.cell(-1) (P<0.05 vs oxidative group) respectively, and the MDA level are 0.71+/-0.12 x 10(-6)nmol.cell(-1) (P<0.01 vs oxidative group),0.97+/-0.11 x 10(-6)nmol.cell(-1 )(P<0.01 vs oxidative group) and 1.27+/-0.19 x 10(-6)nmol.cell(-1) respectively. Estradiol suppressed apoptosis of hepatocytes induced by oxidative stress, administration of estradiol(10(-6)mol/L)decreased the apoptotic rate of hepatocytes under oxidative stress from 18.6 +/- 1.2% to 6.5 +/-2.5%, P<0.01. Bcl-xl expression was related to the degree of liver cell damage due to oxidative stress, and estradiol showed a protective action. Estradiol protects hepatocytes from oxidative damage by means of its antioxidant activity.
K Katoh, Masahiro Nomura, yutaka Nakaya, Akiko Iga, Tomomi Nada, Aya Hiasa, Yoshie Ochi, Ritsuko Kawaguchi, N Uemura, Hirohito Honda, Susumu Ito and Ichiro Shimizu : Autonomic nervous activity before and after eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients with chronic duodenal ulcer., Aliment Pharmacol Ther, Vol.16, No.1, 71-77, 2002.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Hitoshi Miyajima, H Nada, Yoshie Ochi, Ritsuko Kawaguchi, S Morishita, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Hiroshi Shibata, Hirohito Honda, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : Detection of myocardial damage caused by hepatitis C virus using signal averaged electrocardiogram and I-BMIPP myocardial scintigraphy, Journal of Electrocardiology, Vol.30, 379-383, 2002.
S Ichikawa, Seisuke Okamura, K Tujigami, Y Kusaka, M Tadatsu, Y Okita, A Tsutsui, Naoki Muguruma, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Shibata, Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito and K Umino : Quantitative Analysis of Red Color Sign in the Endoscopic Evaluation of Esophageal Varices, Endoscopy, Vol.33, No.9, 747-753, 2001.
Bleeding due to esophageal variceal rupture is associated with an extremely high mortality rate. Variceal bleeding is frequent in patients who have a red color sign on endoscopy. However, the red color sign is subjectively evaluated on the basis of color tone and the shape of the varices. To allow standardization and facilitate consensus, an objective method of assessing the red color sign is needed. In this study, a system was established for quantifying the red color sign during endoscopic evaluation. Between July 1995 and February 1997, 55 untreated patients with portal hypertension and esophageal varices identified on upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were enrolled in the study. Images obtained about 5 cm oral to the esophagogastric junction during endoscopy were stored on magnetic optical disks using an endoscopic image processor. The still images were transmitted to a computer and analyzed using computer software. The RGB components (R, red; G, green; B, blue) were measured at points showing flare consistent with the red color sign. The endoscopic assessment was based on the Japanese Research Society for Portal Hypertension's general rules for recording endoscopic findings in esophagogastric varices. The ratio of the red color area to the variceal area increased with increasing red color grade. There were significant positive correlations between the R and G, and G and B components. This suggests that comparing the R components alone would allow assessment of the color differences in the red color area and in the varices. The R value was significantly higher in the red color area (115 +/- 20) than in the varices (57 +/- 19). An R value of 90 was found at the boundary between the two parts (P < 0.001). The red color area can be automatically calculated and quantified using the analysis program. Improvements in data storage methods may allow real-time evaluation during endoscopy in the future.
Aged / Color / Endoscopy, Digestive System / Esophageal and Gastric Varices / Female / Follow-Up Studies / Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage / Humans / Hypertension, Portal / Japan / Liver Cirrhosis / Male / Middle Aged
Ichiro Shimizu, Hiroshi Inoue, Mitsuyasu Yano, Hirohiko Shinomiya, Satoshi Wada, Yasuhiro Tsuji, Akemi Tsutsui, Seisuke Okamura, Hiroshi Shibata and Susumu Ito : Estrogen receptor levels and lipid peroxidation in hepatocellular carcinoma with hepatitis C virus infection, Liver, Vol.21, No.5, 342-349, 2001.
Yajun Zhou, Ichiro Shimizu, Guangming Lu, Mina Itonaga, Yoshihito Okamura, Masayuki Shono, Hirohito Honda, Shuji Inoue, Masami Muramatsu and Susumu Ito : Hepatic Stellate Cells Contain the Functional Estrogen Receptor β but Not the Estrogen Receptor α in Male and Female Rats, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.286, No.5, 1059-1065, 2001.
In an earlier study, we showed that estradiol (E2) inhibits proliferation and transformation in cultured rat hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and that the actions of E2 are mediated through estrogen receptors (ERs). This study reports on an investigation of the cellular localization of ER subtypes ERalpha and ERbeta using immunohistochemistry in experimental fibrotic liver rats and of each ER subtype expression in cultured rat HSCs by evaluating the produced mRNA and protein. The results indicate that high levels of ERbeta expression and low or no levels of ERalpha expression were observed in normal and fibrotic livers and in quiescent and activated HSCs from both males and females. The specificity of E2-mediated antiapoptotic induction through the ERbeta was shown by dose-dependent inhibition by the pure ER antagonist ICI 182,780 in HSCs which were undergoing early apoptosis. These findings demonstrate for the first time that rat HSCs possess functional Erbeta, but not Eralpha, to respond directly to E2 exposure.
N Muguruma, S Okamura, S Ichikawa, K Tsujigami, M Suzuki, M Tadatsu, Y kusaka, Y Okita, M Yano and Susumu Ito : Endoscopic Sonography in the Diagnosis of Gallbladder Wall Lesions in Patients with Gallstones, Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, Vol.29, No.7, 395-400, 2001.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of endoscopic sonography (EUS) in the detection of gallbladder wall lesions in patients with and without gallstones. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records, sonograms, and sonographic reports of 62 patients who underwent cholecystectomy for gallbladder wall lesions evaluated by EUS. We assessed the accuracy of EUS in diagnosing gallbladder wall lesions in the presence or absence of gallstones and on the basis of the size and number of stones and the size of the gallbladder wall lesions. We also evaluated the effect of acoustic shadowing. The EUS results were compared with the histopathologic results. EUS correctly diagnosed the gallbladder wall lesions in 17 (71%) of 24 patients with gallstones and in 34 (89%) of 38 patients without gallstones. The diagnostic accuracy of EUS was 86% in patients with gallbladder wall lesions smaller than 20 mm and 79% in patients with gallbladder wall lesions 20 mm or larger. The diagnostic accuracy was 75% in patients with gallstones smaller than 5 mm and 67% in patients with stones 5 mm or larger. The accuracy was 67% in patients with 1-5 stones and 83% in patients with 6 or more stones. None of these differences was statistically significant. Acoustic shadowing did not affect the diagnostic accuracy of EUS. The diagnostic accuracy of EUS for gallbladder wall lesions is not affected by the presence of gallstones. However, better diagnostic criteria must be established based on larger studies, and technical refinements of the equipment are needed to increase the accuracy of EUS in the diagnosis of gallbladder wall lesions.
福田 直子, 相良 安信, 三好 宏和, 鎌村 真子, 岸 清一郎 and Susumu Ito : Results of Mass Screening Programs of Colorectal Cancer and Investigation of clinicopathological features of screen-detected cancers, Journal of Gastroenterological Mass Survey, Vol.39, No.4, 318-322, 2001.
福田 直子, 相良 安信, 三好 宏和, 鎌村 真子, 岸 清一郎 and Susumu Ito : Values of Fecal Hemoglobin in Screen-detected Colorectal Cancer Cases., Journal of Gastroenterological Mass Survey, Vol.39, No.4, 303-306, 2001.
Hitoshi Miyajima, Masahiro Nomura, Naoki Muguruma, Toshiya Okahisa, Seisuke Okamura, Hirohito Honda, Ichiro Shimizu, Masafumi Harada, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Relationship among gastric motility,autonomic activity,and portal hemodynamics in patients with liver cirrhosis, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.16, No.6, 647-659, 2001.
We examined the effects of the autonomic nervous function and the volume of portal blood flow to clarify the mechanism of the abnormal gastric motility in patients with liver cirrhosis. Heart rate variability, electrogastrogram (EGG), and volume of portal blood flow were measured before and after a meal in 27 patients with liver cirrhosis (LC group) and in 20 normal subjects (N group). Autonomic nervous function was evaluated by using spectral analysis of heart rate variability. We used the cine phase-contrast (PC) method, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure the portal flow, while the peak frequency and spectral power of the EGG were measured at pre- and postprandial change. The ratio of low frequency power to high frequency power (LF/HF) was significantly higher, and the HF power was significantly lower in the LC group than in the N group both before and after a meal. In both groups, the electrogastrographic peak power ratio before and after a meal showed a positive correlation with the HF ratio, and an inverse correlation with the LF/HF ratio. In addition, portal blood flow volume was significantly decreased in the LC group than in the N group. However, the increased rate of portal blood flow after a meal correlated positively with the increased rate of electrogastrographic peak power. Moreover, gastric motility was positively correlated with esophageal varices and coma scale with the use of multivariate analysis. Parasympathetic hypofunction, sympathetic hyperfunction and portal hemodynamics were closely related with gastric motility in cirrhotic patients. In addition, gastric motility was decreased, at least in part, by the ingestion of food in cirrhotic patients because of abnormalities in autonomic functions and portal blood flow following a meal.
Aged / Autonomic Nervous System / Electrophysiology / Female / Gastrointestinal Motility / Heart Rate / Hemodynamics / Humans / Liver Cirrhosis / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Male / Middle Aged / Portal System
Toshihiro Omoya, Ichiro Shimizu, Yajun Zhou, Yoshihito Okamura, Hiroshi Inoue, Guangming Lu, Mina Itonaga, Hirohito Honda, Masahiro Nomura and Susumu Ito : Effects of idoxifene and estradiol on NF-kB activation in cultured rat hepatocytes undergoing oxidative stress, Liver, Vol.21, No.3, 183-191, 2001.
Idoxifene is a tissue-specific selective estrogen receptor modulator. Estradiol is a potent endogenous antioxidant, and nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) is a key transcription factor that induces multiple genes in response to inflammation or oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to explore the inhibitory effects of idoxifene and estradiol on NF-kappaB activation in hepatocytes in a state of oxidative stress. Lipid peroxidation was induced in cultured rat hepatocytes by incubation with ferric nitrilotriacetate solution. NF-kappaB activity was evaluated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The oxidative stress-induced activation of NF-kappaB and degradation of IkappaB-alpha were maximal at 3-5 h, with an increase in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) secretion into the culture medium. Treatment with idoxifene and estradiol inhibited IkappaB-alpha degradation and NF-kappaB activation through the attenuation of hepatocyte oxidative bursts and decreased extracellular levels of LDH and MDA. In addition, idoxifene and estradiol inhibited lipid peroxidation in rat liver mitochondria. A potent NF-kappaB inhibitor, pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, prevented NF-kappaB activation by inhibition of IkappaB-alpha degradation and decreased LDH and MDA levels, suggesting that NF-kappaB might be a regulator in a genetic response to increase oxidative stress-induced hepatic injury. These findings suggest that idoxifene and estradiol function as antioxidants and protect hepatocytes from inflammatory cell injury.
Animals / Antioxidants / Blotting, Western / Cells, Cultured / Culture Media / Dose-Response Relationship, Drug / Estradiol / Estrogen Antagonists / Hepatocytes / L-Lactate Dehydrogenase / Lipid Peroxidation / Male / Malondialdehyde / Microscopy, Confocal / Mitochondria, Liver / NF-kappa B / Oxidative Stress / Pyrrolidines / Rats / Rats, Wistar / Tamoxifen / Thiocarbamates / Time Factors
Yukiko Onose, Takashi Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Masako Matsuoka, Takashi Yamamoto, Tomotsugu Tabata, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Effect of cilnidipine on left ventricular diastolic function in hypertensive patients as assessed by pulsed Doppler echocardiography and pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Japanese Circulation Journal, Vol.65, No.4, 305-309, 2001.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the mechanisms of improvement in left ventricular (LV) diastolic function in hypertensive patients treated with cilnidipine, a new and unique calcium antagonist that has both L-type and N-type voltage-dependent calcium channel blocking actions, using pulsed Doppler echocardiography and pulsed tissue Doppler imaging. The study comprised 35 untreated patients with essential hypertension (19 men and 16 women; mean age 65+/-10 years). The peak early diastolic and atrial systolic transmitral flow velocities (E and A, respectively) and their ratio (E/A), and the peak early diastolic and atrial systolic motion velocities (Ew and Aw, respectively) of the LV posterior wall and their ratio (Ew/Aw) were determined in all patients before and after 1, 3 and 6 months on cilnidipine (10 mg/day). One month: Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly decreased. E and E/A were significantly increased, whereas there were no significant changes in Ew and Ew/Aw. Three months: Ew and Ew/Aw were significantly increased compared to those before and 1 month after cilnidipine. Six months: E and E/A were significantly increased compared with before and 3 months after cilnidipine, and Ew and Ew/Aw were significantly increased compared with before cilnidipine. Moreover, the LV mass index was significantly decreased compared to that before cilnidipine. In summary, changes in LV diastolic performance in patients with essential hypertension following cilnidipine treatment were biphasic with an initial increase in early diastolic transmitral flow velocity and a later increase in early diastolic LV wall motion velocity. The initial and later changes can be related to an acute change in afterload and a later improvement in LV relaxation.
Satofumi Morishita, Yuki Kondo, Masahiro Nomura, Hitoshi Miyajima, Tomomi Nada, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Imparied retension of technetium-99m tetrofosmin in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy., The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol.87, No.6, 743-747, 2001.
Ichiro Shimizu, Toshihiro Omoya, Tukasa Takaoka, Satoshi Wada, Hisanori Wada, Masayo Taoka, Hideki Hayashi, Shigehito Hayashi, Hirohito Honda, Nobuya Sano and Susumu Ito : Serum amino-terminal propeptide of type α procollagen and 7S domain of type β collagen correlate with hepatic iron concentration in patients with chronic hepatitis C following α-interferon therapy, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.16, No.2, 196-201, 2001.
It has been reported that chronic infection with hepatitis C virus is associated with excess iron deposits in the liver of subjects who are neither alcoholics nor recipients of blood transfusions. However, little is known about the relationship between hepatic iron concentration (HIC) and the serum levels of hepatic fibrogenesis markers, which were caused by interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis C. Therefore, changes in the serum amino-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen (P-III-P) and the 7S domain of type IV collagen (7S-IV) in 16 patients treated with alpha-interferon (IFN-alpha) were studied, and their HIC and histological assessment evaluated. Hepatic iron concentrations were measured by using liver biopsy specimens obtained before and 6 months after the cessation of treatment. Eight subjects (50%) who had normal alanine transaminase levels at 6 months after therapy showed significantly lowered HIC, and attenuated hepatic iron staining with decreased serum levels of P-III-P and 7S-IV compared to the remaining subjects. The HIC was significantly correlated with the serum levels of P-III-P and 7S-IV in all subjects. These findings suggest that IFN-alpha treatment may decrease stimuli for fibrogenesis, at least in part, by reducing the hepatic iron deposition in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Ichiro Shimizu, Toshihiro Omoya, Yuki Kondo, Kusaka Yoshihiro, Tsutsui Akemi, Hiroshi Shibata, Hirohito Honda, Nobuya Sano and Susumu Ito : Estrogen therapy in a male patient with chronic hepatitis C and irradiation-induced testicular dysfunction, Internal Medicine, Vol.40, No.2, 100-104, 2001.
We report an 18-year-old male patient who developed chronic hepatitis C after blood transfusion and had testicular dysfunction after irradiation for a testicular relapse of childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia after cessation of maintenance therapy, and the initiation of testosterone replacement therapy at puberty. Concomitant administration of estradiol resulted in a reduction in serum alanine aminotransferase and ferritin levels and hepatic iron concentration and staining after 2 years of estrogen therapy, although interferon therapy was withdrawn because of adverse effects. This observation suggests that endogenous estradiol may play a beneficial role in male patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Naoki Muguruma, Seisuke Okamura, Soichi Ichikawa, Koji Tsujigami, Suzuki Masaharu, Masahiko Nakasono, Yoshihiro Kusaka, Masaya Tadatsu, Yoshio Okita and Susumu Ito : Asymptomatic case of congenital absence of the gallbladder, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.48, No.1-2, 118-121, 2001.
Congenital absence of the gallbladder is rare among biliary abnormalities, and its preoperative diagnosis has been considered very difficult. We encountered a patient with congenital absence of the gallbladder and suggest a possible preoperative diagnosis of the abnormality, as well as reviewing the literature.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 29036, PubMed: 11286013)
Susumu Ito, Naoki Muguruma, Yoshiko Kusaka, Masaya Tadatsu, Mikio Yano, Terumi Bando, Hirohito Honda, Ichiro Shimizu and Kunio Ii : Detection of human gastric cancer of resected specimens using a novel infrared fluorescent anti-human carcinoembryonic antigen antibody with an infrared fluorescence endoscope in vitro., Endoscopy, Vol.33, No.10, 849-853, 2001.
An indocyanine green derivative (ICG-sulfo-OSu) that can be used as an infrared fluorescent labeling substance suitable for detecting microlesions with an infrared fluorescence endoscope has been developed. The aims of the present study were to develop an infrared fluorescence endoscope and to demonstrate its usefulness in detecting cancerous tissue using an antibody coupled with ICG-sulfo-OSu. ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled mouse anti-human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) antibody and an infrared fluorescence endoscope were used in this study. Biopsy specimens of gastric cancer were stained with anti-CEA antibody using the avidin-biotinylated peroxidase complex method. The positive specimens used for the infrared imaging analysis were freshly resected stomachs from three patients. Treatment of freshly resected stomach specimens with ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled-anti-CEA antibody complex resulted in positive staining of the tumor sites on infrared fluorescence endoscopy, and the infrared fluorescent images correlated well with the tumor sites. An anti-CEA antibody with affinity for cancerous lesions and labeled with ICG-sulfo-OSu can therefore be imaged using this infrared fluorescence endoscope. Specific antibodies tagged with ICG-sulfo-OSu can label cancer cells and can generate a strong enough fluorescent signal to detect small cancers when examined with an infrared fluorescence endoscope.
Miyuki Fujimoto, Ichiro Shimizu, Takahiro Horie, Hiroshi Inoue, Michiyo Okazaki, Miyako Niki, Tatsuhiko Shiraishi, Soichiro Fujiwara, Masahiko Murata, Koji Yamamoto, Arata Iuchi, Akiko Hino and Susumu Ito : Recurrent giant longitudinal duodenal ulcer with massive hemorrhage in a Helicobacter pylori-negative patient, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.48, No.3, 210-215, 2001.
A 67-year-old man, in whom a linear ulcer running from the duodenal bulb to the descending part had been noted 3 years previously, was admitted to our hospital because of abdominal pain and melena. Duodenoscopy revealed a bleeding giant longitudinal ulcer, which was more extensive than before. Tests for Helicobacter pylori (Hp) were negative. The ulcer was cured by endoscopic hemostasis and repeated blood transfusions. Attention must be paid to Hp-negative post-bulbar duodenal ulcers because of the frequent complications including hemorrhage.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 28942, PubMed: 11694961)
Yoshie Tada, Seisuke Okamura, Yoshio Okita, Koji Tsujigami, Soichi Ichikawa, Masahiro Sogabe, Naoki Muguruma and Susumu Ito : Vasucular ectasia of the colon treated by argon plasma coagulation: report of a case, Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.13, No.1, 37-40, 2001.
T Nada, Masahiro Nomura, A Iga, R Kawaguchi, Y Ochi, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Autonomic nervous function in patients with peptic ulcer studied by spectral analysis of the heart rate variability, Journal of Medicine, Vol.32, No.5-6, 333-347, 2001.
