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Professor : Ohyama, Yousuke |
○ | Mathematics |
○ | Classical Analysis (The Painleve equations, asymptotic analysis, Discrete equations) |
1. | Yousuke Ohyama, Ramis Jean-Pierre and Sauloy Jacques : The space of monodromy data for the JimboSakai family of q-difference equations, Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques, Vol.29, No.5, 1119-1250, 2020. (DOI: 10.5802/afst.1659) |
2. | Yousuke Ohyama and Okamoto Kazuo : Mathematical works of Hiroshi Umemura, Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques, Vol.29, No.5, 1053-1062, 2020. (DOI: 10.5802/afst.1656) |
3. | Yousuke Ohyama and Shoji Okumura : R. Fuchs' problem of the Painlevé equations, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.593, 163-178, 2013. |
4. | Yousuke Ohyama and Kazuo Kaneko : Meromorphic Painlevé transcendents at a fixed singularity, Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol.286, No.8-9, 861-875, 2013. (DOI: 10.1002/mana.200810241) |
1. | Yousuke Ohyama : 超幾何級数・小史, 数学・計算機科学研究所 所報, Vol.45, 2024. |
2. | Yousuke Ohyama : 楕円函数と Painleve 性について, 第31回数学史シンポジウム報告集, Vol.43, 77-104, 2022. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2010172, CiNii: 1520855132286872320) |
3. | Yousuke Ohyama : Connection formula of basic hypergeometric series, r{r-1}(0 ; b; q, x), Journal of Mathematics, Tokushima University, Vol.51, 29-36, 2017. |
4. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Stokes Phenomenon of a Basic Hypergeometric Series 1phi1(0;a;q;x), Journal of Mathematics, Tokushima University, Vol.50, 49-60, 2016. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2004107) |
1. | Yousuke Ohyama and 岡本 和夫 : 梅村浩氏の楕円関数論, 梅村浩「楕円関数論」, 363-366, May 2020. |
1. | Yousuke Ohyama : Nonlinear and linear connection problems on q-Painleve equations, 11th Workshop on Integrable Systems, Sydney, Dec. 2023. |
2. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-connection spaces of q-Painlevé equations, Various problems in microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis, Kyoto, Nov. 2023. |
3. | Yousuke Ohyama : Riemann-Hilbert problem on the q-Painleve equations, 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Tokyo, Aug. 2023. |
4. | Yousuke Ohyama : Global geometry of q-Painleve equations, Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems --Celebrating Professor Yoshihiro Ohnita's retirement, Osaka, Japan, Mar. 2023. |
5. | Yousuke Ohyama : Global analysis on the Painleve equations, Painleve Equations: From Classical to Modern Analysis, Strasbourg, France, Oct. 2022. |
6. | Yousuke Ohyama : Connection problems on Painlevé equations, Exact WKB Analysis, Microlocal Analysis, Painlevé Equations and Related Topics, Kyoto, Oct. 2021. |
7. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Stokes phenomenon of basic hypergeometric equations and the Painleve equations, Analytic theory of differential and difference equations dedicated to the memory of Andrey Bolibrukh, Moscow, Jan. 2021. |
8. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Stokes phenomenon of basic hypergeometric equations, Differential Galois theory in Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, Sep. 2019. |
9. | Yousuke Ohyama : Connection Problem and q-Stokes phenomenon of basic hypergeometric series, Formal and analytic solutions of functional equations on the complex domain, Dec. 2018. |
10. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Stokes phenomenon on basic hypergeometric series, The 13th Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations, Nov. 2018. |
11. | Yousuke Ohyama : From Heine to Painleve: Connection problems of q-dierence equations, Toulouse University, Toulouse , France, Feb. 2018. |
12. | Yousuke Ohyama : Connection problems of q-difference equations of hypergeometric type and the Painleve type, Lille University, Lille, France, Sep. 2017. |
13. | Yousuke Ohyama : Connection problems of q-difference equations --Hypergeometric type and Painleve type--, Strassbourg University, Strassbourg, France, May 2017. |
14. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Stokes phenomenon of basic hypergeometric series, IRMAR Analtytic geometry seminar, Rennes, France, Dec. 2016. |
15. | Yousuke Ohyama : Some q-Painleve equations and connection problems, Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada, Jul. 2016. |
16. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Painleve equations and q-Stokes phenomenon of linear q-difference equations, Exponential Asymptotics of Difference and Differential Equations, Jun. 2016. |
17. | Yousuke Ohyama : Meromorphic solutions to the q-Painlevé equations around the origin, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.597, 012063-(p.10), Apr. 2015. (DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/597/1/012063) |
1. | Yousuke Ohyama : Mano's decomposition and q-Painleve equations, 2024 日本数学会年会・無限可積分系セッション, Mar. 2024. |
2. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Painleve 方程式のモノドロミ空間, 令和5年度 日本数学会 中国・四国支部例会, Jan. 2024. |
3. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Painleve 方程式の大域理論と特殊解, 2023 日本数学会秋季総合分科会無限可積分系セッション, Sep. 2023. |
4. | Yousuke Ohyama : Global theory of q-Painleve equations, Kobe Web-seminar on Painleve Equations and related topics, Apr. 2023. |
5. | Yousuke Ohyama : Boundary behavior of q-Painlev e equation of type A_1^4, 2023 日本数学会年会・無限可積分系セッション, Mar. 2023. |
6. | Yousuke Ohyama : A q-analogue of the EulerPoissonDarboux equation, 2022 日本数学会秋季総合分科会無限可積分系セッション, Sep. 2022. |
7. | Yousuke Ohyama : On the q-Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation, 2022年度函数方程式論サマーセミナー, Aug. 2022. |
8. | Yousuke Ohyama : 楕円函数と Painleve 性について, 第31回数学史シンポジウム, Oct. 2021. |
9. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-connection problems on hypergeometric and Painleve equations, Kobe Seminar on Integrable Systems, Feb. 2021. |
10. | Yousuke Ohyama : Asymptotic Analysis of the third q-Painleve equation, 2020年度秋季総合分科会, Sep. 2020. |
11. | Yousuke Ohyama : The space of connection data of q-linear equations and q-Painleve equations, Kobe Seminar on Integrable Systems, Jul. 2020. |
12. | Yousuke Ohyama : Connection formula of basic hypergeometric equations with one regular singular point, 超幾何方程式研究会 2020, Jan. 2020. |
13. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Stokes problems on basic hypergeometric equations, 日本数学会秋季総合分科会, Sep. 2019. |
14. | Yousuke Ohyama : 高階超幾何方程式の q-Stokes 現象, 2019年函数方程式論サマーセミナー, Aug. 2019. |
15. | Yousuke Ohyama : q- q-Stokes, 第3回古典解析・徳島研究会, Aug. 2019. |
16. | Yousuke Ohyama : Irregular singular points of q-difference equations, Conference on hypergeometric equations 2019, Jan. 2019. |
17. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Stokes coefficents of difference equations on 3φ2(a_1,a_2,a_3;0,0;q,x), 日本数学会年会, Sep. 2018. |
18. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-divergence series and resummation, 第25回沼津改め静岡研究会, Mar. 2018. |
1. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-超幾何函数 ${}_3hi_2 (a 1 ; a 2 ; a 3 ; b 1 ; 0; q; x) の満たす差分方程式の q-Stokes 係数, 日本数学会春季分科会, Mar. 2018. |
2. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-超幾何函数 ${}_1hi_{r-1} (0; b; q; x) の接続問題, 日本数学会春季分科会, Mar. 2018. |
3. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-超幾何級数の総和法, 第2回古典解析・徳島研究会 ∼パンルヴェ首相百年記念∼, Jan. 2018. |
4. | Yousuke Ohyama : The Stokes problem on q-hypergeometric equations, 超幾何方程式研究会 2018, Jan. 2018. |
5. | Yousuke Ohyama : Connection problems on q-hypergeometric equations of higer order, Workshop on Accessory Parameters, Oct. 2017. |
6. | Yousuke Ohyama : $q$-超幾何級数${}_1hi_1 ( a; 0; q, x)$の$q$-Stokes現象, 日本数学会春季分科会, Mar. 2017. |
7. | Yousuke Ohyama : $q$-超幾何級数${}_1hi_1 ( 0; a;q, x)$の$q$-Stokes現象, 日本数学会春季分科会, Mar. 2017. |
8. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Bessel函数のStokes現象について, アクセサリー・パラメーター研究会, Mar. 2017. |
9. | Yousuke Ohyama : q-Bessel 函数について, 超幾何方程式研究会 2017, Jan. 2017. |
10. | Yousuke Ohyama : A q-analogue of the Stokes phenomenon, 2016 函数方程式論サマーセミナー, Aug. 2016. |