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Tokushima University ⟩ Technical Support Department ⟩ 常三島技術部門 ⟩ ものづくりグループ ⟩ | (Files for researchmap) [PDF manual] [Auto-propagate to researchmap] |
技術専門職員 : Iida, Hitoshi |
1. | Hideji TANAKA, Mima Takuto, Masaki Takeuchi and Hitoshi Iida : Amplitude Modulated multiplexed flow analysis, Talanta, Vol.77, No.2, 576-580, 2008. (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2008.03.016) |
2. | Kunichika Tsumoto, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hitoshi Iida, Hiroshi Kawakami and Kazuyuki Aihara : Bifurcations in a mathematical model for circadian oscillations of clock genes, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.239, No.1, 101-122, 2006. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2005.07.017, PubMed: 16143345) |
1. | Hitoshi Iida and Masaki Hashizume : An IC Card Reader for Recording Attendance with Student ID Cards, Journal of University Education Research, No.6, 70-74, 2009. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2001442, CiNii: 1050865122808162304) |
1. | Hideji TANAKA, Takuto Mima, Hitoshi Iida and Masaki Takeuchi : Application of Multiplex Controlled Flow Ratiometry for the Simultaneous Determination of Ferrous and Ferric Ions, International Symposium on Flow-Based Analysis Vll, Chiang Mai, Dec. 2007. |
2. | Kunichika Tsumoto, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hitoshi Iida, Hiroshi Kawakami and Kazuyuki Aihara : Bifurcation Analyses in a Circadian Oscillator Model of Clock Genes, Abstract book of International Workshop on Gene-Protein Dynamics of Circadian Clocks, 89-130, Tokyo, Sep. 2005. |
3. | Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Kunichika Tsumoto, Hitoshi Iida and Hiroshi Kawakami : Bifurcation in a circadian oscillator model, Abstracts of International Symposium on Dynamical Systems Theory and Its Applications to Biology and Environmental Sciences, 167, Shizuoka, Mar. 2004. |
1. | Yoshiaki Akaishi, Hitoshi Iida, Ken'ichi Fujimoto and Tetsuya Yoshinaga : Circuit Implementation of Block Continuous-Time Reconstruction System for Computed Tomography, Proceedings of the 26th Workshop on Circuits and Systems, 293-298, Jul. 2013. |
2. | Hideji TANAKA, Takuto Mima, Hitoshi Iida and Masaki Takeuchi : 多重制御流量比法のFe(II)およびFe(III)同時定量への応用, 第69回分析化学討論会, May 2008. |
3. | Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hitoshi Iida, Kunichika Tsumoto and Hiroshi Kawakami : Analysis of a circadian oscillator model based on clock gene rhythms, 電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 114-118, Sep. 2005. |
4. | Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Kunichika Tsumoto, Hitoshi Iida and Hiroshi Kawakami : サーカディアンリズムの結合振動子モデルと時計遺伝子モデルの分岐解析, Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol.42, No.2, 178, Nov. 2004. |
5. | Hitoshi Iida, Tetsuya Yoshinaga and Hiroshi Kawakami : サーカディアン振動子モデルにみられる矩形波外力への同期化現象, 電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集, A-2-18, Mar. 2004. |
6. | Hitoshi Iida, Hiroshi Kawakami, Tomohiro Kubo and Tetsuya Yoshinaga : 周期的矩形波列を注入した睡眠覚醒振動子モデルの分岐解析, Journal of Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Oct. 2003. |
1. | Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Yoshiaki Akaishi, Hitoshi Iida and Tetsuya Yoshinaga : Circuit Design and Implementation of Block Continuous-Time Image Reconstruction System for Computed Tomography, The Papers of Technical Meeting, IEE JAPAN, Vol.ECT-13, 69-74, Nov. 2013. |
2. | Hitoshi Iida, Tetsuya Yoshinaga and Hiroshi Kawakami : Analysis on sets of equal phase differences for synchronized rhythms in a circadian oscillator model, IEICE Technical Report, Vol.NLP2004-89, 5-8, Jan. 2005. |
3. | Hitoshi Iida, Tetsuya Yoshinaga and Hiroshi Kawakami : Bifurcations in a circadian oscillator model with periodic force, IEICE Technical Report, Vol.104, No.179, 33-36, Jul. 2004. |