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Professor Emeritus : Kataoka, Keiichi |
○ | Musicology |
○ | study on symbolic expression in music of J.S.Bach, study on the construction of (school-)music-education-learning (J.S.Bach, music, symbolic expression, (school )music education learning, construction) ((1)J.S.Bachの音楽には,キリスト教の文化を土台とした種々の象徴的表現が認められる.その表現方法は,時代,民族,宗教,文化等の違いを超えて,あらゆる人々に訴えかける普遍的な音楽的説得力を有している.彼の音楽の象徴的表現に関する研究を今後も更に深めると共に,音楽の本質に関する美学的考察も併せて行ってゆきたい. (2)音楽(科)教育学の学としての構造のありかたはどのようなものであるべきかという問題についての研究は,現在研究途上にある.同問題に関する考察を今後とも深めてゆきたい.) |
1. | Syuppankyoku Kirisutokyodan Nihon and Keiichi Kataoka : Bach's organworks and symbol - symbolic expression in <Orgelbuchlein >, Nihon Kirisutokyodan Syuppankyoku, Tokyo, Feb. 1996. |
2. | Masatake Kanemoto and Keiichi Kataoka : Sonare Ongakukakyoikujissenkoza No.15 Ongakukakyoikunodoko, Kabushikigaisya Nitibun, Tokyo, May 1992. |
3. | Usaburou Mbuchi and Keiichi Kataoka : Vocal Music-Works in the Muhlhausen Period of Johann Sebastian Bach : from the Viewpoint of Symbolic Expression, Ongaku No Tomo Sha, Tokyo, Dec. 1990. |
1. | Keiichi Kataoka and Hosoda Hidekazu : A Study of Brahms' <Ein Deutsches Requiem>-from a Viewpoint of the Symbolic Expression -Studies on Johann Sebastian Bach' s Works-, Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.14, 43-76, 2007. (CiNii: 1520853833624813696) |
2. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study on the Parody of the Secular-Cantata No.215<Preise dein Glucke, gesegnetes Sachsen>(BWV215)(the First Tune)and<Messe in h-moll>(BWV232)(the Twentythird Tune and the Twentyfifth Tune as the Repeat-Part) (Osanna in Excelsis), Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.12, 67-74, 2005. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001061, CiNii: 1050865122808288896) |
3. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the Cantata No.215 <Preise dein Glucke, gesegnetes Sachsen>(BWV215), Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.11, 93-118, 2004. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001047, CiNii: 1050865122808292480) |
4. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study on the Parody of the Church- Cantata No.12 <Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen>(BWV12-the Second Tune-) and <Messe in h-moll -Crucifixus->(BWV232 -the Seventeenth Tune-), Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.10, No.0, 145-152, 2003. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001034, CiNii: 1050583647831585536) |
5. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the Church Cannta No.12 <Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen>(BWV12), Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.9, No.0, 119-129, 2002. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001019, CiNii: 1050302172854879872) |
6. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of Messe in h-moll (BWV232) -on the Whole Organization of One- (Pt.3), Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.8, 81-110, 2001. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001011, CiNii: 1050583647831591552) |
7. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of Messe in h-moll (BWV232) :On the Whole Organization of One (Series), Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.7, 65-113, 2000. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000984) |
8. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of Messe in h moll (BWV232) -On the Whole Organization of One-, Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.6, 159-208, 1999. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000964, CiNii: 1050302172854907520) |
9. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of <Messe in H-moll> -General Consideration on the Location of the Point at Issue basing on the Viewpoint of Symbolic Expression-, Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.5, 153-169, 1998. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000947, CiNii: 1050302172854923520) |
10. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study on the Contents of Die Bildlichkeit der wortgebundenen Musik Johann Sebastian Bachs by Arnold Schmitz, Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.4, 191-198, 1997. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000937) |
