Kido, Hiroshi (52.6%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
医学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Medicine |
Lecture: |
Pathology and Metabolome Research for Infectious Disease (Graduate School), Practice in Pathology and Metabolome Research for Infectious Disease (Graduate School), Enzyme Proteomics Medicine- Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
Sakaguchi, Suehiro (24.1%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(医学) |
Field of Study: |
Medicine |
Lecture: |
Proteomics in Medicine (Graduate School), Introduction to Proteomics (Graduate School), Advanced medical science (Bachelor Course), Applied Molecular Enzymology and Pathogenesis (Graduate School), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Systems Biology for Molecular Signaling (Graduate School), Practice on Systems Biology for Molecular Signaling (Graduate School), Basic methods in life sciences (Graduate School), Laboratory Training (Bachelor Course), Enzyme Proteomics Medicine- Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
Elucidation of the pathogenesis of prion disease (prion, prion disease, neurodegeneration, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, mad cow disease) |
(Hara, Hideyuki) (19.8%) / (Retired) [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(医学) |
Field of Study: |
Subject of Study: |
Takahashi, Etsuhisa (7.8%) / Designated Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(医学) |
Field of Study: |
Enzymology, Molecular Virology, Immunology |
Subject of Study: |
高病原性鳥インフルエンザウイルス活性化酵素のMSPL /TMPRSS13の機能解析., 抗インフルエンザ薬の服用で起こる再感染率増加について免疫機能解析., 経鼻接種インフルエンザワクチン開発. (膜結合型セリンプロテアーゼ, influenza, ワクチン) |
Yano, Masashi (3.4%) / Technician [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(医学) |
Field of Study: |
Subject of Study: |
(Nishimura, Masaji) (2.6%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
医学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Medicine |
Subject of Study: |
Kataoka, Kosuke (1.7%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
DDS, PhD |
Field of Study: |
Preventive Dentistry, Oral Health, 粘膜免疫, 粘膜免疫 |
Lecture: |
(基礎系)国家試験・CBT対策講義 (Bachelor Course), The principle of social work and social work-related profession (Bachelor Course), social work foundation and profession (specialty) (Bachelor Course), The theory and practice for social work (Bachelor Course), The theory and advanced practice for social work (Bachelor Course), ソーシャルワーク実習 (Bachelor Course), Social work training guidance (Bachelor Course), Social work exercises (Bachelor Course), Social work exercise (specialty) (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Graduate School), Preventive Dentistry Seminar (Graduate School), Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Sociodental Science) (Bachelor Course), Oral Hygiene and Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Preventive Dentistry (Bachelor Course), health care and welfare (Bachelor Course), child and family welfare (Bachelor Course), criminal justice and welfare (Bachelor Course), Graduation Thesis (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究(4年生) (Bachelor Course), Oral Cavity and Health (Common Curriculum), Introduction to Oral Health Promotion Studies (Graduate School), Advanced Lecture for Oral Health Science (Graduate School), The Clinical Associated Practice of Oral Health Sciences (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Oral health promotion, nutrition guidance and social service for the elderly (Graduate School), Special Practice for Oral Health Science and Social Welfare (Graduate School), Special Research for Oral Health Science and Social Welfare (Graduate School), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Oral Infectious Diseases (Graduate School), International Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Community welfare and comprehensive support system (Bachelor Course), Fundamental Nursing (Bachelor Course), Practical Training in Oral Medicine (Graduate School), Oral Health Care in Children (Graduate School), psychology (Bachelor Course), Laws that support advocacy (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Practice in Basic Sciences (Bachelor Course), Social Dentistry (Bachelor Course), social security (Bachelor Course), sociology (Bachelor Course), Outline of Social Welfare (Bachelor Course), social survey (Bachelor Course), welfare service organization and management (Bachelor Course), Experimental Practice on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Seminar on Interdisciplinary Health Care (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (Bachelor Course), Outline of medical science (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 5 (Bachelor Course), Hygiene and Public Health (Bachelor Course), Support plan to poverty (Bachelor Course), disability welfare (Bachelor Course), Experimental Training in Dentofacial Developmental Science and Social Dentistry (Graduate School), Lecture for Oral Functional Management for the Disabled or the Elderly (Graduate School), Welfare for the elderly (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
The development of novel mucosal adjuvants, The elucidation of oral bacteria colonization mechanism (Nasal vaccine, Dendritic cells, Salivary Secretory-IgA, Periodontal-pathogenic bacteria, Inhibition of colonization), (新規粘膜アジュバントの開発と機能解明), (新規粘膜アジュバントの開発と機能解明) |
