Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social SciencesDivision of Science and TechnologyComputer ScienceIntelligent Systems
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Science and Technology知能情報コースIntelligent Systems
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Advanced Technology and ScienceSystems Innovation EngineeringInformation Science and Intelligent SystemsIntelligent Systems
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Field of Study


Subject of Study

Research on intention recognition based on human behavior analysis (evolutionary image processing, medical imaging)

Book / Paper

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Electroencephalogram Analysis Method to Detect Unspoken Answers to Questions Using Multistage Neural Networks,
IEEE Access, Vol.11, 137151-137162, 2023.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2011586,   DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3339665)
2. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Human-Wants Detection Based on Electroencephalogram Analysis During Exposure to Music,
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.32, No.4, 724-730, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2009008,   DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2020.p0724)
3. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Individual Differences in Brain Activities When Human Wishes to Listen to Music Continuously Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy,
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol.29, No.6, 807-813, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007754,   Elsevier: Scopus)
4. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Japanese sign language classification based on gathered images and neural networks,
International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics, Vol.5, No.3, 243-255, 2019.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2007089,   DOI: 10.26555/ijain.v5i3.406,   Elsevier: Scopus)
5. Shun Yamamoto, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Verification of the Usefulness of Personal Authentication with Aerial Input Numerals Using Leap Motion,
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, Vol.4, No.5, 369-374, 2019.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006909,   DOI: 10.25046/aj040548,   Elsevier: Scopus)
6. Shin-ichi Ito, Koyuki Orihashi, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Gathered Images Analysis Method to Evaluate Sound Sleep,
Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Vol.7, No.1, 16-24, 2019.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006157,   DOI: 10.12792/JIIAE.7.16)
7. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
An Electroencephalogram Analysis Method to Detect Preference Patterns Using Gray Association Degrees and Support Vector Machines,
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, Vol.3, No.5, 105-108, 2018.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2005492,   DOI: 10.25046/aj030514,   Elsevier: Scopus)
8. Higasa Takashi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Specification Method of Character String Region in Augmented Reality,
Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Vol.6, No.2, 73-79, 2018.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2005501,   DOI: 10.12792/jiiae.6.73)
9. Kazuhito Sato, Masafumi Sawataishi, Hirokazu Madokoro, Momoyo Ito and Sakura Kadowaki :
Modeling of Drivers Distraction State based on Body Information Analysis,
International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, Vol.10, No.1 & 2, 42-53, 2018.
10. Daiki Hiraoka, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Japanese Janken Recognition by Support Vector Machine Based on Electromyogram of Wrist,
ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology, Vol.11, No.2, 154-162, 2017.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006595)
11. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Consideration for Electroencephalogram Analysis using Self-Organizing Map Based on Learning Algorithm for Plural-Attribue Information,
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.137, No.2, 302-309, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.137.302,   CiNii: 1390001204607067392,   Elsevier: Scopus)
12. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi :
Method to Classify Matching Patterns between Music and Humans Mood Using EEG Analysis Technique Considering Personality,
The Online Journal on Computer Science and Information Technology, OJCSIT, Vol.5, No.3, 341-345, 2015.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2005554)
13. Peng Zhang, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Development of Eye Mouse Using EOG signals and Learning Vector Quantization Method,
Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Vol.3, No.2, 52-58, 2015.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006596,   DOI: 10.12792/JIIAE.3.52,   CiNii: 1050302172853026560)
14. Takako Ikuno, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Lost Property Detection by Template Matching using Genetic Algorithm and Random Search,
Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Vol.3, No.2, 59-64, 2015.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006597,   DOI: 10.12792/JIIAE.3.59)
15. Kazuhito Sato, Sakura Kadowaki, Hirokazu Madokoro, Momoyo Ito and Atsushi Inugami :
Unsupervised Segmentation of MR Images for Brain Dock Examinations,
International Journal of Health Science, Vol.4, No.5, 113-129, 2014.
(DOI: 10.5923/
16. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Katsuya SATO, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi :
Preference Analysis Method Applying Relationship between Electroencephalogram Activities and Egogram in Prefrontal Cortex Activities, --- How to collaborate between engineering techniques and psychology ---,
International Journal of Advances in Psychology, Vol.3, No.3, 86-93, 2014.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006384,   DOI: 10.14355/ijap.2014.0303.03)
17. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Katsuya SATO, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi :
Preference Classification Method Using EEG Analysis Based on Gray Theory and Personality Analysis,
The Online Journal on Computer Science and Information Technology, OJCSIT, Vol.4, No.3, 276-280, 2014.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2005552)
18. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
A Study of Safety Driving Support System focusing on Driver's Head Posture Categorization,
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol.2, No.9, 2702-2711, 2013.
19. Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Nonlinear Learning Algorithm for Large Scale Datasets,
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, Vol.2, No.7, 407-412, 2013.
20. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Novel Approximate Statistical Algorithm for Large Complex Datasets,
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol.2, No.5, 720-724, 2012.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006598,   DOI: 10.7763/IJMLC.2012.V2.222)
21. Koji Kashihara, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Automatic system to remove unpleasant images detected by pupil-size changes.,
International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.9, No.1, 68-73, 2012.
(CiNii: 1010282257108503681)
22. Momoyo Ito, Nishida Makoto and Namura Ikuro :
Extraction Method of Brain Regions Using Balloon models for Diagnosis Support of Alzheimer-Type Dementia,
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.129, No.7, 1435-1443, 2009.
(DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.129.1435,   CiNii: 1390282679581324288)
23. Momoyo Ito, Odashima Natsuko, Nishida Makoto, Namura Ikuro and Kageyama Yoichi :
A Basic Study on Selection of Main Image for MR Brain Image Set for Supporting Medical Specialists,
Journal of the Society od Materials Engineering for Resource of Japan, Vol.20, No.2, 23-28, 2007.
(CiNii: 1523669554907815936)

Proceeding of International Conference:

1. MIYAKE Ryota, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Consideration on Understanding of a Learning Based on EEG and ECG analysis Using Artificial Intelligence Models,
Proc. of The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Cybernetics Technology & Applications 2024 (ICICyTA 2024), 1-6, Dec. 2024.
2. HOSONO Kotaro, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Segmentation and Recognition of Aerial Handwritten Hiragana,
Proc. of The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Cybernetics Technology & Applications 2024 (ICICyTA 2024), 1-6, Dec. 2024.
3. NAKAGAWA Toma, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Detection of muscle synergy by wrist electromyogram,
Proc. of The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Cybernetics Technology & Applications 2024 (ICICyTA 2024), 1-6, Dec. 2024.
4. Momoyo Ito, Daiki Fujiwara, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Fundamental Study on the Influence of Driver Distraction Level on Face Orientation Change at Intersections,
Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward zero traffic accidents, Thu-PM1-B-5, Kanazawa, Nov. 2023.
5. Hideyuki Mimura, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal Authentication and Recognition of Aerial Input Hiragana Using Deep Neural Network,
Proceedings Volume 11794, Fifteenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, 1-7, Tokushima (Running Virtually), May 2021.
(DOI: 10.1117/12.2585333,   Elsevier: Scopus)
6. Eisuke Yamamoto, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Separation of Compound Actions with Wrist and Finger Based on EMG,
Proc. SPIE 11794, Fifteenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, 1-7, Tokushima (Running Virtually), May 2021.
(DOI: 10.1117/12.2585334,   Elsevier: Scopus)
7. Tsubasa Fukui, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Motion Identification of fingerspelling by Wrist EMG Analysis,
Proc. 2020 IEEE SYMPOSIUM SERIES ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, 1739-1744, Running Virtually, Dec. 2020.
(DOI: 10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308269,   Elsevier: Scopus)
8. Kazuki Nagatomo, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Finger Motion Identification Based on Wrist EMG Analysis Using Machine Learning,
Proc. of International Conference on System Science and Engineering 2020, 522-523, Sep. 2020.
9. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Japanese Sign Language Classification Using Gathered Images and Convolutional Neural Networks,
Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech), 349-350, Kyoto, Mar. 2020.
(DOI: 10.1109/LifeTech48969.2020.1570618953)
10. CHUNYU GUO, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal Authentication by Walking Motion using Kinect,
Proc. of ISPACS 2019, 1-2, Taipei, Dec. 2019.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
11. Shan Xiao, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Study on Discrimination of Finger Motions based on EMG signals,
Proc. of ISPACS 2019, 1-2, Taipei, Dec. 2019.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
12. Kazuki Shimamoto, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Nail Image Analysis Method to Evaluate Accumulated Stress Using Fuzzy Reasoning,
Proc. of ISPACS 2019, 1-2, Taipei, Dec. 2019.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
13. Yurika Fujii, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Detection of Dangerous Objects By Pan-tilt Camera,
Proc. of ISPACS 2019, 1-2, Taipei, Dec. 2019.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
14. Misato Matsushita, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Verication of Regression Analysis of Muscle Fatigue Using Wrist EMG,
Proc. of ISPACS 2019, 1-2, Taipei, Dec. 2019.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
15. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi :
Electroencephalogram Data for Classifying Answers to Questions with Neural Networks and Support Vector MachineNetworks,
Proceedings of International Conference on Electronics and Signal Processing, ICESP2019, Hong Kong, Aug. 2019.
16. Kohei Sasada, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Proposal of Japanese Sign Language Motion Recognition Method using Leap Motion,
Proc. of ICEAS 2019, 74-84, Honolulu, Aug. 2019.
17. Kenta Matsumura, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Driver State Estimation Based on Visual and Heart Rate Statistical Features,
Proc. of ICEAS 2019, 62-73, Honolulu, Aug. 2019.
18. Ryosuke Saitoh, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Construction of Japanese Vowel Identification System Using Lips EMG,
Proc. of ICEAS 2019, 41-49, Honolulu, Aug. 2019.
19. Shun Yamamoto, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
An authentication system for aerial input numerals using Leap motion and CNN,
Proc. of ICEAS 2019, 29-40, Honolulu, Aug. 2019.
20. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method of Classifying Japanese Sign Language using Gathered Image Generation and Convolutional Neural Networks,
Proceedings of International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, PICom2019, 868-871, Fukuoka, Aug. 2019.
(DOI: 10.1109/DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech.2019.00157,   Elsevier: Scopus)
21. Yurika Fujii, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Detection of Dangerous Objects By Pan-tilt Camera,
Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Electronics and Software Science ICESS2019, Japan, 2019, 61-70, Takamatsu, Aug. 2019.
22. Misato Matsushita, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Multiclass Classification and Regression Analysis of Muscle Fatigue Using Wrist EMG,
Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Electronics and Software Science ICESS2019, Japan, 2019, 90-95, Takamatsu, Aug. 2019.
23. Kazuki Shimamoto, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Evaluate Accumulated Stress Using Nail Image,
Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Electronics and Software Science ICESS2019, Japan, 2019, Takamatsu, Aug. 2019.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2006748,   CiNii: 1050583647829633920)
24. Kazuki Shimamoto, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Extract Change of Lunula of the Nail,
Proc. of SAMCON 2019, TT9-2-1-TT9-2-4, Chiba, Mar. 2019.
25. Hisaki Omae, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Detect Presence or Absence of Learning Understanding Using Center Cumulative Frequency Comparison Method and Multistage ICA,
Proc. of SAMCON 2019, TT9-4-1-TT9-4-4, Chiba, Mar. 2019.
26. Mana Sasaoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Estimate Pressing Positions of Guitar String for Guitar Solo Skill Acquisition,
Proc. of SAMCON 2019, Chiba, Mar. 2019.
27. Shun Yamamoto, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Recognition of Aerial Input Numerals by Leap Motion and CNN,
Proc. of 2018 SCIS&ISIS, 1189-1192, Toyama, Dec. 2018.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
28. Ryohei Shioji, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal Authentication and Hand Motion Recognition Based on Wrist EMG Analysis by a Convolutional Neural Network,
Proceedings of 2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 1184-1188, Toyama, Dec. 2018.
(DOI: 10.1109/IOTAIS.2018.8600826,   Elsevier: Scopus)
29. Ryohei Shioji, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal Authentication and Hand Motion Recognition Based on Wrist EMG Analysis by a wide Residual Network,
Proc. of 2018 Annual Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, 38-48, Osaka, Nov. 2018.
