Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences社会総合科学域地域デザイン系情報・表現分野
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationRegional Development
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Integrated Arts and SciencesRegional ScienceCommunity Development Studies
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Social, etc.

Personal Web Page

Field of Study

Space Design

Activity of Academic Society (Post)

Architectural Institute of Japan
Man-Environment Research Association
The Japanese Society of Environmental Psychology

Social Activity / University Management

Social Activity

Tokushima City (「LEDが見えるまち"徳島''」準備委員会委員 [Sep. 2006--Mar. 2007])
Tokushima Prefectural Government (徳島県ホームページ運営アドバイザー [Apr. 2009--Mar. 2014])

University Management

広報委員会 (Apr. 2002--Mar. 2004)
徳大広報編集専門委員会 (Apr. 2002--Mar. 2007)
情報システム運用専門委員会 (Dec. 2003--Mar. 2006)
Member of the Committee on Public Relations (Apr. 2005--Mar. 2006)

Prize / Award