Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences社会総合科学域国際教養系英語圏分野
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Integrated Arts and SciencesDepartment of Integrated Arts and Social SciencesComparative Studies in Society and Culture
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationRegional Development
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Field of Study

English Linguistics

Subject of Study

Corpus-based Analysis of English, Online English Learning System (English linguistics, corpus linguistics, Education Technology) (コーパスを用いた言語分析,Pythonによる語学教材ソフトの開発)

Book / Paper


1. Shinsuke Kishie, Kohji Nakashima and Yukiko YOSHIDA :
Text-mining and its Applications in Language Research,
ひつじ書房, Tokyo, Dec. 2014.
2. Kohji Nakashima, 森田 彰, 大宮 弘, 武藤 明弘, 東海林 宏司, 平尾 正幸, 篠原 俊吾, 桧山 晋 and 森田 信也 :
The World We Live In,
三修社, Tokyo, Feb. 1997.
3. Kohji Nakashima and 中村 彰 :
秋田大学教育学部技術部, Akita, Aug. 1995.
4. Kohji Nakashima :
ALC Press Incorporated, Tokyo, Jan. 1994.
5. Kohji Nakashima :
ALC Press Incorporated, Tokyo, Nov. 1993.
6. Kohji Nakashima, 森田 彰, 大宮 弘, 武藤 明弘, 東海林 宏司, 平尾 正幸, 篠原 俊吾 and 桧山 晋 :
Multiple Approaches to Communicative English,
三修社, Tokyo, Feb. 1993.
7. Kohji Nakashima, 小西 昭之, 土田 宏, 鈴木 健, 染谷 泰正, 竹内 善也, 久保田 章 and 大武 博 :
バベル·プレス, Tokyo, Oct. 1992.
8. Kohji Nakashima, 白野 伊津夫, 鈴木 依子 and 本名 信之 :
TIMEボキャビル1000 政治·社会·風俗編,
ALC Press Incorporated, Tokyo, Jul. 1991.
9. Kohji Nakashima, 小張 敬之, 小林 克己, 小室 俊明, 鈴木 依子, 名和 雄次郎, 野村 友近, 武藤 明弘 and 櫻井 雅人 :
ボキャビルマラソン上級コースTextbook Vol. 6,
ALC Press Incorporated, Tokyo, Jan. 1991.
10. Kohji Nakashima, 小張 敬之, 小林 克己, 小室 俊明, 鈴木 依子, 名和 雄次郎, 野村 友近, 武藤 明弘 and 櫻井 雅人 :
ボキャビルマラソン上級コースTextbook Vol. 5,
ALC Press Incorporated, Tokyo, Dec. 1990.
11. Kohji Nakashima, 小張 敬之, 小林 克己, 小室 俊明, 鈴木 依子, 名和 雄次郎, 野村 友近, 武藤 明弘 and 櫻井 雅人 :
ボキャビルマラソン上級コースTextbook Vol. 4,
ALC Press Incorporated, Tokyo, Nov. 1990.
12. Kohji Nakashima, 小張 敬之, 小林 克己, 小室 俊明, 鈴木 依子, 名和 雄次郎, 野村 友近, 武藤 明弘 and 櫻井 雅人 :
ボキャビルマラソン上級コースTextbook Vol. 3,
ALC Press Incorporated, Tokyo, Oct. 1990.
13. Kohji Nakashima, 小張 敬之, 小林 克己, 小室 俊明, 鈴木 依子, 名和 雄次郎, 野村 友近, 武藤 明弘 and 櫻井 雅人 :
ボキャビルマラソン上級コースTextbook Vol. 2,
ALC Press Incorporated, Tokyo, Sep. 1990.
14. Kohji Nakashima, 小張 敬之, 小林 克己, 小室 俊明, 鈴木 依子, 名和 雄次郎, 野村 友近, 武藤 明弘 and 櫻井 雅人 :
ボキャビルマラソン上級コースTextbook Vol. 1,
ALC Press Incorporated, Tokyo, Aug. 1990.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Kohji Nakashima and Suzanne Linn Kamata :
A pilot study to analyze descriptive questionnaire responses with natural language processing techniques,
Hyperion, Vol.67, 1-13, 2021.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 116410,   CiNii: 1571135652627180160)
2. Meredith Anne Stephens, Kurihara Danielle, Suzanne Linn Kamata and Kohji Nakashima :
The Power of Live Delivery: Reading Empowered by Orature or Audio?,
Proceedings of the Fourth Extensive Reading World Congress, held August 4-7, 2017, Vol.4, 104-113, 2018.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 112240,   CiNii: 1050583647830128000)
3. Kohji Nakashima, Meredith Anne Stephens and Suzanne Linn Kamata :
The Interplay of Silent Reading, Reading-while-listening and Listening-only,
The Reading Matrix : an International Online Journal, Vol.18, No.1, 104-123, 2018.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 111525,   CiNii: 1573105977639768192)
4. Meredith Anne Stephens, Chiera Antonella and Kohji Nakashima :
Internship in an Australian High School, --- Teaching Japanese Language through Japanese Art ---,
Hyperion, Vol.64, 49-60, 2018.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 112205,   CiNii: 1050302172853427328)
5. Kohji Nakashima and Meredith Anne Stephens :
Do Students Prefer Listening to Texts Read Aloud to them as a Group, or to Audio-books in Solitude Online?,
Hyperion, Vol.63, 11-25, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 110889,   CiNii: 1050302172853925632)
6. Kohji Nakashima :
Development of a Web-based Concordance Program for BNC World Edition Using Category Reference and Genre Classification Scheme,
Hyperion, Vol.59, 47-61, 2013.
7. Kohji Nakashima :
Studies in e-Learning Language Education, Vol.6, 1-10, 2011.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 111936)
8. Kohji Nakashima :
A Corpus-based Analysis of the Auxiliary Verb NEED in American, British and Australian Newspaper English,
Lingua, No.22, 61-75, 2002.
9. Kohji Nakashima :
Implementation of Default Reasoning in Prolog,
Research Reports on Educational Technology, No.19, 1-4, 1997.
10. Kohji Nakashima :
Searching the image of new technological objects, --- by the usage of prepositions ---,
秋田英語英文学, No.38, 74-90, 1997.
11. Kohji Nakashima :
Issues of Character Code in the Computer Network Era,
Lingua, No.16, 30-44, 1995.
12. Kohji Nakashima :
On the Treatment of Control-construction in HPSG,
Essays On English Language And Literature, No.21, 121-142, 1991.
13. Kohji Nakashima :
Speech Error Evidence for the Phonological Analysis of Japanese,
1-120, 1989.
14. Kohji Nakashima :
A Study on Metathesis,
English Literature, No.65, 100-102, 1989.
15. Kohji Nakashima :
Comparison between Metathesis and Reversal,
Essays on English Language and Literature, No.18, 62-78, 1988.
16. Kohji Nakashima :
Problems of Japanese Phonology through Investigation of Speech Errors,
Lingua, No.10, 47-60, 1988.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Kohji Nakashima :
What Makes the Gap between Advanced Level Class and Basic One? Analysis of English Dictation Tests,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.22, 149-164, 2014.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 106390,   CiNii: 1520290883883648128)
2. Kohji Nakashima :
Text-based Pedagogy Using Twitter in Japanese English Education: A Pilot Study,
Monograph on Foreign Language Education 2011, 56-58, 2011.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 82226,   CiNii: 1572543026909012096)
3. Kohji Nakashima :
A Preliminary Study for Developing a Concordance Program of British National Corpus Using Category and Genre Information,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.17, 25-35, 2009.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 75672,   CiNii: 1050020697878073984)
4. Kohji Nakashima :
Development of a Corpus-based Search System using Regular Expression: An Inductive Approach,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.16, 151-163, 2008.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 524,   CiNii: 1050020697878245888)
5. Kohji Nakashima :
Development of CGI-based Automatic Scoring and Tabulation System and its Application to English Education,
Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Vol.15, 113-126, 2007.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 510,   CiNii: 1050865122808380544)
6. Kohji Nakashima :
Bulletin of the Center for Educational Research and Practice, No.23, 59-70, 2001.

