検索: |
名誉教授 : 桑折 範彦 |
○ | 放射線計測学 (Radiation Measurement), 原子核物理学 (Nuclear Physics), 環境放射線計測 |
○ | 放射線計測法, 原子核物理学, 環境放射線計測 |
1. | 森田 秀芳, 桑折 範彦, 高石 喜久, 廣渡 修一, 宮本 賢一 : 授業改善のための授業研究会運営ハンドブック, --- 徳島大学FD推進ハンドブック第4巻 ---, 大学開放実践センター, 徳島, 2002年12月. |
2. | 天笠 準平, 阮 建治, 桑折 範彦, 水町 邦彦, 泉水 義大, 白土 鈔二 : 放射線技術用語辞典, 日本理工出版会, 東京, 1984年3月. |
1. | 辻 明典, 桑折 範彦, 川上 博 : フィジカルコンピューティング教材を用いた情報技術教育の実践, 徳島大学大学開放実践センター紀要, Vol.27, 23-30, 2018年. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2005381, CiNii: 1050020697876711424) |
2. | Y. Kameda, Hiroyasu Ejiri, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Ryuta Hazama, H. Ito, K. Imagawa, H. Kawasuso, Norihiko Koori, E. Matsumoto, Shintaro Nakayama, T. Shima and K. Yasuda : Dark matter search by means of thin NaI(Tl) scintillator array, RADIATION DETECTORS AND THEIR USES Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, Vol.2009-12, 61-70, 2009. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
3. | Ken-Ichi Fushimi, K. Yasuda, Y. Kaameda, Hiroyasu Ejiri, Ryuta Hazama, K. Ichihara, K. Imagawa, H. Ito, Norihiko Koori, H. Nakamura, Shintaro Nakayama, Masagaru Noumachi, T. Shima, S. Umehara and S. Yoshida : PICO-LON project for WIMPs search, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.120, No.4, 042024, 2008. (DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/120/4/042024) |
4. | Ken-Ichi Fushimi, H. Kawasuso, K. Yasuda, Y. Kameda, Norihiko Koori, Shintaro Nakayama, K. Ichihara, Masagaru Noumachi, S. Umehara, Ryuta Hazama, S. Yoshida, Hiroyasu Ejiri, K. Imagawa and H. Ito : WIMPS Search by Exclusive Measurements with Thin Multilayer NaI(T1) Scintillators (PICO-LON), Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop "Identification of Dark Matter", 296-301, 2007. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
5. | 阪間 稔, 井村 裕吉, 笹谷 章之, 久世 絋太郎, 桑折 範彦 : 大気中の鉛(214Pb, 212Pb)とビスマス(214Bi)濃度の共沈分離による定量, KEK-proceedings, Vol.5, 117-121, 2006年. |
6. | Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Hideyuki Kawasuso, Eriko Aihara, Rena Hayami, Masako Toi, Kensuke Yasuda, Shintaro Nakayama, Norihiko Koori, Masagaru Noumachi, Kayoko Ichihara, Ryuta Hazama, Sei Yoshida, Saori Umehara, Kyoshiro Imagawa and Hiroshi Ito : The Performance of Thin NaI(Tl) Scintillator Plate for Dark Matter Search, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.75, No.6, 064201, 2006. (DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.75.064201, CiNii: 1390282679167161216) |
7. | Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Hideyuki Kawasuso, Eriko Aihara, Rena Hayami, Norihiko Koori, Shintaro Nakayama, Kensuke Yasuda, Ryuta Hazama, Kayoko Ichihara, H Nakamura, Masagaru Noumachi, T Ogama, Saori Umehara, Sei Yoshida, Hiroyasu Ejiri, Kyoshiro Imagawa and Hiroshi Ito : WIMPs search by means of thin NaI(Tl) array, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.39, 120-122, 2006. (DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/39/1/025, Elsevier: Scopus) |
8. | 大橋 眞, 齊藤 隆仁, 大沼 正樹, 佐藤 高則, 桑折 範彦 : 徳島大学共通教育における高大接続のための改革, --- 理数科目の補習的授業の実施と課題- ---, 大学教育研究ジャーナル, No.3, 20-29, 2006年. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2001406, CiNii: 1050583647831463552) |
9. | Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Hideyuki Kawasuso, Masako Toi, eriko Aihara, Rena Hayami, Shintaro Nakayama, Norihiko Koori, Ryuta Hazama, Kayoko Ichihara, Yukiko Shichijo, Saori Umehara and Sei Yoshida : WIMPs Search by Means of the Highly Segmented Scintillator, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.74, No.11, 3117-3121, 2005. (DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.74.3117, CiNii: 1390001204186459776) |
10. | Tadahiro Kin, Fuminobu Saiho, Shinya Hohara, Katsuhiko Ikeda, Kiyohisa Ichikawa, Yusuke Yamashita, Minoru Imamura, Genichiro Wakabayashi, Nobuo Ikeda, Yusuke Uozumi, Masaru Matoba, Masahiro Nakano and Norihiko Koori : Proton production cross sections for reactions by 300- and 392-MeV protons on carbon, aluminum, and niobium, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.72, No.1, 014606-1-014606-9, 2005. (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.72.014606) |
11. | 松谷 満, 平井 松午, 佐竹 昌之, 桑折 範彦 : 全学共通教育の現状と課題, --- -学生による授業評価アンケート調査の分析から- ---, 大学教育研究ジャーナル, Vol.2, No.2, 13-25, 2005年. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2001393, CiNii: 1050020697878046080) |
12. | Fuminobu Saiho, Tadahiro Kin, Shinya Hohara, Y Yamashita, Minoru Imamura, Genichiro Wakabayashi, Nobuo Ikeda, Yusuke Uozumi, Masaru Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Response and efficiency of stacked GSO(Ce) spectrometer to intermediate-energy deuterons, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.537, No.3, 594-599, 2005. (DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2004.07.292) |
13. | 阪間 稔, 伏見 賢一, 中山 信太郎, 桑折 範彦, 山下 彩 : 環境中のラドン,トロン及びその子孫核種の動態調査研究, 放射線生物研究, Vol.39, No.2, 201-212, 2004年. (CiNii: 1520853834160570880) |
14. | 阪間 稔, 山下 彩, 伏見 賢一, 中山 信太郎, 桑折 範彦 : 野島断層500mボーリングコアの深度方向に対するガンマ線放出核種の放射能濃度分布, KEK proceedings, Vol.2003-11, 162-166, 2004年. |
15. | 阪間 稔, 山下 彩, 桑折 範彦, 伏見 賢一 : 徳島県における大気·雨水中ラドン子孫核種及びBe-7の濃度, KEK proceedings, Vol.2004-08, 71-77, 2004年. |
16. | Kayoko Ichihara, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Norihiko Koori, Shintaro Nakayama, Keiji Takahisa, Saori Umehara and Sei Yoshida : Highly sensitive measurement of α-rays in NaI(Tl) scintillator by pulse shape discrimination with charge-sensitive analog-to-digital converter, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.515, No.3, 651-656, 2003. (DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2003.07.055) |
17. | Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Saori Umehara, Kayoko Ichihara, Norihiko Koori, Shintaro Nakayama, T. Shimojo, R. Tsubakida, N. Kudomi, K. Kume, H. Kuramoto, K. Takahisa, Y. Tsujimoto and Sei Yoshida : Determination of Th-Chain Concentration in a High Sensitivity Detector, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.491, No.1, 153-157, 2002. |
18. | Saori Umehara, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Norihiko Koori, N. Kudomi, K. Kume, H. Kuramoto, Shintaro Nakayama, T. Shimojo, K. Takahisa, R. Tsubakida, Y. Tsujimoto and Sei Yoshida : Determination of U-Chain Concentration in NaI(Tl) Scintillator by Delayed Coincidence Method, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.490, No.2, 271-275, 2002. (DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(02)01056-2) |
19. | Shintaro Nakayama, T. Yamagata, H. Akimune, I. Daito, H. Fujimura, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Inomata, H. Kohri, Norihiko Koori, K. Takahisa, A. Tamii, M. Tanaka and H. Toyokawa : Cluster-Excitations in 6Li, Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Clustering aspects of quantum many-body systems, 3-10, 2002. |
20. | Shintaro Nakayama, T. Yamagata, H. Akimune, I. Daito, H. Fujimura, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Inomata, H. Kohri, Norihiko Koori, K. Takahisa, A. Tamii, M. Tanaka and H. Toyokawa : Cluster-Excitations in 6Li and 7Li, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, Vol.146, No.146, 603-604, 2002. (CiNii: 1360284921854348544, Elsevier: Scopus) |
21. | Yusuke Uozumi, J. Tanaka, Fuminobu Saiho, Shinya Hohara, Cao Bin, S. Aoki, Genichiro Wakabayashi, Masaru Matoba, T. Maki, M. Nakano and Norihiko Koori : Possible Contribution of a Highly Excited Collective State to Proton-Nucleus Multistep Interactions at 300 MeV, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.64, No.1, 011601(R)1-011601(R)3, 2001. (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.64.011601, Elsevier: Scopus) |
22. | Shintaro Nakayama, T. Yamagata, H. Akimune, I. Daito, H. Fujimura, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Inomata, H. Kohri, Norihiko Koori, K. Takahisa, A. Tamii, M. Tanaka and H. Toyokawa : Dipole excitation of α-clusters in 6Li and 7Li., Physical Review Letters, Vol.87, 122502(1)-122502(4), 2001. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
23. | M H SenGupta, . Syafarudin, S. Aoki, F Aramaki, Masaru Matoba, Yusuke Uozumi, Genichiro Wakabayashi, T. Sakae, Norihiko Koori, T. Maki, M. Nakano, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, H. Ikegami, I. Katayama, S. Morinobu and T. Yamazaki : Isobaric Analog State Observed in the 58Ni(p,d)57Ni Reaction with 65 MeV Polarized Protons, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.63, No.1, 017601-017603, 2000. (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.63.017601, Elsevier: Scopus) |
24. | 釘井 裕和, 宮本 諭, 桑折 範彦, 中山 信太郎, 伏見 賢一, 伊永 隆史, 村田 明広, Marzuki Hj. Ismail, Mohd Y Sulaiman, Muhamad Awang : マレーシアのAMANGと徳島の岩石からの放射能, 放射線, Vol.26, No.2, 65-70, 2000年. |
25. | Shintaro Nakayama, T. Yamagata, H. Akimune, I. Daito, H. Fujimura, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Inomata, H. Kohri, Norihiko Koori, K. Takahisa, A. Tamii, M. Tanaka and H. Toyokawa : Soft Dipole Resonance in the Neutron-Skin Nucleus 6He, Physical Review Letters, Vol.85, No.2, 262-265, 2000. (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.262, PubMed: 10991258, Elsevier: Scopus) |
26. | 宮本 諭, 釘井 裕和, 桑折 範彦, 中山 信太郎, 伏見 賢一, 伊永 隆史, 原 千陽, 村田 明広, Marzuki Hj. Ismail, Mohd Y. Sulaiman, Muhamad Awang : 徳島における環境放射能計測の現状, 放射線, Vol.25, No.2, 95-103, 1999年. |
27. | M. Harada, Y. Watanabe, A. Yamamoto, S. Yoshioka, K. Sato, T. Nakashima, H. Ijiri, H. Yoshida, Y. Uozumi, Norihiko Koori, S. Meigo, O. Iwamoto, T. Fukahori and S. Chiba : The 12C(p,p' 3α) breakup reaction induced by 14, 18 and 26 MeV protons, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.36, No.4, 313-325, 1999. |
28. | Satoshi Miyamoto, Hirokazu Kugii, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Chiharu Hara, Norihiko Koori, Takashi Korenaga, Akihiro Murata and Shintaro Nakayama : Measurement of Radon Daughters Attached to Aerosol in Tokushima, Natural Science Research, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, 13, 1999. |
29. | Shintaro Nakayama, H. Akimune, I. Daito, H. Fujimura, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Inomata, K. Ishibashi, H. Kohri, Norihiko Koori, K. Takahisa, A. Tamii, M. Tanaka, H. Toyokawa and T. Yamagata : Gamow-Teller transitions in (7Li,7Be) reaction at 65 AMeV, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.60, 047303-1-047303-4, 1999. |
30. | Shintaro Nakayama, H. Akimune, I. Daito, H. Fujimura, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Inomata, K. Ishibashi, H. Kohri, Norihiko Koori, A. Tamii, M. Tanaka, H. Toyokawa and T. Yamagata : Isovector electric monopole resonance in 60Ni, Physical Review Letters, Vol.83, 690-693, 1999. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
31. | Shintaro Nakayama, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, H. Kohri, H. Akimune, I. Daito, H. Fujimura, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, T. Inomata, K. Ishibashi, T. Iwawaki, Norihiko Koori, K. Takahisa, A. Tamii, M. Tanaka, H. Toyokawa and T. Yamagata : GSO-Detection system "NYMPHS" for (7Li,7Be-γ) reaction at intermediate energies, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.404, No.-, 34-40, 1998. |
