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Field of Study

Midwifery, Maternal and Child Health Studies

Subject of Study

Study about a next generation raising support system, Study about security of childbearing / childbirth environment to be comfortable by safely (Next generation raising support, Abuse prevention, Child care, childbearing, Childbirth) (What is requested for in the next era is support children are stout, and to come of age as the breeding, a man with the sense of responsibility that became independent. What is requested for in the coming generation is support children are stout, and to come of age as the breeding, a man with the sense of responsibility that became independent. What is requested for in the coming generation is support children are stout, and to come of age as the breeding, a man with the sense of responsibility that became independent. What is requested for in the coming generation is support children are stout, and to come of age as the breeding, a man with the sense of responsibility that became independent.This study reviews a support system in an area. Methods start fact-finding without "a supported feeling" for child care and make role allotment to child care in an area and home clear and review the system which accepted protean needs.In addition, I show a policy so that Rev. midwifery, Rev. obstetrician and gynaechologist plan abuse prevention through childbirth, a continuous relation to the nursing period from childbearing.)

Book / Paper


1. Mieko Takeuchi :
Practice point of primary care with a midwife outpatient,
Nakayama-Shoten Co., Ltd.,
2. Toshihiro Aono, Mieko Takeuchi, Mari Haku and 山野 修二 :
Clinical Nursing Guide 12 改訂3版 婦人科,
株式会社 メディカ出版, Apr. 2003.
3. Mieko Takeuchi :
Midwifery administration, --- Midwifery control studies outline ---,
日本看護協会出版会, Tokyo, Apr. 2003.
4. Mieko Takeuchi :
Midwifery and study,
日本看護協会出版会, Tokyo, Mar. 1996.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Yuken Ohmine, Tadaoki Morimoto, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Mieko Takeuchi, Mari Haku and Hiromu Nishitani :
Basic study of new diagnostic modality according to non-invasive measurement of the electrical conductivity of tissues,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.51, No.3,4, 218-225, 2004.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2003941,   DOI: 10.2152/jmi.51.218,   PubMed: 15460909)
2. Mari Haku, Mieko Takeuchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Shuji Yamano and Keiko Takebayashi :
Relationship between mammary gland structures during pregnancy and breast-feeding,
JNI : The Journal of Nursing Investigation, Vol.2, No.1, 16-20, 2004.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006225,   CiNii: 1050020697876425856)
3. Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Emiko Yasuno, Dayong Gao, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi :
A New Method for Noninvasive Measurement of Multilayer Tissue Conductivity and Structure Using Divided Electrodes,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.51, No.2, 362-370, 2004.
(DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2003.820403,   PubMed: 14765709,   CiNii: 1571698601693132928)
4. Mieko Takeuchi :
The present conditions of the nursing research that assumed self-care the subject,
Nursing research, Vol.3, 57-67, 2003.
5. Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Emiko Yasuno, Dayong Gao, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi :
A New Method for Non-Invasive Measurement of Multi-layer Tissue Conductivity and Structure Using Divided Electrodes,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.1, No.11, 1-10, 2002.
6. Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi :
Estimation of Multi-Layer Tissue Conductivities from Non-invasively Measured Bioresistances Using Divided Electrodes,
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E85-D, No.6, 1031-1038, 2002.
(CiNii: 1573668927255636608,   Elsevier: Scopus)
7. Yumi Kuwamura, Tadaoki Morimoto, Ayako Tamura, Takako Ichihara, Takako Minagawa, Kanako Katai, Mari Haku, Mieko Takeuchi and Toshiko Tada :
Temperature effect of a disinfectant in operative field during surgery under local anesthesia,
Nursing & Health Sciences, Vol.2, No.4, 205-210, 2000.
(DOI: 10.1046/j.1442-2018.2000.00058.x)
8. Yuuken Oomine, Tadaoki Morimoto, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Mieko Takeuchi and Yasumasa Monden :
Noninvasive Measurement of the Electrical Bioimpedance of Breast Tumors,
Anticancer Research, Vol.20, No.3B, 1941-1946, 2000.
(PubMed: 10928131,   Elsevier: Scopus)

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Emiko Yasuno, Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadaoki Morimoto, Mieko Takeuchi and Yuuken Oomine :
Parameter Estimation of the Local Tissue Impedance by Using Divided Electrode for EIT,
2004 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing, 379-382, Honolulu, Mar. 2004.
2. Hiroyuki Bando, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi :
A New Method for Estimating Bioimpedance Distribution in a Local Tissue Using Divided Electrodes - Towards Local EIT,
Proceedings of World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, August 24-29, 2003, MO.TR1-38, Sydney, Aug. 2003.
3. Kenji Izukura, Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi :
A New Method of Electrical Impedance Tomography for Conductivity Distribution in Multi-layer Local Tissue from Non-invasively Measured Bioresistances,
international Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering Programme&Handbook, 132, Singapore, Dec. 2002.
4. Yumi Komai, Emiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi :
Theoretical Studies on Electrical Impedance Tomography Based on Equivalent Circuits for the Local Tissue by Use of a Divided Ilectrode,
international Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering Programme&Handbook, 50, Singapore, Dec. 2002.
5. Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi :
Estimation of Conductivity Distribution in the Local Tissue Using a Divided Electrode,
Proceedings of The International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, Vol.2, 1262-1267, Tokushima, Jul. 2001.


1. Mieko Takeuchi :
Rev. midwifery action guideline,
平成14年度厚生科学研究報告書, 257-332, Tokyo,
2. Mari Haku, Tadaoki Morimoto and Mieko Takeuchi :
平成15∼16年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(c)(2))研究成果報告書, 1-58, Mar. 2005.