Academic Letter:

1. Kohji Nakashima :
A Sound - between digital and analog,
広報, No.16, 26-29, 2009.
2. Kohji Nakashima :
Current Movement of Lingustic Theories, --- With Focusing on Unification Grammar ---,
VOX, No.2, 6-7, 1990.
3. Kohji Nakashima :
On Psychological Reality,
VOX, No.1, 3-4, 1988.

Review, Commentary:

1. Kohji Nakashima, 佐伯 和人, 片平 昌幸, 石黒 純一, 上田 晴彦, 齊藤 準, 景山 陽一 and 奥山 栄樹 :
The Way to Use iNetEgg,
利用の手引き(教育端末室), 52-54, Apr. 2003.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Yukiko YOSHIDA and Kohji Nakashima :
KWIC(KeyWord In Context)検索システムを利用した日本ゴーパスデータのテキストマイニング分析,
2012年度日本語学会中四国支部大会, Oct. 2013.
2. Kohji Nakashima :
Authentic Englishプロジェクトと教材ソフトウェアの開発について,
平成23年度大会, Mar. 2012.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. Kohji Nakashima, Masanori Miyata, Kazuhiro W. Makabe, Donald Sturge, Meredith Anne Stephens and Kayoko Ueno :
Preparation and Use of ``Authentic English'' Web Materials at The University of Tokushima (Tokushima, Japan),
Journal of University Education Research, Vol.1, No.5, 116-122, Mar. 2008.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 82680)

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @