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Professor Emeritus : Nishimura, Masaji |
○ | Medicine |
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1. | Nobuto Nakanishi and Masaji Nishimura : Hemodynamic Assessment in Intensive Care Noninvasive Monitoring, Igaku Tosho Shuppan LTD., Mar. 2019. |
2. | Taiga Itagaki and Masaji Nishimura : 「ARDSの病態と治療」集中治療医学レビュー2018-'19―最新主要文献と解説― 岡元和文監修.総合医学社.2018年,pp 160-165., 2018. |
3. | Masaji Nishimura : 高流量経鼻カニューラ酸素療法:理論と実践., YODOSHA CO., LTD., Tokyo, Mar. 2016. |
4. | Rie Tsutsumi and Masaji Nishimura : 救急,重症患者での栄養評価, YODOSHA CO., LTD., Nov. 2014. |
5. | Rie Tsutsumi and Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者の治療の本質は栄養管理にあった!」Surviving ICUシリーズ,真弓俊彦, YODOSHA CO., LTD., 2014. |
6. | Masayo Izawa and Masaji Nishimura : 急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)の人工呼吸法と集中ケア, 総合医学社, Tokyo, 2014. |
7. | Masaji Nishimura : 集中治療専門医の社会的存在価値, The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 2014. |
8. | Nao Okuda and Masaji Nishimura : 気管挿管下人工呼吸法.救急・集中治療医学レビュー., 総合医学社, Tokyo, 2014. |
9. | Hisakazu Kohata and Masaji Nishimura : 8-4人工呼吸と循環, May 2013. |
10. | Hisakazu Kohata and Masaji Nishimura : 新戦略に基づく麻酔・周術期医学 麻酔科医のための循環管理の実際, Nakayama-Shoten Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 2013. |
11. | Masaji Nishimura : 改訂第8版 救急救命士標準テキスト, Herusu Shuppan.Co.Inc., Tokyo, Feb. 2012. |
12. | Masaji Nishimura : 改訂第8版 救急救命士標準テキスト, Herusu Shuppan.Co.Inc., Feb. 2012. |
13. | Masaji Nishimura : 救急救命士標準テキスト改訂第8版, 株式会社 へるす出版, Tokyo, Feb. 2012. |
14. | 岡元 和文 and Masaji Nishimura : PEEPとは, 2012. |
15. | Masaji Nishimura : わが国の医療現場を取り巻く環境—現況と展望—DPCとICU機能評価~課題と展望~, Jul. 2011. |
16. | Masaji Nishimura : 発熱と解熱療法, Jul. 2011. |
17. | Emiko Nakataki and Masaji Nishimura : 人工呼吸器関連肺炎のすべて, Nankodo, Tokyo, Jul. 2010. |
1. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Rie Tsutsumi, Yusuke Akimoto, Yuki Nakano and Masaji Nishimura : Upper limb muscle atrophy associated with in-hospital mortality and physical function impairments in mechanically ventilated critically ill adults: a two-center prospective observational study., Journal of Intensive Care, Vol.8, No.1, 2020. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2009455, DOI: 10.1186/s40560-020-00507-7, PubMed: 33292655) |
2. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Rie Tsutsumi, Tomoko Yamamoto, Yoshitoyo Ueno, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Hiroshi Sakaue and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Upper and Lower Limb Muscles in Critically Ill Patients: A Two-Center Randomized Controlled Trial., Critical Care Medicine, Vol.48, No.11, e997-e1003, 2020. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007975, DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004522, PubMed: 32897665) |
3. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Yoshitoyo Ueno, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki and Masaji Nishimura : Change in diaphragm and intercostal muscle thickness in mechanically ventilated patients: A prospective observational ultrasougraphy study, Journal of Intensive Care, Vol.7, 56, 2020. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007479, DOI: 10.1186/s40560-019-0410-4) |
4. | Mutsuo Onodera, Emiko Nakataki, Nobuto Nakanishi, Taiga Itagaki, Masami Satou, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Bacterial Contamination of Circuit Inner Surfaces After High-Flow Oxygen Therapy., Respiratory Care, Vol.64, No.5, 545-549, 2019. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.06299, PubMed: 30723170) |
5. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Humidification Performance of Passive and Active Humidification Devices Within a Spontaneously Breathing Tracheostomized Cohort., Respiratory Care, Vol.64, No.2, 130-135, 2018. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.06294, PubMed: 30254040) |
6. | Taiga Itagaki, Nobuto Nakanishi, Nao Okuda, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of High-Flow Nasal Cannula on Thoraco-Abdominal Synchrony in Pediatric Subjects After Cardiac Surgery., Respiratory Care, Vol.64, No.1, 10-16, 2018. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.06193, PubMed: 30206130) |
7. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Rie Tsutsumi, Marina Iuchi, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Upper and lower limb muscle atrophy in critically ill patients: an observational ultrasonography study., Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.44, No.2, 263-264, 2017. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006734, DOI: 10.1007/s00134-017-4975-x, PubMed: 29110031, Elsevier: Scopus) |
8. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : electrical activity of the diaphragm during reverse triggering - a case report., Journal of Clinical Case Reports, Vol.7, No.6, 2017. (DOI: 10.4172/2165-7920.1000978) |
9. | Taiga Itagaki and Masaji Nishimura : 経鼻高流量療法/ネーザルハイフローセラピー:生理学的効果., 人工呼吸, Vol.34, No.1, 9-15, 2017. |
10. | Rie Tsutsumi, Hiroshi Sakaue and Masaji Nishimura : ARDS患者に投与すべき熱量はどのように決めるのか?, 救急·集中治療, Vol.29, No.1-2, 125-1313, 2017. (CiNii: 1520291854812347648) |
11. | Taiga Itagaki and Masaji Nishimura : Patient-ventilator asynchrony during assisted mechanical ventilation, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.24, No.6, 605-612, 2017. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.24_605, CiNii: 1390001204444952832) |
12. | Yusuke Chikata, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : FIO2 in an Adult Model Simulating High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy., Respiratory Care, Vol.62, No.2, 193-198, 2016. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.04963, PubMed: 27879385) |
13. | Masaji Nishimura : High-Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen Therapy in Adults: Physiological Benefits, Indication, Clinical Benefits, and Adverse Effects., Respiratory Care, Vol.61, No.4, 529-541, 2016. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.04577, PubMed: 27016353, Elsevier: Scopus) |
14. | Masaji Nishimura : 高流量経鼻カニューラ酸素療法:理論と実践., 分子呼吸器病 2016年3月号, Vol.20, No.1, 61-63, 2016. (CiNii: 1523388080039333504) |
15. | Mutsuo Onodera, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa and Masaji Nishimura : Delirium during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: a prospective observational study., Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine, Vol.6, No.2, 2016. (DOI: 10.4172/2161-105X.1000325) |
16. | K Hosokawa, Masaji Nishimura, M Egi and JL Vincent : Timing of tracheostomy in ICU patients: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials., Critical Care, Vol.19, 424, 2015. (DOI: 10.1186/s13054-015-1138-8, PubMed: 26635016, Elsevier: Scopus) |
17. | Masayo Izawa, Masaji Nishimura, 古川 明日香 and 小原 章敏 : 左室流出路狭窄を伴ったたこつぼ型心筋症においてβ遮断薬が著効した一例., Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.22, No.5, 451-452, 2015. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.22.451) |
18. | Masaji Nishimura : High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in adults., Journal of Intensive Care, Vol.3, No.1, 2015. (DOI: 10.1186/s40560-015-0084-5, PubMed: 25866645, Elsevier: Scopus) |
19. | Masaji Nishimura : 印象記 第42回日本集中治療医学会学術集会., ICUとCCU, Vol.39, 195-196, 2015. |
20. | Jason Phua, M Gavin Joynt, Masaji Nishimura, Yiyun Deng, Nainan Sheila Myatra, Huak Yiong Chan, Gia Nguyen Binh, Cheng Cheng Tan, Omar Mohammad Faruq, M Yaseen Arabi, Bambang Wahjuprajitno, Shih-Feng Liu, Reza Seyed Mohammad Hashemian, Waqar Kashif, Dusit Staworn, Emmanuel Jose Palo and Younsuck Koh : Withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments in intensive care units in Asia., JAMA Internal Medicine, Vol.175, No.3, 363-371, 2015. (DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.7386, PubMed: 25581712, Elsevier: Scopus) |
21. | Masaji Nishimura : For critically ill patients, is high-flow nasal cannula oxygen delivery a suitable alternative to mechanical ventilation?, Respiratory Care, Vol.60, No.2, 307-308, 2015. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.03871, PubMed: 25634883, Elsevier: Scopus) |
22. | Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist improves patient-ventilator synchrony in a patient with tetanus and unstable diaphragmatic electrical activity., Respiratory Care, Vol.60, No.4, e76-9, 2015. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.03527, PubMed: 25587159, Elsevier: Scopus) |
23. | Yusuke Chikata, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Performance of ventilators compatible with magnetic resonance imaging: a bench study., Respiratory Care, Vol.60, No.3, 341-346, 2014. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.03528, PubMed: 25492962, Elsevier: Scopus) |
24. | Taiga Itagaki, Yuuki Nakano, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Hyperoxemia in mechanically ventilated, critically ill subjects: incidence and related factors., Respiratory Care, Vol.60, No.3, 335-340, 2014. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.03451, PubMed: 25389354) |
25. | 林 昌晃, 近田 優介, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 開心術後の重篤な低酸素血症を発症した新生児を膜型人工肺で長期管理した一症例―ローラーポンプのトラブルと遠心ポンプでの流量安定化の試み―, 日本臨床工学技士会会誌, Vol.53, 60-62, 2014. |
26. | T Tamura, T Yatabe, M Yokoyama and Masaji Nishimura : Current status of studies about optimal composition of amino acid and protein for ICU patients: systematic review., Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol.42, No.6, 806-807, 2014. (PubMed: 25342421, Elsevier: Scopus) |
27. | Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Delayed Discharge from the Intensive Care Unit, Masui, Vol.63, No.10, 1164-1166, 2014. (PubMed: 25693354, CiNii: 1520572358668259328, Elsevier: Scopus) |