30. Shion Morikawa, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal Authentication by Lips EMG Using Dry Electrode andCNN,
Proc. of 2018 International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IOTAIS), 180-183, Denpasar, Nov. 2018.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
31. Shun Yamamoto, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Authentication of Aerial Input Numerals by Leap Motion and CNN,
Proc. of 2018 International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IOTAIS), 189-193, Denpasar, Nov. 2018.
(DOI: 10.1109/IOTAIS.2018.8600847,   Elsevier: Scopus)
32. Ryohei Shioji, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal Authentication and Hand Motion Recognition Based on Wrist EMG Analysis by a Convolutional Neural Network,
Proc. of 2018 International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IOTAIS), 184-188, Denpasar, Nov. 2018.
(DOI: 10.1109/IOTAIS.2018.8600826,   Elsevier: Scopus)
33. Kazuki Shimamoto, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Extract a Nail Half Moon for Accumulation Stress Evaluation,
Proceedings of the 6th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2018, 289-292, Matsue, Sep. 2018.
(DOI: 10.12792/icisip2018.054)
34. Hisaki Omae, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Check whether Human Understands Contents of Learning Using Electroencephalogram,
Proceedings of the 6th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2018, 283-288, Matsue, Sep. 2018.
35. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi :
An Electroencephalogram Analysis Method to Classify Answers of Questions Using Deep Neural Networks,
International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science, 16, Toronto, Aug. 2018.
36. Kamat Rahayu Seri, Ani Firdaus Mohamad, Hadi Aisyah Abd Nur, Rayme Syafiqah Nur, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Redesign the Material Handling System by Using Ergonomic Approaches to Reduce Back Pain Risk,
International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research 2018, 1-11, Kuching, Malaysia, Mar. 2018.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
37. Kamat Rahayu Seri, Ani Firdaus Mohamad, Ghazali Athira, Shamsudin Syamami, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Mathematical Modelling of Biomechanics Factors for Push Activities in Manufacturing Industry,
Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatornics 2018, 3-14, Pekan, Malaysia, Jan. 2018.
(DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-8788-2_1,   Elsevier: Scopus)
38. Ani Firdaus Mohamad, Kamat Rahayu Seri, Minoru Fukumi, Momoyo Ito, Minhat Mohamad and Rayme Syafiqah Nur :
Development of Ergonomic Vehicle Model and Decision Support for Driving Fatigue,
Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatornics 2018, 355-369, Pekan, Malaysia, Jan. 2018.
(DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-8788-2_31,   Elsevier: Scopus)
39. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
An Electroencephalogram Analysis Method to Detect Preference Using Gray Association Degree,
The proceedings of International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication 2018, 304-305, Honolulu, Jan. 2018.
(DOI: 10.23919/ELINFOCOM.2018.8330622,   Elsevier: Scopus)
40. Takashi Higasa, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Specify a Region of Character String in Augmented Reality,
Proc. of the 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017, 25-30, Honolulu, Sep. 2017.
41. Kohei Nakanishi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Biometrics Authentication of Aerial Handwritten Signature Using a Convolutional Neural Network,
Proc. of the 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017, 19-24, Honolulu, Sep. 2017.
42. Ryohei Shioji, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal Authentication Based on Wrist EMG Analysis by a Convolutional Neural Network,
Proc. of the 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017, 12-18, Honolulu, Sep. 2017.
43. Ryousuke Takabatake, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Japanese Vowels Recognition Using Linear Discriminant Analysis and Surface Electromyogram Measured with Bipolar Dry Type Sensors,
Proc. of the 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017, 5-11, Honolulu, Sep. 2017.
44. Ryohei Shioji, Daiki Hiraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal Authentication Based on Wrist EMG Analysis by a Convolutional Neural Network,
Proceeding of International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sciences (ICAT'Rome), 335-340, Rome, Nov. 2016.
45. Kohei Nakanishi, Daiki HIraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Biometric Authentication of Aerial Handwritten Signature Using a Convolutional Neural Network,
Proceeding of International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sciences (ICAT'Rome), 329-334, Rome, Nov. 2016.
46. Daiki Hiraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Japanese Janken Recognition Based on Wrist EMG Analysis by CNN and SVM,
Proceeding of International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sciences (ICAT'Rome), 323-328, Rome, Nov. 2016.
47. Taiki Nonoguchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Detect and Track Mosquitoes Using Orientation Code Matching and Particle Filter,
Proceeding of the 2016 International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ID90204-1-6, Naha, Jul. 2016.
48. Shunsuke Takata, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Basic Study for Driver State Estimation Based on Time Series Data Analysis,
Proceeding of the 2016 International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ID90096-1-6, Naha, Jul. 2016.
49. Ryosuke Takabatake, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Vowel sound recognition using electromyogram with dry sensors,
Proceeding of the 2016 International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ID90049-1-5, Naha, Jul. 2016.
50. Takuma Ogawa, Daiki Hiraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Improvement in Detection of Abandoned Object by Pan-tilt Camera,
Proceeding of the 2016 8th International COnference on Knowlodge and Smart Technology, 152-157, Chiang Mai, Feb. 2016.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
51. Daiki Hiraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Japanese Janken Recognition by Support Vector Machine Based on Electromyogram of Wrist,
Proceeding of the 2016 8th International COnference on Knowlodge and Smart Technology, 114-119, Chiang Mai, Feb. 2016.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
52. Shu Tamura, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Method to Evaluate Similarity of Music by Music Features,
42st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), 2574-2577, Yokohama, Nov. 2015.
(DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2015.7392490,   Elsevier: Scopus)
53. Kazuhito Sato, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki :
Facial Part Effects Analysis using Emotion-evoking Videos: Smile Expression,
Proceedings of The Tenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, 30-39, St. Julians, Malta, Oct. 2015.
54. Daiki Hiraoka, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Hand Motion Discrimination by Support Vector Machine Based on Electromyography of Wrist,
Proceeding of the 2015 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, 358-366, Sapporo, Jul. 2015.
55. Takahide Funabashi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
On-line Recognition of Finger Motions Using Wrist EMG and Simple-PCA,
Proc. of Asian Control Conference 2015 (ASCC'2015),, 2182-2186, Kota Kinabalu, Jun. 2015.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
56. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Method to Detect Impression Evaluation Patterns on Music Listened to Using EEG Analysis Technique,
The 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2015), 1848-1853, Kota Kinabalu, May 2015.
(DOI: 10.1109/ASCC.2015.7244660,   Elsevier: Scopus)
57. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Feeling Evaluation Detection for Auto-skip Music using EEG Analysis Technique,
International workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2015), Vol.IS3-2-3, 1-4, Nagoya, Mar. 2015.
58. Nao Tsuzuki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Detect Uncomfortable Feeling of Listeners by Biological Information,
Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), 481-484, Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2015.
59. Takuma Ogawa, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Detection of Abandoned Object by Pan-Tilt Camera,
Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), 278-281, Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2015.
60. Koji Miyai, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Fundamental study for driving scene classification using Bag of Keypoints,
Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), 342-345, Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2015.
61. Taito Mori, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Analysis of Driver's Eye-gaze Movements at Near-miss Events,
Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), 330-333, Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2015.
62. Takako Ikuno, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Object Search by Template Matching using Genetic Algorithm and Random Search,
Proceeding of the 2015 Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) and the International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA), No.OS.25, 1-4, Tainan, Jan. 2015.
63. Takako Ikuno, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Lost Property Detection by Genetic Algorithm with Local Search,
Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2014, 245-249, Kitakyushu, Sep. 2014.
64. Zhang Peng, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Development of EOG Mouse Using Learning Vector Quantization,
Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2014, 38-43, Kitakyushu, Sep. 2014.
65. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
Driver Body Information Analysis with Near-miss Events,
Proceedings of AMBIENT 2014: The Fourth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, 43-46, Rome, Aug. 2014.
66. Akiko Sugiyama, Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Analysis of Driving Behavior Caused by Hiyari-Hatto Event Focusing on Head Motion,
Proceeding of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, 705-708, Honolulu, Mar. 2014.
67. Tomoaki Chika, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal authentication system by using Kinect,
Proceeding of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, 289-292, Honolulu, Mar. 2014.
68. Daiki Konishi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Comparison of Poolong Methods in a Deep Neural Network,
Proceeding of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, 285-288, Honolulu, Mar. 2014.
69. Takahiro Horiuchi, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Creation of a Panoramic Image by Genetic Algorithm,
Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on System, Process, and Control, 113-116, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2013.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
70. Zhang Peng, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Implementation of EOG Mouse Using Learning Vector Quantization and EOG-feature Based Methods,
Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on System, Process, and Control, 98-102, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2013.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
71. Takako Ikuno, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Abandoned Object Detection by Genetic Algorithm with Local Search,
Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on System, Process, and Control, 113-116, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2013.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
72. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
Classification of Driver's Head Posture by using Unsupervised Neural Networks,
Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, 50-57, Porto, Oct. 2013.
73. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
Analysis of Safety Verification Behavior and Classification of Drivers Head Posture,
Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 884-889, Takamatsu, Aug. 2013.
(DOI: 10.1109/ICMA.2013.6618032,   Elsevier: Scopus)
74. Takako Ikuno, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Abandoned Object Detection by Genetic Algorithm with Local Search,
Proceeding of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'13, 261-264, Kona, Mar. 2013.
75. Takashi Fujishima, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method for Detecting Signs of Train Sickness on Tilting Train,
Proceeding of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'13, 341-344, Kona, Mar. 2013.
76. Takashi Hamano, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Detection of Abandoned Objects Based on Spatiotemporal Features from Public Stationary Camera,
Proceeding of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'13, 257-260, Kona, Mar. 2013.
77. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhiro Sato, Koichiro Mori and Minoru Fukumi :
A Basic Study for Quantification of Driving Behaviors and Estimation of Driving Psychology,
Proceeding of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'13, 21-24, Kona, Mar. 2013.
78. Peng Zhang, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Recognition of Eye Motions Using EOG and Statistic Learning,
Proceeding of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'13, 29-32, Kona, Mar. 2013.
79. Tomo Uchiyama, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Database Optimization Technique for Ethical Pharmaceutical Searching System,
Proceeding of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'13, 145-148, Kona, Mar. 2013.
80. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Nonlinear Eigenspace Models Based on Fast Statistical Learning Algorithm,
Proceedings of IASTED International conference on Software Engineering and Applications, 274-278, Las Vegas, Nov. 2012.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
81. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
Optimization of Categorizing Driver's Head Motionfor Driving Assistance Systems,
Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2012 Final Program and Papers, 471-474, Akita, Aug. 2012.
82. Yoshimi Miki, Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Decision of Two Alternatives by EEG using Genetic Algorithm,
Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (CD-R), D-T3-05, Sapporo, Jul. 2012.
83. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
Classification of Head Motions for Estimation of Driver's Internal States,
Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (CD-R), D-T3-01, Sapporo, Jul. 2012.
84. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Kernel Discriminant Analysis Based on Iterative Calculations,
Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (CD-R), E-T1-04, Sapporo, Jul. 2012.
85. Ryo Yoshioka, Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Object Search Using a Rough Sketch,
Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (CD-R), E-T1-02, Sapporo, Jul. 2012.
86. Fumitoshi Taoka, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Detection of Abandoned Objects in Public Facilities,
Proceeding of 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'12, 619-622, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
87. Kazuya Yaegashi, Momoyo Ito, Koichiro Mori, Kazuhito Sato, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Fundamental Study on EEG Analysis for Safety Driving Support System,
Proceeding of 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'12, 587-590, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
88. Takahide Funabashi, Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Recognition of FingerMotion by Wrist EMG,
Proceeding of 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'12, 433-436, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
89. Yuki Ikami, Koji Kashihara, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Visual Illusion of Depth Percception during Car Driving,
Proceeding of 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'12, 293-296, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
90. Yusuke Yamamura, Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Classification of Motions by EMG of Ankle,
Proceeding of 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'12, 285-288, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
91. Natsumi Ohtani, Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Speech Recognition of Whisper Voice Based on EMG Signals,
Proceeding of 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'12, 281-284, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
92. Kentaro Mori, Satoru Tsuge, Shingo Kuroiwa, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Acoustic Model Selection Method for Speaker Dependent Speech Recognition,
Proceeding of 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'12, 158-161, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
93. Den Nagarekawa, Koji Kashihara, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Cloth Simulation System to Select the Right SIze,
Proceeding of 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'12, 49-51, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
94. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
A Novel Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis by Iterative Operations,
Proceeding of 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing NCSP'12, 104-107, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
95. Koji Kashihara, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Estimation of venous shapes acquired from CMOS camera images.,
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2012), 47-52, Kawasaki, Feb. 2012.
96. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Minoru Fukumi and Ikuro Namura :
Brain Tissues Segmentation for Diagnosis of Alzheimer-Type Dementia,
Proceedings on IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, 3847-3849, Valencia, Oct. 2011.
(DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2011.6153731,   Elsevier: Scopus)
97. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Hirokazu Madokoro, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Basic Studies for Estimation of Driver's Internal States Using Head Positions,
Proceedings on 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences In Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL), Barcelona, Oct. 2011.
98. Koji Kashihara, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Development of automatic filtering system for individually unpleasant data detected by pupil-size change.,
Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 3311-3316, Anchorage, Oct. 2011.
(DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6084180,   Elsevier: Scopus)
99. Koji Kashihara, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
An analytical method for face detection based on image patterns of EEG signals in the time-frequency domain.,
Workshop on Brain-Machine Interfaces, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 25-29, Oct. 2011.
(DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6083637,   Elsevier: Scopus)
100. Koichirou Mori, Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Analysis of Relationship between Head Motion Information and Driving Scene for Dangerous Driving Forecast,
Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2011, 2705-2709, Tokyo, Sep. 2011.
101. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Supervised Iterative Learning Algorithm for Eigenspace Models,
Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2011, 2361-2365, Tokyo, Sep. 2011.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
102. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Novel Supervised Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Iterative Calculations,
Proc. of The IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI2011), 304-308, Las Vegas, Aug. 2011.
(DOI: 10.1109/IRI.2011.6009564,   Elsevier: Scopus)
103. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
Supervised Feature Extraction Algorithm by Iterative Calculations,
Proc. of The 2nd Conference on Next Generation Information Technology (ICNIT2011), 46-49, Gyounju, Jun. 2011.
104. Masato Miyoshi, Satoru Tsuge, Tadahiro Oyama, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Feature Selection Method for Music Mood Score Detection,
Proc. of ICMSAO'2011, 713-718, Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 2011.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
105. Takuya Shiraishi, Atsushi Ishitani, Momoyo Ito, Stephen Githinji Karungaru and Minoru Fukumi :
Operation Improvement of Indoor Robot by Gesture Recognition,
Proc. of ICMSAO'2011, 572-575, Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 2011.
(Elsevier: Scopus)
106. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Novel Approximate Stastical Learning Algorithm for Large Complex Datasets,
Proc. of ICMLC'2011, Vol.3, 236-239, Singapore, Feb. 2011.
107. Atsushi Ishitani, Takuya Shiraishi, Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Simple Interface for Mobile Robot Using Motion Stereo Vision,
Proc. of ICMLC'2011, Vol.2, 174-178, Singapore, Feb. 2011.
108. Hitoshi Takano, Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Stop Sign Recognition from Drive Scenes,
Proc. of ICMLC'2011, Vol.1, 549-552, Singapore, Feb. 2011.
109. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Ikuro Namura and Minoru Fukumi :
Extraction of Brain Regions for Image Diagnosis of Alzheimer-type Dementia Based on Atrophy Progress Speeds,
Conference Record of 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, M19-375, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, Nov. 2010.
(DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5874476,   Elsevier: Scopus)
110. Kazuhito Sato, Sakura Kadowaki, Hirokazu Madokoro, Momoyo Ito and Atsushi Inugami :
Unsupervised Segmentation of MR Images for Brain Dock Examinations,
Conference Record of 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, M09-421, 2370-2371, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, Nov. 2010.
(DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5874210,   Elsevier: Scopus)
111. Masahito Miyoshi, Hillary Kipsang Choge, Satoru Tsuge, Tadahiro Oyama, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Music Impression Detection Method for User Independent Music Retrieval System,
Proc. of KES'2010, 612-621, Wales (U.K.), Sep. 2010.
112. Momoyo Ito, Makoto Nishida and Ikuro Namura :
Extraction Method of Brain Regions with Balloon models for Imaging Diagnosis Support of Alzheimer-Type Dementia,
The 6th Inter. Conf. on Materials Engineering for Resources, 324-327, Oct. 2009.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Yuto Fukumoto, Minoru Fukumi, Shin-ichi Ito and Momoyo Ito :
Image Inpaintingを用いた商品包装における不良品検出のための前処理手法,
Proceedings of 2024 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, OS4-2-6, Sep. 2024.
2. Shohei Takata, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Proceedings of 2024 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, OS4-2-4, Sep. 2024.
3. Kazuki Yoshinaga, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Proceedings of 2024 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, OS4-2-5, Sep. 2024.
4. Takumi Iwasaki, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Analysis of Movement During Conversations Using Skeletal Information to improve avatar friendliness,
Proceedings of 2023 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, 978-982, Sep. 2023.
5. Naohiro Okubo, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Proceedings of 2023 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, 1567-1570, Sep. 2023.
6. Tohma Nakagawa, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Effective Feature Selection in Behavior Identification by EMG,
Proceedings of 2023 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, 1000-1002, Sep. 2023.
7. Ryota Miyake, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Estimate Presence or Absence of Learning Understanding Based on Analysis of EEG and HRV,
Proceedings of 2023 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, 983-987, Sep. 2023.
8. Daiki Fujiwara, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Modeling of Safety Confirnmation Behavior at Intersections and Identifying Distracted State using Time Series Data Learning Methods,
Proceedings of 2023 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, 1017-1022, Sep. 2023.
9. Kazuki Yoshinaga, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Identification of Learning Progress Based on Skeletal Information for Seated Learners,
Proceedings of 2023 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, 1011-1016, Sep. 2023.
10. Ryo Otsuki, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Recognition of Kanji Characters by Aerial Input Using LeapMotion and Personal Authentication,
Proceedings of 2023 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEE of Japan, 1003-1006, Sep. 2023.
11. Katsumasa Nitta, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Estimation of Mood Change using Smartwatch for Depressive State Detection,
情報処理学会第85回全国大会講演論文集, 4-223-4-224, Mar. 2023.