Shimizu, Mayuko (0.9%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(栄養学), 博士(医学) |
Field of Study: |
Pathology, Allergology, Nutrition |
Lecture: |
Human Science (Pathology) (Graduate School), プレ配属演習 (Bachelor Course), 病理学(Ⅰ・Ⅱ) (Bachelor Course), 病理学実習 (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
NASH線維化の病態解明と治療法の確立 (NASHモデル, 肝線維化モデル, 高脂肪コレステロール食, macrophage), - (epicutaneous sensitization, food allergy, 甲殻類アレルギー, Tropmyosin, model animal of food allergy by epicutaneous sensitization, deep sea water, 職業性食物アレルギー), |
Tomioka, Yukiko (0.9%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
医学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Lecture: |
Medical psychology (Common Curriculum) |
Subject of Study: |
Tsuneyama, Koichi (0.9%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
医学博士 |
Field of Study: |
Pathology |
Lecture: |
オリエンテーション(1年) (Bachelor Course), Human Science (Pathology) (Graduate School), Advanced medical science (Bachelor Course), Research Training Program (Bachelor Course), Research Training Program (Bachelor Course), Human Pathology (Graduate School), Practice of Human Pathology (Graduate School), Basic Medical Science (Bachelor Course), Experimental Oncology (Graduate School), Practice for Experimental Oncology (Graduate School), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), 消化器コース (Bachelor Course), Biological Defense and Oncology - Practice of Experiment and Clinical Research (Graduate School), Basic methods in life sciences (Graduate School), 病理学(Ⅰ・Ⅱ) (Bachelor Course), Pathology Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Pathology I (Bachelor Course), 病理学Ⅰ実習 (Bachelor Course), Pathology Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Pathology II (Bachelor Course), 病理学Ⅱ実習 (Bachelor Course), 病理学実習 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory Training (Bachelor Course), Clinical Pathology (Bachelor Course), Clinical Pathology (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
肝臓病理学 |
Kosako, Hidetaka (0.9%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
Ph.D. |
Field of Study: |
Cell Biology, Biochemistry |
Lecture: |
Introduction to Proteomics (Graduate School), Advanced medical science (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Laboratory Training (Bachelor Course), Cell Signaling (Graduate School), Training of Cell Signaling (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
Phosphoproteome analysis of signal transduction pathways, 核膜孔複合体の翻訳後修飾による核—細胞質間物質輸送などの細胞機能の制御 |
(Ito, Hiro-O) (0.9%) / Professor Emeritus [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
DDS, PhD |
Field of Study: |
Preventive Dentistry |
Subject of Study: |
Systemic Infections Caused by Oral Indigenous Bacteria; Pathogenesis and Prevention, Search for Molecular Mimics That Inhibit Bacterial Adherence, Clinical Epidemiological Studies for Prevention and Treatment of Dental Diseases., Immune Network/Immunological Memory and Maternal Immunity/Mucosal Immunity |
Yamada, Hirotsugu (0.9%) / Designated Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(医学) |
Field of Study: |
Medicine |
Lecture: |
循環器コース(3年) (Bachelor Course), Internal Medicine 2 (Bachelor Course), Clinical medicine (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
Oto, Jun (0.9%) / Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(医学) |
Field of Study: |
麻酔·集中治療 |
Lecture: |
呼吸器コース(3年) (Bachelor Course), 循環器コース(3年) (Bachelor Course), Critical Care Medicine (Graduate School), Emergency and Critical Care Medicine (Bachelor Course), Emergency and Critical Care Medicine (Graduate School) |
Subject of Study: |
急性血液浄化,脳卒中患者におけるサイトカイン,ATP感受性Kチャネル (急性血液浄化, cytokine, K-ATPチャネル) |
Fukui, Makoto (0.9%) / Associate Professor [Detail] |
Academic Degree: |
博士(歯学) |
Field of Study: |
Preventive Dentistry |
Lecture: |
Oral Health Promotion (Bachelor Course), Graduation Thesis (Bachelor Course), 卒業研究(4年生) (Bachelor Course), Practice of Preventive Oral Science (Graduate School), Oral Function Management (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Oral Health Promotion Studies (Graduate School), Training of Oral Health Education and Research (Graduate School), Research Thesis of Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Basic Practice of Oral Health Science (Bachelor Course), Special Practice for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Special Research for Hygiene and Oral Health Science (Graduate School), Clinical training for dental hygienists (Bachelor Course), 口腔保健衛生学臨床実習 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Oral Health Care (Graduate School), Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice of Preventive Oral Health Care Science (Bachelor Course), Oral Health (Bachelor Course), Early Clinical Training (Bachelor Course), Nutrition Education 1 (Bachelor Course), Dentistry Clinical Seminar (Bachelor Course), Outline of Dental Hygienist (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅰ (Bachelor Course), Basic Practice for Dental Assisting Techniques and PreventiveOralHealthCareScience Ⅱ (Bachelor Course), Statistics for Oral Health (Bachelor Course), social survey (Bachelor Course), Overview Dentistry 5 (Bachelor Course), Clinical Practice Training (Bachelor Course), 臨床実習(5年) (Bachelor Course), Hygiene and Public Health (Bachelor Course), Public Health Administration (Bachelor Course) |
Subject of Study: |
歯周病原性細菌の病原因子および歯周病患者由来唾液中分泌型IgAに関する研究 (歯周病原性, 病原因子, 唾液分泌型IgA) |