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Professor : Anma, Ryo |
○ | Natural sciences [Solid earth science] | |
○ | Environmental science/Agricultural science [Environmental dynamics] | |
○ | Natural sciences [Space and planetary science] | |
○ | Humanities & social sciences [Museology] | |
○ | Humanities & social sciences [Cultural properties] |
1. | Masaki Hashizume, Koichi Ute, Yumiko Izaki, Masaki Oono, Susumu Nakano, Akira Mizobuchi, Junji Tamatani, Naoyuki Shimomura, Takao Ueda, Katsutoshi Ueno, Fumiaki Nagao, Chikanori Hashimoto, Yasunori Muto, Takeshi Watanabe, Takahiro Kido, Tetsuro Katayama, Yoko Yamashita, Atsushi Tabata, Yuka Sasaki, 島木 美香, Takeshige Otoi, Kaori Kanemaru, Takefumi Hattori, Tatsuo Hamano, Katsuyuki Miyawaki, Ryo Anma, Ken-ichi Nishiyama and Mutsuki Aoya : 安全マニュアル, Apr. 2021. |
2. | Ryo Anma and T. Maruoka : Paleoclimatic Changes and Human Cultural Evolution in West Asia (in "Ancient West Asian Civilization-Geoenvironment and Society in the Pre-Islamic Middle East" Tsuneki, A., Yamada, S. and Hisada, K. (eds)), Springer Japan, Mar. 2017. |
3. | Ryo Anma : 海洋底科学の基礎(「海洋底科学の基礎」編集委員会編:船上での記載と計測の流れ,ほか第1章,4.1節,第5章,6.1~6.4節,6.6節,7.1節,8.1,8.2節,10.1節,11.2節,11.7~11.8節担当), KYORITSU SHUPPAN.CO.,LTD, 東京, Sep. 2016. |
4. | Ryo Anma : 屋久島ジオガイド(島津弘編著: 屋久島の地質,ほか第1部2,トピック1,トピック2,第2部①,②,⑤,⑩,⑭,㉒担当), 山と渓谷社, 東京, Aug. 2016. |
5. | 屋久島地学同好会, Ryo Anma and 成尾 成仁 : 屋久島の地質ガイド(第2版), 屋久島環境文化財団, Sep. 2015. |
6. | Ryo Anma : 西アジア文明学への招待(筑波大学西アジア文明研究センター編:西アジアの自然環境,黒海の海水面変動と洪水伝説 担当), 悠書館, 東京, Dec. 2014. |
7. | 屋久島地学同好会, Ryo Anma and 成尾 成仁 : 屋久島の地質ガイド, 屋久島環境文化財団, Mar. 2012. |
8. | Ryo Anma : 地球学シリーズ3, 地球学調査・解析の基礎(堆積物が語る地球環境の変遷 執筆担当), 古今書院, 2011. |
9. | 屋久島地学同好会, 矢島 道子, 藤本 光一郎 and Ryo Anma : 屋久島地質たんけんマップ, The Geological Society of Japan, 2009. |
10. | Ryo Anma : 資源環境地質学(帯磁率異方性測定法 (AMS法)), 資源地質学会, 2003. |
11. | Ryo Anma : 資源環境地質学(花崗岩の構造と貫入機構), 資源地質学会, 2003. |
1. | A. Tsuneki, A. S. Saber, N. Watanabe, Ryo Anma, S. Jammo, M. Makino, Y. Miyauchi, O. K. Lorentz, Y. Itahashi, M. Yoneda, M. Kurosawa and K. Ikehata : Preliminary report of the Charmo (Jarmo) Prehistoric investigations, 2023, Al -Rafidan, Vol.45, 1-47, 2024. (CiNii: 1050581622269564032) |
2. | H. Azizi, N. Daneshvar, G. Rafat, Y. Asahara, K. Horie, M. Takehara, Y. Kon, M. Minami and Ryo Anma : O-Hf isotope ratios of Alvand S-type granite, western Iran, reveal crustal melting in an extensional regime, Lithos, Vol.464-465, No.107437, 2023. (DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107437) |
3. | J. C. Lissenberg, J. D. Condon, J. A. Smye and Ryo Anma : Crystallization of superfast-spreading oceanic crust (ODP 1256D, Pacific Ocean): Constraints from zircon geochronology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol.24, No.10, e2023GC010964, 2023. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2000291, DOI: 10.1029/2023GC010964) |
4. | H. Azizi, N. Daneshvar, Y. Asahara, M. Minami and Ryo Anma : The generation of Eocene mafic dike swarms during the exhumation of a core complex, Biarjmand area, NE Iran, Journal of Petrology, Vol.64, 1-18, 2023. (DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egad039) |
5. | A. Tsuneki, N. Watanabe, Ryo Anma, S. Jammo, Yu Saitoh and S. Ahmad : Preliminary report of the Charmo (Jarmo) Prehistoric investigations, Al -Rafidan, Vol.44, 1-34, 2023. (CiNii: 1050577829119511168) |
6. | Fatemeh Nouri, Reza Ali Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, B. Mark Allen, Yoshihiro Asahara, Hossein Azizi, Ryo Anma, Mahnaz Khodami and Motohiro Tsuboi : Tectonic transition from Ediacaran continental arc to early Cambrian rift in the NE Ardakan region, central Iran: constraints from geochronology and geochemistry of magmatic rocks, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol.224, No.105011, 2021. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2021.105011) |
7. | Lucia Villar-Munoz, Masataka Kinoshita, P. J. Bento, I. Vargas-Cordero, E. Contreras-Reyes, U. Tinivella, M. Giustiniani, Natsue Abe, Ryo Anma, Yuji Orihashi, Hikaru Iwamori, Tomoaki Nishikawa, A. E. Veloso and Satoru Haraguchi : A cold seep triggered by a hot ridge subduction, Scientific Reports, Vol.11, No.1, 20923, 2021. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2009754, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-00414-3, PubMed: 34686724) |
8. | Fatemeh Nouri, Hossein Azizi, Yoshihiro Asahara, A. Scott Whattam, Motohiro Tsuboi, Osman Yousif Mohammad, Masayo Minami and Ryo Anma : Coexistence of two types of Late Paleocene adakitic granitoids, Soursat complex, NW Iran, Lithos, Vol.404-405, No.106438, 2021. (DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106438) |
9. | Fatemeh Nouri, Reza Ali Davoudian, B. Mark Allen, Hossein Azizi, Yoshihiro Asahara, Ryo Anma, N. Shabanian, Motohiro Tsuboi and Mahnaz Khodami : Early Cambrian highly fractionated granite, Central Iran: evidence for drifting of Northern Gondwana and the evolution of the Proto-Tethys Ocean, Precambrian Research, Vol.362, No.362, 106291, 2021. (DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106291) |
10. | Yuji Orihashi, Ryo Anma, S. Machida, M. Sasaki, K. Nakao, Y. Takaku and N. Abe : U-Pb dating of granitic cobble (dropstone) recovered from inner slope of the Chile Trench (48°S): Constraint for its provenance, Geochemical Journal, Vol.54, No.4, 195-201, 2020. (DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0602, Elsevier: Scopus) |
11. | K. Suzuki, T. Iizuka, K. Kitajima, K. Hattori, T. Hirata, Ryo Anma and Y. Sawaki : Hf-O isotope systematics of zircons from the Taitao granitoids: Implications for slab-melting material, Lithos, Vol.372-373, 105665, 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105665) |
12. | H. Azizi, Y. Asahara, M. Minami and Ryo Anma : Sequential magma injection with a wide range of mixing and mingling in Late Jarassic plutons, southern Ghorveh, western Iran, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol.200, 104469, 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104469) |
13. | A. A. Saddique, Y. Kon, Ryo Anma, H. Masuda, P. Bhattacharya, Y. Yokoo, S. Basak Bipulendu and K. Shinoda : Source of U and Th in a paleobeach groundwater aquifer at Coxs Bazar, southeast Bangladesh, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Vol.10, 100332, 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.gsd.2020.100332) |
14. | A. Tsuneki, K. Rasheed, N. Watanabe, Ryo Anma, Y. Tatsumi and M. Minami : Landscape and early farming at Neolithic sites in Slemani, Iraqi Kurdistan: A case study of Jarmo and Qalat Said Ahmadan., Paléorient, Vol.45, No.2, 33-51, 2019. |
15. | N. Hayman, M. Rioux, Ryo Anma, K. Tani, D. Dunkley, J. Crowley and M. Schmitz : Accretion and oxidation of a superfast-spread axial melt lens: TIMS and SIMS zircon analysis of the IODP Hole 1256D gabbros, Lithos, Vol.348-349, No.105184, 2019. (DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105184, Elsevier: Scopus) |