28. | Nao Okuda, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Complete bronchial obstruction by granuloma in a paediatric patient with translaryngeal endotracheal tube: a case report., Journal of Medical Case Reports, Vol.8, No.1, 260, 2014. (DOI: 10.1186/1752-1947-8-260, PubMed: 25060137, Elsevier: Scopus) |
29. | Nao Okuda and Masaji Nishimura : 気管挿管下人工呼吸法, 救急・集中治療医学レビュー, 77-81, 2014. |
30. | Taiga Itagaki and Masaji Nishimura : この患者をどう管理する―躊躇わずに筋弛緩薬を用いて徹底して肺を守り,病態改善後は速やかに浅鎮静を目指す―., Intensivist, Vol.6, No.6, 114-117, 2014. (CiNii: 1521699231080715264) |
31. | Jun Oto, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Hygrometric properties of inspired gas and oral dryness in patients with acute respiratory failure during noninvasive ventilation., Respiratory Care, Vol.59, No.1, 39-45, 2014. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.02351, PubMed: 23764857, Elsevier: Scopus) |
32. | Taiga Itagaki, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of high-flow nasal cannula on thoraco-abdominal synchrony in adult critically ill patients., Respiratory Care, Vol.59, No.1, 70-74, 2014. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2004189, DOI: 10.4187/respcare.02480, PubMed: 23737548, Elsevier: Scopus) |
33. | Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : The investigation of prognosis of hematological malignancies in ICU patients, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.21, No.5, 493-496, 2014. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.21.493, CiNii: 1390001204444823040) |
34. | Natsuki Tane and Masaji Nishimura : 赤血球輸血:適応と目標,投与方法―欧米のガイドラインをもとに―, 救急·集中治療, Vol.26, 1117-1121, 2014. |
35. | Yuri Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Konami, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 過去11年間に当院集中治療部に入室した産科患者の臨床像の検討, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.21, 283-284, 2014. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.21.283) |
36. | Natsuki Tane, Taiga Itagaki, Nao Okuda, Hisakazu Kohata, Yasuo Tsutsumi, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Thiamylal sodium-induced leukopenia in a patient of tardive dystonia, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.21, No.2, 181-182, 2014. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.21.181, CiNii: 1390282679422196864) |
37. | Rie Tsutsumi, 平田 容子, Emiko Nakataki, Jun Oto, Yasuo Tsutsumi, Yutaka Nakaya, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : The nutritional needs of critically ill patients do not change according to their stage, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.21, 173-174, 2014. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.21.173, CiNii: 1390001204445489664) |
38. | Yusuke Chikata, Masayo Izawa, Hideaki Imanaka, Nao Okuda and Masaji Nishimura : Temperature of gas delivered from ventilators., Journal of Intensive Care, Vol.1, No.6, 2013. (DOI: 10.1186/2052-0492-1-6) |
39. | Junji Chida, Rie Ono, Kazuhiko Yamane, Mineyoshi Hiyoshi, Masaji Nishimura, Mutsuo Onodera, Emiko Nakataki, Shichijo Koichi, Matsushita Masatomo and Hiroshi Kido : Blood lactate/ATP ratio, as an alarm index and real-time biomarker in critical illness, PLoS ONE, Vol.8, No.4, e60561, 2013. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000121, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060561, PubMed: 23577122, Elsevier: Scopus) |
40. | Emiko Nakataki, Jun Oto, Michiko Hata, Yumiko Tsunano, Nao Okuda, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Incidence of bacterial contamination in infusion set needles., AJIC - American Journal of Infection Control, Vol.41, No.3, 273-274, 2013. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2012.02.028, PubMed: 22884495) |
41. | Takeshi Umegaki, Masaji Nishimura, Kimitaka Tajimi, Kiyohide Fushimi, Hiroshi Ikai and Yuichi Imanaka : An in-hospital mortality equation for mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care units., Journal of Anesthesia, Vol.27, No.4, 541-549, 2013. (DOI: 10.1007/s00540-013-1557-0, PubMed: 23475475, Elsevier: Scopus) |
42. | Kazuto Yamashita, Hiroshi Ikai, Masaji Nishimura, Kiyohide Fushimi and Yuichi Imanaka : Effect of certified training facilities for intensive care specialists on mortality in Japan., Critical Care and Resuscitation, Vol.15, No.1, 28-32, 2013. (PubMed: 23432498, Elsevier: Scopus) |
43. | Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Two cases of cytomegalovirus colitis with thrombocytopenia and gastrointestinal bleeding during the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.20, 291-292, 2013. (CiNii: 1390001204443796224) |
44. | Hisakazu Kohata, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : A case of feeding tube-induced duodenal perforation in a critically ill infant after palliative cardiac surgery, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.20, 289-290, 2013. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.20.289, CiNii: 1390282679420506496) |
45. | Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Miwa Miyauchi, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : A case of tongue necrosis due to an endotracheal tube, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.20, 271-272, 2013. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.20.271, CiNii: 1390282679420500352) |
46. | Y Nonose, Y Sato, H Kabayama, A Arisawa, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Accuracy of recorded body temperature of critically ill patients related to measurement site: a prospective observational study., Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol.40, No.5, 820-824, 2012. (DOI: 10.1177/0310057X1204000510, PubMed: 22934864, Elsevier: Scopus) |
47. | Nao Okuda, Mutsuo Onodera, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Acute cardiac failure in a pregnant woman due to thyrotoxic crisis., Case Reports in Cardiology, Vol.2012, 393580, 2012. (DOI: 10.1155/2012/393580, PubMed: 24804110) |
48. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Yoshitoyo Ueno, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of leak on patient-ventilator dyssynchrony during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: comparison among ventilator brand, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.19, No.3, 423-424, 2012. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.19.423, CiNii: 1390282679420774400) |
49. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Hideaki Imanaka, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Change in ratio of observed to expected deaths in pediatric patients after implementing a closed policy in an adult ICU that admits children., Critical Care Research and Practice, 674262, 2012. (DOI: 10.1155/2012/674262, PubMed: 22645670, Elsevier: Scopus) |
50. | Yoshifumi Mizobuchi, Junichiro Satomi, Teruyoshi Kageji, Shinji Nagahiro and Masaji Nishimura : Evaluating stroke treatment in the south Tokushima ? medical areas without stroke specialists, Shikoku Acta Medica, Vol.68, No.1,2, 35-40, 2012. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001919, CiNii: 1050302172854622720) |
51. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : A bench study of the effects of leak on ventilator performance during noninvasive ventilation., Respiratory Care, Vol.56, No.11, 1758-1764, 2011. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.01145, PubMed: 21605483) |
52. | Nao Okuda and Masaji Nishimura : ショックにおける輸液療法, 救急医学, Vol.35, No.4, 390-392, 2011. (CiNii: 1521136279724824320) |
53. | 長谷川 知早, Emiko Nakataki, 大黒 由加里, 岡村 昌彦, 野住 雄策, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 非侵襲的陽圧人工呼吸管理中に縦隔気腫を発症した症例, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.17, No.2, 221-222, 2010. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.17.221, CiNii: 1390282679420895744) |
54. | Hideaki Imanaka, Bunji Takahara, Harutaka Yamaguchi, Emiko Nakataki, Akiko Mano, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : A Chest computed tomography of a patient revealing severe hypoxia due to amniotic fluid embolism: a case report., Journal of Medical Case Reports, Vol.4, 55, 2010. (DOI: 10.1186/1752-1947-4-55, PubMed: 20167080) |
55. | Daisuke Inui, 眞野 暁子, Harutaka Yamaguchi, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 集中治療室closed化の心臓血管外科術後患者予後への影響, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.17, No.4, 531-532, 2010. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.17.531, CiNii: 1390001204443517312) |
56. | 坂本 祐史, 村田 信也, 山下 健, 横山 和樹, 眞野 暁子, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 大量の減量を必要とし,非侵襲的陽圧換気で管理した重症心原生肺水腫の1症例, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.17, 215-216, 2010. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.17.215) |
57. | 原 真也, Hideaki Imanaka, Emiko Nakataki, 眞野 暁子, Harutaka Yamaguchi, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 非侵襲的陽圧換気を用いて気管挿管を回避しえた重症急性膵炎による急性呼吸促迫症候群の1例, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.17, No.2, 211-212, 2010. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.17.211, CiNii: 1390282679420877568) |
58. | Yasuki Fujita, Akinori Uchiyama, Takashi Mashimo, Masaji Nishimura and Yuji Fujino : Permissive hypercapnia, instituted via reduction of pressure amplitude on pulmonary tissue protection during high frequency oscillatory ventilation, is not protective in a rat model of acid-induced lung injury., Medical Science Monitor, Vol.15, No.8, BR207-212, 2009. (PubMed: 19644408) |
59. | Jun Oto, Kenichi Suga, Sato Matsuura, Shuji Kondo, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Daisuke Inui, Hideaki Imanaka, Shoji Kagami and Masaji Nishimura : Low-density lipoprotein apheresis in a pediatric patient with refractory nephrotic syndrome due to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, Journal of Anesthesia, Vol.23, No.2, 284-287, 2009. (DOI: 10.1007/s00540-008-0726-z, PubMed: 19444573, Elsevier: Scopus) |
