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Professor Emeritus : Yoshida, Shoichi |
○ | Philosophy |
○ | On Pythagoras and his School, On Philo of Alexandria, On Soul in Plato's Philosophy, On the Theory of Knowledge in Plato's Philosophy, On Soul and Intellect in Plotinus (number, harmony, soul, law, God, form, immortality, knowledge, belief, intellect, the good) (Critical assessment of Pythagoras and his School on the basis of original texts. Studies on Plato's thought in viewpoints of ethics, epistemology and theory of the universe, with his concept of Soul as a central means of approach. On Plotinus' Soul and Intellect in connection with Plato. A study in general on Philo of Alexandria to prepare for the translation of his work "De Specialibus Legibus".) |
1. | Shoichi Yoshida, 山田 道夫, 木下 昌巳, 金山 弥平, 中川 純男, 瀬口 昌久, 小池 澄夫, 久保 徹, 朴 一功, 山本 千洋, 脇條 靖弘, 高橋 憲雄, 國方 栄二, 丸橋 裕, 淺野 楢英, 中畑 正志, 内山 勝利, 三浦 要, 坂下 浩司, 浜岡 剛 and 山口 義久 : On the River of Ilisos, Sekaishisosha Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Mar. 2005. |
1. | Shoichi Yoshida : A Reading of the Line in Plato's Republic, Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.3, 53-68, 1996. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000931, CiNii: 1050302172854936832) |
2. | Shoichi Yoshida : The Immortality of the Soul in Plato's "Phaedo", --- an Investigation with the Final Proof as a Starting Point ---, 徳島大学教養部紀要(人文·社会科学), Vol.26, 23-44, 1991. (CiNii: 1520572360396503552) |
3. | Shoichi Yoshida : A Note on Plato's "Phaedo" 104C-105E, 徳島大学教養部紀要(人文·社会科学), Vol.20, 23-32, 1985. (CiNii: 1520572360379261056) |
4. | Shoichi Yoshida : The Final Argument for Soul's Immortality in Plato's "Phaedo", 徳島大学教養部紀要(人文·社会科学), Vol.17, 169-180, 1982. (CiNii: 1520009410397276160) |
5. | Shoichi Yoshida : The Theory of Knowledge in Plato's "Theaetetus", Methodos A Journal for Ancient Philosophy, No.11, 1-8, 1979. |
6. | Shoichi Yoshida : The Problem of Falsehood in Plato's "Theaetetus" and "Sophistes", 徳島大学教養部紀要(人文·社会科学), Vol.14, 151-161, 1979. (CiNii: 1520853835327606272) |
1. | Shoichi Yoshida : Festugiere, A.- J. ; Personal Religion among the Greeks についての書評, ペディラヴィウム, No.5, 14-17, Jun. 1980. |
1. | Shoichi Yoshida : 原因論の帰趨—プラトン哲学における—, 日本西洋古典学会第34回大会, May 1983. |
2. | Shoichi Yoshida : プラトンの快楽論, 関西哲学会第32回大会, Oct. 1979. |
1. | Shoichi Yoshida : Problems on Old Age, 文部省教育研究学内特別経費による老年学と寿齢学に関する総合研究報告書, 5-9, Tokushima, Nov. 1987. |