16. | Hironao Shinjoe, Yuji Orihashi and Ryo Anma : U-Pb ages of Miocene near-trench granitic rocks of the Southwest Japan arc: implications for magmatism related to hot subduction, Geological Magazine, 2019. (DOI: 10.1017/S0016756819000785) |
17. | A. A. Saddique, H. Masuda, Ryo Anma, P. Bhattacharya, Y. Yokoo and Y. Shimizu : Hydrogeochemical and isotopic signatures for the identification of seawater intrusion in the paleobeach aquifer of Cox's Bazar city and its surrounding area, south-east Bangladesh., Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Vol.9, No.100215, 2019. (DOI: 10.1016/j.gsd.2019.100215, Elsevier: Scopus) |
18. | Jaafar Jotheri, Mark Altaweel, Akihiro Tuji, Ryo Anma, Benjamin Pennington, Stephanie Rost and Chikako Watanabe : Holocene fluvial and anthropogenic processes in the region of Uruk in southern Mesopotamia, Quaternary International, Vol.483, 57-69, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.11.037, Elsevier: Scopus) |
19. | F. Nouri, H. Azizi, J. Golonla, Y. Asahara, Y. Orihashi, K. Yamamoto, M. Tsuboi and Ryo Anma : Age and petrogenesis of Na-rich felsic rocks in western Iran: evidence for closure of the southern branch of the Neo-Tethys in the Late Cretaceous., Tectonophysics, Vol.671, 151-172, 2016. (DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.12.014) |
20. | O. Y. Mohammad, J. H. Kareem, H. D. Cornell and Ryo Anma : The Kuradawe granitic pegmatite from the Mawat ophiolite, Northern Iraq: Anatomy, mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrogenesis, The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.54, No.4, 989-1019, 2016. (DOI: 10.3749/canmin.1600028) |
21. | Ryo Anma : Appendix 1: Stones used in the Qalat Said Ahmadan and their sources., Al-Rafidan, Vol.36, 51-53, 2015. (CiNii: 1520009407195823360) |
22. | A. Tsuneki, K. Rasheed, A. S. Saber, S. Nishiyama, Ryo Anma, B. B. Ismail, A. Hasegawa, Y. Tatsumi, Y. Miyauchi, S. Jammo, M. Makino and Y. Kudo : Excavations at Qalat Said Ahmadan, Slemani, Iraq-Kurdistan: First Interim Report (2014 Season)., Al-Rafidan, Vol.36, 1-50, 2015. (CiNii: 1050845762645578880) |
23. | K-C. Shin, Ryo Anma, T. Nakano, Y. Orihashi and S. Ike : The Taitao ophiolite-granite complex, Chile: Emplacement of ridge-trench intersection oceanic lithosphere on land and origin of calc-alkaline I-type granites, Episodes, Vol.38, 285-299, 2015. (DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2015/v38i4/82424) |
24. | E. E. Veloso, W. N. Hayman, Ryo Anma, M. Tominaga, T. R. González, T. Yamazaki and N. Astudillo : Magma flow directions in the sheeted dike complex at superfast spreading mid-ocean ridges: Insights from IODP Hole 1256D, eastern Pacific., Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol.15, No.4, 1283-1295, 2014. (DOI: 10.1002/2013GC004957) |
25. | Yukihito Yasudomi, Isao Motoyama, Tadamichi Oba and Ryo Anma : Environmental fluctuations in the northwestern Pacific Ocean during the last interglacial period: evidence from radiolarian assemblages., Marine Micropaleontology, Vol.108, 1-12, 2014. (DOI: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2014.02.001, Elsevier: Scopus) |
26. | H. Shinjoe, Y. Orihashi, A. J. Naranjo, D. Hirata, T. Hasenaka, T. Fukuoka, T. Sano and Ryo Anma : Boron and other trace element composition of the Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Southern Volcanic Zone in Andean Arc: Implication for the slab-derived component., Geochemical Journal, Vol.47, No.2, 185-199, 2013. (DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0241) |
27. | Y. Kon, T. Komiya, Ryo Anma, T. Hirata, T. Shibuya, S. Yamamoto and S. Maruyama : Petrogenesis of the ridge subduction-related granitoids from the Taitao Peninsula, Chile Triple Junction area., Geochemical Journal, Vol.47, No.2, 167-183, 2013. (DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0251) |
28. | Y. Orihashi, Ryo Anma, A. Motoki, J. M. Haller, D. Hirata, H. Iwano, H. Sumino and V. Ramos : Geochronological fingerprint revealing the evolution of the crust underlying Cerro Pampa, Argentine Patagonia: Constraint from LA-ICPMS U-Pb ages for exotic zircons in the Mid-Miocene adakite., Geochemical Journal, Vol.47, 235-247, 2013. (DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0242) |
29. | Ryo Anma and Y. Orihashi : Shallow-depth melt eduction due to ridge subduction: LA-ICPMS U-Pb igneous and detrital zircon ages from the Chile Triple Junction and the Taitao Peninsula, Chilean Patagonia, Geochemical Journal, Vol.47, No.2, 149-165, 2013. (DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0243) |
30. | Y. Yamamoto, K. Tonogai and Ryo Anma : Fabric based criteria to distinguish tectonic from sedimentary mélanges in the Shimanto accretionary complex, Yakushima Island, SW Japan, Tectonophysics, Vol.568-569, 65-73, 2012. (DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.10.018) |
31. | K. Kawamura, A. Sakaguchi, M. Strasser, Ryo Anma and H. Ikeda : Detailed observation of topography and geologic architecture of a submarine landslide scar in a toe of an accretionary prism, Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences Y. Yamada, K. Kawamura, K. Ikehara, Y. Ogawa, R. Urgeles, D. Mosher, J. Chaytor and M. Strasser (eds.), Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Vol.31, 301-309, 2012. (DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2162-3_27, Elsevier: Scopus) |
32. | Masamu ANIYA, Sebastián MARINSEK, Keiko KONYA, Takayuki NUIMURA, Shun TSUTAKI, Kenta TONE, Gonzalo BARCAZA, Pedro SKVARCA, Shin SUGIYAMA, Tatsuto AOKI, Takane MATSUMOTO, Ryo Anma, Nozomu NAITO, Hiroyuki ENOMOTO and Kazuaki HORI : Glaciological Research Project in Patagonia 2006-2009 Studies at Glaciar Perito Moreno, Hielo Patagonico Sur, in area of Hielo Patagonico Norte, and along the Pacific Coast:Studies at Glaciar Perito Moreno, Hielo Patagónico Sur, in area of Hielo Patagónico Norte, and along the Pacific Coast, Bulletin of Glaciological Research, Vol.29, 1-17, 2011. (DOI: 10.5331/bgr.29.1, CiNii: 1390282679644052096) |
33. | K. Kawamura, Y. Ogawa, H. Hara, Ryo Anma, Y. Dilek, S. Kawakami, S. Chiyonobu, H. Mukoyoshi, S. Hirano and I. Motoyama : Rapid exhumation of subducted sediments along an out-of-sequence thrust due to seamount subduction followed by gravitational collapse in the active eastern Nankai accretionary prism, Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin Y. Ogawa, R. Anma and Y. Dilek (eds.), Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, Vol.8, 215-227, 2011. (DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-8885-7_10, Elsevier: Scopus) |
34. | W. N. Hayman, K. Burmeister, K. Kawamura, Ryo Anma and Y. Yamada : Submarine outcrop evidence for transpressional deformation within the Nankai accretionary prism, Tenryu canyon, Japan, Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin Y. Ogawa, R. Anma and Y. Dilek (eds.), Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, Vol.8, 197-214, 2011. (DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-8885-7_9, Elsevier: Scopus) |
35. | Ryo Anma, Y. Ogawa, G. Moore, K. Kawamura, T. Sasaki, S. Kawakami, Y. Dilek, Y. Michiguchi, R. Endo, S. Akaiwa, S. Hirano and Parties YK00-08 YK05-08 and YK06-02 Shipboard Science YK99-09 : Structural profile and development of the accretionary complex in the Nankai trough, Southwest Japan: Results of submersible studies, Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin Y. Ogawa, R. Anma and Y. Dilek (eds.), Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, Vol.8, 169-196, 2011. (DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-8885-7_8, Elsevier: Scopus) |
36. | Ryo Anma, Yoko Michiguchi, Party Shipboard Science YK05-08, Yujiro Ogawa, Kiichiro Kawamura, Gregory Moore, Tomoyuki Sasaki, Shunsuke Kawakami, Satoshi Hirano, Teppei Ota and Ryota Endo : Structure, texture, and physical properties of accretionary prism sediments and fluid flow near the splay fault zone in the Nankai Trough, off Kii Peninsula, Journal of Geological Society of Japan, Vol.116, No.12, 637-660, 2010. (DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.116.637, CiNii: 1390282681213581696) |
37. | C. Kobayashi, Y. Orihashi, D. Hirata, A. J. Naranjo, M. Kobayashi and Ryo Anma : Spaceborne ASTER image analysis revealed compositional variation of the Viedma volcano in Andean Austral Volcanic Zone, Andean Geology, Vol.37, No.2, 433-442, 2010. |
38. | E. E. Veloso, Ryo Anma and A. Yamaji : Ophiolite emplacement and the effects of the subduction of the Chile Ridge System: Heterogeneous paleostress regimes recorded in the Taitao Ophiolite (Southern Chile), Andean Geology, Vol.36, 3-16, 2009. (DOI: 10.4067/s0718-71062009000100002, Elsevier: Scopus) |
39. | K-C. Shin, M. Kurosawa, Ryo Anma and T. Nakano : The Genesis and Mixing/Mingling of Mafic and Felsic Magmas of a Back-Arc Granite Pluton: the Miocene Tsushima Pluton, Southwest Japan, Resource Geology, Vol.59, 25-50, 2009. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-3928.2008.00078.x, Elsevier: Scopus) |
40. | F. R. Schulte, M. Schilling, Ryo Anma, J. Farquhar, M. Horan, T. Komiya, M. P. Piccoli, L. Pitcher and R. Walker : Chemical and chronologic complexity in the convecting upper mantle: Evidence from the Taitao ophiolite, southern Chile, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol.73, 5793-5819, 2009. (DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.06.015, Elsevier: Scopus) |
41. | K. Kawamura, Y. Ogawa, Ryo Anma, S. Yokoyama, S. Kawakami, Y. Dilek, F. G. Moore, S. Hirano, A. Yamaguchi, T. Sasaki and Parties Leg 2 and YK06-02 Shipboard Scientific YK05-08 : Structural architecture and active deformation of the Nankai accretionary Accretionary Prism, Japan: submersible survey results from the Tenryu Submarine Canyon, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol.121, 1629-1646, 2009. (DOI: 10.1130/B26219.1, Elsevier: Scopus) |
42. | Ryo Anma, R. Armstrong, Y. Orihashi, S. Ike, K-C. Shin, Y. Kon, T. Komiya, T. Ota, S. Kagashima, T. Shibuya, S. Yamamoto, E. E. Veloso, M. Fannin and F. Herve : Are the Taitao granites formed due to subduction of the Chile ridge?, Lithos, Vol.113, 246-258, 2009. |
43. | T. Shibuya, T. Komiya, Ryo Anma, T. Ota, S. Omori, Y. Kon, S. Yamamoto and S. Maruyama : Progressive metamorphism of the Taitao ophiolite; Evidence for axial and off-axis hydrothermal alterations, Lithos, Vol.98, 233-260, 2007. (DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2007.04.003, Elsevier: Scopus) |
44. | E. E. Veloso, Ryo Anma, T. Ota, T. Komiya, S. Kagashima and T. Yamazaki : Paleocurrent patterns of the sedimentary sequence of the Taitao ophiolite constrained by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic analyses, Sedimentary Geology, Vol.201, No.3-4, 446-460, 2007. (DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.07.005, Elsevier: Scopus) |
45. | K. Kawamura, Y. Ogawa, N. Oyagi, T. Kitahara and Ryo Anma : Structural and fabric analyses of basal slip zone of the Jinnosuke-dani landslide, northern central Japan: its application to the slip mechanism of decollement, Landslides, Vol.4, No.4, 371-380, 2007. (DOI: 10.1007/s10346-007-0094-z) |
46. | S Douglas Wilson, H Damon A Teagle, C Jeffrey Alt, R Neil Banerjee, Susumu Umino, Sumio Miyashita, D Gary Acton, Ryo Anma, R Samantha Barr, Akram Belghoul, Julie Carlut, M David Christie, M Rosalind Coggon, M Kari Cooper, Carole Cordier, Laura Crispini, Rodriguez Sedelia Durand, Florence Einaudi, Laura Galli, Yongjun Gao, Jörg Geldmacher, A Lisa Gilbert, W Nicholas Hayman, Emilio Herrero-Bervera, Nobuo Hirano, Sara Holter, Stephanie Ingle, Shijun Jiang, Ulrich Kalberkamp, Marcie Kerneklian, Jürgen Koepke, Christine Laverne, Lledo Haroldo L Vasquez, John Maclennan, Sally Morgan, Natsuki Neo, J Holly Nichols, Sung-Hyun Park, K Marc Reichow, Tetsuya Sakuyama, Takashi Sano, Rachel Sandwell, Birgit Scheibner, E Chris Smith-Duque, A Stephen Swift, Paola Tartarotti, A Anahita Tikku, Masako Tominaga, A Eugenio Veloso, Toru Yamasaki, Shusaku Yamazaki and Christa Ziegler : Drilling to gabbro in intact ocean crust., Science, Vol.312, 1016-1020, 2006. (DOI: 10.1126/science.1126090, PubMed: 16627698) |
47. | A. Motoki, Y. Orihashi, A. J. Naranjo, D. Hirata, P. Skvarca and Ryo Anma : Geologic reconnaissance of Lautaro volcano, Chilean Patagonia, Revista Geologica de Chile, Vol.33, 177-187, 2006. (DOI: 10.4067/S0716-02082006000100008, Elsevier: Scopus) |
48. | Ryo Anma, R. Armstrong, T. Danhara, Y. Orihashi and H. Iwano : Zircon sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe U-Pb and fission-track ages for gabbros and sheeted dykes of the Taitao ophiolite, Southern Chile, and their tectonic implications, The Island Arc, Vol.15, 130-142, 2006. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.2006.00513.x, Elsevier: Scopus) |
49. | Masamu ANIYA, Kazuhide SATOW, Pedro SKVARCA, Ryo Anma, Tatsuto AOKI, Takanobu SAWAGAKI, Tomonori TANIKAWA, Renji NARUSE, Neil GLASSER and Stephan HARRISON : Overview of Glaciological Research Project in Patagonia 2003, Bulletin of Glaciological Research, Vol.22, 109-119, 2005. (CiNii: 1573105974722950784) |
50. | M. Terabayashi, K. Okamoto, H. Yamamoto, Y. Kaneko, T. Ota, S. Maruyama, I. Katayama, T. Komiya, A. Ishikawa, Ryo Anma, H. Ozawa, F. B. Windley and G. J. Liou : Accretionary complex origin of the Mafic-Ultramafic bodies of the Sanbagawa belt, central Shikoku, Japan., International Geology Review, Vol.47, 1058-1073, 2005. (DOI: 10.2747/0020-6814.47.10.1058, Elsevier: Scopus) |
51. | A. E. Veloso-Espinosa, Ryo Anma and T. Yamazaki : Tectonic rotations during the Chile ridge collision and obduction of the Taitao ophiolite (Southern Chile), The Island Arc, Vol.14, 599-615, 2005. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.2005.00487.x, Elsevier: Scopus) |