60. | Masami MORIMOTO, Hideaki Imanaka, Emiko Nakataki, Harutaka Yamaguchi, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Heart failure after extubation due to coronary steal phenomenon in tetralogy of Fallot, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.16, No.1, 97-98, 2009. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.16.97, CiNii: 1390001204444638592) |
61. | Osamu Hirao, Naoya Iguchi, Akinori Uchiyama, Takashi Mashimo, Masaji Nishimura and Yuji Fujino : Influence of endotracheal tube bore on tidal volume during high frequency oscillatory ventilation: A model lung study, Medical Science Monitor, Vol.15, No.1, MT1-4, 2009. (PubMed: 19114975) |
62. | Shinji Kawahito, 中村 智芳, 神邊 紀子, Hiroshi Kitahata, Mitsuo Shimada, Masaji Nishimura and Shuzo Oshita : ② 意外に難しいスライディング・スケール法による血糖管理, 胆と膵, Vol.29, No.11, 1021-1028, 2008. |
63. | Jun Oto, Atsuhiko Suzue, Daisuke Inui, Yasushi Fukuta, K Hosotsubo, M Torii, Shinji Nagahiro and Masaji Nishimura : Plasma proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine and catecholamine concentrations as predictors of neurological outcome in acute stroke patients, Journal of Anesthesia, Vol.22, No.3, 207-212, 2008. (DOI: 10.1007/s00540-008-0639-x, PubMed: 18685925, CiNii: 1572261550508135936) |
64. | Iwaki Hiroshi, Toshiya Okahisa, Murata Masahiro, Miyamoto Hiorshi, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Masatake Akutagawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Susumu Ito : Influence of Lipid Emulsion for the Hematocrit Value Measured With Continuous Hematocrit Monitor., ASAIO Journal, Vol.53, No.4, 474-478, 2007. (DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0b013e31805c998e, PubMed: 17667234) |
65. | Hiroshi Miyamoto, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Iwaki, Masahiro Murata, Susumu Ito, Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Influence of leukocytapheresis therapy for ulcerative colitis on anemia and hemodynamics., Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis, Vol.11, No.1, 16-21, 2007. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-9987.2007.00451.x, PubMed: 17309570) |
1. | Taiga Itagaki, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 低体温療法中に著明なヘモグロビン値の変化を認めた3症例, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.68, No.3,4, 119-124, 2013. |
2. | Yumiko Tsunano, Rie Ono, Hideaki Imanaka, Emiko Nakataki, Jun Oto, Nao Okuda and Masaji Nishimura : 熱傷治療中にabdominal compartment syndrome (ACS)の危険性から回避した症例, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.19, 691-692, 2012. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.19.691) |
3. | Nao Okuda, Hideaki Imanaka, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Rie Ono, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 心膜切開後症候群に対してアスピリンが有用であった小児症例, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.19, 433-434, 2012. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.19.433) |
4. | 江木 盛時, Masaji Nishimura and 森田 潔 : 重症患者における発熱と解熱処置に関する systematic reviewFever and antipyretic therapy in critically ill patients, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.18, No.1, 25-32, 2011. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.18.25) |
1. | Taiga Itagaki and Masaji Nishimura : Editorial: High-flow nasal cannula devices: noisier than we realize. Respir Care. 2018 Mar;63(3):371-372., Respiratory Care, Vol.63, No.3, 371-372, Mar. 2018. (DOI: 10.4187/respcare.06155, PubMed: 29483305) |
2. | Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Noninvasive cardiac output monitoring in intensive care, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.17, No.3, 279-286, Jul. 2010. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.17.279, CiNii: 1573668924776656384) |
3. | Masaji Nishimura : 新型インフルエンザの流行から学んだこと, Masui, Vol.59, No.3, 289, Mar. 2010. |
4. | 大黒 由加里, 長谷川 知早, Jun Oto, 岡村 昌彦, 野住 雄策, Emiko Nakataki, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : A successfully treated tuberculous pneumonia with acute respiratory distress syndrome and sepsis, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.17, 71-72, Jan. 2010. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.17.71) |
5. | 眞野 暁子, Emiko Nakataki, Harutaka Yamaguchi, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者における栄養管理, Shikoku Acta Medica, Vol.65, No.1,2, 2-6, Apr. 2009. |
1. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki and Masaji Nishimura : Diaphragm and intercostal muscle atrophy in mechanically ventilated patients: an observational ultrasonography study, 48th Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Critical Care Congress, Feb. 2019. |
2. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki and Masaji Nishimura : Diaphragm and intercostal muscle atrophy in mechanically ventilated patients, Critical Care Medicine, Vol.47, No.1, 558, Jan. 2019. (DOI: 10.1097/ |
3. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Relationship between neurologic values and extubation failure in stroke patients., The 37th KSCCM Annual Congress and Asian Critical Care Conference 2018, Seoul, Korea (April 27-28), Apr. 2018. |
4. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Diaphragm atrophy in mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU., The 37th KSCCM Annual Congress and Asian Critical Care Conference 2018, Seoul, Korea (April 27-28), Apr. 2018. |
5. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Heated and humidified high-flow system for tracheostomized patients with spontaneous breathing., 47th Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Critical Care Congress, San Antonio, Feb. 2018. (DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000529071.90892.7d) |
6. | 近田 優介, 森西 啓介, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Very-high-flow nasal cannula therapy on humidification in adult lung models., The 63rd American Association of Respiratory Care Congress, Indianapolis, Oct. 2017. |
7. | 森西 啓介, 近田 優介, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Evaluation of compensatory function for compression volume of transport ventilators: Bench study., The 63rd American Association of Respiratory Care Congress, Indianapolis, Oct. 2017. |
8. | Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of securement device for arterial catheter on catheter-related complications., 30th annual congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Wien, Sep. 2017. |
9. | Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy on thoraco-abdominal synchrony in pediatric patients after cardiac surgery., 30th annual congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Wien, Sep. 2017. |
10. | Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Gram stain at 24 hours after antibiotic administration predicts effectiveness of antibiotics in ICU patients with respiratory tract infection?, 30th annual congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Wien, Sep. 2017. |
11. | Natsuki Tane, Taiga Itagaki, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : A case of neonatal hepatic hemangioma., KSCCM - JSICM joint scientific congress, Seoul, Apr. 2017. |
12. | Yumiko Tsunano, Natsuki Tane, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of securement device for arterial catheter on catheter-related complications., KSCCM - JSICM joint scientific congress, Seoul, Apr. 2017. |
13. | 上野 義豊, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of alkalosis on outcome in patients with subarachinoid hemorrhage., EuroAsia, Hong Kong, Apr. 2017. |
14. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Ultrasound measurement of the upper and lower limb muscle atrophy in intensive care patitens., EuroAsia, Hong Kong, Apr. 2017. |
15. | Masaji Nishimura : What is the role of HFNC in preventing intubation and NIV?, The 62nd American Association of Respiratory Care Congress, San Antonio, Oct. 2016. |
16. | Masaji Nishimura : Positioning and paralysis., The 62nd American Association of Respiratory Care Congress, San Antonio, Oct. 2016. |
17. | Mutsuo Onodera, Emiko Nakataki, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : ICU-acquired weakness. Does it develop within a week?, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 29th Annual Congress, Milan, Oct. 2016. |
18. | Jun Oto, Emiko Nakataki, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Natsuki Tane, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Bacterial colonization and complications with peripheral intravenous catheter in critically ill patients. Closed- vs. open-system., European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 29th Annual Congress, Milan, Oct. 2016. |
19. | Yusuke Chikata, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Inspiratory fraction of oxygen in hihg-flow nasal cannula therapy., The 61st Congress of American Association for Respiratory Care, Tampa, Nov. 2015. |
20. | Mutsuo Onodera, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Taiga Itagaki and Masaji Nishimura : Sedative use and delirium during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: a prospective observational study., Th 12th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Aug. 2015. |
21. | 北岡 豊永, 近田 優介, 林 昌晃, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Treatment with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation at Tokushima University Hospital., Th 12th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Aug. 2015. |
22. | Masaji Nishimura : Enteral feeding protocol., Th 12th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Aug. 2015. |
23. | 近田 優介, 宇内 和明, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Amount of condensation in the limb of high-flow nasal cannula therapy: a bench study., Th 12th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Aug. 2015. |
24. | Masaji Nishimura : Prevention of catheter-related blood stream infections., Th 12th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Aug. 2015. |
