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Associate Professor : Ikeda, Kenji |
○ | Control Theory |
○ | Autonomous decentralized adaptive control (adaptive control, decentralized control) |
1. | Kenji Ikeda : システム同定, オーム社, Sep. 2013. |
2. | 新 誠一, Kenji Ikeda, 湯浅 秀男 and 藤田 博之 : 自律分散システム, 朝倉書店, Tokyo, Oct. 1995. |
1. | Michiru Katayama, Kenji Ikeda and Tetsushi Ueta : Stabilization of laminars in chaos intermittency, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.34, No.2, 2450024-1-2450024-14, 2024. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2011575, DOI: 10.1142/S021812742450024X, Elsevier: Scopus) |
2. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Mayu Hiura, Kenji Ikeda, Mikio Deguchi and Bahadori Alireza : Investigation of effects of phosphor particles on optimal design of surface-mount-device light-emitting diode packaging using ray-tracing simulation, IET Optoelectronics, Vol.12, No.2, 86-93, 2018. (DOI: 10.1049/iet-opt.2017.0051) |
3. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Koichi Nakayama, Shin Ando, Kenji Ikeda, Moonyong Lee and Alireza Bahadori : A neural network-based local rainfall prediction system using meteorological data on the Internet, --- A case study using data from the Japan Meteorological Agency ---, Applied Soft Computing, Vol.56, 317-330, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.03.015) |
4. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Mayu Hiura, Yan Yee Lim, Alireza Bahadori, Kenji Ikeda and Mikio Deguchi : Optimization of surface-mount-device light-emitting diode packaging, --- investigation of effects of component optical properties on light extraction efficiency ---, Optical Engineering, Vol.55, No.2, 025101-1-025101-11, 2016. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2008601, DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.55.2.025101) |
5. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Montanaro Adriano : Distribution and Sharing of E-Learning Courseware by Weighted Keywords, International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), Vol.5, No.9, 698-703, 2014. (DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2015.V5.595) |
6. | Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : Two Types of Deadlock Detection: Cyclic and Acyclic, Intelligent Systems for Science and Information, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol.542, 233-259, 2014. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04702-7_14, Elsevier: Scopus) |
7. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of Transition Times of a Hopping Machine Based on Wavelet Analysis, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol.6, No.6, 396-402, 2013. (DOI: 10.9746/jcmsi.6.396) |
8. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : BCLS Method for Stationary Systems in Closed Loop Environment, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol.5, No.2, 78-84, 2012. (DOI: 10.9746/jcmsi.5.78) |
9. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Takahashi Muneo : Functional Web Component Generation for Visual Web Application Programming, International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol.33, No.2, 167-174, 2011. (DOI: 10.2316/Journal.202.2011.2.202-2730) |
10. | Min Zheng, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems by Using the Unscented Kalman Filter, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol.3, No.5, 324-329, 2010. (DOI: 10.9746/jcmsi.3.324, CiNii: 1360846646334119552) |
11. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of the transition time of piecewise linear systems by using wavelet analysis, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.45, No.7, 349-355, 2009. (DOI: 10.9746/sicetr.45.349, CiNii: 1390001204504071424) |
12. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias Compensation of Recursive Least Squares Estimate in Closed Loop Environment, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol.1, No.5, 400-405, 2008. (DOI: 10.9746/jcmsi.1.400) |
13. | Takao Shimomura, Lang Sok Nhor, Chen Liang Quan and Kenji Ikeda : Context-Dependent Extensible Syntax-Oriented Verifier with Recursive Verification, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol.5, No.2, 44-53, 2008. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
14. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-compensated Least Squares Method in Closed Loop Environment, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.43, No.12, 1097-1102, 2007. (CiNii: 1520853832639592448) |
15. | Takao Shimomura, Chen Liang Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Kenji Ikeda : Web-based Laboratory Network Management System that Integrates Multiple Servers, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol.4, No.12, 1422-1430, 2007. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
16. | Takao Shimomura, Chen Liang Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Kenji Ikeda : Uniform Tag-based Rich Component Generation for Web Application Development, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol.4, No.12, 1431-1438, 2007. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
17. | Takao Shimomura, Lang Sok Nhor, Chen Liang Quan and Kenji Ikeda : Customizable Pattern-Oriented Verifiers forWeb Applications, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol.4, No.12, 1439-1446, 2007. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
18. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda, Chen Liang Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Takahashi Muneo : Visual Programming of Hierarchical Frames for Web Applications, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol.4, No.5, 968-975, 2007. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
19. | Takao Shimomura, Takahashi Muneo, Chen Liang Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Kenji Ikeda : Easy enjoyable effective automated practice and test system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, Vol.1, No.1, 1-7, 2007. |
20. | Takanori Tagami, Kenji Ikeda and Tohru Kawabe : Design of Robust I-PD Controller by Using Pareto-Optimality, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.17, No.9, 363-370, 2004. (DOI: 10.5687/iscie.17.363, CiNii: 1390001205164812928) |
21. | Takao Shimomura, Takahashi Muneo, Kenji Ikeda and Yoshio Mogami : Visual Design for Server-Side Programs and Program Generation, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.45, No.7, 1737-1744, 2004. |
22. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time Model Identification by Using Adaptive Observer, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.40, No.4, 415-423, 2004. (CiNii: 1520572357091461760) |
23. | Takanori Tagami and Kenji Ikeda : Design of robust pole assignment based on Pareto-optimal solutions, Asian Journal of Control, Vol.5, No.2, 195-205, 2003. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1934-6093.2003.tb00111.x, Elsevier: Scopus) |