52. | Y. Orihashi, J.A. Naranjo, A. Motoki, H. Sumino, D. Hirata, Ryo Anma and K. Nagao : The Quaternary volcanic activity of Hudson and Lautaro volcanoes, Chilean Patagonia: new constraints from K-Ar ages, Revista Geologica de Chile, Vol.31, 207-224, 2004. (DOI: 10.4067/S0716-02082004000200002, Elsevier: Scopus) |
53. | T. Nakano, Y. Yokoo, Ryo Anma and J. Shindo : Ca depletion in the soil column on a granite substrate on the island of Yakushima, a world natural heritage site, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Vol.130, 733-738, 2001. |
54. | M. Ishikawa, Y. Kaneko, Ryo Anma and H. Yamamoto : Subhorizontal boundary between ultrahigh-pressure and low-pressure metamorphic units in the Sulu-Tjube area of the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan, The Island Arc, Vol.9, 317-327, 2000. |
55. | H. Yamamoto, M. Ishikawa, Ryo Anma and Y. Kaneko : Kinematic analysis ultrahigh-pressure-high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Chaglinka-Kulet area of the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan, The Island Arc, Vol.9, 304-316, 2000. |
56. | Y. Kaneko, S. Maruyama, M. Terabayashi, H. Yamamoto, M. Ishikawa, Ryo Anma, D. C. Parkinson, T. Ota, Y. Nakajima, I. Katayama, J. Yamamoto and K. Yamauchi : Geology of Kokchetav UHP-HP metamorphic belt, Northern Kazakhstan, The Island Arc, Vol.9, 264-283, 2000. |
57. | Ryo Anma, Y. Kawano and M. Yuhara : Compositional zoning and its implication in a toroidal circulation inside the Yakushima pluton, SW Japan, "Origin and Evolution of the Continental Crust" Memoirs of National Insitute of Polar Reasearch, Special Issue, Vol.53, 157-176, 1998. |
58. | Ryo Anma and D. Sokoutis : Experiments on pluton shapes and tracks above subduction zones, Granite: from segregation of melt to emplacement fabrics J. L. Bouchez, D. Hutton and W. E. Stephens (eds.), 319-334, 1997. |
59. | Ryo Anma : Oblique diapirism of the Yakushima granite in the Ryukyu arc, Japan, Granite: from segregation of melt to emplacement fabrics J. L. Bouchez, D. Hutton and W. E. Stephens (eds.), 295-318, 1997. |
1. | 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, Ryo Anma, サーリ ジャンモ, 牧野 真理子, 宮内 優子 and サーベル アハマド サーベル : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク·クルディスタン,スレマニ地域チャルモ遺跡の調査 (2023年), 第31回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, 34-39, 2024. |
2. | 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, Ryo Anma, サーリ ジャンモ and サーベル アハマド サーベル : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク·クルディスタン,スレマニ地域チャルモ遺跡の調査 (2022年), 第30回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, 30-35, 2023. |
3. | 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, Ryo Anma, 板橋 悠, 宮田 佳樹, 若狭 幸, サーリ ジャンモ and サーベル アハマド サーベル : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク·クルディスタン,スレマニ地域チャルモ遺跡の調査 (2021年)-, 第29回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, 32-37, 2022. |
4. | 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, Ryo Anma, 辰巳 祐樹, サリ ジャンモ, サーベル アハマド サーベル and ラワ カリム サリ : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク・クルディスタン,スレマニ地域チャルモ遺跡の調査(2019年・2020年)-, 第28回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, 9-13, 2021. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2010146) |
5. | 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, Ryo Anma, 辰巳 祐樹, サリ ジャンモ and ラワ カリム サリ : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク・クルディスタン,スレマニ地域チャルモ遺跡の調査(2019年)-, 第27回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, Vol.27, 9-14, 2020. (CiNii: 1010009142277655555) |
6. | Ryo Anma, 岩野 英樹, 檀原 徹 and 平田 岳史 : 海洋地殻の冷却プロセスと海洋底磁気構造, フィッション・トラック ニュースレター, Vol.26, 37-42, 2013. |
7. | Ryo Anma : ジルコン結晶形とU-Pb年代, フィッション・トラック ニュースレター, Vol.25, 11-16, 2012. |
8. | Ryo Anma, H. Iwano, T. Danhara and T. Yamashita : Detrital zircon Fission-Track analyses from accretionary complex in the Nankai Trough, Japan, Fission Track News Letter, Vol.24, 66-67, 2011. |
9. | 川野 良信, Ryo Anma and 柚原 雅樹 : 鹿児島県,屋久島花崗岩体に見られるSr同位対比初生値の累帯構造, MAGMA, Vol.88, 1-16, 2007. |
10. | Ryo Anma and IODP Exp. 312 乗船研究者 : 海洋底熱年代学への展望:深海掘削孔およびオフィオライトのウラン含有鉱物・年代・地温勾配, フィッション・トラック ニュースレター, Vol.19, 1-8, 2006. |
11. | Ryo Anma, Veloso-Espinosa Eugenio Andres and CHRISTMASSY研究プロジェクトタイタオ班 : タイタオ・オフィオライトから読みとる海嶺衝突によるオフィオライトの形成プロセス, Chikyu Monthly, Vol.27, No.6, 428-437, 2005. (CiNii: 1521417755092738304) |
12. | 黒澤 正紀, 宮川 一尚, 小松 原哲郎, 佐藤 健一郎, 笹 公和, 石井 聡, 大和 良広, 小林 洋二 and Ryo Anma : 伊豆-小笠原弧衝突境界付近に発達するクロム透輝石を含む岩脈の水濃度, Chikyu Monthly, Vol.313, 519-524, 2005. |
13. | Ryo Anma, A. Veloso, R. Endo, S. Yamamoto, S. Ike and M. Aniya : Preliminary report on geology and morphology of the Patagonian volcanic field, South America: CHRISTMASSY-GRPP joint expedition, Annual Report, Institute of Geoscience, Univ. Tsukuba, Vol.30, 39-44, 2004. |
14. | Ryo Anma, 川上 俊介 and 山本 由弦 : 潮岬海底谷沿いの付加体断面とシロウリ貝コロニーの産状:6K#522, 6K#579潜航報告, 深海研究, No.20, 59-75, 2002. |
15. | Ryo Anma : 屋久島花崗岩体の貫入機構について, Chikyu Monthly, No.30, 105-113, 2000. (CiNii: 1521417756041438720) |
16. | 折橋 裕二, 稲垣 賢一, 平田 岳史, Ryo Anma and 平田 大二 : 西南日本外帯,中期中新世花こう岩類のジルコンのREE組成とマグマ成因-スラブ溶融の可能性について-, 月刊地球号外「花崗岩研究の最前線」, No.30, 14-21, 2000. |
1. | Hiroshi Yamamoto, Masaru Terabayashi, Hiroyuki Oasa, Yoshiyuki Kaneko and Ryo Anma : Competence contrast between oelitic schist and silicified oelitic schist in the Twakuni-Yanai area of the Ryoke Belt, southwest Japan, Journal of Geological Society of Japan, Vol.110, No.2, 119-122, 2004. (DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.110.119, CiNii: 1390282681214163840) |
1. | Ryo Anma, Yuzuru Yamamoto, Nobuo Geshi, Futoshi Nanayama and Shojiro Nakagawa : Geology and development of the Yakushima island: a world heritage site, Journal of Geological Society of Japan, Vol.120, S101-S125, Jul. 2014. (DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.2014.0026, CiNii: 1390001206239431808) |
2. | K. Kawamura, Y. Ogawa, T. Kitahara, R. Endo and Ryo Anma : Active basal slip zones in the Jinnosuke-dani landslide, Mt Hakusan, Central Japan, The Island Arc, Vol.17, No.2, 183-184, 2008. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.2008.00613.x) |
3. | Yuzuru Yamamoto and Ryo Anma : Duplex structures in the Shimanto accretionary prism, Yakushima Island, SW Japan, Journal of Geological Society of Japan (frontispiece), Vol.112, No.9, XVII-XVIII, Sep. 2006. (DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.112.9.XVII_XVIII, CiNii: 1390282681216967168) |
4. | A. Motoki, Y. Orihashi, D. Hirata, J. M. Haller, T. Hosono, D. F. Cario, M. Schilling and Ryo Anma : Monogenic volcanoes of Patagonian back-arc province, southern Argentina, Journal of Geological Society of Japan (frontispiece), Vol.109, No.7, XIII-XIV, 2003. |
5. | A. Motoki, Y. Orihashi, A. J. Naranjo, D. Hirata, T. Hosono, D. F. Cario and Ryo Anma : Geologic occurrence and recent eruptive materials of the Lautaro Volcano, Chilean Patagonia, Journal of Geological Society of Japan (frontispiece), Vol.109, No.5, IX-X, 2003. |
6. | Toshihiko SUGAI, Yasuo AWATA, Ryo Anma and Yukiyasu SAKA : North Anatolian Fault in Turkey, Journal of Geological Society of Japan (frontispiece), Vol.105, No.3, V-VI, Mar. 1999. (DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.105.V, CiNii: 1390001206238450048) |
7. | Ryo Anma : Analytical Structural Geology, Analogue modelling of the subduction-related structures : from deep ductile mantle wedge to the shallow brittle crust, Memoir of Geological Society of Japan, Vol.50, 73-88, Jul. 1998. (CiNii: 1520853835182301824) |
1. | Schilling E. Manuel, Plissart Gaëlle, Akizawa Norikatsu, Lin Kuan-Yu, Corgne Alexandre, Alvear Maite, González Emilio, Marín Catalina, Walker J. Richard, Ryo Anma, Warren Jessica, Ishikawa Akira, Prigent Cecile, González Victoria, Rivera Ana, Martínez Felipe and González-Jiménez María José : Magmatic and tectonic processes recorded by mantle rocks of the Taitao ophiolite (6 Ma), southern Chile, Goldschmidt meeting, 2024. |
2. | Ryo Anma, Jaafar Jotheri, Sachi Wakasa, Yorinao Shitaoka, Kicheol Shin, Takashi Sano and Yoriko Yokoo : Late Quaternary climate changes and sedimentation in the Tigris-Euphrates watersheds: implication in the changing watercourses and early cities, Symposium: Cities and Urbanization in West Asai and Egupt Shapes, Functions, and Ideology-, Tsukuba, Jun. 2023. |
3. | Rina Fukuchi, Yoshiro Nishio, Rie Hori, Ryo Anma, Yuhji Yamamoto, Arito Sakaguchi, Lena Maeda, Saneatsu Saito and Kae Takahashi : Potential of online webcasts of large Scientific Ocean Drilling Programs for University Education: a case study IODP Expedition 386 the R/V Kaimei, IX GeoSciEd, Shimane, Aug. 2022. |
4. | Yuji Orihashi, Aki Sato, Shunichi Nakai, Hironao Shinjoe, Jose Naranjo, Ryo Anma and Group Project CFRISTMASSY : Magmagenesis of the Quaternary arc volcanic rocks, the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes: Constraints from characteristics of the bulk chemistry including boron contents, XII South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Santiago, Jun. 2022. |
5. | Masataka Kinoshita, Ryo Anma, Yuka Yokoyama, K. Ohta, Yusuke Yokoyama, T. Nishikawa, N. Abe, H. Iwamori and L. Villar : Thermal regime around the Chile Triple Junction based on JAMSTEC MR18-06 cruise EPIC, European Union of Geoscience Annual Meeting 2020 Abstracts, Online, May 2020. (DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-6414) |
6. | Y. Yokoo, K. Asai, S. Horii, Ryo Anma, M. Shiva and K-C. Shin : Influences of soil dust, sea salt and anthropogenic activities on ionic and Sr isotopic compositions of wet deposition in Iran, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019 Abstracts, HTT18-05, Makuhari, Chiba, May 2019. |
7. | Ryo Anma, K.-C. Shin, C. Watanabe and A. Tuji : pXRF analyses on Assyrian sculptures., Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019 Abstracts, HTT21-05, Makuhari, Chiba, May 2019. |
8. | Y. Orihashi, A. Motoki, D. Hirata, J. M. Haller, A. V. Ramos, T. Ota, H. Yoshida and Ryo Anma : Zircon geochemistry of Mid-Miocene adakites in the southern Patagonian province, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta Spec. Suppl., A364, Kurashiki, Japan, Sep. 2003. |
9. | A. Motoki, Y. Orihashi, D. Hirata, M.J. Haller, V.A. Ramos, M. Schilling, H. Iwano, F.D. Cario and Ryo Anma : U-Pb dating for single grain zircon using laser ablation ICP massspectrometer and fission track ages of zircon for back-arc adakitic bodies, the Cerro Pampa and the Puesto Nuevo, Argentine Ptagonia, Short papers of IV South America Symposium on Isotope Geology, 219-220, 2003. |
10. | F. Herve, C. M. Fanning, N. S. Thomson, J. R. Pankhurst, Ryo Anma, A. Veloso and C. Herrera : SHRIMP U-Pb and FT Pliocene ages of near-trench granites in Taitao peninsula, southern Chile, Short papers of IV South America Symposium on Isotope Geology, 190-193, 2003. |
1. | 服部 喜嗣, 横尾 頼子, 濱口 弘平, 前田 哲弥, Ryo Anma, Shiva Mehrabani and 申 基澈 : イラン・イラクにおける降水のイオン組成の地域別特徴, 第13回同位体環境学シンポジウム, Dec. 2023. |
2. | 和田 悠兵, 吉田 知洋, 横尾 頼子 and Ryo Anma : 四国吉野川水系河川水のイオン組成・硫黄同位体比からみる硫黄の起源の推定と流域環境の関係, 第13回同位体環境学シンポジウム, Dec. 2023. |
3. | Ryo Anma, 申 キチョル, Yu Saitoh, 横尾 頼子, 渡辺 千香子 and 辻 彰洋 : メソポタミア氾濫原堆積物と粘土板胎土の元素・同位体比分析, 第2回人・モノ・自然シンポジウム, Dec. 2023. |
4. | Ryo Anma : 西アジア出土石材に関する分析とその手法, 日本文化の地質学的特質 研究発表会, Jun. 2022. |
5. | Ryo Anma : 屋久島の中身はこうなっていた!花崗岩と堆積岩の地史, 屋久島大学, Dec. 2021. |
6. | 朝倉 一恵, 横尾 頼子, 阪本 千尋, 北村 篤志, 金澤 康平, Ryo Anma, Shiva Mehrabani and 申 キチョル : イランの降水に含まれる不溶性物質のPb同位体比にみられる地域的特徴, 第11回同位体環境学シンポジウム, Dec. 2021. |
7. | Ryo Anma : 屋久島の成立とフィリッピン海プレートの移動, 屋久島学ソサエティー, Dec. 2021. |
8. | 佐藤 亜樹, 折橋 裕二, 中井 俊一, 新正 裕尚, A. Jose Naranjo, 高久 雄一, 淺原 良浩 and Ryo Anma : アンデス南部火山地帯, 第四紀島弧火山岩類のマグマ成因:ホウ素を含む全岩化学組成の特徴からの制約, 日本地球化学会第68年会, Sep. 2021. |
9. | Ryo Anma : pXRFの考古学利用の現状と課題-肥沃の三日月地帯出土の黒曜石原産地推定を例として, Geochemical Society of Japan, Nov. 2020. |
10. | 佐藤 亜樹, 折橋 裕二, 中井 俊一, 新正 裕尚, Jose Naranjo and Ryo Anma : チリ南部火山地帯中央部における島弧火山岩中のホウ素およびその他微量元素の特徴, Geochemical Journal, Sep. 2019. |
11. | 横尾 頼子, 阪本 千尋, 北村 篤志, Ryo Anma and M. Shiva : イラン7都市の降水中に含まれる不溶性物質の鉱物組成と元素組成の地域的特徴., 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会講演要旨, MIS09-02, May 2019. |
12. | 木下 正高, 岩森 光, 西川 友章, Ryo Anma, S. Lagarrigue, 阿部 なつ江, 横山 由香, A. Veloso-Espinosa, I. Cortes A. Rivero, P. G. Lazcano-Prado, A. I. Arriagada-Bascunan, 原口 悟, 太田 耕輔, 折橋 裕二, 中尾 魁史, 沼田 翔伍, 塩原 肇, 杉岡 裕子, 伊藤 亜紀 and N. Perez-Estay : チリ三重会合点におけるMR18-06 `EPIC'航海Leg2調査概要., 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会講演要旨, SCG60-01, May 2019. |
13. | Ryo Anma : 水路堆積物および粘土板胎土にみるメソポタミアの都市鉱山化., 文化地質研究会(大谷大学), Mar. 2019. |
14. | Ryo Anma : 古代西アジアをめぐる水と土と都市の相生相克と都市鉱山の起源, 新学術領域研究・領域全体研究会(筑波大学東京キャンパス), Feb. 2019. |
15. | Ryo Anma : メソポタミア氾濫源堆積物・粘土製品にみる都市鉱山のあけぼの., 日本地質学会四国支部総会, Dec. 2018. |
16. | Ryo Anma : pXRF(携帯型蛍光X線分析計)によるアッシリア浮彫石材の非破壊分析, 渡辺科研研究会, Dec. 2018. |
17. | Ryo Anma : 古代西アジアをめぐる水と土と都市の相生相克と都市鉱山の起源, 新学術領域研究キックオフミーティング(筑波大学東京キャンパス), Jul. 2018. |
18. | Ryo Anma, 申 基澈, 横尾 頼子, 中野 孝教 and 黒澤 正紀 : メソポタミア氾濫源堆積物と粘土板の化学組成・同位体組成にみる都市鉱山のあけぼの, 地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会2018年大会講演要旨, HTT18-13, May 2018. |
19. | 諸隈 暁俊, 中島 礼, 瀬尾 絵理子, 小島 茂明, Ryo Anma, 藤倉 克則 and 間嶋 隆一 : ノチールシロウリガイの貝殻と遺伝子情報に基づく再検討, ブルーアースサイエンス・テク2018, Jan. 2018. |
20. | Yuji Orihashi, Mie Ichihara, Ryo Anma, Hironao Shinjoe, Chiaki Toyama, Hirochika Sumino, Jose Naranjo A., Kenji Mibe and Shun'ichi Nakai : Variation of volcanic activity in Southern Volcanic Zone, Southern Chile and petrogenesis of its volcanic rocks: Constraint from subduction of fracture zones, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.63, 195, Sep. 2016. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.63.0_195, CiNii: 1390001205735547520) |
21. | Yuji Orihashi, Hironao Shinjoe and Ryo Anma : Elucidation of whole Mid-Miocene granitic magmatism of the outer zone of southwestern Japan, Kyushu province: Constraint from LA-ICPMS U-Pb age determination, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.62, 33, Sep. 2015. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.62.0_33, CiNii: 1390282680712386560) |