12. MANA Tahora, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Japanese Sign Language Identification Using Deep Learning with Leap Motion,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 1165-1169, Sep. 2022.
13. 𠮷川 京汰, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Development of a smart glass based grilling evaluation system for biginners,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 628-632, Aug. 2022.
14. 畠中 健斗, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Development of a smart glass based grilling evaluation system for biginners,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 617-622, Aug. 2022.
15. 小柳 功王, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Measure Respiration Rate in a Smartwatch Based Sleep Monitoring System,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 658-663, Aug. 2022.
16. YUKI Saitoh, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
人工知能学会全国大会, 1-4, Jun. 2022.
17. Shin-ichi Ito, Miura Takanori, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Detect a Mood Matching Music Using EEG,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 601-604, Sep. 2021.
18. Shin-ichi Ito, Hironori Kadowaki, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal Authentication with Walking Motion Based on Gathered Images and Neural Networks,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 512-515, Sep. 2021.
19. Ren Nozaki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 644-648, Sep. 2021.
20. Takeru Oda, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 639-643, Sep. 2021.
21. Taiga Sogame, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 623-627, Sep. 2021.
22. Masahiro Asahara, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 617-622, Sep. 2021.
23. Shoya Nakajima, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 535-539, Sep. 2021.
24. Junpei Fusanobori, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 528-531, Sep. 2021.
25. Ryo Karamon, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 518-523, Sep. 2021.
26. Hiroki Yano, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 889-891, Sep. 2021.
27. Ryota Wabuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 906-911, Sep. 2021.
28. Takeru Mutoh, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会 分野横断型新システム創成研究会論文集, 1-5, Jan. 2021.
29. Takeru Mutoh, Minoru Fukumi, Shin-ichi Ito and Momoyo Ito :
ViEW2020講演論文集, 1-7, Dec. 2020.
30. CHUNYU GUO, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Personal authentication by walking motion using Kinect,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 719-721, Sep. 2019.
31. Shan Xian, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Study on Discrimination of Finger Motions Based on EMG Signals,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 715-718, Sep. 2019.
32. Takeru Wasaki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Direction Discrimination by Vehicle Lamp,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 861-865, Sep. 2019.
33. Kazuki Shimamoto, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Nail Image Analysis Method for Accumulation Stress Evaluation,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 855-860, Sep. 2019.
34. Takuya Kimura, Momoyo Ito, 佐藤 和人, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Estimation of Moving Direction of Objects in Driving Scene,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 1374-1377, Sep. 2018.
35. Tomoyuki Sakabe, Momoyo Ito, 佐藤 和人, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Identification of Driver Status based on Difference of Visibility using Sparse Structure Learning,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 1368-1373, Sep. 2018.
36. Teru Ando, Minoru Fukumi, Momoyo Ito and Shin-ichi Ito :
Persona Identification in monitoring system using Kinect,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 1342-1345, Sep. 2018.
37. Yurika Fujii, Minoru Fukumi, Momoyo Ito and Shin-ichi Ito :
Detection of Dangerous Objects by Pan-tilt Camera,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 1516-1517, Sep. 2018.
38. Shion Morikawa, Minoru Fukumi, Momoyo Ito and Shin-ichi Ito :
Personal Authentication Using lip EMG by Dry Electrode,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 1571-1572, Sep. 2018.
39. Shun Yamamoto, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Minoru Fukumi and Kamat Rahayu Binti Seri :
Recognition of Aerial Numerals by Leap Motion and CNN,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 173, Mar. 2018.
40. Shion Morikawa, Minoru Fukumi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Kamat Rahayu Binti Seri :
Personal Authentication Using EMG by Dry Electrodes,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 185, Mar. 2018.
41. Ryosuke Takabatake, Minoru Fukumi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Kamat Rahayu Binti Seri :
Dataset making for Japanese Vowels Recognition using Surface electromyogram measured with Bipolar Dry Type Sensors,
National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan, 180-181, Mar. 2018.
42. Konomi Takeyasu, Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Detection of Inattentive State Based on Change of Driving Behavior: Study on Driving Behavior Model using GGM,
Conference record of HUMAN COMMUNICATION GROUP SYMPOSIUM 2017, HCG2017-I-1-3, Dec. 2017.
43. Tomoyuki Sakabe, Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Analysis of Inattentive State by Driving Information using Sparse Structure Learning: Consideration Based on Difference in Visibility,
Conference record of HUMAN COMMUNICATION GROUP SYMPOSIUM 2017, HCG2017-C-3-3, Dec. 2017.
44. Tanaka Tomoya, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Evaluate Stress Level by Using Expression Analysis,
電気学会電子情報システム部門大会論文集, 1136-1139, Sep. 2017.
45. Omae Hisaki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method of Evaluate Understanding of Learning Using Electroencephalogram,
電気学会電子情報システム部門大会論文集, 464-467, Sep. 2017.
46. Higasa Takashi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Character Input System using Gesture Motion in Augmented Reality,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, 1683-1684, Sep. 2017.
47. Teru Ando, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Respiration detection in monitoring system using Kinect,
電気学会電子情報システム部門大会論文集, No.PS3-7, 1561-1562, Sep. 2017.
48. Ryouhei Shioji, Minoru Fukumi, Momoyo Ito and Shin-ichi Ito :
Personal Authentication Based on Wrist EMG Analysis by a Convolutional Neural Network,
電気学会情報システム研究会, Vol.IS-17, 57-61, Aug. 2017.
49. Ryousuke Takabatake, Minoru Fukumi, Shin-ichi Ito and Momoyo Ito :
Japanese Vowel Recognition Using Surface Electromyogram Measured with Bopolar Dry type Sensors,
電気学会情報システム研究会, Vol.IS-17, 23-27, Aug. 2017.
50. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Safety Confirmation Behavior Analysis Based on Driver's Posture Change,
日本機械学会 第25回交通・物流部門大会(TRANSLOG2016)講演論文集/ 1306, Nov. 2016.
51. Taiki Nonoguchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A System to Detect and Track Mosquitoes,
平成28年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文, 412-415, Sep. 2016.
