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免疫学 (Immunology)
免疫学 (Immunology)


食物摂取に関連する免疫応答 (アレルギー (allergy), 食品抗原, 免疫応答)
食品抗原に対する経口免疫寛容機構 (食品抗原, 経口免疫寛容, IgE抗体, サイトカイン (cytokine), アレルギー (allergy))



1. 太田 房雄, 西島 基弘 :
株式会社 建帛社, 東京, 2008年10月.
2. 太田 房雄 :
「管理栄養士のための 疾患別 検査値と治療薬ハンドブック」白木啓三・沖 田千代・外山健二 編,
株式会社 化学同人, 京都, 2007年9月.
3. 太田 房雄 :
管理栄養士講座 食品衛生学,
株式会社 建帛社, 東京, 2005年8月.
4. 太田 房雄, 塩田 洋, 斉藤 厚 :
感染症診療のコツと落とし穴 斎藤厚/編, --- 角膜真菌症の診断の決め手 糸状菌感染? あるいは酵母菌感染? ---,
株式会社 中山書店, 東京, 2004年9月.
5. 太田 房雄, 西島 基弘 :
株式会社 建帛社, 東京, 2004年4月.
6. 太田 房雄, 西島 基弘 :
株式会社 建帛社, 東京, 2004年4月.
7. 太田 房雄, 西島 基弘, 山本 茂樹, 仲野 宏幸, 伊藤 武, 小久保 彌太郎, 芳澤 宅寶, 堀 伸二郎 :
株式会社 建帛社, 東京, 2004年3月.
8. 太田 房雄, 内海 莢, 大西 克成, 金政 泰弘, 斉藤 肇, 高木 篤, 新居 四郎, 内海 爽, 他 :
第3章 グラム陰性好気性捍桿菌および球菌,Ⅲナイセリア属,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2003年11月.
9. 太田 房雄, 内海 莢, 大西 克成, 金政 泰弘, 斉藤 肇, 高木 篤, 新居 四郎, 内海 爽, 他 :
第1章 グラム陽性球菌,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 2003年11月.
10. 太田 房雄 :
微生物の取り扱いと利用・応用技術, --- 第5章第2節 虫歯菌の微量定量方法 ---,
株式会社 情報機構, 東京, 2003年5月.
11. 太田 房雄 :
エッセンシャル微生物学 細菌学各論第3章グラム陰性好気性桿菌および球菌, --- Ⅲ ナイセリア属 ---,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 1999年.
12. 太田 房雄 :
エッセンシャル微生物学 細菌学各論, --- 第1章グラム陽性球菌 ---,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 1999年.
13. 大森 芳行, 太田 房雄, 秋本 茂 :
微生物学, --- 第4章 免疫 ---,
朝倉書店, 東京, 1996年9月.
14. 大森 芳行, 太田 房雄, 秋本 茂 :
微生物学, --- 第3章 病原微生物 ---,
朝倉書店, 東京, 1996年9月.
15. 大森 芳行, 太田 房雄, 秋本 茂 :
微生物学, --- 第2章 消毒と滅菌 ---,
朝倉書店, 東京, 1996年9月.
16. 高木 篤, 太田 房雄 :
エッセンシャル微生物学 細菌学各論, --- 第1章グラム陽性球菌 ---,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 1995年.
17. 高木 篤, 太田 房雄 :
エッセンシャル微生物学 細菌学各論第3章グラム陰性好気性桿菌および球菌, --- Ⅲ ナイセリア属 ---,
医歯薬出版 株式会社, 東京, 1995年.
18. 市川 哲生, 太田 房雄, 長宗 秀明, 久保 兼信, 桜林 郁之介, 佐藤 真悟, 篠原 康雄, 高木 俊夫, 竹尾 和典, 田中 経彦, 辻 明彦, 寺田 弘, 中尾 真, 中村 和行, 藤田 清貴, 松田 佳子, 真鍋 敬 :
電気泳動法 –基礎と実験-,
株式会社 廣川書店, 東京, 1989年4月.
19. 市川 哲生, 太田 房雄, 久保 兼信, 桜林 郁之介, 佐藤 真吾, 篠原 康雄, 高木 俊夫, 竹尾 和典, 田中 経彦, 辻 明彦, 寺田 弘, 中尾 真, 長宗 秀明, 中村 和行, 藤田 清貴, 松田 佳子, 真鍋 敬 :
電気泳動法,基礎と実験, --- 7.泳動タンパク質の検出 ---,
株式会社 廣川書店, 東京, 1989年.
20. 太田 房雄, 斉藤 理恵子, 福井 公明 :
免疫実験操作法, --- Eロゼット:パパイン処理ウサギ赤血球を用いて.免疫細胞Vの18 ---,
日本免疫学会, 東京, 1980年.
21. 太田 房雄, 福井 公明 :
免疫実験操作法, --- 特異抗モルモットリンパ球(抗T細胞)血清の大量調製法.細胞抗原Ⅵの13 ---,
日本免疫学会, 東京, 1979年.


1. Bemnet Amare, Beyene Moges, Bereket Fantahun, Ketema Tafess, Desalegn Woldeyohannes, Gizachew Yismaw, Tilahun Ayane, Tomoki Yabutani, Andargachew Mulu, Fusao Ota and Afework Kassu :
Micronutrient levels and nutritional status of school children living in Northwest Ethiopia,
Nutrition Journal, Vol.11, 108, 2012.
(DOI: 10.1186/1475-2891-11-108,   PubMed: 23237638)
2. Afework Kassu, Tomoki Yabutani, Andargachew Mulu, Belay Tessema and Fusao Ota :
Serum zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, and magnesium levels in pregnant and non-pregnant women in gondar, northwest ethiopia,
Biological Trace Element Research, Vol.122, No.2, 97-106, 2008.
(DOI: 10.1007/s12011-007-8067-6,   PubMed: 18202835)
3. Nhien Van Nguyen, Nguyen Cong Khan, Nguyen Xuan Ninh, Phan Van Huan, Le Thi Hop, Nguyen Thi Lam, Fusao Ota, Tomoki Yabutani, Vu Quynh Hoa, Junko Motonaka, Yutaka Nakaya and Takeshi Nishikawa :
Micronutrient deficiencies and anemia among preschool children in rural Vietnam,
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol.17, No.1, 48-55, 2008.
(PubMed: 18364326)
4. Kassahun Desalegn, Takeshi Nishikawa, Afework Kassu, Anddargachew Mulu, Gizachew Yismaw, Sisay Yefru and Fusao Ota :
Skin sensitivity reactions to some allergens in different population groups of Ethiopian subjects,
International Journal of Environmental Health Research, Vol.17, No.6, 397-406, 2007.
(DOI: 10.1080/09603120701628701,   PubMed: 18027193)
5. A Kassu, G Mengistu, B Ayele, E Diro, F Mekonnen, D Ketema, F Moges, T Mesfin, A Getachew, B Ergicho, D Elias, Y Wondmikun, A Aseffa and Fusao Ota :
HIV and intestinal parasites in adult TB patients in a teaching hospital in Northwest Ethiopia,
Tropical Doctor, Vol.37, No.4, 222-224, 2007.
(DOI: 10.1258/004947507782333026,   PubMed: 17988484)
6. Zahid Hayat Mahmud, Suchiarit Basu Heogi, Afework Kassu, Takaomi Wada, M. Sirajyul Islam, G. Balakrish Nair and Fusao Ota :
Seaweeds as a reservoir for diverse Vibrio parahaemolyticus populations in Japan,
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Vol.118, No.1, 92-96, 2007.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2007.05.009,   PubMed: 17629976)
7. Anddargachew Mulu, Afework Kassu, Belay Tessema, Gizachew Yismaw, Moges Tiruneh, Felek Moges, Yared Wondminkun, Takeshi NishikAwa and Fusao Ota :
Seroprevalence of Syphilis and HIV-1 during Pregnancy in a Teaching Hospital in Northwest Ethiopia,
Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.60, No.4, 193-195, 2007.
(PubMed: 17642529)
8. A Kassu, F Fujino, M Matsuda, M Nishizawa, Fusao Ota and W Sugiura :
Molecular epidemiology of HIV type 1 in treatment-naive patients in north Ethiopia,
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Vol.23, No.4, 564-568, 2007.
(DOI: 10.1089/aid.2006.0270,   PubMed: 17451346)
9. Afework Kassu, Nguyen Nhien Van, Masayo Nakamori, Ermias Diro, Belete Ayele, Getahun Mengistu, Yared Wondmikun, Takeshi Nishikawa, Shigeru Yamamoto and Fusao Ota :
Deficient serum retinol levels in HIV-infected and uninfected patients with tuberculosis in Gondar, Ethiopia,
Nutrition Research, Vol.27, No.2, 86-91, 2007.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.nutres.2006.12.009)
10. Afework Kassu, Berhanu Andualem, Nguyen Van Nhien, Masayo Nakamori, Takeshi Nishikawa, Shigeru Yamamoto and Fusao Ota :
Vitamin A deficiency in patients with diarrhea and HIV infection in Ethiopia,
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol.16, No.Suppl 1, 323-328, 2007.
(PubMed: 17392128)
11. A Kassu, G Mengistu, B Ayele, E Diro, F Mekonnen, D Ketema, F Moges, T Mesfin, A Getachew, B Ergicho, D Elias, A Aseffa, Y Wondmikun and Fusao Ota :
The HIV/tuberculosis co-infection and clinical manifestations of tuberculosis in HIV infected and uninfected adults in a teaching hospital Northwest Ethiopia,
Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection, 2007.
12. 太田 房雄 :
四国医学雑誌, Vol.62, No.3,4, 91-99, 2006年.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2001089)
13. Nguyen Van Nhien, Nguyen Cong Khan, Tomoki Yabutani, Nguyen Xuan Ninh, Afework Kassu, Bui Thi Mai Huong, Tran Thanh Do, Junko Motonaka and Fusao Ota :
Serum Levels of Trace Elements and Iron Deficiency Anemia in Adult Vietnamese,
Biological Trace Element Research, Vol.111, No.1-3, 1-10, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1385/BTER:111:1:1,   PubMed: 16943592,   Elsevier: Scopus)
14. Alizadeh Mohammad, Fusao Ota, Afework Kassu, Kherivari Sorayya and Tohru Sakai :
Modulation of Oral Tolerance to Ovalbumin by Dietary Protein in Mice,
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, Vol.52, No.2, 113-120, 2006.
(DOI: 10.3177/jnsv.52.113,   PubMed: 16802691,   Elsevier: Scopus)
15. Hiroyuki Tomotake, Testuro Koga, Masayuki Yamato, Afework Kassu and Fusao Ota :
Antibacterial Activity of Citrus Fruit Juices against Vibrio Species,
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, Vol.52, No.2, 157-160, 2006.
(DOI: 10.3177/jnsv.52.157,   PubMed: 16802698)
16. Afework Kassu, Feleke Moges, Firew Mekonnen, Getahun Mengistu, Ebba Abate, Endris Mekonnen, Kassie Molla, Tessema Zewde, Abraham Aseffa, Yared Wondmikun and Fusao Ota :
Seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus among blood donors in Northwest Ethiopia,1995-2002,
Tropical Doctor, Vol.36, No.2, 106-107, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1258/004947506776593567,   PubMed: 16611446)
17. Feleke Moges, Afework Kassu, Getahun Mengistu, Solomon Adugna, Berhanu Andualem, Takeshi Nishikawa and Fusao Ota :
Seroprevalence of Helycobacter pylori in dyspeptic patients and its relationship with ABO blood groups in a University Hospital,Northwest Ethiopia,
World Journal of Gastroenterology : WJG, Vol.12, No.12, 1957-1961, 2006.
(PubMed: 16610007,   Elsevier: Scopus)
18. Mohammad Alizadeh, Fusao Ota, Kazuo Hosoi, Makoto Kato, Tohru Sakai and Mohammed A. Satter :
Altered allergic cytokine and antibody response in mice treated with Bisphenol A,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.53, No.1, 2, 70-80, 2006.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003987,   DOI: 10.2152/jmi.53.70,   PubMed: 16537998)
19. Zahid Hayat Mahmud, Afework Kassu, Alizadeh Mohammad, Masayuki Yamato, A N Bhuiyan, Balakrish G Nair and Fusao Ota :
Isolation and molecular characterization of toxigenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus from the Kii Channel, Japan,
Microbiological Research, Vol.161, No.1, 25-37, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.micres.2005.04.005,   PubMed: 16338587)
20. Afework Kassu, Tomoki Yabutani, ZH Mahmud, A Mohammad, N Nguyen, BTM Huong, G Hailemariam, E Diro, B Ayele, Y Wondmikun, Junko Motonaka and Fusao Ota :
Alterations in Serum Levels of Trace Elements in Tuberculosis and HIV Infections,
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol.60, No.5, 580-586, 2006.
(DOI: 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602352,   PubMed: 16340948,   Elsevier: Scopus)
21. Fusao Ota, M Ota, Z.H. Mahmud, A. Mohammad, Masayuki Yamato, A. Kassu, Y. Kato, H. Tomotake, G Batoni and M. Campa :
Serological Diversity Demonstrable by a Set of Monoclonal Antibodies to Eight Serotypes of the Mutans Streptococci,
Caries Research, Vol.40, No.1, 6-14, 2005.
(DOI: 10.1159/000088899,   PubMed: 16352874)
22. Wolday Dawit, Tegbaru Belete, Kassu Afework, Messele Tsehaynesh, Coutinho Roel, van Baarle Debbie, Miedema Frank and Fusao Ota :
Expression of Chemokine Receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 on CD4+ T Cells and Plasma Chemokine Levels During Treatment of Active Tuberculosis in HIV-1-Coinfected Patients,
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, Vol.39, No.3, 265-271, 2005.
(DOI: 10.1097/01.qai.0000163027.47147.2e,   PubMed: 15980685)
23. 友竹 浩之, 大和 正幸, 古賀 哲朗, 竹岡 あや, 高田 昭彦, 太田 房雄 :
大学教育研究ジャーナル, Vol.2, 66-70, 2005年.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2001396,   CiNii: 1050583647831466880)
24. A Kassu, F Moges, F Mekonnen, G Mengistu, E Abate, E Mekonnen, K Molla, T Zewde, A Aseffa, Y Wondmikun and Fusao Ota :
Seroprevalence of HIV in blood donors in Gondar,
Tropical Doctor, 2005.
25. Afework Kassu, Alemayehu Mekonnen, Abebe Bekele, Nuru Abseno, Feleke Moges, Yared Wondmikun and Fusao Ota :
HIV and syphilis infection among elderly people in Northwest Ethiopia,
Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.57, No.6, 264-267, 2004.
(PubMed: 15623952)
26. 清水 俊夫, 立石 ひとみ, Ahmed Sherin, 太田 房雄 :
感染症学雑誌, Vol.78, No.12, 1006-1015, 2004年.
(PubMed: 15678976,   CiNii: 1390282680024779136)
27. 友竹 浩之, 栢下 淳, 早川 麻理子, 太田 房雄 :
栄養日本, Vol.47, No.10, 32-35, 2004年.
28. Afework Kassu, Alizadeh Mohammed, Yasunori Fujimaki, Feleke Moges, Daniel Elias, Firew Mekonnen, Getahun Mengistu, Masayuki Yamato, Yared Wondmikun and Fusao Ota :
Serum IgE levels of tuberculosis patients in a tropical setup with high prevalence of HIV and intestinal parasitoses,
Clinical and Experimental Immunology, Vol.138, No.1, 122-127, 2004.
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2249.2004.02597.x,   PubMed: 15373914)
29. Dao To Quyen, Amalia V. Irei, Yuki Sato, Fusao Ota, Yasunori Fujimaki, Tohru Sakai, Daisuke Kunii, Nguyen Cong Khan and Shigeru Yamamoto :
Nutritional factors, parasite infection and allergy in rural and suburban Vietnamese shool children,
The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.51, No.3,4, 171-177, 2004.
(徳島大学機関リポジトリ: 2003935,   DOI: 10.2152/jmi.51.171,   PubMed: 15460903)
30. G Hailemariam, A Kassu, G Abebe, E Abate, D Damte, E Mekonnen and Fusao Ota :
Intestinal parasitic infections in HIV/AIDS and HIV seronegative individuals in a teaching hospital, Ethiopia,
Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.57, No.2, 41-43, 2004.
(PubMed: 15118206)
31. A Kassu, A Tsegaye, D Wolday, D Petros and Fusao Ota :
CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets and immune activation markers in HIV-1 infected adults in Ethiopia,
Focus Chronicle, Vol.4, No.2, 174-190, 2004.
32. 坂井 堅太郎, 石見 百江, 水羽 陽子, 山本 茂, 太田 房雄, 前田 健一, 湊 義博 :
保健の科学, Vol.45, No.8, 599-603, 2003年.
(CiNii: 1521136279728758272)
33. Sherin Ahmed, Mohammed A. Satter, Shigeru Yamamoto, Kenichi Maeda, Yasuhiro Minato and Fusao Ota :
Further Evidence Regarding the Effect of Dietary Protein on Oral Tolerance against Beta-Lactoglobulin through Th1-mediated Immune Response in Mice,
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, Vol.49, No.2, 112-119, 2003.
(DOI: 10.3177/jnsv.49.112,   PubMed: 12887157,   Elsevier: Scopus)
34. Mohammed A. Satter, Ahmed Sherin, Mohammed Alizadeh, Kenichi Maeda, Yoshihiro Minato and Fusao Ota :
Nutriton and Immunology in the 21st Century, 2003.
35. Masayuki Yamato, Kanako Ozaki and Fusao Ota :
Partial purification and characterization of the bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus YIT 0154,
Microbiological Research, Vol.158, No.2, 169-172, 2003.
(DOI: 10.1078/0944-5013-00190,   PubMed: 12906390)
36. Fusao Ota, Masayuki Yamato, Mie Hayashi, Tetsuro Koga, Ahmed Sherin, Chiharu Mukai, Kentaro Sakai and Shigeru Yamamoto :
Genetic studies on reference strains of mutans streptococci,
Microbiological Research, Vol.157, No.4, 305-310, 2002.
(DOI: 10.1078/0944-5013-00162,   PubMed: 12501994)
37. Katsumasa Sato, Haruaki Tomioka, Toshiaki Shimizu, Tatsuo Gonda, Fusao Ota and Chiaki Sano :
Type II Alveolar Cells Play Roles in Macrophage-Mediated Host Innate Resistance to Pulmonary Mycobacterial Infections by Producing Proinflammatory Cytokines,
The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.185, No.8, 1139-1147, 2002.
(DOI: 10.1086/340040,   PubMed: 11930324)
38. Mohammed A. Satter, Kentaro Sakai, Sherin Ahmed, Kenji Yoshino, Shigeru Yamamoto, Yuji Shimizu and Fusao Ota :
Low Protein Diet Induces Oral Tolerance to Ovalbumin in Mice,
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, Vol.48, No.1, 51-58, 2002.
(PubMed: 12026189)
39. Giovanna Batoni, Manuela Pardini, Alessia Giannotti, Fusao Ota, Maria Rita Giuca, Mario Gabriele, Mario Campa and Sonia Senesi :
Effect of removable orthodontic appliances on oral colonisation by mutans streptococci in children,
European Journal of Oral Sciences, Vol.109, No.6, 388-392, 2001.
(PubMed: 11767275,   Elsevier: Scopus)
40. 坂井 堅太郎, Satter A. Mohammed, 太田 房雄, 山本 茂 :
必須アミノ酸研究, Vol.161, 88-92, 2001年.
41. Kentaro Sakai, Kenji Yoshino, Mohammed A. Satter, Fusao Ota, Yoshitaka Nii, Kazuhiro Fukuta, Nobuo Ueda, Yuji Shimizu and Shigeru Yamamoto :
Effects of pH variation and NaCl on in vitro digestibility of cow's milk proteins in commercially available infant formulas,
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, Vol.46, No.6, 325-328, 2000.
(PubMed: 11227806)
42. Masayuki Yamato, Hiroshi Yoneyama, Taiji Nakane and Fusao Ota :
Preparation and Epitope Mapping of Monoclonal antibodies to Mex-A Protein of Mex-A,B/ Opr-M Efflux Pump in Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
China-Japan Intonational Congress of Microbiology Shanghai Symposium-2000, 2000.
43. Hiroyuki Ishikawa, Hajime Hisaeda, Yoichi Maekawa, Hideyuki Nagasawa, Tohru Sakai, Fusao Ota and Kunisuke Himeno :
Expression of heat shock protein in host macrophages correlates with a protective potential against infection with Leishmania major in mice,
Parasitology International, Vol.46, No.4, 263-270, 1997.
(DOI: 10.1016/S1383-5769(97)00035-4)
44. Hiroyuki Tomotake, Masayuki Yamato, Katsuhiko Hirota and Fusao Ota :
Characterization of serotype polysaccharide antigen of group E streptococci using a monoclonal antibody,
Microbiological Research, Vol.152, No.2, 113-119, 1997.
(DOI: 10.1016/S0944-5013(97)80001-8,   PubMed: 9265765)
45. Masayuki Yamato, Mie Hayashi, Yasuhisa Shiomoto and Fusao Ota :
Quantitation by enzyme immunoassay of spirosin from Lactobacillus reuteri and Escherichia coli,
Microbiological Research, Vol.152, No.1, 87-92, 1997.
(PubMed: 9090155)
46. 太田 房雄 :
腸チフスパラチフス, 10, 感染症中毒, 今日の治療食指針. II,
臨床栄養, Vol.90, No.4, 376-378, 1997年.
47. K Okada, K Hirota, RJ Zhang, K Yasutomo, T Kuhara, Fusao Ota, S Kagami and Y Kuroda :
Possible role for a polysaccharide antigen shared between Streptococcus pyogenes and S. mutans in the pathogenesis of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis,
Acta Paediatrica Japonica; Overseas edition, Vol.38, No.5, 470-475, 1996.
(PubMed: 8942006)
48. Fusao Ota, Hirohisa Kato, Katsuhiko Hirota, Susumu Imai, Hiroyuki Ishikawa, Masayuki Yamato and Yosihiro Minato :
Immunochemical analysis and localisation of a cell wall antigen of Streptococcus rattus with a specific monoclonal antibody,
Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Vol.282, No.4, 343-352, 1995.
(DOI: 10.1016/s0934-8840(11)80703-6,   PubMed: 9810655,   Elsevier: Scopus)
49. Masayuki Yamato, Hiroyuki Tomotake, Yasuhisa Shiomoto and Fusao Ota :
Chromatographic study of spirosin by use of monoclonal antibodies to spirosin of Yersinia enterocolitica,
Microbiology and Immunology, Vol.39, No.4, 225-259, 1995.
50. Tsuneko Ono, Katsuhiko Hirota, Ken Nemoto, J. E. Fernandez, Fusao Ota and K Fukui :
Detection of Streptococcus mutans by PCR amplification of spaP gene,
Journal of Medical Microbiology, Vol.41, No.4, 231-235, 1994.
(DOI: 10.1099/00222615-41-4-231,   PubMed: 7932616,   Elsevier: Scopus)
51. Fusao Ota, Hirohisa Kato, Katsuhiko Hirota, Hiromasa Inoue, Hiroyuki Tomotake, choji Uchiyama and Yoshihiro Minato :
Immunochemical study of polysaccharide antigen in Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus downei with a cross-reactive monoclonal antibody,
FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, Vol.8, No.3, 213-218, 1994.
52. 岡田 要, 張 端金, 森本 雄次, 香美 洋二, 太田 房雄, 弘田 克彦, 福井 公明, 黒田 泰弘 :
Streptococcus mutans による実験腎炎,
日本小児腎臓病学会雑誌, Vol.7, No.2, 82-85, 1994年.
53. Katsuhiko Hirota, Fusao Ota, Yoshihiro Minato, Masayuki Yamato, R. Osawa, Hiroyuki Tomotake, Giovanna Batoni, Emilia Ghelardi, Sonia Senesi and Komei Fukui :
Streptococcus mutans has a polysaccharide antigenic determinant in common with Streptococcus porcinus,
In Pathogenic Streptococci:Present and Future, 204-205, 1994.
54. Fabio Marchettii, Giovanna Batoni, Emilia Ghelardi, Rita Maria Giuca, Katsuhiko Hirota, Masayuki Yamato, Hiroyuki Tomotake, Melissa Marcucci, Fusao Ota, Mario Campa and Sonia Senesi :
Incidence of mutans streptococci in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients,
In Pathogenic Streptococci:Present and Future, 290-291, 1994.
55. Katsuhiko Hirota, Fusao Ota, Kikuji Yamashita, Kaname Okada, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Inoue, Chitose Uchiyama, Fabio Marchetti, Emilia Ghelardi, Mario Campa and Komei Fukui :
A cross-reactivepolysaccharide antigen between Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus pyogenes,
In Pathogenic Streptococci:Presentand Future, 386-387, 1994.
56. Hiroyuki Tomotake, Yoshihiro Minato, masayuki Yamato, Katsuhiko Hirota, Giovanna Batoni, Fabio Marchetti, Sonia Senesi and Fusao Ota :
Characterization of polysaccharide antigen of Str.porcinus type by monoclonal antibody,
In Pathogenic Streptococci:Presentand Future, 206-207, 1994.
57. Masayuki Yamato, Yuko Takahashi, Hiroyuki Tomotake, Fusao Ota, Katsuhiko Hirota and Kazuo Yamaguchi :
Monoclonal autibodies to Spirosin of Yersinia enterocolitica and Analysis of the Localization of Spirosome by Use of Them,
Microbiology and Immunology, Vol.38, No.3, 177-182, 1994.
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58. Katsuhiro Hirota, Hayashi Matsumoto, Kikuji Yamashita, Seiichiro Kitamura, Fusao Ota and Komei Fukui :
Oral streptococci and systemic diseases-Immunological analysis of cell surface antigens by monoclonal antibodies to oral streptococci and Streptococcus pyogenes-,
Dentistry in Japan, Vol.30, 28-34, 1993.
