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Tokushima University ⟩ Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences ⟩ | (Files for researchmap) [PDF manual] [Auto-propagate to researchmap] |
Professor : Uchiyama, Hachiro |
○ | 英語教育 計算社会科学 社会調査 社会医学 |
○ | 社会科学と英語教育, 社会関係資本, 計算社会科学, 学習と生活習慣, 公衆衛生・健康関連指標と学習関連指標の関係, エビデンスに基づく政策形成など |
1. | Hachiro Uchiyama : "Healthcare and Quality of Life in Two Cities," pp. 92-99, in "The Intersection of Arts, Humanities, and Science: Fifteen Selected Passages for University Students--2nd Edition--", The Japan Association of International Liberal Arts, Seibido, Mar. 2024. |
2. | Hachiro Uchiyama : "Economy, healthcare, and quality of life in two cities," pp. 66-71, in "The Intersections of Arts, Humanities, and Science", The Japan Association of International Liberal Arts, Seibido, Apr. 2020. |
1. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Chigusa Uchiumi and Hiroki Inoue : Psychosocial Factors and Change in Time Spent Studying by Students in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic, JAILA Journal, Vol.9, 44-55, 2023. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118086, DOI: 10.57359/jailajournal.9.0_44, CiNii: 1390858397086547200) |
2. | Hiroki Inoue and Hachiro Uchiyama : Development of Introductory Software on Bayesian Inference Modeling for Stan and R, Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare, Vol.21, No.2, 82-98, 2021. (DOI: 10.34540/niigatajohewe.21.2_82, CiNii: 1390573242964475776) |
3. | Hiroki Inoue and Hachiro Uchiyama : Development and Evaluation of Interactive Smartphone App for Visualization of Bayesian Inference Using R-Shiny, Niigata Iryo Fukushi Gakkaishi, Vol.21, No.3, 108-120, 2021. (DOI: 10.34540/niigatajohewewa.21.3_108, CiNii: 1390573242773763840) |
4. | 井上 弘樹 and Hachiro Uchiyama : Development of the Python3 based Bayesian inference dynamic visualization tool ``B.T.V.T.I.'' with multiplatform support designed to assist decision-making in healthcare and welfare, Niigata Iryo Fukushi Gakkaishi, Vol.21, No.2, 19-41, 2021. (DOI: 10.34540/niigatajohewewa.21.2_19, CiNii: 1390853179620171264) |
5. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Mark Taylor and Hiroki Inoue : Self-assessed reading comprehension in English among adults in Japan: Implications of lifestyle and information technology, JAILA Journal, Vol.7, 2-13, 2021. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118088, CiNii: 1390011848897374080) |
6. | Hiroki Inoue and Hachiro Uchiyama : Development of J-Assist, a statistical analysis support tool for Julia, Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare, Vol.21, No.1, 12-24, 2021. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118095, DOI: 10.34540/niigatajohewe.21.1_12, CiNii: 1390290229666074496) |
7. | Inoue Hiroki and Hachiro Uchiyama : A study on the relationship between domestic noise complaints and local government ordinances in Japan, 新潟医療福祉学会誌, Vol.20, No.2, 1-8, 2020. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118089) |
8. | Hiroki Inoue, Hachiro Uchiyama, Kensuke Moriwaki, Shinichiro Yanagisawa and Kunihiro Nishimura : B.I.T.: Development of a dynamic visualization tool for Bayesian inference on various types of normal distributions for medical decision-making and education, Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare, Vol.19, No.1, 22-36, 2019. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118094, CiNii: 1050002212665833856) |
9. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Maki Ikoma and Shigemitsu Takagi : Interdisciplinary analyses of lifestyle-related factors, social capital, and proficiency in English as a foreign language among students at a university in Japan, JAILA Journal, Vol.4, 38-49, 2018. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118090, CiNii: 1390859923229357568) |
10. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Mikio Ouchi and Kazuo Ichikawa : English language education for engineering majors at a university in Japan: Predictive factors and reflections on screening for effective and riveting in-class activities, JAILA Journal, Vol.3, 27-38, 2017. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118091) |
11. | Hachiro Uchiyama : Components of social capital and marital status: A global perspective, JAILA Journal, Vol.2, 39-50, 2016. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118092, CiNii: 1390860322095794816) |
12. | Hachiro Uchiyama : Prefecture-level social capital in Japan: An interdisciplinary perspective, JAILA Journal, Vol.1, 26-37, 2015. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118093) |
13. | Hachiro Uchiyama and Masato Kawabata : Social capital and health in malaria-prevalent areas of the Solomon Islands, The Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol.57, No.2, 49-62, 2011. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118096) |
14. | Kaoru Takahashi, Hachiro Uchiyama, Shinichiro Yanagisawa and Isao Kamae : The logistic regression and ROC analysis of group-based screening for predicting diabetes incidence in four years, The Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol.52, No.6, 171-180, 2006. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118097) |
15. | Li Cai, Hachiro Uchiyama, Shinichiro Yanagisawa and Isao Kamae : Cost-effectiveness analysis of influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations among elderly people in Japan, The Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol.52, No.4, 97-109, 2006. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118098) |
1. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Chigusa Uchiumi and Inoue Hiroki : Subjective Happiness among Adults in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Socioeconomic Status, Psychosocial Variables, and Loneliness as Predictors, CSRDA Discussion Paper Series, Vol.N/A, No.94, 1-15, 2024. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 119601) |
2. | Inoue Hiroki and Hachiro Uchiyama : Addition of simple input completion function to Fatsia, Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare, Vol.23, No.2, 65-72, 2024. |
3. | Asako Okamoto, Dwi Elsi Hapsari, Hachiro Uchiyama and Masato Kawabata : Community-based disaster health management and social capital in Indonesia, Report of Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Vol.11, 293-302, 2007. (Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 118105) |
4. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Shinichiro Yanagisawa and Isao Kamae : Smoking status of Japan in comparison with selected countries in the world, Report of Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Vol.7, 107-115, 2003. |
1. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Chigusa Uchiumi and Hiroki Inoue : Recurrent education, life satisfaction, and anxiety in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic, Poster presentation for the 11th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of International Liberal Arts (held at Doshisha University Shinmachi Campus), Feb. 2023. |
2. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Chigusa Uchiumi and Hiroki Inoue : Psychosocial changes during the COVID-19 pandemic on student and adult populations in Japan, Poster presentation for the 10th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of International Liberal Arts (held online), Mar. 2022. |