32. | Shintaro Nakayama, H. Akimune, I. Daito, H. Fujimura, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Inomata, K. Ishibashi, H. Kohri, Norihiko Koori, K. Takahisa, A. Tamii, M. Tanaka, H. Toyokawa and T. Yamagata : The (7Li,7Be) reaction as a spin-probe for isovector excitations, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.402, No.-, 367-370, 1998. |
33. | Y. Yoshida, D. Konishi, K. Anami, H. Murohka, Y. Uozumi, S. Aoki, T. Yamamoto, G. Wakabayashi, A. Nohtomi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, T. Maki and Norihiko Koori : Absolute Efficiency of a Stacked GSO(Ce) Spectrometer for Intermediate Energy Protons, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.411, No.1, 46-50, 1998. |
34. | K. Anami, H. Yoshida, D. Konishi, H. Murohka, Yusuke Uozumi, G. Wakabayashi, A. Nohtomi, T. Sakae, Masaru Matoba, T. Maki and Norihiko Koori : Light Output Response of GSO(Ce) and NaI(Tl) to Protons up to 160 MeV, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.404, No.2-3, 327-333, 1998. |
35. | T. Yoshimura, A. Okihana, R.E. Warner, N.S. Chant, P.G. Roos, C. Samanta, S. Kakigi, Norihiko Koori, M. Fujiwara, N. Matsuoka, K. Tamura, E. Kobo and K. Ushiro : Alpha Spectroscopic Factors for 6Li, 7Li, 9Be and 12C from the (pol.p, pα) Reaction at 296 MeV, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.641, No.1, 3-20, 1998. |
36. | Shintaro Nakayama, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Norihiko Koori, H. Kohri, H. Akimune, Y. Arimoto, I. Daito, H. Fujimura, M. Fujiwara, T. Inomata, K. Ishibashi, K. Takahisa, H. Yoshida, M. Tanaka, Y. Fujita, H. Kohri, T. Takeuchi, T. Yamagata, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yonehara and A. Tamii : Isovector resonances in light nuclei studied by the (7Li,7Be) reaction, Proceedings of Int. Symp. on New facet of spin giant resonances in nuclei, No.-, 238-247, 1997. |
37. | H. Murohka, H. Yoshida, Y. Uozumi, A. Nohtomi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, O. Iwamoto, T. Maki and Norihiko Koori : Application of Tail Subtraction Technique with Particle Identification to a Stacked Spectrometer for Intermediate Energy Protons, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.34, No.7, 708-713, 1997. |
38. | H. Murohka, K. Anami, G. Wakabayashi, H. Yoshida, A. Nohtomi, Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, T. Maki and Norihiko Koori : Response Function of a Stacked GSO(Ce) Spectrometer to Cosmic-rays, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-44, No.3, 484-488, 1997. |
39. | A. Nohtomi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Transition Condition to the SQS Mode of Gas Counters for Heavy Charged Particles, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-44, No.3, 691-695, 1997. |
40. | M. Matoba, K. Yamaguchi, K. Kurohmaru, O. Iwamoto, S. Widodo, A. Nohtomi, Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae, Norihiko Koori, T. Maki and M. Nakano : Depletion of the 2f7/2 neutron hole state in 207Pb, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.55, No.6, 3152-3154, 1997. |
41. | W. Tornow, R.T. Braun, H. Whitla and Norihiko Koori : Evidence for Large Discrepancies between Data and Calculations for the Kinematically Incomplete Neutron-Deuteron Breakup Reaction, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.54, No.1, 42-49, 1996. |
42. | M. Matoba, K. Kurohmaru, O. Iwamoto, A. Nohtomi, Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae, Norihiko Koori, H. Ohgaki, H. Ijiri, T. Maki, M. Nakano and H.M. Gupta Sen : (p,d) Reaction on 62Ni at 65 MeV, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.53, No.4, 1972-1803, 1996. |
43. | A. Nohtomi, T. Matsumoto, K. Narita, Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Comparison between large discharges in a gas counter in pure CH4 and in CH4-Ar mixture, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.365, No.2,3, 582-584, 1995. |
44. | 桑折 範彦 : ガス計数管における自己消滅ストリーマ現象, 放射線, Vol.21, No.4, 16-26, 1995年. |
45. | A. Nohtomi, K. Narita, T. Sakae, Y. Uozumi, M. Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Modeling of SQS Propagation Induced by Alpha Ray in Gas Counters, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-42, No.4, 552-557, 1995. |
46. | T. Yamagata, H. Utsunomiya, M. Tanaka, Shintaro Nakayama, Norihiko Koori, A. Tamii, Y. Fujita, K. Katori, M. Inoue, M. Fujiwara and H. Ogata : Elastic Scattering of 3He Particles at at 450 MeV, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.589, No.-, 425-434, 1995. |
47. | Y. Watanabe, A. Aoto, H. Kashimoto, S. Chiba, T. Fukahori, K. Hasegawa, M. Mizumoto, S. Meigo, M. Sugimoto, Y. Yamanouti and Norihiko Koori : Feshbach-Kerman-Koonin Model Analysis of Preequilibrium (p,p') and (p,n) Reactions at 12 to 26 MeV, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.51, No.4, 1891-1907, 1995. |
48. | A. Nohtomi, K. Narita, T. Sakae, Y. Uozumi, M. Matoba and Norihiko Koori : A Computer-Simulation Model for Self-Quenching Streamer (SQS) Propagation Induced by the Ionization Track of Alpha-Ray, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.32, No.3, 165-169, 1995. |
49. | H. Sakai, O. Iwamoto, M.B. Greenfield, K. Hatanaka, S. Ishida, Norihiko Koori, H. Okamura, A. Okihana, H. Otsu, Y. Satou, T. Uesaka and T. Wakasa : Measurements of Quasi-Elastic Scattering and DNN(0 deg) with (p,n) Reactions, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.577, No.1,2, 111c-122c, 1994. |