25. | Masaji Nishimura : Humidification for patients with respiratory failure., Th 12th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Aug. 2015. |
26. | Masaji Nishimura : (Chair) Iatrogenecity in ICU., Th 12th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Aug. 2015. |
27. | Masaji Nishimura : Chair: Nutrition, The 22nd International Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine 2015, Kuta, Jul. 2015. |
28. | Masaji Nishimura : Catheter-related blood stream infection, The 22nd International Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine 2015, Kuta, Jul. 2015. |
29. | Masaji Nishimura : High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy, The 22nd International Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine 2015, Kuta, Jul. 2015. |
30. | Nao Okuda, Emiko Nakataki, Yumiko Tsunano, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Effectiveness of Gram-stained sputum samples obtained immediately after intubation to guide selection of antimicrobials., 27th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine., Barcelona, Sep. 2014. |
31. | T Tamura, T Yatabe, M Yokoyama and Masaji Nishimura : Current status of studies in the world about optimal composition of the amino acid and protein for ICU patients: Systematic review., 27th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine., Barcelona, Sep. 2014. |
32. | Emiko Nakataki, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Impact of the arterial stabilization device on the incidence of arterial catheter-related bloodstream infections and catheter-related complications in ICU., 27th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine., Barcelona, Sep. 2014. |
33. | J Phua, GM Joynt, Masaji Nishimura, Y Deng, SN Myatra, YH Chan, NG Binh, CC Tan, MO Faruq, Y Arabi, B Wahjuprajitno, SF Liu, SMR Hashemian, W Kashif, D Staworn, JEM Palo and Y Koh : Attitudes of physicians toward withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments in Asian intensive care units., 27th Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Barcelona, Sep. 2014. |
34. | Masaji Nishimura : Sepsis in Japan, 2nd Central and Eastern European Sepsis Forum, Budapest, Sep. 2014. |
35. | Masaji Nishimura : High-flow nasal cannulae in clinical practice., 2nd Central and Eastern European Sepsis Forum, Budapest, Sep. 2014. |
36. | Masaji Nishimura : (chair person), Track Program 4. Respiration., The 21st International Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Kuta, Aug. 2014. |
37. | Masaji Nishimura : Humidification for critically ill patient., The 21st International Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Kuta, Aug. 2014. |
38. | Masaji Nishimura : High flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy., The 21st International Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Kuta, Aug. 2014. |
39. | Hideaki Imanaka, Nao Okuda, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Cardiogenic oscillation in pediatric patients after cardiac surgery., The 34th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergent Medicine., Brussels, Mar. 2014. |
40. | Taiga Itagaki, Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Incidence and contributing factors of hyperoxemia in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients., Critical Care Medicine, Vol.41, No.12, San Francisco, Jan. 2014. (DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000439519.11901.54) |
41. | Taiga Itagaki, Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of high flow nasal cannula on thoraco-abdominal synchrony in pediatric patients after cardiac surgery., Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Francisco, Jan. 2014. |
42. | Taiga Itagaki, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of high flow nasal cannula on thoraco-abdominal synchrony in adult critically ill patients., The 12th Joint Congress of KSCCM and JSICM, Seoul, Apr. 2013. |
43. | Y Chikata, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Performance of heat and moisture exchangers and other humidifying devices for tracheostomized patients with spontaneous breathing: A bench study., The 58th American Association for Respiratory Care Congress, New Orleans, Nov. 2012. |
44. | M Egi and Masaji Nishimura : FACE II trial., ANZICS-CTG Spring Research Forum, Adelaide, Oct. 2012. |
45. | K Hosokawa, M Egi and Masaji Nishimura : The protocol of Sedation Management AfteR Tracheostomy (SMART) study., ANZICS-CTG Spring Research Forum, Adelaide, Oct. 2012. |
46. | Masaji Nishimura : High frequency oscillation., 12th Asia Ventilation Forum Scientific Meeting, Seoul, Oct. 2012. |
47. | Masaji Nishimura : Advanced versus conventional ventilatory modes: do they make a difference in patient-ventilator dyssynchrony?, 11th Asia Ventilation Forum Scientific Meeting, Singapore, Mar. 2012. |
48. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Ratio of the observed to the expected deaths in pediatric patients after introducing a closed policy in a general ICU., 31st International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, ベルギー, Mar. 2012. |
49. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Ratio of the observed to the expected deaths in pediatric patients after introducing a closed policy in a general ICU., 31st International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, ベルギー, Mar. 2012. |
50. | Hideaki Imanaka, Y Sato, Y Nonose, H Kabayama, A Arisawa, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Effect of measurement sie on body temperature in critically ill patients., 17the Congress of Asia Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine, Chiba, Feb. 2012. |
51. | Chikata Yusuke, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Performance of humidifying devices for tracheostomized patients with spontaneous breathing., 17the Congress of Asia Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine, Chiba, Feb. 2012. |
52. | Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Sleep quality sedated with dexmedetomidine during mechanical ventilation., 41th Critical Care Congress, Houston, Texas, USA, Feb. 2012. |
53. | Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : Absolute humidity and oral dryness during non-invasive positive pressure ventilation., 41th Critical Care Congress, Houston, Texas, USA, Feb. 2012. |
54. | Masaji Nishimura : Pro-Con Debate: The use of permissive atelectasis is as useful as permissive hypercapnia in ARDS patients., 10th Asia Ventilation Forum Scientific Meeting, Hong Kong, Nov. 2011. |
55. | K Hosokawa, M Egi and Masaji Nishimura : Sedation management after tracheotomy (SMART)., ANZICS Clinical Trials Group Winter Research Forum 2011, Hunter Valley, Australia, Aug. 2011. |
56. | Masaji Nishimura : Sleep disturbances of mechanically ventilated patients., The 18th International Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Kuta-Bali, Indonesia, Jul. 2011. |
57. | Masaji Nishimura : Humidification during mechanical ventilation., The 18th International Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Kuta-Bali, Indonesia, Jul. 2011. |
58. | Nao Okuda, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Acute cardiac failure with thyrotoxic crisis in a pregnant woman., The 11th Joint Scientific Congress of the KSCCM and JSICM, Seoul, Apr. 2011. |
59. | Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Acute cardiac failure with thyrotoxic crisis in a pregnant woman., The 31st Annual Congress of the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Apr. 2011. |
60. | Masaji Nishimura : Chair: Infection conrol and safety issues in the ICU., The 31st Annual Congress of the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Apr. 2011. |
61. | Masaji Nishimura : Effects of automatic tube compensation on respiratory workload in used endotracheal tubes., The 31st Annual Congress of the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine, Seoul, Apr. 2011. |
62. | Sumida Chihiro, Chikata Yusuke, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Humidification performance of heat and moisture exchanger for tracheosomized patients., The 11th Joint Scientific Congress of the KSCCM and JSICM, Seoul, Apr. 2011. |
63. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Ratio of the observed to the expected deaths in pediatric patients after introducing a closed policy in a general ICU., 31st International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Brussels, Mar. 2011. |
64. | Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Effects of automatic tube compensation on respiratory workload in used endotracheal tubes., American Thoracic Society International Conference, Denver, Mar. 2011. |
65. | Masaji Nishimura : External monitoring of consciousness levels shoud be recommended for all intubated patient. Con., 8th Asia Ventilation Forum, Nov. 2010. |
66. | Masaji Nishimura : Collaborative research in Japan., The 1st Asian Intensive Care Research Meeting, Nov. 2010. |
67. | Masaji Nishimura : 基調講演:志馬伸朗,VAPのoverview: 私たちが考えるべきこと,目指すべきこと(座長), 第2回日米VAPセミナー, Tokyo, Jun. 2010. |
68. | Masaji Nishimura : ランチョンセミナー:Marya Zilberberg,米国のVAP予防における銀コーティング気管チューブの効果(座長), 第2回日米VAPセミナー, Tokyo, Jun. 2010. |
69. | Masaji Nishimura : HMEs are safe and effective to use for all patients in ICU., 7th Asia Ventilation Forum, Taipei, Jun. 2010. |
70. | Masaji Nishimura : Long term humidification devices., 7th Asia Ventilation Forum, Taipei, Jun. 2010. |
71. | Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : Sleep disturbance in mechanically ventilated patients., The 10th Joint Scientific Congress of KSCCM and JSICM, Hiroshima, Mar. 2010. |
72. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Shunya Nakane, Ryuji Kaji, Masaji Nishimura and Yohsuke Kinouchi : The possibility of the classification about Ht values using the AR model, Proceedings of 2009 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol.25, No.7, 525-528, Munich, Sep. 2009. |
73. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Shunya Nakane, Ryuji Kaji and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Investigation of a Classification about Time Series Signal Using SOM, The 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 598-601, Singapore, Dec. 2008. |
74. | Harutaka Yamaguchi, Emiko Nakataki, 眞野 暁子, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : A loading dose of teicoplanin in critically ill patients: effectiveness of dosing determined by data analysis software, The 21st Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Lisbon, Sep. 2008. |
75. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Toshiya Okahisa, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Shunya Nakane, Ryuji Kaji and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Possibility of predicting Ht values during a plasma exchange therapy using back propagation neural network, Proceedings of 2006 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Seoul, Korea, August 27-September 1, 2006, Vol.1, 1041-1044, Seoul, Aug. 2006. |
76. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Onishi, Kazuo Yoshizaki, Masaji Nishimura and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Short term prediction of Ht value using BPNN during LCAP, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Vol.7, 4560-4563, Shanghai, Sep. 2005. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
77. | Yoshinori Nitta, Toshiya Okahisa, Masatake Akutagawa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Ohnishi Yoshiaki, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masaji Nishimura and Susumu Ito : Application of BPNN to prediction of hematocrit values during LCAP, Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering Conference, 125-129, Hong Kong, Sep. 2004. |
1. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, 秋本 雄祐, 中野 勇気, Takuya Takashima, Manabu Ishihara, Emiko Nakataki and Masaji Nishimura : ワークショップ13「上下肢筋萎縮は院内死亡・身体機能障害と関連する」, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Feb. 2021. |
2. | 岩佐 みゆき, Kyoko Nishi, 佐藤 功志, 浅井 孝仁, Takuya Maeda, 中村 昌史, Muneyuki Kadota, Kumiko Tanaka, Naoya Kawakita, 武田 美佐, 藤永 裕之, 近藤 明男, Michiko Kinoshita, Yoko Sakai, Katsuya Tanaka, Masahiro Abe, Masaji Nishimura and Shoji Kagami : メディカルゾーン(MZ)重点研修プログラムにおける麻酔化融合研修, 第261回徳島医学会学術集会, Aug. 2020. |
3. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, 川下 陽一郎, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki and Masaji Nishimura : ICUにおけるサルコペニア対策 私たちの取り組み「ICU入室患者の上下肢電気刺激療法」, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Mar. 2019. |
4. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, 岡久 哲也, 土肥 智史, 野村 慶子, 福岡 千佳, 河原 良美, 中山 志津, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki and Masaji Nishimura : ICUでの多職種連携による長期間の離床により人工呼吸器からの離脱に成功したacute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) の1症例., 日本集中治療医学会第3回中国四国支部学術集会, Feb. 2019. |
5. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, 川下 陽一郎, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki and Masaji Nishimura : ICUにおけるサルコペニア対策 私たちの取り組み ICU入室患者の上下肢電気刺激療法 2施設前向き無作為化比較試験, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.26, No.Suppl., [SY2-3], Feb. 2019. |
6. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Taiga Itagaki, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : ヨード含有の軟膏使用によりアナフィラキシーショックに至った一例, 第34回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会学術集会(5月11∼12日,広島市), May 2018. |
7. | Nobuto Nakanishi and Masaji Nishimura : ICU患者の上腕・大腿筋萎縮評価, The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol.55, 2-6-5-1, May 2018. |
8. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : High flow nasal cannula装着中の患者における睡眠動態の検討., 第45回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2018. |
9. | 林 昌晃, 近田 優介, 森西 啓介, 小野 朱美, Mutsuo Onodera, Yasunobu Hayabuchi and Masaji Nishimura : 航空機を利用した重症患者搬送の経験, 第45回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2018. |
10. | 鈴木 康大, Jun Oto, Nobuto Nakanishi, Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 脳卒中患者における睡眠時呼吸障害に対するHigh Flow Nasal Cannulaの効果について., 第45回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2018. |
11. | 黒崎 里菜, 大野 恵, Jun Oto, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 当院集中治療室におけるアンチバイオグラムと多剤耐性菌検出状況, 第45回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2018. |
12. | 井内 茉莉奈, Rie Tsutsumi, Nobuto Nakanishi, 山本 智子, 田中 志歩, Jun Oto, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hiroshi Sakaue and Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者におけるエネルギー代謝動態の解析., 第45回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2018. |
13. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Masaji Nishimura, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : シンポジウム:ICU-AWの病態生理とその対策 up to date「人工呼吸管理を要するICU患者の横隔膜萎縮」, 第45回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2018. |
14. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : ICU-AWの病態生理とその対策 up to date「人工呼吸管理を要するICU患者の横隔膜萎縮」, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Feb. 2018. |
15. | 西川 真理恵, 鈴木 康大, 上野 義豊, Nobuto Nakanishi, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Nao Okuda, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 当院ICUにおける低血小板血症に対する抗凝固療法の実施状況と出血性合併症., 日本集中治療医学会第2回中国・四国支部学術集会, Jan. 2018. |
16. | Yoshitoyo Ueno, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 気管挿管中の脳血管障害患者における神経学的重症度および人工呼吸期間と抜管の成否との関係., 日本集中治療医学会第2回中国・四国支部学術集会, Jan. 2018. |
17. | Emiko Nakataki, Yoshitoyo Ueno, Nobuto Nakanishi, 西川 真理恵, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : RSV感染による縦隔気腫を発症しvenovenous ECMOを導入した小児例., 第33回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会学術集会, May 2017. |
18. | Natsuki Tane, Yoshitoyo Ueno, Nobuto Nakanishi, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 肝血管腫のコイル塞栓後に敗血症で死亡した1症例., 第33回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会学術集会, May 2017. |
19. | Mutsuo Onodera, Yoshitoyo Ueno, Nobuto Nakanishi, 西川 真理恵, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 片側痙攣片側てんかん症候群(HHE症候群)の1例., 第33回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会学術集会, May 2017. |
20. | 森西 啓介, 林 昌晃, 近田 優介, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : ECMO導入患者に対しCARDIOHELPの使用経験, 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
21. | Yumiko Tsunano, 上野 義豊, Jun Oto, Nobuto Nakanishi, 西川 真理恵, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 当院ICUにおける心原性肺水腫患者へのHigh flow nasal cannulaの使用状況., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
22. | 井内 茉莉奈, Rie Tsutsumi, Nobuto Nakanishi, Jun Oto, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hiroshi Sakaue and Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者における栄養投与開始時期と体組成変化の関連性の検討., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
23. | Emiko Nakataki, 上野 義豊, Nobuto Nakanishi, 西川 真理恵, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Taiga Itagaki, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 人工呼吸中の気道感染患者における抗菌薬投与前後の吸引痰のグラム染色像の変化と抗菌薬有効性との関係., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
24. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Rie Tsutsumi, Jun Oto, 井内 茉莉奈, 上野 義豊, 西川 真理恵, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 超音波によるICU患者の上肢・下肢筋委縮評価., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
25. | 高橋 叡, Jun Oto, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 当院ICUにおける低一回換気量による肺保護換気の遵守率に関する検討., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
26. | 上野 義豊, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 保護キャップ付き閉鎖式輸液システムの細菌汚染頻度の検討., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
27. | Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 中部食道癌への内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(ESD)により緊張性気胸を呈し心肺停止となった一症例., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
28. | Taiga Itagaki, Jun Oto, Masaji Nishimura and Kacmarek M. Robert : 新生児におけるリーク補正機能を併用した圧補正従量式換気の検討., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
29. | Masayo Izawa, Yumiko Tsunano, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 来院時左室壁運動異常を伴っていなかった左室内可動性血栓の一症例., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
30. | 矢田部 智昭, 江木 盛時, 伊藤 隆史, 稲垣 伸洋, 加藤 弘美, 上野原 淳, 小西 周, 巽 博臣, 戸部 賢, 中嶋 いくえ, 中本 直樹, 西村 健, 新田 正和 and Masaji Nishimura : 集中治療室における蛋白質投与量に関する多施設観察研究., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
31. | Rie Tsutsumi, Yasuo Tsutsumi and Masaji Nishimura : ペプチド栄養剤の最新情報., 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
32. | Masaji Nishimura : 司会 特別企画「敗血症ガイドライン:SSC版と日本版」, 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
33. | Masaji Nishimura : 司会「海外招聘講演:Chae-Man Lim. High-flow nasal cannula: mechanisms and clinical uses.」, 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
34. | Masaji Nishimura : 司会「岩月賢一記念講演:集中治療と集中治療医学を語る」, 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
35. | Masaji Nishimura : 教育講演「High-flow nasal cannula酸素療法の考え方と使用法」, 第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2017. |
36. | Nobuto Nakanishi, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 赤血球輸血を必要とした乳児重症肺炎の1例., 日本集中治療医学会第1回中国四国支部学術集会, Feb. 2017. |
37. | 上野 義豊, Jun Oto, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 小児重症呼吸不全患者に対して静脈-静脈体外式膜型人工肺を導入し予後良好であった一症例., 日本集中治療医学会第1回中国四国支部学術集会, Feb. 2017. |
38. | 上野 義豊, Taiga Itagaki, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : Reverse triggeringに起因した二段呼吸を横隔膜活動電位のモニタリングによって観察した一例., 日本集中治療医学会第1回中国四国支部学術集会, Feb. 2017. |
39. | Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto, Natsuki Tane and Masaji Nishimura : ICU-acquired weakness:比較的短期の人工呼吸患者での発症の可能性., 第44回日本救急医学会総会・学術集会, Nov. 2016. |
40. | Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : カフ付気管留置カテーテルの換気能., 第44回日本救急医学会総会・学術集会, Nov. 2016. |
41. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会).特別講演: 久坂部羊.死をいかに迎えるか., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
42. | Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 動脈圧ライン固定具による刺入部合併症の軽減効果の検討., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
43. | Masayo Izawa, Yumiko Tsunano, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 徳島大学病院集中治療室における長期滞在例の検討., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
44. | 小原 章敏, 村上 沙羅, 熊澤 淳史, Hisakazu Kohata and Masaji Nishimura : 右心不全に対する中心静脈圧を指標とした輸液管理について., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
45. | Jun Oto, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, 安田 裕一郎, Masayo Izawa, Natsuki Tane, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 閉鎖式システムによる末梢静脈カテーテルの細菌汚染・合併症軽減効果の検討., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
46. | 井内 茉莉奈, Jun Oto, Rie Tsutsumi, Mutsuo Onodera, Hiroshi Sakaue, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者における栄養予後指標としての位相角の有用性., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
47. | 森西 啓介, 近田 優介, 林 昌晃, 堀川 卓志, Mutsuo Onodera, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : ローラーポンプを用いたECMO管理で血流測定の必要性., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
48. | 林 昌晃, 近田 優介, 森西 啓介, 堀川 卓志, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : PCPS離脱後肺塞栓症を起こした劇症型心筋炎の1例., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
49. | 堀川 卓志, 近田 優介, 林 昌晃, 森西 啓介, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 当院におけるECMO装着患者の搬送シミュレーションについて., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
50. | Saki Onishi, 近田 優介, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 新生児/乳児用high flow nasal cannula中の吸入酸素濃度., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
51. | 近田 優介, Saki Onishi, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 新生児/乳児用high flow nasal cannula中の加温加湿., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
52. | Rie Tsutsumi, Jun Oto, 井内 茉莉奈, Mutsuo Onodera, Yasuo Tsutsumi, Hideaki Imanaka, Nagakatsu Harada and Masaji Nishimura : ICU入室中の筋肉量減少と予後の関連性, 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
53. | Hodaka Takaiso, Takenori Azumi, Saki Onishi, Jun Oto, 近田 優介, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 酸素マスクの形状による吸入酸素濃度および二酸化炭素濃度に関する研究., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
54. | Emiko Nakataki and Masaji Nishimura : 委員会報告,日本からevidenceを発信しよう: アジア諸国のICUスタッフにおけるストレスと燃え尽き症候群の調査., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
55. | 矢田部 智明, 江木 盛時 and Masaji Nishimura : 委員会報告,日本からevidenceを発信しよう: 集中治療室における蛋白質投与量に関する多施設観察研究., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
56. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会).森臨太郎.系統的レビューとコクラン共同計画., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
57. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会).岩月記念講演: Koh Y. Often , less is more and the earlier the better in critical care., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
58. | Masaji Nishimura : (会長基調講演).Be an intensivisit., 第43回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2016. |
59. | Masaji Nishimura and 鶴田 良介 : (司会):シンポジウム 「集中治療は予後を改善するか」, 第43回日本救急医学会, Oct. 2015. |
60. | Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 小児開心術後縦隔炎の検討., 第43回日本救急医学会, Oct. 2015. |
61. | 近田 優介, Masayo Izawa, Nao Okuda, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : High flow nasal cannula療法中の吸入気酸素濃度., 第42回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2015. |
62. | Rie Tsutsumi, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者におけるインピーダンス測定の有効性の検討., 第42回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2015. |
63. | Masayo Izawa, Ken-ichiro Shimai, Masaji Nishimura and 他 : 医事会計・電子カルテ内のDPCデータ・オーダーデータを利用したpropofol使用の調査, 第42回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2015. |
64. | 江木 盛時, Masaji Nishimura and 溝渕 知司 : 人工呼吸患者における酸素投与と酸塩基平衡変化に関する多施設観察研究:ABOVE study., 第42回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2015. |
65. | Nao Okuda, Natsuki Tane, Masayo Izawa, Yumiko Tsunano, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 気管挿管患者の喀痰グラム染色の有用性の検討., 第42回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2015. |
66. | 宇内 和明, 近田 優介, Masayo Izawa, Nao Okuda, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : ハイフローネーザルカニューラ(HFNC)療法中の回路内結露の検討., 第42回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2015. |
67. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会)Edgar J Jimenez. The tele-ICU - is this our inevitable future?, 第42回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2015. |
68. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会)シンポジウム5「血液学的悪性疾患患者のICU入室適応」, 第36回日本呼吸療法医学会, Jul. 2014. |
69. | Taiga Itagaki and Masaji Nishimura : Treatment strategies for acute respiratory distress syndrome., 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2014. |
70. | Masayo Izawa, Masaji Nishimura, 古川 明日香 and 小原 彰敏 : β遮断薬が著効した蛸壺型心筋症の一例, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2014. |
71. | 田村 貴彦, 矢田部 智明, Natsuki Tane, 横山 正尚 and Masaji Nishimura : ICU患者におけるアミノ酸・タンパク質の至適投与組成に関する研究の現状―文献検索, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2014. |
72. | Hideaki Imanaka, Nao Okuda, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 開心術後の小児患者の心原性振動, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
73. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会)Koh Y.(招請講演) Intensive care in resource limited countries in Asia: challenge and vsion., 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
74. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会)WFSICCMの活動, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
75. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会)前WFSICCMボードメンバー武澤純先生の追悼, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
76. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会)久志本成樹(教育セミナー) 集中治療患者における体温異常―Friend or Foe?―, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
77. | 中野 勇希, 加藤 秀太朗, 近藤 啓介, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 徳島大学病院ICUにおける人工呼吸患者の動脈血酸素化の現状, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
78. | 近藤 啓介, 中野 勇希, 加藤 秀太朗, Nao Okuda, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 人工呼吸管理を要したギラン・バレー症候群,重症筋無力症患者の転帰, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
79. | 加藤 秀太朗, 中野 勇希, 近藤 啓介, Nao Okuda, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 徳島大学病院ICUにおける腎代替療法の導入時期と転帰, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
80. | Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 徳島大学病院におけるCPA症例の検討, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
81. | Taiga Itagaki, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 人工呼吸中の高酸素血症の発生頻度と背景因子に関する考察, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
82. | Taiga Itagaki, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 小児患者におけるハイフロー経鼻カニュラの呼吸補助効果の検討, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
83. | Mutsuo Onodera, 河原 良美, 相原 奈緒美, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Akemi Nakano, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : ICUにおけるせん妄発症関連因子の検討, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
84. | Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 集中治療室に入室した血液悪性腫瘍患者の予後の検討, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
85. | Yumiko Tsunano, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 動脈ライン固定具による刺入部合併症の軽減効果の検討, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
86. | 近田 優介, Masayo Izawa, Nao Okuda, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : High flow nasal cannula中の加温加湿, 第41回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2014. |
87. | Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : ペースメーカー植え込み部位の熱傷とペーシングリード感染により治療に難渋した一症例, 第31回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Feb. 2014. |
88. | 林 昌晃, 近田 優介, Taiga Itagaki, Yumiko Tsunano, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 肺胞出血による重症低酸素血症に対し膜型人工肺を導入した新生児開心術後症例, 第31回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Feb. 2014. |
89. | Hideaki Imanaka, Nao Okuda, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 開心術後の小児患者の心原性振動, 第41回日本救急医学会総会・学術集会, Oct. 2013. |
90. | Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 横隔膜筋電図により明らかとなった周期的呼吸を呈した破傷風の1例, 第41回日本救急医学会総会・学術集会, Oct. 2013. |
91. | Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 弛緩出血からショックとなり心肺蘇生を要したが救命できた2症例, 第29回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2013. |
92. | Emiko Nakataki, Nao Okuda, Hisakazu Kohata, Mutsuo Onodera, Emiko Nakataki, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 巨大凝血塊による換気不全に対し,気管支ブロッカーを用いて片肺換気を行った1例, 第29回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2013. |
93. | 近田 優介, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Hisakazu Kohata, Taiga Itagaki, Emiko Nakataki, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 在宅・移動用人工呼吸器の吸気ガス温度, 第40回日本集中治療医学会, Mar. 2013. |
94. | Yuri Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Konami, Hisakazu Kohata, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 過去12年間に当院集中治療部に入室した産科患者の検討, 第40回日本集中治療医学会, Feb. 2013. |
95. | Hiroyuki Konami, Yuri Matsumoto, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 妊娠中の脳血管障害症例の検討, 第40回日本集中治療医学会, Feb. 2013. |
96. | Hisakazu Kohata, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 盲目的経腸栄養チューブ留置法に関する検討, 第40回日本集中治療医学会, Feb. 2013. |
97. | Taiga Itagaki, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 成人患者に対するハイフロー経鼻カニュラの呼吸補助効果の検討, 第40回日本集中治療医学会, Feb. 2013. |
98. | Yuri Matsumoto, Asuka Motoyama, Shota Asai, Hiroyuki Konami, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 過去12年間に当院集中治療部に入室した産科患者の検討, 第40回日本集中治療医学会, Feb. 2013. |
99. | 三住 拓誉, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : EMGチューブにより肉芽が形成し,抜管後気道閉塞を来した一症例, 第40回日本集中治療医学会, Feb. 2013. |
100. | Rie Tsutsumi, Yasuo Tsutsumi, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 救急・集中治療領域の栄養管理:問題点と対策の工夫 ICU患者における免疫修飾栄養投与の効果と使い方の検討, 第28回日本静脈経腸栄養学会, Feb. 2013. |
101. | Shota Asai, Asuka Motoyama, Yuri Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Konami, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : カフ圧変動に対する測定手技の影響―モデル実験―, 第30回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Feb. 2013. |
