Tokushima UniversityResearch Center for Higher Education学修支援部門
Tokushima UniversityResearch ClustersResearch Clusters (Registered)2203013 Socity5.0時代を生きる子どものための次世代型ヘルスリテラシー教育プログラムの開発
Tokushima UniversityCenter for Design-Oriented AI Education and Research
Tokushima UniversityCenter for Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning
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Kanenishi, Kazuhide
Year of Birth
1964 A.D.
+81 - 88 - 656 - 7610
 m a r u k i n (@) c u e . t o k u s h i m a - u . a c . j p 
Academic Background
1986.   3. Graduated from the Faculty of ---, --- University.
1988.   3. Graduated from the Faculty of ---, --- University.
2000. 11. Graduated from the Faculty of ---, --- University.
Academic Degree
Master (Naruto University of Education) (Mar. 1988)
Ph.D (Tokushima University) (Dec. 2000)
Work History
1988.   6. Professor at the Faculty of ---, the University of Tokushima.
1991. 12. Professor at the Faculty of ---, the University of Tokushima.
1993.   4. Professor at the Faculty of ---, the University of Tokushima.
1997.   4. Professor at the Faculty of ---, the University of Tokushima.
1999.   4. Professor at the Faculty of ---, the University of Tokushima.
2001. 10. Professor at the Faculty of ---, the University of Tokushima.
2002.   4. Professor at the Faculty of ---, the University of Tokushima.
2009. 11. Professor at Center of University Extension, the University of Tokushima.
2014.   4. Professor at Center for University Education, the University of Tokushima.
2019.   4. Professor at Research Center for Higher Education, the University of Tokushima.
Field of Study
Educational Technology
Personal Web Page (researchmap)