50. | O. Iwamoto, A. Nohtomi, Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, M. Nakano, T. Maki and Norihiko Koori : Single Particle States in 59Ni with 58Ni(pol.d,p)59Ni Reaction at 56 MeV and Neutron-Bound-State Complex Potentials, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.576, No.3, 387-408, 1994. |
51. | A. Nohtomi, K. Narita, Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, Norihiko Koori, H. Kume and H. Nakamura : Optical Observation of Self-Quenching Streamers by α- and β- rays, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-41, No.4, 884-889, 1994. |
52. | Y. Uozumi, O. Iwamoto, S. Widodo, A. Nohtomi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, M. Nakano, T. Maki and Norihiko Koori : Single-Particle Strengths Measured with 48Ca(pol.d,p)49Ca Reaction at 56 MeV, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.576, No.1, 123-137, 1994. |
53. | Y. Uozumi, N. Kikuzawa, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, K. Kinoshita, S. Sajima, H. Ijiri, Norihiko Koori, M. Nakano and T. Maki : Shell-Model Study of 40Ca with the 56-MeV (pol.d, p) Reaction, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.50, No.1, 263-274, 1994. |
54. | T. Yamagata, H. Utsunomiya, Shintaro Nakayama, Norihiko Koori, M. Tanaka, A. Tamii, Y. Fujita, K. Katori, M. Inoue, M. Fujiwara, H. Ogata and Y. Hirabayashi : Successful Description of Elastic Scattering of 3He, Particles at 150 MeV/nucleon with the Single Folding Potential Model, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.50, No.-, 2606-2607, 1994. |
55. | R.E. Warner, J.M. Fetter, R.A. Swartz, A. Okihana, T. Konishi, T. Yoshimura, P.D. Kunz, M. Fujiwara, K. Fukunaga, S. Kakigi, T. Hayashi, J. Kasagi and Norihiko Koori : 4He(4He,3He)5He(g.s.) Reaction at 118 MeV, and Its Distorted Wave Born Approximation Interpretation, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.49, No.3, 1534-1539, 1994. |
56. | A. Nohtomi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Count-Loss Mechanism of Self-Quenching Streamer (SQS) Tubes, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.342, No.2,3, 538-543, 1994. |
57. | K. Hisamochi, O. Iwamoto, A. Kisanuki, S. Budihardjo, S. Widodo, A. Nohtomi, Yusuke Uozumi, T. Sakae, Masaru Matoba, M Nakano, T Maki, Seishi Matsuki and Norihiko Koori : Hole Strengths and Spreading Widths Observed in 92Mo(pol.p,d)91Mo Reaction at 65 MeV, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.564, No.2, 227-251, 1993. |
58. | Norihiko Koori, A. Nohtomi and M. Hirota : Effect of Methylal Quenching Gas for Self-Quenching Streamer (SQS) Tube with Ar-isoC4H10-Methylal Mixture, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.30, No.10, 974-980, 1993. |
59. | Masaru Matoba, O. Iwamoto, Yusuke Uozumi, T. Sakae, Norihiko Koori, T. Fujiki, H. Ohgaki, H. Ijiri, T. Maki and M. Nakano : 40Ca(p,d)39Ca Reaction at 65 MeV, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.48, No.1, 95-104, 1993. |
60. | Shintaro Nakayama, T Yamagata, M Tanaka, M Inoue, K Yuasa, T Itahashi, H Ogata, Norihiko Koori, K Shima and B. M. Greenfield : Evidence for isovector giant resonances at 2hω via the (7Li,7Be) reactions on 12C and 28Si, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.46, No.-, 1667-1670, 1992. |
61. | Shintaro Nakayama, T. Yamagata, M. Tanaka, M. Inoue, K. Yuasa, T. Itahashi, H. Ogata, Norihiko Koori, K. Shima and Greenfield M. B. : Spin-flip and non spin-flip excitations in the (7Li,7Be) reaction, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.538, 627c-636c, 1992. |
62. | H. Ijiri, Y. Watanabe, Yusuke Uozumi, A. Nohtomi, S. Widodo, T. Sakae, Masaru Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Generation of SQS in Quenching Gas (CH4) of Proportional Counter and Related Problems, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-39, No.4, 724-727, 1992. |
63. | A. Nohtomi, T. Sakae, Masaru Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Dead Zone Characteristics of SQS and GM Modes in Kr-, Ar- and Ne-Mixtures, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-39, No.4, 719-723, 1992. |
64. | S. Widodo, A. Nohtomi, Yusuke Uozumi, T. Sakae, H. Ijiri, Norihiko Koori and Masaru Matoba : Measurements of Electron Drift Characteristics in Single Wire Gas Counter in Self-Quenching Streamer Transition Region, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.29, No.8, 745-752, 1992. |
65. | A. Nohtomi, K. Hashimoto, S. Widodo, Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Significance of Ionization-Track Contribution to Self-Quenching Streamer (SQS) Formation Induced by Alpha-Rays, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.29, No.5, 490-492, 1992. |
66. | A. Nohtomi and Norihiko Koori : Measurement of Dead Zone Characteristics of a Gas Counter with g-Rays, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.29, No.3, 284-287, 1992. |
67. | A. Okihana, T. Konishi, R.E. Warner, D. Francis, M. Fujiwara, N. Matsuoka, K. Fukunaga, S. Kakigi, T. Hayashi, J. Kasagi, Norihiko Koori, M. Tosaki and M. Greenfield : Quasifree Scattering in the 6Li(α,2α)2H Reaction at Ea between 77 and 119 MeV, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.549, No.1, 1-11, 1991. |
68. | Norihiko Koori, A. Nohtomi, Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae and M. Matoba : On the Self-Quenching Streamer Formation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.307, No.2,3, 581-583, 1991. |
69. | Shintaro Nakayama, T. Yamagata, M. Tanaka, M. Inoue, K. Yuasa, T. Itahashi, H. Ogata, Norihiko Koori and K. Shima : Relative Strength (ΔS=1)/[ (ΔS=0)+ (ΔS=1)] of Isovector Spin Excitation in the Highly-lying Resonance Region of 12C, Physical Review Letters, Vol.67, 1082-1085, 1991. |