22. | Ryo Anma and Yuji Orihashi : Accretionary prism stratigraphy deduced from zircon U-Pb ages of tuffaceous horizons - a case study from the Shimanto supergroup exposed in Yakushima -, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.62, 32, Sep. 2015. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.62.0_32, CiNii: 1390001205735676672) |
23. | Ryo Anma, Kicheol Shin, Takanori Nakano, Yoshiaki Kon, Akihiro Tsuji, Chikako Watanabe, Yoriko Yokoo and Kamal Rasheed : Chemical compositions of Mesopotamian tablet clay preserved in the Slemani Museum, Iraq, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, Vol.2015, 43, Sep. 2015. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2015.0_043, CiNii: 1390282680510946944) |
24. | 新正 裕尚, 折橋 裕二, ナランホ A. ホセ, 平田 大二, 長谷中 利昭, 福岡 孝昭, 佐野 貴司 and Ryo Anma : ホウ素含有量から見た南米アンデス弧,Southern Volcanic Zoneの第四紀フロント火山のスラブ由来成分(<特集>火山・マグマ学における放射化分析), 放射化分析, No.30, 10-14, Dec. 2014. (CiNii: 1570009752948026752) |
25. | Ryo Anma : Geology, Environmental Changes and Human History in West Asia, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, Vol.2014, 41, Sep. 2014. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2014.0_041, CiNii: 1390001205533807872) |
26. | Yukihito Yasudomi, Isao Motoyama, Ryo Anma, Tadamichi Oba, Minoru Ikehara and Takuya Itaki : Marine vertical structural changes during the last interglacial period in the northwestern Pacific based on radiolarian assemblage, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 605, Sep. 2013. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2013.0_605, CiNii: 1390282680509602048) |
27. | Yuji Orihashi, Ryo Anma, Akihisa Motoki, Miguel Haller, Daiji Hirata, Hideki Iwnao, Hirochika Sumino and Victor Ramos : Evolution history of the crust underlying Cerro Pampa, Argentine Patagonia: Constraint from LA-ICPMS U-Pb ages for exotic zircons in the Mid-Miocene adakite, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 37, Sep. 2013. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2013.0_037, CiNii: 1390282680510751872) |
28. | Yuji Orihashi, Ryo Anma and Hironao Shinjoe : Newly revealed NNW shift of granitic magmatism during Mid-Miocene period, Kyushu, Japan, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.60, 65, Sep. 2013. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390282680714359040) |
29. | Ryo Anma and Yuji Orihashi : Zircon crystal morphology and U-Pb ages, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 95, Sep. 2012. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2012.0_95, CiNii: 1390001205533125376) |
30. | Yuji Orihashi, Ryo Anma, Akihisa Mootki, Miguel Haller, Daiji Hirata, Hideki Iwano, Hirochika Sumino and Victor Ramos : Geochronological fingerprint revealing the evolution of the crust underlying Cerro Pampa, Argentine Patagonia: Constraint from LA-ICPMS U-Pb ages for exotic zircons in the Mid-Miocene adakite, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.59, 63, Sep. 2012. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390001205732264448) |
31. | Yujiro Ogawa, Kiichiro Kawamura, Ryo Anma, Yoko Michiguchi, Satoru Muraoka and YK08-04 and onshore Scientific Parties YK05-08 Leg 2 and Shipboard : Submarine and on land comparison between Nankai Trough and Miura-Boso prisms: Results of submersible study, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 114, Sep. 2011. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2011.0.114.0, CiNii: 1390001205531659776) |
32. | Yukihito Yasudomi, Isao Motoyama, Ryo Anma, Tadamichi Oba, Minoru Ikehara and Takuya Itaki : Marine vertical structural changes during the last interglacial period in the northwestern Pacific, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 333, Sep. 2011. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2011.0.333.0, CiNii: 1390282680507809664) |
33. | Ryo Anma, Hideki Iwano, Toru Danhara and Toru Yamashita : Detrital zircon fission-track analysis from accretionary complex in the Nankai trough, Japan, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 10, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2010.0.10.0, CiNii: 1390001205531394432) |
34. | Ryo Anma, Yujiro Ogawa, Kiichiro Kawamura, Greg Moore and Tomoyuki Sasaki : Structures, textures, physical properties and fluid flow in the accretionary complex in the Nankai Trough exposed along the Shionomisaki canyon, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 453, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2010.0.453.0, CiNii: 1390001205529148928) |
35. | Naomi Harada, Natsue Abe, Carina Lange, Ryo Anma, Yuji Orihashi and Hikaru Iwamori : Studies on geophysics and paleoceanography in the South Pacific., Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.57, 151, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390282680707435392) |
36. | Yuji Orihashi, Hironao Shinjoe, Jose Naranjo, Akihisa Motoki and Ryo Anma : Geochemical variation of southern Andean arc (SVZ) volcanics from regular subduction to ridge subduction, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.57, 157, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390282680708530304) |
37. | Yuji Orihashi, Akihisa Motoki, Miguel Haller, Hirochika Sumino, Keisuke Nagao and Ryo Anma : Petrogenesis of Somuncura plateau basalt in an extra back-arc province: Dehydration induced-melting of hydrous wadsleyite beneath northern Patagonia, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.57, 188, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390282680708586624) |
38. | Chiaki Kobayashi, Yuji Orihashi, Daiji Hirata, Jose Naranjo, Makoto Kobayashi and Ryo Anma : Estimation of SiO<sub>2</sub>wt% around Viedma volcano in Chile, using spaceborne ASTER, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.57, 156, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390001205731818240) |
39. | Yoshiaki Kon, Tsuyoshi Komiya, Ryo Anma, Takafumi Hirata and Shigenori Maruyama : Geochemical characteristics of ridge-subduction-related granitoids, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.57, 158, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390001205731819648) |
40. | Ryo Anma, Kicheol Shin, Yuji Orihashi and Takanori Nakano : Ridge subduction and evolution of continental crust - Chile ridge subduction zone, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.57, No.0, 159, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390001205731820928) |
41. | Hirochika Sumino, Yuji Orihashi, Akihisa Motoki, Daiji Hirata, Miguel Haller, Rommulo Conceicao, Ryo Anma and Keisuke Nagao : Noble gas isotope ratios of olivine phenocrysts and mantle-derived xenoliths in Patagonian plateau lavas from southernmost South America, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.57, 155, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390282680708528768) |
