Tokushima UniversityInstitute of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Files for researchmap) [PDF manual] [Auto-propagate to researchmap]


Field of Study

英語教育 計算社会科学 社会調査 社会医学

Lecture (2024)

TOEFL ITP 1 日集中コース(夏季集中) (Common Curriculum)
TOEICリスニング対策(冬季集中) (Common Curriculum)
Thematic English (Common Curriculum)
Basic English (Common Curriculum)
Communicative English (Common Curriculum)
Psychology as a social science: its development to date and possibility for the future (Common Curriculum)
English: Learning to "learn" through interactive learning (Common Curriculum)

(Lectures are listed by lecturer for subjects registered in our student affair database system.)