11. | Keiichi Kataoka : On the Structure of Music-Pedagogy (as Subject in School) -A Second Study of the Opinion of Mr. Humishige YAMAMOTO-, Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.3, 113-125, 1996. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000930, CiNii: 1050302172854937472) |
12. | Keiichi Kataoka : On Symbolic Expression of J.S.Bach's Works -Reflective Examination from the Aesthetic Viewpoint about a Tentative Plan of its Phasic Classification-, Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.2, 61-80, 1995. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000922, CiNii: 1520290885416626944) |
13. | Keiichi Kataoka : On Symbolic Expression of J.S.Bach's Works -Reflective Examination and Investigation from the Aesthetic Viewpoint about a Tentative Plan of its Phasic Classification-, Journal of Human Sciences and Arts Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences The University of Tokushima, Vol.1, 91-100, 1994. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000913) |
14. | Keiichi Kataoka : On Brelet's Ideas of Musical Time, Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima (Humanities), Vol.6, 59-78, 1993. (CiNii: 1520009410435006080) |
15. | Keiichi Kataoka : On the Structure of Music-Pedagogy as Subject in School -About the Opinion Of Mr. Humisige Yamamoto-, Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima (Humanities), Vol.5, 63-75, 1992. (CiNii: 1520009410382838272) |
16. | Keiichi Kataoka : Some Problems of <Gestalt>, <Words>, and <the Visual Approach> in Music, Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima (Humanities), Vol.4, 127-150, 1991. (CiNii: 1520853835341430656) |
17. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Consideration of < Idee Concrete>, Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima (Humanities), Vol.3, 1-19, 1990. (CiNii: 1520009410390369664) |
18. | Keiichi Kataoka : About the Symbolic Theory of Music in the Book <ONGAKUBI NO KOZO> written by Mr. Mamoru Watanabe, Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima (Humanities), Vol.2, 61-76, 1989. |
19. | Keiichi Kataoka : About the Concept and the Meaning of "Symbol", Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima (Humanities), Vol.1, 105-116, 1988. (CiNii: 1520290885378420992) |
20. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the Cantata No.196<Der Herr denket an uns>(BWV196), commemoration volume of the founding of the faculty of integrated arts and sciences. the university of tokushima, 187-207, 1987. |
21. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the Cantata No.4<Christ lag in Todesbanden>(BWV4), 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.35, 31-62, 1985. (CiNii: 1520009410448861952) |
22. | Keiichi Kataoka : a consideration from the aesthetic-side on the propriety that nusic as a course is indipendent, Journal of Gakugei Tokushima University ( Educational Science ), No.34, 39-45, 1985. |
23. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the Cantata No.71<Gott ist mein Konig>(BWV71), 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.34, 87-112, 1984. (CiNii: 1520572360328462208) |
24. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the <Quodlibet>(BWV524), 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.33, 41-56, 1983. |
25. | Keiichi Kataoka : a consideration from a psychorogical side about the propriety that music as a course of studiy is independent, Journal of Gakugei, Tokushima University ( Educational Science ), Vol.32, 81-92, 1983. (CiNii: 1520853834879008256) |
26. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the Cantata No.106<Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit>(BWV106), 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.32, 25-43, 1982. |
27. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the Cantata No.131<Aus der Tiefew rufe ich, Herr, zu dir>(BWV131)(Series), 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.32, 15-23, 1982. |