52. Shohei Umino, Kazuhito Sato, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki :
Classification of Driving Scenes Using Recurrent-SOMs,
自動車技術会2016年春季大会学術講演会講演予稿集, 156-161, May 2016.
53. Masahumi Sawataishi, Kazuhito Sato, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki :
Development of Driver Monitoring Tool: Focused on Driver's Body Information,
自動車技術会2016年春季大会学術講演会講演予稿集, 150-155, May 2016.
54. Daiki Konishi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
DIA'2016, IS2-A10-1-IS2-A10-7, Mar. 2016.
55. Takuma Ogawa, 平岡 大樹, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
DIA'2016, ISC-C10-1-ISC-C10-8, Mar. 2016.
56. Ryosuke Naitoh, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
DIA'2016, ISC-C8-1-ISC-C8-4, Mar. 2016.
57. Hiroshi Aoki, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Pose Estimation of Hand for AR,
平成27年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 188, Sep. 2015.
58. Takahiro Toyokawa, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Relevance Analysis of Driver's Gaze and Gaze Object,
平成27年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 239, Sep. 2015.
59. Kazuhito Sato, Kentaro Katsumata, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki :
Driver Body Information Analysis for Distraction State Detection,
FIT2015第14回情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 35-42, Sep. 2015.
60. syu Tamura, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Method to Best Music Selection System by EEG,
平成27年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文, 379-384, Aug. 2015.
61. Takuma Ogawa, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Improvement of ST-Patch Features for Detection of Abandaned Object,
平成27年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文, 1490-1491, Aug. 2015.
62. Daiki Hiraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Discrimination of Japanese Janken by Support Vector Machine Based on Electromyogram of Wrist,
平成27年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文, 1514-1515, Aug. 2015.
63. Kazuhito Sato, Daiki Kato, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki :
Driver Body Information Analysis: Near-miss in a Non-regulated Intersection (Second Report),
Proceedings of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Spring Conference, 2228-2231, May 2015.
64. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
A Time - series Analysis of Head Posture based on Traffic Events,
Proceedings of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Spring Conference, 2232-2235, May 2015.
65. Kentaro Katsumata, Kazuhito Sato, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki :
Analysis of Safety Verification Behavior by Gaze Timing Based on Eye-gaze Movement and Face Orientation,
Proceedings of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Spring Conference, 1111-1114, May 2015.
66. Keiichi Tsuzuki, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Basic Study for Categorization of Driving Scene using Deep Learning,
Proceedings of 2014 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of the Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 185, Sep. 2014.
67. Ryosuke Oka, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Extraction of Safety Confirmation Behavior Based on Drivers Posture,
Proceedings of 2014 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention Record of the Institute of Electrical and Related Engineers, 184, Sep. 2014.
68. Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi :
Method for EEG Pattern Classification Considering Human Character,
平成26年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, 637-640, Sep. 2014.
69. Kazuhito Sato, Daiki Kato, Kentaro Katsumarta, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki :
Analysis of Driver Body Information and Driving Style with Near-miss Events,
Proceedings of Forum on Information Technology 2014, Part 3, 5-12, Sep. 2014.
70. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
Analysis of Time-Series Changes of Head Posture for Estimation of Drivers States,
Proceedings of Forum on Information Technology 2014, Part 3, 256-258, Sep. 2014.
71. Akiko Sugiyama, Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Difference Analysis of Safety Verification Behavior Based on Near-Miss Event Using Head Motion,
Proceedings of 2014 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring), Vol.11-14, 13-18, May 2014.
72. Daiki Kato, Kazuhito Sato, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki :
Design and Evaluation of Running Scenarios for Near-Miss Events Verification,
Proceedings of 2014 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring), Vol.6-14, 13-18, May 2014.
73. Kazuhito Sato, Kentaro Katsumata, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki :
Driver Body Information Analysis: Near-miss in a Non-regulated Intersection,
Proceedings of 2014 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring), Vol.12-14, 1-6, May 2014.
74. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Influence Analysis of Near-Miss Event on Change of Safety Verification Behavior,
Proceedings of 2014 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring), Vol.12-14, 7-10, May 2014.
75. Yusuke Yamamura, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
日本生体医工学会中国四国支部大会, 11, Oct. 2013.
76. Zhang Peng, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
日本生体医工学会中国四国支部大会, 34, Oct. 2013.
77. Takanori Suzuki, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Detection of Drivers Distraction based on Sparse Structure Learning,
平成25年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 219, Sep. 2013.
78. Taito Mori, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Extraction of Gaze Targets from Driving Scene using Saliency Map,
平成25年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 217, Sep. 2013.
79. Kazuya Yaegashi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
An Analysis of Changes between Biological Information and Driving Behavior from Traffic Event,
平成25年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 221, Sep. 2013.
80. Koji Miyai, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Feature Extraction of Car Front View for Categorization of Driver Scene,
平成25年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 216, Sep. 2013.
81. Akiko Sugiyama, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Evaluation of Scenarios on Driving Simulator for Analysis of Safety Verification,
平成25年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集, 222, Sep. 2013.
82. Takahiro Horiuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, OS10-3, Sep. 2013.
83. Peng Zhang, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Recognition of Continuous Eye Motions Using Learning Vector Quantization and EOG-feature Based Methods,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, GS12-2, Sep. 2013.
84. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
Proceedings of Forum of Information Technology 2013, 501-506, Sep. 2013.
85. Takako Ikuno, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Abandoned Object Detection by Genetic Algorithm with Local Search,
電気学会電子·情報·システム部門大会論文集, OS4-6, Sep. 2013.
86. Kazuya Yaegashi, Koichirou Mori, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi :
平成24年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, 1031-1034, Sep. 2012.
87. Momoyo Ito, 佐藤 和人 and Minoru Fukumi :
第11回情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 407-412, Sep. 2012.
88. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Iterative Discriminant Analysis in Non-linear Space,
IEICE Technical Report, Vol.112, No.69, 59-64, May 2012.
89. 佐藤 和人, Momoyo Ito, 間所 洋和 and 門脇 さくら :
Quantification of Psychological Stress Using Expressive Tempos and Rhythms,
IEICE Technical Report, Vol.112, No.69, 39-44, May 2012.