70. | Y. Uozumi, H. Ijiri, S. Widodo, T. Sakae, M. Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Neon-Based Gas Mixtures for Proportional Counters, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.28, No.5, 381-388, 1991. |
71. | S. Widodo, A. Nohtomi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, H. Ijiri, Y. Uozumi, N. Kikuzawa, S. Ikematsu, K. Kinoshita, Norihiko Koori and T. Maki : Electron Drift Characteristics in Single Wire Proportional Counter and Its Applicability to Simple Vertical Position Monitor, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.28, No.4, 339-343, 1991. |
72. | M. Sugisaki, H. Furuya, T. Ichigi, Norihiko Koori and I. Kumabe : Tritium Release Behavior of a Al-Mg-Li Alloy Irradiated by Thermal Neutrons, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.179-181, No.1, 312-315, 1991. |
73. | M. Matoba, O. Iwamoto, Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae, Norihiko Koori, H. Ohgaki, H. Kugimiya, H. Ijiri, T. Maki and M. Nakano : Fragmentation of Neutron Hole Strengths in 59Ni observed in the 60Ni(p,d)59Ni Reaction at 65 MeV, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.581, No.1, 21-41, 1991. |
74. | Y. Uozumi, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, H. Ijiri and Norihiko Koori : Semimicroscopic Formula for Gas Gain of Proportional Counters, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.324, No.3, 558-564, 1991. |
75. | Shintaro Nakayama, T. Yamagata, M. Tanaka, M. Inoue, K. Yuasa, T. Itahashi, H. Ogata, Norihiko Koori, K. Shima and M. B. Greenfield : Spin-flip and non spin-flip excitations in the (7Li,7Be) reaction, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.538, No.-, 627c-634c, 1991. |
76. | Shintaro Nakayama, Yamagata T., Tanaka M., Inoue M., Yuasa K., Itahashi T., Ogata H., Norihiko Koori and Shima K. : Particle-γ coincidence applied to observation of spin-flip probability in the (7Li,7Be) reaction, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.302, No.-, 472-477, 1991. |
77. | Y. Uozumi, H. Ijiri, S. Widodo, T. Sakae, Norihiko Koori and M. Matoba : Position Sensing with Ne-Based Gases in the SQS Transition Region, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.299, No.1-3, 102-104, 1990. |
78. | Norihiko Koori, A. Nohtomi, K. Yoshioka, T. Sakae, M. Matoba, Y. Uozumi and S. Widodo : A Self-Quenched Streamer Tube Operated with Ne- and He-Mixtures, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.299, No.1-3, 80-84, 1990. |
79. | H. Ohgaki, H. Kametani, Y. Fujita, Y. Uozumi, H. Ijiri, M. Matoba, T. Sakae and Norihiko Koori : Space Charge Effect in SQS Transition in a Gas Counter, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.295, No.3, 411-416, 1990. |
80. | Y. Watanabe, K. Kodaka, Y. Kubo, Norihiko Koori, M. Eriguchi, M. Hanada and I. Kumabe : Incident Energy Dependence of Preequilibrium (p,p') Spectra, Zeitschrift fur Physik A-Atomic Nuclei, Vol.366, No.1, 63-69, 1990. |
81. | Y. Uozumi, H. Ijiri, M. Matoba, T. Sakae and Norihiko Koori : Measurements of Discharge Ion Distribution around an Anode Wire of a Gas Counter, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.290, No.2,3, 401-408, 1990. |
82. | Norihiko Koori, A. Nohtomi, M. Hashimoto, K. Yoshioka, I. Kumabe, S. Matsubara, M. Yoshizumi and T. Oshima : Dead Zone Characteristics of SQS and GM Tubes, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-37, No.2, 107-111, 1990. |
83. | 中沢 正治, 石橋 健二, 持木 幸一, 空本 誠喜, 宮原 諄二, 宮島 光弘, 山中 龍彦, 森 千鶴夫, 桑折 範彦, 升島 努, 加藤 和明 : 新しい放射線センシング原理を求めて, 日本原子力学会誌, Vol.30, No.3, 219-245, 1990年. |
84. | R.E. Warner, A. Okihana, M. Fujiwara, N. Matsuoka, K. Tamura, M. Tosaki, T. Ohsawa, K. Fukunaga, S. Kakigi and Norihiko Koori : Joint Momentum Distribution of p+n in 6Li, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.503, No.1, 161-171, 1989. |
85. | Norihiko Koori, M. Hashimoto, K. Yoshioka, I. Kumabe, H. Ohgaki and M. Matoba : Self-Quenching Streamers in Kr-Mixtures, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.281, No.1, 243-245, 1989. |
86. | Norihiko Koori, M. Hyakutake, M. Matoba, H. Ijiri, Y. Fujita, Y. Uozumi, S. Shirato, T. Motobayashi, T. Ohsawa and K. Sagara : High Resolution Measurement of Protons Emitted from Medium-Energy Neutron Induced Reactions by Means of a Magnetic Spectrograph, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.278, No.3, 737-743, 1989. |
87. | M. Matoba, H. Ijiri, H. Ohgaki, S. Uehara, T. Fujiki, Y. Uozumi, H. Kugimiya, Norihiko Koori, I. Kumabe and M. Nakano : Strength Function of the d5/2 Hole State in 39Ca, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.39, No.4, 1658-1661, 1989. |
88. | Norihiko Koori, K. Yoshioka, M. Hashimoto, I. Kumabe, H. Ohgaki and M. Matoba : Comparison of Self-Quenching Streamer Transitions in Xe-, Kr-, and Ar-Mixtures, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-36, No.1, 223-226, 1989. |
89. | Y. Uozumi, R. Kubo, T. Sajima, T. Motomura, H. Ohgaki, H. Ijiri, M. Matoba, Norihiko Koori and T. Sakae : Position Sensing with Magic Gas Mixtures in the Transition Region from the Proportional to the Self-Quenching Streamer Mode, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-36, No.1, 218-222, 1989. |
90. | 桑折 範彦 : ガス計数管における自己消滅ストリーマー(SQS)モード, 応用物理学会誌, Vol.58, No.1, 30-39, 1989年. |
91. | R.E. Warner, A. Okihana, M. Fujiwara, N. Matsuoka, K. Tamura, M. Tosaki, T. Ohsawa, K. Fukunaga, P.A. Kimoto and Norihiko Koori : Spectral Function of the p3/2 Nucleons in 6Li, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.38, No.6, 2945-2948, 1988. |
92. | I. Kumabe, Y. Inenaga, M. Hyakutake, Norihiko Koori, Y. Watanabe, K. Ogawa and K. Orito : Alpha-Particle Energy Spectra from the (p,α) Reaction on Nuclei around Atomic Number 50, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.38, No.6, 2531-2540, 1988. |
93. | H. Ohgaki, S. Uehara, T. Fujiki, H. Ijiri, T. Sakae, Norihiko Koori and M. Matoba : Position Sensing with a Gas Counter in the SQS Transition Region, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.273, No.2,3, 522-524, 1988. |
94. | M. Sugisaki, H. Furuya, T. Ichigi, Norihiko Koori, I. Kumabe and K. Kawamura : Tritium Release from Al-Mg-Li Alloy Irradiated by 14 MeV Neutrons, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.158, No.1, 202-209, 1988. |
95. | 隈部 功, 桑折 範彦, 松木 保浩, 杉崎 昌和, 一木 武典 : 比例計数管による低濃度トリチウムガスのオンライン測定システム, 日本原子力学会誌, Vol.36, No.6, 526-530, 1988年. |
96. | M. Matoba, K. Urase, H. Ohgaki, H. Ijiri, S. Uehara, T. Fujiki, Norihiko Koori and T. Sakae : Shape Transition of the Discharge Ion Distribution around an Anode Wire of a Gas Counter, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-35, No.1, 98-101, 1988. |
97. | Y. Watanabe, I. Kumabe, M. Hyakutake, Norihiko Koori, K. Ogawa, K. Orito, K. Akagi and N. Oda : Preequilibrium (p,p') Spectra for Nuclei around Neutron Number 50, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.36, No.4, 1325-1334, 1987. |
98. | I. Kumabe, Y. Mito, M. Hyakutake, Norihiko Koori, H. Sakai and Y. Watanabe : Shell and Odd-Even Effects and Alpha-Particle Energy Spectra from the (p,α) Reaction on Nuclei around Neutron Number 50, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.35, No.2, 467-478, 1987. |
99. | Norihiko Koori, H. Sakai, T. Sakae, M. Matoba and I. Kumabe : Self-Quenching Streamer Transitions Induced by α- and β-Rays in a Gas Counter, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.25, No.12, 986-L989, 1986. |
100. | M. Matoba, H. Ijiri, H. Kametani, I Kumabe, M. Hyakutake, Norihiko Koori, T. Sakae and T. Maki : Strength Functions of Deeply Bound Hole States in 111,115,119,123Sn, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.456, No.2, 235-252, 1986. |
101. | Norihiko Koori, K Kawamura, H. Sakai, T. Sakae, I. Kumabe, H. Kametani, H. Ijiri and M. Matoba : Self-Quenching Streamers in Magic Gas Mixtures, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.243, No.2,3, 486-494, 1986. |
102. | H. Ohgaki, H. Ijiri, T. Sakae, Norihiko Koori and M. Matoba : A Ratio-to-Digital Converter for Charge Division Position Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-34, No.1, 110-114, 1986. |
103. | Norihiko Koori, T. Ueda, K. Ogawa, T. Sakae, H. Kametani, M. Matoba and I. Kumabe : Observation of Self-Quenching Streamers in Quenching Gases of Hydrocarbons and Carbon Dioxide, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-33, No.1, 395-398, 1986. |
104. | H. Ohgaki, S. Imabeppu, K. Urase, Y. Fujita, H. Maesako, S. Higuma, H. Kametani, M. Matoba, T. Sakae and Norihiko Koori : Position Resolution of a Gas Counter in the SQS Transition Region, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-33, No.1, 381-384, 1986. |
105. | Y. Fujita, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, M. Fujiwara, T. Yamazaki, H. Ikegami, H. Taketani, M. Adachi, T. Matsuzaki, M. Matoba and Norihiko Koori : High-Resolution Study of 49Cr through the (p,d) Reaction, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.435, No.1, 7-33, 1985. |
106. | Norihiko Koori, T. Ohsawa, S. Seki, H. Yokota, T. Yanabu, Y. Deschamps, E. Hourani, H Langevin-Joliot, F. Reide and M. Roy-Stephan : Two-Spectator Quasi-Free Scattering Process in the 2H(d,pn)pn Reaction at 108 MeV, Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics, Vol.31, No.1, 246-249, 1985. |
107. | H. Kametani, H. Ijiri, H. Ohgaki, Y. Takahashi, S. Higuma, S. Imabeppu, K. Urase, Y. Fujita, H. Maesako, T. Sakae, Norihiko Koori and M. Matoba : Characteristics of the Self-Quenching Streamer Mode in a Gas Counte, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.23, No.12, L922-L924, 1984. |
108. | M. Matoba, H. Ijiri, H. Kametani, T. Sakae, I. Kumabe, M. Hyakutake, Norihiko Koori, T. Maki and T. Shiba : Strength Functions of Deeply Bound Hole States in 115Sn, Physics Letters B, Vol.149, No.1,2,3, 50-54, 1984. |
109. | H. Kametani, T. Sakae, K. Komatsu, H. Ijiri, M. Matoba and Norihiko Koori : Charge-Division Type Position-Sensing with a Single-Wire Position Sensitive Counter in the Self-Quenching Streamer Mode, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.225, No.1, 113-117, 1984. |
110. | Norihiko Koori, Y. Deschamps, F. Reide and T. Yuasa : Determination of Neutron Detection Efficiency by Simultaneous Measurement of D(p,2p)n and D(p,pn)p Reactions at 200 MeV, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.224, No.3, 416-420, 1984. |
111. | Norihiko Koori, Y. Ohsawa and I. Kumabe : Pre-Equilibrium Emission of Protons from 93Nb(n,p) Reaction at 14 MeV, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol.87, No.1, 34-40, 1984. |
112. | Norihiko Koori, S. Oda, K. Kawamura, M. Fujiwara, K. Nagayama, N. Takeda, S. Morinobu, T. Yamazaki and H. Ikegami : Other Magic Gas Mixtures for Multiwire Proportional Chambers, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.220, No.2,3, 453-456, 1984. |
113. | Norihiko Koori, T. Goto, H. Konishi and I. Kumabe : A Position Sensitive Counter-Telescope with Large Angular Acceptance for Study of Fast-Neutron Induced Reactions, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol.206, No.3, 413-419, 1983. |
114. | Norihiko Koori, H. Konishi and Y. Matsumoto : A Rectangular Si(Li) Detector Adopted to Position Sensitive Counter Telescope, Bull. Inst. Chem. Res. (Kyoto Univ.), Vol.60, No.2, 165-171, 1982. |
115. | H. Ohgaki, S. Kondo, S. Uehara, T. Fujiki, H. Ijiri, M. Matoba, T. Sakae and Norihiko Koori : Non-Linearity in Position Sensing with Cathode Strips of a Single Wire Proportional Counter, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.27, No.2, 302-306, 1982. |
116. | Y. LeBornec, L. Bimbot, Norihiko Koori, F. Reide, A. Willis, N. Willis and C Wilkin : Coherent Pion Production near Threshold with a 3He Projectile, Physical Review Letters, Vol.47, No.26, 1870-1874, 1981. |
117. | N. Willis, L. Bimbot, Norihiko Koori, Y. LeBornec, F. Reide, A. Willis and C Wilkin : A Study of the 3He(p,p+)4He Reaction Close to Threshold, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, Vol.7, No.9, L195-L199, 1981. |
118. | H Taketani, M. Adachi, T. Matsuzaki, M. Matoba, Norihiko Koori, T. Yamazaki, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita and H. Ikegami : Line Broadening and Coulomb Displacement Energies of the Hole-State Analogs in the A=111-123 Odd Mass Sn Isotopes, Physics Letters B, Vol.90, No.3, 214-218, 1980. |
119. | H. Ikegami, T. Yamazaki, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, H. Taketani, M. Adachi, T. Matsuzaki, Norihiko Koori and M. Matoba : Systematic Observation of Fine Structure of the Hole-State Analogues in Ni Isotopes, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.329, No.1,2, 84-92, 1979. |
120. | Masaru Matoba, Mikio Hyakutake, Norihiko Koori, Yoshiro Irie and Y Aoki : Inelastic Proton Scattering on Doubly Even Selenium Isotopes, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.325, No.2,3, 389-396, 1979. |
121. | H. Ikegami, T. Yamazaki, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, Norihiko Koori, H. Taketani, H. Adachi, T. Matsuzaki, S. Matsuki and M. Matoba : Evidence for the Fine-Structure of the Hole-State Analogs, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.44, No.suppl, 191-196, 1978. |
122. | H. Ikegami, T. Yamazaki, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita and Norihiko Koori : Evidence for the Fragmentation of Hole-State Analogues in 59Ni and 58Co, Physics Letters B, Vol.74, No.4,5, 326-329, 1978. |
123. | T. Tanabe, K. Koyama, M. Yasue, H. Yokomizo, K. Sato, J. Kokame, Norihiko Koori and S. Tanaka : The (3He, 3He), (3He, 3He') and (3He, a) Reactions on 12C at 82.1 MeV, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.41, No.2, 361-367, 1976. |
124. | Yoshiro Irie, Masatoshi Tsuji, Mikio Hyakutake, Norihiko Koori, Masaru Matoba and I Kumabe : Neutrons from Interaction of 14.1 MeV Neutrons with Vanadium and Gold, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Japan), Vol.13, No.6, 334-336, 1976. |
125. | M. Matoba, J. Niidome, Y. Matsumoto, H. Yamamoto and Norihiko Koori : Time-Calibration of the Semiconductor Charged Particle Detector Using the ThC' α-Particle Source, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol.127, No.4, 601-602, 1975. |
126. | J. Niidome, Mikio Hyakutake, Norihiko Koori, I. Kumabe and Masaru Matoba : Pre-Equilibrium Proton Emission in the (n,p) Reaction on Indium at 14 MeV, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.245, No.3, 509-514, 1975. |
127. | Yoshiro Irie, Norihiko Koori, Masatoshi Tuji, Masaru Matoba and Masateru Sonoda : Pre-Compound Decay from Fe(n,n') Reaction of 14.1 MeV Neutrons, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.37, No.5, 1461, 1974. |
128. | T. Tanabe, M. Yasue, K. Sato, Y. Ishizaki, K. Koyama, Norihiko Koori, K. Ogino, H. Sakaguchi and S. Takeuchi : Continuous Energy Spectra of Deuterons in the 3He+2H Reaction Induced by 81.4 MeV 3He, Bull. Inst. Chem. Res. (Kyoto Univ.), Vol.52, No.1, 284-287, 1974. |
129. | S. Shirato, K. Saitoh, Norihiko Koori and R.T. Cahill : A Determination of the Singlet Neutron-Neutron Scattering Length from the 2H(n,p)2n Reaction, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.215, No.2, 277-300, 1973. |
130. | A. Stricker, Y. Saji, Y. Ishizaki, J. Kokame, H. Ogata, T. Suehiro, I. Nonaka, Y. Sugiyama, S. Shirato and Norihiko Koori : The 2H(n,p)2n Reaction at 50 MeV and the Neutron-Neutron Scattering Length, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.190, No.2, 284-292, 1972. |
131. | Norihiko Koori : Energy Spectra of Breakup Protons from the D(n,p)2n Reaction by 14.1 MeV Neutrons, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.32, No.2, 306-315, 1972. |
132. | Mitsuyoshi Tanaka, Norihiko Koori and Shoji Shirato : Differential Cross Section for Neutron-Proton Scattering at 14.1 MeV, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.28, No.1, 11-15, 1970. (DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.28.11, CiNii: 1390282679171816832) |
133. | Shoji Shirato and Norihiko Koori : Measurement of the Cross Sections for n-d Elastic and Inelastic Scattering at 14.1 MeV, Nuclear Physics A, Vol.120, No.2, 387-400, 1968. |
134. | Shoji Shirato and Norihiko Koori : A Counter-Telescope Consisting of Tandem Proportional Counters and a Lithium-Drifted Silicon Detector for Charged Particles Produced with Fast Neutrons, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol.57, No.2, 325-337, 1967. (DOI: 10.1016/0029-554X(67)90543-5) |
1. | 桑折 範彦 : 徳島大学全学共通教育新カリキュラムの概要, 大学教育研究ジャーナル, Vol.2, 81-91, 2005年. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2001398, CiNii: 1050865122808176896) |