24. | Takao Shimomura, Muneo Takahashi, Kenji Ikeda and Yoshio Mogami : Web application generator by image-oriented design, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol.28, No.2, 14-19, 2003. |
25. | Kenji Ikeda and Seiichi Shin : Fault Tolerance of Autonomous Decentralized Adaptive Control Systems, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.29, No.7, 773-782, 1998. |
26. | Kenji Ikeda and Seiichi Shin : Adaptive stabilization of minimum phase plants with relative degree n or n+1, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.11, No.6, 290-296, 1998. |
27. | Kenji Ikeda and Shin Seiichi : A design of decentralized high gain adapvie control system using backstepping, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.32, No.10, 1399-1406, 1996. |
28. | Takahara Shigeyuki, Kenji Ikeda and Miyamoto Sadaaki : Fuzzy Control Rules and Stability Conditions, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, 425-428, 1992. |
29. | Kenji Ikeda, Shin Seiichi and Kitamori Toshiyuki : A design of decentralized high gain adaptive control systems, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.28, No.5, 555-563, 1992. |
30. | Kenji Ikeda, Shin Seiichi and Kitamori Toshiyuki : Robustness of MRACS for linear plants with unknown relative degrees, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.27, No.6, 671-677, 1991. |
31. | Kenji Ikeda and Kitamori Toshiyuki : A design of MRACS for linear plants with unknown relative degrees, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.27, No.1, 49-55, 1991. |
1. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Yoshio Mogami : Automatic Program Generation based on Visual Image-Oriented Design, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Vol.48, No.48, 5, 2003. (CiNii: 1572543026615871232) |
1. | Kenji Ikeda : Non-Aymptotic Confidence Regions in System Identification, Systems, Control and Information, Vol.59, No.5, 192-197, May 2015. |
2. | Kenji Ikeda : Variance Analysis of Subspace Identification Methods, Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.50, No.11, 956-962, Nov. 2011. (CiNii: 1390290316512958976) |
3. | Kenji Ikeda, Masami Mohri, Yoshio Mogami, Hitoshi Tokushige, Akinori Tsuji and Hiroaki Ogata : Creativity development at the University of Tokushima, Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.46, No.1, 31-36, Jan. 2007. |
4. | Takao Shimomura, 高橋 宗雄, Kenji Ikeda and Yoshio Mogami : Webプログラミングフレームワーク, Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.45, No.12, 1266-1271, Dec. 2004. |
5. | Kenji Ikeda : Adaptive control using logic-based switching, Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.38, No.3, 182-188, Mar. 1999. |
6. | Yoshitomo Hanakuma, Naoki Mizuno, Kenji Ikeda and Kazuya Ogata : The future of control theory: viewed from applications, Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.38, No.1, 65-70, Jan. 1999. |
1. | Michiru Katayama, Kenji Ikeda and Tetsushi Ueta : Laminar stabilization control in chaos intermittency, Proc. NOLTA2023, 17-20, Catania, Sep. 2023. (DOI: 10.34385/proc.76.A2L-15) |
2. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : Frequency Domain Uncertainty Estimation in a Subspace Identification Method by using Covariance and Pseudo-Covariance, Proceedings of SICE 2023, 720-723, Tsu, Sep. 2023. |
3. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : State Estimation for Closed-Loop LPV System Identification via Kernel Methods, Preprints of the 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 12523-12528, Yokohama, Jul. 2023. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.516, Elsevier: Scopus) |
4. | Hiroshi Oku and Kenji Ikeda : Error covariance of a closed-loop subspace model identification method for the case of general LTI beedback, Preprints of the 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 4391-4394, Yokohama, Jul. 2023. |
5. | Kenji Ikeda and HIdeyuki Tanaka : Numerical Analysis of the Estimate of Noise Covariance by using Best Linear Unbiased Estimate, 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 109-116, Trieste, Aug. 2022. (DOI: 10.1109/CCTA49430.2022.9966021, Elsevier: Scopus) |
6. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : An Introduction of a CCA Weighting Matrix to a Closed-Loop Subspace Identification Method, Preprints of the 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 467-472, (Virtual) Padova, Jul. 2021. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
7. | Hiroshi Oku and Kenji Ikeda : On consistency of output-error closed-loop subspace model identification for systems compensated by general LTI controllers, Preprints of the 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 169-173, (Virtual) Padova, Jul. 2021. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
8. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Minimal realization of an unstable plant under feedback, Preprints of the 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 7-12, (Virtual) Padova, Jul. 2021. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
9. | Hiroshi Oku and Kenji Ikeda : On error analysis of a closed-loop subspace model identification method, 24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 701-706, Cambridge, Aug. 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.06.132) |
10. | Hiroshi Oku and Kenji Ikeda : Consistency analysis of the extended observability matrix of output-error closed-loop subspace model identification, Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress, 1-4, Berlin, Jul. 2020. |
11. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Subspace identification algorithm for stochastic systems equipped with zeros close to unit circle, Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress, 2463-2468, Berlin, Jul. 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.046, Elsevier: Scopus) |
12. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : An Estimation Method of Innovations Model in Closed-Loop Environment with Lower Horizons, Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress, 907-912, Berlin, Jul. 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.848, Elsevier: Scopus) |
13. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Modeling of parameter dependent systems using the impulse response and the kernel method, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2019, 532-533, Hiroshima, Sep. 2019. |
14. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : Covariance of the Coefficient of the Transfer Function Estimated via PO-MOESP Method, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2019, 518-521, Hiroshima, Sep. 2019. |
15. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : On the Uniqueness of the Estimate of Innovations Model, Proceedings of the ASCC2019, 1313-1318, Kitakyushu, Jun. 2019. (Elsevier: Scopus) |
16. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : On the Uniqueness of Spectral Density Function in an SDP Problem for the Estimation of Innovations Model, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2018, 1483-1488, Nara, Sep. 2018. |
17. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Closed-loop subspace identification algorithm based on finite-interval realization, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2018, 1489-1492, Nara, Sep. 2018. |
18. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Closed-loop subspace identification taking initial state into account, 18th IFAC Sympotium on System Identification (SYSID 2018), 604-609, Stockholm, Jul. 2018. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.09.229, Elsevier: Scopus) |
19. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : An SDP Formulation for Consistent Estimate of Innovations Model, The 2017 Asian Control Conference, 1772-1777, Gold Coast, Dec. 2017. (DOI: 10.1109/ASCC.2017.8287442, Elsevier: Scopus) |
20. | Kenji Ikeda : An LMI Problem for Consistent Estimate of Innovations Model, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2017, 587-590, Kanazawa, Sep. 2017. (DOI: 10.23919/SICE.2017.8105577, Elsevier: Scopus) |
21. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Identification of Linear Stochastic Systems Taking Initial State into Account, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2017, 583-586, Kanazawa, Sep. 2017. (DOI: 10.23919/SICE.2017.8105553, Elsevier: Scopus) |
22. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Yukari Yoshikawa, Takeshi Otsuka, Kenji Ikeda and Alireza Bahadori : Investigation of Effects of Silica Particles on Light Extraction Efficiency of Light-Emitting Diode Packaging Using Ray-Tracing Simulation, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2017, 126-130, Kanazawa, Sep. 2017. (DOI: 10.23919/SICE.2017.8105751, Elsevier: Scopus) |
23. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Mayu Hiura, Bahadori Alireza, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Optimization of a Light Reflector Angle of Surface-mount-devide Light-emitting Diode Packaging Using Ray-tracing Simulation, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2016, 361-364, Tsukuba, Sep. 2016. |
24. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : An equation for estimating Kalman gain based on the finite-interval stochastic realization, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2016, 186-189, Tsukuba, Sep. 2016. |
25. | Kenji Ikeda : Consistent Estimates of Kalman Gain and the Covariance of the Innovations Process, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2016, 182-185, Tsukuba, Sep. 2016. |
26. | Kenji Ikeda : Consistent Estimate of Innovations Model, Preprints, 12th IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, Vol.49, No.13, 129-134, Eindhoven, Jun. 2016. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.939, Elsevier: Scopus) |
27. | Kenji Ikeda : Frequency Domain Uncertainty in PO-MOESP Method, Proceedings of the 47th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, 104-111, Honolulu, Dec. 2015. |
28. | Kenji Ikeda : Consistent Estimate of Kalman Gain in Subspace Identification Method, The 2015 IEEE Control Systems Society; Multiconference on Systems and Control, 151-156, Sydney, Sep. 2015. (DOI: 10.1109/CCA.2015.7320625, Elsevier: Scopus) |
29. | Kenji Ikeda and Hiroshi Oku : Estimation Error Analysis of System Matrices in Some Subspace Identification Methods, Proceedings of 10th Asian Control Conference, 1-6, Kota Kinabalu, Jun. 2015. (DOI: 10.1109/ASCC.2015.7244557, Elsevier: Scopus) |
30. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Mayu Hiura, Daigo Hara, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Effect of Optical Properties of Components for Light Extraction Efficiency of SMD LEDs, SICE Annual Conference 2014, 1936-1940, Sapporo, Sep. 2014. |
31. | Kenji Ikeda : Error Analysis of State Approaches in Subspace Identification Methods, SICE Annual Conference 2014, 1685-1690, Sapporo, Sep. 2014. |
32. | Kenji Ikeda : On the precision of the plant estimates in some subspace identification methods, Preprints of the 19th World Congress IFAC, 9516-9521, Cape Town, Aug. 2014. |
33. | Kenji Ikeda : Error Analysis of PO-MOESP Algorithm, 21th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), 545-550, Groningen, Jul. 2014. |
34. | Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : Waiting Blocked-Tree Type Deadlock Detection, Proc. of Science and Information Conference 2013 (SAI2013), 45-50, London, Oct. 2013. |
35. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Identification of a Hopping Machine Based on a Piecewise Affine Model, SICE Annual Conference 2013, 501-504, Nagoya, Sep. 2013. |
36. | Kenji Ikeda : Asymptotic Properties of MOESP-type Methods, Preprints of ALCOSP and PSYCO 2013, 92-97, Caen, Jul. 2013. |
37. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Montanaro Adriano : AUTOMATIC COURSEWARE TRANSFERS BETWEEN DIFFERENT PLATFORMS, Proc. of 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2013), 4334-4341, Valencia, SPAIN, Mar. 2013. |
38. | Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : Extensible Web-based Learning Architecture, Proc. of the 2012 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'12), 1-7, Las Vegas, Jul. 2012. |
39. | Kenji Ikeda and Oku Hiroshi : Asymptotic Properties of BCSS Method in Closed Loop Environment, Preprints of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 858-863, Brussels, Jul. 2012. |
40. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Montanaro Adriano : GAME-ORIENTED STIMULATING E-LEARNING, Proc. of 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2012), 4221-4228, Valencia, Spain, Mar. 2012. |
41. | Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : Tag Command-based Automatic Trouble Diagnosis for Computer Administration, the 5-th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science (NISS2011), 97-102, Macao, Oct. 2011. |
42. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoko Hatanaka and Takao Shimomura : Linear Approximation Model for Snake Robots and its Application, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2011, 2915-2918, Tokyo, Sep. 2011. |
43. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : A Design of the Scale Parameter of Wavelet Transformation for the Estimation of Transition Time in PWL Systems, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2011, 973-978, Tokyo, Sep. 2011. |
44. | Kenji Ikeda and Hiroshi Oku : Asymptotic Properties of Bias Compensated State Space Model Identification Method, Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 6505-6510, Milan, Italy, Aug. 2011. |
45. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : BCLS Method for the Estimation of Continuous-Time Models in Closed Loop Environment, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 1369-1373, Yokohama, Sep. 2010. |
46. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias Compensated State Space Identification Method in Closed Loop Environment, Proceedings of IFAC ALCOSP 2010, Antalya, Turkey, Aug. 2010. |
47. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Takahashi Muneo : An Approach to GA-driven Automatic Refactoring based on Design Patterns, 2010 Fifth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, 213-218, Nice, Aug. 2010. |