This study is intended to clarify the relationship between occurrence of peptic ulcer disease and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. We studied heart rate variability and assessed the circadian rhythm of autonomic nervous function in 20 patients with peptic ulcer (PU group) and 20 age-matched healthy controls (N group) using 24-hour Holter monitoring. Moreover, the relationship between gastric juice secretion and autonomic activity was examined under intravenous injection of insulin or butylscopolamine in adult mongrel dogs. High frequency spectral (HF) power, an indicator of parasympathetic tone, was increased markedly at night in the PU group. Low frequency spectral (LF) power, an indicator of sympathetic tone modified by vagal tone, was higher during the day than at night in the N group, whereas this normal circadian rhythm of LF power disappeared in 11 cases (55%) in the PU group. In addition, the LF power was increased significantly at night (p<0.01) in the PU group. HF power and gastric juice secretion was increased by the administration of insulin. High sympatho-vagal tone at night may result in spasm of gastric arteries and excess secretion of gastric acid in the PU group. These results suggest that the nocturnal acceleration of LF, HF, and LF/HF is related to peptic ulcer diseases.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, H Miyajima, H Nada, S Morishita, K Saito and Susumu Ito : Clinical application of QT dispersion on ventricular hypertrophy using magnetocardiogram, Biomag, 504-507, 2001.
R Oura, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, S Shichijyo and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of the total health promotion plan in japan,as related to health promotion effects and the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, Journal of Medicine, Vol.32, No.5-6, 365-379, 2001.
The present study was undertaken to investigate whether health-promoting activities in Japan are useful for preventing the development of lifestyle-related diseases and for promoting health. One thousand, one hundred and sixty-seven Japanese workers were given a medical health check and had their maximum oxygen uptake measured according to the total health promotion plan (THP) protocol, which the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is actively planning. Correlations between the maximum oxygen uptake and performance on health check items were statistically evaluated. The maximum oxygen uptake was positively correlated with the duration of a worker's ability to stand on one leg, and on the frequency with which they performed upper body weight lifting. In addition, the maximum oxygen uptake was negatively correlated with age, body weight, thickness of subcutaneous fat in the upper arms and shoulders, body fat ratios, body mass index (BMI), maximum and minimum blood pressures, resting heart rates, and total cholesterol levels. Moreover, the maximum oxygen uptake tended to be significantly higher in both male and female subjects who exercised regularly. It is suggested that maximum oxygen uptake and regular exercising play important roles in the inhibition of risk factors for ischemic heart diseases. Therefore, we believe the THP can play an important role in the primary prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. The purpose of the THP in Japan is to promote the achievement of healthy lifestyles in individual subjects, both from mental and physical perspectives. These results suggest that such efforts may help prevent the development of lifestyle-related diseases.
Adult / aging / Exercise / Exercise Test / Female / Health Planning / health promotion / Humans / Japan / lifestyle / Male / Middle Aged / National Health Programs / oxygen consumption / Physical Examination / Preventive Medicine / Weight Lifting
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● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 11958281
Susumu Ito, I Shimizu, T Omoya, Y Zhou, M Itonaga, H Inoue, G Lu, Y Okamura, M Shono and H Honda : Antioxidant and Antiapoptotic Activities of a Tissue-Specific Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator,Idoxifene in Rat Fibrotic Liver and Cultured Rat Hepatocytes, Trends in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 350-355, 2001.
Susumu Ito : 顆粒球除去療法により血清蛋白の著明な低下をきたした潰瘍性大腸炎の1例, ICUとCCU 集中治療医学, Vol.25, 201-202, 2001.
Susumu Ito : CHDFおよび二ヶ所からの動注療法の併用が有効であった重症急性膵炎の1例, ICUとCCU 集中治療医学, Vol.25, 211-213, 2001.
Susumu Ito : 持続的血液濾過透析における膵酵素の阻害-メシル酸ナファモスタットの効果-, ICUとCCU 集中治療医学, Vol.25, 71-72, 2001.
Yuichiro Mishiro, Takashi Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, Yukiko Onose, Masako Matsuoka, Tomotsugu Tabata, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Use of angiotensin II stress pulsed tissue Doppler imaging to evaluate regional left ventricular contractility in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.13, No.12, 1065-1073, 2000.
There is controversy concerning whether contract-ility in the nonhypertrophied region of the left ventricular (LV) wall is impaired or normal in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Global LV systolic function decreases with increases in afterload in this disease. This study was performed to identify abnormalities in regional LV contractility along the long and short axes in the setting of HCM with the use of angiotensin II (AT-II) stress pulsed tissue Doppler imaging (PTDI). Angiotensin II was administered intravenously to patients with asymmetric septal hypertrophy (HCM group, n = 21) and age-matched normal volunteers (N group, n = 12). We then measured the percent LV fractional shortening (%FS) and end-systolic circumferential LV wall stress by M-mode echocardiography, LV ejection fraction (LVEF) by 2-dimensional echocardiography, and time-velocity integral (TVI) of LV outflow velocity by pulsed Doppler echocardiography. The peak first and second systolic LV wall motion velocities along the long (L-Sw(1) and L-Sw(2)) and short (S-Sw(1) and S-Sw(2)) axes were measured in the LV posterior wall and ventricular septum with the use of PTDI. The end-systolic circumferential LV wall stress at baseline was significantly lower in the HCM group. The L-Sw(1) and L-Sw(2) for the posterior wall were significantly lower in the HCM group, but the S-Sw(1) and S-Sw(2) for the posterior wall and ventricular septum were similar in the two groups. The %FS, LVEF, TVI, and systolic PTDI variables along both axes for the posterior wall decreased significantly, and end-systolic circumferential LV wall stress increased significantly at AT-II doses of 0.005 or 0.010 microg/kg per minute in the HCM group. No significant changes were found in either group in the systolic PTDI variables (except for L-Sw(1)) for the ventricular septum with AT-II infusion. Contractility along the long and short axes of the nonhypertrophied LV wall is easily impaired with increases in afterload in patients with HCM, resulting in a decrease in global LV systolic function. We found AT-II stress PTDI to be a safe and useful technique for evaluating the regional LV systolic function in this disease.
Masahiro Nomura, K Fujimoto, A Higashino, M Denzumi, M Miyagawa, H Miyajima, T Nada, Y Kondo, Y Tada, R Kawaguchi, T Morishita, Ken Saito, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Stress and coping behavior in patients with diabetes mellitus., Acta Diabetologica, Vol.37, No.2, 61-64, 2000.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease which must be controlled over the lifetime of a patient. We investigated the issues of stress and coping for diabetes mellitus which may influence self-management. In addition, we examined the association of these factors with blood glucose control, in order to review self-management instructions for diabetes mellitus. The study included 153 patients with diabetes mellitus. The patients were divided into two subgroups: good-control group, comprising patients with glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) values less than 7.0%; and poor-control group, comprising those with HbA1c values of 7.0% or more. All patients responded to a questionnaire regarding stress tolerance, Jalowiec and Power's coping scale and awareness of diabetes mellitus. Stress tolerance was not significantly different between the good-control and poor-control groups. No significant gender differences in coping score were evident for the good-control group. However, in the poor-control group, the coping score in men was significant higher than that in women. The problem-oriented coping score for men in the poor-control group was significantly higher than that for the good-control group (p < 0.01). In a comparison of awareness of diabetes mellitus, the proportion of patients who replied that they were rigidly following diabetes treatment was higher in the poor-control group than the good-control group. Patients with diabetes mellitus may have a knowledge of the disease and a strong will to resolve problems. This is especially true for male patients in that their will appeared to be stronger, but they may not have the resolve to establish appropriate behavior patterns. In the future, methods for evaluating self-management should be included in diabetes education.
Adaptation, Psychological / Aged / Awareness / diabetes mellitus / Emotions / female / Humans / male / Middle Aged / problem solving / Stress, Psychological / Surveys and Questionnaires
Toru Hayashi, Masahiro Nomura, Hirohito Honda, Kazuhiro Tezuka, Ryusuke Torisu, Yoshikazu Takeuchi, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of autonomic nervous function during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy using heart rate variability, Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.35, No.11, 815-823, 2000.
To investigate autonomic nervous function during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, we analyzed R-R interval variability from electrocardiograms obtained during endoscopy. Holter electrocardiogram recordings were made before and after premedication, and during endoscopy. Time- and frequency-domain analyses of heart rate variability were performed in 54 subjects premedicated with scopolamine butylbromide (SB group) and in 66 subjects premedicated with glucagon (G group). To determine the effect of autonomic imbalance on arrhythmia generation during endoscopy, subjects with arrhythmias (A group) were compared with subjects without arrhythmias (N group). In the SB group, high frequency spectral power (HF power; 0.15 to 0.40 Hz), which reflects parasympathetic activity, decreased significantly after premedication, and decreased further during endoscopy (P < 0.01). Moreover, HF power before premedication or during endoscopy in the A group was significantly lower than that in the N group (P < 0.01). This study suggests that the measurement of HF power prior to endoscopy can identify subjects with reduced HF power. This should allow the prevention of cardiovascular complications related to premedication and endoscope insertion.
Yoshihiro Kusaka, Susumu Ito, Naoki Muguruma, Masaya Tadatsu, Terumi Bando, Kunio Ii, Tatsuro Irimura and Seiichi Shibamura : Vital immunostaining of human gastric and colorectal cancers grafted intro nude mice : a preclinical assessment of a potential adjunct to videoendoscopy, Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.35, No.10, 748-752, 2000.
Jiro Ikata, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Yoshifumi Oishi, Takashi Oki and Susumu Ito : Leukocyte counts and concentrations of soluble adhesion molecules as predictors of coronary atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Vol.11, No.6, 445-449, 2000.
Authors of recent studies have reported that there is a relationship between level of adhesion molecules and atherosclerosis. In an animal study it was demonstrated that there is an interaction between adhesion molecules and leukocytes in atherosclerotic tissue. To study the relationships between coronary-artery atherosclerosis and both differential blood-leukocyte count and concentrations of soluble adhesion molecules in patients with and without coronary artery disease (CAD). Our subjects were 168 patients who underwent diagnostic coronary angiography. Forty-eight patients had normal coronary angiograms (control group), and 120 patients had significant coronary-artery stenoses (diameter stenosis > 70%) in at least one major coronary-artery branch (CAD group). Total and differential blood-leukocyte counts, and concentrations of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) were assayed prior to angiography. Monocyte counts for patients in the CAD group were significantly greater than those for patients in the control group (366 +/- 99 versus 258 +/- 44/microl, P < 0.0001), as were the sICAM-1 concentrations (272 +/- 52 versus 203 +/- 24 ng/ml, P < 0.0001). The mean concentrations of sVCAM-1 in members of the two groups were the same (671 +/- 138 versus 668 +/- 97 ng/ml, P=0.4). There was a higher incidence of significant coronary-artery stenosis among patients with both a high monocyte count and a high concentration of sICAM-1 (> or = mean + SD) than there was among patients with a low monocyte count and a low concentration of sICAM-1 (> or = mean - SD; 100 versus 25%, P < 0.0001). Higher levels both of monocyte counts and of serum concentrations of ICAM-1 may serve as markers for coronary atherosclerosis.
Ichiro Shimizu, Hiroaki Mitani, Masayuki Shono, Toshihiro Omoya, Yoko Musashi, Katsutaka Sannomiya, Masaharu Suzuki, Takahiro Horie, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : An incident involnimg blood sucking by a tick in a suburb in Japan, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.47, No.3, 145-147, 2000.
We encountered a patient whose blood was sucked by Haemaphysalis longicornis in the suburb of a business city in Tokushima prefecture in Japan. The tick, which had been attached to the lower limb of the patient for one week, measured 10 mm in length. There were no notable objective or subjective findings after the complete extirpation of the tick. The area had not been known in recent history to be a habitat of ticks, and, thus, this case is of importance in terms of predicting future trends of tick-borne diseases in Japan.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 26967, PubMed: 11019494)
Takeshi Soeki, Y Tamura, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Plasma and platelet plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in patients with acute myocardial infarction, Japanese Circulation Journal, Vol.64, No.8, 547-553, 2000.
Several studies have demonstrated an increased level of plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). However, the concentration of PAI-1 in platelets, which accounts for more than 90% of the blood PAI-1, is unknown in these patients. The present study evaluated the concentrations of PAI-1 and several fibrinolytic factors in the plasma and platelets of patients with CAD and the serial changes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). All 72 subjects had coronary angiography and were divided into 3 groups: CAD(-) group without coronary artery stenosis or myocardial ischemia (n=20), CAD(+) group with either stable angina pectoris (n=18) or old myocardial infarction (n=12) with coronary artery stenosis, and the AMI group admitted within 24h of symptom onset who underwent successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (n=22). The concentrations of plasma PAI-1, tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), and t-PA x PAI-1 complex were similar in the CAD(-) and CAD(+) groups, but were greater on day 1 in the AMI group compared with the 2 CAD groups. There were no significant differences between the 3 groups in the plasma concentrations of thrombin antithrombin III complex (TAT), alpha2-plasmin inhibitor-plasmin complex (PIC), beta-thromboglobulin (beta-TG), and platelet factor 4 (PF-4). The platelet PAI-1 concentrations did not differ between the CAD(-) and CAD(+) groups, but was greater on day 1 in the AMI group compared to the CAD groups. The platelet beta-TG and PF-4 were similar between the 3 groups. In the AMI group, both the plasma and platelet PAI-1 concentrations were greater on day 1, but the plasma PAI-1 rapidly decreased by day 5 and remained low on day 28 compared with day 1. The platelet PAI-1 concentration gradually decreased by day 5 and was further decreased by day 28. The serial changes of the plasma t-PA and t-PA PAI-1 complex during the course of AMI were similar to those of the plasma PAI-1. A positive correlation was found between the plasma and platelet PAI-1 in all 72 patients, but not in the AMI group alone. These results suggest that the PAI-1 that has accumulated in platelets at the onset of AMI might be released in large amounts into the plasma, resulting in an increase in thrombus formation.
K Miki, T Shinohara, F Ogushi, S Sone, Hirotsugu Yamada, Y Oishi, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Susumu Ito, S Yogita and S Tashiro : Hepatopulmonary syndrome-discussion of cardiopulmonary parameters, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.47, No.3-4, 164-169, 2000.
We report a 70-year-old man with hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) in C liver cirrhosis. Hypoxemia worsened markedly, especially on exertion, while the hepatic function was clinically stable. Contrast echocardiography, 99mTc macroaggregated albumin (99mTcMAA) lung scan, and pulmonary angiography were performed. The findings suggested the presence of both intrapulmonary vascular dilatation and substantial right-to-left shunt. The contribution of intrapulmonary vascular abnormalities in patients with severe liver cirrhosis without abnormal chest radiography and spirometry tests when marked hypoxemia is present should be investigated.
Masahiro Nomura, Michiko Yukinaka, Hitoshi Miyajima, Tomomi Nada, Yuki Kondo, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Shibata, Seisuke Okamura, Hirohito Honda, Ichiro Shimizu, Ken Saito, T. Oki, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Is autonomic dysfunction a necessary condition for chronic peptic ulcer formation ?, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Vol.14suppl, No.1, 82-86, 2000.
The relationship between 1/f fluctuation of the heart rate variability and Helicobacter pylori infection was evaluated, in order to clarify whether autonomic nervous dysfunction is a necessary condition for chronic peptic ulcer formation. The subjects were 11 patients with recurrent chronic peptic ulcer and 20 age-matched normal subjects. Holter ECGs were recorded over 24 h, and the 1/f(-x) fluctuation of the heart rate was computed. The 1/f(-x) fluctuation of the heart rate is a novel index of autonomic function that has been shown to reflect a patient's pleasant mood. For 1/f(-x) fluctuation, the slope of the regression line (-x) was determined and cosine fitting of the absolute slope of the regression line over a 24-h period was performed. For the normal group, the absolute slope of the regression line during daytime and night-time were 0.53 +/- 0.16 and 1.05 +/- 0.18, respectively. For the peptic ulcer group, the corresponding values during daytime and night-time were 0.94 +/- 0.15 and 1.84 +/- 0.18, respectively. The mean value of the cosine curve was 0.76 +/- 0.23 in the normal group and 1.12 +/- 0.25 in the peptic ulcer group. Thus, these values were significantly higher for the latter group than for the former group (P<0.05). No statistically significant difference in H. pylori infection between the two groups was observed. Autonomic nervous dysfunction as well as H. pylori infection appears to be a necessary condition for chronic peptic ulcer formation.
Koichi Sakabe, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Hiroyuki Fujinaga, Yoshifumi Oishi, Jiro Ikata, Toshihiro Toyoshima, Norikazu Hiura, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Takashi Oki and Susumu Ito : Patient with atrioventricular node reentrant tachycardia with eccentric retrograde left-sided activation Treatment with radio-frequency catheter ablation, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.41, No.2, 227-234, 2000.
We describe a patient with supraventricular tachycardia with triple atrioventricular (AV) node pathway physiology. A discontinuous curve was present in the antegrade AV nodal function curves. During right ventricular pacing, the earliest retrograde atrial activation was recorded at the left-sided coronary sinus electrode. The retrograde ventricular-atrial interval was long and had decremental conduction. We induced a slow-slow AV node reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) with eccentric retrograde left-sided activation. After slow pathway ablation, dual AV nodal pathway physiology was present. AVNRT with eccentric retrograde left-sided activation is relatively rare, and our findings suggest that eccentric retrograde left-sided atrial inputs consist partially of a slow pathway and disappear with slow pathway ablation.
Toshihiro Toyoshima, Masahiro Nomura, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Masafumi Harada, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Magnetic Resonance Coronary Angiography in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease Analysis of Coronary Arterial Blood Flow Velocity Pattern, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.41, No.2, 153-164, 2000.
Only a few reports evaluating coronary arterial blood flow velocity patterns using magnetic resonance (MR) coronary angiography have appeared to date. This study reports an evaluation of coronary arterial blood flow velocity patterns in patients with ischemic heart disease and in healthy subjects using MR coronary angiography. The subjects consisted of 20 patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD group) and 20 normal healthy subjects (N group). Using the fCARD PC method, ECG-gated MR coronary angiography was performed using an anteroposterior opposing phased array coil. Regions of interest were placed on bilateral coronary arteries to measure coronary arterial blood flow velocity patterns. The IHD group was divided into two subgroups, based on the presence (MI group) or absence (AP group) of infarcted myocardium using 99m Tc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI) myocardial scintigraphy. Average diastolic peak velocity (ADPV) was lower in the IHD group than in the N group. In addition, the diastolic / systolic velocity ratio (DSVR) was significantly lower in the MI group. Moreover, in the AP group, both the ADPV and DSVR values were significantly increased in those who had undergone percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty postoperatively. Different from the Doppler guidewire method, MR coronary angiography facilitates noninvasive evaluation of coronary arterial blood flow velocity. Therefore, these results indicate that MR coronary angiography represents a potentially useful technique for diagnosing lesions of coronary arteries and evaluating their functions. This noninvasive method can be expected to replace the invasive Doppler guidewire method in the near future with development of MR coronary angiography technology.
Takashi Oki, Yuichiro Mishiro, Hirotsugu Yamada, Yukiko Onose, Masako Matsuoka, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Tomotsugu Tabata and Susumu Ito : Detection of left ventricular regional relaxation abnormalities and asynchrony in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with the use of tissue Doppler imaging., American Heart Journal, Vol.139, No.3, 497-502, 2000.