2. | Hirokazu Kugii, Satoshi Miyamoto, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Norihiko Koori, Takashi Korenaga, Akihiro Murata, Shintaro Nakayama, H M Ismail, Y M Sulaiman and M Awang : Radioactivirie from Amang in Malaysia and Rocks in Tokushima, Natural Science Research, Vol.13, 9-16, 2000. |
3. | S. Miyamoto, H. Kugii, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, C. Hara and Norihiko Koori : Measurement of Radon Daughters Attached to Aerosol in Tokushima, Natural Science Research, Vol.13, 1-8, 2000. |
4. | T. Iwawaki, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Horikawa, Norihiko Koori and Shintaro Nakayama : Nuclear Rare Decays Studied with GSO Scintillator, Natural Science Research, Vol.11, 1-6, 1998. |
5. | T. Horikawa, Satoshi Miyamoto, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Shintaro Nakayama and Norihiko Koori : Anti-Compton-Type Ge-NaI Detector System at the University of Tokushima, Proc. of 12th Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, KEK Tsukuba, Vol.98-4, 182-190, 1998. |
6. | Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Horikawa, T. Iwawaki, Norihiko Koori, K. Nakao, Shintaro Nakayama, H. Kohri, H. Akimune, I. Daido, M. Fujiwara, T. Inomata, K. Takahisa, Y. Fujita, A. Tamii, H. Toyokawa and T. Yamagata : GSO Scintillation Detector System for the (7Li,7Be) Experiment at Intermediate Energies, Proc. of 11th Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, KEK Tsukuba, Vol.97-8, 275-289, 1997. |
7. | T. Iwawaki, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, T. Horikawa, Norihiko Koori and Shintaro Nakayama : Study of Nuclear Rare Decays by GSO Scintillator, Proc. of 11th Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, KEK Tsukuba, Vol.97-8, 66-73, 1997. |
1. | Sayaka Yamashita, Minoru Sakama, Norihiko Koori, Shintaro Nakayama and Ken-Ichi Fushimi : Gamma-ray measurement of 500 m borehole samples from the Nojima fault in Awaji Island, Japan, International conference on radioactivity in the environment, Monaco, Sep. 2002. |
2. | Satoshi Miyamoto, Hirokazu Kugii, Norihiko Koori, Shintaro Nakayama, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Takashi Korenaga, Chiharu Hara, Akihiro Murata, Marzuki Hj. Ismail, Mohd Yusof Sulaiman and Muhamad Awang : Measurement of of environmental radiation in Tokushima, Proc. of 13th Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, KEK Tsukuba, 135-144, Tsukuba, Feb. 1999. |
3. | Y. Watanabe, S. Yoshoka, M. Harada, K. Sato, K. Nakao, R. Kuwata, H. Ijiri, S. Chiba, T. Fukahori, S. Meigo, O. Iwamoto and Norihiko Koori : Continm (p,xp) Spectra at 14.1 and 26 MeV, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, Italy, 19-24, Trieste, Italy, May 1997. |
1. | 辻 明典, 桑折 範彦, 川上 博 : 3Dプリンタを活用したAI / IoT実習用ロボット教材の開発, 令和4年度全学FD推進プログラム大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 54-55, 2022年12月. |
2. | 辻 明典, 桑折 範彦, 川上 博 : AI/IoTオリジナル教材を用いた実験・演習プログラムの開発, 令和3年度全学FD推進プログラム大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 46-47, 2022年1月. |
3. | 辻 明典, 桑折 範彦, 川上 博 : AI/IoT基礎力養成-課題解決・アイデア創出に繋がる教材開発―, 令和2年度全学FD推進プログラム大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 52-53, 2021年1月. |
4. | 辻 明典, 桑折 範彦, 川上 博 : 実践して学ぶAI/IoT技術-公開講座「AI/IoTセンサのしくみを知ろう」ー, 令和元年度全学FD推進プログラム大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 54-55, 2019年12月. |
5. | 辻 明典, 桑折 範彦, 川上 博 : IoT対応2輪駆動型ロボットの開発-公開講座での活用事例-, 平成30年度全学FD推進プログラム大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 48-49, 2018年12月. |
6. | 辻 明典, 桑折 範彦, 川上 博 : 情報技術の習得を目的としたプログラミング学習用教材の開発, 平成29年度全学FD推進プログラム大学教育カンファレンスin徳島発表抄録集, 48-49, 2018年1月. |
7. | 木下 悠亮, 中山 信太郎, 伏見 賢一, 桑折 範彦, 佐瀬 卓也, 三好 弘一, 前澤 博, 川口 佳彦, 桑原 義典, 古谷 俊介, 黒崎 裕 : がん治療用125Iシード放射能自動測定システムの性能評価, 日本放射線安全管理学会, 2009年12月. |
8. | 桑折 範彦, 齊藤 隆仁, 金西 計英, 吉永 哲哉, 藤本 憲市, 後藤 壽夫, 若泉 誠一 : eコンテンツ開発の現状とコース管理システムMoodle, 平成19年度全学FD 徳島大学教育カンファレンス発表抄録集, 44-45, 2008年1月. |
9. | 齊藤 隆仁, 桑折 範彦, 金西 計英, 吉永 哲哉, 藤本 憲市 : 全学共通教育におけるCMS/Moodleの活用報告, 平成19年度全学FD 徳島大学教育カンファレンス発表抄録集, 22-23, 2008年1月. |
10. | 川口 佳彦, 三好 弘一, 佐瀬 卓也, 中山 信太郎, 伏見 賢一, 桑折 範彦, 入倉 奈美子, 前澤 博 : イメージングプレートを使用したトリチウム飛散分布の画像化, 第44回アイソトープ・放射線研究発表会, 2007年7月. |
11. | 桑折 範彦, 齊藤 隆仁, 大橋 眞, 若泉 誠一, 後藤 壽夫, 吉永 哲哉, 藤本 憲市 : 2006年問題に対するeコンテンツ開発と学習環境の整備, 平成18年度全学FD 徳島大学教育カンファレンス発表抄録集, 51-52, 2007年3月. |
12. | H. Yoshida, D. Konishi, Y. Uozumi, G. Wakabayashi, T. Sake, M. Matoba, A. Nohtomi, T. Maki and Norihiko Koori : Measurement of Continum Spectrum from 12C(p,p'x) at Energy of 392 MeV, Proc. of the 1997 Symposium on Nuclear Data, 299-302, Mar. 1998. |
13. | Norihiko Koori, Y. Watanabe, H. Hane, H. Kashimoto, A. Aoto, H. Ijiri, K. Sagara, H. Nakamura, K. Maeda and T. Nakashima : Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons from Oxygen-16, JAERI-M, Vol.M 94, No.011, 1-56, Feb. 1994. |
1. | 川口 佳彦, 三好 弘一, 佐瀬 卓也, 入倉 奈美子, 中山 信太郎, 桑折 範彦, 伏見 賢一, 前澤 博 : イメージングプレートを使用したトリチウム飛散測定の画像化, 弥生研究会「放射線検出器とその応用」プログラム, 2007年2月. |
2. | Yoshiko Kawaguchi, Shintaro Nakayama, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Norihiko Koori, Hirokazu Miyoshi, Takuya Saze, Namiko Irikura and Hiroshi Maezawa : Spread of Tritium Distribution in the Model Room Obtained using Imaging Plate, KEK Proceedings, 2007. |
1. | 桑折 範彦, 齊藤 隆仁, 大橋 眞, 若泉 誠一, 後藤 寿夫, 吉永 哲哉, 藤本 憲市 : 高大接続eコンテンツ開発プロジェクト「eコンテンツによる初年次学生の学習支援」報告, 大学教育研究ジャーナル, No.4, 48-54, 徳島, 2007年3月. (徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2001416) |
2. | 桑折 範彦, 佐野 勝德, 松谷 満, 村田 明広, 桂 修治, 平井 松午 : 全学共通教育における学生による授業評価と授業改善のシステム, 大学教育研究ジャーナル, No.3, 44-57, 徳島, 2006年3月. |