
Related Organization: Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationScience and TechnologyElectrical and Electronic EngineeringCommunication, Control and Measurement Systems

Kubo, Tomohiro / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Field of Study: Control Theory
Lecture: Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Control System Analysis (Bachelor Course), Control System Design (Graduate School), Control Theory (Bachelor Course), Advanced Control Theory (Graduate School), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Basic Control Theory (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Graduate School), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Elementary Laboratory (Bachelor Course), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory 2 (Bachelor Course), Special Lectures on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 状態に遅れ型むだ時間を含む系·状態に中立型むだ時間を含む系·入力にむだ時間を含む系におけるメモリーレスフィードバックによる最適レギュレータの構成法に関する研究, 集中定数部分と分布定数部分が結合した構造をもつ系における集中定数部分制御による最適レギュレータの構成法に関する研究 (linear system, control theory, systems with time-delay, distributed parameter systems, Linear Quadratic Regulator, pole assignment)
Oie, Takahiro / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Ph.D
Field of Study: Communication Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering
Lecture: Digital Signal Processing (Bachelor Course), Communication Systems (Graduate School), Basic Theory of Electronic Communication (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Spead Spectrum Communication, Frequency Synthesizer, Ultra Wideband (communication, frequency hopped spread spectrum communication, code division multiple access, synchronization, frequency synthesizer, ultra wideband), Management of Computer Networks, Construction of Database on Computer Network (computer networks, database, internet, network management)
Sumida-Takahashi, Hiroki / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor (Mathematical Sciences)
Field of Study: Algebraic Number Theory
Lecture: オリエンテーション1年 (Bachelor Course), Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Algebra 2 (Bachelor Course), Topics in algebra and analysis (Graduate School), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Differential Equations 1 (Bachelor Course), Differential Equations 2 (Bachelor Course), Topics in Applied Algebra (Graduate School), Research on Information Sciences (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Research on Mathematical Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Mathematical Science (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Mathematical Science (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Probability and Statistics (Bachelor Course), Research Approaches in Science and Technology C (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Numerical Analysis of Algebra (Iwasawa theory for algebraic number fields, numerical analysis of algebraic fields)
Takada, Atsushi / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Communication Engineering
Lecture: Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Applied Communication Engineering (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Optical fiber transmission technology, Photonic network technology (optical fiber, optical transmission, optical amplification)
Emoto, Takahiro / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Engineering (Tokushima University)
Field of Study: Biomedical Engineering
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Programming Exercise (Bachelor Course), Medical and Biological Engineering (Graduate School), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Advanced Biological Engineering (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Graduate School), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Design Laboratory (Bachelor Course), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Elementary Laboratory (Bachelor Course), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory 3 (Bachelor Course), Special Lectures on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 医療支援を目指した生体信号解析システムの開発 (生体音響, 生体計測, 生体情報, 生体モデリング, 生体シミュレーション)
Akutagawa, Masatake / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Field of Study: Biomedical Engineering
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Medical and Biological Engineering (Graduate School), Space Nutrition/Medicine (Graduate School), Space Medical Science (Graduate School), Radiation therapy equipment engineering (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Advanced Biological Engineering (Graduate School), Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation (Bachelor Course), Communication Systems (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Graduate School), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Design Laboratory (Intr.) (Bachelor Course), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Design Laboratory (Bachelor Course), Electromagnetic Wave Engineering (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Analysis of brain functions using electroencephalogram, Information systems in ICU, Development of measurement equipments of bioimpedance, Analysis of blood flow velocity in the carotid artery, Applications of LEDs in the life science, Analysis of biological signals, Development of a magnetic measurement method for jaw movement using neural networks, Analysis of MRI metal artifacts by dental prosthesis (neural network, MRI, sterilization, LED, blood flow, electrical bioimpedance, magnetic measurement, jaw motion)
Katayama, Takafumi / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, VLSI設計
Lecture: STEM Laboratory (Bachelor Course), STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Advanced Theory of Integrated Circuits (Graduate School), Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits (Bachelor Course), Electronic Circuit Design (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Graduate School), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Elementary Laboratory (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 機械学習, 動画像符号化技術 (Versatile Video Coding, neural network)
Sakaguchi, Hideo / Assistant Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 修士(理学)
Field of Study: Applied Mathematics
Lecture: Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Differential Equations 1 (Bachelor Course), Differential Equations 2 (Bachelor Course), Research on Information Sciences (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Numerical Analysis (Bachelor Course), Numerical Computation (Bachelor Course), Research on Mathematical Sciences (Bachelor Course), Complex Analysis (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: パターン形成に関する解析, 数値計算手法の研究 (パターン形成, 数理モデル, 反応拡散方程式系, 並列計算, 数値解析)