
Physical Sciences    ( 10 persons )

Fushimi, Ken-Ichi / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science, Master of Science
Field of Study: Experimental Nuclear Physics, Experimental Astrophysics
Lecture: SIH(Strike while the Iron is Hot) Training (Common Curriculum), Introduction to STEM (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション1年 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to New Business (Common Curriculum), Management Theory of New Business (Graduate School), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Museum Materials Theory (Bachelor Course), Laboratory Physics (Common Curriculum), Space Science (Bachelor Course), Advanced Astroparticle Physics (Graduate School), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Radiation Science (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Physical Science (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Research Approaches in Science and Technology D (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Search for Cosmic Dark Matter, Nuclear Physics, 放射線計測学
Izawa, Ken-ichi / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics, Physical Cosmology
Lecture: Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Mechanics (Common Curriculum), Electricity and Magnetism (Common Curriculum), Introduction to Technical English (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Theory of Relativity (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Quantum Mechanics 1 (Bachelor Course), Quantum Mechanics 2 (Bachelor Course), Theoretical Basis for Quantum Physics (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: theoretical models of elementary particles, cosmological inflation
Kishimoto, Yutaka / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 工学博士
Field of Study: Solid State Physics
Lecture: Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Mechanics (Common Curriculum), Electricity and Magnetism (Common Curriculum), Engineering of Correlated Electron Matter (Graduate School), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Fundamentals of Wave Motion (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory in Physics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Statistical Mechanics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Fundamental Mechanics (Bachelor Course), Superconductivity and Superconducting Materials (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 強結合超伝導体のエネルギーギャップの異方性の核磁気共鳴法による研究, 銅硫化物スピネル化合物の電子状態の核磁気共鳴法による研究, 非晶質高濃度近藤物質の基底状態の核磁気共鳴法による研究 (強結合超伝導体, A15化合物, C15化合物, 重い電子系物質, 超伝導エネルギーギャップの異方性, 銅硫化物スピネル, 金属·絶縁体転移, 電荷密度波, 非晶質, 核磁気共鳴(NMR)法)
Magishi, Ko-ichi / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Solid State Physics
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Mechanics (Common Curriculum), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Thermodynamics and Statistics Mechanics 1 (Bachelor Course), Thermodynamics and Statistics Mechanics 2 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Physical Science (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Quantum Condensed Matter Physics (Graduate School), Quantum Physics of Condensed Matter (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: NMR study of strongly correlated electron systems (high temperature superconductor, heavy-fermion system, quantum spin system, metal-insulator transition, nuclear magnetic resonance)
Nakamura, Koichi / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Solid State Physics
Lecture: Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Elements of Mechanics 1 (Bachelor Course), Elements of Mechanics 2 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Solid State Ionics (Graduate School), Mechanics (Common Curriculum), Electricity and Magnetism (Common Curriculum), Ethics for Engineers and Scientists (Common Curriculum), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), 教員養成講座(前期) (Bachelor Course), 教員養成講座(後期) (Bachelor Course), Physics of Condensed Matter 1 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory in Physics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Methodology of Teaching Science I (Bachelor Course), Methodology of Teaching Science II (Bachelor Course), Methodology of Teaching Science III (Bachelor Course), Methodology of Teaching Science IV (Bachelor Course), Statistical Mechanics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Quantum Mechanics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Radio Frequency Solid State Physics (Graduate School)
Subject of Study: Li+ ion difusion in electerode materials for Li ion rechargeable batteries, Li+ ion diffusion in Li alloys, Na+ ion diffusion in electrode materials for Na ion rechargeable batteries, Local changes in crystal structure and ion dynamics by mechanical milling, Development of non-linear resonant ultrasonic method (Cathode and anode materials for Li ion rechargeable batteries, superionic conductor, Li transition metal oxide, ionic diffusion, Li+ ion diffusion, Li+ ion conductor, Na+ ion diffusion, Na+ ion conductor, nuclear magnetic resonance, Mechanical milling, Ultrasonic method, Electrical conductivity measurement)
Saito, Takahito / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Solid State Physics
Lecture: Handicrafts and Social Communications (Introduction to Science) (Common Curriculum), Active learning for environmental issues in Tokushima (Common Curriculum), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Global Environment and Sustainable Society (Common Curriculum), General Physics (Common Curriculum), General Physics 1 (Common Curriculum), General Physics 2 (Common Curriculum), Laboratory Physics (Common Curriculum), Introduction to military research for world peace (Common Curriculum), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Lecutre of Physical Property Measurement (Graduate School), Physics (Common Curriculum), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Physical Science (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Physical Science (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Active learning for globalization by cross-cultural communications (Common Curriculum), What should we learn in the exchange program with foreign countries (Common Curriculum), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: NMR Study in Superconductor (superconductor, nuclear magnetic resonance)
Inukai, Munehiro / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of science
Field of Study: chemical physics
Lecture: Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), International Advanced Technology and Science A (Graduate School), International Advanced Technology and Science B (Graduate School), Mechanics (Common Curriculum), Electricity and Magnetism (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory in Physics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Magnetic Resonance (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Analytical Mechanics (Bachelor Course), Quantum Mechanics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Quantum Theory of Materials (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: New application and hardware development in solid-state NMR
Kawasaki, Yu / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: solid state physics
Lecture: Presentation Method (D) (Graduate School), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Mechanics (Common Curriculum), Engineering of Correlated Electron Matter (Graduate School), Engineering of Correlated Electron Matter (Graduate School), Technical English Fundamentals 1 (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Physics of Condensed Matter 2 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory in Physics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Statistical Mechanics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Quantum Mechanics for Engineering Sciences (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: magnetism and superconductivity in strongly correlated electron system (heavy-fermion compound, anisotropic superconductivity, non-Fermi liquid, nuclear magnetic resonance)
Orito, Reiko / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Cosmic Ray Physics
Lecture: Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Introduction to cosmic-ray observation (Common Curriculum), Advanced Lecture for Cosmic-ray Measurement (Graduate School), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Radiation Science (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Physical Science (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course), Electromagnetism 1 (Bachelor Course), Electromagnetism 2 (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Cosmic-Ray Physics, Radiation Physics
Hisada, Akihiko / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(人間・環境学)
Field of Study: Solid State Physics
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Mechanics (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), General Physics 1 (Common Curriculum), Mechanics (Common Curriculum), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Solid State Physics Under Extreme Conditions (Graduate School), Laboratory for Physical Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Physical Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Physical Science (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 強相関電子系の物性研究 (superconductivity, 高圧物性, NMR)

Chemistry    ( 7 persons )

Imai, Shoji / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Environmental Chemistry
Lecture: Analytical Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Analytical Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Outline of Chemistry (Common Curriculum), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Material Chemistry (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Advanced Environmental Analytical Chemistry (Graduate School), Advanced Environmental Inorganic Chemistry (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Toxic Trace elemet analysis (environmental analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, environmental science), Toxic trace elemet analysis in environments, Atomization mechanism of Lead, Gold, Arsenic, Indium in GFAAS, 環境分析化学 (environmental chemistry, environmental analytical chemistry, natural environment)
Miyoshi, Norikazu / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Docter of Science
Field of Study: Organic Chemistry
Lecture: Organic Reaction Mechanism (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Organic Chemistry (Common Curriculum), Basic Chemistry Experiments (Common Curriculum), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Synthetic Organoic Chemistry (Graduate School), Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (Bachelor Course), Advanced Material Chemistry (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: The deveropement of new synthetic methodology, Investigation of new synthetic chemistry (methodology, organic chemistry, new synthesis)
Ogasawara, Masamichi / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor in Engineering
Field of Study: Organometallic Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Lecture: Introductory Laboratory for Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Organic Chemistry (Common Curriculum), Basic Chemistry Experiments (Common Curriculum), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Organic Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (Bachelor Course), Advanced Organometallic Chemistry (Graduate School), Advanced Material Chemistry (Graduate School), Advanced Molecular Transformations (Graduate School), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Research Approaches in Science and Technology D (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Asymmetric Synthesis, Homogeneous Catalysis, Organo-Transition-Metal Chemistry
Ueno, Masaharu / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(薬学)
Field of Study: Reaction Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry
Lecture: オリエンテーション1年 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Green Chemistry (Graduate School), Analytical Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 1 (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Organic Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (Bachelor Course), Advanced Material Chemistry (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Chemistry in the lives (Common Curriculum), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: グリーンケミストリー, 新規反応手法の開発及び生物活性化合物合成への応用
Yamamoto, Takashi / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(工学)
Field of Study: Environmental Physical Chemistry, Catalytic Chemistry, X-ray Spectrometry
Lecture: Analytical Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Analytical Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Outline of Chemistry (Common Curriculum), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Inorganic Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Inorganic Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Physical Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Physical Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Material Chemistry (Graduate School), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Advanced Environmental Physical Chemistry (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 新規固体触媒の開発と物性発現機構解明, X線分析化学 (固体酸塩基, 複合酸化物, ナノレベル構造解析, XAFS, 環境触媒)
Nakamura, Mitsuhiro / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 農学博士
Field of Study: Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (Bachelor Course), Organic Functional Material Chemistry (Graduate School), Advanced Material Chemistry (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Biological and Organic Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 機能性天然物質の探索と高機能化 (機能性物質, 生物発光基質, 硫酸化)
Yamamoto, Yuhei / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(理学)
Field of Study: 無機分析化学
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Chemistry (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Inorganic Chemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Inorganic Chemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Material Chemistry (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Advanced Environmental Inorganic Chemistry (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 環境中の重金属元素に関する化学

Geological Sciences    ( 4 persons )

Anma, Ryo / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: PhD
Field of Study: Natural sciences [Solid earth science], Environmental science/Agricultural science [Environmental dynamics], Natural sciences [Space and planetary science], Humanities & social sciences [Museology], Humanities & social sciences [Cultural properties]
Lecture: Introduction to STEM (Bachelor Course), オリエンテーション1年 (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Museum Materials Theory (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 3 (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Civilization and global environmental changes (Common Curriculum), Structural Geology 1 (Bachelor Course), Structural Geology 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Structural Geology (Graduate School), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Research Approaches in Science and Technology D (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Earth-Environmental Science in English Text (Common Curriculum), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:
Aoya, Mutsuki / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Geology
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Plate Tectonics (Common Curriculum), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Petrology and Tectonics of Crustal Rocks (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 3 (Bachelor Course), Rocks and minerals (Common Curriculum), Advanced Petrology and Mineralogy (Graduate School), Analytical Petrology (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), 教員養成講座(前期) (Bachelor Course), 教員養成講座(後期) (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 変成岩の形成・上昇に関わるテクトニクス (metamorphic rocks, geological structure, tectonics, petrology)
Nishiyama, Ken-ichi / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Dr. of Science
Field of Study: Geology
Lecture: Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 3 (Bachelor Course), Disaster reduction of seismic and volcanic hazards (Common Curriculum), Applied Geomorphology (Bachelor Course), Applied Geology (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Disaster mitigation of meteorological hazards (Common Curriculum), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Advanced Environmental and Hazard Geology (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Environmental Geology (Engineering Geology, Hazard Geology, Quaternary Research) (Processes of rock weathering, Geological features of landslide, Quaternary system in Southwest Japan)
Saitoh, Yu / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of philosophy in science
Field of Study:
Lecture: Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (Bachelor Course), Historical Geology (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Earth Science (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 2 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Earth Science 3 (Bachelor Course), Advanced sedimentology (Graduate School), Technical English Fundamentals 1 (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Civilization and global environmental changes (Common Curriculum), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study:

Biological Sciences    ( 3 persons )

Makabe, Kazuhiro W. / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Molecular and Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Lecture: STEM Practice (Bachelor Course), Genomic and Genetic Technology (Common Curriculum), Advanced Biotechnology (Bachelor Course), Molecular Develomental Biology (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 1 (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Bioscience and Technology (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Bioscience (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Bioscience 1 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Bioscience 3 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Developmental Bioinformatics (Graduate School), Developmental Genetics (Bachelor Course), Cell Engineering (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: ホヤを用いた初期発生メカニズムの分子·進化発生学的研究 (ホヤ, 母性因子, 局在RNA, genome, EST, 転写因子ネットワーク, 小分子RNA)
Watanabe, Minoru / Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: Doctor of Science
Field of Study: Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology
Lecture: Advanced Biotechnology (Bachelor Course), Molecular Biology (Bachelor Course), Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Basic Biology (Common Curriculum), Basic Biology (Common Curriculum), Basic Biology (Common Curriculum), Basic Biology Experiments (Common Curriculum), Basic Biology Experiments (Common Curriculum), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Life sciences and technologies that have caused innovations in modern society (Common Curriculum), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Advanced Biosciences (Graduate School), Bioscience and Technology (Bachelor Course), Life science and modern society (Common Curriculum), Introductory Laboratory for Bioscience (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Bioscience 2 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Bioscience 3 (Bachelor Course), Biology -Fundamental Cell Biology- (Common Curriculum), Functional Cell Biology (Bachelor Course), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Genetic Engineering (Bachelor Course), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: Molecular biological study of the early frog development (Xenopus laevis, Transcriptional Regulation, signal transduction, RNAi, development, morphogenesis, transcription factor, genome editing)
Hirata, Akira / Associate Professor (by-work)   [Detail]
Academic Degree: 博士(農学)
Field of Study: Structural Biology, Molecular Biology, Biological Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, Enzyme Chemistry
Lecture: Graduation Work (Bachelor Course), Technical English Fundamentals 2 (Bachelor Course), Structural biochemistry (Graduate School), Introduction to Science and Technology (Common Curriculum), Interdisciplinary Seminar in Science and Technology (Graduate School), Environment and Biotechnology (Common Curriculum), Bioscience and Technology (Bachelor Course), Introduction to Bioscience (Bachelor Course), Introductory Laboratory for Bioscience (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Bioscience 2 (Bachelor Course), Laboratory for Bioscience 3 (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry 1 (Bachelor Course), Biochemistry 2 (Bachelor Course), Advanced Biochemistry (Graduate School), Research Approaches in Science and Technology D (Graduate School), Seminar on Natural Sciences (Bachelor Course), Graduate Research on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Graduate Seminar on Natural Sciences (Graduate School), Reading Scientific Papers (Bachelor Course)
Subject of Study: 核酸関連タンパク質の構造生命科学, 超好熱菌を用いた生命起源の研究, 構造解析を利用した機能化酵素の開発, 産業利用のための環境微生物探索 (アーキア(古細菌), 好熱菌, transcription, 転写後修飾, RNA, enzyme catalysis, protein, environmental biotechnology)