48. | Min Zheng, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of Continuous-time Nonlinear Systems by using the Unscented Kalman Filter, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2010, 2192-2195, Taipei, Aug. 2010. |
49. | Kenji Ikeda, Tomoaki Kashiwao and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of a Transition Time in Piecewise Linear Systems, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2010, 620-624, Taipei, Aug. 2010. |
50. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-Compensated State Space Model Identification, Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 1369-1372, Budapest, Jul. 2010. |
51. | Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : SERVER-DRIVEN REGRESSION TEST FOR WEB APPLICATIONS AND ITS PERFORMANCE, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, 234-239, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 2010. |
52. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Takahashi Muneo : ATTACHABLE SOFTWARE VISUALIZATION FOR MULTIPLE-THREAD PROGRAMS, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, 135-141, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 2010. |
53. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Muneo Takahashi : Synchronization of Multi-window requests for Server-side Regression Test of Web Applications, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC2009), 1-6, Jeju, Korea, Aug. 2009. |
54. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-Compensated Least Squares Method in Closed Loop Environment, --- Estimation under colored noise ---, Proceedings of ICCAS-SICE 2009, 4923-4926, Fukuoka, Aug. 2009. |
55. | Takao Shimomura, Chen Liang Quan and Kenji Ikeda : Customizable Functional Web Components for Visual Web Programming, 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, 580-584, Los Angeles, Apr. 2009. |
56. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Takahashi Muneo : Web-Based Troubleshooter Generation for System Administration, 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, 760-764, Los Angeles, Apr. 2009. |
57. | Takao Shimomura, Chen Liang Quan and Kenji Ikeda : SERVER-SIDE REGRESSION TEST FOR WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENTS, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, 63-68, Innsbruck, Feb. 2009. |
58. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Muneo Takahashi : SOFTWARE VISUALIZATION WITH ATTACHABLE DISPLAY CLASSES, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, 37-42, Innsbruck, Feb. 2009. |
59. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias Compensation of Recursive Least Squares Estimate in Closed Loop Environment, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory and Networks and Systems, Virginia, USA, Jul. 2008. |
60. | Kenji Ikeda : Bias-compensated Least Squares Method in Closed Loop Environment, Proc. of IFAC WC 2008, 13379-13384, Seoul, Jul. 2008. |
61. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-Compensated Least Squares Method in Closed Loop Environment, --- A filter design for colored noise ---, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, 329-334, Jasper, May 2008. |
62. | Takao Shimomura, Lang Sok Nhor and Kenji Ikeda : Extensible Syntax-Oriented Verifier and Its Implementation, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, 298-303, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 2008. |
63. | Kashiwao Tomoaki, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of the transition time of hybrid systems by using wavelet analysis, Proc of SICE Annual Conference, 2546-2549, Takamatsu, Sep. 2007. |
64. | Zheng Min, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of Rotary Inverted Pendulum by using the Unscented Kalman Filter, --- Estimation of the initial state ---, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference, 1670-1673, Takamatsu, Sep. 2007. |
65. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-compensated adaptive observer for a continuous-time model estimation, Preprints 9th IFAC Workshop Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, St. Petersburg, Aug. 2007. |
66. | Takao Shimomura, Chen Liang Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Kenji Ikeda : Integrated Laboratory Network Management System, Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, 188-193, Athens, Aug. 2007. |
67. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda, Chen Liang Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Takahashi Muneo : Apty: Easy Enjoyable Effective e-Learning, Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, 211-216, Athens, Aug. 2007. |
68. | Kenji Ikeda : Bias-compensating method for a continuous-time model estimation by using adaptive observer, Proceedings of European Control Conference 2007, 1517-1522, Kos, Jul. 2007. |
69. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda, Chen Ling Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Takahashi Muneo : Visual Pivot-Table Components for Web Application Development, Proc. of 3rd IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 90-95, Phuket, Apr. 2007. |
70. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda, Chen Liang Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Takahashi Muneo : Customizable Verifiers for Web Applications and Their Implementation, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 396-401, Gold Coast, Australia, Jan. 2007. |
71. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda, Chen Liang Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Takahashi Muneo : Rich Component Generation for Web Applications Using Custom Tags, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 390-395, Gold Coast, Australia, Jan. 2007. |
72. | Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda, Chen Liang Quan, Lang Sok Nhor and Takahashi Muneo : Visual Programming for Web Applications that Use HTML Frame Facilities, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 384-389, Gold Coast, Australia, Jan. 2007. |
73. | Min Zheng, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Parameter estimation of rotary inverted pendulum based on unscented Kalman filter, Proc. of SICE-ICCAS 2006, 5022-5025, Busan, Oct. 2006. |
74. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time model identification by using adaptive observer, --- Estimation of the initial state ---, Proc. of SICE-ICCAS 2006, 1796-1799, Busan, Oct. 2006. |
75. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Parameter convergence of a continuous-time model estimation method by using adaptive observer, Proceedings of 17th International Symposium onMathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 1096-1101, Kyoto, Jul. 2006. |
76. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Discrete-time state variable filters for the estimation of a continuous-time model, Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 861-866, Newcastle, Australia, Mar. 2006. |
77. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-Time Model Identification by using Adaptive Observer, --- On the reduction of the computational cost ---, Proceedings of SICE 2005, 246-251, Okayama, Aug. 2005. |
78. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-Time Model Identification using Adaptive Observers, --- On the Selection of State Variable Filters ---, Proceedings of the 24th IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification, and Control, 160-165, Innsbruck, Feb. 2005. |
79. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : A sufficient condition for the convergence of adaptive observer in continuous-time model identification, Proceedings of IFAC Workshop on Adaptive and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, 699-704, Yokohama, Aug. 2004. |
80. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-Time Model Identification by using Fast Adaptive Observer, Proceedings Sixteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, Jul. 2004. |
81. | Tagami Takanori, Kawabe Tohru and Kenji Ikeda : Multi-objective Design Scheme for Robust I-PD Controller, Proc. of the 23rd IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, 128-131, Grindelwald, Feb. 2004. |
82. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-Time Model Identification By Using Adaptive Observer, --- A case of non-uniform sampling ---, Proc. of the 23rd IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification, and Control, 92-97, Grindelwald, Feb. 2004. |
83. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time model identification by using adaptive observer, Preprints of 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 325-330, Rotterdam, Aug. 2003. |
84. | Takao Shimomura, Muneo Takahashi, Kenji Ikeda and Yoshio Mogami : An Approach to Brain-Image Oriented Programming for Web Applications, Proc. of 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 436-441, Orlando, Jul. 2003. |
85. | Takanori Tagami, Kenji Ikeda and Tohru Kawabe : Design of robust I-PD controller based on Pareto-optimality with generalized ISE, Proceedings of the 22nd IASTED International Conference on MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION, AND CONTROL, 566-571, Innsbruck, Feb. 2003. |
86. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Adaptive Observer of Sampled-Data Systems, Proceedings of the 22nd IASTED International Conference MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION, AND CONTROL, 102-107, Innsbruck, Feb. 2003. |
87. | Takanori Tagami and Kenji Ikeda : Design of robust I-PD controller based on multi-objective genetic algorithm with local search techniques, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, 543-546, Xi'an, Oct. 2002. |
88. | Kenji Ikeda : Identification of the jump in switched linear systems, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Application, 535-538, Xi'an, Oct. 2002. |
89. | Takanori Tagami and Kenji Ikeda : A Design of Robust I-PD Controller Based on Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION, AND CONTROL, 290-295, Innsbruck, Feb. 2002. |
90. | Kenji Ikeda : Limit Cycle in Fault Tolerant Decentralized Adaptive Control System, Proceedings of 2000 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, 31-34, Dresden, Sep. 2000. |
91. | Kenji Ikeda and Seiichi Shin : Autonomous Decentralized Adaptive Control System Using Parameter Projection, Proceedings of AFSS 2000, 293-298, Tsukuba, May 2000. |
92. | Kenji Ikeda and Shin Seiichi : Adaptive Stabilization of Any Minimum Phase Plant with Relative Degree n or n+1, Preprints of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Kitakyushu, Jul. 1997. |
93. | Kenji Ikeda and Shin Seiichi : Fault Tolerant Decentralized Adaptive Control Systems Using Backstepping, Proc. of the 34th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 2340-2345, New Orleans, Dec. 1995. |
94. | Kenji Ikeda and Shin Seiichi : Decentralized High Gain Adaptive Control System Using Backstepping, Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 257-264, Tokyo, Nov. 1994. |
95. | Kenji Ikeda : Simultaneous Stabilization by Periodically Switching Control, Proc. of the Asian Control Conference, 455-458, Tokyo, Aug. 1994. |
96. | Shin Seiichi and Kenji Ikeda : Autonomous Decentralized Adaptive Control, Proc. of IEEE 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 204-209, North Queensland, Sep. 1993. |
97. | Kenji Ikeda, Shin Seiichi and Kitamori Toshiyuki : A Servo Design of Decentralized Adaptive Control, Proc. of International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 249-252, Regensburg, Jul. 1993. |
98. | Kenji Ikeda, Shin Seiichi and Kitamori Toshiyuki : Fault Tolerance of Decentralized Adaptive Control, Proc. of International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, 275-281, Kawasaki, Mar. 1993. |
99. | Miyamoto Sadaaki and Kenji Ikeda : A Method of Fuzzy Control Using a Probabilistic Model, Proc. of the Korea-Japan Joint Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Engineering, 183-186, Seoul, Aug. 1992. |
1. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : Covariance Analysis of the Estimated System Matrices in a Subspace Identification Method, 第11回計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 177-184, Mar. 2024. |
2. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : Uncertainty Analysis of Estimates in a Subspace Identification Method, 第66回自動制御連合講演会, 361-368, Oct. 2023. |
3. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Covariance Matrices of a Stochastic Linear-Time-Varying System, 第66回自動制御連合講演会, 361-368, Oct. 2023. |
4. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Numerical analysis of state-term estimation in closed-loop LPV identification, 第10回計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 661-666, Mar. 2023. |
5. | Kenji Ikeda and HIdeyuki Tanaka : Frequency Domain Uncertainty Estimation in a Closed Loop Subspace Identification Method, 第10回計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 667-674, Mar. 2023. |
6. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Identification of Nonlinear ARX model using kernel method with random Fourier features, 第65回自動制御連合講演会, 935-940, Nov. 2022. |
7. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : Covariance estimation of the estimated extended observability matrix in Closed-Loop MOESP, 第65回自動制御連合講演会, 922-927, Nov. 2022. |
8. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : On state estimation of LPV system under feedback via kernel method, 第9回計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 701-708, Mar. 2022. |
9. | Kenji Ikeda and HIdeyuki Tanaka : Numerical Analysis on the Rank of Weighting Matrix in BLUE, 第9回計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 45-52, Mar. 2022. |
10. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Idetification of minimal realization of plant under feedback, --- an approach via state estimation ---, 第64回自動制御連合後援会, 518-525, Nov. 2021. |
11. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : On the covariance analysis of the estimated of the noise covariance, 第64回自動制御連合後援会, 526-533, Nov. 2021. |
12. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Minimal realization of unstable system under feedback, --- Derivation of numerically sound calculation method ---, 第8回計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 1050-1055, Mar. 2021. |
13. | Kenji Ikeda and HIdeyuki Tanaka : Numerical Analysis of the Reduction of the Bias in Closed-Loop Subspace Identification Method, 第8回計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 1044-1049, Mar. 2021. |
14. | Yamano Yuya and Kenji Ikeda : Selection of Input Joints for Gait Generation of Biped Robot, 第7回 制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 597-600, Mar. 2020. |
15. | Matsuo Kotaro and Kenji Ikeda : Estimation of parameters using system identification and application to robust nonlinear estimation, 第7回 制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 523-526, Mar. 2020. |
16. | Daikoku Takahiro and Kenji Ikeda : Modeling of Drone's Energy Consumption, 第62回自動制御連合講演会, 1-4, Nov. 2019. |
17. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : Identification of systems having unreachable stochastic system with eigenvalues on the closed unit disc, 第6回 制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 342-347, Mar. 2019. |
18. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : Another semidefinite programming problem for subspace identification method taking initial state into account, 第61回自動制御連合講演会, 205-212, Nov. 2018. |
19. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : On the Identifiability in an SDP Problem for the Estimation of Innovations Model, 第5回 制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 1183-1188, Mar. 2018. |
20. | 田中 秀幸 and Kenji Ikeda : Stochastic subspace identification methods taking initial state into account via semidefinite programming approach, 第60回自動制御連合講演会, 1447-1454, Nov. 2017. |
21. | Kenji Ikeda and Hideyuki Tanaka : Problem Formulation for Estimating Innovations Model, 第60回自動制御連合講演会, 1441-1446, Nov. 2017. |
22. | Hideyuki Tanaka and Kenji Ikeda : Closed-loop identification based on the null-space of the extended observability matrix, The 4th Multi-symposium on Control Systems (MSCS 2017), 1357-1364, Mar. 2017. |
23. | Kenji Ikeda : Local Convergence of an Algorithm for Consistent Estimate of Innovations Model, 第4回 制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 1365-1370, Mar. 2017. |
24. | Kenji Ikeda : Convergence of an Estimation Method of kalman Gain by using Cholesky Factor, 第59回自動制御連合講演会, 455-458, Nov. 2016. |
25. | Kenji Ikeda : Consistent Estimate of Kalman Gain by using Cholesky Factor, 第60回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 1-4, May 2016. |
26. | Kenji Ikeda : Numerical Solution for a Consistent Estimate of kalman Gain, 第3回制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 403-408, Mar. 2016. |
27. | Kenji Ikeda : Consistent Estimate of Covariance Matrix of Innovations Process, 第58回自動制御連合講演会, 1-6, Nov. 2015. |
28. | Kenji Ikeda : Error Analysis of Subspace Identification Method in Closed Loop Environment, 第59回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 1-4, May 2015. |
29. | Kenji Ikeda : Error Analysis of PO-MOESP method in Closed Loop Environment, --- Analysis on the estimates of A and C matrices ---, The 2nd Multi-symposium on Control Systems, 55-60, Mar. 2015. |
30. | Kenji Ikeda : Error Analysis of PO-MOESP method in Closed Loop Environment, --- Analysis of the estimates of A and C matrices ---, 第2回制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 55-60, Mar. 2015. |
31. | Kenji Ikeda and HIroshi Oku : Error Analysis of B and D matrices in PO-MOESP Method, 第57回自動制御連合講演会, 1416-1419, Nov. 2014. |
32. | Kenji Ikeda : Comparison of Shift Invariance/State Approaches in Subspace Identification Methods, 第58回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 1-6, May 2014. |
33. | Kenji Ikeda : Error Analysis of PO-MOESP method, 第1回制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 1108-1113, Mar. 2014. |
34. | Kenji Ikeda : OE/ARMAX, 第56回自動制御連合講演会, 483-486, Nov. 2013. |
35. | 松村 剛, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Energy-recovery control of bipedal walking robot, 2013年度 計測自動制御学会四国支部学術講演会, 175-176, Nov. 2013. |
36. | 中野 秀信, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Stabilization of the bipedal walking robot using orthogonal function expansion, 2013年度 計測自動制御学会四国支部学術講演会, 123-124, Nov. 2013. |
37. | 加藤 渓祐, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Web アプリケーションのデバッグ・保守支援, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, Vol.17, No.5, 337, Sep. 2013. |
38. | Kenji Ikeda : Variance analysis of plant model using MOESP type methods, 第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, May 2013. |
39. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Linear Approximation Model for Bipeds Robot and its Application, SICE 13th Annual Conference on Control Systems, Mar. 2013. |
40. | Kenji Ikeda : Asymptotic Variance Analysis of Bias Compensated State Space Model Identification Method, 第55回自動制御連合講演会, 32-35, Nov. 2012. |
41. | 西村 拓也, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : サーバベースWeb アプリケーション回帰統合テスト支援方式, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, 327, Sep. 2012. |
42. | 木村 心, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Waiting ブロック・ツリー型デッドロックの検出, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, 290, Sep. 2012. |
43. | Takahiro Horibe, Yoshio Mogami, Kenji Ikeda, Norihiko Ono and Yasuyuki Ibaraki : Construction of Stock Trading Support System Using Neural Network, 第56回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 373-374, May 2012. |
44. | Kazuiro Koguro, Yoshio Mogami, Kenji Ikeda and Norihiko Ono : Forecasting System of Actual Temperature and Humidity Using Stochastic Real-Valued Unit, 第56回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 371-372, May 2012. |
45. | Yuta Kanzaki, Yoshio Mogami, Kenji Ikeda and Norihiko Ono : Autonomous Transfer System in Environment Which Have Irregular Moving Obstacles, 第56回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 173-174, May 2012. |
46. | Tomoaki Kaihara, Yoshio Mogami, Kenji Ikeda and Norihiko Ono : Autonomous Cooperation System of Mobile Objects Using Stochastic Real-Valued Unit, 第56回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 171-172, May 2012. |
47. | Kenji Ikeda and Hiroshi Oku : Asymptotic Properties of Bias Compensated State Space Model Identification Method in Closed Loop Environment, SICE 12th Annual Conference on Control Systems, Mar. 2012. |
48. | Kenji Takatori, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Development of a victim search system by using autonomous learning unit, 第20回計測自動制御学会中国支部学術講演会論文集, 230-231, Nov. 2011. |
49. | Yasuyuki Ibaraki, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda and Syunji Nozumi : ニューラルネットワークを用いた株価短期変動レンジ予測システムの構築, 2011年度計測自動制御学会四国支部学術講演会論文集, Nov. 2011. |
