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Social, etc.

Field of Study

Wind Engineering, Structural Dynamics

Activity of Academic Society (Post)

Japan Society of Civil Engineers (評議員, 中国四国支部幹事長, 構造工学委員会小委員会委員長)
Japan Association For Wind Engineering (評議員, 監事)
Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science
Japanese Society of Steel Construction

Social Activity / University Management

Social Activity

Tokushima Prefectural Government (建設懇話会会長, 開発審査会副会長, 入札監視委員会副委員長, 建設工事紛争処理委員会委員)

University Management

補導厚生委員会委員長 (Apr. 1986--Mar. 1987)
Chairman of School Affairs (May 1992--Apr. 1994)
総務委員会委員長 (Apr. 1995--Mar. 1996)

Prize / Award