42. | Natsue ABE, Toshiya Fujiwara, Toshiya Kanamatsu, Daisuke Suetsugu, Toshitsugu Yamazaki, Hikaru Iwamori, Ryo Anma, Naoto Hirano, Yuji Orihashi and Naomi Harada : Overview of the MR08-06 Leg1 Marine Geology and Geophysical Research: A complete cross-Ocean Hemisphere Cruise, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.57, 189, Sep. 2010. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390001205731872128) |
43. | Kiichiro KAWAMURA, Ryo Anma, Masataka KINOSHITA, Arito SAKAGUCHI, Toshiya KANAMATSU, Yasuhiro YAMADA and Shunji YOKOYAMA : Development process of a submarine landslide in the Nankai trough, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 4, Sep. 2009. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2009.0.4.0, CiNii: 1390001205529631872) |
44. | Akihisa Motoki, Yuji Orihashi, Miguel Haller, Victor Ramos, Daiji Hirata and Ryo Anma : LA-ICP-MSを用いたアルゼンチン南パタゴニアのCerro Pampaアダカイトに含まれる地殻ジルコン結晶のU-Pbスポット年代と,それから構築される地殻年代発達史, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.55, No.0, 239, Sep. 2008. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390282680707203968) |
45. | Yoshiaki Kon, Takafumi Hirata, Tsuyoshi Komiya, Ryo Anma and Shigenori Maruyama : Hf isotopes in zircon from ridge subduction related-granitoids, Taitao Peninsula, southern Chile, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.55, 300, Sep. 2008. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.55.0.300.0, CiNii: 1390282680707165824) |
46. | Ryo Anma, Tsuyoshi Komiya, Yoshiakai Kon, Takazou Shibiya, Tsutomu Ota, Yuji Orihashi and Richard Armstrong : The Taitao ophiolite and related felsic plutonism nearby the Chile ridge subduction zone, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Vol.55, 301, Sep. 2008. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.55.0.301.0, CiNii: 1390282680707167232) |
47. | Ryo Anma : On a possiblility of the ascent of granite magmas from the top surface of the subducting slab, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 50, Sep. 2007. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2007.0.50.0, CiNii: 1390282680507862400) |
48. | Kiichiro Kawamura, Yujiro Ogawa, Ryo Anma, Yildirim Dilek, Shunji Yokoyama, Shunsuke Kawakami, F. Gregory Moore and Party Shipboard Scientific YK05-08Leg2 : Geologic structure, deformation texture, physical and mechanical properties of the Nankai accretionary prism along the Tenryu Canyon revealed using submersible, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 2, Sep. 2006. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2006.0_2_1, CiNii: 1390282680508779776) |
49. | Ryo Anma, Yujiro Ogawa, Gregory Moore, Kiichiro Kawamura, Shunsuke Kawakami, Tomoyuki Sasaki and parties Leg 2 and YK06-02 Shipboard Scientific YK05-08 : Nankai accretionary prism transect along the Shionomisaki canyon, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 2, Sep. 2006. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2006.0_2_2, CiNii: 1390282680508776448) |
50. | Yujiro Ogawa, Kiichiro Kawamura, Ryo Anma and Hidetoshi Kara : Finding of slaty cleavages from the two canyons of Nankai accretionary prism : two-way cleavages and exhumation problem revisited, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 6, Sep. 2006. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2006.0_6_2, CiNii: 1390282680509114368) |
51. | Yujiro Ogawa, YK06-02 and Onshore Scientific Parties of YK05-08 Leg2 and Shipboard, Kiichiro Kawamura, Ryo Anma, Shunsuke Kawakami, Shunji Yokoyama, Yildirim Dilek, Greg Moore, Satoshi Hirano and Hidetoshi Hara : Geologic structures of Nankai accretionary prism, exhumation of accreted materials, and fluid seepage : Submersible studies to two canyons, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 14, Sep. 2006. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2006.0_14_2, CiNii: 1390282680511169792) |
52. | Yoshiaki Kon, T. Komiya, Ryo Anma, T. Hirata and S. Maruyama : Geochemical Characteristics of Granite, Taitao Peninsula, S-Chile, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 235, Sep. 2006. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2006.0_235_2, CiNii: 1390282680510307712) |
53. | Masanori Kurosawa, Kazuhisa Miyagawa, Tetsuro Komatsubara, Ken-ichiro Sato, Kimikazu Sasa, Satoshi Ishii, Yoshihiro Yamato and Ryo Anma : Water contents of melt inclusions in chromian diopside megacrysts from basaltic dykes at the South Fossa Magna, central Japan, Abstracts for Annual Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Japan, 84, Aug. 2005. (DOI: 10.14824/kobutsu.2005.0.84.0, CiNii: 1390282680707308288) |
54. | Yuzuru YAMAMOTO, Kazuki Tonogai and Ryo Anma : Deformation phases and fabric change in accretionary prism. Yakushima Island. SW Japan, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 122, Sep. 2003. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2003.0_122_1, CiNii: 1390001205537367296) |
55. | Ryo Anma, Takaaki Matsuda, Richard Armstrong and Eric Ferre : Intrusion Process of Magmas of the Yakushima Granite Pluton and its Duration, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists, 216, Oct. 2002. (DOI: 10.14824/jampeg.2002.0.216.0, CiNii: 1390282680566873088) |
56. | Ryo Anma, A. Veloso, Y. Kaneko, M. Terabayashi, T. Ota, T. Komiya, I. Katayama, S. Maruyama and F. Herve : Geology of the Taitao Ophiolite near the Chile Triple Junction, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 7, Sep. 2002. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2002.0_7_2, CiNii: 1390001205537106304) |
57. | Ryota ENDO and Ryo Anma : The mechanism of distributed on the great circle folds axes in the melange, southwest part of Yakushima island, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 122, Sep. 2002. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2002.0_122_1, CiNii: 1390282680511913472) |
58. | Yuzuru YAMAMOTO and Ryo Anma : Deformation structures and strain distribution in sedimentary rocks in shallow and deep part of accretionary prisms, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 127, Sep. 2002. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2002.0_127_2, CiNii: 1390001205535226624) |
59. | Y. Kawano, S. Kagashima, Y. Nakeko and Ryo Anma : Petrology of volcanic rocks around Nosoko-dake, northeast of Ishigaki-jima Island, southern Ryukyus, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 306, Sep. 2002. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2002.0_306_1, CiNii: 1390001205536046976) |
60. | Yuji Orihashi, Akihisa Motoki, Daiji Hirata, Tsutomu Ohta, Haller Miguel, Hideto Yoshida and Ryo Anma : Zircon geochemistry of Mid-Miocene adakites in southern Patagonian province, Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, 77, 2002. (DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc., CiNii: 1390001205730250880) |
61. | Yuji Orihashi, Kenichi Inagaki, Takafumi Hirata, Ryo Anma, Daiji Hirata and Shigenori Maruyama : Magmagenesis of the Middle Miocene Granites on the outer zone of southwestern Japan : Evidence for a slab melting, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 61, Sep. 1999. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1999.0_61_1, CiNii: 1390282680512831232) |
62. | Yoshiyuki Kaneko, Ikuo Katayama, Kazuhiro Yamauchi, Hideki Masago, Toshihide Ogasawara, Shigenori Maruyama, Masaru Terabayashi, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Masahiro Ishikawa, Ryo Anma, C.B Parkinson, Tsutomu Ota and Youichi Nakajima : Geology of the Kokchetav UHP metamorphic belt, northern Kazakhstan (1), 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 431, Sep. 1998. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1998.0_431, CiNii: 1390001205530021760) |
63. | Ryo Anma, Yoshinobu KAWANO and Masaki YUHARA : 266 Internal structures of the Yakushima pluton,Southwest Japan, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 234, Sep. 1997. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1997.0_234_2, CiNii: 1390282680514040192) |
64. | Yoshinobu Kawano and Ryo Anma : Major and trace element compositions of Yakushima granite, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 397, Sep. 1991. (DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1991.0_397, CiNii: 1390282680516819456) |
1. | Y. Orihashi, Ryo Anma, N. Harada and N. Abe : Preface: Geoscience dynamics in the Patagonia Archipelago-Southern Pacific Ocean, Geochemical Journal, Vol.47, No.2, 93-95, 2013. (DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0254) |
2. | Y. Ogawa, Ryo Anma and Y. Dilek : Preface to Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin, Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Science, 2011. |
3. | D. Brown, P. Spadea and Ryo Anma : Processes of arc-continent collision, Tectonophysics, Vol.325, vii-viii, 2000. |
1. | Ryo Anma : 石材考古学における可搬型蛍光X線分析装置の利用と問題点, 国際日本文化研究センター共同研究報告書, No.200, 49-54, Mar. 2024. |
2. | 横尾 頼子, 堀井 彩衣, 濱口 弘平, 前田 哲弥, Shiva Mehrabani and Ryo Anma : イラン7都市の月別降水の主要イオン組成, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2022年度, 163-168, Mar. 2023. |
3. | Ryo Anma, 申 基澈, 渡辺 千香子, 辻 彰洋, 佐野 貴司, Yu Saitoh, 中野 孝教, 横尾 頼子, 小泉 龍人, Mark Altaweel, Anke Marsh, Hashim Hama, Kamal Rasheed and Jaafar Jotheri : スレマニ博物館所蔵の楔形文書粘土板胎土の化学組成, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2022年度, 147-152, Mar. 2023. |
4. | Ryo Anma, 佐野 貴司, 申 基澈, 昆 慶明 and 松井 恵子 : 携帯式蛍光X線分析用の標準岩石試料の整備, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2022年度, 187-197, Mar. 2023. |
5. | 黒澤 正紀, 池端 慶, Ryo Anma and 西山 伸一 : ヤシン・テペ遺跡出土の腐食青銅片の鉱物・化学的特徴, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2021年度, 187-195, Mar. 2022. |
6. | 下岡 順直, Ryo Anma, Jaafar Jotheri, 中川 清隆, 長島 秀樹 and 平田 英隆 : Tell Umm al-Aqaribの三日月型砂丘のルミネッセンス年代測定と風向風速解析, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2021年度, 173-185, Mar. 2022. |
7. | Ryo Anma and Jaafar Jotheri : 堆積物柱状試料と地形からみるメソポタミア下流域の堆積環境の変遷と塩害, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2021年度, 154-171, Mar. 2022. |
8. | 黒澤 正紀, 池端 慶, Ryo Anma and 西山 伸一 : ヤシン・テペ遺跡の石室内の金属濃集堆積物の分析, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2020年度, 205-215, Mar. 2021. |
9. | Ryo Anma, 西山 伸一, 三宅 裕, 常木 晃 and 横尾 頼子 : 肥沃な三日月地帯北縁部に分布する新石器時代~鉄器時代遺構の堆積物柱の元素濃度, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2020年度, 195-204, Mar. 2021. |
10. | 横尾 頼子, 浅井 公輔, 堀井 彩衣, 濱口 弘平, 申 キチョル, Ryo Anma and メラバニ シバ : イラン8都市の月別降水の化学組成, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2019年度, 181-186, Mar. 2020. |
11. | 堀川 恵司, 南 雅代 and Ryo Anma : イラン北西部アリ・サドル洞窟のつらら石のU/Th年代, 14C年代, 炭素・酸素安定同位体比, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2019年度, 187-195, Mar. 2020. |
12. | Ryo Anma, 常木 晃 and 三宅 裕 : イラク国北部Jarmo遺跡およびトルコ国南東部Hasankeyf遺跡出土の石器材黒曜石の化学組成と原産地推定, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2019年度, 197-204, Mar. 2020. |
13. | Keisuke Ishida and Ryo Anma : 若杉山遺跡「採掘坑跡1」発掘土壌からの赤色重鉱物(辰砂)の検出と同定-辰砂採掘候補地の地球科学的解析(その2)-, 阿南市埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書第1冊「若杉山遺跡発掘調査報告書-平成30年度国庫補助事業報告書-」, Vol.1, 49-59, Mar. 2019. |
14. | Keisuke Ishida and Ryo Anma : 若杉山遺跡「採掘坑跡1」におけるHg値のpXRF計測-辰砂採掘候補地の地球科学的解析(その1)-, 阿南市埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書第1冊「若杉山遺跡発掘調査報告書-平成30年度国庫補助事業報告書-」, Vol.1, 40-48, Mar. 2019. |
15. | Keisuke Ishida and Ryo Anma : 若杉山遺跡「石灰岩露頭」発掘土壌からの赤色重鉱物(辰砂)の検出と同定-辰砂採掘候補地の地球科学的解析(その2)-, 徳島県埋蔵文化財調査報告書第4集「赤色顔料生産遺跡及び関連遺跡の調査-若杉山遺跡 発掘調査編」, Vol.4, 99-111, Mar. 2019. |
16. | Keisuke Ishida and Ryo Anma : 若杉山遺跡「石灰岩露頭」におけるHg値のpXRF解析-辰砂採掘候補地の地球科学的解析(その1)-, 徳島県埋蔵文化財調査報告書第4集「赤色顔料生産遺跡及び関連遺跡の調査-若杉山遺跡 発掘調査編」, Vol.4, 85-98, Mar. 2019. |
17. | 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, Ryo Anma, 辰巳 祐樹 and ラワ カリム サリ : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク・クルディスタン,スレマニ地域チャルモ遺跡の調査(2018年)-, 第26回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, 19-23, Mar. 2019. |
18. | Ryo Anma, 前田 修 and 常木 晃 : イラク国北部Qalat Said Ahmadan出土の黒曜石製石器の化学組成と原産地推定, 都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2018年度, 149-154, Mar. 2019. |
19. | 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, Ryo Anma, 西山 伸一 and ラワ カリム サリ : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク・クルディスタン,スレマニ地域チャルモ遺跡・トゥルカカ遺跡の調査(2017年)-, 第25回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, 8-11, Mar. 2018. |
20. | 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, Ryo Anma and アハマッド サーベル : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク・クルディスタン,スレマニ周辺の先史時代遺跡踏査(2016年)-, 第24回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, 10-15, Mar. 2017. |
21. | Ryo Anma : 「堆積物に記録される西アジアにおける第四紀環境変動の解読」成果報告, 西アジア文明研究センター・ニュースレター, No.9, 47-54, 2017. |
22. | Ryo Anma : 2014年イラン調査報告, 西アジア文明研究センター・ニュースレター, No.6, 7-14, 2015. |
23. | Ryo Anma : 2014年度スレイマニヤの古環境・地形・地質調査報告, 西アジア文明研究センター・ニュースレター, No.5, 7-10, 2015. |
24. | Ryo Anma : 2014年7月トルコ・カッパドキア地方調査報告, 西アジア文明研究センター・ニュースレター, No.5, 1-6, 2015. |
25. | Ryo Anma : イラン地質調査報告(2013.11.1~11.14), 西アジア文明研究センター・ニュースレター, No.4, 12-16, 2014. |
26. | Ryo Anma : トルコ地質調査(2013.7.16~8.5)報告, 西アジア文明研究センター・ニュースレター, No.3, 3-7, 2014. |
27. | Ryo Anma and 久田 健一郎 : アンカラ-カッパドキア地質調査報告(2013.8.6~8.10), 西アジア文明研究センター・ニュースレター, No.3, 8-10, 2014. |
28. | Ryo Anma : オマーン国における予察的地質調査の報告, 西アジア文明研究センター・ニュースレター, No.2, 6-7, 2013. |
29. | H. D. A. Teagle, B. Ildefonse, P. Blum, Ryo Anma and Scientists 335 Expedition : Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; Volume 335, Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Vol.335, 2012. (DOI: 10.2204/iodp.proc.335.2012) |
30. | Ryo Anma : 堆積物に記録される西アジアにおける第四紀環境変動の解読, 西アジア文明研究センター・ニュースレター, No.1, 22-23, 2012. |
31. | Ryo Anma : 石油技術協会特別見学会「水溶性天然ガスの生産施設の見学とタービダイト貯留層の堆積構造の多様性の観察--メタンハイドレートの痕跡は見つかるか?」に参加して, Journal of the Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology, Vol.76, No.2, 189-191, Mar. 2011. (CiNii: 1520853832234240896) |
32. | Scientists 335 Expedition and Ryo Anma : Superfast spreading rate crust 4: drilling gabbro in intact ocean crust formed at a superfast spreading rate, IODP Preliminary Report, Vol.335, 2011. (DOI: 10.2204/ |