90. Momoyo Ito, 佐藤 和人 and Minoru Fukumi :
Evaluation of Self Mapping Characteristics for Quantification of Head Motion,
IEICE Technical Report, Vol.112, No.69, 17-20, May 2012.
91. Takahide Funabashi, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
計測自動制御学会四国支部講演会, No.PS2-23, Nov. 2011.
92. Koji Kashihara, Keisuke Takahashi, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
IEICE Technical Report, Vol.111, No.257, 49-54, Oct. 2011.
93. 高橋 啓介, Koji Kashihara, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
第34回日本生体医工学会中国四国支部大会 プログラム講演抄録, 51, Oct. 2011.
94. Yohei Takeuchi, Momoyo Ito, Koji Kashihara and Minoru Fukumi :
高速信号処理応用技術学会研究会, 10-11, Aug. 2011.
95. Momoyo Ito, 盛 紘一朗, 井口 祐也, 佐藤 和人 and Minoru Fukumi :
動的画像処理実利用化ワークショップ2011講演概要集, 198-201, Mar. 2011.
96. Masato Miyoshi, Satoru Tsuge, Hillary Kipsang Choge, Tadahiro Oyama, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
第89回情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Feb. 2011.
97. Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Masami Shishibori, Hiroaki Ogata, Masao Fuketa, Hitoshi Tokushige, Kazuhiro Morita, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Shun Watanabe and Momoyo Ito :
Integrating Entertainment in Software Design and Experiment and its Effect,
日本教育工学会第26回全国大会講演論文集, 787-788, Sep. 2010.
98. 森 健太郎, Satoru Tsuge, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
平成22年電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, 698-701, Sep. 2010.
99. 石谷 淳, 白石 卓也, Momoyo Ito, Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Satoru Tsuge and Minoru Fukumi :
平成22年電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, 694-697, Sep. 2010.
100. 田岡 文利, Momoyo Ito, Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Satoru Tsuge and Minoru Fukumi :
平成22年電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, 689-693, Sep. 2010.
101. Momoyo Ito, 佐藤 和人, Minoru Fukumi and 苗村 育郎 :
平成22年電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, 683-688, Sep. 2010.

Et cetera, Workshop:

1. YOSHIHARA Koki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
データ拡張と機械学習を組み合わせた 空中で入力されたひらがなの認識,
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, Oct. 2024.
2. Kyota Yoshikawa, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, IIC-23-010-1-IIC-23-010-5, Aug. 2023.
3. MIYAKE Ryota, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, IIC-23-006-1-IIC-23-006-4, Aug. 2023.
4. Kotaroh Hosono, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, Aug. 2023.
5. Takuma Yoshida, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, IIC-21-044, Nov. 2021.
6. Taiga Sogame, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Discriminate H Motor Imaginations of Holding hands and Vocalization Using EEG,
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, 55-60, Nov. 2020.
7. Takeru Oda, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Development of EEG Personal Authentication System Considering the Effect of Caffeine,
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, 41-46, Nov. 2020.
8. Takuma Yoshida, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Range Recognition Using Hand Gestures,
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, 9-12, Nov. 2020.
9. Hironori Kadowaki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Gait Recognition using Gathered Images and Deep Learning,
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, 27-31, Nov. 2020.
10. Shun Yamamoto, Minoru Fukumi, Momoyo Ito and Shin-ichi Ito :
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, 1-4, Nov. 2019.
11. Kazuki Shimamoto, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, 11-14, Nov. 2019.
12. Ren Nozaki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, 23-29, Nov. 2019.
13. Hironori Kadowaki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
電気学会・産業計測制御研究会, 39-43, Nov. 2019.
14. Shunsuke Takata, Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Evaluation of Driver Behavior Quantification using RSOM for Driver State Estimation,
Conference record of 2017 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems, 13, Aug. 2017.
15. Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Proposal of Suitable Driving Behavior Model Selection according to Driving Scene,
Conference record of 2017 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems, 15, Aug. 2017.
16. Tomoya Tanaka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Evaluation of the accumulated stress by expression analysis,
瀬戸内信号処理研究会 SSS2016, 14, Sep. 2016.
17. Takashi Higasa, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
String Search in the Augmented Reality Space Using the Gesture Motion,
瀬戸内信号処理研究会 SSS2016, 13, Sep. 2016.
18. Taiki Nonoguchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A method to Track Mosquitoes using Orientation Code Matching and Particle Filter,
瀬戸内信号処理研究会 SSS2016, 9, Sep. 2016.
19. Taiki Nonoguchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Image Processing Method to Detect and Track Mosquito using Backgraound Subtraction,
瀬戸内信号処理研究会 SSS2015, 17, Sep. 2015.
20. Shu Tamura, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
A Novel Music Database Based on Chord Pattern, Rhythm and Music Feature Extraction Method to Smilarity Evaluation,
瀬戸内信号処理研究会 SSS2015, 15, Sep. 2015.
21. Hikaru Shouda, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Supporting System to Grow in Description Ability for Beginners,
瀬戸内合同信号処理研究会 SSS2014, 16, Sep. 2014.
22. Nao Tsuzuki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Method to Detect Uncomfortable Feeling of Listeners by Biological Information - Supporting System to Hold a Conversation for Smooth Communication -,
瀬戸内合同信号処理研究会 SSS2014, 15, Sep. 2014.
23. Shu Tamura, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi :
Method to Construct Database for Best Music Selection System by EEG,
瀬戸内合同信号処理研究会 SSS2014, 14, Sep. 2014.
24. Takashi Fujishima, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Minoru Fukumi and Shoichiro Fujisawa :
電気学会研究会資料 知覚情報研究会, No.PI 14 056∼080 082∼093, 113-116, Sep. 2014.
25. Tomo Uchiyama, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Minoru Fukumi and Shoichiro Fujisawa :
電気学会研究会資料 知覚情報研究会, No.PI 14 056∼080 082∼093, 31-34, Sep. 2014.
26. Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Masami Shishibori, Hiroaki Ogata, Masao Fuketa, Hitoshi Tokushige, Kazuhiro Morita, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Shun Watanabe and Momoyo Ito :
平成22年度 全学FD大学教育カンファレンス in 徳島 発表抄録集, 12-13, Jan. 2011.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @