Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social SciencesDivision of Science and TechnologyCivil and Environmental EngineeringDisaster Science and Mitigation
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Science and TechnologyCivil and Environmental EngineeringDisaster Science and Mitigation
Tokushima UniversityCenter for Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Advanced Technology and ScienceIntelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringGeotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationScience and TechnologyCivil and Environmental EngineeringDisaster Science and Mitigation
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Field of Study

Foundation Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering

Subject of Study

Bearing capacity (Bearing capacity, Geotechnical centrifuge)
地盤変状モニタリング装置の開発, deformation and failure characteristics of ground, earth pressure, retaining structures, 基礎構造物, 地中構造物 (geosensing, capacitance, permittivity, moisture content, 飽和度, 地下水位, 不飽和, 地盤モニタリング, 土圧, 支持力, 画像計測)

Book / Paper


1. Matsumoto Takanori, Katsutoshi Ueno, Isobe Koichi, Nishioka Hidetoshi and Watanabe Koji :
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Press-in Engineering 2021, Kochi, Japan,
International Press-in Assciation, Kochi, Jun. 2021.
2. Masaki Hashizume, Koichi Ute, Yumiko Izaki, Masaki Oono, Susumu Nakano, Akira Mizobuchi, Junji Tamatani, Naoyuki Shimomura, Takao Ueda, Katsutoshi Ueno, Fumiaki Nagao, Chikanori Hashimoto, Yasunori Muto, Takeshi Watanabe, Takahiro Kido, Tetsuro Katayama, Yoko Yamashita, Atsushi Tabata, Yuka Sasaki, 島木 美香, Takeshige Otoi, Kaori Kanemaru, Takefumi Hattori, Tatsuo Hamano, Katsuyuki Miyawaki, Ryo Anma, Ken-ichi Nishiyama and Mutsuki Aoya :
Apr. 2021.
3. Katsutoshi Ueno and Toshiyuki Takahara :
公益社団法人地盤工学会四国支部, Takamatsu, Oct. 2019.
4. Osamu Kusakabe, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ishikawa Yukihiro :
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Press-in Engineering 2018, Kochi,
International Press-in Assciation, Sep. 2018.
5. Ken-ichi Nishiyama, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Katsutoshi Ueno and 吉村 洋 :
The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Takamatsu, Mar. 2008.
6. Akitoshi Mochizuki, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ken-ichi Nishiyama and 吉村 洋 :
第4章 徳島県における地盤情報DBの構築について,
四国支部, Takamatsu, Mar. 2005.
7. Akitoshi Mochizuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第Ⅱ編 斜面災害 S47.7繁藤災害,
四国支部, Takamatsu, Mar. 2002.
8. Katsutoshi Ueno :
Chapter 2 "Methods for preparation of sand samples" in " Manual of basic centrifuge tests",
A.A.Balkema Publishers, Tokyo, Sep. 2000.
9. Hajime Tsuchida and Katsutoshi Ueno :
ジオテクノート11 地盤を探る,
The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Tokyo, Nov. 1999.
10. Takemura Jiro and Katsutoshi Ueno :
CD-ROM Library on Geotechnical Centrifuge,
The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Tokyo, Sep. 1998.
11. 安原 一哉, Katsutoshi Ueno and ほか :
入門シリーズ21 土質試験から学ぶ土と地盤の力学入門,
The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Tokyo, Jun. 1995.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Katsutoshi Ueno, Toshiyuki Takahara and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Proposal of Capacitance Sensors to Detect Immersion and Cavitation,
Jiban Kogakkaishi, Vol.8, No.69, 31-36, 2021.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 116120,   CiNii: 1050021072400518272)
2. Daiki Hizen, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Validation of Numerical Analysis for Deformation of Clay Ground Based on Uncertainty Quantification,
Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics. IACMAG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol.125, 870-877, 2021.
(DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-64514-4_94,   Elsevier: Scopus)
3. Daiki Hizen, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM)), Vol.75, No.2, I_351-I_359, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 114162,   DOI: 10.2208/jscejam.75.2_I_351,   CiNii: 1390283659849542016)
4. Yasuhiro Ikami, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. C (Geosphere Engineering), Vol.73, No.4, 442-449, 2017.
(DOI: 10.2208/jscejge.73.442)
5. Wenli Lin, Katsutoshi Ueno, Mingroung Shen, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
Development of Capacitance Displacement Monitoring System and Its Performance Tests,
International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol.10, No.2122, 1956-1963, 2016.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
6. Toshiyuki Takahara and Katsutoshi Ueno :
In situ measurements using developed high resolution capacitance type sensor and its performance evaluation,
Proc. of the International workshop on ICT in Geoengineering, 69-75, 2012.
7. Tadashi HARA, 岡村 未対, Ryosuke Uzuoka, 石原 行博 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Damages to River Dikes Due to Tsunami in South-central Coastal Area of Iwate Prefecture in 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake,
Japanese Geotechnical Journal, Vol.7, No.1, 253-264, 2012.
(DOI: 10.3208/jgs.7.253,   CiNii: 1390001205258109568)
8. Susumu Nakano, Katsutoshi Ueno, Yasunori Kozuki, Tokihiko Samizo and Hitoshi Murakami :
Interview investigations on emergency restoration activities of construction companies in the recent damaging earthquakes,
安全問題研究論文集, Vol.4, 107-112, 2009.
9. Susumu Nakano, Hitoshi Murakami, Katsutoshi Ueno and Hiromi Kurosaki :
21世紀の南海地震と防災, Vol.3, 135-142, 2008.
10. Sokkheang Sreng, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Katsutoshi Ueno and 坪井 裕也 :
Japanese Geotechnical Journal, Vol.2, No.3, 139-148, 2008.
(DOI: 10.3208/jgs.2.139)
11. Katsutoshi Ueno and Atsuya Yoshida :
大規模災害に備えた住民自らによる自立的な通信手段の必要性とVoIP アマチュア無線について,
21 世紀の南海地震と防災, Vol.2, 2007.
12. Asahara Shingo, Kinya Miura, Otsuka Natsuhiko, Katsutoshi Ueno and Takahara Toshiyuki :
Coupled Analysis of the Behavior of Seabed Subjected to Sea Wave with Different Formulation of Geomaterials,
The Seventeenth (2007) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 1688-1695, 2007.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
13. Yuan-Hai Li, He-Hua Zhu, Hong-Wen Jing and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Experimental Inve stigation of Shear Deformation Patterns in Sands Based on Digital Image Correlation,
14. Yuan-Hai Li, Hong-Wen Jing, He-Hua Zhu and Katsutoshi Ueno :
A technique of identifying shear band accurately in granular soil using image correlation analysis,
Rock and Soil Mechanics, Vol.28, No.3, 522-526, 2007.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
15. Sokkheang Sreng, Yujin Liu, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Centrifugal loading tests of adjacent foundations and their FE-analysis using a new elasto-plastic model,
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 6th ICPMG, Vol.2, 1553-1558, 2006.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
16. Kinya Miura, Shingo Asahara, Natsuhiko Otsuka and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Fourmulation of ground for coupled analysis of seabed response to wave loading,
第49回地盤工学シンポジウム 平成16年度論文集, 233-240, 2004.
17. Sokkheang Sreng, Katsutoshi Ueno, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Yuuki Iwamoto :
Observation of deformation and failure behavior of dense and loose sand grounds under shallow foundation using image analysis,
第49回地盤工学シンポジウム 平成16年度論文集, 261-268, 2004.
18. KADOTA Hirokazu, Akitoshi Mochizuki, IWASAKI Satoshi, Sokkheang Sreng and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第49回地盤工学シンポジウム平成16年度論文集, 219-226, 2004.
19. Sokkheang Sreng, Katsutoshi Ueno, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Yuuki Iwamoto and Shinichiro Imamura :
Deformation behaviour and bearing capacity of sand under two adjacent foundations,
Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.7, No.1, 65-74, 2004.
(DOI: 10.2208/journalam.7.65,   CiNii: 1390001205206477568)
20. Yuan-hai Li, He-hua Zhu, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
Deformation field measurement for granular soil model using image analysis,
Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol.26, No.1, 36-41, 2004.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
21. H. Y. Li, H H. Zu, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
Application of image-based measuring deformation method using target markers in physical model test,
Tongji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tongji University, Vol.31, No.10, 1141-1145, 2003.
22. Katsutoshi Ueno, Kinya Miura, Osamu Kusakabe and Migitoshi Nishimura :
Reappraisal of Size Effect of Bearing Capacity from Plastic Solution,
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.127, No.3, 275-281, 2001.
(DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2001)127:3(275))
23. Katsutoshi Ueno, Shinya Takashima, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Xianfeng Ma :
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.III-53, No.666, 339-344, 2000.
24. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang and Katsutoshi Ueno :
A Limit Equilibrium Stability Analysis of Slopes with Stabilizing Piles,
SLOPE STABILITY 2000, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, No.101, 343-354, 2000.
25. Katsutoshi Ueno, Kinya Miura and Yoshito Maeda :
Prediction of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Surface Footing with Regard to Size Effects,
Soils and Foundations, Vol.38, No.3, 165-178, 1998.
26. Yukimitsu Yokoyama, Shigeyoshi Imaizumi, Katsutoshi Ueno and Takae Mizunuma :
Study on the mechanizm of subsidence into the underground cavity in Ohya quarries,
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.III-39, No.568, 113-123, 1997.
27. Shinichiro Imamura, Toshi Nomoto, Teijiro Saitoh, Katsutoshi Ueno and Nariaki Fujii :
Design and performance of compact load cell for measuring earth pressure in a centrifuge,
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.VI-31, No.540, 203-213, 1996.
28. Toshi Nomoto, Kenji Mito, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
Centrifuge modeling of shield tunnel construction processes,
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.III-33, No.529, 47-56, 1995.
29. Toshi Nomoto, Kenji Mito, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
Design and development of construction equipment in a centrifuge,
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Eartquake Engineering, Vol.VI-29, No.528, 131-141, 1995.
30. Katsutoshi Ueno, Kinya Miura, Atsushi Tanise and Kenichi Maeda :
Determination of dimension of shear bands produced in granular media,
地盤の破壊とひずみの局所化に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 49-56, 1994.
31. Osamu Kusakabe, Masaaki Kakurai, Katsutoshi Ueno and Yoshinao Kurachi :
Structural Capacity of Precast Piles with Grouted Base,
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Proc. of ASCE, Vol.120, No.8, 1289-1306, 1994.
32. Kinya Miura, Katsutoshi Ueno, Shosuke Toki and Liam W. D. Finn :
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Spread Footing Behavior,
第35回土質工学シンポジウム-数値解析による土構造物と基礎の挙動予測-発表論文集, 107-114, 1990.

Review, Commentary:

1. 渡邉 健治, 平川 大貴 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
講座 地盤工学における模型実験 第6回各論 土構造物,
Jiban Kogakkaishi, Vol.72, No.2, 45-55, Feb. 2024.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 119261)
2. 西岡 英俊 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
講座 地盤工学における模型実験 第4回 模型実験における測定技術,
Jiban Kogakkaishi, Vol.71, No.12, 56-66, Dec. 2023.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 119262)
3. Katsutoshi Ueno :
JFMA Journal, No.207, 50-51, Jul. 2022.
4. Katsutoshi Ueno and Tsuneyoshi Yamano :
CQ ham radio, Vol.72, No.5, May 2018.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 114000,   CiNii: 1050865122806264448)
5. Katsutoshi Ueno :
An introduction of multi-band End-Fed Half Waves Antenna,
QTC, Vol.2, No.8, 80-84, Aug. 2017.
6. Katsutoshi Ueno :
技術手帳 ピクセルフリーな画像解析による変形計測,
地盤工学会誌, Vol.64, No.6, 41-42, Dec. 2016.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 114003)
7. Katsutoshi Ueno and Toshiyuki Takahara :
ケミカルエンジニアリング, Vol.59, No.3, 54-60, Mar. 2014.
(CiNii: 1520291855721915904)
8. Katsutoshi Ueno and Yoshio Ishida :
CQ Ham Radio, Vol.63, No.10, 52-57, Sep. 2008.
9. Okamura Mitsu, Takemura Jiro and Katsutoshi Ueno :
土と基礎, Vol.52, No.10, 37-44, Oct. 2004.
10. Masaaki Katagiri, Katsutoshi Ueno and Jiro Takemura :
Chapter 3 "Test results and discussion: C1 and C3" in " Report of cooperative test on method for preparation of sand samples",
Proc. of the Int. Conf. CENTRIFUGE 98, Vol.2, 1095-1108, Sep. 2000.

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. Dawood Omar Abdulaleem Abdulaleem and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Evaluation of a mountain tunnel stability and interaction with new adjacent tunnel,
Int. Conf. on Advances in Structural Geotechnical Engineering, Hurghada, Mar. 2023.
2. Katsutoshi Ueno, Daiki Hizen and Naoki Kijima :
Centrifuge tests on PFS method,
Steel Sheet-Pile Symposium in UTHM, Dec. 2018.
3. Daiki Hizen, Naoki Kijima and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Centrifuge Model Tests and Image Analysis of a Levee with Partial Floating Sheet-Pile Method,
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Press-in Engineering 2018, Kochi, 215-220, Kochi, Sep. 2018.
4. HERCIO BERNARDO NOVELA, shohei Fujita, Fukuta Suguru and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Centrifuge Modeling of Circular Shallow Foundation Reinforced with a Thin Sleeve,
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Press-in Engineering 2019, Kochi, 73-78, 南国市, Sep. 2018.
5. Katsutoshi Ueno and Yoshiki Tanigaki :
Countermeasure for Overturn of Existing on-the-Ground Breakwater due to Tsunami,
International Conference on Geology & Earth Science, May 2018.
6. Yasuhiro Ikami, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Evaluation of seepage behaviour for deformed levee after earthquake,
19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2387-2390, Seoul, Sep. 2017.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
7. Yasuhiro Ikami, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Variation in seismic response of an embankment on liquefiable ground in dynamic centrifuge modeling,
3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Vancouver, Jul. 2017.
8. Wenli Lin, Katsutoshi Ueno, Mingroung Shen, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
Development of Capacitance Displacement Monitoring System and Its Performance Tests,
International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol.10, No.21, 1956-1963, Osaka, Nov. 2015.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
9. Katsutoshi Ueno, Sokkheang Sreng and Kobayashi Koji :
Surface kinematometry by image processing for geotechinical model tests,
ICPMG 2014 Physical modelling in Geotechnics, Vol.1, 337-343, Jan. 2014.
10. Hisashi Suzuki, Y. Okano, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
A method for making a homogeneous specimen of unsaturated clay using micro-wave,
Advances in Unsaturated Soils, Proc. of the First Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 171-176, Feb. 2013.
11. Osumi Toshiki, Fukuda Noriki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Model tests on stability of seawall against tsunami,
Abstracts of 5th Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall, SI-1-SI-4, Tainan, Nov. 2012.
12. Hiroki Kawahara, Kazutaka Niigata, Tomoya Mizobuchi, Atsushi Mori, Hiroyuki Ukida, Masafumi Miwa, Katsutoshi Ueno, Kenji Terada and Atsuya Yoshida :
Study on battery using konjac commercially available,
9th International Gel Symposium, 177, Tsukuba, Oct. 2012.
13. Yujin Liu, Sokkheang Sreng, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Deformation behavior and bearing capacity of sand slope due to surface loading and their FEM simulation by MMX-model,
IS-YAMAGUCHI2006, Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media, 403-408, Yamaguchi, Sep. 2006.
14. Yujin Liu, Sokkheang SRENG, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Deformation Behavior and Bearing Capacity of Sand Slope due to Surface Loading and their FEM Simulation by MMX-model,
Proceedings of the Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media, 403-408, 2006.
15. Hiromi Kurosaki, Xianfeng Ma, Zhu He-Fua, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Verification of Performance of the MMX-Model and Analysis on Defomation Behavior of Reclaimed Island,
Recent Developments of Geotechnical Engineering in Soft Ground, CISMGE-JGS Shanghai, October 2005, 230-238, Shanghai, Oct. 2005.
16. Sokkheang Sreng, Katsutoshi Ueno, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Xianfeng Ma :
Image analysis of shallow foundation tests on sand ground and their FE-analysis using a new elast-plastic model,
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol.2, 985-988, Osaka, Sep. 2005.
17. Sreng Sokkheang, Katsutoshi Ueno, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Yasuhiro Kuroyama :
Formation of Under-Road Cavity Due to Submergence and Submersion Resistance Characteristics of Backfill Materials,
Geothchnical Engineering in Urban Construction, 221-228, Beijing, Oct. 2003.
18. Xianfeng Ma, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Failure Mechanism of Daikai Subway Station in 1995 Hyogoken-nambu Earthquake,
Proceedings of Regional Conference on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground(Shanghai'2001), Shanghai, Apr. 2001.
19. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang, Tie-Qun Feng and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Evaluation of Seismic Permanent Displacements Based on Variable Critical Slip Surfaces,
CD-ROM Proceedings of International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering (GeoEng2000), Melbourne, Nov. 2000.
20. Takuo Yamagami, Jing-Cai Jiang, Katsutoshi Ueno and Shinsuke Sakai :
Back Analysis for Determination of Sedimentation and Consolidation Properties,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice, Vol.1, 217-222, Yokohama, Sep. 2000.
21. Jing-Cai Jiang, Takuo Yamagami and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Three-Dimensional Back Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Strength Parameters,
Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 789-794, Singapore, May 2000.
22. Katsutoshi Ueno, Yukimitsu Yokoyama and Makoto Murata :
Bending moments and subgrade reactions acting on sheet pile walls,
Proc. of the Int. Conf. CENTRIFUGE 98, Vol.1, 661-666, Tokyo, Sep. 1998.
23. Katsutoshi Ueno, Yukimitsu Yokoyama, Shigeyoshi Imaizumi and H. Yagi :
Fundamental study on development of valuable reuses of Ohya stone dust,
Proc. of the 2nd Int. Cong. on Environmental Geotechnics, Vol.2, 939-944, Osaka, Nov. 1996.
24. Toshi Nomoto, Kenji Mito, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
Centrifuge modelling of construction processes for shield tunnel,
Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 567-572, London, Apr. 1996.
25. Shinichiro Imamura, Toshi Nomoto, Kenji Mito, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
Design and development of underground construction equipment in a centrifuge,
Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 531-536, London, Apr. 1996.
26. Katsutoshi Ueno, Yukimitsu Yokoyama, Akira Ohi and Toshiyuki Fujii :
Earth pressures acting on flexible circular shafts in sand,
Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 237-242, London, Apr. 1996.
27. Yukimitsu Yokoyama, Katsutoshi Ueno and Takae Mizunuma :
Subsidence of underground quarries in Ohya district, Japan,
Land Subsidence (Proc. of the 5th Int Sympo. on Land Subsidence), 225-236, The Hague, Oct. 1995.
28. Katsutoshi Ueno, Toshihiko Nakatomi, Kenji Mito and Osamu Kusakabe :
Influence of initial conditions on bearing characteristics of sand,
Proc. of The Int. Conf. CENTRIFUGE 94, 541-546, Singapore, Nov. 1994.
29. Toshiyuki Fujii, Toshiyuki Hagiwara, Katsutoshi Ueno and Atsushi Taguchi :
Experiment and analysis of earth pressure on an axisymmetric shaft in sand,
Proc. of The Int. Conf. CENTRIFUGE 94, 791-796, Singapore, Aug. 1994.
30. Toshi Nomoto, Kenji Mito, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
A miniature shield tunneling machine for a centrifuge,
Proc. of The Int. Conf. CENTRIFUGE 94, 699-704, Singapore, Aug. 1994.
31. Kinya Miura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Syosuke Toki :
Simulation of cyclic mobility by DEM,
Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, 839-844, Cairns, May 1991.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. FUNASE Kaito and Katsutoshi Ueno :
地盤工学会四国支部 令和5年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, Nov. 2023.
2. TANABE Yoshitomo and Katsutoshi Ueno :
地盤工学会四国支部 令和5年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, Nov. 2023.
3. SAKAGUCHI Sota, Katsutoshi Ueno and Kauzuki Horikoshi :
地盤工学会四国支部 令和5年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, Nov. 2023.
4. 村本 菜美, 田邊 禎知, 渡辺 すず香, 森下 あゆみ and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Progress observation of damaged retaining walls in collaboration with residents -Results of the survey based on the manual for soundness assessment and preventive maintenance of residential retaining walls,
地盤工学会四国支部 令和4年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 51-52, Nov. 2022.
5. Dawood Omar Abdualeem AbdulAleem and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Evaluation of a mountain tunnel stability and interaction with new adjacent tunnel construction,
地盤工学会四国支部 令和4年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 79-80, Nov. 2022.
6. 川村 雅彦, 中本 雅祥, 小松 明子, 曽我部 嘉博, 小原 一哉 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
A Survey of Radio Propagation using VHF and UHF Band for The Telemetry System for Sediment Disaster Prevention,
地盤工学会四国支部 令和4年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 11-12, Nov. 2022.
7. 高橋 禎貴 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
In-situ measurements with capacitance water level and moisture meters, and the January 15, 2022 eruption of Tonga Volcano, Hunga,
地盤工学会四国支部 令和4年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 17-18, Nov. 2022.
8. 高橋 禎貴 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
令和4年度地盤と防災・環境に関するシンポジウム講演概要・技術論文集, Vol.15, 54-59, Aug. 2022.
9. 村本 菜美, Katsutoshi Ueno and 賈 曄 :
令和4年度地盤と防災・環境に関するシンポジウム講演概要・技術論文集, Vol.15, 50-53, Aug. 2022.
10. Tomoki Takahashi, Kazunari Terada and Katsutoshi Ueno :
令和3年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会, 29-30, Nov. 2021.
11. 岡 涼太, 田上 絢哉 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
令和3年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会, 65-66, Nov. 2021.
12. 村本 菜美, JIA YE, Kento Iida and Katsutoshi Ueno :
令和3年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会, 79-80, Nov. 2021.
13. 秋本 拓哉, Katsutoshi Ueno and 松浦 良哉 :
令和3年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会, 3-4, Nov. 2021.
14. 村本 菜美 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Development of cavitation detection method and in-situ measurement using closed-circuit radar method,
第56回地盤工学研究発表会講演概要集, 13-2-2-06, Jul. 2021.
15. 秋本 拓哉, Katsutoshi Ueno and 松浦 良哉 :
The Relationships between Stiffness and Lateral Displacement Suppression Effect of Sheet-Piles Installed at Toe of a Levee on Soft Ground,
第56回地盤工学研究発表会講演概要集, 12-6-3-07, Jul. 2021.
16. Katsutoshi Ueno and 賈 曄 :
令和2年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 55-56, Nov. 2020.
17. 前田 柊, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka, 平本 俊一 and 櫻井 聖人 :
令和2年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 105-106, Nov. 2020.
18. Katsutoshi Ueno, Yukimasa Kanda, 藤川 誠次, 遠山 登, 小林 昌弘, 中川 頌将, 中島 昇, 大藪 剛士 and 野谷 正明 :
令和2年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 75-76, Nov. 2020.
19. 岡 涼太, 秋本 拓哉, 来島 尚樹, 肥前 大樹 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
軟弱粘土地盤上盛土の動的遠心模型実験 --矢板による沈下抑制効果について-..,
令和2年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 63-64, Nov. 2020.
20. 秋本 拓哉, 岡 涼太, 来島 尚樹, 肥前 大樹 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
軟弱粘土地盤上盛土の動的遠心模型実験 -矢板による水平変位の抑制効果について.,
令和2年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 61-62, Nov. 2020.
21. YE JIA, Daiki Hizen, Katsutoshi Ueno, Hiroki Masutoh and Kota Hosono :
令和2年度土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会, May 2020.
22. 前田 柊, Katsutoshi Ueno and 柳 振錫 :
令和元年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, Nov. 2019.
23. Katsutoshi Ueno, 林 あかね and Toshiyuki Takahara :
令和元年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 85-86, Nov. 2019.
24. Katsutoshi Ueno, Daiki Hizen and Naoki Kijima :
日本実験力学会2019年度年次講演会, Sep. 2019.
25. Katsutoshi Ueno, Daiki Hizen, Naoki Kijima and Takuya Akimoto :
令和元年度地盤と防災・環境に関するシンポジウム講演概要・技術論文集, 57-62, Aug. 2019.
26. Katsutoshi Ueno, Yukimasa Kanda, 藤川 誠次, 遠山 登, 小林 昌弘 and Kohsuke Nakagawa :
令和元年度地盤と防災・環境に関するシンポジウム講演概要・技術論文集, 53-56, Aug. 2019.
27. Toshiyuki Takahara, Kenta Kondou and Katsutoshi Ueno :
A study on the applicability of parallel tanks model index for critical lines development in landslide risk information,
第54回地盤工学研究発表会講演概要集, 1777-1778, Jul. 2019.
28. 杉岡 正晴, Toshiyuki Takahara, 辻 慎一朗 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
A possibility of performance evaluation method using soil water measurement installed in geo-textile,
第54回地盤工学研究発表会講演概要集, 1149-1150, Jul. 2019.
29. Katsutoshi Ueno and HERCIO BERNARDO NOVELA :
Shaking experiments of shallow foundations on sand reinforced with a thin sleeveunder centrifugal force field,
第54回地盤工学研究発表会講演概要集, 1185-1186, Jul. 2019.
30. Naoki Kijima, Katsutoshi Ueno, Takafumi Iwasaki and Daiki Hizen :
Dynamic centrifuge model test on levee with the Partial Floating Sheet-pile on soft clay,
第54回地盤工学研究発表会講演概要集, 971-972, Jul. 2019.
31. Daiki Hizen, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Verification and Validation of Numerical Analysis for Consolidation of Clay Ground,
第65回理論応用力学講演会・第22回土木学会応用力学シンポジウム講演論文集, 351-352, Jun. 2019.
32. Daiki Hizen, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
計算工学講演会論文集, Vol.Vol. 24, E-04-04, May 2019.
33. Toshiyuki Takahara, Kenta Kondou and Katsutoshi Ueno :
A study on alert criterion for sediment disaster considering rainfall pattern in disaster occurring using parallel tanks model,
第61回地盤工学シンポジウム, 191-198, Dec. 2018.
34. Daiki Hizen, arisa koga, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Centrifuge Model Experiments on Liquefaction-induced Damage Reduction for Houses by Drainage Method,
第15回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, 2013-2019, Dec. 2018.
35. Naoki Kijima, Daiki Hizen, Takafumi Iwasaki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
平成30年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 85-86, Nov. 2018.
36. Akane Hayashi, 中村 謙太 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
平成30年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 115-116, Nov. 2018.
37. Naoki Kijima, Katsutoshi Ueno and Daiki Hizen :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.53, 1041-1042, Jul. 2018.
38. 柳 振錫, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.53, 1023-1024, Jul. 2018.
39. Hiroki Masutoh, Katsutoshi Ueno, Daiki Hizen, Hiroki Uedera and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.53, 767-768, Jul. 2018.
40. Katsutoshi Ueno, 内田 純二, 西川 祐平, 林田 昇, Ryo Sasaki and Tomohisa Matoba :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.53, 267-268, Jul. 2018.
41. Toshiyuki Takahara, Kenta Kondou and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.53, 2025, Jul. 2018.
42. 肥前 大樹, Katsutoshi Ueno, 来島 尚樹 and 真鍋 壮太 :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.53, 1043-1044, Jul. 2018.
43. Katsutoshi Ueno, 上寺 裕輝, Ryosuke Uzuoka and 肥前 大樹 :
平成30年度土木学会四国支部第19回技術研究発表会, 0, May 2018.
44. 来島 尚樹, Katsutoshi Ueno and Daiki Hizen :
平成30年度土木学会四国支部第19回技術研究発表会, 0, May 2018.
45. 林 あかね and Katsutoshi Ueno :
平成30年度土木学会四国支部第19回技術研究発表会, 0, May 2018.
46. hizen daisuke, Shohei Fujita, Yoshihiro Horie, Arisa Koga and Katsutoshi Ueno :
平成29年度 地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会, 55-56, Nov. 2017.
47. Tomotaka Saitoh, 相原 慶輔, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
平成29年度 地盤と防災・環境に関するシンポジウム 講演概要・技術論文集, Vol.12, 72-77, Aug. 2017.
48. RYU JINSEOK, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
透水性互層地盤における河川堤防の浸透破壊に関する遠心模型実験および 三相系連成解析,
平成29年度 地盤と防災・環境に関するシンポジウム 講演概要・技術論文集, Vol.12, 66-71, Aug. 2017.
49. Daiki Hizen and Katsutoshi Ueno :
平成29年度 地盤と防災・環境に関するシンポジウム 講演概要・技術論文集, Vol.12, 50-56, Aug. 2017.
50. Kondo Kenta, Toshiyuki Takahara and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.52, 1825-1826, Jul. 2017.
51. Yuki Takatsuji, Shohei Fujita, Kazuki Shimamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.52, 1173-1174, Jul. 2017.
52. hizen daisuke, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.52, 377-378, Jul. 2017.
53. Ryu Seok Jin, Atarshi Akio, Yasuhiro Ikami, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.52, 959-960, Jul. 2017.
54. Ryu Seok Jin, Atarshi Akio, Yasuhiro Ikami, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.52, 957-958, Jul. 2017.
55. Yasuhiro Ikami, Kei Ito, Yuki Daikoku, Hiroki Uedera, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第51回地盤工学研究発表会講演概要集, 0531-0532, Sep. 2016.
56. Kei Ito, Yasuhiro Ikami, Yuki Daikoku, Hiroki Uedera, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Katsutoshi Ueno :
地震時変形を考慮した河川堤防の耐浸透性能評価 (その 1:遠心力場における動的実験),
第51回地盤工学研究発表会講演概要集, 0530, Sep. 2016.
57. 吉田 直央, 川崎 直人, 石川 裕規, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.50, 1963-1964, Sep. 2015.
58. Yusuke Anami, Toshiki Oosumi, 矢上 千尋, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.50, 1525-1526, Sep. 2015.
59. Tanigaki Yoshiki, Oosumi Toshiki, Anami Yusuke, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
The embedment depth of the sheet pile for toppling prevention of seawalls,
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.50, 1519-1520, Sep. 2015.
60. Kuroki Takahiro, Takatsuji Yuuki, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki and Sokkheang Sreng :
Bearing Capacity and Deformation Behavior of Shallow Foundation Subjected to Cyclic Loadings,
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.50, 1263-1264, Sep. 2015.
61. Daiki Hizen, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
FL 法による液状化判定と有効応力解析による変形量の比較,
土木学会四国支部研究発表会, Vol.75, No.2, May 2015.
62. Fukuda Noriki, Ohsumi Toshiki, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
Centrifuge model tests on counter measure for overturned seawall due to hight water level,
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.49, 1273-1274, Jul. 2014.
63. Wenli Lin, Katsutoshi Ueno, Mingrong SHEN, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
Evaluation of Linear Capacitance Displacement Transducer,
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.49, 1857-1858, Jul. 2014.
64. Nonogaki Haruya, Naito Keita, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
Development of closed-circuit method to detect voids -exposure experiment-,
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.49, 175-176, Jul. 2014.
65. Ikami Yasuhiro, Shimokawa Taichi, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Katsutoshi Ueno and Hisashi Suzuki :
Finite Elements analysis for moisture and stres conditions in an embankment with deformaiton of foundation ground,
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.49, 935-936, Jul. 2014.
66. Shimokawa Taichi, Ikami Yasuhiro, Kuroki Takahiro, Daikoku Yuuki, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Katsutoshi Ueno and Hisashi Suzuki :
Centrifugal model test for moisture and stres conditions in an embankment with deformaiton of foundation ground,
Annual meeting of JGS, Vol.49, 933-934, Jul. 2014.
67. 上中 正好, 野々垣 遥也, 内藤 恵太 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Influence of salinity concentration on measurement of capacitance type void sensor,
地盤工学会四国支部平成25年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 11-12, Nov. 2013.
68. Katsuya Hara, Hiroki Sasada, Katsutoshi Ueno, Chikanori Hashimoto and Takeshi Watanabe :
土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集, Vol.68, 1121-1122, Sep. 2013.
69. Shimokawa Taichi, Ikami Yashuhiro, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Katsutoshi Ueno and Hisashi Suzuki :
Centrifuge modeling of moisture and stress conditions in embankment due to deformation of soft foundation gruond,
第48回地盤工学研究発表会, 1207-1208, Jul. 2013.
70. Katsutoshi Ueno, Sreng Sokkheang, Koji Kobayashi, Kenjiro Mukai and Ryota Kono :
Displacement measurement of ground in centrifuge model test using image analysis method with sub-pixel accuracy,
第48回地盤工学研究発表会, 297-298, Jul. 2013.
71. Nonogaki Haruya, Katsutoshi Ueno, Suzuki Taimu and Toshiyuki Takahara :
第48回地盤工学研究発表会, 1449-1450, Jul. 2013.
72. Katsutoshi Ueno, Yuuki Matsui, Ishikawa Shota and Toshiyuki Takahara :
Simple capacitance sensor for soaking and cavitation,
第48回地盤工学研究発表会, 205-206, Jul. 2013.
73. Fukuda Noriki, Ohsumi Toshiki, Katsutoshi Ueno, Hisashi Suzuki and Hisashi Suzuki :
平成25年度土木学会四国支部第19回技術研究発表会, 149-150, May 2013.
74. Ishikawa Shota, Yuuki Matsui, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
平成25年度土木学会四国支部第19回技術研究発表会, 183-184, May 2013.
75. Katsutoshi Ueno :
Symposium on Engineering Education 2013, 3, Mar. 2013.
76. Katsutoshi Ueno :
Capacitance type sensors for geohazards,
徳島大学新技術説明会, Feb. 2013.
77. Katsutoshi Ueno :
Nov. 2012.
78. Zhang Xiwen, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Katsutoshi Ueno and Hisashi Suzuki :
The Pullout Capacity of the Structure Submerged in Saturated Silt,
地盤工学会四国支部平成24年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 79-80, Nov. 2012.
79. 西尾 竜文, 山田 裕明, 下河 太一, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
地盤工学会四国支部平成24年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 57-58, Nov. 2012.
80. 福田 典紀, 大住 俊揮, Katsutoshi Ueno, Hisashi Suzuki and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
地盤工学会四国支部平成24年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 45-46, Nov. 2012.
81. 仙波 慧多, 下河 太一, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
地盤工学会四国支部平成24年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 41-42, Nov. 2012.
82. Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki, 松井 雄揮 and 石川 翔太 :
地盤工学会四国支部平成24年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 3-4, Nov. 2012.
83. Atsushi Mori, 川原 啓貴, 新潟 一宇, Hiroyuki Ukida, Masafumi Miwa, Katsutoshi Ueno, Kenji Terada and Atsuya Yoshida :
第2回ソフトマター研究会, Sep. 2012.
84. Toshiyuki Takahara and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第47回地盤工学研究発表会, Jul. 2012.
85. Tatsufumi Nishio, 日下 拓也, Kazuki Oyama, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第47回地盤工学研究発表会, 941-942, Jul. 2012.
86. 小川 真由, 丸山 友也, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第47回地盤工学研究発表会, 851-852, Jul. 2012.
87. 野々垣 遥也 and Katsutoshi Ueno :
土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, May 2012.
88. 向井 健次郎, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka and Hisashi Suzuki :
平成24年度土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 127-12/8, May 2012.
89. 仙波 慧多, Ryosuke Uzuoka, 海野 寿康, Katsutoshi Ueno and Hisashi Suzuki :
平成23年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 89-90, Nov. 2011.
90. 小川 真由, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
平成23年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 65-66, Nov. 2011.
91. 高見 淳也, Katsutoshi Ueno, Takahiro Kido, Hisashi Suzuki, Ryosuke Uzuoka and 高原 利幸 :
平成23年度地盤工学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 13-14, Nov. 2011.
92. 岡野 祐平, Hisashi Suzuki, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
土木学会第66回年次学術講演会, 787-788, Sep. 2011.
93. 小川 真由, 山田 毅, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第46回地盤工学研究発表会, 919-920, Jul. 2011.
94. 仙波 慧多, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Hisashi Suzuki, Katsutoshi Ueno and 海野 寿康 :
第46回地盤工学研究発表会, 1621-1622, Jul. 2011.
95. Hiroki Sasada, Chikanori Hashimoto, Katsutoshi Ueno and Takeshi Watanabe :
Granular-Fluid flow analysis in the three dimensions of fresh concrete flowing in Box shaped filling apparatus,
日本材料学会四国支部学術講演会講演論文集, Vol.9, 17-18, Jun. 2011.
96. 岡野 裕平, Hisashi Suzuki, Katsutoshi Ueno and Ryosuke Uzuoka :
平成23年度土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 133-134, May 2011.
97. Hiroki Sasada, Chikanori Hashimoto, Katsutoshi Ueno and Takeshi Watanabe :
粒状体-流体連成3次元解析モデルを用いた加振BOX 試験装置内を流動するフレッシュコンクリートの数値解析に関する一考察,
土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, Vol.17, 285-286, May 2011.
98. Katsutoshi Ueno :
岩手・宮城内陸地震・緊急被害調査速報会, Jun. 2008.
99. Katsutoshi Ueno :
新潟県中越沖地震被害調査報告会, Sep. 2007.
100. Yujin Liu, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Katsutoshi Ueno, Sokkheang Sreng and 岩本 有樹 :
第41回地盤工学研究発表会, 43-44, Nov. 2006.
101. Singo Asahara, Kinya Miura, Natsuhiko Otsuka, Katsutoshi Ueno and Toshiyuki Takahara :
第41回地盤工学研究発表会平成17年度発表講演集, 1107-1108, Jul. 2006.
102. 劉 適剣, Yuuki Iwamoto, Sokkheang Sreng, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
第41回地盤工学研究発表会, 1107-1108, Apr. 2006.
103. 浅原 信吾, Kinya Miura, 大塚 夏彦, Katsutoshi Ueno, 高原 利幸 and 田中 隼矢 :
第41回地盤工学研究発表会, 1105-1106, Apr. 2006.
104. Yujin Liu, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Katsutoshi Ueno, Sokkheang Sreng and Yi Teng :
(社)地盤工学会四国支部平成17年度技術研究発表会後援概要集, 43-44, Nov. 2005.
105. Singo Asahara, Kinya Miura, Natsuhiko Otsuka, Katsutoshi Ueno and Toshiyuki Takahara :
第40回地盤工学研究発表会平成17年度発表講演集, 1181-1182, Jul. 2005.
106. Sokkheang Sreng, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
FEM simulation of loading tests of single and adjacent foudations in a centrifuge,
第40回地盤工学研究発表会平成17年度発表講演集, 1481-1482, Jul. 2005.
107. Katsutoshi Ueno, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Yuuki Iwamoto and Yujian Liu :
第40回地盤工学研究発表会平成17年度発表講演集, 1497-1498, Jul. 2005.
108. Singo Asahara, Kinya Miura, Natsuhiko Otsuka, Katsutoshi Ueno and Toshiyuki Takahara :
第40回地盤工学研究発表会平成17年度発表講演集, 1181-1182, Jul. 2005.
109. 滕 毅, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Katsutoshi Ueno and Yujin Liu :
平成17年度土木学会四国支部第11回技術研究発表会講演概要集, 194-195, May 2005.
110. 坪井 祐也, Katsutoshi Ueno, Sokkheang Sreng and Yuuki Iwamoto :
平成17年度土木学会四国支部第11回技術研究発表会講演概要集, 192-193, May 2005.
111. Katsutoshi Ueno :
Possible application of sub-pixel image analysis in earthquake disaster prevention,
地盤災害·地盤環境問題論文集, Vol.4, 7-8, Sep. 2004.
112. Sokkheang Sreng, Yuuki Iwamoto, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
第39回地盤工学研究発表会平成16年度発表講演集, 1137-1138, Jul. 2004.
113. Hiroki Ishikawa, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Katsutoshi Ueno and Hiroki Toukairin :
第39回地盤工学研究発表会平成16年度発表講演集, 433-434, Jul. 2004.
114. Kayo Takemori, Sokkheang Sreng, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
第39回地盤工学研究発表会平成16年度発表講演集, 1871-1872, Jul. 2004.
115. Li Yuanha, Katsutoshi Ueno, Sokkheang Sren, Toshiyuki Hagiwara, Shin-ichiro Imamura and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
Observation of Deformation for Soil Foundation Using Photogrammetry,
土木学会第58回年次学術講演会, Vol.CS5-003, 125-126, Sep. 2003.
116. Katsutoshi Ueno, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Toshiyuki Hagiwara and Shinichiro Imamura :
土木学会第58回年次学術講演会, Vol.CS9-23, 481-482, Sep. 2003.
117. Sokkheang Sreng, 貞野 哲也, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
土木学会第57回年次学術講演会, 1221-1222, Sep. 2002.
118. Li Yuanha, Katsutoshi Ueno, Sadano Tetsuya and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
Applocation of Image Analysis in Physical Model Test,
土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集, 1011-1012, Sep. 2002.
119. Katsutoshi Ueno, 李 元海, Sreng SOKKHEANG, 貞野 哲也 and 萩原 敏行 :
Application of Cross-Correlation Method with Sub-pixel Accuracy in Two Dimensional Model Tests,
Proceedings of JSEM, Vol.2, 256-261, Aug. 2002.
120. Sokkheang Sreng, Tetsuya Sadano, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
土木学会四国支部 第8回技術研究発表会講演概要集, 202-203, May 2002.
121. Takahiro Tani, 黒山 泰弘, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
第36回地盤工学研究発表会講演集, 1429-1430, Jun. 2001.
122. 馬 険峰, Akitoshi Mochizuki, Katsutoshi Ueno and 長谷川 靖明 :
第36回地盤工学研究発表会講演集, 517-518, Jun. 2001.
123. Xianfeng Ma, Akitoshi Mochizuki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
Failure Mechanism of Daikai Subway Station during Hyogoken-nambu Earthqua,
地盤工学会四国支部平成12年度技術研究発表会講演概要集, 77-78, Sep. 2000.
124. Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
平成12年度土木学会四国支部技術研究発表会, May 2000.
125. Akitoshi Mochizuki, Katsutoshi Ueno and 遠藤 大治 :
土木学会第54回年次学術講演会, 360-361, Sep. 1999.
126. 大藤 泰彦, Katsutoshi Ueno and Akitoshi Mochizuki :
土木学会第54回年次学術講演会, 42-43, Sep. 1999.
127. Makoto Murata, Katsutoshi Ueno and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
第32回地盤工学研究発表会平成9年度講演集, 1699-1700, Jul. 1997.
128. Takehito Nishida, Katsutoshi Ueno, Yukimitsu Yokoyama, Toshi Nomoto, Shinichiro Imamura and Nariaki Fujii :
第32回地盤工学研究発表会平成9年度講演集, 1797-1798, Jul. 1997.
129. Katsutoshi Ueno and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
Room and Pillar空洞の崩落メカニズムに関する一考察,
第32回地盤工学研究発表会平成9年度講演集, 2123-2124, Jul. 1997.
130. Nobuhiro Segawa, Yukimitsu Yokoyama and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第24回関東支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 406-407, Mar. 1997.
131. Makoto Murata, Yukimitsu Yokoyama and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第24回関東支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 384-385, Mar. 1997.
132. Teijiro Saito, Toshi Nomoto, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
土木学会第51回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部B, 322-323, 1996.
133. Toshi Nomoto, Kenji Mito, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
土木学会第51回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部B, 320-321, 1996.
134. Shinichiro Imamura, Kenji Mito, Toshi Nomoto, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
土木学会第51回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部B, 318-319, 1996.
135. Udai Nakamatsu, Toshi Nomoto, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
土木学会第51回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部B, 316-317, 1996.
136. Toshi Nomoto, Teijiro Saito, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Nariaki Fujii :
第31回地盤工学研究発表会平成8年度講演集, 1931-1932, 1996.
137. Shinichiro Imamura, Toshi Nomoto, Teijiro Saito, Katsutoshi Ueno and Nariaki Fujii :
第31回地盤工学研究発表会平成8年度講演集, 1929-1930, 1996.
138. Teijiro Saito, Toshi Nomoto, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Nariaki Fujii :
第31回地盤工学研究発表会平成8年度講演集, 1927-1928, 1996.
139. Takehito Nishida, Katsutoshi Ueno and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
第23回関東支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 512-513, 1996.
140. Toshi Nomoto, Udai Nakamatsu, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
土木学会第50回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部B, 1312-1313, 1995.
141. Toshi Nomoto, Kenji Mito, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
土木学会第50回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部B, 1310-1311, 1995.
142. Makoto Murata, Yukimitsu Yokoyama, Katsutoshi Ueno and Seiji Iwashita :
土木学会第50回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部B, 992-993, 1995.
143. Shinichiro Imamura, Toshi Nomoto, Katsutoshi Ueno and Nariaki Fujii :
第30回土質工学研究発表会平成7年度講演集, 1707-1710, 1995.
144. Akira Ohi, Katsutoshi Ueno, Yukimitsu Yokoyama and Toshiyuki Fujii :
第30回土質工学研究発表会平成7年度講演集, 1621-1624, 1995.
145. Takae Mizunuma, Yukimitsu Yokoyama and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第30回土質工学研究発表会平成7年度講演集, 1185-1186, 1995.
146. Akira Ohi, Katsutoshi Ueno, Toshiyuki Fujii and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
第22回関東支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, 284-285, 1995.
147. Toshi Nomoto, Kenji Mito, Shinichiro Imamura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Osamu Kusakabe :
土木学会第49回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部B, 1352-1353, 1994.
148. Takae Mizunuma, Yukimitsu Yokoyama and Katsutoshi Ueno :
土木学会第49回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部, 656-657, 1994.
149. Katsutoshi Ueno, Masashi Tasaki, Shigetugu Yoshida and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
第29回土質工学研究発表会平成6年度講演集, 439-440, 1994.
150. Yukimitsu Yokoyama, Katsutoshi Ueno and Takae Mizunuma :
第29回土質工学研究発表会平成6年度講演集, 67-68, 1994.
151. Katsutoshi Ueno, Yoshinao Kurachi, Akira Ohi and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
第28回土質工学研究発表会平成5年度発表講演集, 1731-1734, 1993.
152. Yoshinao Kurachi, Katsutoshi Ueno, Akira Ohi and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
第28回土質工学研究発表会平成5年度発表講演集, 1727-1730, 1993.
153. Atsushi Tanise, Kinya Miura, Hiroshi Ezaki, Katsutoshi Ueno and Syosuke Toki :
第28回土質工学研究発表会平成5年度発表講演集, 1611-1614, 1993.
154. Katsutoshi Ueno, Nobuyuki Akiyama, Masashi Tasaki and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
第28回土質工学研究発表会平成5年度発表講演集, 1591-1594, 1993.
155. Toshihiko Nakatomi, Katsutoshi Ueno, Osamu Kusakabe, Toshi Nomoto and Kenji Mito :
第28回土質工学研究発表会平成5年度発表講演集, 1579-1582, 1993.
156. Katsutoshi Ueno, Toshihiko Nakatomi, Osamu Kusakabe, Toshi Nomoto and Kenji Mito :
第28回土質工学研究発表会平成5年度発表講演集, 1489-1490, 1993.
157. Yukimitsu Yokoyama, Yoshiyuki Ishihara and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第28回土質工学研究発表会平成5年度発表講演集, 1405-1406, 1993.
158. Yoshinao Kurachi, Osamu Kusakabe, Katsutoshi Ueno, Masaaki Kakurai, Shigeru Inaba and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
土木学会第47回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部, 892-893, 1992.
159. Yukimitsu Yokoyama, Katsutoshi Ueno and Hiroki Okada :
土木学会第47回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部, 640-641, 1992.
160. Yoshinao Kurachi, Osamu Kusakabe, Katsutoshi Ueno, Masaaki Kakurai and Yukimitsu Yokoyama :
第27回土質工学研究発表会平成4年度発表講演集, 1559-1562, 1992.
161. Katsutoshi Ueno and Tomoyasu Yamashita :
第27回土質工学研究発表会平成4年度講演集, 1459-1462, 1992.
162. Toshihiko Nakatomi, Katsutoshi Ueno, Osamu Kusakabe and Toshi Nomoto :
第27回土質工学研究発表会平成4年度発表講演集, 1379-1382, 1992.
163. Hiroki Okada, Yukimitsu Yokoyama and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第27回土質工学研究発表会平成4年度発表講演集, 1237-1238, 1992.
164. Katsutoshi Ueno, Kinya Miura and Syosuke Toki :
土木学会第46回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部, 470-471, 1991.
165. Katsutoshi Ueno, Kinya Miura, Atsushi Tanise and Kenichi Maeda :
第26回土質工学研究発表会平成3年度発表講演集, 425-428, 1991.
166. Katsutoshi Ueno, Kinya Miura, Atsushi Tanise and Kenichi Maeda :
第26回土質工学研究発表会平成3年度発表講演集, 421-424, 1991.
167. Katsutoshi Ueno, Kinya Miura and Yoshito Maeda :
技術報告集, No.31, 53-62, 1991.
168. Kinya Miura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Atsushi Tanise :
第26回土質工学研究発表会平成3年度発表講演集, 1295-1298, 1991.
169. Kinya Miura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Yoshito Maeda :
第25回土質工学研究発表会平成2年発表講演集, 1247-1250, 1990.
170. Katsutoshi Ueno, Kinya Miura and Yoshito Maeda :
土木学会第45回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部, 1018-1019, 1990.
171. Kinya Miura, Katsutoshi Ueno and Syosuke Toki :
土木学会第44回年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部, 504-505, 1989.
172. Kinya Miura, Syosuke Toki and Katsutoshi Ueno :
第24回土質工学研究発表会平成元年度発表講演集, Vol.3, 467-470, 1989.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. Katsutoshi Ueno, Daiki Hizen and Naoki Kijima :
第9回遠心模型実験技術シンポジウム, Jul. 2019.
2. Katsutoshi Ueno :
大阪北部地震災害調査速報会, Jun. 2018.
3. Katsutoshi Ueno :
Displacement field analysis in model sand using image analysis technique,
日中地盤工学セミナーアンドワークショップ, Nov. 2001.
4. Katsutoshi Ueno :
On displacement field analysis in model sand using image analysis,
Workshop on centrifuge modelling, Mar. 2001.
5. Katsutoshi Ueno :
地盤工学に関する勉強会, Mar. 2001.
6. Katsutoshi Ueno :
地盤工学に関する勉強会テキスト, 1-16, Jun. 1999.


1. Katsutoshi Ueno :
建設事業に関する技術開発・調査研究 第15回助成事業報告書, Oct. 2012.
2. Atsushi Mori and Katsutoshi Ueno :
CQ ham radio, Vol.66, No.5, 160-161, Tokyo, May 2011.
3. Katsutoshi Ueno :
2-3-3 災害時の自立的通信手段としてのアマチュア無線普及プロジェクト,
平成19年度∼平成21年度徳島大学地域創生センター報告書, 41-47, Mar. 2010.
4. Jing-Cai Jiang, Susumu Nakano, Katsutoshi Ueno and Takeshi Okabe :
Field reconnaissance report on the geo-disaster caused by the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008,
平成20(2008)年岩手・宮城内陸地震被害に関する緊急調査研究報告書, Aug. 2009.
5. Katsutoshi Ueno :
The Anual Report of The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, Vol.23, 214-222, Tokyo, Nov. 2008.


1. Katsutoshi Ueno, 霜村 潤, 平田 祥一 and 道浦 吉貞 : 未開示, 2016054522 (Mar. 2016), (Sep. 2017), .
2. Katsutoshi Ueno : 静電容量型水分計および水位計, 2010-275203 (Dec. 2010), 2012-122909 (Jun. 2012), 5688731 (Feb. 2015).

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • 徳島県小松島沖亀磯を対象とした臨海地盤の崩壊現象の解明と誘発津波の予測 (Project/Area Number: 23K23010 )
  • Centrifuge-supported data-driven geo-disaster prediction during rainfall (Project/Area Number: 21H04575 )
  • 並列タンクモデルによる土砂災害警戒情報の精度向上に関する実践的研究 (Project/Area Number: 20K05032 )
  • Proposal of Sediment Disaster Warning Standards Focusing on Reducing Missing Rate Based on Practical Research (Project/Area Number: 17K01335 )
  • Reliable deformation analysis based on verification and validation of numerical method (Project/Area Number: 16H04409 )
  • capacitive sensors for submersion and cavitation monitoring and suggestion of cavitation risk index (Project/Area Number: 25420506 )
  • Seepage and overtopping performance of deformed levee after earthquake (Project/Area Number: 25289147 )
  • Development of closed-circuit RADER to detect submerged points in large structures (Project/Area Number: 23656298 )
  • System for verification and examination of construction placement related performance evaluation of fresh concrete using at construction site (Project/Area Number: 20360193 )
  • Understanding of progressive failure in view of particle crushing and it's modelling (Project/Area Number: 12650488 )
  • 水浸による舗装内空洞の発生・成長メカニズムと補修判定基準の提案 (Project/Area Number: 11750444 )
  • Mechanism of germination of underground cavities and its influence on pavement (Project/Area Number: 11450182 )
  • 三主応力下中空円筒供試体の応力-ひずみ関係と円形立坑に作用する土圧予測への適用 (Project/Area Number: 09750567 )
  • Back filling method using waste matter regarding drive ability of wheelchairs for handicapped persons (Project/Area Number: 08455216 )
  • 均等粒径砂地盤上の浅い基礎の変形強度特性に及ぼす進行性破壊の影響 (Project/Area Number: 05855066 )
  • Study on Functional Characteristics of Geomembranes as New Construction Materials by Centrifugal Model Tests (Project/Area Number: 04650430 )
  • Study on the Mechanism of Subsidence into the Underground Cavity in OHYA Quarries. (Project/Area Number: 04452223 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (70232767)