It is well known that the distribution and magnitude of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy are not uniform in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which results in regional heterogeneity of LV early diastolic function. The advent of tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) has allowed the noninvasive evaluation of regional LV wall motion velocities. The aim of this study was to evaluate regional LV relaxation abnormalities and asynchrony noninvasively in patients with HCM by using pulsed and color-coded TDI. We studied 20 patients with asymmetric septal hypertrophy (HCM group) and 18 age-matched normal patients (control group). The peak early diastolic motion velocity (Ew) and time from the aortic component of the second heart sound to the peak of the Ew (II(A)-Ew) were measured by pulsed TDI. The myocardial velocity gradient during early diastole (MVG-Ew) also was measured by color-coded TDI. Mean values for these parameters were determined on the basis of measurements made at 2 sites of the ventricular septum or posterior wall at the levels of chordae tendineae and papillary muscles. The mean Ew and mean MVG-Ew for the ventricular septum and posterior wall were significantly lower, and mean II(A)-Ew was significantly prolonged in the HCM group compared with the control group. This difference was most pronounced in the hypertrophied ventricular septum of the HCM group. The standard deviations of II(A)-Ew for the ventricular septum and posterior wall were significantly greater in the HCM group than in the control group. The time constant of LV pressure decay during isovolumic diastole (tau) correlated inversely with Ew and MVG-Ew and correlated directly with II(A)-Ew. Furthermore, tau correlated directly with the standard deviation of the II(A)-Ew. LV early diastolic function in patients with HCM may be mediated by an augmentation of regional LV relaxation abnormalities and asynchrony.
Adult / Cardiac Catheterization / Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic / Diastole / Echocardiography, Doppler, Color / Echocardiography, Doppler, Pulsed / Female / Hemodynamics / Humans / Male / Predictive Value of Tests / Ventricular Dysfunction, Left
Yuki Kondo, Michiko Yukinaka, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Early diagnosis of interferon-induced myocardial disorder in patients with chronic hepatitis C : evaluation by myocardial imaging with123I-BMIPP, Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.35, No.2, 127-135, 2000.
Interferon (IFN) therapy for chronic hepatitis C is sometimes associated with cardiac complications. In the present study, we performed myocardial imaging with 123I-labeled beta-methyl-p-iodophenylpentadecanoic acid (123I-BMIPP) in order to evaluate myocardial disorders caused by IFN. We studied 40 healthy subjects (H group) and 25 patients with chronic hepatitis C who had been treated with IFN (IFN group). A Holter electrocardiogram (ECG) was performed and the autonomic nervous function was assessed by analyzing the spectral variability and 1/f fluctuation of heart rate. Myocardial planner imaging with 123I-BMIPP was performed to obtain the time activity curve for 20min immediately after administration of 123I-BMIPP (dynamic study). Early and delayed myocardial single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images were expressed as Bull's eyes and the myocardium was divided into four segments to calculate the washout rate for each segment on early and late SPECT images (early and late SPECT study). No significant differences in autonomic nervous function were observed between the two groups in heart rate variability. In a dynamic study, the reduction rate from the time activity curve was significantly higher in the IFN group compared with the H group (reduction rate, IFN group, 5.3 +/- 3.7% vs H group, 1.2 +/- 3.3%; P < 0.05). In the early and delayed myocardial SPECT study, the washout rate for the IFN group was significantly increased in all myocardial areas compared to that in the H group. However, the metabolic disorder of fatty acids caused by IFN was reversed on the second 123I-BMIPP myocardial scintigraphy examination several months after IFN therapy. These results indicate that metabolic disorders of fatty acids caused by IFN therapy can be detected before abnormalities are observed by Holter-ECG or echocardiography.
Tomotsugu Tabata, Takashi Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, James D. Thomas and Susumu Ito : Subendocardial motion in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: assessment from long and short axis views by pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.13, No.2, 108-115, 2000.
Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) is a recently developed technique that allows the instantaneous measurement of intrinsic regional myocardial motion velocity. Pulsed TDI is capable of separately assessing left ventricular (LV) regional motion velocity caused by circumferential and longitudinal fiber contraction. This particular feature of function is still controversial in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HC). To better characterize intrinsic circumferential and longitudinal LV systolic myocardial function in HC, we used pulsed TDI to measure short- and long-axis LV motion velocities, respectively. The subendocardial motion velocity patterns at the middle of the LV posterior wall (PW) and ventricular septum (IVS) in LV parasternal and apical long-axis views were recorded by pulsed TDI in 19 patients with nonobstructive HC and in 21 normal controls (NC). Peak short- and long-axis systolic subendocardial velocities in both the LV PW and IVS were significantly smaller in the HC group than in the NC group, and the time to peak velocity was significantly delayed. Furthermore, peak PW systolic velocity was significantly greater along the long axis than along the short axis in the NC group (8.8 +/- 1.5 cm/s vs 8.2 +/- 1.4 cm/s, P <.05), whereas the opposite was observed in the HC group (6.1 +/- 1.2 cm/s vs 7.5 +/- 1.0 cm/s, P <.0001). No significant differences were found in either group between the long- and short-axis IVS velocities (HC: 5.9 +/- 1.4 cm/s vs 5.5 +/- 1.3 cm/s; NC: 7.8 +/- 1.3 cm/s vs 7.9 +/- 1.6 cm/s). By using the capability of pulsed TDI for the evaluation of intrinsic myocardial velocity instantaneously in a specific region and direction, we found impairment of LV myocardial systolic function in patients with HC not only in the hypertrophied IVS but also in the nonhypertrophied LV PW. We also found a greater decrease in LV PW velocities along the long axis than the short axis, suggesting greater impairment of long-axis contraction in patients with HC. Because our HC patients did not appear to have excessive intracavitary pressure, these results suggest that the relatively normal-appearing PW is directly affected by the HC pathologic process.
Y Oishi, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, A Nishikado, T Oki and Susumu Ito : Circulating adhesion molecules and severity of coronary atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Vol.11, No.1, 77-81, 2000.
Circulating leukocytes are recruited at atherosclerotic sites through a family of adhesion molecules. Circulating forms of adhesion molecules in peripheral blood can be quantified now. To evaluate the relationship between circulating adhesion molecules and severity of coronary atherosclerosis. Subjects included 81 patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography, 12 of whom had normal coronary arteries (control group). The remaining 69 patients with demonstrable coronary atherosclerosis were divided into two groups by use of Gensini scores, namely mild atherosclerosis (n = 36, Gensini score 1-20) and severe atherosclerosis (n = 33, Gensini score > 20). Serum levels of circulating intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cellular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and E-selectin of groups measured before angiography were compared. Circulating levels of ICAM-1 in members of mild and severe atherosclerosis groups were significantly higher than those in members of the control group, whereas there was no significant difference among circulating levels of VCAM-1 in members of the three groups. Circulating levels of E-selectin in members of the mild atherosclerosis group were significantly higher than those in members of the severe atherosclerosis and control groups. These findings suggest that E-selectin is related to the early stage, and ICAM-1 is related to the advanced stage, of coronary atherosclerosis. With progression of atherosclerosis, one-step adhesion by ICAM-1 could become more important than multistep adhesion involving E-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1. These molecules may serve as markers for severity of coronary atherosclerosis.
Ichiro Shimizu, Takahiro Horie, Hiroshi Inoue, Mariko Fujimoto, Yuji Ozaki, Koji Yamamoto, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Penetration by a Giant Gastric Ulcer Induced by a Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug, Endoscopy, Vol.32, No.7, 539-541, 2000.
A patient presented with penetration by a giant gastric ulcer resulting from treatment with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. A test for Helicobacter pylori proved negative. Treatment with a combination of an inhibitor of gastric acid secretion and prostaglandin substitution therapy with misoprostol resulted in closure of the perforation and cicatrization of the gastric ulcer without the need for laparotomy.
Takahiro Horie, Ichiro Shimizu, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Colonoscopic extirpation of whipworms in the patient with acute abdomen-like symptoms., Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.12, No.1, 52-54, 2000.
Michiko Yukinaka, Masahiro Nomura, Tetsuya Saijyo, Tomomi Nada, Hitoshi Miyajima, Yuki Kondo, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of autonomic nervous function in patients with essential hypertension complicated with peptic ulcer, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.15, No.1, 40-44, 2000.
Takahiro Horie, Ichiro Shimizu, Tatsuro Ogata, Takasi Oshima, Miyuki Mihara, Masatoshi Yamashita, Yuji Ozaki, Koji Yamamoto, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Colonoscopic extirpation of whipwormus in patient with acute abdomen-like symptoms, Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.12, No.1, 52-54, 2000.
H Miyajima, Masahiro Nomura, T Nada, Y Kondo, M Yukinaka, Ken Saito, Y Tada, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Age-related changes in the magnitude of ventricular depolarization vector : analyses by magnetocardiogram, Journal of Electrocardiology, Vol.33, No.1, 31-35, 2000.
The magnetocardiogram has the beneficial feature that permits the strength and location of the current dipole to be estimated. This study examines the issue of whether the magnitude of the heart current during depolarization phase was influenced by the age of healthy subjects. The magnetocardiograms were recorded by means of a second-derivative SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) magnetometer (BT Corp, Model BMP, San Diego, CA) in 150 healthy subjects. The subjects were subgrouped into 5 age-based categories according to the age. The current dipole of the maximum QRS complex was determined from isofield contour maps during the ventricular depolarization phase, and no significant differences were observed in the magnitude in the current source for any age category. However, the amplitudes of the RV5 and SV1 + RV5 in the standard electrocardiogram were larger in 65 to 74-year-old women than other age groups, and the SV1 + RV5 was smaller for the 45 to 74-year-old men than for the men aged 25 to 44 years. These findings suggest that the age-associated changes in the QRS complex observed by the electrocardiogram are caused by increased electric resistance and not by the heart current itself. The results additionally suggest that no effects of aging were observed in the actual heart current of the heart during the depolarization phase.
Susumu Ito : 院内劇症肝炎ケアユニット設立について-京大に搬送した亜急性型劇症肝炎に対する肝移植例を経験して-, The Japanese journal of clinical and experimental medicine, Vol.77, No.11, 148-149, 2000.
Susumu Ito : 慢性腎不全における孤立性静脈瘤の一治験例, 日門亢会誌, Vol.6, 187, 2000.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, 宮島 等, 名田 智美, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : 心磁図法を用いた心臓異常所見の検出:心電図法で捉えられない心起電力を検出できるか, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.13, 28-29, 2000.
Susumu Ito : 実験的障害肝における早期アポトーシスとエストラジオール, The Japanese journal of clinical and experimental medicine, Vol.77, No.11, 148, 2000.
Hirohito Honda, 豊田 敬生, 伊井 邦雄 and Susumu Ito : ヘリコバクター·ピロリー感染症におけるヘモグロビンインデックス(IHb)の意義に関する検討, 消化性潰瘍研究, Vol.16, 23-27, 2000.
Yuichiro Mishiro, Takashi Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of left ventricular contraction abnormalities in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy with the use of pulsed tissue doppler imaging, Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.12, No.11, 913-920, 1999.
Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Takashi Oki, Koichi Sakabe, Hisanori Shinohara, Tomotsugu Tabata and Susumu Ito : Coronary flow velocity immediately after reperfusion reflects myocardial microcirculation in canine models of acute myocardial infarction., Angiology, Vol.50, No.11, 919-928, 1999.
Recent reports indicate that the coronary microcirculation is sometimes injured, despite successful reperfusion in acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, it is difficult to evaluate the coronary microcirculation immediately after reperfusion by using only angiography. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the pattern of coronary blood flow velocity and myocardial microcirculatory injury immediately after reperfusion in AMI. The authors recorded the left circumflex coronary flow velocity by using the Doppler guide wire method 10 minutes after reperfusion in a canine model of AMI. In addition, myocardial contrast echocardiography was performed with the injection of contrast medium into the left circumflex coronary artery before clamping of the coronary artery and 15 minutes after release of the clamp. From these images, the ratio of the normalized gray-level postreperfusion to preclamping in the contrast-enhanced area was determined. It was compared with coronary flow velocity variables. In the 10 dogs with a diastolic-to-systolic velocity ratio (DSVR) < 4.0, this velocity ratio 10 minutes after reperfusion correlated positively (r = 0.75, p < 0.01) with the normalized gray-level ratio. However, the remaining three dogs with a DSVR > or = 4.0 markedly deviated from this pattern. Coronary flow velocities in the three dogs were characterized by a greater decrease in systolic flow velocity and occurrence of early systolic retrograde flow. Myocardial contrast echocardiographic images in these three dogs demonstrated a lower normalized gray-level ratio. In conclusion, the coronary flow velocity pattern immediately after reperfusion may reflect myocardial microcirculatory injury.
Yukiko Onose, Takashi Oki, Yuichiro Mishiro, Hirotsugu Yamada, Miho Abe, Kazuyo Manabe, Kageji Yoshimi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Influence of aging on systolic left ventricular wall motion velocities along the long and short axes in clinically normal patients determined by pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.12, No.11, 921-926, 1999.
Shigehito Hayashi, Naoki Muguruma, Terumi Bando, Satoko Taoka, Susumu Ito and Kunio Ii : Vital immunohistochemical staining for a novel method of diagnosing micro-cancer-examination of immunohistochemical staining of non-fixed fresh tissue-, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.46, No.3-4, 178-185, 1999.
It becomes possible to establish a novel diagnostic method for micro-cancer by modulating the signals from the lesion, if lesions can be labeled with substances which can be detected by video endoscopy. The authors have already succeeded in synthesizing indocyanine green (ICG) derivatives for a fluorescent labeling substance which emits near-infrared rays. Before the antibodies labeled by these substances can be used, it is necessary to establish a method of vital immunohistochemical staining. So, we investigated the responses of antibodies exposed to non-fixed fresh tissue specimens as a basic study on vital immunohistochemical staining. The responses of fresh esophageal and gastric specimens (biopsied or surgically resected) to immunohistochemical staining with anti-epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) antibodies under various conditions using the ABC method were examined. These tissue specimens were stained immunohistochemically, and incubated with anti-EMA antibodies for 10 and 30 minutes (esophagus), and for 60 and 120 minutes (stomach) at 37 degrees C. These results suggest that vital immunohistochemical staining is possible under optimum conditions. If an infrared fluorescent endoscopy catching this excited fluorescence can be developed, it will be possible to establish a new endoscopic diagnostic method on the basis of vital immunohistochemical staining.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 83488, PubMed: 10687313)
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Tomomi Nada, Hitoshi Miyajima, Yuki Kondo, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of Cardiac Function in Myocardial Infarction Patients by ECG 99mTc-MIBI Gated SPECT Using a Three-dimensional Perfusion/Motion Map Procedure, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.40, No.4, 413-425, 1999.
Three-dimensional (3D) radionuclear myocardial imaging has improved the evaluation of left ventricular wall motion. However, there have been no studies evaluating left ventricular function using 3D-perfusion/motion map techniques. We hypothesized that the 3D-perfusion/motion map could accurately evaluate left ventricular wall motion even in patients with a history of myocardial infarction. Electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using 99mTc-methoxy isobutyl isonitrile (MIBI) was performed in 20 patients with a history of myocardial infarction who underwent left ventriculography. Myocardial imaging data were collected during ECG-gated SPECT using a 3-headed gamma camera. Reconstructed 3D SPECT images were oriented to correspond to standard left ventriculography views (right anterior oblique and left anterior oblique projections), and the shortening fraction (SF) was calculated using the center line method. The SF and left ventricular ejection fraction from 3D SPECT images were compared with those determined by left ventriculography. There was a significant correlation between left ventriculography and the 3D-perfusion/motion map procedure in determining SF for all regions of the left ventricle except the anterobasal and posterior segments by using the Bland and Altman method. The 3D-perfusion/motion map procedure offers the advantage that the influences of contraction-related myocardial torsion and three-dimensional compression are minimized. In addition, this method facilitates evaluation of images from nonstandard projections. We conclude that this method may be useful for evaluating left ventricular function.
Naoki Muguruma, Seisuke Okamura, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Shibata, Susumu Ito and Keiko Yagi : Endoscopic sonography in the diagnosis of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis, Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, Vol.27, No.6, 347-350, 1999.
Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis (XGC) is an unusual inflammatory disease of the gallbladder that may simulate gallbladder cancer. We report the findings with conventional sonography, endoscopic sonography (EUS), and CT in 3 cases of XGC. EUS could visualize hyperechoic nodules in the gallbladder wall, probably representing xanthogranulomas, but loss of the multilayered structure of the gallbladder wall and infiltration into adjacent organs make differentiating XGC from gallbladder cancer difficult with EUS alone.
Hirotsugu Yamada, Takashi Oki, Yuichiro Mishiro, Tomotsugu Tabata, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Effect of aging on diastolic left ventricular myocardial velocities measured by pulsed tissue Doppler imaging in healthy subjects., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.12, No.7, 574-581, 1999.
Takashi Oki, Kazuyo Fukuda, Tomotsugu Tabata, Yuichiro Mishiro, Hirotsugu Yamada, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Effect of an acute increase in afterload on left ventricular regional wall motion velocity in healthy subjects., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.12, No.6, 476-483, 1999.
N. Muguruma, S. Okamura, T. Okahisa, H. Shibata, Susumu Ito and A. Terauchi : Anisakis larva involving the esophageal mucosa, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vol.49, No.5, 653-654, 1999.
M. Ishikawa, T. Miyauchi, Y. Fukuta, H. Miyake, M. Harada, S. Yogita, S Tashiro, M. Yasuda, Susumu Ito, M. Shiba, M. Kato and T. Arase : Transmission or 'Occult' hepatitis B infection afrer living-related liver transplantation, Hepatology Research, Vol.14, No.3, 245-253, 1999.
Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Yuichiro Mishiro, Hirotsugu Yamada, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Pulsed tissue Doppler imaging of left ventricular systolic and diastolic motion velocities to evaluate differences between long and short axes in healthy subjects., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.12, No.5, 308-313, 1999.
Mitugi Yasuda, Ichiro Shimizu, Masako Shiba and Susumu Ito : Suppressive effects of estradiol on dimethylnitrosamine-induced fibrosis of the liver in rats., Hepatology, Vol.29, No.3, 719-727, 1999.
Yukiko Onose, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Arata Iuchi, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Assessment of temporal relationship between left ventricular relaxation and filling during the early diastole with pulsed Doppler echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging., Japanese Circulation Journal, Vol.63, No.3, 209-215, 1999.
Susumu Ito : Mutations of the core gene sequence of hepatitis C virus isolated from liver tissues with hepatocellular carcinoma, Hepatology Research, Vol.13, No.3, 240-251, 1999.
Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Yuichiro Mishiro, Hirotsugu Yamada, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Left ventricular systolic wall motion velocities along the long and short axis measured by pulsed tissue Doppler imaging in patients with atrial fibrillation., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.12, No.2, 121-128, 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, Takahiro Horie, Tatsuro Ogata, Mariko Fujimoto, Yuji Ozaki, Koji Yamamoto, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : A case of penetration of the large intestinal wall by a toothpick., Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.11, No.4, 350-352, 1999.
Tatsuro Ogata, Ichiro Shimizu, Takahiro Horie, Koji Yamamoto, Arata Iuchi, Masaya Tadatsu, Naoki Muguruma, Toshiya Okahisa, Seisuke Okamura and Susumu Ito : A case of a giant lipoma of the duodenal bulb., Endosc, Vol.11, No.4, 345-349, 1999.
Takahiro Horie, Ichiro Shimizu, Chiaki Horie and Susumu Ito : Mutations of the core gene sequence of hepatitis C virus isolated from liver tissues with hepatocellular carcinoma., Hepatol Res, Vol.13, No.3, 240-251, 1999.
Mitugi Ysuda, Ichiro Shimizu, Masako Shiba and Susumu Ito : Suppressive effects of estradiol on dimethylnitrosamine-induced fibrosis of the liver in rats [see comments]., Hepatology, Vol.29, No.3, 719-727, 1999.