3. | 井上 弘樹 and Hachiro Uchiyama : スマートフォンやタブレット上で動作するインタラクティブなベイズ統計的シグナル検出法の視覚化アプリ開発の試み, Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology, Vol.26, No.supplement, 161-162, Nov. 2021. |
4. | 井上 弘樹 and Hachiro Uchiyama : スマートフォン用ベイズ推測視覚化アプリ 開発で得られた経験, 新潟医療福祉学会誌 学術集会特集号, Vol.21, No.1, 116, Oct. 2021. |
5. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Hiroki Inoue and Mark Taylor : Reflections on secondary data analysis: A method to extrapolate social tendencies, Video (poster) presentation for the 9th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of International Liberal Arts (held online), Mar. 2021. |
6. | Hachiro Uchiyama : Correspondence analysis and its applications in sociological studies of English as a foreign language in Japan, Poster presentation for the 8th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of International Liberal Arts (held at the University of Hyogo), Mar. 2019. |
7. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Mikio Ouchi, Kazuo Ichikawa and Shigemitsu Takagi : A survey of backgrounds, lifestyles, and English language education at a university in Japan, Poster presentation for the 7th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of International Liberal Arts (held at Tsurumi University), Mar. 2018. |
8. | 大内 幹雄, Hachiro Uchiyama and 市川 一夫 : 「英語で学ぶグローバル・サイエンス」, 日本国際教養学会 第6回 全国大会 (ポスター発表 於 同志社大学今出川キャンパス), Feb. 2017. |
9. | Hachiro Uchiyama, Mikio Ouchi and Kazuo Ichikawa : A case study on science majors in the context of English language education, Poster presentation for the 5th Annual Conference of the Japan Association of International Liberal Arts (held at the Tokyo University of Science), Mar. 2016. |
1. | 井上 弘樹 and Hachiro Uchiyama : Julia言語向け統計解析マクロ実行ツールへの,コクラン・マンテル・ヘンチェル推定とメタアナリシス機能の追加実装報告, Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology, Vol.27, 124-125, Nov. 2022. |
2. | 井上 弘樹 and Hachiro Uchiyama : Julia言語の統計解析マクロ実行ツールへの生存時間解析の追加実装報告, Japanese Journal of Public Health, Vol.81, 297, Sep. 2022. |
3. | Hachiro Uchiyama and George Moreton : 徳島大学のオンライン英語授業におけるアクティブ・ラーニングの実践例と考察, 第17回大学教育カンファレンス in 徳島, Jan. 2022. |
4. | Hachiro Uchiyama : 同志社大学におけるTOEFL®を活用した取り組み:Intensive Courses for TOEFL® (I.C.T.), TOEFL Web Magazine,, 15, Nov. 2018. |
5. | 井上 弘樹, 森脇 健介, Hachiro Uchiyama and 柳澤 振一郎 : 生存モデルのハザード関数に関するベイズ推測視覚化ツールの開発, Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy, Vol.30, No.2, 103-104, Jan. 2012. |
6. | 井上 弘樹, 森脇 健介, Hachiro Uchiyama and 柳澤 振一郎 : 薬剤経済学のためのNNT(治療必要数)のベイズ推測視覚化ツール, Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy, Vol.29, No.2, 118-119, Mar. 2011. |
7. | 井上 弘樹, Hachiro Uchiyama and 柳澤 振一郎 : 生存モデルのための,Weibull分布のベイズ推測視覚化ツールの開発, Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy, Vol.28, No.3, 65-66, Mar. 2010. |
8. | 井上 弘樹, Hachiro Uchiyama, 柳澤 振一郎 and 西村 邦宏 : 医学判断のための,Dirichlet分布と多項モデルのベイズ推測視覚化システム, Health Sciences, Vol.24, No.3, 317, Mar. 2009. |
9. | 井上 弘樹, Hachiro Uchiyama, 柳澤 振一郎 and 西村 邦宏 : 「疫学教育のための,対数t分布を用いた対数正規分布のベイズ推測視覚化ツール」, 第19回日本疫学会総会講演集 (Journal of Epidemiology), Vol.19, No.Supplement (1), 83, Jan. 2009. |
10. | 井上 弘樹, Hachiro Uchiyama, 柳澤 振一郎 and 西村 邦宏 : 「医学判断における,2つの割合の評価の為のベイズ推計視覚化システム」, Health Sciences, Vol.25, No.3, 216, 2009. |
11. | 井上 弘樹, Hachiro Uchiyama, 柳澤 振一郎, 西村 邦宏 and 前田 英一 : 「疫学学習の為の二変量正規分布における相関と回帰のベイズ推測視覚化ツール」, 第19回総会講演集, 84, 2009. |
12. | 井上 弘樹, Hachiro Uchiyama, 柳澤 振一郎 and 西村 邦宏 : 疫学教育のための,二つの正規分布の比較のベイズ推測視覚化ツール開発, Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology, Vol.12, 56-57, Oct. 2007. |
1. | Hiroki Inoue and Hachiro Uchiyama : B.I.T.の機能追加実装とリリースの報告―第2報―, 新潟医療福祉学会誌 学術集会特集号, Vol.22, No.1, 103, Oct. 2022. |
2. | 井上 弘樹 and Hachiro Uchiyama : B.I.T.の機能追加実装とリリースの報告, 新潟医療福祉学会誌 学術集会特集号, Vol.21, No.1, 124, Oct. 2021. |