50. | Tomoaki Tamada, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda and Haruhiko Tomida : スイッチング非定常環境下での学習ユニットによる未知大域的最適解探索, 2011年度計測自動制御学会四国支部学術講演会論文集, Nov. 2011. |
51. | Kenji Ikeda : Variance Analysis of Bias Compensated State Space Model Identification Method, --- Case of 1st order system ---, 40th SICE Symposium on Control Theory, 153-158, Sep. 2011. |
52. | 石田 達大, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : An Approach to Design Pattern-Based Refactoring, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会, 278, Sep. 2011. |
53. | Ryuichi Yuasa, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda, Masahiro Miyamichi and Hiroki Uesugi : Construction of Autonomous Sailing System of Ship with SRV Learning Unit, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 455-456, May 2011. |
54. | Masaki Sugikawa, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda, Masahiro Miyamichi and Hiroki Uesugi : Forecasting System of Actual Sunshine Duration based on Weather Statistics Information, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 453-454, May 2011. |
55. | Yasuyuki Ibaraki, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda, Natsuki Oba and Syunji Nozumi : Short-term Change Prediction of Stock Prices by Using Neural Network, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 451-452, May 2011. |
56. | Tomoaki Tamada, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda, Hiroki Okada and Haruhiko Tomida : Global Optimal Solution Search under Unknown Switching Environment, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 403-404, May 2011. |
57. | Kenji Ikeda : Variance Analysis of Bias Compensated State Space Model Identification Method, SICE 11th Annual Conference on Control Systems, Mar. 2011. |
58. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-Compensated State Space Identification Method, --- A Numerical Analysis of the Gap between the Singular Subspaces ---, 第11回適応学習制御シンポジウム資料, 61-66, Jan. 2011. |
59. | Shunji Nozumi, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda and Natsuki Ooba : Stock buying and selling prediction using neural network and stock automatic buying and selling system, 2010年度計測自動制御学会四国支部学術講演会論文集, Nov. 2010. |
60. | Haruhiko Tomida, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda and Hiroki Okada : Construction of Stochastic Estimator-Type Hierarchical Structure Learning Algorithm and Its Preformance, 2010年度計測自動制御学会四国支部学術講演会論文集, Nov. 2010. |
61. | Kenji Takatori, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Construction of Autonomous Transfer System for Rescue by Plural Movement Bodies, 2010年度計測自動制御学会四国支部学術講演会論文集, Nov. 2010. |
62. | Hiroki Uesugi, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda and Masahiro Miyamichi : Property of Stochastic Real-Valued Unit in Noisy Environment, 2010年度計測自動制御学会四国支部学術講演会論文集, Nov. 2010. |
63. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Numerical Analysis of Bias Compensated State Space Model Identification, 第53回自動制御連合講演会論文集, 678-683, Nov. 2010. |
64. | Kenji Ikeda, Tomoaki Kashiwao and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of a Transition Time in Piecewise Linear Systems, 第10回計測自動制御学会制御部門大会資料, Mar. 2010. |
65. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-Compensated State Space Identification Method, 第10回適応学習制御シンポジウム資料, 91-94, Jan. 2010. |
66. | Tomoaki Kashiwao, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of the transition time of piecewise linear systems by using wavelet analysis, 第52回自動制御連合講演会講演論文集, Nov. 2009. |
67. | Natsuki Oba, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Prediction of Stock Prices Change by Neural Network, 第52回自動制御連合講演会講演論文集, Nov. 2009. |
68. | Ryo Nishitani, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Consturuction and verification of stock prices forecast system using neural networks, 第52回自動制御連合講演会講演論文集, Nov. 2009. |
69. | Hiroki Okada, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Norio Baba and Kenji Ikeda : Application of Continuous Action Learning Automata in Global Optimal Solution Search of Unknown Function, 第52回自動制御連合講演会講演論文集, Nov. 2009. |
70. | Masahiro Miyamichi, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Construction of Autonomous Transfer System by Plural Movement Bodies Using Stochastic Real-Valued Unit, 第52回自動制御連合講演会講演論文集, Nov. 2009. |
71. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : A parameter estimation method based on a reduced order plant model, 38th SICE Symposium on Control Theory, 1-4, Sep. 2009. |
72. | Natsuki Oba, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Change Prediction of Stock Prices by Using Neural Network, Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 631-632, May 2009. |
73. | Masahiro Miyamichi, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Intruder Capture System by Autonomous Transfer System Using Stochastic Real-Valued Unit, Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 497-498, May 2009. |
74. | Hiroki Okada, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Norio Baba and Kenji Ikeda : Global Optimal Solution Search of Unknown Function Using Continuous Action Learning Automata, Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 465-466, May 2009. |
75. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-compensated least squares method in closed loop environment, --- Identification under colored noise ---, Proceedings of SICE 9th Annual Conference on Control Systems, Mar. 2009. |
76. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-Time Model Estimation in Closed-Loop Environment, --- On the relaxation of the identifiability condition ---, 9th SICE Symposium on Adaptive and Learning Control, 1-4, Jan. 2009. |
77. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias Compensated Recursive Least Squares Estimate in Closed Loop Environment, 第51回自動制御連合講演会, 584-587, Nov. 2008. |
78. | 赤峰 利幸, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Autonomous Transfer System for Mobile Object Based on Stochastic Learning, 2008 SHIKOKU-SECTION JOINT CONVENTION RECORD OF THE INSTITUTES OF ELECTRICAL AND RELATED ENGINEERS, 321, Sep. 2008. |
79. | 高畠 真大, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Forecast System of Stock Prices by Nueral Networks, 2008 SHIKOKU-SECTION JOINT CONVENTION RECORD OF THE INSTITUTES OF ELECTRICAL AND RELATED ENGINEERS, 320, Sep. 2008. |
80. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias Compensated Recursive Least Squares Estimate in Closed Loop Environment, --- On the improvement of the convergency ---, 37th SICE Symposium on Control Theory, 105-110, Sep. 2008. |
81. | Yusuke Shimada, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Norio Baba and Kenji Ikeda : Construction of pursuit-type variable hierarchical structure learning algorithm and its performance, Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 567-568, May 2008. |
82. | Koichiro Murata, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Autonomous transfer system for mobile object using stochastic real-valued learning unit, Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 565-566, May 2008. |