Ichiro Shimizu, Yue-Rong Ma, Yoko Mizobuchi, Fei Liu, Tetsuo Miura, Yoichiro Nakai, Mitugi Yasuda, Masako Shiba, Takahiro Horie, Sakae Amagaya, Norifumi Kawada, Hitoshi Hori and Susumu Ito : Effects of Sho-saiko-to, a Japanese Herbal Medicine, on Hepatic Fibrosis in Rats, Hepatology, Vol.29, No.1, 149-160, 1999.
It has been shown that lipid peroxidation is associated with hepatic fibrosis and stellate cell activation. Sho-saiko-to (TJ-9) is an herbal medicine, which is commonly used to treat chronic hepatitis in Japan, although the mechanism by which TJ-9 protects against hepatic fibrosis is not known. As a result, we assayed the preventive and therapeutic effects of TJ-9 on experimental hepatic fibrosis, induced in rats by dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) or pig serum (PS), and on rat stellate cells and hepatocytes in primary culture, and assessed the antioxidative activities and the active components of TJ-9. Male Wistar rats were given a single intraperitoneal injection of 40 mg/kg DMN or 0.5 mL PS twice weekly for 10 weeks. In each model, rats were fed a basal diet throughout, or the same diet, which also contained 1.5% TJ-9, for 2 weeks before treatment or for the last 2 weeks of treatment. TJ-9 suppressed the induction of hepatic fibrosis, increased hepatic retinoids, and reduced the hepatic levels of collagen and malondialdehyde (MDA), a production of lipid peroxidation. Immunohistochemical examination showed that TJ-9 reduced the deposition of type I collagen and the number of alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) positive-stellate cells in the liver and inhibited, not only lipid peroxidation in cultured rat hepatocytes that were undergoing oxidative stress, but also the production of type I collagen, alpha-SMA expression, cell proliferation, and oxidative burst in cultured rat stellate cells. In addition, TJ-9 inhibited Fe2+/adenosine 5'-diphosphate-induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver mitochondria in a dose-dependent manner and showed radical scavenging activity. Among the active components of TJ-9, baicalin and baicalein were found to be mainly responsible for the antioxidative activity. These findings suggest that Sho-saiko-to (TJ-9) functions as a potent antifibrosuppressant by inhibition of lipid peroxidation in hepatocytes and stellate cells in vivo.
Ichiro Shimizu, Y Mizobuchi, M Yasuda, M Shiba, Y-R Ma, Takahiro Horie, F Liu and Susumu Ito : Inhibitory effect of estradiol on activation of rat hepatic stellate cells in vivo and in vitro., Gut, Vol.44, No.1, 127-136, 1999.
Hepatic stellate cells play a key role in the pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis. To examine the inhibitory effect of oestradiol on stellate cell activation. In vivo, hepatic fibrosis was induced in rats by dimethylnitrosamine or pig serum. In vitro, rat stellate cells were activated by contact with plastic dishes resulting in their transformation into myofibroblast-like cells. In the dimethylnitrosamine and pig serum models, treatment with oestradiol at gestation related doses resulted in a dose dependent suppression of hepatic fibrosis with restored content of hepatic retinyl palmitate, reduced collagen content, lower areas of stellate cells which express alpha smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) and desmin, and lower procollagen type I and III mRNA levels in the liver. In cultured stellate cells, oestradiol inhibited type I collagen production, alpha-SMA expression, and cell proliferation. These findings suggest that oestradiol is a potent inhibitor of stellate cell transformation. The antifibrogenic role of oestradiol in the liver may contribute to the sex associated differences in the progression from hepatic fibrosis to cirrhosis
Seisuke Okamura, Akemi Tsutsui, Naoki Muguruma, Soichi Ichkawa, Masahiro Sogabe, Yoshio Okita, Tamotsu Fukuda, Shigehito Hayashi, Toshiya Okahisa, Susumu Ito and Toshiaki Sano : The utility and limitations of an ultrasonic miniprobe in the staging of gastric cancer, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.46, No.1, 49-53, 1999.
To determine the utility and limitations of an ultrasonic miniprobe (UMP) in the staging of gastric cancer, we evaluated 46 patients who underwent endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) using an UMP and who were histologically determined to have gastric cancers. In every case, UMP findings were compared with histopathological findings after treatment. The total accuracy of UMP relative to the depth of tumor invasion was 71.7% (33/46 cases). Accuracy with respect to T1-m tumor diagnosis was 75.7% (22/29 cases), and for T1-sm, 76.9% (10/13 cases), but accuracy for T2 tumor diagnosis was low, due to ultrasound attenuation. When the analysis was carried out based on the size of tumor, the accuracy for UMP was 50.0% (9/18 cases) for all tumors over 20 mm and 85.7% (24/28 cases) for all tumors smaller than 20 mm. We conclude that UMP is suitable for investigation of tumor extension when the lesion is superficial and/or small gastric cancers which do not cause ultrasonic attenuation, but not when the tumor is large or located in certain sites, although conventional EUS is useful in some of these cases.
Aged / Endosonography / Female / Humans / Male / Neoplasm Staging / Sensitivity and Specificity / Stomach Neoplasms
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 83262, PubMed: 10408157)
Miho Abe, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Difference in the diastolic left ventricular wall motion velocities between aortic and mitral regurgitation by pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.12, No.1, 15-21, 1999.
We evaluated the difference in the diastolic left ventricular (LV) wall motion velocity between chronic isolated aortic and mitral regurgitation (AR and MR, respectively) by recording subendocardial motion velocity patterns at the middle site of the LV posterior wall in the parasternal (along the short axis) and apical (along the long axis) long-axis views of the left ventricle with pulsed tissue Doppler imaging. We studied 33 patients with AR and 35 with MR, showing moderate to severe regurgitation, and 34 healthy controls (C). The end-diastolic LV dimension along the short axis was greater in the AR and MR groups than in the C group, and that along the long axis was greater in the AR group than in the MR and C groups. There were no significant differences in percent LV fractional shortening along the short axis among the 3 groups, whereas that along the long axis was significantly smaller in the AR group than in the MR and C groups. The peak early diastolic wall motion velocity (Ew) and the time to Ew from the aortic component of the second heart sound (S2 -Ew) along the long axis were significantly lower and longer, respectively, in patients with AR than in the 2 other groups. The Ew and S2 -Ew along both the short and long axes were significantly higher and shorter, respectively, in patients with MR than in the 2 other groups. The peak early diastolic velocity of the transmitral flow correlated positively with Ew along the short axis in all patients with AR and correlated positively with Ews along the long and short axes in all patients with MR. In conclusion, early diastolic LV filling was associated with expansion of the LV wall along the short axis but with decreased excursion along the long axis in patients with AR, whereas that in patients with MR was associated with expansion of the LV wall along both the long and short axes. Pulsed tissue Doppler imaging was useful for evaluation of diastolic LV function along the long and short axes in patients with diastolic LV volume overload.
Masahiro Nomura, 宮島 等, 名田 智美, 近藤 幸, 由岐中 道子, Ken Saito, 大木 崇, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : 僧帽弁逸脱におけるT wave alternanceの意義, Heart, Vol.31, No.suppl 2, 96-98, 1999.
Masahiro Nomura, 宮島 等, 名田 智美, 近藤 幸, 由岐中 道子, 多田 由恵, Ken Saito, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : QT dispersionの臨床的意義:心臓磁界を用いた左室肥大における検討, 生体磁気学会雑誌, Vol.12, 122-123, 1999.
Susumu Ito : Reflected illumination-type imaging system for the development of infrared fluorescence endoscopy, Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.11, No.4, 321-326, 1999.
Susumu Ito : Effects of high-frequency current on pacemakers endoscopic gastric surgery : experimental study, Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.11, No.2, 150-157, 1999.
Naoki Muguruma, Susumu Ito, T Bando, S Taoka, Y Kusaka, S Hayashi, S Ichikawa, Y Matsunaga, Y Tada, S Okamura, K Ii, K Imaizumi, K Nakamura, K Takesako and S Shibamura : Labeled carcinoembryonic antigen antibodies excitable by infrared rays : a novel diagnostic method for micro cancers in the digestive tract, Internal Medicine, Vol.38, No.7, 537-542, 1999.
Susumu Ito : Effects of high-frequency current on pacemakers during endoscopic gastric surgery : experimental study, Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.11, No.2, 150-157, 1999.
Susumu Ito : Echocardiographic detection of occult cor pulmonale during exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Echocardiography, Vol.16, 127-134, 1999.
Miho Abe, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Yukiko Onose, Masako Matsuoka, Yuichiro Mishiro, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of the hemodynamic relationship between the left atrium and left ventricle during atrial systole by pulsed tissue Doppler imaging in patients with left heart failure., Japanese Circulation Journal, Vol.63, No.10, 763-769, 1999.
Yuichiro Mishiro, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Susumu Ito, Hiromu Nishitani, Masafumi Harada and Yoshiaki Taoka : Regional left ventricular myocardial contraction abnormalities and asynchrony in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy evaluated by magnetic resonance spatial modulation of magnetization myocardial tagging., Japanese Circulation Journal, Vol.63, No.6, 442-446, 1999.
Hirotsugu Yamada, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Yuichiro Mishiro, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Assessment of the systolic left ventricular myocardial velocity profile and gradient using tissue Doppler imaging in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy., Echocardiography, Vol.16, 775-783, 1999.
福田 保, Hirohito Honda, Susumu Ito, 森本 恭史, Toshiaki Sano, 久保 謙一郎 and 山野 利尚 : 9年間内視鏡的に経過を観察し得た早期胃癌の1例, Japanese Journal of Cancer Clinics, Vol.45, No.9, 987-992, 1999.
Masayuki Shono, Ichiro Shimizu, T. Omoya, A. Hiasa, H. Honda, Y. Tomita and Susumu Ito : Differences in ethidium bromide and 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining profiles with regard to DNA fragmentation during apoptosis., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, Vol.46, No.5, 1055-1061, 1998.
Yoko Mizobuchi, Ichiro Shimizu, Mitugi Yasuda, Hitoshi Hori, Masayuki Shono and Susumu Ito : Retinyl palmitate reduces hepatic fibrosis in rats induced by dimethylnitrosamine or pig serum, Journal of Hepatology, Vol.26, No.6, 933-943, 1998.
Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Yuichiro Mishiro, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Left ventricular diastolic properties of hypertensive patients measured by pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.11, No.12, 1106-1112, 1998.
Masayuki Shono, Ichiro Shimizu, Toshihiro Omoya, Aya Hiasa, Hirohito Honda, Yumiko Tomita and Susumu Ito : Differences in ethidium bromide and 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole stainig profiles with regard to DNA fragmentation during apoptosis, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, Vol.46, No.5, 1055-1061, 1998.
Michiko Yukinaka, Masahiro Nomura, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Mismatch between myocardial accumulation of 123I-MIBG and 99mTc-MIBI and late ventricular potentials in patients after myocardial infarction : Association with the development of ventricular arrhythmias, American Heart Journal, Vol.136, No.5, 859-867, 1998.
Late ventricular potentials are widely used to predict life-threatening arrhythmias, although the predictive value is low. To improve prediction, we correlated the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias with mismatches in myocardial 99mTc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI)/(123)I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) accumulation and late ventricular potentials (LP). Fifty patients with old myocardial infarctions were divided into an LP-positive group (n = 19) and an LP-negative group (n = 31). On bull's-eye single photon emission computed tomographic MIBI and MIBG images, the heart was divided into 9 segments to evaluate the accumulation of the 2 nuclides. There was no difference in total defect score (TDS) for MIBI between the LP-positive and LP-negative groups. However, TDS for MIBG and differences TDS between MIBI and MIBG (ATDS) were significantly greater in the LP-positive group. The incidence of severe ventricular arrhythmias was greater among patients with an increased ATDS in the LP-positive group. Thus the combination of these two methods may improve the prediction of ventricular arrhythmias after myocardial infarction.
Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Fukuda, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Assessment of abnormal left atrial relaxation by transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiography of pulmonary venous flow velocity., Clinical Cardiology, Vol.21, No.10, 753-758, 1998.
Kazuyo Fukuda, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Regional left ventricular wall motion abnormalities in myocardial infarction and mitral annular descent velocities studied with pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.11, No.9, 841-848, 1998.
Toshiya Okahisa, M Sogabe, S Hayashi, H Shibata and Susumu Ito : Contrast medium-removing effect of hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.45, No.1-4, 87-93, 1998.
The contrast medium-removing effect of hemofiltration (HF) and hemodiafiltration (HDF) was experimentally investigated using a bovine blood tank model. HF and HDF were performed at a blood flow rate of 100 ml/min with a polysulfone hemofilter (PS filter-CF; membrane area: 0.7 m2). Two hundred milliliters of iomeprol (300 mgI/ml) was administered by a single injection into 4 liters of bovine blood. The blood half-lives of iomeprol were 1.0 hr for the high flow rate HDF group [replacement fluid flow rate (QF): 10 ml/min and dialysate flow rate (QD): 40 ml/min], 1.8 hr for the HDF group (QF: 10 ml/min and QD: 10 ml/min), and 3.8 hr for the HF group (QF: 10 ml/min). The mean clearance rates were 39.7 ml/min for the high flow rate HDF group, 21.4 ml/min for the HDF group, and 12.0 ml/min for the HF group. Iomeprol was mostly excreted in the waste fluid. It is concluded that HDF can remove contrast media more effectively than HF.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 111620, PubMed: 9864968)
Tetsuya Saijo, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito, Yuki Kondo, Michiko Yukinaka, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : Assessment of autonomic nervous activity during gastrointestinal endoscopy, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.13, 816-820, 1998.
Masahiro Nomura, T Nada, J Endo, Y Kondo, M Yukinaka, Ken Saito, Susumu Ito, H Mori, Yutaka Nakaya and H Shinomiya : Brugada syndrome associated with an autonomic disorder, Heart, Vol.80, No.2, 194-196, 1998.
Naoki Muguruma, Susumu Ito, Shigehito Hayashi, Satoko Taoka, Hiromasa Kakehashi, Kunio Ii, Seiichi Shibamura and Kazuhiro Takesako : Antibodies labeled with fluorescence-agent excitable by infrared rays, Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.33, No.4, 467-471, 1998.
Naoki Takeichi, Nobuo Fukuda, Yoshiyuki Tamura, Takashi Oki and Susumu Ito : Relationship between Left Atrial Function and Plasma Level of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Patients with Heart Disease, Cardiology, Vol.90, No.1, 13-19, 1998.
To investigate the relationship between left atrial function and secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), we analyzed left ventricular inflow and pulmonary venous flow, left atrial dynamics, intracardiac pressures, and plasma ANP level in 92 patients with various cardiac diseases. From the apical four-chamber view, maximal left atrial volume and percent fractional change of the left atrial area during atrial systole (LA-%AC) were calculated. The ratio of peak early filling velocity to peak atrial systolic velocity (E/A) in the left ventricular inflow and the ratio of peak systolic velocity to peak diastolic velocity (S/D) in the pulmonary venous flow were measured with the pulsed Doppler method. A significant linear correlation was found between plasma ANP levels and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Significant linear correlations were also found between left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and both maximal left atrial volume and LA-%AC. Plasma ANP level was significantly correlated with maximal left atrial volume, LA-%AC, E/A, and S/D. A multivariate analysis revealed that only LA-%AC was significantly correlated with the plasma ANP level. These results suggest that left atrial systolic dysfunction associated with a left atrial afterload mismatch is closely related to the ANP secretion.
Michiko Yukinaka, Masahiro Nomura, Tomoko Mitani, Yuki Kondo, Tomotsugu Tabata, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Cerebrospinal ascites developed 3 years after ventriculoperitoneal shunting in a hydrocephalic patient., Internal Medicine, Vol.37, No.7, 638-641, 1998.
We report a 23-year-old woman who developed ascites 3 years after ventriculoperitoneal shunting. Revision of the shunt to ventricular drainage followed by ventriculo-atrial shunting was required for resolution of ascites. In our patient the pathophysiology of this rare shunt complication most likely involved impaired absorption of fluid within the peritoneum associated with multiple shunt reconstructions and tube extensions resulting in chronic inflammation. Cerebrospinal ascites must be suspected irrespective of post-shunt intervals in similar patients.
Naoki Muguruma, Seisuke Okamura, Toshiya Okahisa, M Yasuda, S Hayashi, H Shibata and Susumu Ito : Electrohydraulic lithotripsy treatment for persimmon bezoars., Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.30, No.5, S60, 1998.
Susumu Ito, Naoki Muguruma, Shigehito Hayashi, Satoko Taoka, Terumi Bando, Kumi Inayama, Masahiro Sogabe, Toshiya Okahisa, Seisuke Okamura, Hiroshi Shibata, Tatsuro Irimura, Kazuhiro Takesako and Seiichi Shibamura : Development of agents for reinforcement of fluorescence on near-infrared ray excitation for immunohistological staining, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Vol.6, No.5, 613-618, 1998.
H Shinohara, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Koichi Sakabe and Susumu Ito : The Effects of Nicorandil on Electrophysiological Changes in Acute Myocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.39, No.3, 363-373, 1998.
Hirotsugu Yamada, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Assessment of left ventricular systolic wall motion velocity using pulsed tissue Doppler imaging: comparison with peak dP/dt of the left ventricular pressure curve., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.11, No.5, 442-449, 1998.
Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Kazuyo Fukuda, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Arata Iuchi, Nobuo Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of left atrial filling using systolic pulmonary venous flow velocity measurements in patients with atrial fibrillation., Clinical Cardiology, Vol.21, No.3, 169-175, 1998.
Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Miho Abe, Yukiko Onose, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Hiroyuki Fujinaga, Koichi Sakabe, Jiro Ikata, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Arata Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Right and left ventricular wall motion velocities as diagnostic indicators of constrictive pericarditis., The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol.81, No.4, 465-470, 1998.
Junya Inoi, Ichiro Shimizu, Yasuhiro Tsuji, Naoki Muguruma and Susumu Ito : Effect of administration of ursodeoxycholic acid at bedtime on cholesterol saturation of hepatic bile in Japanese patients with gallstone, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.45, No.1,4, 115-122, 1998.
The administration of a single, daily 600 mg dose of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) at bedtime and 3-200 mg doses per day at mealtime was conducted for 6 patients with gallstone and choledocholithiasis who were undergoing biliary drainage for the purpose of improving jaundice. Hepatic bile was collected from a drainage tube after a lapse of time in order to compare the bile acid compositions and cholesterol saturation index (SI) in bile for the 2 protocols. A significant increase in UDCA levels in hepatic bile was observed after both UDCA administration at bedtime and mealtime, but the effect of bedtime administration was significantly greater than that of mealtime administration. Whereas levels of cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) decreased for the case of bedtime administration, this was not detected for mealtime administration, although no significant differences among the mean interval values were observed. A significant in difference decreased SI was observed during UDCA bedtime administration, but not during mealtime administration, compared to the SI before administration. This suggests a decreased cholesterol excretion into the bile. Based on these findings and from the point of view of compliance, bedtime administration of UDCA appears to be an effective method.
Adult / Aged / Bile / Bile Acids and Salts / Cholagogues and Choleretics / Cholelithiasis / Cholesterol / Drug Administration Schedule / Eating / Female / Gallstones / Humans / Male / Middle Aged / Ursodeoxycholic Acid
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 111632, PubMed: 9864972)
Xiao-bin He, Kunio Ii, Naoki Muguruma, Shigehito Hayashi and Susumu Ito : Expresson of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen(PCNA) in biopsy and autopsy specimens of gastric carcinoma, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.44, No.3-4, 149-153, 1998.
Although proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is known to be an indicator of malignant potential in tumors, the biological and clinicopathological significance of PCNA in tumor tissue is controversial. Immunohistochemical expression of PCNA was examined in 58 gastric carcinoma tissues obtained at autopsy to test the clinicopathological significance. In addition, in 24 of the 58 tumor tissues we compared immunohistochemical expression of PCNA in biopsy and autopsy specimens from the same patient in order to know whether the proliferating activity of tumor cells is stationary from the early stage to the end of tumor growth. 1. PCNA was undetectable in some tumor tissues (12.5% in biopsy and 10.3% in autopsy specimens). 2. the frequency of PCNA positive cases and labeling index (LI) (%) of PCNA in tumor tissues were not significantly different between biopsy and autopsy specimens. 3. the intensity of PCNA reaction was not related to prognosis. 4. PCNA positive cases and LI did not correlate with survival condition. It is hard to say whether PCNA is a reliable indicator in predicting malignancy and prognosis of gastric cancer.
Tomotsugu Tabata, Takashi Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, Arata Iuchi, Susumu Ito, Takaki Hori, Tetsuya Kitagawa, Itsuo Kato, Hiroshi Kitahata and Shuzo Oshita : Role of left atrial appendage in left atrial reservoir function as evaluated by left atrial appendage clamping during cardiac surgery., The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol.81, No.2, 327-332, 1998.
Masako Shiba, Ichiro Shimizu, Mitsugu Yasuda, Kunio Ii and Susumu Ito : Expression of type I and type III collagens during the course of dimethylnitrosamine-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats, Liver, Vol.18, No.3, 196-204, 1998.
Koichi Sakabe, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Takashi Oki and Susumu Ito : Right atrial potential profiles during atrial fibrillation predict the success of atrial defibrillation, Journal of Electrocardiology, Vol.31, No.1, 39-44, 1998.
The right atrial electric potential was measured in 29 patients with chronic atrial fibrillation, and the clinical utility of these measurements in predicting the success of atrial defibrillation was investigated. The endocardial electric potential was recorded at 12 sites within the right atrium (high, middle, and low loci of anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial sites of the right atrium) with an electrode catheter. The duration and polar displacement of the atrial waves were measured at the one site that showed the maximum atrial electric potential among the 12 sites. The ratio of the maximum to the minimum atrial electric potential (atrial wave ratio) was calculated. Patients were classified into two groups according to the success (n = 6) or failure (n = 23) of atrial defibrillation. Electrophysiologic data were compared between the two groups, and correlations were evaluated between the data and the maximal left atrial diameter obtained from M-mode echocardiography. The two groups did not differ in the duration and polar displacement of the atrial waves. However, the atrial wave ratio was significantly lower in the success group than in the failure group, and the success rate of atrial defibrillation was also significantly greater in the patients with an atrial wave ratio of 10 or lower. This ratio showed a positive correlation with the maximal left atrial diameter; it became more difficult to achieve atrial defibrillation as the atrial wave ratio increased. Thus, the right atrial electric potential profile of patients with atrial fibrillation is a useful predictor of the success of atrial defibrillation.
Ichiro Shimizu, Mitsugi Yasuda, Yoko Mizobuchi, Yue-Rong Ma, Fei Liu, Masako Shiba, Takahiro Horie and Susumu Ito : Suppressive effect of estradiol on chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in rats., Gut, Vol.42, No.1, 112-119, 1998.
To examine the effects of oestradiol and testosterone on the early carcinogenic changes expressed in rat liver from the diethylnitrosamine (DEN), 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF), partial hepatectomy (PH) model of hepatocarcinogenesis. Preneoplastic liver lesions were evaluated using immunohistochemical analysis of glutathione-S-transferase placental form (GST-P) expression; oestrogen and androgen receptor levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Oestradiol administration to non-castrated DEN-AAF-PH treated males resulted in a decrease in the area of GST-P positive foci, while testosterone increased the serum oestradiol level and reduced the area. In males, castration alone and castration with oestradiol replacement significantly reduced the GST-P positive area, and increased the hepatic oestrogen receptor level. In DEN-AAF-PH treated females, castration with testosterone replacement was associated with a significant increase in the GST-P positive area and the hepatic androgen receptor level. These findings suggest that exogenous and endogenous oestradiol can suppress chemical hepatocarcinogenesis. It appears that oestrogen receptors may be involved in the inhibition of malignant transformation of preneoplastic liver cells, while androgens and androgen receptors are involved in hepatocarcinogenesis.
Hirotsugu Yamada, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Kazuyo Fukuda, M Abe, A Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Differences in transmitral flow velocity pattern during increase in preload in patients with abnormal left ventricular relaxation., Cardiology, Vol.89, No.2, 152-158, 1998.
Changes in transmitral flow (TMF) and pulmonary venous flow (PVF) velocities during increases in preload were compared in patients with a higher peak atrial systolic velocity than peak early diastolic velocity (A/E > 1) for the TMF velocity to determine differences in hemodynamic response. Fifteen patients with dilated hearts, 22 with hypertrophied hearts and 15 control patients were studied. TMF and PVF velocities were recorded by transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiography before and during application of lower body positive pressure. The value for peak early diastolic velocity increased, while the isovolumic relaxation time decreased with increases in preload in all groups. The value for peak atrial systolic velocity decreased in the dilated-heart group, but increased in the hypertrophied-heart and control groups. The peak second systolic and early diastolic PVF velocities increased in the dilated- and hypertrophied-heart groups, but did not change in the control group. The peak atrial systolic PVF velocity and the difference in duration of the atrial systolic PVF and TMF velocities increased in the dilated- and hypertrophied-heart groups, and its changing rate was highest in the group with dilated hearts. These results suggest that both peak early diastolic and atrial systolic TMF velocities increase during increases in preload through the Frank-Starling mechanism in hypertrophied hearts. Furthermore, the left ventricular functional reserve was lower in the dilated-heart group. Thus, TMF and PVF velocities respond differently during increases in preload, depending on the underlying heart disease.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, 三谷 智美, 近藤 幸, 由岐中 道子 and Susumu Ito : 心磁界から求めた心室脱分極ベクトルの加齢変化, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.11, 114-115, 1998.
Masahiro Nomura, 三谷 智美, 近藤 幸, 由岐中 道子, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : 心電図波形の加齢変化, The Official Journal of Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine, Vol.46, 761-765, 1998.
Masahiro Nomura, 由岐中 道子, 近藤 幸, 名田 智美, 遠藤 純子, 岸 史子, Ken Saito, 大木 崇, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Dihydropridine系Ca拮抗薬の心臓交感神経機能への影響, Heart, Vol.30, No.suppl 3, 98-100, 1998.
Yoshiaki Taoka, Masahiro Nomura, Masafumi Harada, Tomomi Mitani, Junko Endo, Yuki Kondo, Michiko Yukinaka, Susumu Ito, Yutaka Nakaya and Hiromu Nishitani : Coronary-Pulmonary Artery Fistulae Depicted by Multiplanar Reconstruction Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Japanese Circulation Journal, Vol.62, No.6, 455-457, 1998.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, T Nada, J Endo, Y Kondo, M Yukinaka, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : Effects of intravenous administration of L-arginine on autonomic nervous activities: Analysis of heart rate variability, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.39, 331-338, 1998.
Terukage Hirata, Hiromi Kogiso, Kenji Morimoto, Satoshi Miyamoto, Hiromi Taue, Shigeki Sano, Naoki Muguruma, Susumu Ito and Yoshimitsu Nagao : Synthesis and Reactivities of 3-Indocyanine-green-acyl-1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione (ICG-ATT) as a New Near-Infrared Fluorescent-labeling Reagent, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Vol.6, No.11, 2179-2184, 1998.
Susumu Ito : Right atrial electric potential profiles in patients with atrial fibrillation predict the success of atrial defibrillation, Eir Heart J, Vol.19(Suppl), 1998.
Susumu Ito : Effects of quinaprilat on electrophysiologic changes during acute myocardial ischaemia and following reperfusion in canines, Eur Heart J, Vol.19(Suppl), 1998.
Y Kondo, Masahiro Nomura, T Nada, J Endo, M Yukinaka, Ken Saito, S Ichkawa, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Ischaemic electrocardiographic changes after massive blood transfusion : Findings based on myocardial scintigraphy using 99mTc-MIBI and 123I-MIBG, Acta Cardiologica, Vol.53, No.5, 279-283, 1998.
We performed myocardial scintigraphy on a patient with ischaemic electrocardiographic changes after massive blood transfusion. Although there was no defect by 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy, 123I-MIBG scintigraphy was observed suggesting denervation after massive blood transfusion. Myocardial scintigraphy using 99mTc-MIBI or 123I-MIBG can be useful for the evaluation of myocardial dysfunction with reversible myocardial infarction.
Susumu Ito : Evaluation of Left Atrial Filling Using Systolic Pulmonary Venous Flow Velocity Measurements in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation, Journal of Electrocardiology, Vol.31, No.1, 39-44, 1998.
Susumu Ito : Usefulness and Limitations of Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Diagnosis of Adenomyomatosis of the Gallbladder, Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.10, No.3, 199-204, 1998.
Tetsuya Saijyo, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : Autonomic nervous system activity during infusion of L-arginine in patients with liver cirrhosis, Liver, Vol.18, 27-31, 1998.
H Fujinaga, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Koichi Sakabe, Jiro Ikata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Takashi Oki and Susumu Ito : Characteristics of Coronary Flow Velocity in Constrictive Pericarditis, Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis, Vol.44, 61-64, 1998.
H Fujinaga, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, A Nishikado, T Oki and Susumu Ito : Electrophysiologic effects of quinaprilat in dogs during acute myocardial ischemia and following reperfusion., Coronary Artery Disease, Vol.9, No.10, 697-701, 1998.
There have been few studies concerning the electrophysiologic changes associated with the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with acute myocardial infarction. We examined the electrophysiologic effects of quinaprilat in dogs during acute myocardial ischemia and following reperfusion. The left anterior descending coronary artery was occluded for 10 min and reperfused for 10 min. Animals received intravenous quinaprilat (3 micrograms/kg per min, quinaprilat group) or saline (control group). We measured the ventricular effective refractory period and intra-myocardial conduction time within the left anterior descending coronary artery region (ischemic region) during myocardial ischemia and following reperfusion, and determined the frequency of ventricular fibrillation. The effective refractory period in the ischemic region decreased during myocardial ischemia and decreased further immediately after reperfusion in the control group. The intra-myocardial conduction time in the ischemic region increased during myocardial ischemia but rapidly shortened after reperfusion in the control group. In the quinaprilat group, however, no significant differences were evident between the ischemic and non-ischemic regions in either the effective refractory period or the intra-myocardial conduction time during myocardial ischemia or following reperfusion. The percentage shortening of the effective refractory period and the percentage prolongation of the intra-myocardial conduction time in the ischemic region were significantly lower in the quinaprilat group than in the control group during myocardial ischemia and following reperfusion. The frequency of ventricular fibrillation during myocardial ischemia and following reperfusion was significantly lower in the quinaprilat group (21%) than in the control group (74%; P < 0.01). Quinaprilat protects against electrophysiologic abnormalities, and may decrease arrhythmias during acute myocardial ischemia and following reperfusion.
K. Sakabe, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, H. Shinohara, J. Ikata, H. Fujinaga, Y. Oishi, T. Toyoshima, A. Nishikado, T. Oki and Susumu Ito : Coronary flow velocity patterns immediately after reperfusion reflect pathologic characteristics of reperfused myocardium in canine models of acute myocardial infarction, Coronary Artery Disease, Vol.9, No.1, 21-27, 1998.
It is difficult to evaluate the extent of myocardial injury after successful reperfusion following acute myocardial infarction (AMI). We investigated the relationship between the coronary flow velocity pattern immediately after reperfusion and pathologic characteristics after myocardial reperfusion injury in dogs. We measured distal coronary flow velocity variables in the left circumflex coronary artery in a canine model of AMI (n = 12) 10 min after the release of a clamp (3-10 h clamp procedure) using a 0.35 mm Doppler guide-wire. Dogs were divided into two groups according to presence or absence of early systolic retrograde coronary flow. Hearts were excised 2 h after reperfusion and examined histopathologically. The clamping time tended to be longer in dogs with early systolic retrograde coronary flow. Neutrophil infiltration was observed in the myocardium of dogs without systolic retrograde flow (n = 9); hemorrhage was rarely detectable and the myocardium maintained a bundle form. However, the bundle form of the myocardium became rough, and the severity of the incidence of hemorrhage tended to increase as the ratio of the diastolic coronary flow velocity to systolic velocity (DSVR) decreased. Vacuolar degeneration of the myocardium was also observed in hearts with a relatively low DSVR. In the group with systolic retrograde flow (n = 3), hearts were characterized by coagulation necrosis, marked vacuolar degeneration of the myocardium and diffusely distributed red cells in the intermyocytes. Systolic antegrade flow velocity was much reduced in this group, resulting in a markedly increased DSVR. These findings appeared to be related to severe myocardial damage. Coronary flow velocity patterns immediately after successful reperfusion appear to reflect the pathologic characteristics of the reperfused myocardium in dogs with AMI.
Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Manabe and Susumu Ito : Transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiographic study of systolic flow velocity patterns of the pulmonary vein in patients with atrial fibrillation., Echocardiography, Vol.15, 147-156, 1998.
Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Manabe, Kazuyo Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Difference in systolic motion velocity of the left ventricular posterior wall in patients with asymmetric septal hypertrophy and prior anteroseptal myocardial infarction: evaluation by pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.39, 163-172, 1998.
Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Manabe and Susumu Ito : Left atrial contribution to left ventricular filling in patients with mitral stenosis: combined analysis of transmitral and pulmonary venous flow velocities., Echocardiography, Vol.15, 43-50, 1998.
Yuichiro Mishiro, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, K. Manabe, K. Fukuda, M. Abe, Y. Onose, T. Ishimoto and Susumu Ito : Echocardiographic characteristics and causal mechanism of physiologic mitral regurgitation in young normal subjects., Clinical Cardiology, Vol.20, No.10, 850-855, 1997.
Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Hisanori Shinohara, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Arata Iuchi, Nobuo Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Clinical application of pulsed Doppler tissue imaging for assessing abnormal left ventricular relaxation., The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol.79, No.7, 921-928, 1997.
Tomotsugu Tabata, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Manabe, Kazuyo Fukuda, Miho Abe, Nobuo Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of left atrial appendage function by measurement of changes in flow velocity patterns after electrical cardioversion in patients with isolated atrial fibrillation, The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol.79, No.5, 615-620, 1997.
N Fukuda, T Oki, A Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Susumu Ito, N Takeichi, H Shinohara, Takeshi Soeki, H Shinomiya, Y Yui and Y Tamura : Tricuspid inflow and regurgitant flow dynamics after mitral valve replacement: Differences relating to surgical repair of the tricuspid valve, The Journal of Heart Valve Disease, Vol.6, No.2, 184-188, 1997.
Changes in tricuspid inflow and regurgitant flow dynamics were evaluated in patients with functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR) who underwent mitral valve replacement (MVR) with and without tricuspid annuloplasty (TAP). In a group of 30 patients, all with atrial fibrillation, 15 underwent TAP performed according to the modified De Vega technique; the remaining 15 did not undergo TAP. Patients were studied before and serially after surgery, using pulsed and color Doppler echocardiography. The mean follow up was 4.7 years in the TAP group and 5.1 years in the non-TAP group. In the TAP group, immediately after surgery, the area of the TR jet decreased markedly, and the deceleration time of the tricuspid inflow velocity wave was significantly prolonged compared with that before surgery. By contrast, in the non-TAP group, both the area of the TR jet and deceleration time of tricuspid inflow velocity were virtually unchanged. The area of the TR jet remained small for a long period in the TAP group, but in non-TAP patients was increased in four cases over seven years, with two patients developing right-sided heart failure. Recent data showed the area of the TR jet to be significantly smaller, with maximum tricuspid inflow velocity significantly increased, and deceleration time of the tricuspid inflow velocity wave significantly prolonged in the TAP group compared with the non-TAP group. In patients with functional tricuspid regurgitation undergoing MVR, concomitant TAP may cause mild tricuspid stenosis, but produces sustained preventive effects against TR. Careful follow up is needed in patients who have not undergone TAP, as TR is not markedly decreased and may even be exacerbated. Aggressive TAP is recommended in patients showing dilatation of the tricuspid annulus, even if TR is mild.
Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Manabe, Kazuyo Fukuda, M Abe, A Iuchi, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Cross sectional echocardiographic demonstration of the mechanisms of abnormal interventricular septal motion in congenital total absence of the left pericardium., Heart, Vol.77, No.3, 247-251, 1997.
Susumu Ito, Naoki Muguruma, Shigehito Hayashi, Satoko Taoka, Akemi Tsutsui, Tamotsu Fukuta, Toshiya Okahisa, Yoshio Ohkita and Ichiro Shimizu : Development of an imaging system using fluorescent labeling substances excited by infrared rays., Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.9, No.4, 278-282, 1997.
Ichiro Shimizu, D-F Yao, Chiaki Horie, Tomoko Nishikado, X-Y Meng and Susumu Ito : Mutations in a hydrophilic part of the core gene of hepatitis C virus from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in China., Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.32, No.1, 47-55, 1997.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, K. Manabe, Y. Kageji, M. Abe and Susumu Ito : Transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of left atrial systolic performance in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: combined analysis of transmitral and pulmonary venous flow velocities., Clinical Cardiology, Vol.20, No.1, 47-54, 1997.
Kazuyo Manabe, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Fukuda, Miho Abe, Arata Iuchi, Nobuo Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Transesophageal echocardiographic prediction of initially successful electrical cardioversion of isolated atrial fibrillation., --- Effects of left atrial appendage function. ---, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.38, 487-495, 1997.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, 由岐中 道子, 近藤 幸, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : 心磁図法によるQTc dispersion:心筋梗塞による検討, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.10, 96-97, 1997.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, F Kishi, Y Kondo, M Yukinaka, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : Signal averaged electrocardiogram after exercise in patients with mitral valve prolapse, Journal of Medicine, Vol.28, No.1&2, 62-74, 1997.
While late potentials are correlated with an increased incidence of ventricular tachycardia, they are not necessarily a good predictor of ventricular electrical instability in patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP). Our objective was to determine whether the signal averaged electrocardiogram (SAECG) after exercise can discriminate groups with a higher frequency of ventricular arrhythmia from those without. The SAECG was recorded before and after treadmill exercise in 20 normal subjects (N group), 20 patients with MVP (MVP group) and 10 patients with old myocardial infarction (MI group). Five patients (25%) in the MVP group and two patients (33%) in the MI group had late potentials before exercise. Late potentials in the MI group did not disappear with exercise, whereas they disappeared with exercise in two patients in the MVP group. The results suggest that the late potentials observed in patients with MVP differ in nature from those with old myocardial infarction and are not always related to lethal arrhythmia.
K Kishi, Susumu Ito and Y Hiasa : Risk factors and incidence of coronary artery lesions in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms, Internal Medicine, Vol.36, No.6, 384-388, 1997.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Manabe, Fukuda Kazuyo, Miho Abe, Arata luchi and Susumu Ito : The 'Sail sound' and tricuspid regulation in Epstein's anomaly: the value of echocardiography in evaluating their mechanisms., the Journal Heart Valve Disease, Vol.6, 189-192, 1997.
Nobuo Fukuda, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Susumu Ito, Naoki Takeichi, Hisanori Shinohara, Takeshi Socki, Hirohiko Shinomiya, Yasuko Yui and Yoshiyuki Tamura : Tricuspid inflow and regurgitant flow dynamics after mitral valve replacement: differences relating to surgical repair of the tricuspid valve., the Journal of Heart Valve Disease, Vol.6, 184-188, 1997.
Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Kazuyo Manabe, M Abe, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Concealed left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the presence of acute left ventricular volume overload: a case report., Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.38, 139-144, 1997.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Masato Tanimoto, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Left atrial systolic performance in the presence of elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure: evaluation by transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiography of left ventricular inflow and pulmonary venous flow velocities., Echocardiography, Vol.14, 23-32, 1997.