102. | Shota Asai, Asuka Motoyama, Yuri Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Konami, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : カフ圧変動に対する測定手技の影響―モデル実験―, 第30回日本集中治療医学会 中国四国地方会, Feb. 2013. |
103. | Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 気管チューブ先端の気管粘膜接触による気管支肉芽をきたした小児症例, 第30回日本集中治療医学会 中国四国地方会, Feb. 2013. |
104. | Nao Okuda, Mutsuo Onodera, Emiko Nakataki, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : ICU患者における中心静脈カテーテル(CVC)関連血栓の発症率, 第40回日本救急医学会学術集会, Nov. 2012. |
105. | Emiko Nakataki, Nao Okuda, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : A群溶連菌による頚部軟部組織炎から気道閉塞を来し心肺停止に陥った一例, 第40回日本救急医学会学術集会, Nov. 2012. |
106. | Asuka Motoyama, Shota Asai, Yuri Matsumoto, 三住 拓誉, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 人工呼吸中の成人患者における気管チューブカフ圧の変動, 第49回日本麻酔科学会中国・四国支部学術集会, Sep. 2012. |
107. | Rie Tsutsumi, 武川 茉莉子, Mutsuo Onodera, Emiko Nakataki, Yasuo Tsutsumi, Katsuya Tanaka, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 過剰栄養がもたらす栄養ストレスとタンパク異化亢進についての検討, 第10回周術期体液・代謝・侵襲研究会, Aug. 2012. |
108. | Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 高頻度振動換気を用いた呼吸管理で異なる転帰をたどったARDSの2症例, 第28回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2012. |
109. | Emiko Nakataki, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 高アンモニア血症による過換気から低酸素性虚血性脳症に陥った一例, 第39回日本集中治療医学会総会, Mar. 2012. |
110. | Masaji Nishimura : イブニングセミナー司会:McGuinness S. Nasal high flow with Optiflow., 第39回日本集中治療医学会総会, Feb. 2012. |
111. | 細川 康二, 江木 盛時 and Masaji Nishimura : システマテイック・レビュー:早期気管切開の有効性, 第39回日本集中治療医学会総会, Feb. 2012. |
112. | Mutsuo Onodera, Emiko Nakataki, Junji Chida, Hideaki Imanaka, Hiroshi Kido and Masaji Nishimura : ICU入室患者における末梢血アデノシン三リン酸(ATP)と転帰との関係, 第39回日本集中治療医学会総会, Feb. 2012. |
113. | Nao Okuda, Mutsuo Onodera, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 集中治療室(ICU)からの退室遅延の実態, 第39回日本集中治療医学会総会, Feb. 2012. |
114. | Toshiyuki Niki, 小笠原 梢, Mika Bando, 坂東 左知子, 竹内 秀和, Takayuki Ise, 發知 淳子, Yuka Ueda, Koji Yamaguchi, Takashi Iwase, Yoshio Taketani, 冨田 紀子, Hirotsugu Yamada, Takeshi Soeki, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Masataka Sata, Emiko Nakataki, Masaji Nishimura and 上山 祐二 : 低体温療法が著効し社会復帰をなし得たBrugada症候群の一例, 第244回 徳島医学会学術集会 (平成23年度冬期), Feb. 2012. |
115. | 山口 想太郎, 平田 容子, Rie Tsutsumi, Emiko Nakataki, Yasuo Tsutsumi, Katsuya Tanaka, Hideaki Imanaka, Masaji Nishimura and Yutaka Nakaya : ICU患者における消費エネルギー量測定による既存推定算出量の再評価, 第15回日本病態栄養学会, Jan. 2012. |
116. | 高橋 直希, Toshiyuki Niki, 高島 啓, 山崎 宙, 小笠原 梢, 坂東 左知子, Takayuki Ise, 發知 淳子, Koji Yamaguchi, Takashi Iwase, Yoshio Taketani, 冨田 紀子, Hirotsugu Yamada, Takeshi Soeki, Tetsuzo Wakatsuki, Masataka Sata, Emiko Nakataki, Masaji Nishimura and 上山 祐二 : 低体温療法が著効し社会復帰をなし得たBrugada症候群の一例, 第99回 日本循環器学会四国地方会, Dec. 2011. |
117. | Hideaki Imanaka, 佐藤 裕一, 野々瀬 有美, 有澤 麻美, 樺山 寛光, Mutsuo Onodera and Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者における中枢温:測定部位の影響, 第48回日本麻酔科学会中国・四国支部学術集会, Sep. 2011. |
118. | Yumiko Tsunano, Rie Ono, Emiko Nakataki, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : サイトメガロウイルス腸炎による血小板減少と消化管出血をきたした2症例, 第28回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jun. 2011. |
119. | 近田 優介, 隅田 ちひろ, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 気管切開用人工鼻の加湿能力, 第28回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jun. 2011. |
120. | 新居 沙央里, Nao Okuda, Emiko Nakataki, Rie Ono, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 高度の低酸素血症に対し人工肺補助体外循環を用い救命できた小児の一例, 第28回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jun. 2011. |
121. | Masaji Nishimura : (座長)Marini JJ. Mechanical ventilation – Past lessons and the near future -, 第33回日本呼吸療法医学会学術総会, Jun. 2011. |
122. | Rie Ono, Masaji Nishimura, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka, Junji Chida and Hiroshi Kido : 重症患者の末梢血ATP乳酸値比, 日本麻酔科学会第58回学術集会,神戸, May 2011. |
123. | 尾﨑 啓介, Yumiko Tsunano, Nao Okuda, Emiko Nakataki, Rie Ono, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : ペースメーカー埋込患者に発症した低体温の一症例, 第27回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2011. |
124. | Masaji Nishimura : 教育セミナー12司会「DPCを用いた医療機関の機能評価のあり方について」, 第38回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2011. |
125. | Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Nao Okuda, Rie Ono, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 摂食障害患者に発症した敗血症ショックの2症例, 第38回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2011. |
126. | Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者の発熱は解熱すべきか?(シンポジウム11:司会), 第38回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2011. |
127. | Masaji Nishimura : 集中治療における栄養管理―SCCM/A.S.P.E.N重症患者の栄養療法ガイドラインより―(イブニングセミナー), 第38回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2011. |
128. | Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Rie Ono, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 甲状腺クリ―ゼによる急性心不全を発症した妊婦症例, 第38回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2011. |
129. | Chihiro Sumida, Yuki Okada, Yusuke Chikata, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 小児HMEの加温加湿評価, 第38回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2011. |
130. | Masaji Nishimura : DPCを用いた医療機関の機能評価のあり方について.(教育セミナー12:司会), 第38回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2011. |
131. | 中山 泰介, 菅野 幹雄, Tatsuo Motoki, Hirotsugu Kurobe, Tamotsu Kanbara, Takashi Kitaichi, Tetsuya Kitagawa, Hideaki Imanaka, Masaji Nishimura and 宮田 茂樹 : 大動脈解離術後に発症した遅延型HITの1例, 第97回日本循環器学会四国地方会, Dec. 2010. |
132. | Masaji Nishimura : APRVモードにおけるフロートラックセンサーの有用性, 第32回日本呼吸療法医学会学術総会, Jul. 2010. |
133. | 近田 優介, 上田 雅彦, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 成人用高頻度振動換気法の加温加湿, 第37回 日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
134. | Emiko Nakataki, Harutaka Yamaguchi, Rie Ono, 眞野 暁子, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 解析支援ソフトウェアを用いたテイコプラニン初期投与, 第37回 日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
135. | Nobuto Nakanishi, 上野 義豊, Rie Ono, Daisuke Inui, Emiko Nakataki, 眞野 暁子, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 非侵襲的陽圧換気中のリークが患者-人工呼吸器間の同調性に及ぼす影響, 第37回 日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
136. | Jun Oto, Rie Ono, Daisuke Inui, 眞野 暁子, Emiko Nakataki, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 非侵襲的陽圧換気中の加温加湿器の温度設定が口腔内乾燥に与える影響, 第37回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
137. | 上野 義豊, 中西 信人, Rie Ono, Emiko Nakataki, 眞野 暁子, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 非侵襲的陽圧換気中のリークが換気設定に及ぼす影響, 第37回 日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
138. | 中西 信人, 上野 義豊, Rie Ono, Daisuke Inui, Emiko Nakataki, 眞野 暁子, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 非侵襲的陽圧換気中のリークが患者-人工呼吸器間の同調性に及ぼす影響, 第37回 日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
139. | Masaji Nishimura : ICU機能評価委員会からの報告(座長), 第37回 日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
140. | Masaji Nishimura : 国際交流委員会からの報告(座長), 第37回 日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
141. | 江木 盛時 and Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者における発熱と解熱処置に関するsystematic review, 第37回 日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
142. | Jun Oto, Rie Ono, Daisuke Inui, Emiko Nakataki, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 非侵襲的陽圧換気中の加温加湿器の温度設定が口腔内乾燥に与える影響, 第37回 日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Mar. 2010. |
143. | 坂東 美佳, 森本 雅美, Rie Ono, Emiko Nakataki, 眞野 暁子, Jun Oto, Daisuke Inui, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 膿胸に対する胸腔内洗浄中に空気脳塞栓症を来たした1例, 第27回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2010. |
144. | Yumiko Tsunano, 坂東 美佳, Rie Ono, Emiko Nakataki, 眞野 暁子, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 分離肺換気下のリクルートメント手技が有効であった大動脈解離・破裂術後の低酸素血症の一例, 第27回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2010. |
145. | 小笠原 梢, 久山 寿子, Emiko Nakataki, Rie Ono, 眞野 暁子, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 中心静脈カテーテルが腹壁静脈に迷入し腹壁発赤,麻痺性イレウスをきたした一例, 第27回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2010. |
146. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura and Yohsuke Kinouchi : LCAP施行中における現在と1分後のHt値の解析, The Japanese Journal of Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Vol.9, 163, Nov. 2009. |
147. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Analysis of Ht value during the LCAP treatment, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 222, Sep. 2009. |
148. | Harutaka Yamaguchi, 眞野 暁子, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 徳島大学病院ICUにおけるNPPV使用目的の変遷, 第36回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2009. |
149. | 岡村 昌彦, 今中 秀光, 野住 雄策, 大黒 由加里, 長谷川 知早, 金川 俊哉, 眞野 暁子 and Masaji Nishimura : 中心静脈カテーテル抜去後に乳糜胸を発症した先天性心疾患の1症例, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.16, No.3, 313-314, 2009. (DOI: 10.3918/jsicm.16.313) |
150. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, 中根 俊也, Ryuji Kaji, Masaji Nishimura and Yohsuke Kinouchi : SOMを使用した血液浄化療法中における患者体内の水分移動の評価, 第31回日本生体医工学会中四国支部大会講演抄録, 32, Oct. 2008. |
151. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Shunya Nakane, Ryuji Kaji and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Investigation of a classification about Ht wave using SOM, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 257, Sep. 2008. |
152. | 嘉村 友一, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Shunya Nakane, Ryuji Kaji and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Eigenvalue analysis of Ht value during the plasma exchange, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 256, Sep. 2008. |
153. | Harutaka Yamaguchi, Emiko Nakataki, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 解析支援ソフトウェアを用いたテイコプラニンのローディング, 日本麻酔科学会第55回学術集会, Jun. 2008. |
154. | Harutaka Yamaguchi, Daisuke Inui, Jun Oto, Yasushi Fukuta, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : TDM解析支援ソフトウェアを用いたテイコプラニン(TEIC)連日投与の有効性, 第35回日本集中治療医学会学術集会, Feb. 2008. |
155. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Shunya Nakane, Ryuji Kaji and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Prediction and Analysis for the Ht values using Neural Network, システム・情報部門学術講演会2007講演論文集, 141-146, Nov. 2007. |
156. | 嘉村 友一, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Shunya Nakane, Ryuji Kaji and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Analysis of Ht value during the plasma exchange, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 226, Sep. 2007. |
157. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Shunya Nakane, Ryuji Kaji and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Analysis of Ht value after 1 minute during the blood purification, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 225, Sep. 2007. |
158. | 下岡 幸恵, 鳥井 真由美, 伏谷 秀治, Harutaka Yamaguchi, Shinji Abe, Kazuyoshi Kawazoe, Masaji Nishimura and Kazuo Minakuchi : 腎機能障害患者におけるテイコプラニン連日投与方法に関する検討, The Japanese Journal of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Vol.24, No.3, s123, Jul. 2007. |
159. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Toshiya Okahisa, Onishi Yoshiaki, Jun Oto, Susumu Ito, Masaji Nishimura and Yohsuke Kinouchi : 人工ニューラルネットワークを用いたCHF施行時におけるHt値の予測, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vol.13, 306, Mar. 2006. |
160. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Onishi Yoshiaki, Masaji Nishimura and Yohsuke Kinouchi : The prediction of Ht values during CHF using MANN, 日本生体医工学会中四国支部大会, Oct. 2005. |
161. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Onishi Yoshiaki, Masaji Nishimura and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Examination of BPNN structure concerning forecast of Ht value, --- Examination of BPNN structure ---, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, 224, Sep. 2005. |
162. | Akitsugu Murakami, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Susumu Ito, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Jun Oto, Masaji Nishimura, Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa and Yohsuke Kinouchi : 高速フーリエ変換を用いた血液浄化フィルタの目詰まり評価システムの開発, 第32回日本集中治療医学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, Vol.12, 312, Feb. 2005. |
163. | Yoshinori Nitta, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, 居和 城宏, 大西 芳明, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : 白血球除去療法施行中のヘマトクリット値の予測, 第32回日本集中治療医学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, Vol.12, 309, Feb. 2005. |
164. | Akitsugu Murakami, Masatake Akutagawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Makoto Magara, Katsuo Usukura and Kenji Nakahara : Development of an alarm support system of medical equipments in ICU, 第3回情報科学技術フォーラム 高度医療を支える安全ME技術, Sep. 2004. |
1. | Yumiko Tsunano, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto, Masaji Nishimura, Natsuki Tane and Hideaki Imanaka : 気道熱傷を疑う要因についての検討, 第31回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2015. |
2. | 森西 啓介, 近田 優介, 林 昌晃, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 経皮的心肺補助装置(PCPS)下でアブレーションを施行した一例, 第31回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2015. |
3. | 近田 優介, Masayo Izawa, Nao Okuda, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : High-flow nasal cannula療法のガス流量が加温・加湿に与える影響, 第31回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2015. |
4. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会):病院前救護・調査研究, 第31回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2015. |
5. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会):特別講演 小倉裕司.sepsis registryからのメッセージ:世界と日本の動き, ICU・救急敗血症セミナー, Apr. 2015. |
6. | Masaji Nishimura : High-flow nasal cannula酸素療法, 第13回徳島人工呼吸セミナー, Mar. 2015. |
7. | Masaji Nishimura : (座長)特別講演 久坂部羊,仲野徹.これからの医学・医療について考える., 第32回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2015. |
8. | 林 昌晃, 近田 優介, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 徳島大学病院救急集中治療部における補助循環., 第32回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2015. |
9. | Masayo Izawa, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Nao Okuda, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 当院集中治療室13年間における長期滞在症例の検討., 第32回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2015. |
10. | 近田 優介, 林 昌晃, 宇内 和明, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto and Masaji Nishimura : High flow nasal cannula療法中の回路内結露量の比較., 第32回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2015. |
11. | Nao Okuda, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Masayo Izawa, Mutsuo Onodera, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : EMR施行後敗血症から腸腰筋膿瘍を発症した一例., 第32回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2015. |
12. | Mutsuo Onodera, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Jun Oto, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 重症熱性血小板減少症候群の2症例., 第32回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2015. |
13. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会)特別講演「AED解禁10年目~市民から始まる救命の連鎖~」, 第25回徳島救急医療研究会, Jun. 2014. |
14. | 近田 優介, Masaji Nishimura, Masayo Izawa and Natsuki Tane : 核磁気共鳴画像法(MRI)用人工呼吸器の性能評価, 第30回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2014. |
15. | Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : T細胞性急性リンパ性白血病患者の重症急性肺障害に膜型人工肺が有効であった一症例, 第30回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2014. |
16. | Nao Okuda, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 集中治療室におけるグラム染色の有用性, 第30回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2014. |
17. | Nao Okuda, Natsuki Tane, Yumiko Tsunano, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 集中治療室におけるグラム染色の有用性, 第30回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2014. |
18. | Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Masayo Izawa, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : T細胞性急性リンパ性白血病患者の重症急性肺障害に膜型人工肺が有効であった一症例, 第30回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2014. |
19. | 近田 優介, Masaji Nishimura, Masayo Izawa and Natsuki Tane : 核磁気共鳴画像法(MRI)用人工呼吸器の性能評価, 第30回日本救急医学会中国四国地方会, May 2014. |
20. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会)Jordi Rello (特別講演) MRSA pneumonia: New paradigms of management., ER/ICU summit in Shikoku, Mar. 2014. |
21. | Masaji Nishimura : (司会)西島栄治.気道狭窄患児の窒息エピソードとその管理法, 第22回徳島外科術後管理研究会, Mar. 2014. |
22. | Miho Sakata, Yasunobu Hayabuchi, Shoji Kagami, Kazuhiro Mori, 井上 美紀, Takeshi Soeki, Takeshi Tobiume, 松浦 朋美, 坂東 佐知子, Masataka Sata, Takashi Kitaichi, Eiki Fujimoto, Tamotsu Kanbara, Hirotsugu Kurobe, Tetsuya Kitagawa, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 経皮的心肺補助(PCPS)装着下にカテーテルアブレーションを施行し,救命し得た異所性接合部頻拍の1男児例, 第141回日本小児科学会徳島地方会, Dec. 2013. |
23. | Natsuki Tane, Nao Okuda, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 徳島大学病院におけるCPA症例の検討, 第24回徳島救急医療研究会, Jun. 2013. |
24. | Masaji Nishimura : 血液ガスデータの読み方, 第十一回徳島人工呼吸セミナー, Mar. 2013. |
25. | 松田 華子, Nao Okuda, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 尿管破裂による広範囲後腹膜膿瘍に対して複数回のドレナージを要した一例, 第21回徳島外科術後管理研究会, Feb. 2013. |
26. | Masaji Nishimura : ランチョンセミナー司会, 第49回日本外科代謝栄養学会, Jul. 2012. |
27. | Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 心臓外科術後にAKIを発症し1か月の経過で透析から離脱した1症例, 第28回徳島急性血液浄化研究会, Jun. 2012. |
28. | Masaji Nishimura : 特別講演司会, 第28回徳島急性血液浄化研究会, Jun. 2012. |
29. | Masaji Nishimura : 一般演題司会, 徳島呼吸器フォーラム, Jun. 2012. |
30. | Masaji Nishimura : 人工呼吸モードの基礎, 第3回徳島人工呼吸ワークショップ, Mar. 2012. |
31. | Masaji Nishimura : グラフィックモニターの読み方, 第10回徳島人工呼吸セミナー, Mar. 2012. |
32. | 白河 綾, Hisakazu Kohata, Hiroki Mori, Hiroki Ishibashi, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Emiko Nakataki, Taiga Itagaki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 経鼻栄養カテーテルにより十二指腸穿孔をきたした内臓逆位の一乳児例, 第20回徳島外科術後管理研究会, Feb. 2012. |
33. | Taiga Itagaki, Nao Okuda, Yumiko Tsunano, Hisakazu Kohata, Emiko Nakataki, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 低体温療法中に著明なヘモグロビン値の変化を認めた3症例, 第29回日本集中治療医学会中国四国地方会, Jan. 2012. |
34. | Masaji Nishimura : 人工呼吸中の加温・加湿, 第10回大阪人工呼吸器セミナー, Oct. 2011. |
35. | 近田 優介, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Jun Oto, Mutsuo Onodera, Hideaki Imanaka and Masaji Nishimura : 血漿交換が効果的であった血栓性血小板減少紫斑病の一例, 第27回徳島急性血液浄化研究会, Jun. 2011. |
36. | Masaji Nishimura : 重症患者の体温管理, 第8回沖縄クリティカルケア研究会, Feb. 2011. |
37. | 中山 泰介, Mikio Sugano, Tatsuo Motoki, Hirotsugu Kurobe, Takashi Kitaichi, Tetsuya Kitagawa, Hideaki Imanaka, Masaji Nishimura and 宮田 茂樹 : 大動脈解離術後に発症した遅延型HITの1例, 第19回徳島外科術後管理研究会, Feb. 2011. |
38. | Masaji Nishimura : How to initiate a non invasive ventilation program: bringing evidence to the bedside., 第10回急性期NPPV研究会, Oct. 2010. |
39. | Masaji Nishimura : 急性血液浄化―最近の話題 司会, 第26回徳島急性血液浄化研究会, Jun. 2010. |
40. | Yumiko Tsunano, Rie Ono, Hideaki Imanaka, Emiko Nakataki, Jun Oto, Nao Okuda and Masaji Nishimura : 重症熱傷治療中Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS)をきたした症例, 第21回 徳島救急医療研究会, May 2010. |
41. | Yoshinori Nitta, Masatake Akutagawa, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Onishi Yoshiaki, Masaji Nishimura and Yohsuke Kinouchi : The prediction of changing Ht values in near future using neural network, --- 1,3,and 5 minutes later ---, IEICE Technical Report, Vol.105, No.222, 41-44, Jul. 2005. |
42. | Akitsugu Murakami, Masatake Akutagawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Masaji Nishimura, Mutsumi Magara, Katsuo Usukura and Kenji Nakahara : Development of an alarm support system of medical equipments in ICU, IEICE Technical Report, Vol.104, No.319, 33-36, Sep. 2004. |
43. | Yoshinori Nitta, Toshiya Okahisa, Masatake Akutagawa, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Ohnishi, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masaji Nishimura and Susumu Ito : To analyze the biological signals during the blood purification for the prediction using the BPNN, IEICE Technical Report, Vol.104, No.179, 37-40, Jul. 2004. |
1. | Hiroshi Kido, Masaji Nishimura and Junji Chida : 病気の重症度の検査方法, PCT/JP2011/002979 (May 2011), WO2011/152012 A1 (Dec. 2011), 2010-125354 (May 2010). |