Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences社会総合科学域国際教養系英語圏分野
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Integrated Arts and SciencesDepartment of Integrated Arts and Social SciencesComparative Studies in Society and Culture
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationRegional Development
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Field of Study

Irish Literature
English Literature

Subject of Study

Modern Anglo-Irish Poetry and Novels (Ireland, English poetry, modern Irish literature, Yeats, McGuckian, Irish poetry, Irish literature, Irish novels, Johnston, Frank O'Connor) (Study of modern Anglo-Irish poetry, mainly on W. B. Yeats and Medbh McGuckian, and of modern Anglo-Irish novels, mainly on Jennifer Johnston and Frank O'Connor)
Modern British and American Poetry (English poetry, Modern poetry, poetry, British and American literature) (Study of Modern British and American Poetry after the 19th Century)

Book / Paper


1. Taketoshi Furomoto, Ayami Yoshida, Kenzou Ise, Toshio Akai, Richard Kelly, Naoya Mori, Ralph Bosman, Tetsurou Sano, Noriko Ito, Naoko Toraiwa, Nobue Miyake and Hiroko Ikeda :
Irish Sprits in Modern Literary Imaginations,
Keisuisha Co., Ltd., Hiroshima, Feb. 2000.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Ayami Yoshida :
Jennifer Johnston's Two Moons--Mother-Daughter Conflict and the role of the Angel,
Hyperion, Vol.66, 23-42, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008718,   CiNii: 1050020840088211584)
2. Ayami Yoshida :
Masculinity Denied in Jennifer Johnston's How Many Miles to Babylon?,
Journal of Irish Studies, Vol.33, 45-53, 2018.
(CiNii: 1521699231110873856)
3. Ayami Yoshida :
Rural Home Front, A Soldier's Distress: On Edward Thomas's As the teams head-brass,
Hyperion, Vol.61, 1-25, 2015.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006987,   CiNii: 1050583647829554432)
4. Ayami Yoshida :
The Poetry of Medbh McGuckian,
Yeats Studies, No.28, 77-84, 1997.
5. Ayami Yoshida :
Women in Jennifer Johnston's Novels,
The Harp, No.11, 52-56, 1996.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Ayami Yoshida :
悲劇の記憶ーJennifer Johnston の The Gingerbread Womanー,
Hyperion, Vol.70, 13-35, 2024.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2012296)
2. Ayami Yoshida :
On Nuala ní Dhomhnall's "Geasa",
Hyperion, No.47, 1-10, 2001.
3. Ayami Yoshida :
W. B. Yeats's Mother,
Naruto English Studies, No.11, 23-32, 1997.
4. Ayami Yoshida :
Mothers in Jennifer Johnston's Works,
Naruto English Studies, No.10, 189-196, 1996.
5. Ayami Yoshida :
W. B. Yeats and Seamus Heaney, --- Gaelic Elements in Their Works ---,
Hyperion, No.42, 43-52, 1995.
6. Ayami Yoshida :
Why W. B. Yeats Failed to Be an Irish,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, No.2, 1-28, 1995.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000692)
7. Ayami Yoshida :
Jennifer Johnston's Challenge in The Invisible Worm,
Hyperion, No.40, 41-52, 1993.
8. Ayami Yoshida :
Emily Dickinson's Jewels,
Hyperion, No.39, 46-53, 1992.
9. Ayami Yoshida :
The Death of the Dioscuri, --- -On Jennifer Johnston's How Many Miles to Babylon? ---,
Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima (Humanities), No.5, 25-44, 1992.
10. Ayami Yoshida :
The World of Jennifer Johnston, --- Mainly on How Many Miles to Babylon? and Fool's Sanctuary ---,
Naruto English Studies, No.5, 209-218, 1991.
11. Ayami Yoshida :
Half Lion, Half Child, --- On Edna O'Brien's The Country Girls Trilogy ---,
Research Bulletin of Human and Social Sciences, Naruto University of Education, No.5, 151-173, 1990.
12. Ayami Yoshida :
The Past and the Present of Ireland, --- On Julia O'Faolain's No Country for Young Men ---,
Naruto English Studies, No.4, 31-39, 1990.
13. Ayami Yoshida :
The Awareness of Solitude, --- On "The Genius" by Frank O'Connor ---,
Naruto English Studies, No.3, 16-26, 1989.
14. Ayami Yoshida :
Edain's Choice, --- On Yeats's "The Two Kings" ---,
Persica, No.16, 87-97, 1989.
15. Ayami Yoshida :
Return from Fairyland, --- On the Early Works of W. B. Yeats ---,
Persica, No.14, 87-104, 1987.

Review, Commentary:

1. Ayami Yoshida :
Reading Medbh McGuckien's The Flower Master,
Hyperion, Vol.59, 33-46, Mar. 2013.
2. Ayami Yoshida :
Book Review: Masaya Shimokusu, Fairy Ireland: a Literary History of "Changelings" [Yohsei no Ireland: "Torikaego" no Bungakushi].,
Journal of Irish Studies, Vol.21, 146-148, 2006.
3. Ayami Yoshida :
CALL, --- Advantages and Disadvantages ---,
徳島大学高度情報化基盤センター広報, No.10, 34-38, Dec. 2003.
4. Ayami Yoshida :
Review: Ohno Mitsuko, Yeats and Anglo-Irish Literary Tradition,
Yeats Studies, No.33, 125-126, Aug. 2002.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Ayami Yoshida :
A Decaying Hidden Tree--On Jennifer Johnston's Fool's Sanctuary--, --- On Jennifer Johnston's Fool's Sanctuary ---,
International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature, International Conference, Dublin, Jul. 1992.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Ayami Yoshida :
Mar. 2023.
2. Ayami Yoshida :
Reading "Vacillation",
第304回イェイツ研究会例会, Dec. 2022.
3. Ayami Yoshida :
北と南,親と子—Jennifer JohnstonのThe Gingerbread Woman,
日本イェイツ協会 第55回大会 (愛知学院大学 名城公園キャンパス), Nov. 2019.
4. Ayami Yoshida :
Masculinity Denied in Jennifer Johnston's How Many Miles to Babylon?,
IASIL Japan The 34th International Conference, Oct. 2017.
5. Ayami Yoshida :
On Jennifer Johnston's Two Moons,
日本イェイツ協会 第49回大会, Oct. 2013.
6. Ayami Yoshida :
イズールトへの私信としてのPer Amica Silentia Lunae,
The Yeats Society of Japan the 38th Conference, Symposium 2: Reading Per Amica Silentia Lunae, Sep. 2002.
7. Ayami Yoshida :
On Jennifer Johnston,
The 12th Conference, International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature, Symposium "Women and Irish Novels", Sep. 1995.
8. Ayami Yoshida :
Yeats Who Wanted To Be an Irish,
日本比較文化学会関西支部月例会, Jul. 1994.
9. Ayami Yoshida :
The World of Jennifer Johnston,
日本英文学会中国四国支部第43回大会, Oct. 1990.
10. Ayami Yoshida :
第3回鳴門教育大学英語教育学会, Aug. 1988.


1. Ayami Yoshida :
Jennifer Johnston's Two Moons,
Yeats Studies, No.45, 73-75, Dec. 2014.
2. Ayami Yoshida :
Teaching Languages in CALL System Laboratories, --- Meeting Report on FD Research into Teaching Foreign Languages at the Tokushima University ---,
Journal of University Education Research, No.2, 92-99, Tokushima, Mar. 2005.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001399)
3. Ayami Yoshida :
Per Amica Silentia Lunae as a Personal Letter to Iseult,
Yeats Studies, No.34, 82-83, Osaka, Sep. 2003.
4. Ayami Yoshida :
Historical Views of W. B. Yeats and Modern Irish Writers,
徳島大学·教育研究学内特別経費による研究報告書, 1-10, Tokushima, 1991.
5. Ayami Yoshida :
List of EFL and ESL Textbooks, Teaching Materials and References Used for This Project,
英語教材の分析と改善の視点/平成元年度文部省·教育方法等プロジェクト実施報告書, 171-181, Naruto, Oct. 1990.

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