59. Giovanna Batoni, Fabio Marchetti, Fusao Ota, Emilia Ghelardi, S Barnini, Hiroyuki Inoue, Chitose Uchiyama, Katsuhiko Hirota, Yosihiro Minato, MR Guica, M Gabriele, M Campa and S Senesi :
First characterization in Italy of clinical isolates of mutans streptococci by using specific monoclonal antibodies,
European Journal of Epidemiology, Vol.9, No.5, 483-488, 1993.
(DOI: 10.1007/BF00209525,   PubMed: 8307132,   Elsevier: Scopus)
60. 弘田 克彦, 小野 恒子, 福井 公明, 山下 菊治, 大和 正幸, 太田 房雄, 湊 義博 :
モノクロン抗体f-77によるStreptococcus mutansおよび Streptococcus pyogenes の菌体表層抗原の免疫学的解析,
四国医学雑誌, Vol.49, No.1, 8-15, 1993年.
61. Giovanna Batoni, Fusao Ota, Emilia Ghelardi, Silvia Senesi, S Barnini, Giulia Freer, Giulia Freer, Katsuhiko Hirota, Mario Gabriele, Melissa Marcucci and Mario Campa :
Epidemiological survey of Streptococcus mutans in a group of adult patients living in Pisa (Italy),
European Journal of Epidemiology, Vol.8, No.2, 238-242, 1992.
(DOI: 10.1007/BF00144807,   PubMed: 1644142)
62. Fusao Ota, Shigeru Yamamoto, Sayoko Takeuchi, Miyuki Akiyama, Yasuhiro Kido, Katsuhiko Hirota and Komei Fukui :
Effects of protein intake on immune parameters in mice surviving streptococcal infection,
FEMS microbiology immunology, Vol.4, No.2, 111-122, 1992.
63. Fusao Ota, Giovanna Batoni, Sonia Senesi, Mario Gabriele, K Nemoto, A. R. Whiley, M J. Hardie, Emilia Ghelardi, Komei Fukui, Melissa Marcucci and Mario Campa :
Serological identification of mutans Streptococci using MAbs in comparison with biochemical and DNA-DNA hybridisation techniques,
Zbl Bakt. suppl, Vol.22, 84-87, 1992.
64. 安富 豊, 松田 洋子, 宮崎 寿次, 中村 務, 弘田 克彦, 福井 公明, 太田 房雄, 西野 瑞穗 :
日本歯科学雑誌, Vol.30, No.1, 186-193, 1992年.
65. 弘田 克彦, Fernandez Eleanor, 小野 恒子, 宮崎 寿次, 松田 洋子, 中村 務, 安富 豊, 西野 瑞穗, 湊 義博, 太田 房雄, 福井 公明 :
四国歯学会雑誌, Vol.5, No.2, 65-74, 1992年.
66. Sonia Senesi, G. Gercignani, Giorgio Freer, Giovanna Batoni, S. Barnini and Fusao Ota :
Structural and stereospecific requirements for the nucleoside-triggered germination of Bacillus cereus spores,
Journal of General Microbiology, Vol.137, No.2, 399-404, 1991.
(DOI: 10.1099/00221287-137-2-399,   Elsevier: Scopus)
67. Fusao Ota, Shigeru Yamamoto, miyuki Akiyama, Sayoko Takeuchi, Y Yoshimoto, Yasuhiro Kido, Kyoichi Kishi, Katsuhiko Hirota and Komei Fukui :
Dietary protein levels affecting resistance to group B streptococcal infection in mice:Nutritional status, mortality, and clinical course.Infect.Immun,
Life Sci. Adv., Vol.10, 31-39, 1991.
68. Fusao Ota, Katsuhiko Hirota, Hideaki Nagamune and Komei Fukui :
Enzyme immunoassay and monoclonal antibodies for immunological studies of the mutans group of streptococci,
Dentistry in Japan, Vol.27, No.1, 25-28, 1990.
69. Fusao Ota, Hirohisa Kato, Hideaki Nagamune, Yasuyuki Akiyama, Kuniko Seo, Yoshihiro Minato, Komei Fukui and Toshihiko Koga :
Cross-reactive polysaccharide antigens (types a, d, and h) of the mutans group of streptococci: Different molecular forms of the type as distinguishable by monoclonal antibodies,
Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Vol.272, No.3, 294-305, 1990.
70. Fusao Ota, Katsuhiko Hirota, Hideaki Nagamune, Sonia Senesi, Yasuhiko Satomi, Masahiko Yasuoka, Yasuyuki Akiyama, Komei Fukui and Terushige Kawata :
A comparison of competitive enzyme immunoassay and precipitin inhibition tests in the analysis of polysaccharide antigenic determinants of oral streptococci,
Journal of Immunological Methods, Vol.124, No.2, 259-266, 1989.
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71. 長宗 秀明, 太田 房雄, 福井 公明, 吉田 長之, 弘田 克彦, 河田 照茂, 湊 義博 :
モノクロン抗体を用いる連鎖球菌の免疫学的特異性に関する研究 II. 連鎖球菌全菌細胞の免疫学的解析に用いるEIAマイクロタイタープレートの選択,
四国医学雑誌, Vol.45, No.4, 256-264, 1989年.
72. 太田 房雄, 長宗 秀明, 根本 謙, 福井 公明, 吉田 長之, 弘田 克彦, 楠田 倫紀, 河田 照茂, 湊 義博 :
モノクロン抗体を用いる連鎖球菌の免疫学的特異性に関する研究 I. EIAプレートの選択と多糖抗原の使用条件,
四国医学雑誌, Vol.45, No.4, 245-255, 1989年.
73. Hideaki Nagamune, Osamu Urayama, Yukichi Hara, Fusao Ota, Katsuhiko Hirota, Yasuhiko Satomi, Kuniko Seo, Komei Fukui and Makoto Nakao :
Directional immobilization of sodium- and potassium-activated ATPase to expose its cytoplasmic part to the liquid phase on microtiter plates by wheat germ agglutinin,
Analytical Biochemistry: Methods in the Biological Sciences, Vol.180, No.2, 362-367, 1989.
74. Fusao Ota, Yoshihiro Minato, Sonia Senesi, Hideaki Nagamune, Yasuhiko Satomi, Hirohisa Kato, Yasuyuki Akiyama, Miwako Ono, Katsuhiko Hirota and Komei Fukui :
Type-specific antigen of Streptococcus rattus strains (KAY1, FA1 and BHT) II. Ultrastructural localization,
Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Vol.271, No.2, 137-145, 1989.