28. | Keiichi Kataoka : a Study of the Cantata No.131 <Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir>(BWV131), 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.31, 37-62, 1981. |
29. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the <Orgelbuchlein> No.3 (Series), 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.30, 51-72, 1980. |
30. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the <Orgelbuchlein> No.3 (Series), 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.29, 51-73, 1979. |
31. | Keiichi Kataoka : A consideration of the conditions which establish a music-pedagogy as a science, 徳島大学学芸紀要(教育科学), Vol.28, 111-126, 1979. (CiNii: 1520572359905984000) |
32. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the <Orgelbuchlein> (Series), 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.28, 38-58, 1978. (CiNii: 1520853835370493568) |
33. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the <Orgelbuchlein> No.3, 徳島大学学芸紀要(人文科学), Vol.27, 15-27, 1977. |
34. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the <Orgelbuchlein> No.2, 佐賀大学教育学部研究論文集, Vol.22, 169-221, 1974. |
35. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the <Orgelbuchlein> No.1 J.S.Bach's Organ-Works and the Position of the <Orgelbuchlein> in them, Sagadaigaku Kyouikugakubu Kenkyuronbunsyu, Vol.21, 272-305, 1973. (CiNii: 1520572360350556032) |
1. | Keiichi Kataoka : on the structure of music-pedagogy as subject in school - about the opinion of Mr. Humishige Yamamoto, Heisei3nend Nihonongakukyoikugakkai Shikokutikureikai, Feb. 1992. |
2. | Keiichi Kataoka : on the establishment of < Idee Concrete >, Heisei3nendo Zensikokudiagaku Ongakugakkai Kagawataikai, Dec. 1991. |
3. | Keiichi Kataoka : about the symbolic-theory of music in the book <ongakubi no kozo > written by Mr.Mamoru Watanabe, 昭和63年度全四国大学音楽学会徳島大会, Dec. 1988. |
4. | Keiichi Kataoka : on the J.S.Bach's vocal-works in the muhlhauzen-period - frm the viewpoint of symbolic-expression -, 昭和61年度全四国大学音楽学会愛媛大会, Dec. 1986. |
5. | Keiichi Kataoka : on the conditions and the problems for the formation of < music-pedagogy as a subjekt >, 第1回日本音楽教育学会四国地区例会, Jun. 1986. |
6. | Keiichi Kataoka : 教員養成大学·学部における音楽史の授業の内容について, Syowa55nendo Nihonkyoikudaigakusoukai Dai2bukaiongakubumonsokai, May 1980. |
7. | Keiichi Kataoka : a study of <Orgelbuchlein> - a examination and a investigation of <Tonespeach> in the book <J.S.Bach> (1965) by A.Schweitzer (1875-1965), Showa52nendo Zen Shikokudaigaku Ongakugakkai Koutitaikai, Dec. 1977. |
8. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of the <Orgelbuchlein> No.1 -J.S.Bach's Ogan-Works and the Position of the <Orgelbuchlein> in Them -, Syouwa48nendo Zen Kyusyu Daigaku Ongaku-Gakkai, Jul. 1973. |
9. | Shigeo Maruyama and Keiichi Kataoka : G.Mahler : Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, Shyowa 47nendo zen Kyusyu Daigaku Ongaku Gakkai, Dec. 1972. |
10. | Keiichi Kataoka : A Study of Johann Gttofried Walther - from a main Viewpoint of musica poetica -, 昭和46年度全九州大学音楽学会, Dec. 1971. |
1. | Study-Room Daigaku Kyouiku Gakubu Music Toikushima and Keiichi Kataoka : A. Corelli (Work) / Ogyu Tutom (Arrangement) :<Allegro> and others, Tokushima Daigaku Kyouikugakubu Music Study-Room Dai15kai Regular-Concert, Sep. 1976. |
2. | <Liederkreis> Chorus-Group Tokushima-Daigaku and Keiichi Kataoka : Yzawa Sai (Text) / Hagiwara Hidehiko (Composition) : <Hotaru wa Hoshi ni natta> from <HIkaru Sabaku> and others, Tokushima Daigaku Chorus-Group <Liederkreis> Dai13kai Regular Concert, Dec. 1975. |
3. | <Liederkreis> Chorus-Group Tokushima-Daigaku and Keiichi Kataoka : Yazawa Sai (Text) /Hgiwara Hidehiko 'Composition) :<Hotaru wa Hoshi ni natta> and oters from <Hikarusabaku>, Dai15kai Shikoku Gassyou Concours, Nov. 1975. |
4. | Yasuo Matumoto and Keiichi Kataoka : G.Verdi : Simon Boccanegra and others, Dai15kai Sagaken Geijyutusai Summer-Concert, Aug. 1974. |
5. | Yasuo Matumoto and Keiichi Kataoka : R.Strauss : Zueignung and others, Dai2kai Kunitati Concert, Aug. 1973. |
6. | Shigeo Maruyama and Keiichi Kataoka : R.Schumann : Liederkreis and otehrs, Dai7kai Maruyama Shigeo Tenor-Solo Concert, May 1973. |
7. | Yasuo Matumoto and Keiichi Kataoka : F.Schubert: Doppelgaenger and others, Dai1kai Kuhnitati Concert, Aug. 1972. |