Susumu Ito, Shuji ODA and Yoshiyuki TAMURA : Dynamics and relationships between serum lipoprotein(a) and fibrinolysis factors in patients with coronary artery disease., Jpn J Appl Physiol, Vol.27, No.1, 1-8, 1997.
Miwa Sasaki, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Relationship between the angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism and the effects of Enalapril on left ventricular hypertrophy and impaired diastolic filling in essential hypertension: M-mode and pulsed Doppler echocardiographic studies., Journal of Hypertension, Vol.14, No.12, 1403-1408, 1996.
To investigate the relationship between the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphism and the effects of the ACE inhibitor enalapril on left ventricular hypertrophy and impaired diastolic filling. Enalapril (5-10 mg/day) was administered for 12 months to 60 previously untreated patients with essential hypertension. M-mode and pulsed Doppler echocardiography were performed before and after treatment, and changes in various parameters after treatment with enalapril were examined. ACE gene polymorphism was examined by the polymerase chain reaction method and the patients were classified as having the 190 bp deletion homozygous (DD) genotype, the 490 bp insertion homozygous (II) genotype or the 490 bp insertion 190 bp deletion heterozygous (ID) genotype. The DD genotype was observed in 10 patients (17%), the ID genotype in 24 patients (40%) and the II genotype in 26 patients (43%). Plasma ACE activity before treatment with enalapril was significantly higher in seven patients with DD genotype than it was in 18 patients with ID genotype and in 14 patients with II genotype. In all of the 60 patients, the left ventricular mass index, the peak atrial systolic velocity:early diastolic velocity ratio and the deceleration time from the peak of the early diastolic wave to the baseline in transmitral flow velocity were decreased significantly after treatment with enalapril. The changes in left ventricular mass index and atrial systolic velocity:early diastolic velocity ratio after enalapril administration were significantly greater in the DD genotype group than they were in the other two genotype groups. Enalapril-induced regression of left ventricular hypertrophy and improvement in left ventricular impaired diastolic filling were significantly greater in the DD genotype group than they were in the ID and II genotype groups, suggesting that the circulating and tissue renin-angiotensin systems, particularly the former system, are most active in hypertensive patients with the DD genotype.
Tomotsugu Tabata, Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Influence of left atrial pressure on left atrial appendage flow velocity patterns in patients in sinus rhythm., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.9, No.6, 857-864, 1996.
Yoshimi Kageji, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata and Susumu Ito : Relationship between pulmonary capillary wedge V wave and transmitral and pulmonary venous flow velocity patterns in various heart diseases., Journal of Cardiac Failure, Vol.2, No.3, 215-222, 1996.
A large V wave in a pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) tracing is characteristic of mitral regurgitation. However, the V wave is often increased in patients without or with no significant mitral regurgitation. The V wave was in the PCWP tracing investigated in 65 patients using transmitral flow (TMF) and pulmonary venous flow (PVF) velocity patterns obtained by transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiography. A large V wave was defined if the peak V wave minus the mean PCWP (V-mPCWP) was greater than 7 mmHg. Three study groups were formed: 15 patients with large V waves and significant mitral regurgitation, 15 patients with large V waves with no significant mitral regurgitation, and 35 patients with small V waves. The mPCWP and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure were greatest in the group with large V waves and no significant mitral regurgitation. Peak early diastolic TMF and PVF velocities were significantly greater in the two groups with large V waves. The peak second systolic PVF velocity was lowest in the group with large V waves and significant mitral regurgitation, followed by the group with large V waves and no significant mitral regurgitation. The V-mPCWP was positively correlated with the peak early diastolic TMF and PVF velocities and negatively correlated with the peak second systolic PVF velocities. Additionally, mitral regurgitation severity in patients with large V waves and significant mitral regurgitation was positively correlated with the peak early diastolic TMF and PVF velocities and negatively correlated with the peak second systolic PVF velocity. These results suggest that large V waves in PCWP tracings appear not only in severe mitral regurgitation, but also in any condition with markedly elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. Combined analysis of the TMF and PVF velocity patterns is helpful in determining the etiology of these hemodynamic abnormalities.
岸 史子, Masahiro Nomura, 由岐中 道子, Ken Saito, Tomotsugu Tabata, 井内 新, 福田 信夫, 大木 崇, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : Evaluation of Myocardial Sympathetic Nerve Function in Patients With Mitral Valve Prolapse Using Iodine-123-Metaiodobenzylguanidine Myocardial Scintigraphy, Journal of Cardiology, Vol.27, No.Suppl II, 21-283, 1996.
Tomotsugu Tabata, Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Influence of aging on left atrial appendage flow velocity patterns in normal subjects., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.9, No.3, 274-280, 1996.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Koichi Kiyoshige, Takashi Fujimoto, Kazuyo Manabe, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Changes in left ventricular inflow and pulmonary venous flow velocities during preload alteration on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy., The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol.77, No.5, 430-435, 1996.
Arata Iuchi, Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Minori Hama, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Changes in transmitral and pulmonary venous flow velocity patterns after cardioversion of atrial fibrillation., American Heart Journal, Vol.131, No.2, 270-275, 1996.
Chiyo Horie, Hiroyuki Iwahana, Takahiro Horie, Ichiro Shimizu, Katsuhiko Yoshimoto, Shiro Yogita, Seiki Tashiro, Susumu Ito and Mitsuo Itakura : Detection of Different Quasispecies of Hepatitis C Virus Core Region in Cancerous and Non-cancerous Regions., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.218, No.3, 674-681, 1996.
Ichiro Shimizu, Yoko Mizobuchi, Mitsugu Yasuda and Susumu Ito : Stimulation of rat hepatocyte albumin synthesis by ascites from patients with cirrhosis., The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.43, No.3, 159-166, 1996.
Hirotsugu Yamada, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, K Fukuda, Miwa Sasaki, Nobuo Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Malignant melanoma metastasizing to the right heart: a case report., Jpn J Med Ultrasonics, Vol.23, 29-33, 1996.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, MIwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : A Case of Cardiac Amyloidosis Presenting with Mid- to Late Diastolic Retrograde Flow from the Left Atrium to the Pulmonary Vein: Transesophageal Pulsed Doppler Echocardiographic Observations., Echocardiography, Vol.13, 623-626, 1996.
Nobuo Fukuda, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Clinical significance of the apical late systolic ejection murmur: a new phonocardiographic sign indicating dynamic mid-left ventricular obstruction., Clinical Cardiology, Vol.19, 121-127, 1996.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, F Kishi, Ken Saito, A Shinohara, Susumu Ito, H Yamamoto, J Syoji, Y Ohkita and S Orino : A 90-year old patient with atrial septal defect and sinus rhythm, Acta Cardiologica, Vol.51, No.4, 377-380, 1996.
A 90-year old patient with an atrial septal defect (ASD) and sinus rhythm, but no history of atrial fibrillation of heart failure is presented. Literature searches revealed no similar report of such a case. In addition, this patient represents the oldest documented patients with ASD associated and sinus rhythm.
Age Factors / Aged / Aged, 80 and over / Electrocardiography / Heart Rate / Heart Septal Defects, Atrial / Humans / Male
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● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 8888895
西條 哲也, Masahiro Nomura, 岸 史子, Susumu Ito, Yutaka Nakaya, 伊東 猛, 糸崎 秀雄, 豊田 晴久 and 賀戸 久 : 64チャンネル磁束計を用いた小腸磁界の測定, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.9, 202-203, 1996.
Masahiro Nomura, 由岐中 道子, 岸 史子, Ken Saito, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : 特発性心筋症における初期QRSベクトルの信号源, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.9, 194-195, 1996.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, 渡部 克介, 岸 史子, Ken Saito, 三好 宏和, 西條 哲也, 由岐中 道子, 大木 崇 and Susumu Ito : L-アルギニン静脈注射による自律神経活動の影響:心拍変動解析による検討, Heart, Vol.28, No.Suppl 5, 31-32, 1996.
Masahiro Nomura, 岸 史子, 由岐中 道子, 近藤 幸, Ken Saito, 大木 崇, Susumu Ito and Yutaka Nakaya : 長時間運動負荷後の回復過程のエネルギー代謝と自律神経活動の検討‐呼気ガス分析と心拍変動解析による検討, Heart, Vol.29, No.Suppl 4, 73-75, 1996.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Fumiko Kishi, Michiko Yukinaka, Ken Saito, Hiroshi Shibata and Susumu Ito : Heart rate variability during painful medical procedures(Percutaneous ethanol injection therapy), Electrocardiology '96 from the cell to the body surface, 395-398, 1996.
Tomoko Nishikado, Hirohito Honda, Masako Kamamura, Shingo HIbino and Susumu Ito : Prevention of posttranfusion hepatitis by screening with second-generation anti-HCV antibody and clinical features of HCV infection, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.43, No.1-2, 1996.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Systolic and diastolic mitral regurgitation in a patient with annulo-aortic ectasia demonstrated by color Doppler flow imaging., the Journal of Heart Valve Disease, Vol.5, 254-257, 1996.
Nobuo Fukuda, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Peculiar patterns of aortic regurgitation and carotid pulse due to dysfunction of a Medtronic Hall prosthetic valve: a case report., the Journal of Heart Valve Disease, Vol.5, 283-285, 1996.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Possible mechanisms of mitral regurgitation in dilated hearts: a study using transesophageal echocardiography., Clinical Cardiology, Vol.19, 639-643, 1996.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Assessment of left atrial pressure and volume changes during atrial systole with transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiography of transmitral and pulmonary venous flow velocities., Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.37, 333-342, 1996.
Susumu Ito : ADP-dependent activation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in cultured porcine coronary artery smooth muscle cells by tilisolol hydrochloride., Pharmacutical Sciences, Vol.2, 107, 1996.
Susumu Ito : Development of fluorescence-emitting antibody labeling substance by near-infrared ray exciation., Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Vol.5, No.22, 2689, 1995.
Nobuo Fukuda, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Predisposing factors of severe mitral regurgitation in idiopathic mitral valve prolapse., The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol.76, No.7, 503-507, 1995.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki and Susumu Ito : A case of mitral valve prolapse simulating a mitral tumor or vegetation., American Heart Journal, Vol.130, No.1, 191-193, 1995.
Nobuo Fukuda, Takashi Oki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Pulmonary and systemic venous flow patterns assessed by transesophageal Doppler echocardiography in congenital absence of the pericardium., The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol.75, No.17, 1286-1288, 1995.
Nobuo Fukuda, Takashi Ooki, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : The first heart sound in atrial septal defect with reference to atrioventricular valve motion and hemodynamics., Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.36, 763-774, 1995.
西條 哲也, Masahiro Nomura, Susumu Ito, Yutaka Nakaya, 伊藤 猛, 糸崎 秀夫, 豊田 晴久, 春田 康博 and 賀戸 久 : 64チャンネルSQUID磁束計を用いた胃活動電流の測定‐臨床的有用性の検討‐, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.8, 318-321, 1995.
Masahiro Nomura, 西條 哲也, 岸 史子, Susumu Ito, Yutaka Nakaya, 糸崎 秀夫, 豊田 晴久, 春田 康博 and 賀戸 久 : 高温超伝導SQUIDを用いた胃運動機能の評価, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.8, 322-325, 1995.
伊藤 猛, 豊田 晴久, 春田 康博, 糸崎 秀夫, Masahiro Nomura, 西條 哲也, Susumu Ito and 賀戸 久 : 胃磁検出のための低周波信号処理, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.8, 326-327, 1995.
Yutaka Nakaya, Masahiro Nomura, 岸 史子, 三好 宏和, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : 前壁心筋梗塞症および健常例の初期QRSベクトルの信号源推定, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.8, 302-305, 1995.
Takashi Oki, Nobuo Fukuda, Tomohiko Kawano, Arata Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Histopathologic studies of innervation of normal and prolapsed mitral valves of humans., the Journal of Heart Valve Disease, Vol.4, 496-502, 1995.
Minoru Horikita, Susumu Ito, Kayoko Yamamoto, Takao Shibayama, Fumio Tsuda and Hiroaki Okamoto : Differences in the entire nucleotide sequence between hepatitis B virus genomes from carriers positive for antibody to hepatitis B e antigen with and without active disease., Journal of Medical Virology, Vol.44, No.1, 96-103, 1994.
The entire nucleotide sequence was determined for eight hepatitis B virus (HBV) genomes from three symptom-free carriers, two patients with chronic persistent hepatitis and one patient with chronic active hepatitis, who were positive for antibody to hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg). The two patients with chronic persistent hepatitis were tested again after they developed chronic active or fulminant hepatitis, making a total of eight samples. Six had a point mutation in the preC region prohibiting the encoding of HBeAg precursor, while the remaining two had a deletion of 8 or 21 nucleotides within the X gene upstream of the preC transcription initiation sites which would affect the X gene and the putative preC/C promoter. Most genomes from the three symptom-free carriers and the two patients with chronic persistent hepatitis, with HBV DNA levels of 10(2)-10(3)/ml, had deletion, frameshift mutation, initiation failure or a premature stop codon, rendering them replication-incompetent. In contrast, such mutations were rarely seen in HBV genomes from the two patients with chronic persistent hepatitis after they had developed active or fulminant hepatitis and from the patient with chronic active hepatitis, all of whom had vigorous HBV replication with serum HBV DNA from 10(6) to 10(9)/ml. Unique mutations for amino acid changes were more frequent in HBV genomes with a higher replicative activity. These results indicate two kinds of HBV genomes with an HBeAg-minus phenotype, one with defects seriously affecting viral replication and the other without such defects, which would account for different clinical profiles in carriers with antibody to HBeAg.
Adult / Base Sequence / Carrier State / Cloning, Molecular / DNA, Viral / Female / Genome, Viral / Hepatitis B / Hepatitis B e Antigens / Hepatitis B virus / Humans / Male / Middle Aged / Molecular Sequence Data / Mutation
Matsuoka Suguru, Tatara Katsunori, Yasunobu Hayabuchi, Taguchi Yoshiyuki, Kazuhiro Mori, Hirohito Honda, Susumu Ito, Yuasa Yasuto and Yasuhiro Kuroda : Serologic, virologic, and histologic characteristics of chronic phase hepatitis C virus disease in children infected by transfusion, Pediatrics, Vol.94, No.6, 919-922, 1994.
L Janosi, Ichiro Shimizu, A Kaji and Susumu Ito : Ribosome recycling factor (ribosome releasing factor) is essential for bacterial growth., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol.91, No.10, 4249-4253, 1994.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito, F Kishi, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Hirokazu Miyoshi, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Shigenobu Bando, Susumu Ito, Hiromu Nishitani, Masao Wada, Satoshi Fujita and Itsuro Tamura : Noninvasive localization of accessory pathways by magnetocardiographic imaging, Clinical Cardiology, Vol.17, No.5, 239-244, 1994.
The magnetocardiogram (MCG) is a newly developed method that helps localize a cardiac current source. To test the clinical accuracy of a 7-channel biomagnetic system in the localization of early ventricular depolarization sites, the MCGs of 14 patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome were recorded in a radiofrequency-shielded room. The locations of early ventricular depolarization sites were classified by standard 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs) and body surface isopotential mapping. The accessory pathways of 3 patients with WPW syndrome were located in the right free wall and in 11 patients in the left free wall. The three-dimensional (3-D) dipole location was computed every 2 ms from the onset of the QRS complex by the least-square method. These 3-D dipole locations were projected onto a gated magnetic resonance image in order to visualize the propagation of the calculated ventricular source. The results were compared with those obtained by body surface isopotential mapping, and electrocardiographic and electrophysiologic studies. The location of the deduced current dipole at 20 ms correlated well with the location of the accessory pathway by the body surface mappings in 12 of the 14 patients with WPW syndrome. The MCG is capable of precisely determining the 3-D location of a current source in a noninvasive manner and may be of potential benefit in the treatment of WPW syndrome by catheter ablation.
magnetocardiogram / Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome / Magnetic resonance image
Susumu Ito, D-F Yao, Takahiro Horie, Mako Kamamura, Tomoko Nishikado, Hirohito Honda, Ichiro Shimizu and X-Y Meng : Incidences of hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies and HCV-RNA in blood donors and patients with liver diseases in the inshore area of the Yangtze river., Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.9, No.3, 245-249, 1994.
The Nantong area is a high risk region for primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) in the inshore area of the Yangtze River. However, no detailed data are available about hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in this area. We examined the incidences of anti-HCV and HCV-RNA in blood donors with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)- and hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb)-negative and patients with chronic liver diseases in the Nantong area at Nantong Medical College, Jiangsu Province, the People's Republic of China. The incidences of HBV markers (HBsAg and/or HBcAb), anti-HCV (C100-3), second generation anti-HCV, HCV-RNA and any marker of HCV in the Nantong area were found to be: 0.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.2 and 0.7% in donor bloods; 16.9, 0.0, 3.4, 15.7 and 16.9% in patients with acute hepatitis; 82.8, 2.7, 4.8, 7.5 and 10.2% in those with chronic hepatitis; 86.4, 4.5, 9.1, 4.5 and 11.4% in those with liver cirrhosis; 87.5, 6.3, 0.0, 0.0 and 6.3% in those with PHC; and 21.8, 1.3, 1.3, 0.0 and 1.3% in patients without liver diseases, respectively. Although the Nantong area is a high risk region for PHC, these data suggest that HCV infection is not an important aetiological factor for PHC in this area.
Blood Donors / China / Chronic Disease / Female / Hepacivirus / Hepatitis Antibodies / Hepatitis C / Hepatitis C Antibodies / Humans / Incidence / Liver Diseases / Male / RNA, Viral / Seroepidemiologic Studies
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito, X-Y Meng and D-F Yao : Virological features of hepatitis C virus infection in patients with liver diseases in the inshore area of the Yangtze River, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.41, No.1, 49-56, 1994.
Susumu Ito, Toshiya Okahisa, Seisuke Okamura, Satoshi Wada, Mikio Yano, Tetsuya Saijo, Hirohito Honda, Hiroshige Hayashi and Ichiro Shimizu : Endoscopic therapy using monopolar and bipolar snare with a high-frequency current in patients with a pacemaker, Endoscopy, Vol.26, No.2, 270, 1994.
Ichiro Shimizu, Mako Kamamura, Takahiro Horie, Tomoko Nishikado, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : Kallikrein-kinin system during the cold pressor test in cirrhotic rats., Int Hepatol Commun, Vol.2, No.3, 170-174, 1994.
Susumu Ito, Hirohito Honda, Shingo Hibino, Mako Kamamura, Tomoko Nishikado, Harunobu Fujikawa, Tetsuya Saijyo, Seisuke Okamura and Ichiro Shimizu : HCV infection and its clinical features in recipients of blood screened for HCV (C100-3) antibody., Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.9, No.1, 19-25, 1994.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito, H Miyoshi, F Kishi, S Hibino, T Saijyo, Susumu Ito, K Nakagawa, Hideki Nakanishi, H Nagae, N Toda, S Tanaka, H Harada, K Matsumoto and T Hasagawa : Hemopneumothorax secondary to multiple cavitary metastasis in angiosarcoma of the scalp, Respiration, Vol.61, No.2, 109-112, 1994.
We report a case of hemopneumothorax secondary to multiple cavitary metastasis in the angiosarcoma of the scalp in an 86-year-old woman, who died of respiratory failure. At autopsy, multiple cavities were found in both lungs. Histologic specimen of the cavitary metastasis of the lung showed that tumor cells proliferated forming several tubular spaces and these tubular spaces seemed to communicate with the central cyst. These findings suggested that imperfect vessel-like structures of the cavitary metastasis are likely to break down and finally grow up to large thin-walled cavities.
Masahiro Nomura, 西條 哲也, 岸 史子, 三好 宏和, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya, 大木 崇 and Susumu Ito : 肝硬変患者における自律神経機能:体表面平均加算化心電図法を用いた検討, Journal of Cardiology, Vol.24, No.Suppl 41, 102-104, 1994.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, 岸 史子, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : 心磁図法による心房性再分極波(Ta波)の検討, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.7, 202-205, 1994.
Yutaka Nakaya, Masahiro Nomura, Ken Saito, 岸 史子 and Susumu Ito : 心筋梗塞症の初期QRSベクトルと心室再分極ベクトル-心磁図法による電流源の位置, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.7, 206-209, 1994.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito, F Kishi, H Miyoshi, K Watanabe, Susumu Ito, M Kubo and S Matsuoka : Time- and frequency-domain analyses of signal averaged electrocardiograms in patients with diabetes mellitus, Journal of Medicine, Vol.25, No.5, 271-283, 1994.
We recorded the signal-averaged electrocardiography (SAECG) of patients with diabetic retinopathy in order to clarify whether a ventricular conduction disturbance can be detected by time- or frequency-domain analysis of the SAECG. Twenty-four normal subjects (N group) and 20 patients with diabetic retinopathy [diabetes mellitus (DM) group] were studied. On time-domain analysis, the duration of the filtered QRS (f-QRS), the duration of the terminal QRS below 40 microV (LAS40) and the root-mean-square amplitude of the terminal 40 msec (RMS40) were measured. The frequency-domain analysis was performed using two windows. In each window, the ratio of the area under the spectral curve from 40 to 100 Hz was compared with that from 0 to 40 Hz and the area from 20 to 50 Hz was compared with that from 0 to 20 Hz. The LAS40 of the DM group was significantly prolonged when compared with the N group. The area ratio from 40 to 100 Hz versus 0 to 40 Hz significantly increased in the DM group when compared with the N group. These results suggest that SAECG can be used to detect abnormal electrical signals due to diabetic microangiopathy. Moreover, high frequency components of 40 to 100 Hz at the terminus of the QRS wave were most sensitive for abnormalities due to diabetic microangiopathy.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito, F Kishi and Susumu Ito : Circadian profile of heart rate variability in mitral valve prolapse syndrome, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.57, No.suppl, 557-558, 1994.
Tetsuya Saijo, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito, F Kishi and Susumu Ito : Time- and frequency-domain heart rate variabilities in patients with liver cirrhosis, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.35, No.suppl, 563-564, 1994.
F Kishi, Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito and Susumu Ito : Relationship between the ischemic myocardium and focus of ventricular tachycardia in old myocardial infarction, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.35, No.suppl, 563-564, 1994.
S Matsuoka, K Takata, Y Hayabuchi, K Mori, Hirohito Honda, Susumu Ito, Y Yuasa and Y Kuroda : Serologic, virologic, and histrogic characteristics of chronic phase hepatitis C virus disease in children infected by transfusion, Pediatrics, Vol.94, No.6-1, 919-922, 1994.
Hirohito Honda, Shingo Hibino, Chiyo Nii, Minoru Horokita, Masako Kamamura, Tomoko Nishikado, Takahiro Horie, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Shibata, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : Prevalence of HCV-antibodies And HCV-RNA In Donor Blood In Tokushima Prefecture, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.41, No.1-2, 9-15, 1994.
Nobuo Fukuda, Takashi Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Kenzo Hosoi, Arata Iuchi, Kazuyo Manabe, Yoshimi Kageji, Miwa Sasaki, Minori Hama and Susumu Ito : Comparative phonocardiographic, echocardiographic and Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of normally functioning Medtrinic-Hall and Bj rk-Shiley mitral prosthetic valves., the Journal of Heart Valve Disease, Vol.3, 275-282, 1994.
Susumu Ito : Serologic, virologic, and histologic characteristics of chronic phase hepatitis C virus disease in children infected by transfusion.PEDIATRICS (,) /,, Academic Journal, Vol.94, No.6, 919-922, 1994.
Hirohito Honda, 日比野 真吾, 林 広茂, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : HCV(C100-3)抗体スクリーニング後の輸血後肝炎例におけるHCV感染状況と病態に関する研究, Acta Hepatologica Japonica, Vol.34, No.2, 105-113, 1993.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Yukiko Miyoshi, Fumiko Kishi, Ken Saito, Susumu Ito, Kimiko Nakayasu, Hiromu Nishitani, Kenji Matsuzaki, Shin-ichi Ueno, Itsuro Tamura, Masao Wada, Satoshi Fujita and Tsutomu Takae : Prediction of the site of origin of ventricular premature beat by magnetocardiogram, Heart, Vol.25, No.8, 907-913, 1993.
Ichiro Shimizu, Satoshi Wada, Toshiya Okahisa, Masako Kamamura, Mitsuyasu Yano, Tsukasa Kodaira, Katsushi Nishino, Kenji Shima and Susumu Ito : Radioimmunoreactive plasma bradykinin levels and histological changes during the course of cerulein-induced pancreatitis in rats., Pancreas, Vol.8, No.2, 220-225, 1993.
The plasma bradykinin (BK) and serum amylase levels and histological changes in rats during the course of acute pancreatitis induced by a large dose of cerulein were examined. Animals were given four intraperitoneal injections of 20 micrograms/kg body wt of cerulein at hourly intervals. The plasma concentration of BK-like immunoreactivity (BK-LI), measured by a highly sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay established in this study, was found to reach a peak 6 h after the first injection of cerulein and then to remain elevated. On the other hand, the serum amylase and the histological alterations (i.e., interstitial edema, vacuolization, and inflammatory infiltration) were maximal 9 h after the first injection and returned to nearly normal after 24 h. These observations suggest that the BK generation is indicative of the participation of the kallikrein-kinin system in the pathophysiological change and that the plasma BK-LI level is a good marker of cellular damage and inflammation within the pancreas during the course of acute pancreatitis.
Acute Disease / Amylases / Animals / Bradykinin / Caerulein / Immune Sera / Male / Pancreatitis / Radioimmunoassay / Rats / Rats, Wistar / Sensitivity and Specificity
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● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 7681581
Susumu Ito, Shingo Hibino, Mikio Yano, Mako Kamamura, Tomoko Nishikado, Ichiro Shimizu and Hirohito Honda : Epidemiological characteristics of the incidence of hepatitis C virus (C100-3) antibodies in patients with liver diseases in the inshore area of the Yangtze river., Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.8, No.3, 232-237, 1993.
The Nantong area is an endemic region of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in the inshore area of the Yangtze River. However, no detailed data are available about hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in this area. In this study recent reports are reviewed about the incidence of viral hepatitis and primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) in China, and it is shown that the Nantong area is a high risk region for PHC. This study reports on the incidence of antibody to HCV (anti-HCV) in patients with chronic liver diseases in the Nantong area; investigated in collaboration with members of the Nantong Medical College, Jiangsu Province, the People's Republic of China. The incidence of anti-HCV (C100-3) in the Nantong area was: 0.67% (three of 451) in donor blood; 0.0% (none of 89) in patients with acute hepatitis; 2.7% (five of 186) in those with chronic hepatitis, 4.5% (two of 44) in those with liver cirrhosis; 6.3% (one of 16) in those with PHC; and 1.3% (one of 78) in patients without liver disease. The incidence of hepatitis B surface antigen in the Nantong area was: 15.7% (14 of 89) in patients with acute hepatitis; 81.2% (151 of 186) in those with chronic hepatitis; 81.8% (36 of 44) in those with liver cirrhosis; 87.5% (14 of 16) in those with PHC; and 20.5% (16 of 78) in patients without liver disease. Although the Nantong area is a high risk region for PHC, these data suggest that HCV infection is not an important aetiological factor for PHC in this area.
Adolescent / Adult / Carcinoma, Hepatocellular / China / Female / Hepacivirus / Hepatitis Antibodies / Hepatitis C / Hepatitis C Antibodies / Humans / Liver Neoplasms / Male / Middle Aged / Risk Factors / Seroepidemiologic Studies
(Link to Search Site for Scientific Articles)
● PubMed @ National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine (PMID): 7686055
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Ken Saito, 岸 史子, 三好 宏和, Akiyoshi Nishikado, 坂東 重信, Susumu Ito, 和田 昌夫, 藤田 智 and 田村 逸郎 : SQUIDを用いた心房興奮伝播のMRI画像上の表示, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.6, 214-217, 1993.
Yutaka Nakaya, Masahiro Nomura, 岸 史子, Ken Saito, Akiyoshi Nishikado, 坂東 重信 and Susumu Ito : 心室性不整脈の発生源の推定-心電図と心磁図の比較, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.6, 210-213, 1993.
Susumu Ito : Incidences of hepatitis C virus(HCV) antibodies and HCV-RNA in blood donors and patients with liver diseases in the Inshore Area of the yangtze River., Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.9, No.3, 19-25, 1993.
Masahiro Nomura, Kimiko Nakayasu, Yutaka Nakaya, Yukiko Miyoshi, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Ken Saito, Shigenobu Bando and Susumu Ito : Single moving dipole obtained from magnetic field of the heart in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, Clinical Cardiology, Vol.15, No.10, 752-758, 1992.
Magnetocardiograms (MCGs) were recorded by means of a second-derivative SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) magnetometer in 20 normal subjects and 28 patients with left ventricular overload to analyze the activation sequence of the heart and amplitude of estimated current source. In the normal subjects, the dipole was directed to the left and gradually superiorly 40 ms after the beginning of the QRS wave mainly due to the activation of the left ventricle. In the patients with hypertension, the direction and location of the dipoles were similar to those of the normal subjects, but their dipole moments were increased. In the patients with mitral regurgitation, the dipoles of late QRS were directed more inferiorly than in the normal subjects and their amplitude was increased. In the patients with aortic valve disease, the amplitude of the dipoles was increased markedly and their location was deviated more to the left than the dipoles of the normal subjects. We established the criterion for diagnosis of LVO from the dipole moment of 50 ms of 3.13 x 10(-3) A or more. The sensitivity of this criterion is significantly higher in the diagnosis of left ventricular overload than the electrocardiogram (ECG). The present study shows that the moving dipole method is useful to determine the increased electromotive force in patients with left ventricular overload and that sensitivity in diagnosis of left ventricular overload is increased.
magnetocardiogram / left ventricular overload / single moving dipole
Yutaka Nakaya, Masahiro Nomura, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, 三好 由貴子, Akiyoshi Nishikado, 坂東 重信, Susumu Ito and Kimiko Nakayasu : Single moving dipoleによる左室負荷の診断, 日本心電学会誌, Vol.12, No.Suppl 1, 85-87, 1992.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, 三好 由貴子, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Susumu Ito, 森 博愛, 上野 慎一, 松崎 健司, Hiromu Nishitani, 田村 逸郎, 和田 昌夫, 藤田 智 and 高江 勉 : 正常例の初期QRS波のdipoleの位置推定‐心電図同期MRI画像上への表示‐, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.5, 110-113, 1992.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, 三好 由貴子, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Susumu Ito, 森 博愛, 上野 慎一, 松崎 健司, Hiromu Nishitani, 田村 逸郎, 和田 昌夫, 藤田 智 and 高江 勉 : 心磁図法による心室最早期興奮部位の推定‐磁界分布図と体表面電位図·心表面マッピングとの対比‐, The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Vol.5, 106-109, 1992.
Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Yutaka Nakaya, Yukiko Miyoshi, Masahiro Nomura, Ken Saito, RX Zeng, Susumu Ito and Isao Inoue : Effects of vasopressin on K+ channels of vascular smooth muscle cells, Therap Res, Vol.13, 311-317, 1992.
K. Okochi, S. Inaba, K. Tokunaga, H. Yoshizawa, H. Moori, M. Mizui, Susumu Ito, F. Yokoishi, K. Tsubaki, H. Yamano, K. Konishi, K. Kanemitsu, M. Shimizu, J. Watanabe, N Nojiri, K Nishioka, T. Tanaka, S. Kikuchi, N. Endo and K. Nishioka : Effect of screening for hepatitis C virus antibody and hepatitis B virus core antibody on incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis, The Lancet, Vol.338, No.8774, 1040-1041, 1991.
Yutaka Nakaya, Masahiro Nomura, Kimiko Nakayasu, S. Bandou and Susumu Ito : Diagnosis of ventricular hypertrophy by single moving dipole, International Conference on Biomagnetism., Vol.8, 439-440, 1991.
Ichiro Shimizu, Satoshi Wada, Harunobu Fujikawa, Minoru Horikita, Shingo Hibino, Toshiya Okahisa, Seisuke Okamura, Hiroshige Hayashi, Hirohito Honda, Tetsuya Saijo, Mikio Yano, Joji Syundo, Susumu Ito and Yoshiaki Sano : A case of melanosis duodeni in which pigmentation disappeared after the discontinuation of hydralazine administration., Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.3, No.4, 574-580, 1991.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito, Takeshi Takaoka, Naoki Muguruma, Toshimasa Fukuda, Tatsuhiko Okabe, Minoru Horikita, Singo Hibino, Hiroshige Hayashi and Hirohito Honda : Prevention of posttransfusional non-A, non-B hepatitis by a screen test for hepatitis C virus antibody of donor bloods., The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.38, No.1, 19-23, 1991.
Susumu Ito, Tomoharu Maeda, Akiharu Iwasaki, Harunobu Fujikawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Tetsuya Saijyou, Kunio Ii, Nobuya Sano, Yoshiko Matsuda and Hitoshi Endo : HISTOCHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES ON GUANASE IN THE HUMAN AND RAT KIDNEY, Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica, Vol.24, No.6, 591-596, 1991.
Susumu Ito : Histochemical and biochemical studies on guanase in kidney., Histochemical J, Vol.24, No.6, 1991.
Susumu Ito : Purification of human liver guanase and characterization of antibody against it by immunoblotting., Clin Biochem, Vol.23, No.2, 1990.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito, Tsukasa Takaoka, Yoshifumi Kajimoto, Satoshi Wada and Joji Shundo : Elevation of the ulcer base in cases treated with an H2-blocker; difference between an elevated type gastric ulcer scar and a white elevated lesion., Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.2, 3-8, 1990.
Susumu Ito : Elevation of the ulcer base in cases treated with an H2-blocker. Difference between an elevated type of gastric ulcer scar and a white elevated lesion., Digestive Endoscopy, Vol.2, No.1, 1990.
Susumu Ito, J Syundo, Y Tamura, S Kishi, H Mori, K Ii, Y Matsuda and N Katsunuma : Characterization of antibody against human liver guanase by immunoblotting and immunohistochemical staining on human liver guanase by a direct labelling antibody-enzyme method, The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Vol.37, No.5, 611-615, 1989.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito, Joji Syundo, Yasuhiro Tsuji and Seiichiro Kishi : Cytochemical demonstration of guanase in human liver using yellow tetrazolium, Acta Histochem, Vol.83, No.1, 99-105, 1988.
Susumu Ito, J Syundo, Y Tsuji, I Shimizu, S Kishi, Y Tamura, K Ii and Y Xu : Cytochemical demonstration of guanase in human liver using yellow tetrazolium., Acta Histochemica, Vol.83, No.1, 99-105, 1988.
Histochemical studies of human guanase (guanine deaminase) have seldom been undertaken, in part because of technical difficulties which result in heavy background staining. We reported a modified procedure for histochemical demonstration of guanase in human tissues involving hydrolytic deamination of the substrate guanine to xanthine via guanase, and then oxidation of xanthine to uric acid, with concomitant reduction of nitrotetrazolium blue (NBT). In this report, we describe a modification of this method for cytochemical demonstration of guanase at the fine structural level using yellow tetrazolium in place of NBT for determination of the intracellular distribution of guanase in human hepatocytes. In the hepatocytes, the reaction products were seen to be concentrated in the nucleus, in mitochondria, cisternae of the smooth and/or rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, and lysosomes. The precise locations of the reaction product in the cisternae of the nuclear envelope, chromosomes, and nucleus could not be determined. However, the reaction products in the mitochondria were clearly seen to be located in the spaces of cristae. This information of the intracellular distribution of guanase in normal hepatocytes will be useful in determining the physiological role of this enzyme and in further studies on diseased hepatocytes including those in non-A non-B hepatitis.
Susumu Ito : Clinical value of the guanase screening test in donor blood for prevention of posttransfusional hepatitis., Hepatology, Vol.8, No.2, 1988.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito, Takeshi Mizobuchi, Seiichiro Kishi and Hiroyoshi Mori : An elevated type of gastric ulcer scar in patients treated with cimetidine., Endoscopy, Vol.18, No.1, 7-9, 1986.
Susumu Ito : Histochemical distribution of guanase in human tissues with guanase in bicine buffer as substrate., Acta Histochem Cytochem, Vol.19, No.4, 1986.
Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito, Yasuhiro Tsuji and Seiichiro Kishi : A new device of esophageal dilatation for the severe and recurrent post- operative stenotic stoma., The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.32, No.3, 39-44, 1985.
Susumu Ito : Relationship between the guanase activity in donor blood for transfusion and the incidence of post-transfusional non A non B hepatitis., Hepatology, Vol.6, No.5, 1985.
Susumu Ito : Histochemical demonstration of guanase in human liver using guanine in bicine buffer as substrate., Histochem J, Vol.16, 1984.
Susumu Ito : Clinical value of the determination of serum guanase activity. Studies on patients and experimental data from mongrel dogs and cultured rat hepatocytes., Gastroenterology, Vol.83, No.5, 1982.
Susumu Ito : Trial diagnostic test kit for the determination of guanase activity using 8-azaguanine solution in dotite bicine buffer as substrate., ASEAN J Clin Scien, Vol.2, No.2, 1981.
Susumu Ito : A sensitive new method for measurement of guanase with 8-azaguanine bicine bis-hydroxy ethyl glycine buffer as substrate., Clin Chim Acta, Vol.115, 1981.
Susumu Ito, S Kishi, H Mori and G Akagi : An elevated type of gastric ulcer scar., Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vol.25, No.2, 58-60, 1979.
Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):
Kenya Kusunose, Hirotsugu Yamada, T Niki, T Nakajima, K Yamaguchi, K Koshiba, Tomohito Kawano, Takeshi Soeki, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki and Susumu Ito : Relationship Between the Ratio of Peak Early Diastolic Transmitral Flow and Mitral Annular Velocities and the Plasma B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Concentration in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Assessment by Simultaneous Recording of Transmitral Flow and Mitral Annular Velocity., Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol.49, No.9, 137A, 2007.
Susumu Ito, kimura Yoshitaka, Masahiro Nomura, Sawada Yuki, Muraoka Naoko and Kohno Nao : Evaluation of the effects of mastication and swallowing on gastric motility using electrogastrography, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.3,4, 229-237, 2006.
The influence of mastication and swallowing on gastric motor function was evaluated by electrogastrography (EGG) and abdominal ultrasonography. The subjects were 30 elderly patients with tubal feeding without mastication and swallowing (T group) and 30 elderly controls who processed food by mastication and swallowing (C group). Gastric motor function was percutaneously examined before and after the ingestion of 250 ml of a liquid diet using an electrogastrograph (NIPRO EGG, A and D, Tokyo, Japan). The cross-sectional area of the gastric antrum was measured at 1 and 30 min after the start of ingestion of the liquid diet by external ultrasonography of the abdomen, and the gastric excretion function was evaluated. Furthermore, the spectral analysis of heart rate variability was performed using Holter electrocardiograms before and after ingestion. The low frequency power (LF power, 0.04-0.15 Hz), high frequency power (HF power, 0.15-0.40 Hz), and the LF/HF ratio were determined. The peak amplitude at 3 cycles per minute (cpm) was significantly increased after ingestion in the C and T groups (p<0.05), and the ratio of increase was significantly lower in the T group (p<0.05). The mean amplitude for the brady-gastria and tachy-gastria was significantly higher in the T group than in the C group (p<0.05). The gastric excretion function, as evaluated by external ultrasonography of the abdomen, was significantly lower in the T group than in the C group (p<0.05). An analysis of heart rate variability demonstrated that the HF power, a parameter of parasympathetic activity, after ingestion was significantly higher in the C group than in the T group (p<0.05). No changes in LF power or LF/HF ratio, parameters of sympathetic activity, were induced by ingestion in either the C or T groups. The parasympathetic nerve dominantly controls gastric motor function, but autonomic nervous activity is reduced in patients who are unable to masticate and swallow food, resulting in adverse effects on gastric motor function and excretion function. Mastication and swallowing not only prepare food for passage from the oral cavity to the esophagus but are also important in terms of subsequent events that occur in stomach. It has been proposed that autonomic nervous activity might be involved in mastication and swallowing.
Abdomen / Aged / Aged, 80 and over / Autonomic Nervous System / Deglutition / Eating / Electrocardiography / Electrophysiology / Fasting / Female / Gastrointestinal Motility / Heart Rate / Humans / Male / Mastication / Middle Aged / Parasympathetic Nervous System / Stomach
Takeshi Soeki, Y Fukuda, K Koshiba, K Yamaguchi, Tomohito Kawano, Hirotsugu Yamada, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Masahiro Nomura, Kenji Kangawa and Susumu Ito : Ghrelin Protects Myocardium Against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury via Inhibiting Myocardial Apoptosis., Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol.47, No.4A, 308A, 2006.
Hirotsugu Yamada, Tomotsugu Tabata, H Tanaka, K Harada, Masahiro Nomura and Susumu Ito : Long-term left ventricular morphologic change in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a relationship with development of atrial fibrillation., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.18, 59, 2005.
Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, H Tanaka, Y Saito, K Harada, Masahiro Nomura and Susumu Ito : Pseudonormalization of the transmitral inflow Doppler velocities re-evaluated in relation to the left atrial function using tissue strain imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.18, 34, 2005.
Hirotsugu Yamada, Tomotsugu Tabata, K Harada, H Tanaka, T Yoshida, Masahiro Nomura and Susumu Ito : Quantitative assessment of biphasic response to dobutamine by tissue strain echocardiography., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.18, 7, 2005.
Tomotsugu Tabata, H Tanaka, Hirotsugu Yamada, Y Saito, K Harada, Masahiro Nomura and Susumu Ito : Quantitative and Direct Assessment of the Left Atrial Reservoir Function Using Tissue Strain Imaging., Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol.45, No.3A, 274A, 2005.
Hirotsugu Yamada, E Kimura, H Tanaka, K Harada, Masahiro Nomura and Susumu Ito : Effect of Left Ventricular Geometry on Systolic Myocardial Velocity Gradient in Patients With Hypertension., Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol.45, No.3A, 273A, 2005.
三宮 勝隆, Hirohito Honda, 久保 謙一郎, 崔 学芝, 糸永 美奈, 伊井 邦雄, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : 肝臓におけるグアナーゼ研究の新しい可能性, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.51, No.2, 280-282, 2004.
E Kimura, Tomotsugu Tabata, H Tanaka, K Harada, Hirotsugu Yamada, Masahiro Nomura, T Oki and Susumu Ito : Better Choice of Color Tissue Doppler Imaging Couped with High Dose Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography for Detection Coronary Artery Stenoosis., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.16, 528, 2003.
Tomotsugu Tabata, H Tanaka, K Harada, E Kimura, Hirotsugu Yamada, Masahiro Nomura, T Oki and Susumu Ito : Assessment of the Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Independent of Cardiac Translation Using a Newly Developed Tissue Strain Imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.16, 556, 2003.
H Tanaka, Tomotsugu Tabata, E Kimura, K Harada, Hirotsugu Yamada, Masahiro Nomura, T Oki and Susumu Ito : Impact of Angiotensin II receptor Antagonist on Left Ventricular Myocardial Function on Hypertensive Hypertrophy: Assessment of Myocardial Velocity Profile and Plasma Vasoactive Peptide., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.16, 557, 2003.
Masahiro Nomura and Susumu Ito : 偶発症対策のモニタリング.内視鏡検査中の自律神経活動及びQT dispersionの変化, クリニシアン, Vol.50, No.11-12, 1065-1071, 2003.
Masahiro Nomura, Yutaka Nakaya, Akiyoshi Nishikado, 斎藤 憲 and Susumu Ito : 心筋梗塞様心電図, 老年病診療Q&A, Vol.40, 840-841, 2003.
Hirohito Honda, 久保 謙一郎, 豊田 敬生, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : グアナーゼからみたB型肝炎とC型肝炎との差異, 岡山医学会雑誌, Vol.114, 215-216, 2002.
Susumu Ito : 選択的エストロゲン受容体モジュレーター,idoxifeneの抗酸化作用,抗アポトーシス作用と肝線維化抑制作用, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.45, No.1, 72-75, 2001.
Hirohito Honda, 豊田 敬生, Yajun Zhou, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis(NASH)とグアナーゼ, 岡山医学会雑誌, Vol.113, 213-214, 2001.
Susumu Ito : 肝細胞癌に対する診断と治療, Journal of Okayama Medical Association, Vol.112, No.3, 109-110, 2000.
Masahiro Nomura, Tetsuya Saijyo, Y Haruta, H Itozaki, H Toyoda, Yutaka Nakaya, Susumu Ito and H Kado : Biomagnetic measurement of gastric mechanical motility using a high-temperature SQUID imaging., In Biomag 96, Vol.IV, 624-627, 2000.
F Kishi, Masahiro Nomura, M Yukinaka, Ken Saito, Yutaka Nakaya and Susumu Ito : Source localization of initial QRS vector in patients with idiopathic cardiomyopathy : Comparison with normal subjects and patients with anterior myocardial infarction., In Biomag 96, 475-478, 2000.
Hirotsugu Yamada, T Oki, Y Mishiro, M Abe, Y Onose, Tomotsugu Tabata and Susumu Ito : Myocardial gradient as an indicator of regional myocardial contraction after cardiac surgery: a study with tissue Doppler imaging., Eur Heart J, Vol.20, 682, 1999.
Hirotsugu Yamada, T Oki, Y Mishiro, M Abe, Y Onose, Tomotsugu Tabata, Masahiro Nomura and Susumu Ito : Regional left ventricular myocardial function in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: assessment by tissue Doppler imaging and 123 I-b-methyliodopheny1 pentadecanoic acid scintigraphy., Eur Heart J, Vol.20, 294, 1999.
Y Mishiro, T Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, M Abe, Y Onose, Tomotsugu Tabata and Susumu Ito : Assessment of left ventricular myocardial viability using mitral annular descent velocity: a study with dobutamine stress pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Eur Heart J, Vol.20, 681, 1999.
Hirohito Honda, Ichiro Shimizu, Susumu Ito and 玉置 大器 : 癌細胞におけるHigh Mobility Group(HMG)-I(Y)の発現と役割, 消化器癌と遺伝子異常·治療, 29-33, 1998.
Y Mishiro, T Oki, A Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, M Abe, Y Onose, K Manabe, Y Kageji, K Fukuda, Susumu Ito, Y Taoka and Hiromu Nishitani : Assessment of early diastolic left ventricular regional myocardial function in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using tissue Doppler imaging and magnetic resonance myocardial tagging., Eur Heart J, Vol.19, 9, 1998.
Hirotsugu Yamada, T Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, M Abe, K Manabe, K Fukuda, A Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of left atrial relaxation abnormality using pulmonary venous flow velocity and interatrial septal motion., Eur Heart J, Vol.18, 477, 1997.
M Abe, T Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, K Manabe, K Fukuda, A Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Differentiation of left ventricular diastolic wall motion velocities between aortic and mitral regurgitation using tissue Doppler imaging., Eur Heart J, Vol.18, 327, 1997.
K Fukuda, T Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, K Manabe, Hirotsugu Yamada, M Abe, A Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Relationship between left ventricular regional wall motion abnormalities and mitral annular descent velocities in patients with myocardial infarction and dilated cardiomyopathy: a study with tissue Doppler imaging., Eur Heart J, Vol.18, 103, 1997.
Tomotsugu Tabata, T Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, M Abe, K Manabe, K Fukuda, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, K Sakabe, A Iuchi and Susumu Ito : Relationship between left atrial appendage function and plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic peptide., Eur Heart J, Vol.18, 328, 1997.
Hirotsugu Yamada, T Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, K Manabe, K Fukuda, M Abe, A Iuchi, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Influence of aging on early diastolic and atrial systolic motion dynamics of the left ventricular wall in normal subjects: Vector analysis of the wall motion velocities using pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.10, 408, 1997.
Tomotsugu Tabata, T Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, K Manabe, K Fukuda, M Abe, A Iuchi, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of left ventricular regional systolic wall motion velocity in hypertrophied hearts using pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.10, 442, 1997.
Tomotsugu Tabata, T Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, K Manabe, K Fukuda, M Abe, A Iuchi, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of left atrial relaxation abnormality using pulmonary venous flow velocity and interatrial septal motion., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.10, 440, 1997.
T Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, K Manabe, K Fukuda, M Abe, A Iuchi, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of electrical and mechanical discordance during atrial systole using pulsed tissue Doppler imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.10, 412, 1997.
Ichiro Shimizu, Hama Miki, Fujikawa Harunobu, Hirohito Honda, Susumu Ito, Hanao Shinichi, Naruo Seiichi, Susumu Kagawa, Hamazaki Fusamitsu and Matsumoto Keizo : 腎癌など多彩な多臓器合併症を伴ったvon-Hippel-Lindau病の1例, The Japanese journal of clinical and experimental medicine, Vol.73, No.3, 631-636, 1996.
Ichiro Shimizu, 安田 貢, 松永 裕子, 柴 昌子, 堀江 貴浩, 西角 智子, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : コラーゲン代謝動態における女性ホルモンの役割に関する検討, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.35, No.2, 357-360, 1996.
T Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, H Shinohara, Akiyoshi Nishikado, A Iuchi, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Clinical application of pulsed Doppler tissue imaging for assessing abnormal relaxation of the left ventricle., Circulation, Vol.94, I-565, 1996.
Tomotsugu Tabata, Takashi Oki, Hirotsugu Yamada, Arata Iuchi, Takaki Hori, Tetsuya Kitagawa, Itsuo Kato, Hiroshi Kitahata, Shuzo Oshita and Susumu Ito : Roles of left atrial appendage for left atrial hemodynamics by left atrial appendage clamping during cardiac surgery., Circulation, Vol.94, I-252, 1996.
Hirotsugu Yamada, T Oki, Tomotsugu Tabata, K Manabe, K Fukuda, M Abe, A Iuchi, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, K Sakabe, J Ikata and Susumu Ito : Assessment of myocardial circumferential shortening of the left ventricular wall using pulsed Doppler tissue imaging., Circulation, Vol.94, I-132, 1996.
T Oki, A Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Hirotsugu Yamada, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, H Shinohara, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Non-invasive assessment of left ventricular relaxation by pulsed Doppler tissue imaging: comparison with cardiac catheterization., Euro Heart J, 1996.
Tomotsugu Tabata, T Oki, A Iuchi, Hirotsugu Yamada, K Manabe, K Fukuda, M Sasaki, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function in hypertrophied hearts using Doppler tissue imaging., Euro Heart J, 1996.
Tomotsugu Tabata, T Oki, A Iuchi, Hirotsugu Yamada, K Manabe, M Sasaki, K Kawahara, T Niki, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Evalution of left ventricular diastolic function in hypertrophied hearts using Doppler tissue imaging., Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Vol.9, 379, 1996.
K Sakabe, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, H Shinohara, Akiyoshi Nishikado, Hirotsugu Yamada, Tomotsugu Tabata, A Iuchi, T Oki and Susumu Ito : Coronary flow velocity immediately after reperfusion reflects myocardial microcirculation in canine acute myocardial infarction models., Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol.27, 405A, 1996.
Tomotsugu Tabata, T Oki, A Iuchi, K Manabe, M Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Influence of left atrial pressure on the left atrial appendage flow velocity pattern., Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol.27, 1996.
Ichiro Shimizu, 溝渕 洋子, エスコバル エベル, 馬 躍栄, 松永 裕子, 安田 貢 and Susumu Ito : レチノイドの肝線維化予防効果, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.36, No.6, 1239-1241, 1996.
高橋 健文, Nobuya Sano, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : ステロイド治療によりHCV-RNAの陽転化を認めた自己免疫性肝炎の1例, 肝臓, Vol.37, 276-280, 1996.
Ichiro Shimizu, 堀江 千昌, 堀江 貴浩, Hirohito Honda, Susumu Ito and 姚 登福 : Virological features of hepatitis C virus infection in patients with liver diseases in a high risk region for hepatocellular carcinoma in the inshore area of the Yangtze river, Acta Hepatologica Japonica, Vol.36, No.2, 76-84, 1995.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is relatively common in China, especially in the inshore area of the Yangtze river including Nantong. In Nantong, most patients with liver disease were infected with HBV, but the prevalence of HCV infection was very low. In HCV infected patients with chronic liver disease, 45.6% were associated with HBV, and 61.4% had a history of blood transfusion. HCV genotype analysis shows that in Nantong genotype II was dominant, followed by genotype III. The genome sequences of the HCV core gene in Natong were more closely similar to those of previous isolates from Japan than those of American and French isolates. These results suggest that HCV infection is not an important etiological factor for HCC in a HBV endemic area, and that HCV in Nantong may have evolved epidemiologically with infections in Japan.
N Fukuda, T Oki, A Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, K Manabe, Y Kageji, M Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Effect of left atrial pressure on the rate of left ventricular relaxation estimated by mitral regurgitant flow velocity using continuous wave Doppler echocardiography in dilated heart., Eur Heart J, Vol.16, 511, 1995.
M Sasaki, T Oki, A Iuchi, Tomotsugu Tabata, Y Kageji, K Manabe, Hirotsugu Yamada, N Fukuda and Susumu Ito : Transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of left atrial systolic performance in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy., Eur Heart J, Vol.16, 305, 1995.
Tomotsugu Tabata, T Oki, N Fukuda, A Iuchi, K Manabe, Y Kageji, M Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Influence of ageing on left atrial appendage flow velocity pattern in healthy subjects with sinus rhythm: a study with transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiography., Eur Heart J, Vol.16, 304, 1995.
Tomotsugu Tabata, T Oki, N Fukuda, A Iuchi, K Manabe, Y Kageji, M Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamada and Susumu Ito : Influence of left atrial pressure on the left atrial appendage flow velocity pattern in myocardial diseases with sinus rhythm., Eur Heart J, Vol.16, 98, 1995.
Ichiro Shimizu, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : C型肝炎, Medicine and Drug Journal, Vol.31, No.8, 1987-1992, 1995.
Susumu Ito and Hirohito Honda : 慢性肝疾患における検査と治療, 日本臨床化学会四国支部会誌, Vol.11, No.1, 49-56, 1994.
Ichiro Shimizu, 堀江 貴浩, 新居 千昌, 西角 智子, 鎌村 真子, Hirohito Honda and Susumu Ito : 肝硬変患者腹水中の蛋白合成刺激活性, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.31, No.3, 643-645, 1994.
Ichiro Shimizu, 新居 千昌, 姚 登福, 西角 智子, Hirohito Honda, 日比野 真吾, 鎌村 真子 and Susumu Ito : 揚子江下流域肝癌多発地区における肝疾患の特性とHCV, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.29, No.3, 635-637, 1993.
Hirohito Honda, 新居 千昌, 日比野 真吾, 西角 智子, 鎌村 真子, Ichiro Shimizu and Susumu Ito : HCV (C100-3) 抗体スクリーニング後の輸血後肝炎について, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.29, No.3, 632-634, 1993.
Susumu Ito : 第30回 四国肝臓研究会, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.55, No.1, 67-83, 2004.
庄野 文章, Yasuhiko Nishioka, Ichiro Shimizu, Seiki Tashiro, 濱 佳子, Susumu Ito and Kazuo Minakuchi : Surveillance and the Approach for the Proper Use of Antibiotics at Tokushima University Hospital, Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences, Vol.29, No.5, 611-615, 2003.
The working committee for the proper use of antibiotics was organized at Tokushima University Hospital in March 2002, and the institutional guidelines for the selection and use of antibiotics were established. The infection control team (ICT) also started monitoring the use of particular antibiotics, including third- and fourthgeneration cephalosporins, calbapenems and anti-MRSA antibiotics, and reported on their use in August 2002. To assess these activities, we examined the status of antibiotic use for injections and compared our findings with the previous data. The results were as follows : 1) the reports required were presented in 47% of the total antibiotics used ; 2) after starting the surveillance, the use of the third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins and calbapenems shifted to the first- and second-generation drugs, while the use of anti-MRSA drugs clearly decreased ; 3) these changes resulted in a savings of more than two million yen in medical expenditures in a month. These results suggest that closely monitoring the use of antibiotics may thus be beneficial not only for promoting the proper use of antibiotics but also for reducing overall medical costs.
antibiotics / anti-MRSA antibiotics / proper use / ICT
Cui Xuezhi, Ichiro Shimizu, Lu Guangming, 糸永 美奈, Yoshihito Okamura, Masayuki Shono, 三宮 勝隆, 久保 謙一郎, 本田 浩二 and Susumu Ito : 肝細胞アポトーシスにおけるエストラジオールとエストロゲン受容体βの抑制的関与, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.49, No.2, 211-213, 2003.
肝細胞 / apoptosis / estrogen
Susumu Ito and Naoki Muguruma : コリンエステラーゼについて, 内科診療Q&A, Vol.36, 1020-1021, 2003.
Susumu Ito, Naoki Muguruma, Tetsuo Kimura, Hiromi Yano, Yoshitaka Imoto, Koichi Okamoto, Masako Kaji, Shigeki Sano and Yoshimitsu Nagao : Principle and Clinical Usefulness of the Infrared Fluorescence Endoscopy, The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1/2, 1-8, Feb. 2006.
Since there is no infrared fluorescence materials in the living body, infrared fluorescence labeling materials are very useful for making a diagnosis of a micro cancer. We have developed an infrared fluorescence endoscope (IRFE) and indocyanin green (ICG)-derivative as infrared fluorescence labeling materials to evaluate gastrointestinal neoplastic lesions. The study aims were to apply an IRFE and to demonstrate its usefulness in detecting cancerous tissue using an antibody coupled with ICG-derivative. IRFE consisted of an infrared endoscope equipped with excitation (710-790 nm) and barrier (810-920 nm) filters and an intensified CCD camera. We have developed ICG N-hydroxy sulfo succinimide ester (ICG-sulfo-OSu) and 3-ICG-acyl-1, 3-thiazolidine-2-thione (ICG-ATT) as an infrared fluorescent-labeling reagent. ICG-derivative-labeled mouse anti-human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) antibody and MUC1 antibody were employed in this study. Moreover, we examined the ability of a reinforcement agent, octylglucoside, to intensity fluorescence from the labeled antibody. Biopsy specimens of gastric cancer were stained with anti-CEA antibody by the avidin-biotinylated peroxidase complex method. Among the positive specimens, freshly resected stomach from three cases were used for the infrared (IR) imaging analysis. The incubation of freshly resected stomach specimens with ICG-anti-CEA antibody-complex resulted in positive staining of the tumor sites by IRFE, and the IR fluorescent images correlated well with the tumor sites. The immunohistochemical studies suggested that the intensity of IR fluorescence of ICG-ATT-MUC1 was stronger than that of ICG-sulfo-OSu. In tumor sections, the reinforcement agent intensified fluorescence, ever at low antibody concentrations. Therefore, we conclude that an anti-CEA (and/or MUC1) antibody with affinity for cancerous lesions and labeled with ICG-derivative can be imaged with this IRFE. Specific antibodies tagged with ICG-derivative with the reinforcement agent can label cancer cells and generate a strong enough fluorescent signal to detect small cancers when examined with an IR fluorescence endoscope.