75. Fusao Ota, Hideaki Nagamune, Yasuyuki Akiyama, Hirohisa Kato, Yasuhiko Yasuoka, Miwako Ono, Yasuyori Morimoto, Komei Fukui, Yoshihiro Minato and Yoshio Takeda :
Type-specific antigen of Streptococcus rattus strains (KAY1 and FA1). I. Characterization,
Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Vol.271, No.1, 36-45, 1989.
76. Mario Campa, P. Marelli, Fusao Ota, I. Zolfino, Sonia Senesi and B. Malvaldi :
B-cell-mediated depression of the granulomatous response to BCG in mice,
The Journal of Molecular and Cellular Immunology, Vol.119, No.2, 279-285, 1989.
77. 加藤 裕久, 太田 房雄, 長宗 秀明, 福井 公明 :
S.mutansとう蝕,単クロン抗体を用いたStreptococcus mutansの研究,
微生物, Vol.4, 46-53, 1988年.
78. 山本 茂, 太田 房雄, 岸 恭一, 井上 五郎 :
必須アミノ酸研究, Vol.118, 35-38, 1988年.
79. Shigeru Yamamoto, Fusao Ota, Miyuki Akiyama, Sayoko Takeuchi, S Ikemoto, F Shizuka, Kyoichi Kishi, Komei Fukui and Goro Inoue :
Optimal protein intake estimated by the resistance to streptococcal infection and the nutritional indices in mine,
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, Vol.34, 423-432, 1988.
80. Fusao Ota, Michiko Kiso, Yasuyuki Akiyama, yasuhiko Satomi, Masahiko Yasuoka and Komei Fukui :
Serological typing of reference strains and clinical isolates of Streptococcus mutans by agglutination reaction and/or radioimmunoassay,
Zbl.Bakt.Hyg.,, Vol.A265, 330-339, 1987.
81. Fusao Ota, Miwako Ono, Kenji Uegaki, Yasuyuki Akiyama and Komei Fukui :
E-rosetting of guinea pig lymphocytes with lyophilized rabbit red cells after treatment with papain and glutaraldehyde,
Int. Archs Allergy Appl. Immun, Vol.83, 72-76, 1987.
82. Fusao Ota, Hirohisa Kato and Komei Fukui :
Immunological study of cross-reactive polysaccharide antigens(types a,d,and h)of oral streptococcus spp.with monoclonal antibodies,
Infection and Immunity, Vol.55, 266-268, 1987.
83. 山本 茂, 太田 房雄, 岸 恭一, 井上 五郎 :
必須アミノ酸研究, Vol.109, 63-67, 1986年.
84. Hirohisa Kato, Fusao Ota, Komei Fukui and K Yagawa :
Monoclonal antibody to Streptococcus mutans type e cell wall polysaccharide antigen,
Infection and Immunity, Vol.52, 628-630, 1986.
85. Fusao Ota, Michiko Kiso, Kaname Okada, Hirohisa Kato, Katsuhiko Hirota, Komei Fukui, Masahiko Yasuoka, Miwako Ono, K Uegaki and Yasuji Morimoto :
Streptococcus mutans serotype b strain(St. rattus Coykendall): First isolation in Japan from human dental plaque,
Microbiology and Immunology, Vol.29, 1005-1010, 1985.
86. Fusao Ota, Hirohisa Kato, Kaname Okada and komei Fukui :
Agglutinating antibodies to serotype Streptococcus mutans:Serotype variations of Reference strains and clinical isolates,
Recent Advances on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases, 110-112, 1984.
87. 岡田 渓子, 太田 房雄, 福井 公明, 森本 美和子, 水田 康彦, 森本 泰自, 大野 由香, 栄田 美香 :
人の歯垢より分離したStreptococcus mutansのbiotypeについて,
Bull.Kochi Gakuen Jun.College, Vol.15, 143-149, 1984年.
88. 井上 博雅, 安 秉根, 内山 長司, 登根 邦彦, 太田 房雄, 福井 公明 :
九州齒科學會雜誌, Vol.37, No.2, 460-465, 1983年.
(CiNii: 1390001206349155968)
89. 太田 房雄, 木曾 道子, 福井 公明, 里見 安彦, 安岡 雅仁, 内山 長司, 井上 博雅 :
九州齒科學會雜誌, Vol.36, No.6, 914-931, 1982年.
90. 瀬尾 くにこ, 太田 房雄, 福井 公明, 野田 和秀, 内山 長司 :
Aspergillus flavusのプロトプラスト生成法およびその安定性に対する各種安定剤の効果について,
九州齒科學會雜誌, Vol.36, No.2, 297-306, 1982年.
91. Fusao Ota, Michiko Kiso and Komei Fukui :
Lysis of streptococcus mutans with Achromopeptidase and release of osmotically fragile bodies,
Microbiology and Immunology, Vol.26, 957-963, 1982.
92. 福井 公明, 太田 房雄, 木曾 道子 :
口腔微生物の生態学的研究 Geotrichum candidumの分節胞子形成機序に関する研究,
四国医学雑誌, Vol.38, 441-446, 1982年.
93. Fusao Ota and Komei Fukui :
Scanning electron microscopic studies of the extracellular polysaccharides(EP)synthesized in colonies of Streptoccus mutans:Development of EP and the effect of dextranase on them,
Microbiology and Immunology, Vol.26, 623-628, 1982.
94. 太田 房雄, 福井 公明, 木曾 道子, 森本 美和子, 植垣 健二, 秋山 保之, 湊 義博 :
動物の実験白血病に関する研究 1.モルモットの白血病(L2C)の一般生物学的性状と発病動物の病理像,
四国医学雑誌, Vol.38, 307-323, 1982年.
95. Shigeki Nagao, Fusao Ota, Kohzoh Emori, Katsumi Inoue and Atsushi Tanaka :
Epithelioid granuloma induced by muramyl dipeptide in immunologically deficient rats,
Infection and Immunity, Vol.34, No.3, 993-999, 1981.
96. 太田 房雄, 福井 公明, 植垣 健二, 森本 美和子, 永尾 重喜, 田中 渥, 森本 泰自, 佐々木 盛生 :
四国医学雑誌, Vol.37, 201-214, 1981年.
97. 太田 房雄, 福井 公明, 斉藤 理恵子, 秋山 保之, 里見 康彦, 安岡 雅仁, 樫山 達夫 :
四国医学雑誌, Vol.37, 42-60, 1981年.
98. Tomihiko Higuchi, Naokatsu Arakaki, Shingo Niimi, Setsuko Nakashima, Rieko Saito, Isamu Tani and Fusao Ota :
Anisotropic inhibition of energy transduction in oxidative phosphrylation in rat liver mitochondria by tetraphenylarsonium,
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.255, No.16, 7631-7636, 1980.
99. Fusao Ota, D. Parker, M. J. Dwyer and L. J. Turk :
Preparation of antisera specific for guinea pig B cells.,
Int.Archs Allergy appl. Immun., Vol.61, No.2, 183-191, 1980.
100. Fusao Ota, D. Parker and L. J. Turk :
Further evidence for Non-T-Cell regulation of delayed hypersensitivity in the guinea pig,
The Journal of Molecular and Cellular Immunology, Vol.43, No.2, 263-270, 1979.
101. E. A. Pasieka, E. F. Ashton, R. Wallace, Fusao Ota, A. Ryan, C. Perusse and B. B. Diena :
Antibody production in milk serum of goats experimentally infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae.,
Cand.J.Microbiol, Vol.22, No.8, 1113-1119, 1976.
102. E. A. Pasieka, Fusao Ota, A. Ryan, A. F. Ashton, R. Wallace, C. Perusse and B. B. Diena :
The goat mammary gland as a model infection site for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,
Brit. J. vener.Dis.,, Vol.52, No.3, 170-171, 1976.
103. Fusao Ota, E. F. Ashton and B. B. Diena :
Type and strain variation in induction of L forms of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.,
Japanese Journal of Microbiology, Vol.20, No.2, 77-82, 1976.
(PubMed: 820897)
104. Fusao Ota, Komei Fukui, E. F. Ashton and B. B. Diena :
The fine structure of reverting L-forms of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.,
Japanese Journal of Microbiology, Vol.20, No.1, 59-62, 1976.
(PubMed: 818421)
105. E. F. Ashton, F. Charron, Fusao Ota, R. Wallace and B. B. Diena :
Gonococcal growth factors in tissue cultures,
Cand.J.Microbiol, Vol.21, No.11, 1751-1755, 1975.
106. Fusao Ota, R. Pontefract, E. F. Ashton and B. B. Diena :
Studies on gonococcal infection. II. Attachment and fate of gonococci in tissue-culture cells,
Cand.J.Microbiol, Vol.21, No.11, 1698-1704, 1975.
107. Fusao Ota, J Morita, Nagayuki Yoshida, E. F. Ashton and B. B. Diena :
Studies on gonococcal infection. I. Electron microscopic studies on phagocytosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by macrophages,
Japanese Journal of Microbiology, Vol.19, No.2, 149-155, 1975.
(PubMed: 807762)
108. B. B. Diena, A. Ryan, E. F. Ashton, R. Wallace and Fusao Ota :
Colonial morphology of Neisserai gonorrhoeae,
JAMA, Vol.229, No.11, 1422, 1974.
(DOI: 10.1001/jama.1974.03230490024012,   PubMed: 4212126,   Elsevier: Scopus)
109. Fusao Ota, Komei Fukui, J Morita, Nagayuki Yoshida and Tatsuo Kashiyama :
Ultrastructure of Rhodospirillum rubrum after freeze-etching,
Japanese Journal of Microbiology, Vol.17, No.6, 527-529, 1973.
(PubMed: 4210026)
110. Susumu Kimura, Fusao Ota, M Nishikawa, komei Fukui and Nagayuki Yoshida :
Plaque formation by herpes simplex virus in established calf kidney cells,
Japanese Journal of Microbiology, Vol.17, No.1, 83-84, 1973.
(PubMed: 4349354)
111. 福井 公明, 中西 恒子, 太田 房雄, 森本 泰司, 内山 長司, 中野 長幸, 柳本 滋常, 藤橋 忠, 原 光寿, 宮崎 禎之 :
九州歯科学会誌, Vol.27, 192-196, 1973年.
112. 福井 公明, 中西 恒子, 太田 房雄, 森本 泰司, 内山 長司, 藤橋 忠, 中野 長幸, 柳本 滋常, 原 光寿 :
九州歯科学会誌, Vol.27, 197-199, 1973年.
113. 福井 公明, 中西 恒子, 太田 房雄, 柳本 滋常, 原 光寿, 中野 長幸, 藤橋 忠, 相良 安信, 森本 泰自, 吉田 長之, 内山 長司 :
四国医学雑誌, Vol.29, 333-338, 1973年.
114. 福井 公明, 木村 右, 太田 房雄, 中西 恒子, 森本 泰自, 吉田 長之, 佐々木 盛生, 新村 昌平 :
四国医学雑誌, Vol.29, 315-317, 1973年.
115. 福井 公明, 木村 右, 太田 房雄, 中西 恒子, 佐々木 盛生, 新村 昌平, 森本 泰自, 吉田 長之 :
四国医学雑誌, Vol.29, 311-314, 1973年.
116. Fusao Ota :
Magnesium-stimulated resynthesis of osmoresistant layer by Candida albicans spheroplasts,
Japanese Journal of Microbiology, Vol.16, No.5, 359-371, 1972.
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1348-0421.1972.tb00671.x,   PubMed: 4567235,   CiNii: 1390282681296155520)
117. Fusao Ota, Komei Fukui, Nagayuki Yoshida, S Nagasaki and Shigeru Yamamoto :
Requirements for regeneration of yeast protoplasts and their ultrastructure during reversion,
Yeasts and Yeast-like Microorganisms in Medical Science, Vol.I-5, 39-45, 1972.
118. Susumu Kimura, T Kamogashira, Fusao Ota, komei Fukui, Nagayuki Yoshida and Yasunobu Sagara :
Growth of bovine adenovirus type 3 in cells cloned from a cell line of calf kidney,
The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.18, 33-37, 1971.
119. Yasunobu Sagara, Komei Fukui, Fusao Ota, Nagayuki Yoshida, Tatsuo Kashiyama and M Fujimoto :
Rapid formation of protoplasts of Streptomyces griseoflavus and their fine structure,
Japanese Journal of Microbiology, Vol.15, No.1, 73-84, 1971.
(PubMed: 5313615)


1. 加藤 裕久, 太田 房雄, 長宗 秀明, 福井 公明 :
単クローン抗体を用いたStreptococcus mutansの研究,
微生物, Vol.4, No.3, 252-259, 1988年3月.


1. Nhien Van Nguyen, Khan Cong Nguyen, Ninh Xuan Nguen, Yabutani Tomoki, Kassu Afework, Motonaka Junko, Fusao Ota and Yutaka Nakaya :
Micronutrient deficiencies among Primary School Children in Vietnam,
Consequences and Control of Micronutrient Deficiences, Istanbul, Apr. 2007.
