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地域産業技術論, 経営情報論


快適住空間の設計技術 と 木材産業の未来技術 (建築デザイン, 建築工法, 住宅設計, 家具デザイン, 木材加工, インテリア計画, 環境商品工学, 商品化デザイン工学, 電子化デザイン工学, 3次元CAD/CG, 指物技術, 伝統工法, 地域資源, 地域技術) (人間空間(生活空間,オフィス空間,都市空間,etc.)を快適にする「木材産業」 が... 21世紀の魅力産業に脱皮(美しい蝶のように...)していくように...住空間商品のデザインを研究する.)



1. Xinqi DONG and Atsushi Mitsui :
Interior Design with Imaginable Space,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, No.17, 57-66, 2004.
2. Xinqi DONG and Atsushi Mitsui :
Interior Design with Imaginable Space,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, No.17, 57-66, 2004.
3. Mi DAN and Atsushi Mitsui :
The Next Generation Production System,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, No.17, 67-75, 2004.
4. Zheyu LI and Atsushi Mitsui :
Merchandise Information by Mobile Commerce, --- Network technology of a cellular phone for creating a new commercial transaction ---,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, Vol.0, No.16, 75-95, 2003.
(CiNii: 1520853833136683904)
5. Xinqi DONG and Atsushi Mitsui :
Design Technology of Living Space Merchandise,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, Vol.0, No.16, 97-106, 2003.
(CiNii: 1520853832118521856)
6. Chisa TSUTSUMI and Atsushi Mitsui :
Design System of the Long Life Housing for the Welfare,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, No.15, 77-96, 2002.
7. Zheyu LI and Atsushi Mitsui :
Information Management System of Merchandising, --- Housing Information Management System by Data Warehouse ---,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, Vol.0, No.15, 43-75, 2002.
(CiNii: 1520853831997120512)
8. Tomokazu SHIMIZU and Atsushi Mitsui :
Town Design for the Aged Society, --- System of Informative Communication for Life-Support ---,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, No.14, 157-164, 2001.
9. Kyouji HINO and Atsushi Mitsui :
Comfortable Living Space for the Aging Soiety,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, No.14, 139-156, 2001.
10. Sachiko KISHIMOTO and Atsushi Mitsui :
Housing Environment for the Elderly People,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, No.13, 39-51, 2000.
11. Toshihiro ISAI and Atsushi Mitsui :
Electric Commerce in Virtual Space,
Social Science Research University of Tokushima, No.13, 25-37, 2000.


1. 立花 敬雄, 中嶋 信, 西村 捷敏, 三井 篤, 十枝 修, 小田 利勝 :
阿波学会紀要, No.42, 285-294, 徳島, 1996年3月.

科学研究費補助金 (KAKEN Grants Database @ NII.ac.jp)