Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences社会総合科学域国際教養系英語圏分野
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Integrated Arts and SciencesDepartment of Integrated Arts and Social SciencesComparative Studies in Society and Culture
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationRegional Development
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Field of Study


Subject of Study

Metaphor, Synesthetic metaphor, Category, Color Terms (English linguistics, cognitive linguistics, pragmatics)

Book / Paper


1. Hitoko Yamada :
Kaitakusha, Tokyo, Jul. 2021.
2. Hitoko Yamada :
Kaitakusha, Mar. 2018.
3. Hitoko Yamada :
「カテゴリー化を促す2種のべクトルーReal MotherとTrue Mother」大橋浩 他 編『ことばとこころの探求』,
Kaitakusha, Tokyo, Mar. 2012.
4. Hitoko Yamada :
ことばの標 ー平井昭徳君追悼論文集ー,
九州大学出版会, Fukuoka, Nov. 2005.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002083)
5. Hitoko Yamada :
九州大学出版会, Fukuoka, Aug. 1989.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002081)

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Hitoko Yamada :
「笑顔は世界の共通語」なのか? -笑顔の機能と普遍性をめぐる議論の変遷-,
Hyperion, Vol.68, 25-48, 2022.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2010945,   CiNii: 1050865497329744640)
2. Hitoko Yamada :
「灰色」にないGrayの要素 ―日本語と英語の色彩語カテゴリーの比較―,
Hyperion, Vol.63, 1-10, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2005360)
3. Hitoko Yamada :
Hyperion, Vol.60, 3-12, 2014.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Hitoko Yamada :
Critical Features of Being a Family in the Culture of British English - Analysis of True Family and Real Family -,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.22, 127-147, 2014.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002548,   CiNii: 1050865122807867904)
2. Hitoko Yamada :
Categorization of Family Members in Japanese,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.21, 81-106, 2013.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002410,   CiNii: 1050020697877773184)
3. Hitoko Yamada :
Hyperion, Vol.58, 19-36, 2012.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002049)
4. Hitoko Yamada :
Two Kinds of Vectors to Form a Category, --- An Analysis of Japanese Expression "ma-color term" ---,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.18, 115-130, 2010.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001331,   CiNii: 1050020697878070400)
5. Hitoko Yamada :
Perceptional Change from Categorization - A Case Study of English Color Term "Yellow" -,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.17, 75-82, 2009.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001321,   CiNii: 1050865122808204928)
6. Hitoko Yamada :
On Analogies to Tree, --- -Growing Image of Tree from Myths to Christianity- ---,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.14, 71-84, 2006.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000845)
7. Hitoko Yamada :
On Analogies of "the Chain of Being",
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.9, 117-132, 2002.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000789,   CiNii: 1050020697878263552)
8. Hitoko Yamada :
Emergence and Development of Similarity,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.7, 143-160, 2000.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000764)
9. Hitoko Yamada :
Synesthetic Metaphors of Wine,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.6, 177-196, 1999.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000749)
10. Hitoko Yamada :
Metaphors with Words Related to Water in Japanese (1),
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.5, 123-148, 1998.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000732)
11. Hitoko Yamada :
Particles with Auxiliary Verbs of Giving and Receiving in Japanese,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.4, 137-152, 1997.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000721)
12. Hitoko Yamada :
On Japanese Verbs of Giving and Receiving,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.3, 103-119, 1996.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000709)
13. Hitoko Yamada :
More than Five II ー共感覚が浮き彫りにする感覚(英語の場合)ー,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.1, 113-134, 1994.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000682)
14. Hitoko Yamada :
Hyperion, Vol.40, 29-40, 1993.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002050)
15. Hitoko Yamada :
More than Five -Three More Senses in Synesthetic Metaphors-,
徳島大学教養部紀要(外国語·外国文学), Vol.3, 75-83, 1992.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002355)
16. Hitoko Yamada :
Explanatory Effects Induced by Temporal Relations - A Study on the Progressive Aspect -,
徳島大学教養部紀要(外国語·外国文学), Vol.1, 57-69, 1991.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002354)
17. Hitoko Yamada :
On Coreferential Reading of Referring Expressions,
徳島大学教養部紀要(人文・社会科学), Vol.24, 183-194, 1989.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002353)
18. Hitoko Yamada :
CAIRN, No.29, 131-152, 1986.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2002080)
19. Hitoko Yamada :
CAIRN, No.28, 269-285, 1985.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Hitoko Yamada :
Categories of Smile in Japanese,
Abstracts of 16th International Pragmatics Conference, 1017, Hong Kong, Jun. 2019.
2. Hitoko Yamada :
Japanese Kinship Terms for Strangers,
Abstracts: 14th International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 26-31 July 2015, 648-649, Antwerp, Jul. 2015.
3. Hitoko Yamada :
Necessary Conditions of FAMILY Category in Contexts,
Language, Cognition and Society (AFLiCo 6), Grenoble, May 2015.
4. Hitoko Yamada :
Ad hoc Categories in Contexts: Dynamic Categorization in Japanese and English,
13th International Pragmatics Conference, Vol.13, New Delhi, Sep. 2013.
5. Hitoko Yamada :
Two Vectors to Form Categories: Real Mother and True Mother,
4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, London, Jul. 2012.
6. Hitoko Yamada :
Two vectors to form categories: Japanese colour expressions with prefix ma,
12th International Pragmatics Conference, Manchester, Jul. 2011.
7. Hitoko Yamada :
Ad hoc categories in contexts: A study of color expressions in Japanese,
Meaning, Context & Cognition 2011, Lodz, Poland, Mar. 2011.
8. Hitoko Yamada :
Colors as ad hoc concepts,
11th International Pragmatics Conference, Melbourne, Jul. 2009.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Hitoko Yamada :
Dynamic Pragmatics Association, Sep. 2019.
2. Hitoko Yamada :
「本当の父親」って?:英語と日本語における「父親」カテゴリー ー"Real" "True" 『本当の』を手がかりにー,
徳島大学英語英文学会 平成25年度 講演会, Mar. 2014.
3. Hitoko Yamada :
英語における「家族」カテゴリー形成:true, realをてがかりに,
日本語用論学会 第16回大会, Dec. 2013.
4. Hitoko Yamada :
日本英文学会九州支部第61回大会資料, Vol.61, Oct. 2008.
5. Hitoko Yamada :
関西認知言語学研究会, Apr. 2001.
6. Hitoko Yamada :
日本英文学会第39回九州支部大会, Oct. 1986.
7. Hitoko Yamada :
日本英文学会第38回九州支部大会, Oct. 1985.


1. Hitoko Yamada :
Sounds of the Wind,
Transnational Literature, Vol.7, No.2, May 2015.

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