2. Afework Kassu, Berhanu Andualem, Nguyen Van Nhien, Masayo Nakamori, Takeshi Nishikawa, Shigeru Yamamoto and Fusao Ota :
Vitamin A deficiency in patients with diarrhea and HIV infection in Ethiopia.,
The joint 8th IUNS international symposium on clinical nutrition (8th ISCN) and 5th Asia-Pacific clinical nutrition society (5th APCNS) conference 2006, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, Oct. 2006.
3. Fusao Ota :
A Trend of Food Poisoning and Preventive Measures in Japan,
Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition, Vol.10, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 2003.
4. Fusao Ota :
Food Sanitation Today in Japan,
Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition, Vol.10, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 2003.
5. Mohammed A. Satter, Sherin Ahmed, Mohammad Alizadeh, Kenichi Maeda, Yosihiro Minato and Fusao Ota :
Low protein diet inducing oral tolerance to Th1 & Th2 dietary antigens and its control mechanisms,
Nutrition and Immunology in the 21st Century, New Delhi, Feb. 2003.
6. Mohammed A. Satter, Ahmed Sherin, Mohammed Alizadeh, Ken-ich Maeda, Yoshihiro Minato and Fusao Ota :
Nutriton and Immunology in the 21st Century. Based on the international conference, 20-22, New Delhi, Feb. 2003.
7. Masayuki Yamato, Hiroshi Yoneyama, Taiji Nakane and Fusao Ota :
Preparation and Epitope Mapping of Monoclonal antibodies to Mex-A Protein of Mex-A, B/ Opr-M Efflux Pump in Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Proceedings of the 7th China-Japan Intonational Congress of Microbiology Shanghai Symposium-2000, Shanghai, 2000.
8. Fusao Ota, R. Whiley, Mie Hayashi, Jeremy Hardie, Y. Yamto, Sonia Sensesi and Mario Campa :
Recognition of mutans streptococci by monoclonal antibodies,
Proceedings of the XIIIth Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases, 1997.
9. Katsuhiko Hirota, Fusao Ota, Sonia Senesi, Hideaki Nagamune, Giovanna Batoni, Giorgio Freer, Terushige Kawata and Komei Fukui :
A comparison of various EIA plates for the analysis of polysaccharide antigens and serological identification of oral streptococci,
XI Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases; In "New Perspectives on Streptococci and Streptococcal Infections"(G. Orefici, ed.), Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Vol.Suppl22, 116-118, Siena, Oct. 1992.
10. Hideaki Nagamune, Fusao Ota, Sonia Senesi, Giovanna Batoni and Komei Fukui :
Monoclonal antibodies specific for a polysaccharide antigenic determinant of Streptococcus mutans (serotypes c, e and f),
XI Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases; In "New Perspectives on Streptococci and Streptococcal Infections"(G. Orefici, ed.): Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Vol.Suppl22, 223-225, Siena, Oct. 1992.


1. M Alizadeh, A. Kassu, N. V. Nhien, B M. T. Houng, Masayuki Yamato and Fusao Ota :
Antibody response to ovalbumin in mice treated with Bisphenol A in reference to dietary protein,
日本栄養・食糧学会大会, Vol.60, May 2006.
2. 竹岡 あや, 古賀 哲郎, 大和 正幸, 太田 房雄 :
徳島医学会学術集会 平成16年度冬期, Vol.227, 2005年2月.
3. M Alozadeh, A. Kassu, NV Nhien, BTM Huong, Masayuki Yamato and Fusao Ota :
Effects ofBisphenol A on Immune Torelance to Ovalbumin in Mice,
日本細菌学会中国・四国支部総会, Vol.58, 2005.
4. OA Kassu, E. Diro, B. Ayele, F. Moges, M. Fujino, M. Nishizawa, S. Sugiura and Fusao Ota :
Prevalence of HIV and Intestinal parasites in tuberculosis patients and profile of serum viral load during treatment of tuberculosis,
日本細菌学会中国・四国支部総会, Vol.58, 2005.
5. Zahid Mahamud, Afework Kasu, 大和 正幸, 太田 房雄 :
Environmental studies of Toxigenic Vibrio Parahaemolyticus in the Kii Channel, Japan,
日本細菌学会総会, Vol.78, 2005年.
6. A. Kassu, B. Ayele, E Diro, F. Mekonnen, F Moges, G. Menigitsu, Y. Wondmikun and Fusao Ota :
Infecvtion with HIV and intestinal parsites among adult tuberculosis patients in Ethiopia,
徳島医学会学術集会 平成16年度冬期, Vol.227, 2004.
7. 韓 香欄, Mohammad Alizadeha, Mahmud Hayat Zahid, 大和 正幸, 古賀 哲郎, 竹岡 あや, 太田 房雄 :
徳島医学会学術集会 平成15年度夏期, Vol.227, 2003年.


1. 太田 房雄 :
共同研究報告書平成12年度版, 19-25, 2001年.
2. 太田 房雄, 大和 正幸, 太田 雅之 :
微生物の多様性 レンサ球菌を中心として,
徳島生物学会50周年記念号, 13-26, 1999年.


1. 長宗 秀明, 太田 房雄 : ストレプトコッカス·ミュータンスに特異的に反応するモノクローナル抗体, 特願63-331740 (1988年12月), 特開2-177898 (1990年7月), 特許第2749338号 (1998年2月).

科学研究費補助金 (KAKEN Grants Database @ NII.ac.jp)

  • 食品抗原に対する免疫寛容誘導の環境ホルモンによる修飾機構に関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 14657017 )
  • 食物アレルゲンに対する経口免疫寛容を増強する栄養形態とその生理機構に関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 13670066 )
  • ベトナム小児の摂取栄養素と寄生虫感染がアレルギーに及ぼす影響 (研究課題/領域番号: 11691211 )
  • PCRによるレンサ球菌感染症の迅速診断法 (研究課題/領域番号: 06671815 )
  • 大学生の食事アレルギー調査と原因抗原物質に関する基礎的研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 06670420 )
  • 齲蝕原性連鎖球菌の迅速で簡便な同定手法の研究開発 (研究課題/領域番号: 04671266 )
  • E群連鎖球菌表層抗原と遺伝子型に関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 04660324 )
  • う蝕発生リスクの迅速診断キットの開発に関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 04557093 )
  • ミュータンス群連鎖球菌に関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 04044130 )
  • 豚リンパ腺炎原性のE群連鎖球菌の抗捕食因子の抗原性解析と精製 (研究課題/領域番号: 03660323 )
  • う蝕原性連鎖球菌の菌種特異的タンパク質抗原のクロ-ニング (研究課題/領域番号: 01571020 )
  • 連鎖球菌細胞の表層崎原に関する研究 (研究課題/領域番号: 63570873 )
  • 研究者番号(90035478)による検索