Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social SciencesDivision of Science and TechnologyNatural ScienceGeological Sciences
Tokushima UniversityFaculty of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Science and Technology自然科学コースGeological Sciences
Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Sciences and Technology for InnovationScience and TechnologyNatural ScienceGeological Sciences
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Book / Paper


1. Yu Saitoh :
朝倉書店, Jul. 2022.

Academic Paper (Judged Full Paper):

1. Razieh Chaharlang, Jalil Ghalamghash, Yu Saitoh, Mihai N. Ducea and Axel K. Schmitt :
Sr Nd isotopes of Sabalan Volcano, NW Iran: insights into the origin of collisional adakites and geodynamic implications,
International Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol.112, 2065-2080, 2023.
(DOI: 10.1007/s00531-023-02338-x,   Elsevier: Scopus)
2. A. Tsuneki, N. Watanabe, Ryo Anma, S. Jammo, Yu Saitoh and S. Ahmad :
Preliminary report of the Charmo (Jarmo) Prehistoric investigations,
Al -Rafidan, Vol.44, 1-34, 2023.
(CiNii: 1050577829119511168)
3. Etsuo Uchida, Shinya Nagano, Sota Niki, Kou Yonezu, Yu Saitoh and Ki-Cheol Shin :
Geochemical and radiogenic isotopic signatures of granitic rocks in Chanthaburi and Chachoengsao provinces, southeastern Thailand: Implications for origin and evolution,
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X, Vol.8, No.100111, 2022.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2010122,   DOI: 10.1016/j.jaesx.2022.100111,   CiNii: 1050302547376760064,   Elsevier: Scopus)
4. Umezawa Yu, Toyoshima Kanae, Yu Saitoh, Takeda Shigenobu, Tamura Kei, Tamaya Chiaki, Yamaguchi Akira, Yoshimizu Chikage, Tayasu Ichiro and Kawamoto Kazuaki :
Evaluation of origin-depended nitrogen input through atmospheric deposition and its effect on primary production in coastal areas of western Kyushu, Japan,
Environmental Pollution, Vol.291, No.118034, 2021.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118034,   PubMed: 34563851,   Elsevier: Scopus)
5. Yu Saitoh, Tsuyoshi Ishikawa and Masaharu Tanimizu :
Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systematics of fine sediments from the modern rivers in SW Japan: Implications for sediment provenance of the Northwest Pacific,
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X, Vol.3, No.100029, 2020.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2010121,   DOI: 10.1016/j.jaesx.2020.100029)
6. Takanori Nakano, Katsuyuki Yamashita, Atsushi Ando, Soichiro Kusaka and Yu Saitoh :
Geographic variation of Sr and S isotope ratios in bottled waters in Japan and sources of Sr and S,
The Science of the Total Environment, Vol.704, 135449, 2020.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135449,   PubMed: 31818581,   Elsevier: Scopus)
7. Yu Saitoh, Takanori Nakano, Ki-Cheol Shin, Jun Matsubayashi, Yoshikazu Kato, Hiroshi Amakawa, Yutaka Osada, Chikage Yoshimizu, Noboru Okuda, Yosuke Amano, Hiroyuki Togashi, Yutaka Kurita and Ichiro Tayasu :
Utility of Nd isotope ratio as a tracer of marine animals: regional variation in coastal seas and causal factors,
Ecosphere, Vol.9, No.8, e02365, 2018.
(Tokushima University Institutional Repository: 2010157,   DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2365)
8. Ohta Tamihisa, Shin Ki-Cheol, Yu Saitoh, Nakano Takanori and Hiura Tsutom :
The effects of differences in vegetation on calcium dynamics in headwater streams,
Ecosystems, Vol.21, No.7, 1390-1403, 2018.
(DOI: 10.1007/s10021-018-0229-1,   CiNii: 1360848656215547136,   Elsevier: Scopus)
9. Jun Matsubayashi, Yu Saitoh, Yutaka Osada, Yoshitoshi Uehara, Junko Habu, Tsuyoshi Sasaki and Ichiro Tayasu :
Incremental analysis of vertebral centra can reconstruct the stable isotope chronology of teleost fishes,
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Vol.8, 1755-1763, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12834,   CiNii: 1360848660393326848,   Elsevier: Scopus)
10. Yu Saitoh, Tamura Toru and Nakano Takanori :
Geochemical constraints on the sources of beach sand, southern Sendai Bay, northeast Japan,
Marine Geology, Vol.387, 97-107, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2017.04.004,   CiNii: 1360567182306299776,   Elsevier: Scopus)
11. Yu Saitoh, Tsuyoshi Ishikawa, Masaharu Tanimizu, Masafumi Murayama, Yurika Ujiie, Yuzuru Yamamoto, Kohtaro Ujiie and Toshiya Kanamatsu :
Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope compositions of hemipelagic sediment in the Shikoku Basin: implications for sediment transport by the Kuroshio and Philippine Sea plate motion in the late Cenozoic,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol.421, 47-57, 2015.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.04.001)
12. Yu Saitoh and Fujio Masuda :
Spatial change of grading pattern of subaqueous flood deposits in Lake Shinji, Japan,
Journal of Sedimentary Research, Vol.83, 221-233, 2013.
13. Yu Saitoh, Tamura Toru, Kodama Yoshinori and Nakano Takanori :
Strontium and neodymium isotopic signatures indicate the provenance and depositional process of loams intercalated in coastal dune sand, western Japan,
Sedimentary Geology, Vol.236, 272-278, 2011.
14. Yu Saitoh and Fujio Masuda :
Miocene sandstone of continental origin on Iriomote Island, southwest Ryukyu arc, Eastern Asia,
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol.24, No.2, 137-144, 2004.

Academic Paper (Unrefereed Paper):

1. Yu Saitoh, Tamura Toru and Fujio Masuda :
Hyperpycnal-flow deposits from the Miocene continental delta complex in the Ryukyu islands arc, southwest Japan,
Mega-deltas of Asia - Geologic evolution and human impact, 262-268, 2005.

Review, Commentary:

1. Yu Saitoh, Tamura Toru and Fujio Masuda :
Journal of Georaphy, Vol.114, No.5, 687-704, Dec. 2005.

Proceeding of Domestic Conference:

1. Ryo Anma, 申 キチョル, Yu Saitoh, 横尾 頼子, 渡辺 千香子 and 辻 彰洋 :
第2回人・モノ・自然シンポジウム, Dec. 2023.
2. Yu Saitoh :
日本地質学会第 130 年学術大会, Sep. 2023.
3. Yu Saitoh :
日本堆積学会20周年記念リレーセミナー, Vol.0, No.0, 0, Mar. 2023.


1. Ryo Anma, 申 基澈, 渡辺 千香子, 辻 彰洋, 佐野 貴司, Yu Saitoh, 中野 孝教, 横尾 頼子, 小泉 龍人, Mark Altaweel, Anke Marsh, Hashim Hama, Kamal Rasheed and Jaafar Jotheri :
都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究 研究成果報告2022年度, 147-152, Mar. 2023.
2. Yu Saitoh :
Data Report: grain size distribution of the late Cenozoic hemipelagic mud from Site C0011,
Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Vol.333, No.203, Apr. 2014.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN Grants Database @

  • ロードダスト中重金属の都市における分布と挙動の解明 (Project/Area Number: 23K04090 )
  • Petrological study on stone materials and their deterioration in the Khmer monuments including the Angkor monuments (Project/Area Number: 19KK0016 )
  • Water and soil environmental changes and dawn of urban mine around the early cities in Ancient West Asia (Project/Area Number: 18H05447 )
  • Evaluation of the potential of iron-manganese oxides as information on the origin of sediment-carrying water (Project/Area Number: 18K03765 )
  • Development of the precise analytical techniques for studying migratory history using isotope ratios of heavy elements (Project/Area Number: 15K14602 )
  • Sr-Nd-Pb isotope ratios of hemipelragic sediments as the tracer of plate motion (Project/Area Number: 26870418 )
  • The effects of bioproduction in the East China Sea on cloud fields viewed from marine bio-originated aerosols (Project/Area Number: 24340114 )
  • Search by Researcher Number (60469616)