83. | Mami Sawada, Kenji Ikeda, Takao Shimomura and Yoshio Mogami : Continuous-time model estimation in closed loop environment, --- Iterative algorithm by using bias-compensated least squares method ---, Proc. of the 52nd Annual Conference of ISCIE, 331-332, May 2008. |
84. | Ryo Nishitani, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono and Kenji Ikeda : Consturuction of stock prices forecast system by using neural networks, Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 507-508, May 2008. |
85. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-compensated Least Squares Method in Closed Loop Environment, --- Fast iterative algorithm ---, 第8回制御部門大会, Mar. 2008. |
86. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-Compensated Least Squares Method in Closed Loop Environment, --- A filter design with colored noise ---, 8, 57-60, Jan. 2008. |
87. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-compensated Least Squares Method in Closed Loop Environment, --- A formulation based on the transfer function representation ---, 第50回自動制御連合講演会, 320-323, Nov. 2007. |
88. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Bias-compensated Least Squares Method in Closed Loop Environment, 第36回制御理論シンポジウム資料, 143-146, Sep. 2007. |
89. | Mami Sawada, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time model estimation by using adaptive observer, --- Consistency of estimated parameters ---, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 235-236, May 2007. |
90. | Masayuki Imoto, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Norio Baba, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Search for Global Optimal Solution of The Unknown Function by Using Variable Hierarchical Structure Learning Automata, 講演論文集, 717-718, May 2007. |
91. | Toshiyuki Akamine, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Autonomous Transfer System for Mobile Object Using Stochastic Real-Valued Reinforcement Learning Unit, 講演論文集, 681-682, May 2007. |
92. | Masahiro Takahata, Yoshio Mogami, Norihiko Ono, Norio Baba, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Stock prices forecast system by using neural networks, 講演論文集, 637-638, May 2007. |
93. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time model estimation by using bias compensated adaptive observer, 第7回適応学習制御シンポジウム資料, 93-98, Jan. 2007. |
94. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time model estimation method by using adapitve observer, --- Iterative design of the state variable filters ---, 第49回自動制御連合講演会資料, Nov. 2006. |
95. | Makio Kinoshita, Yoshio Mogami, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : The area weather forecast system based on improvement-type reinforcement learning unit, 第49回自動制御連合講演会, Nov. 2006. |
96. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time model identification by using adaptive observer, --- Redesign of state variable filters ---, Proc. of SICE 6th Annual Conference on Control Systems, 25-28, May 2006. |
97. | Kazumasa Sakao, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Parameter estimation of a continuous-time nonlinear system by using unscented Kalman filter, 第50回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 291-292, May 2006. |
98. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time model identification by using adaptive observer, --- Estimation of the noise model ---, Proc. of 6th SICE Symposium on Adaptive and Learning Control, 31-34, Mar. 2006. |
99. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Stability analysis of continuous-time model identification method by using adaptive observer, 第48回自動制御連合講演会資料, 639-642, Nov. 2005. |
100. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time model identification by using adaptive observer, --- On the existence of an optimal solution ---, Proc. of the 34th SICE Symposium on Control Theory, 133-136, Oct. 2005. |
101. | Yoshio Mogami, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : Application of the variable hierarchical structure learning autmata to the search for global optimal solution of the unknown multimodal objective function, 平成17年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 305, Sep. 2005. |
102. | Yoshio Mogami, Yuki Miyaura, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : The area weather forecast system using reinforcement learning unit, 平成17年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 304, Sep. 2005. |
103. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : A design of state variable filters in continuous-time model identification, Proc. of SICE 5th Annual Conference on Control Systems, 49-52, May 2005. |
104. | Makio Kinoshita, Yoshio Mogami, Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : Regional rainfall forecast system based on reinforcement learning, 第49回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 291-292, May 2005. |
105. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-Time Model Identification By Using Adaptive Observer, --- Generalization of the State Variable Filters ---, 第47回自動制御連合講演会, Nov. 2004. |
106. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : A recursive algorithm of continuous-time model identification for MIMO systems, 33rd SICE Symposium on Control Theory, 229-232, Nov. 2004. |
107. | 坂尾 一将, Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Accuracy Improvement of Subspace Model Identification of Continuous Time System, 平成16年電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 80, Sep. 2004. |
108. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : Continuous-time model identification by using fast adaptive observer, 第4回制御部門大会資料, 231-236, May 2004. |
109. | Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, Yoshio Mogami, Norio Baba, Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : Search for Global Optimal Solution of The Unknown Function by Using Variable Hierarchical Structure Learning Automata, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 35-36, May 2004. |
110. | Yuuki Miyaura, Yoshio Mogami, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : The Area Weather Forecast System Using Reinforcement Learning Unit, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 461-462, May 2004. |
111. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : 適応観測器を用いた連続時間モデル同定, 第32回制御理論シンポジウム資料, 261-264, Nov. 2003. |
112. | Takao Shimomura, 高橋 宗雄, Kenji Ikeda and Yoshio Mogami : 動的テーブルによるWebアプリケーション自動合成, 第2回 情報科学技術フォーラム, 181-182, Sep. 2003. |
113. | Kenji Ikeda : サンプル値系の適応観測器, 第31回制御理論シンポジウム資料, 235-238, Oct. 2002. |
1. | MICHIRU Katayama, Kenji Ikeda and Tetsushi Ueta : Laminar stabilization control in chaos intermittency, IEICE Technical Report, Vol.NLP2023, No.28, 65-68, Jun. 2023. |
2. | Kenji Ikeda, Yoshio Mogami and Takao Shimomura : 適応観測器を用いた連続時間モデル同定における収束条件について, 第4回適応学習制御シンポジウム資料, 111-114, Mar. 2004. |
3. | Takao Shimomura, Muneo Takahashi, Kenji Ikeda and Yoshio Mogami : Web アプリケーションにおけるイメージ指向プログラミングの試み, 情報処理学会プログラミング研究会発表資料, 1-7, Jan. 2003. |