Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social SciencesDivision of Science and TechnologyCivil and Environmental EngineeringDisaster Science and Mitigation
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Science and TechnologyCivil and Environmental EngineeringDisaster Science and Mitigation
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Advanced Technology and ScienceIntelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringGeotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Tokushima UniversityCenter for Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationScience and TechnologyCivil and Environmental EngineeringDisaster Science and Mitigation
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Field of Study

Architectural Planning and Design

Lecture (2024)

STEM Practice (Bachelor Course)
Exercise for Career Plan (Bachelor Course)
Practice on Civil Engineering Projects (Bachelor Course)
Practice on Civil Engineering Projects (Bachelor Course)
Introduction to Building Code (Bachelor Course)
Structural Design for Architecture (Bachelor Course)
Introduction to Building Code (Bachelor Course)
Drawing for Architecture 2 (Bachelor Course)
Architectural Planning Ⅰ (Bachelor Course)
Advanced Exercise on Architectural Planning and Design (Graduate School)
Advanced Architectural Planning and Design (Graduate School)
Design and Drawing for Architecture 1 (Bachelor Course)
Design and Drawing for Architecture 2 (Bachelor Course)
Advanced Architecture and Urban Planning (Graduate School)
Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum)
Civil and Environmental Engineering Design Exercise (Bachelor Course)
Basics of disaster prevention (Common Curriculum)

(Lectures are listed by lecturer for subjects registered in our student affair database system.)

Research Supervisory ( last 5 years )

31 students (bachelor), 21 students (master), 1 students (doctor)

(Number of students is based on supervisory teacher of students registered in our student affair database system. In the case that teacher is not chief supervisor, these number may not include the students even if they were actually supervised.)